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Dec 30, 2024
Hidamari Sketch is an anime that focuses around the high schoolers daily activities around the Hidamari Apartments.
The anime starts off very rough, and I did drop the anime after 4 minutes and took me more than a month to get back to. The first season is what I would call an animated magazine, with realistic objects often blending in the highly cartoonish with polka dots background often lingering around the anime, so what makes the anime special to the point it has 60 episodes counting the OVAs/Specials?
The characters are very distinct and entertaining to watch without being overbearing and one dimensional, with Yuno being the
seemingly innocent one but still has grit, Miyako a boorish airheaded and goofy neighbor/classmate that is still kind and considerate of others, Sae the seemingly mature and working senior with flaws when it comes to caring for herself, and Hiro the mother figure of the 4 that has plenty insecurities of her own alongside the side characters of Yoshinoya-Sensei the perverted teacher that genuinely cares for her students and many others.
Purely talking about the first season, while the art overall is rough and feels very experimental it still has great qualities when it comes to background OSTs that are used for multiple seasons and wonderful VA performance with the comedy in it either being amusing or just hilarious.
I wrote this review with the other seasons in mind, I did finish the series a week ago and it is for me the best SoL that revolves around realistic scenarios with the manga still having a very similar feel to the anime since Ume Aoki is involved in both anime and manga. It seems like an excuse but the anime does get better after this season, MUCH better on all aspects including writing and art direction(no more mixing realistic objects and background characters have detail now), and mainly the animation where it gets a huge upgrade that it could rival nichijou a bit.
It also has some fan service moments where they are often nude in them but I'm surprised how tame and innocent they feel so huge props to the studio.
Overall it's a very fantastic series, the first season is potatoes compared to season 2 and onwards but with 3 seasons and 10 specials it makes up for the quality that it lacked. It's unfortunate how underrated the series is despite being made by a well-known studio with the amount of content that it has, it's definitely a golden standard in the SoL genre.
I'm giving this season a 7.6/10, the characters and overall direction make up for the quality of the first season and I'm glad the final few episodes of season 1 and onwards to the final season the anime is given great care and proper treatment up until the end. Highly recommended if you enjoy any SoL content in general because it is simply a fantastic series with mostly lighthearted moments and some touching ones.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 23, 2024
Minami-Ke Okawari is the 2nd season of the series and with a studio change there's plenty changes that are apparent from the start.
Tl;Dr : Jump straight to EP8 if you want a more similar vibe to the first season.
The first change that you'll see is the art, the characters are changed into a more generic anime look with very distinct features to differentiate themselves from others, such as Haruka's eyes having a red color, Chiaki's hair has a fade color and the strand is animated and more that screams "hey we are the important characters" + the unimportant characters have blacked out skin. The
surrounding area is more realistic and is also more metropolitan with the apparent tall buildings around + Haruka's high school felt like a completely different building.
The story is also formatted differently, can't really comment much since if I'm being frank the plot of the first 7 episodes are very forgettable and very boring while at the same time try really hard at the entertainment aspect in more ways than one. The reason why I mention only the first 7 episodes is because they are different than the rest of the episodes moving forward and I'll tell you why.
The obnoxious fan service, I usually just shrug it off but the fan service shown here just felt wrong since the fan service is straight up just the characters being nude, and worst of all the majority of them are targeted towards Chiaki, previously it would only revolve around Haruka and Hoshino's suggestive poses but this time they really need to push the fan service really hard.
The characters also felt very out of character, Haruka becomes mean, Chiaki is just the straight man to Kana's shenanigans, Touma is just boy, Makoto is just girl, Uchida's stupid, and the people that I see still maintain their established mannerisms were the middle-schoolers. The kid that they introduced are very forgettable and there's no sights of Touma's brothers.
The only reason why it's not a straight up "Not Recommended" is only because the remaining episodes starting from episode 8 are very watchable, while they still maintain the art and all, the characters revert back to their usual selves and there's an interesting plot happening that pays off in the end alongside the lack of fan service which is actually great to see
Overall, this season is a half disaster and the fact that the 2nd half is very different from the 1st half shows that they made a mistake along the way, because the 2nd half is genuinely a great watch if you enjoyed the previous season, it's just the 1st half is a bastardized version of what existed, almost felt like Chiaki told Haruka to complain about the quality(season 1 tv gag, highly missed) and asread did change it for the better.
I'm giving this one a 5.3/10, skip the first 7 episodes if you liked the vibes of the 1st season and the rest are worth the watch if you want more of Minami-ke, I'd give episode 8 and onwards a pretty solid 7.8/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Sep 17, 2024
Minami-Ke is a fun and simple anime that shows 3 school girls that are in 3 different school ages living in one roof, with one being the parent of the family and the two younger siblings usually head butts at each other.
The general art of the anime is a timeless one, looks great and gives of a similar homey vibes like in earlier Doraemon. The design of the main and supporting characters are made to blend with the rest of the nameless/non-main characters but are still recognizable by themselves.
