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Sep 10, 2016
Your Name is the new Makoto Shinkai film that everyone has been hyping up for a few months now. I watched it and thought it was alright. Unfortunately, Makoto Shinkai decided to be a bit more experimental with the whole supernatural genre and created a movie that has time travel in it. I swear, I feel like the only things I've reviewed this year are all about time traveling. It's the new thing to get to the top 50 on MAL. Speaking about MAL, why the fuck is it sitting on the #1 spot?
The first half of the movie is a very cute
relationship of these two characters that can somehow body swap during dreams. It's cute, inoffensive and entertaining to watch. I really enjoyed our main characters, even though they're nothing too special. The main guy is alright, I guess. He's the one that I cared the least about, but I was very into the girl. I'm trying very hard to remember their names right now, and I would search it up, but I think this fits the title of the movie.
Unfortunately, this pretty solid start is dragged down by the weird second half of the movie. I can look pass them not explaining the body swap, especially because it can be interpreted as a metaphor, but then they start time traveling, and nothing really makes much sense after that. And that's my biggest problem with this film; the plot. It's the weakest point. It's alright at first, but then it just drops the ball and never picks it up again.
The best thing about the film is that Makoto Shinkai is one of, if not, the best visual story teller in the anime industry working today. That's always been the beauty of most of his films. Little details are given through visuals that can clear a lot of things up. Not to mention that the film looks amazing. The animation and art is one of the best I've ever seen in anime ever. The soundtrack isn't as memorable as I thought it was going to be. Actually, the song that plays at the end of 5 centimeters per second is a lot more memorable than like, 3 songs in this movie, which I believe are all sang by the same guy.
My expectations weren't high going into the movie, but I still felt a bit disappointed. I don't think Shinkai is the type to work very well with supernatural stories, or even stories in general. His films are usually praised because of the feels and how pretty it looks. Does this film have that? Yes. Does it make the movie better? Yes. Does it make the movie great? No, it really doesn't, especially when the story really drags it down, the characters and soundtrack are simply passable and nothing more.
I would've liked the movie more if it was a tv show focused on the first half, which was rather entertaining and felt warm. That could've been its own thing, but it's rushed and barely explored to get into the whole, "I have to go find this place that I didn't know that exploded with a meteor to find my girl". It's just annoying and disappointing to see a film like this fail in different elements.
Surely one of the most annoying things is how convenient everything is. It reminded me of Wolf Children in a lot of ways thanks to this. No, that's not a compliment. They conveniently meet each other during many points in the movie, which is just too unbelievable. Sure, I can let it slide once, but it happens more than once. That's the problem. Also, spoiler alert for the ending, which is honestly just a huge stupid twist to make to make you cry. It's feels convenience. If you don't know what I'm talking about, it's when they meet at the end again. It just comes out of nowhere and they remember themselves for literally no reason. They also conveniently meet each other as spirits (or something) at some point.
You can say that I missed the entire point, I'm retarded and whatever else because [insert dreams make no sense so the movie doesn't have to either argument], but I just don't think it makes any sense in the second half. Sure, the Shinkai's direction is pretty great, but he's not enough to carry everything in the film. They need a better writer. That's why this film is lacking so much.
Anyways, yes I do think that this a step down for Makoto Shinkai, and I don't think I'll ever see this again unless a friend buys the blu ray, then I'll watch it just for the amazing visuals. If I had to give this film a rating it would be a 6/10. If you want to watch it, then watch it. You'll like it and think it's emotional or whatever. Sorry for thinking differently from you. I'm objectively wrong and everything Makoto Shinkai makes is a 10/10 automatically because it makes you feel like crying. Elfen Lied made me feel like crying for all the wrong reasons, which is why it's also a 10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Mar 26, 2016
Note: This is more of a "Thoughts on" than a review.
If you haven't heard of Boku Dake ga Inai Machi (Erased) by now, then I'm assuming that you either started anime yesterday or you don't visit biased websites that add shows onto their top 10 with only four episodes, because Erased is one of the most popular shows to come out in the past 2 years. Almost as popular as Fall 2015's One Punch Man. So with everyone praising Erased and holding it up as a flawless masterpiece, I decided to give my two cents on it.
Erased isn't really a bad show, but I
gotta say, that it's pretty dumb. Keep in mind that I'm one that really enjoyed this show, but that doesn't mean that there aren't obvious flaws to this show. Some that I'd probably have to point out by spoiling a few things here and there, so consider this your spoiler warning.
