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Jun 28, 2015
Plastic Memories is basically a love story about a guy and his android partner aka Gifta. The lifespan of a Giftia is 81,920 hours (roughly nine years and four months), and that's the kicker if they pass their expiration date, it causes personality disintegration, memory loss and outbreaks of violence .
As a result, the employees of the Terminal Service must go to the owner of the Giftia and retrieve it(basically it's a form of mercy killing imo)
Those assigned to the Terminal Service work in teams consisting of a human and a Giftia
so we have two main protaganists of the series Tsukasa
the human and Isla the Giftia.
There were also other Giftia and human combos that also work in this establishment but mentioning them would be too much of a pain.
All you have to know is that story pretty much revolves around these two dunces.Their awkard flirting and their intentional relationship created solely to hook us to the dramatic if not predictable finale.
The story like make you think that it is deeper than it actually is and watching the first few episode you might even have those "feels". But after first few retrievals , the plot realises the amount of repetition it is going through quickly tries to transition into a darker tone which they immediately drop for love-dovey slice of life romance.
Point is i think the show could have done a better job explaining the world they live in that they have to rely on robot nannies . All joking aside, when it came to drama the does it well for an anime of this genre at least. Those sad moments however, vary in impact and you are made to feel more some characters more than others.
Look i know that Isla is a sweetheart but when a show favors a character more than it's actual setting i have a bit of a problem.
The story could been about a girl with a terminal illness and the show's drama would not change much.
What makes a show stand out from the rest is it's unique setting and some well written characters.
And this show has none. Isla may be a great character but even she isn't far from the klutzy cookie cutter streotype. The others aren't much better, some might say even worse.
The show is still pretty good, might even be one of the better animes this season if not for snafu s2. Give a go but i would not consider putting it on any top 10 list of mine if I ever had one.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 27, 2015
Well I just finished both seasons of snafu and read all the light novels( sadly bakatsuki is down) and I can safely say that without a doubt this is one of the best love comedies ever.
It does not do anything different from your ordinary Rom com yet it's in the delivery that Snafu shines.
Seriously how do they pull it off? No magic, no monster, no guns and no hot springs episodes. How can an anime like that survive in this day and age? I'll tell you why! The show has character , it understands the importance dramatic timing. Season 1 was more on the
light hearted side introducing us to our lovable characters but still have several poignant scenes underneath.
Season 2 was when things really started kicking into high gear, already well develop characters get even better while against high tension drama. What a snafu succeeds in whether you like it or not is subtlety.
It's doesn't like to tell what a characters true intentions are outright. It's like a puzzle, you are meant to pick out and piece together bits of it. From the Audio clues to visual clues and even so much of it is still a mystery. There are times when you feel like you got it then the show throws another curveball at you again. You are forced to pick up the pieces and start again.
I can understand how this kind of story telling can piss someone off but bear with me here the show is more than just pretentious. It's a rarity that a show can be heart warming by doing so little.
All in all, read watch and play all snafu material if there's one series that won't overstay it's welcome it's this one. The story is not over and I look forward for more to come.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Apr 30, 2015
Before reading this reviews, please keep in mind that I have an erratic way of scoring. SO THIS PROBABLY GONNA BE ME FANGASMING.
Story: 10/10
Just kidding, the humor is great especially if you like visual novels.The story is an epic tale of an otaku king conquering all the chicks with all the generic quirks while battling for the fate of world itself(this actually happens)
Art: 10/10
The girls look ok but what makes the manga is the art of the setting. It becomes a little no game no life at the end with strategy and shit. The transitional in art style reminds me of how erratically monogatari
changes scenes
Character: 10/10
Keima all the way. He's probably one of the most likable protags (besides soma).His wit and pure craziness is what drives the story forward. I'm sure everyone has their best girl(mine's chihiro) but they all pale in comparison to the one true god,KEIMA KATSURAGI.
Enjoyment: 10/10
I could watch keima in almost any kind of series whether it be in fighting devils, time travel or reviving goddesses. Oh wait that kinda already happens in the manga spoilersss...
Overall: 10/10
Read it now...