The comedy of the story is a bit of a hit and a miss, the gags are
consistent but there's some memorable ones in shape of TV Segments that they watch together on the living room. The dynamic and chemistry of the characters gels pretty well especially the 3 main sisters, but not a lot of depth when it comes to the many characters themselves. There's also a tiny bit amount of fan service thrown around but thankfully it's mostly reserved for Haruka and her weird but attractive admirer and it's not the revealing kind(I mention this because the 2nd season is brutal with the fan service, and it involves almost everybody).
Overall the anime(1st season) is basic and innocent at it's core, plenty of attempts of comedy but it's main strength at least for me is the things that the girls do on their daily basis and the overall relaxing vibe that the anime gives that is complemented with how the characters and the general area is drawn alongside it's calming soundtrack.
I'm giving it a 7.8/10, the anime is great if you want to watch a SOL CDCGT anime with not a lot happening reminisence of Non-Non Biyori/Lucky Stars.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 6, 2024
Yuru Camp/Laid-Back camp is a very relaxing and an almost conflict free anime without having a single stress bone getting rattled.
The first season of Yuru Camp is a general introduction to the characters and camping in general, the anime being focused around Nadeshiko and Rin. The camping times are very relaxing and is accompanied by the beautiful scenery surrounding the camp, the calming music being played, the general relaxing noise of the area, and the food being cooked(this is the climax of every camping arc).
The overall art of the anime is really great, the characters design are unique in more ways than one and although
the animation is a bit choppy, it's saved by how beautiful the surrounding area usually looks, almost like a Bob Ross painting at times but it still blends in nicely with the characters.
The show does have plenty of gags that are reoccuring even by season 3 that are just cute and lighthearted to make the anime not looking like a CGDCT camping gear and tourism ad(it still kind of is), while the show's pace is very slow it still has moments where it does have entertaining bits to not make it entirely monotonous.
Overall the anime is like a nature camping documentary but with high school girls, there's pretty much no drama involved and just very minor conflicts (apart from the 1st episode) that are easily resolved with patience from the girls.
I'm giving this one an 8.1/10, it's very relaxing, light, and most importantly laid-back.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Aug 31, 2024
This anime is pretty much a CDCGT anime but remove the 2nd C and the 1st C accordingly with plenty of unpredictable crude humor reminiscent of adult swim cartoons and you got Asobi Asobase.
Asobi Asobase's main premise is just girls doing things to pass the time (hence the club name pastimers club), boring but what makes it great is how they do the activities to pass the time because even the activities itself are fairly innocent.
The story is good, nothing too spectacular but the biggest strength is the characters way of delivering lines that sometimes make you concerned for their health with how over the
top the screams are, the comedy in the anime are often off-color jokes that are often delivered by the main cast themselves but sometimes also the men in the show which is quite a choice since there's almost no male characters of the same age, fortunately the reactions of the girls are proportionate to what the older male characters would say so it wouldn't be too uncomfortable to laugh at.
The art of the anime is pretty good, my only gripe is that it's too bright "oh you can just turn down your screen brightness silly!!" I do that and now it looks washed. The scenes at the night looks like it would hold up for 2024 but the day-time scenes are something to say the least.
Overall the anime is quite fun to watch, the humor would probably put off many people (with good reason) and the voice work is the show's biggest strength for me that made the show from just okay to hilarious.
I'm giving this one a 7.8/10, kinda reminds me of Smiling Friends but packaged into a cutesy Japanese school girls theme.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Aug 28, 2024
Nichijou is a comedy SOL anime at its core with a very unique and ridiculous way of showing the lifes of the characters in the anime, sometimes mundane but often insane.
The anime while having 6 main characters, it's side characters has plenty of personality and depth to the point where even it's background characters are unique and given scenes that make the world of nichijou more lively despite it's limited world building. The voice acting performance of the characters are also very good and sometimes you can hear them just having a blast in some scenes (the male teacher being one of them).
It has a
plot that are a lot of the times are just mundane things with a side of romance here and there, the episodes are seperated by several segments such as Nichijou(main plot, usually), Helvetica Standard(absurd skits), Love-Like(pure wholesome stuff), and other segments that I either forgot or ones that explore other characters story or just random shorts that contain the characters in the show.
The animation and art is special to say the least, going all out over getting bitten by a dog, hit by a book, or just overall violence(there's plenty in here, slapstick kind) really amplifies the gags being made. The standard animation of the anime is also just nice to look at, very fluid and holds up probably forever.
Overall the anime is quite hilarious, a lot of gags that are sometimes in your face and sometimes are subtle, my only gripe is that there's less of the main 3 high school girls because they're definitely the most entertaining part of the show without a doubt.
I'm giving this one an 8.9/10, recommended and highly rewatchable since the timeline doesn't move so far and a lot of the gags in the show are quite memorable with a solid cast of its dozens of characters.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Aug 23, 2024
K-On!! is the 2nd season of the anime and it pretty much adds more of what was seen in the previous season but with the added dread of the seniors of the club graduating that is apparent from the first few episodes of the 2nd season. There's more of tea and cakes, more of music, more of the cast just interacting and doing extra stuff that includes the school and not just the club itself to make it more lively.
