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Yo, my name's ghier.

I like unique ideas and stories, and I love when those ideas and stories are directed well.

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Ore dake Level Up na Ken Season 2: Arise from the Shadow
Ore dake Level Up na Ken Season 2: Arise from the Shadow
Mar 22, 9:25 PM
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Chi. Chikyuu no Undou ni Tsuite
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Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru
Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru
Jan 5, 5:37 PM
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Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii
Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii
Jan 5, 5:36 PM
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SuperGreenTea Feb 29, 2024 11:38 AM
That being said, if the series is advising viewers to eat fresh fruit and take up regular exercise as a way of bettering themselves, then that is a positive message. I'm going to see if I can do 100 push-ups and 100 sit-ups every day from now on, and I've got my raisins and oranges to give me a power-up! Just try not to swoon too much over my stacked physique ;)
SuperGreenTea Feb 28, 2024 9:00 PM
Well, I was just imitating the user in the comment beneath me (on your profile).

I thought it would be funny if I used that terminology myself. I think they were calling you 'brother', like when guys call each other bro. He just spelled it differently, and in a way that made me laugh.

I quite liked the first 2 episodes - the creepy giant moving statues combined with the Sawano OST gave me SnK vibes. After that, it went a bit corny and predictable with the wolves and goblins fights - like we've seen this type of thing in Grimgar, Slime, Overlord, SAO, and others. More original and menacing monsters/adversaries - like the giant statues would have been cooler. And then it was silly how the women were fawning/drooling over him because he'd turned into a muscular bodybuilder/Mr Universe in a couple of days because he'd done 100 push-ups a couple of times and eaten an apple and some berries. I could understand if it was satirical/meant in jest, but it was more like it was meant to be a serious (and believable) part of his progression/development. The best part of the series is the OP song - 'The headlines! The headlines!' Lol. The music/singing and lyrics make me laugh, but once again, that could be unintentional on the part of the creators/producers.
SuperGreenTea Feb 27, 2024 5:17 PM
How's it going bruder? Lol.

I'm almost surprised to see you've given Solo Leveling a 7, so far. Go on, sell it to me/convince me to carry on with it.

What are its merits or its best features, for you?
dzekorj Jan 6, 2024 3:46 PM
our taste just doesnt match bruder
SuperGreenTea Nov 13, 2023 1:05 PM
Ah, OK. I thought that might have been your intention - to imply the manga producers, rather than the producers and production staff responsible for the anime adaptation.
SuperGreenTea Nov 12, 2023 7:42 PM
I read your most recent review - of AOT Final. I remember reading this thing where the anime producers/directors said they were committed to adapting the entire story (from the manga) and bringing the whole story, faithfully to screen without omissions. I believe they were just honoring the source material with the most release (and conclusion of the story) - what we just saw. If you have a problem with the writing and direction the story took in what was the Final season of the anime, then I think you can only lay the blame with the mangaka. I don't think the anime producers/directors or any of the staff involved in the anime production can be blamed for any aspects of the story/plot, characters, or how things ultimately ended.
SuperGreenTea May 28, 2023 3:11 PM
So now we both have Sangatsu, AOT, and Land of the Lustrous in our top 10s. That's not bad going. Although, I noticed your enthusiasm/love for AOT has fallen away after Season 3. I thought the Final Season (part 1, 2, 3, and onwards to infinity) has held up pretty well, myself. I couldn't really ask for more. Things were bound to change after Erwin passed away. And I don't think things are any more preposterous/farfetched or OTT than what was going on in the first 2 seasons. It's still kept the entertainment appeal going for me.

