Ah, I found the manhwa which I mentioned: Out of Control / Never Understand by Bboong. Its completed and I like it very much. :)
I know Kuroneko Kareshi, read a few of them but I am not sure which one. I participate in it, but have never done it before, I want to complete it with only BL's. I'm not sure that its possible, but will try it anyway. XD Are you doing it?
What are you working? I always bad at remembering people's workplace, birtplace and sometimes mix them with each other. Sorry.
Ah, I would became an engineer too I think but I'm not sure which one is the right word.
Yeah, its really hard, nothing can motivate them, although I'm trying... Its my firs year as a teacher, I think when I will have more experience I will get better at teaching too. At least I hope. There was a woman who was around 50 years old. The student made him quit after half a year... So I'm doing okay. :D
I like Snape more than the twins, in fact I dont like too much the Weasleys, if I have to choose my fav among them, i would go with Charlie. There are a few Charlie x Harry and Severus x Charlie fanfiction which I like very much, and he is a dragon tamer... :D One of the coolest job. :D XD If Percy would have died that really would be better but it would be the best if Ron would have died. I hate him soooo much, sorry, I know that you like him. I dont have a problem with Drarry, read many fanfictions with them, but never liked them so much like the others. Maybe because I dont like Draco - again, sorry. XD
I know about Blood Bank and Lover Boy but never read it, I like mangas more somehow and read only a few from manhwas. There was one which was completed, I cant remember the title but it was very good. There were a cool pink haired guy and one who was ugly(a little) they got together. And there was the cool guy's exclassmate with a burning on his face and this insane girl. Do you know this one?
I think that loving our work better than earning more too thats why I give up my first study at the university. I meant to be an architect but when i started I realised thats not what I want. Children idiots here too, moreover I am teaching in a high school which is like a collector of bad students. :| At least a few of them are normal. XD
I'm not too good at sports either but I like them. I would say I'm average. :D Wow, cheerleading, thats cool. Can you flip?
I dont agree with the two last book so I think as if these didnt even exist. XD I have many ships, but mostly gay ones. My favourites are - please dont hate me XD - Snape x Harry, Lucius x Harry, Voldemort (Tom) x Harry, Fenrir x Harry. I was sad about Alan Rickman too, he was my favourite actor from HP.
I read only a few manhwa, my fav is Here u are- Do you know it? And I dont like Killing Stalking - sorry if you do. Travelling is good, I would love that as a hobby but we are poor, so maybe once. If I win a lottery. XD Just I am not playing. Sadly my payment as a teacher wont be very high. XD But at least I will love my work. :D With the books I am the same... :D
Im planning to watch Shirayukihime, once I cleared my dropped and watching list, I can watch anything. XD
My PTW never got smaller, its always grownig. XD
Dont have too much free time sadly, but i can play badminton and volleyball at the university. Of course just as a hobby. But mostly i just watching anime or reading manga, and I have a weak spot for fanfiction. Not just for animes, my other large fandom is Harry Potter. I ship everyone with everyone. XD
Plus I like ice-skating, and i tried archery a few weeks ago. It.was cool. I liked drawing too but Im not too good, sadly. XD
What are your hobbies?
I always love the rare ships and mostly dislike the canon ones. XD Which one of them is the seme to you? I always thought that Viktor is one of the most feminine character in YOI, so if I read something with Victuri I prefer when he is the bottom one. Although if its Yurio x Yuuri, I like Yurio as a top. I imagine him something like this. (It was a fast searching, I couldnt find my fav photo from him, but its similar to this one, at least the long hair and his muscular body. XD)
If we talk about fantasy romance I think my favourite one would be Mahoutsukai no Yome. Have you seen it? For many years I didnt like romance animes, dont know why but then I watched the comedy Ore Monogatari! and I loved it so much, then I finished Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun too. These are very good. :)
Ah, I havent seen the first two anime you mentioned, but I'm planning to. XD Well I'm planning too much I think. :D I loved Wotaku, it was as if I have watched myself. XD
Mine is growing bigger too sadly... XD Dont hold in, add anything you want to your list, the more the better. :D
No way! I feel the same way. :D I'm glad that find someone who is thinking like me. :D
Oh, thats sad, I didnt know it.