The show is simple, we're presented to our 29-year-old main character named Satoru, who is a manga artist with a special ability to go back in time 1-5 minutes earlier to stop something bad from happening. How this ability works or how he got it is not told to the audience, and while you can try and defend it by saying that it would be too convoluted and stupid to explain time travel, I believe the show should set up its own rules and at least show us how he got this ability. Is he the only one with this ability? How does he even get this power? If he has a kid, will the kid have Satoru's power? Is he living in Charlotte's universe?
Where Erased shines is on how it's presented. It's not a bland show with uninspired shots and nothing else to grasp except for exposition; there's a lot happening on screen, and they remain to keep it that way throughout the whole show. Its direction started off pretty great at first, with a very standout atmosphere, but unfortunately, the show ends up tripping a few times with its direction and pacing. As much as I love how the first 4 episodes were done, episode 5 & 6 dropped the ball and made the show look a lot more dumb. I stopped taking this too seriously once they made up a backstory for a character getting divorced for stealing a candy bar.
Erased fails thanks to the time travel. It's not explained and it's just plot convenience. It kind of feels like the restart button every time you fail at a mission on a video game, and don't tell me that's how it works, because if so, then the ending would make no sense. His power disappeared or stopped working at the end of the show, so if that were the case, we're saying that he lived happily ever after for the rest of his life without any problems whatsoever.
Anyways, we're told that Satoru doesn't know how to control his ability, it just goes off whenever it's convenient, but there's a scene where he's about to get arrested and he starts begging to go back in time, and for no reason, the ability listens to him and goes back in time, but then he says that this is his last revival (which is what he calls his ability).
What the fuck does that mean? What do you mean he can't go back in time if he fucks up this time? How does he know this? A little bit of consistency would've been appreciated, Erased. Oh wait, he's the main character, so he obviously knows everything and we're supposed to accept it and give it a 10 without thinking about it.
"No, don't think about it. It's time travel and it's too hard to understand, just accept it."
The mystery in the show isn't a mystery. The killer is the most obvious killer in every mystery that I have ever watched in my life, but here's the interesting thing. I was told that this show wasn't trying to be a mystery, but more of a mystery for Satoru, and we see it unfold, as we see Satoru dealing with this problem. No matter which direction you go, it's retarded either way. I know that the whole point is that Satoru doesn't want to realize that it's the teacher, but keep in mind that Satoru is from 2006 in the 80's right now. He shouldn't be mentally retarded. If you see an adult with candy, you're most likely going to think that the guy is a child molester. It's excused that the killer would use such a cliché tactic to get children, because this is the 80's, but it's not excused for Satoru to be retarded unless you point it out, unless you want to keep it vague like his ability (pfft).
Also, can anyone explain why every kid acted like they were 30, even though they were 10? Not only are they 10-year-olds, but they're also in the 80's, yet some of these kids are smarter than Satoru, who is a 29-year-old from 2006. Yes, it started off well at first with having some of the kids being fun and dumb, talking about video games and all, but that's long gone after episode 3. After that, every character is suddenly smarter than Satoru, despite being in a kid in the 80's.
The visual storytelling, filmmaking and editing are all quite great when compared to regular anime, but not when compared to actual artsy films, including some anime ones like Satoshi Kon's work. It shows that there was effort put into it and that it's not bland, but it's unfortunately not subtle enough to get the pass. Sure, if you're a fan of these things (like me), you'll definitely enjoy seeing it here, because it's pretty rare to see it in anime, but it's too obvious at times. There are scenes which are very clever and well crafted, one of which is from the second episode in the park scene, which if you want to look into more, I recommend you watch this great video on it by MothersBasement on Youtube, but other than that, it's mostly spelled out for you, making it feel less special as it goes on. Even the way they show us the killer is not subtle whatsoever.
So if you didn't know, the manga for Erased covers a lot more stuff, and thanks to this show's length, it had to cover a lot in only 12 episodes, but the ending didn't feel as rushed as I anticipated it to be, mostly because it was anime original, which is usually a bad thing, but it was surprisingly well done in this case. Of course it would've been better if it took its time with more episodes to flesh everything out, and not just cram in a lot of things in general. Still, props for not fucking up as an anime original ending.