My Dress-Up Darling was pretty good fun (and a slightly guilty pleasure for me, I must admit) and I understand why you'd like it so much. It's not for nothing that you have a large image of Rinmaru blushing on your profile wall is it ;)

Spy x Family seemed a bit style over substance, although it was quite stylish and slick, but the comedy didn't always work/make me laugh. And I've always found it difficult to get into Demon Slayer, partly because of the pacing and partly because of the writing, and partly because of the main characters. The best currently airing things for me have been the most recent seasons of Vinland Saga and Golden Kamuy. Oh, and contrary to some on MAL, I thought the movie Bubble was really fantastic.
SuperGreenTea May 27, 2023 1:05 PM
Despite of what's been going on in your busy life, you've stuck loyally with anime and MAL. The same with me. It's like the one constant in life, that's always there. Like a lighthouse in a stormy sea, steering you away from the rocks. Whatever life, social, or relationship changes I go through, anime is still there for me.

Yeah, there aren't as many Land of the Lustrous fans around as you'd expect. Despite the high rating it still seems a bit of a divisive title - because of the 3D style or because of the content. I actually saw a forum thread a few months back where over half of the seasoned forum regulars, and the other thread contributors, were laying into it in the most savage and unsparing way. It was almost like it was cool or socially acceptable to hate on it.

I thought Overlord got particularly good and funny/amusing in season 3 and 4, and it's now one of my fave isekai - along with Log Horizon. Yuru Camp is just slice of life and relaxation/soul healing heaven - and so darn loveable. Ping Pong is vibrant and fast paced with original and sassy dialogue, and a bold and distinctive art style. And Gankutsuou really is deserving of the top 4 MAL reviews giving it 10/10 scores. Even though it's from 2004, the artwork and coloring are truly sublime and the content is inspired by a classic work of literature. It's an enthralling tale of betrayal, revenge, love and loss - and there's a classiness and sophistication about it. You have a sharp eye/good memory because you noticed all the changes in my top 10!

What have been the best serious, and most fun shows for you, since we last spoke? What sequels are you looking forward to the most? What are the leading contenders for your top 10?
SuperGreenTea May 26, 2023 1:17 PM
I know I said in my last message there was no rush...

How have you been, ghier? I don't think your top 10 has changed at all in the last year. Have you not been particularly impressed by anything new?
SuperGreenTea Apr 10, 2022 1:31 PM
OK. I'm tackling the January 13th message now!

Re:Zero has actually been on my mind recently. I keep bumping into the DVD of the first half of season 1 in my drawer. Lol. I actually bought that because I was so impressed by the first season, which I streamed. It just goes to show how much things can change! I kinda feel similar to you about how some of the longer dialogue sections seem contrived. I doubt anyone in the real world would ever speak like that. It definitely feels alien or artificial at times. Like someone's wrote it out beforehand, and given them their lines to read. I suppose they are in a fantasy world, though. I guess that would help explain some of the unreality of it. I'm still on the fence with the franchise overall so we'll see how it goes. I did really enjoy Memory Snow, and I still like Beatrice lol. Woah, to drop it so close to the end is pretty severe. Subaru can be irritating though, and I understand what you mean about him being lionized as some kind of hero. It is a bit OTT.

Tbh I only bought the High School DxD DVD boxset (don't laugh) because I was intrigued about the Occult Research Club mentioned on the back in the synopsis, and also as a challenge to myself because I usually steer well clear of that type of thing. The first few episodes were pretty funny but then there was a battle episode and I kinda drifted away. The same thing happened with The Devil is a Part-Timer - I much preferred the out-and-out comedy scenes to the battle segments. Talking about the Devil is a Part-Timer, is that something you like? Are you hyped for the long-awaited second season? I'll definitely give it a go when it appears. Hey, at least I didn't buy the High School DxD Ultra-Deluxe Limited Special Edition Version lol. Nah, in all honesty, I'm not very familiar with ecchi as a genre and I don't think I've ever watched a hentai. Hey, have you seen Interspecies Reviewers? Do you remember the fiasco when hackers/bots spammed MAL to put it top of the ratings? It garnered a lot of attention for the series though (especially with newbies and casuals), so I guess they succeeded in putting it in the spotlight and making it a hot topic of conversation. I remember there was only ever one dubbed episode released. Funimation promptly backtracked when they saw what direction it was going in. I think it went further than your typical ecchi.