Sometimes I ship other couples too but mostly guys. :D I havent watched Hakushaku to Yousei yet, I added it to my PTW. :D
I see BL ships everywhere. Do you have a favourite couple? You can say more than one. :D
Once I will finish my 2 thousand PTW list, once... Maybe at 99 years old I will shout out a YES! when I fulfilled it then die. XD
Sometimes I rewatch my favourite scenes, but I have too many other things to finish so I dont have time for the entire one. :D Who is your favourite character and ship from YoI?
I thought that the manga is finished. According to MAL it is.
I dont think that Junjou or Sekaiichi is realistic. :D In fact to me most of the shounen ais are average. Its okay but my big favourites dont come from this genre even though I love it very much.
Are you a shipper? I mean from not yaoi anime.
Thanks. Its really tiring, but soon I will only working. :D XD
Oh, congrat. Maybe once I will finish all of them too.
In fact I dont have so much free-time, I just spend my every free seconds with anime watching. XD Sometimes beetween my two periods when I am teaching or between my two lectures. I am in my last year at the university. I am working beside this.
I can totally agree that the waiting is not too good. Ah, I remember that I have watched at least ten times the first episode of YOI until the second one came out. :D
I have always knew that it will be sad, so I didnt start it on purpose. I hate dramas, especially when the ending is not happy.
If I have to choose one shounen ai I would go for Love Stage!, its a fluffy comedy. Although I know that the most popular ones are Junjou Romantica and Sekaiichi.... I just... I will say it... I cant tell from/apart each other the characters. XD And its so annoying. XD I love Sekaiichi Hatsukoi Movie: Yokozawa Takafumi no Baai, love this pair more than the main ones.
Ah, yeah, I started it with Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball but never finished them. I dont have any idea from which episode should I continue them so once I will have to restart from the beginning.
I feel the same way, AWC make me reborn, and yes I have almos two thousand animes on my PTW list. XD
I could finish the 2018 Challenge, it was my first from the MAL Official Challenges. :) I didnt put any restriction on it. I'm not sure that way I would ve able to finish it. :D Good luck for the challenge, with restriction its much harder.
I'm a teacher so yes, I watch it at the weekends too and most of the weekdays I got home before 5 pm so I can watch from the later afternoon to 10-11 pm. Sometimes its enough to finish a one-course anime.
Do you follow the seasonal animes?
Thanks for accepting it. :) I started watching anime hmmm about 10-12 years ago. But I only watched one or two per year. I had to concentrate on my studies. I'm not sure how detailed you can see my completed list but if you can sort them by Started Date you will see that most of my animes have been watched in 2018. The beginnig of 2018 I had 225 completed series and at the end of it I had 742. I have never counted this before. :D But it means that I watched 517 anime during 1 year. XD Anyway its just a number, many of them are movies, ovas or specials so its not so much. I watched many after I joined the Anime Watching Challenges club, I just love it so much. :D And I am working hard on my challenges, although my priority is the Official MAL Challenge now. Do you participate in the Official Challenge too? And when did you start watching anime? We are almost at the same year, I'm really glad that I met someone who is not a teenager. :D
none of that lol I prefer straight rum. jack daniels mostly and no i dont like to mix it with coke. I've tried mixing drinks but I feel like it strips the alcohol of it's taste.
All Comments (123) Comments
I know Kuroneko Kareshi, read a few of them but I am not sure which one. I participate in it, but have never done it before, I want to complete it with only BL's. I'm not sure that its possible, but will try it anyway. XD Are you doing it?
What are you working? I always bad at remembering people's workplace, birtplace and sometimes mix them with each other. Sorry.
Ah, I would became an engineer too I think but I'm not sure which one is the right word.
Yeah, its really hard, nothing can motivate them, although I'm trying... Its my firs year as a teacher, I think when I will have more experience I will get better at teaching too. At least I hope. There was a woman who was around 50 years old. The student made him quit after half a year... So I'm doing okay. :D
I know about Blood Bank and Lover Boy but never read it, I like mangas more somehow and read only a few from manhwas. There was one which was completed, I cant remember the title but it was very good. There were a cool pink haired guy and one who was ugly(a little) they got together. And there was the cool guy's exclassmate with a burning on his face and this insane girl. Do you know this one?