So after the very obvious reveal that the teacher was the child pedo molester (may have a lot in common with Satoru), he explains his plan to Satoru like a cliché villain, yay. Then when Satoru can't slip out of a fucking seatbelt, despite being able to escape easily, he drowns or something and wakes up 15 years later (what a fucking coincidence), and noticed that the killer was waiting for him all of these years, but unfortunately Hinazuki didn't (insert sad track). But Satoru regains his memory and stops the horny killer from... Whatever he was gonna do now, but oh no, as we all thought it was gonna end normally, Satoru finds Airi (another goddamn coincidence). He always believed. The end.
Despite my problems with Erased, it's nowhere near a bad show; there are a lot of things that made Erased stand out, and I found myself interested in what was happening for the most part. It also looks and sounds great, plus the opening is one of the best I've seen in a while. Even though they didn't really answer everything and left a few things hanging, I enjoyed myself. Hope this show gets ERASED from existence.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Dec 20, 2015
Do you ever feel like milking the shit out of something that's popular? No? Then you wouldn't relate to this crap. Attack on Chibi is a spin-off parody anime to one of the most popular shows ever made. It's done by a different studio, focusing more on comedy and having this chibi artform instead of the dark and greedy look that the original show has.
The show fails at everything. You would expect that a parody of Attack on Titan would succeeed at poking fun at it, while having some clever stuff thrown in. Instead, we have this show pandering towards fans for the sakes
of getting another dollar. A lot of the characters felt like they were pulled out from fanfictions and Tumblr. One of the most popular characters in AoT is Levi, who is now known in the fandom as that guy that has a thing for cleaning, though this was barely present in the original show. In Attack on Chibi, they decide that it would be a good idea if they drag that cleaning joke for Tumblr users to fangasm.
Does it work?
I don't see too many people really talking about this.
The only reason this cashgrab exists is to remind you that AoT is still a thing and that the second season will be out in 2016, but there was no point in making this.
Every character is an exaggerated version of their fanfictions, the comedy is slaptstick nonsense and everything else is not note worthy. But I will give them credit for one thing. At times, they play serious music in the background while parodying a scene from the show, and I'm not sure how, but it works pretty well. Unfortunetely, this is barely present in the show, and is only used in episode 1 and episode 12, which are the best episodes.
The rest? It's hard to watch. It really is. Not only that, but the episodes are only 17 minutes for some reason, and it doesn't help that each episode feels longer than the average 22 minutes, too.
This show is like anime, a mistake. 3/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Oct 26, 2015
Well, Trigger. What can I say? You guys did it again. You guys created another fucking masterpiece.
Note: This is honestly more of a "Thoughts on" than a review, but hush, let's just go with it.
Trigger is a pretty weird studio. They first pull out shit like Inferno Cop, then they actually try a bit harder (not hard enough) and end up with Kill la Kill. Well, Ninja Slayer is in the middle of those two. It doesn't have the low budget that Inferno Cop had (pretty close, though), but it didn't look better than Kill la Kill.
Ninja Slayer is basically yet another
parody by this studio. It's kind of like poking fun at 90's anime, and ninja shit, or so I've heard. Right from the start, you're in for a show that you're not supposed to take seriously at all, it's simply a joke poking fun at other things. Much like Kill la Kill and Inferno Cop, both have shitty writing, but they do entertain a shit ton of people. I personally didn't enjoy Kill la Kill, but whatever. Ninja Slayer TRIES to have those laughable scenes like in Inferno Cop where the animation is complete horse shit. It also has its Kill la Kill fanservice and animation. It switches from those two.
Here's the problem:
It fails at it. The reason why Inferno Cop's animation was laughable was because it was shit throughout the whole show and we got used to it, here Ninja Slayer, it changes from Inferno Cop's style animation to Kill la Kill's animation. It honestly just feels like they're not focused on what they want to go with.
A lot of it isn't even funny after the first few episodes. The whole "yeaaart!!" joke thing gets old really fast. Also, I was very entertained by Inferno Cop's use of swear words, which is barely in Ninja Slayer.
That's one thing, the dub is good. A bit too good for this anime. It's a lot more fun to watch dub and easier to binge, if you for whatever reason feel like binge watching this....
Ahem, if you're wondering why I haven't gotten to the story yet, it's because it's complete shit. This wouldn't be an issue if Ninja Slayer kept it cheesy and simple, but halfway through the show, it tries to build up a plot and actually TRIES to not be shit. It's extremely uninteresting. There are episodes that drag. Hell, this whole show drags. 26 episodes? Wayyy too much.
