Wow XD
I forgot to reply to you XD
Sorry to leave yeh hanging for so long >W<
I'm watching pretty much everything, my favourite is RE:Zero, how about you?
How's things going for yeh?
Monthly Anime Club Announcement
Due to some complications, we have to change how we handle our Newsletter slightly. So now we have a thread to sign up for our Newsletter to receive a notifications when it comes out. Click this link to visit the sign up thread for more info:
Good luck in what you're doing you look like you have a long road ahead >W<
If you wanna chat about anything feel free to pick my bone, I'm always happy to chat ^w^
Thanks for the reply. My favourite character died and I felt the show slowing down. But I also think I was just watching too much that season and it was a bit of a struggle to get through the episodes. I'll watch it at some point then :)
Hey, I was on a thread a few days ago and you mentioned Kiseijuu. I ended up dropping it at episode 16, how good does it get and is it worth finishing? Thanks
I wanted to do a similar course, but it was a new course that the teachers were still deciding on, they weren't sure if anyone would do it, so I didn't know if the course was available, but it turns out it was and the places are now full.
Now I just draw diagrams and help my friend with ideas (the does that course I wanted to) and I can only take pride in the fact that I helped him get good grades rather than be getting good grades ;w;
I love architecture and graphic design >W<
I wish I never did art... I was told I could easily get better grades in design tech, and it was a subject I really liked.
I actually help my friends who do the course draw the diagrams for their products, it's really fun ^w^
But my school messed up and gave me business/Economics instead, which I got an A in but did NOT enjoy .-.
Wow thanks! >w<
I don't consider my self that good. I try not to reference much because I want to learn how to draw from imagination which is apparently pretty hard , I thought all artist drew from imagination until recently when I was told like probably 10% do XD
My heads are too big and my creases are random. I have art classes in school, but in the UK art classes are pretty much you doing what you can, not learning how to draw. I spend most my time writing about artist and the meaning of my work than I do drawing XD
AAAAAANNNNNNNDDDDD... *takes a deep breathe* ..DDDDDDDDDD Who might you be fair.... *checks profile* Lady? ... hmmmm let's say fair "Trap" for now ;[
So... Who might you be fair trap? Has thy come to make and allegiance with thee, the king of Traps? (well I'm not a trap... but people thing I am even though it say "Male" on my profile >w<)
*loosens tie, slumps back with his arms around the back of his chair and sighs while facing to his right and crossing his legs*
Let's get this role paly over with =w=
Hi. Nice to meet you, I hope we can be friends.
All Comments (20) Comments
I forgot to reply to you XD
Sorry to leave yeh hanging for so long >W<
I'm watching pretty much everything, my favourite is RE:Zero, how about you?
How's things going for yeh?
Due to some complications, we have to change how we handle our Newsletter slightly. So now we have a thread to sign up for our Newsletter to receive a notifications when it comes out. Click this link to visit the sign up thread for more info:
Good luck in what you're doing you look like you have a long road ahead >W<
If you wanna chat about anything feel free to pick my bone, I'm always happy to chat ^w^
Now I just draw diagrams and help my friend with ideas (the does that course I wanted to) and I can only take pride in the fact that I helped him get good grades rather than be getting good grades ;w;
I love architecture and graphic design >W<
I actually help my friends who do the course draw the diagrams for their products, it's really fun ^w^
But my school messed up and gave me business/Economics instead, which I got an A in but did NOT enjoy .-.
I don't consider my self that good. I try not to reference much because I want to learn how to draw from imagination which is apparently pretty hard , I thought all artist drew from imagination until recently when I was told like probably 10% do XD
My heads are too big and my creases are random. I have art classes in school, but in the UK art classes are pretty much you doing what you can, not learning how to draw. I spend most my time writing about artist and the meaning of my work than I do drawing XD
So... Who might you be fair trap? Has thy come to make and allegiance with thee, the king of Traps? (well I'm not a trap... but people thing I am even though it say "Male" on my profile >w<)
*loosens tie, slumps back with his arms around the back of his chair and sighs while facing to his right and crossing his legs*
Let's get this role paly over with =w=
Hi. Nice to meet you, I hope we can be friends.