I'm glad you enjoyed Arcane so much. Yeah, it was pretty freaking good and it blew my expectations and preconceptions out the water. The visual style was something I haven't seen before and I really liked the voice performances and dialogue. It was sharp, gritty, and realistic, with moments of pathos and eloquence. The fight sequences were very dynamic and intense. And also very complex and multifaceted. It had a completely different vibe from anything in anime. Season 2 is definitely something that's hotly anticipated. Mm, I'm not that knowledgeable about Netflix live-action series and content but they've been associated with some anime that I've ended up liking a lot. Stuff like High Score Girl and 7 Seeds. If I watched live-action these days I'd probably go for a South Korean historical drama series. I used to watch the mainstream US stuff when I was younger though.

Rewatching KonoSuba. That's at the very least, borderline ecchi! Y'know, I tried the KonoSuba movie not too long ago but when a horde of female goblins and orcs were chasing Kazuma and were on top of him, trying to force sex with him...well, that was a bit too much. Also, the dialogue and voices in the English dub seemed a bit silly and childish. In comparison, I rather enjoyed the comedy and the isekai parody in the first season and OVA. Overall, I'm still committed enough to be interested in the new forthcoming season. How did you enjoy it? Did you rewatch the entire franchise? Funny, I actually remember Kayano Ai as Darkness (seen both KonoSuba seasons and OVAs in Japanese) and as Alice (seen Alicization in Japanese). I must say actually, all the Japanese voices suited the parts and were amusing in KonoSuba. I've heard that some viewers find Aqua's voice really irritating but I think it suited her personality type and it helped make sense why she'd aggravate Kazuma so much.

Haha, yeah, it's nice you noticed that I've put Kobayashi Dragon Maid in my faves. What can I say? It has the lol comedy, the slice of life charms, the heartwarming moments, and the visual splendor. Also, the core characters are just so lovable and amusing, you could just watch them all day! I love the little magical world they've created. It can do no wrong in my eyes! Are you much into the series yourself? Also, Kobayashi really resonates with me. As I've gotten older my internal voice is sometimes similar to her external voice. A bit world-weary or cynical, but with niceness at the core.

Why Suguha as pfp/avatar? Well, the Fairy Dance arc really captured my imagination during a rewatch and she has such a nice voice and 'personality' in the dub. Also, I like to champion the SAO franchise in the face of a lot of animosity or antipathy. I've changed it again to Haruhi, though. Who is that guy you have? I know he's from LoGH. Is there any significance in it?

This has been a bit shorter than my more recent long replies so consider yourself given a reprieve! Hopefully, it'll make replying a little bit easier for you. There's no rush though. In your own time as always. See you next time!
SuperGreenTea Apr 6, 2022 9:38 AM
Yeah, I've added the Final, Final Series (part 3) to my PTW list lol. I was looking at a forum talk about the announcement and I get the impression this may really be the absolute finale this time. There's a slim chance of an ultimate, all-time final closing movie, but apparently, there are only 2 manga chapters left to adapt. I read someone on the forum say there might only be 8 episodes in this closing season because there are only 2 chapters left (of the source material) but I guess you never know if they'll add something, perhaps under the supervision of the writer/creator. Like how Kawahara supervised the addition of a new character in the SAO Progressive movie. You never know your luck/misfortune, I guess. A lot can happen in a year!

It's a funny coincidence that the announcement came shortly after what I wrote to you last time - about the franchise being too long and drawn out. I guess the upside is that it'll give me adequate time to rewatch everything and maybe get reinvested in the story again. Luckily for me, I've managed to avoid all the spoilers so far and I'd really like to keep it that way. I'm sorry you've had some of the fun and thrills spoilt for you. And you were so committed and invested as well! I hope your forum idea works out well and you get a good response.

The dubbed releases are past the halfway point now but it wouldn't be too much of an effort for me to watch it subbed because I watched the 8 OVA's and the classic, Series 3 (part 2) that way. I'll let you know how I get on with it. You're one of the biggest AOT people I regularly talk to!