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Apr 30, 2015
I think it's good don't get your panties in a bunch. it doesn't build up to much but it's still really cute.
The best part of this manga are the probably the characters and their interactions
Horimiya is a simple romantic comedy. What's special about Horimiya is that it is a shoujo romcom without too much of the drama. It's really lighthearted without any dark or tragic themes(except for a little S & M LOL).
It get's right to the point and they hook up early so there is no fuss you have all your ships read to set sail and there is plenty of
sailing in this. It's has more similarities to a slice of life anime. There's not much much plot to spoil since it's "episodic" so i suggest you read it.
It has great art for the both the male and female characters for a shoujo. No over the top manservice which is good. ALL the characters look equally attractive which is rare for most manga and anime and is a sight for sore eyes. In fact i couldn't think of a single bad drawn character.
The characters interactions in this manga is above average. In the same light as the art,almost every characters have their standout moments which make them interesting and adorable to look at. The freindship in this manga is also pretty great which makes me a little envious about the girl talk and bromance that is going on.
A lot of you will probably enjoy this? Especially if you like a nice, refreshing, slice of life plus romance manga without all the annoying traits of a typical romance comedy. It's a highly enjoyable read and you would probably end up reading it several times to refill the urge for cute romance anime/manga( don't worry i'm one of those addicts).
Overall even though i am rating it 7 it 's a 10 for me. But hey i have a strange set of standards that is highly erratic. A feel good manga for days you feel down and probably the best romance manga i read to date.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 30, 2015
Before I begin this review, i would like to add that i probably will not do a review of the first season as the opinion of it is kinda already out there. Also i am not a heavy light novel reader so i am not too sure of the ittty bitty details.With that out of the way, on with the review!
Story: 7/10
Not to insensitive but i liked the death gun arc better than the mother rosairo and the excaliber one. Despite being just a game, gun gale online just feels a like a darker and grittier world (just a little) compared to alfiem and aincrad.
The pvp aspect of it makes it a lot more interesting making for a more focused and easier to follow story. There's a smaller number of characters which probably worked to show's benefit giving more development for some of it's characters which i will touch on later. The story in two of the arcs is pretty tragic but not clannad-level feels imo(a story for another time).
Art/Animation: 7/10
Not much to say but great production values that some of us feel can be used on a better show (ahem...log horizon). The stand out points are definitely the fights in the first arc.
Sound: 7/10
The is ost is okish, not bad, not great. I liked the first opening but i think that is subjective. Not as good as crossing fields unfortunately.
Characters: 7/10
I liked sinon quite a bit(probably just a fanboy lol). Her backstory is pretty cool like the ones you would see in those psychological anime but not super dark. Kirito is the same as usual, his good guy personality is great but he is still kinda hard to relate to especially on his ways in wooing girls( maybe i'm just jelly). The rest of the season one cast is pretty one dimensional besides asuna who gets more screen time this season. Yuuki is pretty generic character if you ignore the fact that she has aids.
The villains are the usual mysterious, stupid and demented. The other supporting cast are mostly just a face
Enjoyment: 7/10
I think this season is a big improvement from the first, add in a few more well developed characters and maybe a better protagonist then we'll be good.
Overall: 7/10
some of you might have preferred a higher score, some probably wondered why i ranked it so high compared to some the other shows i watched. It's a good show but it has really bad reputation. Hopefully anime can build upon what has been established here and we would get a really good show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 15, 2015
First manga review ( thought i would find something to fill that space up)
WARNING: This is a first impressions as the manga is still ongoing thus my opinion is not final(you can calm down now)
Like most guys when browsing at manga ,we pick up a manga with a cute moe moe kyun girl on the cover and go "Oh cool!"examining the contents without expecting much.
Maybe just cute girls doing cute things i dunno.
Story is pretty simple, it's about a young immortal witch girl finding her heart.
Think kino's journey with the annoying bike replaced with a lantern( cause every anime/manga/novel needs a talking
inanimate object) in fact Mika also share a lot of kino's personality and her philosophical nature.
If this was made into an anime it would called a classic but alas.
YOU SHOULD READ THIS and if you do i hope you enjoy yourself. Peace out
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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