While the 1st season's timeline goes fairly fast, the 2nd season takes advantage of all the episodes to bake something that leads towards to the graduation
of the clubs seniors, with a whole lot more development in many ways plus their faces look less moe and more mature as time goes on to set the tone on what's about to come.
The 2nd season overall is still as faithful as ever when it comes to the CGDCT genre to fill the light atmosphere up, and with the addition of Azusa from the 1st season's last few episodes it's even better with their dynamic working just perfectly and just amusing to watch. For the music I find the 2nd season music addition to be a significant improvement over the 1st, with an expansion to Speed Metal(wish it was thrash) from the club advisor's past.
It explores a lot of storylines that are fun to follow, pretty much amplifies what was seen in the previous season for the better. And look I'm gonna tell you one thing and I'm not ashamed to say it, this anime is the most emotionally devastating one I've watched so far(I have completed clannad as of writing this), probably because it hit too close to home and was delivered in a very realistic way on it's final few episodes.
I'm giving this one an 8.8/10. If you enjoy the 1st season of K-On, the 2nd season is a massive improvement with double the episodes and it might give you the feels that will last one and a half week even after finishing everything about the main storyline including the mangas that revolve around them....not that I would relate or anything.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Aug 23, 2024
K-On's first season is a straight forward anime that is pretty much the epitome of the CGDCT genre of anime, as far as I can remember a lot of the stuff is usually just the girls just hanging out and the music stuff becomes secondary. Even with that, it is surprisingly very enjoyable since the interactions come with a lot of entertainment from the slight exaggerations and all.
The first season of K-On really doesn't give a lot apart from the conflicts that were resolved minutes later but with that the 2nd season gives more of everything, from plot progression, interactions, adventures, music, and all the
way to underlining dread of the inevitable, but for now the 1st season is fairly light and nothing too serious.
The characters despite having more or less the same face shapes (Ritsu with her hair down could be mistaken for Yui and Azusa mistaken for Mio) are very distinct with how they are designed and their personalities. The voices are very well acted and distinct where it matches them very well.
It's a great anime if you want to watch something that is very light hearted and fun, the moe stuff might be too much for people but I just found it to be just right despite avoiding the anime like a plague for years thanks to some of its fans.
I'm giving this one an 8.1/10, a great starter to its 2nd season since it's half of the length.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Aug 23, 2024
Lucky Star is a sitcom packaged into an anime with high school girls, on the surface it does look too cutesy but as time goes on it did get endearing and flows well with what the anime is trying to show.
The writing is pretty good, the interactions between characters are very amusing to follow and listen to. The characters in the show starts off small, but it gradually grows as episodes goes on and it does improve the show. The plot of the anime is more or less day-to-day stuff, where after certain scenes of mundane stuff, it skips time to other mundane stuff
that is happening on the show in a relaxed and calm manner.
The characters in the show are all fun even the ones that are bordering criminal (Konata's dad) with having plenty of personality and energy even from the ones that are shown to be lazy like the daughter (Konata). The designs are distinct enough that you'll know who's who despite 2 characters being twins.
The only downside to the anime(personally) despite having an existent timeline there was really nothing truly going on with the plot, almost gives it an endless summer vibe where nothing really grows. Don't expect much in terms of progress to the plot because unfortunately, there's not many.
Despite the downside, it's still a good watch, I just wish there was more going on since the characters really do have potential to grow but there wasn't any, and the characters only expand as the episodes keep shrinking. Plus points for the end segment of Lucky Channel, there's actual plot progression in there up until the end and worth the extra minutes.
I'm giving this one 7.4/10, it's okay and there's plenty of moments to come back to but not a whole lot of things to look back apart from some gems on the show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Aug 23, 2024
Azumanga Daioh out of all anime is the one that made me a classified weeb, I've watched plenty before and they simply didn't click for years until several weeks ago I decided to watch this one because of a random clip of Tomo berating Osaka over trivial stuff.
The anime is pretty much a comedy CGDCT with plenty of slapstick humor, follows a group of high schoolers sometimes just doing mundane stuff so it's grounded and you can connect with the characters just fine. All of the girls (students and teachers) have very distinct personalities with only one person in the group being kind of
normal while the rest are very unique to say the least + Kaorin somewhat floating around. The writing for dialogues feels very natural even with the imminent slaps(actual) coming and it just feels like people talking and not characters speaking a line.
It's a comfy anime, very rewatchable and besides one character(k*mura) and a couple of jokes it still holds up very well even after more than 2 decades after it ended. Highly recommended if you want to watch something light, chill, and overall wholesome with some jokes that are quite absurd at times, but still hilarious. Thanks to this anime I decided to watch plenty of similar animes/mangas and I've had a wonderful time.
I'm giving this an 8.3/10, but to round it up I'll just give it an 8.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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