Haha, that title made me laugh. Perhaps there will be a Final Season, Final Edition (part 2) a year after the next release :)
SuperGreenTea Mar 29, 2022 11:32 AM
With the space talk of 'orbits' and all, I take it you still have Legend of the Galactic Heroes on your mind :)

2022 started a bit dodgy, to say the least, but it's started picking up this month. I'm quietly optimistic about the year to come. Anime-wise there's not been that much that's caught my attention lately. It seems like cheap and derivative isekai overload at the moment. And the majority of those types of shows are rated below a 7 on MAL, I've noticed. I just finished Odd Taxi dubbed and that was a breath of fresh air with an engaging story and original style of 'adult' dialogue. From the forthcoming spring season, I have my eye set on Spy Family and Kaguya-sama season 3. How about you? Have you seen the final AOT yet? What are your thoughts about it? They're about halfway through with the English dubbed releases so I'm ready to roll with it anytime, but strangely, I'm not massively psyched up for it. I kinda wish we had all the AOT episodes released a couple of years back when I was really into it. When my enthusiasm and excitement were at their pinnacle. Perhaps it's been too much of a long-drawn-out process. I just couldn't maintain the fever pitch enthusiasm for four and a half consecutive years.

SuperGreenTea Mar 25, 2022 8:30 PM
I'll try to get that reply back to you sometime soon. I'm making it a MAL priority. I haven't forgotten about you ;)

Glad to see you're enjoying Rust Eater (not)! Lol.
SuperGreenTea Jan 12, 2022 11:39 AM
Hey, it's been 10 days and counting, since your private message update! Please don't feel any pressure though. Lol.
Seriously though, especially with that new avatar/profile picture you're sporting, please don't get vexed in any way :)
SuperGreenTea Jan 2, 2022 2:36 PM
You might find it easier to reply to through the usual channels :)

I thought it would be a good idea to continue on with our message history. So here's the long awaited reply. It's 2300 words long! You can consider it your Christmas present from me ;)

That way you describe Villainess makes it sound not so bad, after all! Even if it drives you insane at times, the most important thing is that you still derive some sort of pleasure out of it. I've known this type of feeling myself on occasion, and perhaps would like to experience more of this in the future. Thinking of a good example to put forward, idk, maybe Re:Zero has a similar effect on me. It can really annoy me, especially Subaru and some of the long winded rambling dialogue, but there's also an overall feeling of enjoyment or satisfaction. I kinda have a love/hate relationship with it so I've still not ruled out giving season 2 part 2 a try. Talking of which, I know you've officially MAL reviewed some of the Re:Zero franchise before. As someone with a good overall knowledge of all the anime seasons how do you think the season 2 part 2 final played out? Did it end on a high note, or did it ultimately disappoint? How do you think it holds up as a franchise compared with some of your other favorites, like AOT or 3-gatsu no Lion? If I'm ever at a loose end I may give Villainess a try, or If I'm in the mood for a gentle isekai fantasy with a dash or romance. I'm not sure for certain, but this is the impression I get of its genre category. Hot and heavy! I love some of the terminology you guys use, or come up with lol. I've encountered it a fair amount in anime dubs (something I'm a seasoned veteran of, as you well know by now) and I've developed quite a fondness for it. As I said to another MAL friend some time ago. It seems you guys set the bar for the rest of the English language speaking community to follow. In recent times, certainly! I think that's one of the reasons why I like dubbed anime so much. With the right script and voice acting, it can become something truly magical and captivating!