I think that loving our work better than earning more too thats why I give up my first study at the university. I meant to be an architect but when i started I realised thats not what I want. Children idiots here too, moreover I am teaching in a high school which is like a collector of bad students. :| At least a few of them are normal. XD
I dont agree with the two last book so I think as if these didnt even exist. XD I have many ships, but mostly gay ones. My favourites are - please dont hate me XD - Snape x Harry, Lucius x Harry, Voldemort (Tom) x Harry, Fenrir x Harry. I was sad about Alan Rickman too, he was my favourite actor from HP.
I read only a few manhwa, my fav is Here u are- Do you know it? And I dont like Killing Stalking - sorry if you do. Travelling is good, I would love that as a hobby but we are poor, so maybe once. If I win a lottery. XD Just I am not playing. Sadly my payment as a teacher wont be very high. XD But at least I will love my work. :D With the books I am the same... :D
Im planning to watch Shirayukihime, once I cleared my dropped and watching list, I can watch anything. XD
My PTW never got smaller, its always grownig. XD
Dont have too much free time sadly, but i can play badminton and volleyball at the university. Of course just as a hobby. But mostly i just watching anime or reading manga, and I have a weak spot for fanfiction. Not just for animes, my other large fandom is Harry Potter. I ship everyone with everyone. XD
Plus I like ice-skating, and i tried archery a few weeks ago. It.was cool. I liked drawing too but Im not too good, sadly. XD
What are your hobbies?
If we talk about fantasy romance I think my favourite one would be Mahoutsukai no Yome. Have you seen it? For many years I didnt like romance animes, dont know why but then I watched the comedy Ore Monogatari! and I loved it so much, then I finished Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun too. These are very good. :)
Ah, I havent seen the first two anime you mentioned, but I'm planning to. XD Well I'm planning too much I think. :D I loved Wotaku, it was as if I have watched myself. XD
Mine is growing bigger too sadly... XD Dont hold in, add anything you want to your list, the more the better. :D
Oh, thats sad, I didnt know it.
Sometimes I ship other couples too but mostly guys. :D I havent watched Hakushaku to Yousei yet, I added it to my PTW. :D
I see BL ships everywhere. Do you have a favourite couple? You can say more than one. :D
Once I will finish my 2 thousand PTW list, once... Maybe at 99 years old I will shout out a YES! when I fulfilled it then die. XD
I thought that the manga is finished. According to MAL it is.
I dont think that Junjou or Sekaiichi is realistic. :D In fact to me most of the shounen ais are average. Its okay but my big favourites dont come from this genre even though I love it very much.
Are you a shipper? I mean from not yaoi anime.
Thanks. Its really tiring, but soon I will only working. :D XD
In fact I dont have so much free-time, I just spend my every free seconds with anime watching. XD Sometimes beetween my two periods when I am teaching or between my two lectures. I am in my last year at the university. I am working beside this.
I can totally agree that the waiting is not too good. Ah, I remember that I have watched at least ten times the first episode of YOI until the second one came out. :D
I have always knew that it will be sad, so I didnt start it on purpose. I hate dramas, especially when the ending is not happy.
If I have to choose one shounen ai I would go for Love Stage!, its a fluffy comedy. Although I know that the most popular ones are Junjou Romantica and Sekaiichi.... I just... I will say it... I cant tell from/apart each other the characters. XD And its so annoying. XD I love Sekaiichi Hatsukoi Movie: Yokozawa Takafumi no Baai, love this pair more than the main ones.
Which one is your favorite?
I feel the same way, AWC make me reborn, and yes I have almos two thousand animes on my PTW list. XD
I could finish the 2018 Challenge, it was my first from the MAL Official Challenges. :) I didnt put any restriction on it. I'm not sure that way I would ve able to finish it. :D Good luck for the challenge, with restriction its much harder.
I'm a teacher so yes, I watch it at the weekends too and most of the weekdays I got home before 5 pm so I can watch from the later afternoon to 10-11 pm. Sometimes its enough to finish a one-course anime.
Do you follow the seasonal animes?
I took a screenshot and it's in this link. http://prntscr.com/lgi87g