By the end of this show, I was very confused on what to think about it. I did enjoy it at times, but I was very uninterested on a lot of what was happening as well. It tries to have fights to be slightly more entertaining like Kill la Kill, but it's just not fun to watch because of its animation. Sure, some scenes are laughable, and that IS Ninja Slayer's goal, but it misses more than it hits.
The only thing that I absolutely loved about this show was the ost. Holy fuck, was the ost great. The ED songs change a lot of the time, and they're always great. Sometimes, that's all I look forward while playing an episode.
Overall, Ninja Slayer FAILED at being laughable and entertaining throughout the whole show. It drags, it tries to be serious at times and just fails completely. 3/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Oct 2, 2015
I went into this expecting myself to laugh at this like other pretentious workes. *cough* Dreams *cough*
But this was actually a bit surprising. Don't get me wrong, I did laugh at first because that's what I expected, and all you see for the first minute is the same guy, butt-naked, having a little guy popping out of his ass. The music made it even funnier, but when it ended, I felt like a complete asshole for laughing.
It felt like it was, in a way, representing life backwards. I'm not gonna spoil what happens (this is literally 2 minutes, go watch it), but the ending interested
me enough to re-watch it and make sure I didn't miss anything.
I'm not even sure what to rate this. So, ignore the score, this will probably change later on. Go watch it, two minutes won't hurt.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Sep 7, 2015
Sometimes you need a recap episode to remind the viewers of the important things from the past episodes that they might have forgotten by now. Gangsta 9.5 is a recap episode that serves no purpose to exist.
The recap mainly focuses in the beginning of the show (episodes 1-2), then a little bit of the middle episodes and the latest episodes. (episodes 5-9). It also gives a summary of EVERY character. No, I'm serious. Even the old woman that sells Worick his cigarettes gets a bit of information.
This recap is completely pointless and boring as all hell to watch. It feels like you're watching a
guy narrate the 9 episodes you have already watched (or are supposed to), but it's so utterly bland that you just don't care for what is being told to you.
Take Kekkai Sensen's recap episode for example. The reason I liked that recap episode was because it was fun and entertaining to watch by the fact that they were self aware that it was a recap episode. You can see the effort put into that, unlike Gangsta's recap episode, that only goes way too in depth about things that you probably don't need to know.
Should you watch Gangsta's recap episode? No. Only if you watched the show half asleep and you don't know what's going on. But you'll probably fall asleep while watching this recap if that's the case. 3/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jul 6, 2015
So now that Spring season basically ended, it's time to review anime. Plastic Memories is an anime by Aniplex about this Corporation that is known for taking back these robots with human emotions called "Giftia" once it is time to take them back.
Before we get right into Plastic Memories, I would like point out something about Aniplex.
Aniplex is known for working on Angels Beats and Anohana. Just by me mentioning those two, you pretty much know what to expect from Plastic Memories.
I thought Angel Beats was alright, but it's praised for having such a sad ending and many tragic moments. I found the
show to lack character development and the pacing was awfully rushed. It would've been a great show if it took its time to present the story in a better way and if the show was 24 episodes. Worst of all, I didn't find it to be really all that sad.
I can't say much about Anohana; I watched 3 episodes and it's now on-hold, but for what I've heard, it has
"The saddest animu ending evaaa!!"
For what I watched in those 3 episodes, it felt like nothing was really happening and it was all just a build up to a sad ending.
And now we have Plastic Memories, which is being called the "saddest animu of this year!!"
Where do I stand with this
judgement? Well...
Plastic Memories wasn't good, it was pretty bland. The first episode was actually pretty good, I was very interested in the story and the concept it presented. Though, the characters looked extremely generic and boring, they weren't too bad in the first episode. But then the show took this really weird direction, for some reason.
Plastic Memories has only one tag and that tag is "Sci-fi." I can understand if this was the tag for the first episode and maybe the second, but everything after it isn't a sci-fi at all. It's a complete RomCom that has some sci-fi elements from time to time, but nothing to call the whole show just a "sci-fi" anime.
The story is actually pretty interesting and something I wanted to see play out well, but it was never focused on it. It all just feels like the show had a great direction, but then an idiot changed the script. Episode 3 is the start of this series starting to build this RomCom and drifting away from the plot we were supposed to be focusing on. Lots of stuff are introduced throughout the series when it tries to go back to the actual plot, but they barely explain it and it ends up leaving a few plot holes. I think Plastic Memories should've balanced the plot with the romance instead of just ignoring the plot entirely, just to focus on the very generic and boring romance.
