Howdy, I'm goffer54. I watch anime. This is where I hide my shame.
Currently fighting for at least a little individuality in my taste in anime.
How I generally use my ratings:
First off: if I had a list where I ranked each show by its "objective quality" it'd look much different. K-On!! would be the only 10/10 and Mirai Nikki would not be the only 1/10. But since "objective quality" is such a dubious concept, my ratings only reflect how much I like a show.
1/10 - This rating is for Mirai Nikki and Mirai Nikki only. No, it isn't technically the worst anime ever, but nothing else has pissed me off as much as this show. Fuck off, Mirai Nikki
2/10 - These are bad shows for bad people. Incompetent and abhorrent is a combination I hope I never have the displeasure of witnessing again. Any one of these could be given a 1 if Mirai Nikki didn't exist. Yes, I'm judging you if any of these are on your favorites list.
3/10 - These aren't poorly made shows, usually. But they do piss me off for whatever reason. The exception is Qualidea Code which is very poorly made and deserves a low score but I didn't want to hate it. Striving for mediocraty is a quick way for an anime to earn a 3.
4/10 - Shows that could have been 5s or even 6s if not for just one thing that didn't sit right with me. If 5 is a show I don't care either way for, 4 is a show that I just barely dislike.
5/10 - If I called 5 "average", I'd be a liar because it's rare that I have no feelings towards a show whatsoever. When that does happen, I give it a 5. It's the epitome of "meh".
6/10 - Aight, here we go, boys! Shows I actually like! This the bare minimum score for me to say I like a show. 6s can vary wildly in overall quality, but there's at least one thing about it that makes it worth it.
7/10 - An enjoyable experience through and through. The only thing keeping these from being 8s and 9s is how much I connected with them.
8/10 - I fucking love these shows. The biggest difference between an 8 and a 9 is that an 8 has a slim chance of making the top ten, but can still happen. They're usually less technically impressive than 9s and 10s in animation, plot, writing, characters, ect.
9/10 - I really fucking love these shows. Any one of these could sit on my favorites list and most of them have at one point. This is a show I love to the point that I'm impressed with how much it made me care about a Japanese cartoon. It's got meat on it; I could pick it apart for all the little details the creators added that made me love it so much.
10/10 - This is a bullshit score for bullshit shows. It's bullshit that nearly every character in them is so perfectly executed and has meaning. It's bullshit how much I connected with those characters. It's bullshit how much I connected with the themes. It's bullshit how much I connected with the plot. It's bullshit that all of them have made me shed a tear for a work of fiction. It's bullshit, the amount of artistry and skill that went into making these shows. It's bullshit that I could go on so long gushing about these shows. It's bullshit that K-On! has to share a rating with inferior shows because MAL only goes up to 10. And, most of all, it's bullshit that [insert your favorite show] doesn't have a 10/10 too.
Not K-On!/10 - This score is for shows that try to do the same things K-On! does but aren't K-On!. Other cute girls doing cute things shows feel hollow by comparison because K-On! does everything a CGDCT show should do while also being more ambitious. There is no reason to watch any other cute girls show when I can just watch K-On! again and have a better time. This is not a judgemental score. It is possible (though, let's be honest, unlikely) that someone else may connect to some other show more than K-On!. I can accept that other people have shit taste.
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