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Days: 107.4
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- Completed212
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Days: 18.5
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- Volumes169
All Comments (32) Comments
Thank you for the FR!! ~
Oh, yea. I am glad I could help :)
Also, you can only add 50 images for every hour, and 200 images for a day. These are rules from Imgur. As such I do believe the amount of images you can upload it total, is limitless, or close too, just like on Imgur.
The help note says:
How to create a 'rotating'/'random' image:
First, upload some images. Then, create a pile and click on its name. The pile will be the container for your rotating image, so drag with your mouse any image you want to show up into the area that lights up yellow. Note that when an image is already in a pile, the image is hidden from the 'Your Images' area when that pile is active. Removing an image from a pile does not delete the image, it simply removes it from that rotation.
You can also make it easier on yourself by creating and opening a pile first, which will make a checkbox appear under the upload button which will automatically add it to that pile after it is uploaded.
Once you've finished the steps above, return back to the pile list and click the 'link' option on the far right of the pile row and copy that URL. This is the URL you will be using. You'll notice that the name of your pile is used as the image's name in the URL. If you ever rename the pile, you will have to grab the URL again and update any sites that were using the old one.
NOTE: You are limited to 50 uploads an hour and 200 uploads a day. These limits are imposed by and cannot be raised by this website.
Yea, I can do that. I am using this site:
However, there is a limit to the size of the images that can be used. You'll see when you try, but adding images is very easy, and you can have several folders each which individual link for random images to show.
You can also use this one:
Where I believe there is no limit to size on the images, as you don't technically upload them to the web page, but it instead uses direct link. However adding several images is very tedious and slow. (can only add 3 at a time. and Max 2 different sets of random images)
So you will essentially get a link from there, and you just add
Need more help, feel free to ask~
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