The characters were all dull and none of them felt like real people. If the show is not gonna focus on the plot much, then they need great characters to keep the show going. Unfortunately, this was a complete waste. The dialog in the show was very standard and made the humans feels like robots more than the actual robots. The characters are utterly bland and are flatter than a 4 year-old's ass.
Isla is one of the Giftia's that is working with our male main character, Tsukasa. Isla is simply a loli and there isn't much to say about her. She's the typical shy girl that slowly opens up to the main character. She's not well developed and she's not interesting at all.
Tsukasa is super generic, bland and just very uninteresting. He's the nice main character that is very shy. You never really care for him and I never found myself liking his character at all. I didn't hate him, I was just not invested in his character.
The other characters simply feel like plot devices to get our main characters together before the ending. Also, most of them are characters you would expect in a generic RomCom, like the typical Tsundere. The whole show is just one build up to the ending, that you can predict after watching 2 or 3 episodes. Everything that happens can be predicted easily, not only because it's very easy to spot and they make it extremely noticeable, but also, because it has been done to death already. It's not unique in any way and has nothing new going for it. Now, I'm not saying that you have to be completely original and not do something that has been done before, but at least give it a new spin instead of making me watch the same show I've watched before. I mention this because some people would bring up that making something original these days is very hard, and I completely agree, but making the exact same show with very little change to it is kinda lazy. I mean, Plastic Memories tried to do something new with the plot, but it never focused on it well after the first 2 episodes.
The animation was pretty standard Romantic Comedy kind of animation. Nothing really stands out and it never impressed me, it was just pretty average. The soundtrack is not really worth mentioning. It's alright, the OP is good and the ED is good, but the score is pretty average. The character designs were completely generic. The thing that bothered me so much about them, is that the mains looked exactly like the mains in Absolute Duo, which I just wanna forget about by now.
The comedic episode in Plastic Memories never felt like they belonged in the show. Especially just little moments in the show where they just make a very out of placed joke, that wasn't really funny at all. Like, yeah, that is completely subjective, you might find it hilarious, but you're supposed to know when to place the comedy. You're not supposed to place comedy seconds after a very serious and dramatic scene. It's very unbalanced and it ruins every sense of emotion behind it. It's like a bipolar person wrote the script at times, and said, "Well, fuck this guy, let's kill off everyone and now, for a very well placed joke to make everyone feel better."
It just ends up reminding me of the comedy in Your Lie in April. Only that in Your Lie in April, the comedy is sometimes delivered in a good moment, but Plastic Memories has no idea when it's time for a good moment.
Overall, Plastic Memories is a huge disappointment for people that liked the first episode like I did. The whole thing is a build up to the ending, which actually wasn't bad, but the journey to get to that ending kinda was. I would be lying if I said I wasn't entertained while watching it, but it's mostly because I had nothing else to do. Now, I'm aware that some people will enjoy this show, and that's not a bad thing. I'm only saying how I feel about this anime, and if you're a person that would be bothered by the things I mentioned in my review, then I would suggest you skip this one. I'm pretty sure that most of us can agree that this had potential to be better, and I'm gonna give Plastic Memories a 4/10.
🚨🚨🚨Spoiler Section🚨🚨🚨
This is gonna be a quick spoiler section for the ending. If you don't want the ending spoiled, then please skip this, if you already watched the show or you don't plan on watching it, then keep reading.
Why the fuck didn't Tsukasa do anything about Isla at the end of the show? If you don't know, Isla basically dies or they simply take her back. But I mean, Tsukasa didn't try to somehow save her? She's not dead, she's just sleeping forever. There was so much potential to be had with this anime, but the writers didn't care. After the credits of the last episode, we see Tsukasa coming back months after to work with this new person. Exactly when that happened, it reminded me of the ending for Angel Beats.
Really, Aniplex? No fucking creativity at all?
"Oh, it's supposed to be sad, because she dies."
The only thing that died was the potential for an anime that could've been alright.
🚨🚨🚨 End of Spoilers 🚨🚨🚨
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jun 25, 2015
Seraph of the End is pretty much one of the most popular anime that came out this Spring season of 2015, so I'm gonna be reviewing it.
Seraph of the End is about a virus of vampires that, for no fucking reason, only affects people over the age of 13. We're introduced to our MC named Yu, who now wants to kill all vampires!! Let's jump right into it.