In anime there's hentai and ecchi which more specifically deals with saucy antics or risque themes, but I'm not sure if you're very familiar with those genres. I've read that Dota: Dragons Blood (a relatively new US Netflix animated series) has a 4-way elf gang bang...if that's something you're interested in? Lol. might be for all I know! Apart from that though, Dota might be worth the watch for its artistic merits. I tried the first episode a few months back and the dialogue and voice acting are kinda reminiscent of Castlevania, and it has an overall adult or mature vibe about it. It could be just the thing to watch over the festive period! That reminds me of my planned rewatch of either AOT final part 1 or the entire released AOT franchise so far, during the upcoming holiday period, because I first purchased and watched the first season over the Xmas hols, 4 years ago. It kinda goes together with Xmas in my mind for some reason now, even though it probably shouldn't, really! For regular people, it's not the most conventional Xmas entertainment, I'm sure. How about you? Is there any anime that's synonymous with Xmas for you, or is there something you have your mind set on watching during the hols? As for your initial hot and heavy question, and its occurrence in regular anime. I've only watched the first 3 or 4 episodes...but High School DxD has a blatantly saucy theme, although I'm not too sure as to how far things develop. I'd have thought looking further into the ecchi genre might be an idea. Perhaps you'll find something with a decent story fused together with some realistic sexy elements.

I kinda know what you mean. Not every conversation or comment on MAL opens up to a meaningful or genuine full-on discussion or a lasting friendship. Although I have had some positive experiences, myself. I've also had a few relationships go sour but that's to be expected I guess. It kinda mirrors reality in that way. Some friendships drift apart or end abruptly, and some new ones are formed. I do try to be as pleasant and inviting as I can be, though. Hey, at least you have me! At the end of the day, even having one other person you can have a serious or humorous conversation about anime with is an achievement. I mean, before MAL there was no one I would talk about it with . People I knew IRL didn't know about it or weren't interested, and I just used to keep all my thoughts and feelings private. How about you? I think I remember you saying you had real life friends and house mates you talk about, and even watch, anime with.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I guess dubs or subs is just something you get used to and then come to accept as the norm. It is nice when you form an attachment or develop a respect or an affection for a particular VA or Seiyuu, though. It happens to me all the time. I think I've come across Kayano Ai, myself. Yeah, I've seen KonoSuba season 1 and 2 subbed and she voices Darkness lol. Also, she voices lots of other big roles. Oh, Alice Zuberg from SAO as well, and I've seen all of Alicization and War of Underworld subbed. So yeah, even I've come across her and I'm a self-confessed dubbed junkie!

Agreed, Beastars does focus more on the characters internal struggles, and this is certainly true for the 4 main leads, Legoshi, Louis, Riz, and Haru. Haha. I didn't know you were so interested and invested in anime sex scenes. Good to know! Thanks for sharing lol. Yeah, Beastars got quite close and tbh it was close enough for me! Why would you want to go any further or get any more explicit! Haha.

Even after completion, To Your Eternity still remains one of the strangest or most enigmatic anime I've ever come across. I still don't know what to make of it or how to interpret the message it was trying to convey. I thought the ending where Pioran chose her reincarnation was nice and I suppose the chronicling of her aging process and dementia was something to think about. I'm not too sure what the knockers was supposed to represent, though. Or what culture or epoch the kid with the dragon/lizard mask was supposed to represent? The first episode was like an expedition to the North Pole, the arc with March, a depiction of an indigenous American culture who practice human sacrifice like the Aztecs, and the arc at the end, something like Rome or one of its colonial territories where victory in gladiatorial competition was the only way to escape the bonds of slavery. Hey, maybe the whole thing was just one big advertisement for pears lol. Seriously though, I have started eating canned pears recently and have rather enjoyed them. It always puts me in mind of To Your Eternity, and I think it probably always will from now on. Has an anime ever had a similar effect on you, where it always reminds you of a certain food or object?

I watched Fena myself but wasn't overly impressed by it. It had gorgeous artwork and coloring and a nice soundtrack but the dialogue and personality of the main cast wasn't substantial enough for me. I know what you mean about the adult element teased in the first episode, and I agree that it should have gone a little further down that road. It did kinda shy away from it in the end and I don't know why, as It wasn't presented as something intended solely for kids. In the end it was just a regular mid-level watch for me. I liked Karin best (her design and voice/personality in the dub), but she could've done with more screen time and meaningful or even playful dialogue.

Again with the hot and heavy stuff! I hope you find an outlet for these passions of youth, soon. Yeah, I wouldn't say that regular anime was the place to find realistic expressions of that kinda. Have you ever tried hentai? What are your thoughts about it? I don't know anything about it first hand (pun definitely intended)! All I can say is my needs are well satisfied for now, thank you!