After watching this show, all I can say is that it's a steaming pile of shit.
The story is actually really bad. After copy pasting the first Attack on Titan episode to this series, we get the
school setting for Yu, the main character, make friends and somehow learn to be better at killing vampires. First of all, that's retarded. Second, why does he need friends to defeat the vampires? The only reason he is set in school is to make friends, they could've easily done this without shoehorning school into the mix. The problem with this is that they don't even work together, the fights are not only directed horribly at times, but the team barely works together. But this is a shounen, and everything has to be unoriginal and cliché.
The story is basically him trying to kill every vampire because he wants revenge. That's it, there's not much else to it. It's boring, predictable and just plain bland. You can't say that this series is in any way original. It's just a copy and paste series that no one will mention in the next 5 years.
Unless it gets as popular as Attack on Titan, which I hope it doesn't.
The characters are probably the worst part of this anime. They're all bland and dull.
Yuichiro Hyakuya -
Yu is that typical cliché shounen main character that wants to kill all vampires. He's a hot-headed idiot that needs no friends and wants to do everything by himself. His character never develops, he never does what he's supposed to do and is frustrating to watch. Not to mention that he's a fucking idiot. I could never care for the character, I actually wanted him to die. The show want you to care for him, but he's just too bland and annoying for me to like.
Mikaela Hyakuya -
They kinda try to make him work, but he's boring, stale and bland. He's probably the biggest Yandere of this year.
Shinoa -
She's my favorite character, not because she's a great character or has development, but because she's not generic nor boring. Her personality is what makes her stand out the most, if the show focused more on her, I think this could've been better.
Shihou Kimizuki -
Holy shit, this guy is just horrible. The typical and cliché character that hates and screams at everyone, but actually cares for everyone, he just can't show it for the sakes of being an asshole. Extremely unlikable and boring.
Mitsuba Sangu -
I swear, one of the most annoying characters in the series. It's honestly hard to pick which was more annoying, they're all just so bad and bland. This one is literally the typical tsundere with a stupid backstory that never made me want to connect with the character. Mostly because she was just very unlikable.
Yoichi -
I swear, it gets even more bland guys. This was probably a character that they could've completely erased in the series and nothing would've changed. He's a nerdy shy prick that doesn't do much at all.
The animation was a pretty solid at first, but after awhile, the backgrounds were completely terrible. I'm not sure what happened, but it never blended in with the character models. The character design isn't really all that good, most of them look pretty generic, except for Shinoa and a loli vampire with pink hair.
The music carries the show, it's actually pretty good. The opening song is pretty good and the ending song is also pretty good. The score has its good moments and plays when it is needed.
Overall, Seraph of the End is a piece of shit. I would say that you skip this or drop it if you were already a few episodes in. If I had to give it a score I would give it a 3/10. Definitely not worth your time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jun 25, 2015
Assassination Classroom is one the only anime that can have tentacles near middle school girls without being a hentai. It's like, this is the new challenge of the year. First this, now Splatoon.
Anyway, AssClass is a 22 episode anime about a mach 20 speed octopus who threatens to destroy Earth by the end of the school year. He's now a teacher in middle school, and his class has to assassinate him before he destroys Earth.
And people thought Pupa had a weird plot. Let's jump right into it.
After finishing AssClass, I had very mixed feelings about it. It's not bad, but it really isn't
a great anime. I think the crazy plot AssClass has can turn off a lot of viewers, but it all depends on how they execute it. The story is divided in many arcs, where the 26 students and a fucking robot, will try to kill the teacher. The problem with this is that it's fucking predictable when it focuses on killing the teacher. When, basically, the tentacle monster is leading the show with a few other students and is also over-powered, you don't think they'll kill him off easily, huh? Considering that the show was announced to have a second season and the manga is currently still ongoing, you pretty much know what's gonna happen every time that they get really close to killing the tentacle monster, Koro Sensei, so you really end up not caring. I mean, right from the start, you can tell that they aren't gonna kill Koro Sensei at any time soon; you already know exactly what's gonna happen and it's gonna frustrate you every time they get close to killing him. How do you solve this? Making your arcs interesting and not focusing on only killing Koro Sensei, which AssClass does quite well.
AssClass does drift apart from the actual plot, to introducing other villains and many characters. Even though, some of them aren't really as good as the rest, it was the best way to go before it got predictable as it was in the beginning. So yes, the show does pick up after a few episodes. I found the beginning to be a rough start, but it got better along the way. Even though the plot isn't really all that good, it does its best at not completely going to shit.
The characters are rather hard to talk about because there are so many. I won't be covering every single character.
Koro Sensei is pretty much the most entertaining character in the series. There are many questions about his character that still go unanswered, that will hopefully be answered in season 2, as I've heard from a lot of manga readers. His character isn't really what you would call "great", but it's definitely the one that keeps it interesting.
Nagisa is the biggest trap there is. He's probably the smartest out of all the students, and let me remind that there's a fucking robot as one of the students. He's smart, energetic and thinks out of the box in order to kill Koro Sensei.
His character is the one that had the most potential to be great and have a great development, and don't get me wrong, it wasn't bad, but it could've been way better. By the end of the series, I didn't felt like he grew much. We don't even know much about him, he's just a badass with potential, and hopefully he will improve in season 2.
The other characters aren't really worth mentioning. No, they're not bad, they're just there. I'll give credit to the plot for actually being a bit original. Yes, it might sound like a bit of a stretch at first, but it all it fits pretty well, even with its few plot holes. The characters aren't really original, they all follow feel like other characters I've seen many times, and makes them feel very one-dimensional. They do try to develop some of the characters, but the only ones I can give credit for actually doing something with them are Nagisa and Karma, which is a red hair psychopath that had a great introduction, but was barely shown ever again. He does have a different point of view by the end of the show, but boy, was it predictable. I couldn't find myself caring about any of the characters, which is a bit bad for a show that has many characters. You don't have to develop all of them, but at least try to make me care for, I dunno, more than one. I'm just hoping that they flesh out some of the characters in the next season, because this one didn't do it for me.
The animation is pretty solid and I was pretty impressed with a lot of the show had to offer with some scenes. The backgrounds sometimes looked terrible and sometimes they looked pretty decent. Nothing was outstanding, but nothing was bad, other than some of the backgrounds, especially when it takes places out doors. I should mention that this was animated by Lerche, which is pretty new to the community. The next thing that they'll be animating will be Gakkou Gurashi this Summer, which I'm actually pretty excited to watch. Hopefully they won't fuck up.
The character designs weren't too bad, but followed the hair color thing to keep you from getting confused on which character is which. Remember guys, if you can't remember the name, just call them by the color of the hair.
The outlines of the characters were quite a bit annoying and reminded me of the outlines in Attack on Titan, which annoyed me, as well. Nothing really impressed me, but it didn't left a bad taste in my mouth.
The cinematography was rather average, but it did impressed me with some of the action scenes. This being a shounen, I wasn't expecting it to take such a different tone in camera angels. It was a bit refreshing, but other than the fight scenes, it was pretty average.
The soundtrack fits rather well in the show. The songs played in the perfect time to set up a tone in the show. When it wanted to be serious, it had serious music, when it wanted to be goofy, it had goofy music, and so on. The opening is a bit awkward and can get stuck in your head. The second opening is more of the same, but the 2nd Ending song was actually quite impressive and I never found myself really skipping it. The 1st Ending song is just average.
Overall, if you feel like watching a pretty entertaining anime about killing a tentacle monster involved with no hentai (kinda), then by all means, go watch AssClass. If it doesn't seem to interest you, I suggest you at least give it a try, because you might end up liking it more than me. It has its good and it has its bad. If I had to score AssClass, I would give it a 5.5/10 or a 6/10.
I recommend you at least give the first episode a try and I'm hoping that Lerche can handle Gakkou Gurashi rather well. Hopefully Lerche will also step their game up with AssClass in the second season, as well.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jun 13, 2015
If you have not watched the actual show and you planned on watching the recap instead, please don't do that. The recap is helpful, but the show is really good and fun to watch. This is episode 10.5. I recommend watching the recap after catching up to episode 10.
This recap pretty much reminds us of each little detail we need to know. For people that are very lost in the plot of the series, but are still enjoying the show, I recommend that you check this recap out. Not only does it remind you everything you need to know for the next two episodes,
but it tells it in a very funny and enjoyable way.
The soundtrack is a big plus in this recap, too. If you like the music in the show, you'll love it here, it's great.
If you are very aware of what is going on in the show, you won't be missing out from much if you skip this, but if you like/love the show, watch it. It's more of what you love.
Overall, it's a fun recap, I liked it and I recommend you actually watch it to get ready for more Kekkai Sensen!
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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