Beastars has become one of my top 10 all time fave anime franchises so I'll take what you say with a pinch of salt. Or even white pepper lol. Hey, any police or law in the Beastars world is something entirely different from what we know or are used to. Who knows just what their reach or powers are, or how effective they are. It is true what you say about Legoshi being very proud, and he also has a lot of self-determination. He just doesn't strike as someone who runs to the authorities as soon as he had a firm suspicion. It was almost like it was a part of his character growth that he'd tackle the predicament himself. That he'd strive to reach his peak potential, both physically, mentally, and morally, in an attempt to resolve the conflict. Also, the outer conflict between Riz and Legoshi mirrors the internal psychological conflict and thought processes of some of the carnivores. I think it was necessary for a direct confrontation to take place, especially as things had been so subtle or merely alluded to up until that point.

Haha. Funny! Well, I'm not 100% sure if it was suggested by someone else or it was indeed felt necessary by the mangaka (to include a big final fight) but it was certainly enjoyed and appreciated by me. I'm by no means a fights person but the tension between Riz and Legoshi reached a point where something had to happen. They couldn't just talk it through rationally and then go their separate ways. The enmity ran too deep. It's what the main current of the story was leading up to. Also, with Riz threatening that young sheep thespian and some of the scenes depicting Riz's retrospective thoughts and feeling about Tem. Well, the pressure was building and building and just looking for an outlet. Actually, the fight in the shower, and then when it was interrupted by the cleaning lady, was almost or equally as dramatic and intense as the final outdoors fight, for me personally. Wow. Rarely does an action scene in an anime have that effect on me these days. Don't know why but I just found it really gripping and exhilarating for some reason!

Hey, who doesn't like pole-dancing talking animals! I kinda get what you mean about character contradictions though, especially if something seems serious or true to life, but at the same time, surely there must be some room for innovation or spontaneity. I think it's perfectly reasonable to suspect that something unpredictable or new may happen at any point in the story. I think it was even more dramatic and affecting when Legoshi ate Louis leg because I'd never have imagined that would take place. Never ever! It completely took me aback and it's nice when a story, even a semi-serious, or true to life one, completely shocks or astounds you like that. When it completely throws you for a loop or catches you off guard. That's my personal perspective, anyway!

Wowza! Sidonia season 1 over a dozen times. I'd have never expected something like that from you. That's really made me consider you in a new light. Not in a bad way though, more like how passionate you are about particular, or early, personal favorites. For me, the nearest I've got to that level of obsession or devotion is watching Avatar: The Last Airbender 3 times, SAO season one and two 3 times, Log Horizon season one 3 times, and Assassination Classroom season one 3 times. I'm also almost half way through a 3rd run through of Fate/stay UBW. I have seen lots of series twice though, and the number could be high as 30 or 40. Hey, I know we've talked about Castlevania before but are there any other US animated series you like? I'd really recommend both Avatar series (The Last Airbender and Korra) and also this new dark sci-fi action series called Arcane, as well as Trollhunters and The Dragon Prince. Certainly, Arcane, is something I can well imagine you liking. If you haven't seen it yet, maybe treat yourself this Christmas. *Now to pick up my advertising check from Netflix* :)

Hey, I'm glad you appreciate these exchanges as much as you say you do and I'm sorry for the delay. I really do intend to speed up the reply rate for long-time close MAL friends, from now on. Also, I'm not sure if you've seen my profile recently or not but I've had to close comments, for the short term at least, because of some real-life stalking and snooping. Basically, people who aren't really my friends in real life are eavesdropping in on my conversations and reading what I write to, and receive from, MAL friends. They've got hold of my username(s) and are constantly spying on my profile. Using private message and closing comments will hopefully put an end to this and they should just move on to something else. Anyway, as I always say, there's no great rush to reply, but perhaps I'll hear back from you again sometime in the future. Have a good Christmas and festive season and I'll see you on the other side, god willing!
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