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Tasokare Hotel
Tasokare Hotel
Mar 22, 7:45 AM
Completed 12/12 · Scored -
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Elf-san wa Yaserarenai.
Elf-san wa Yaserarenai.
Apr 1, 2021 6:17 AM
Reading -/56 · Scored -
Jul 15, 2020 1:50 AM
Reading 122/190 · Scored -
Jul 14, 2020 5:06 AM
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taishel Jul 22, 2014 10:32 AM
>>Женщина! С Днем Рождения!!! :)

>>ПС что там со скалодромом?)) не жочешь рамен попробовать?
Скалодром все еще не найден))) Как насчет того, чтобы сходить туда в первые выходные сентября? (в августе у меня отпуск - у вас что-то подобное на работе есть?)
рамен одобряем)) недавно кушала в "япоше" супчик с яйцом, водорослями и пельменями гедза и всячески рекомендую))) Аня мне еще Муракамэ рекламит))

>>Я тоже хочу командировки!!!))))
>>В Амстеодам/Брюссель
А почему именно туда?))
taishel Jul 12, 2014 3:58 AM
>>почему gits у тебя в статусе просмотрен хотя просмотрен 16 серий?
я его пересматриваю (уж четыреста лет как), так что чтобы не забыть, где остановилась)))
taishel Jul 12, 2014 3:57 AM
ты вернулась? домой ездила или куда-нибудь отдыхать?

(а я ездила в командировку в Китай, потом к нам пришарашились японцы, тучу людей из офиса увольняют, зп урезали, всякий ужас творится(((()
taishel May 15, 2014 11:54 AM
Таня, давай на Харлока в 11.20 в Университи в эту сб?
taishel May 15, 2014 11:49 AM
Ур-ра! Загул-загул-загул! В сб? я тебе напишу на телефон, хорошо?)))
taishel May 6, 2014 12:21 PM
Таня, привет!
Ты сейчас в Мск? пойдем в кино на "Харлока", когда он в прокате будет? и потом куда-нибудь в загул, а то новости про твой академ меня как-то шокировали, так что подробностей каких-то хочется, подробностей!
taishel Feb 12, 2014 10:37 AM
ААААААААААААААААААААААА, У МЕНЯ СТО(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) ЭПИЗОДОВ КУСКА НЕ ОТСМОТРЕНО, ААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААА!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
taishel Feb 12, 2014 10:34 AM
Я все еще верю, что когда-нибудь весной ты оттащишь меня на скалодром)))

У вас сессия стандартно в июне будет?))
Niiniberry Jul 23, 2013 3:40 PM

please come and join Anime Alliance Club : )

also we're badly in need of new recruits
interested? apply here

Thanks a lot for listening and have a nice day!

-Elly--chwan Jun 17, 2013 9:05 AM
Would you like to join ??
jjpak119 Apr 20, 2013 7:51 PM
okay :p just add me on skype (jjpak119)
jjpak119 Apr 12, 2013 11:11 PM
Hey, sorry I've been a bit lazy with replying to comments XD wanna chat up on skype or something?
jjpak119 Apr 5, 2013 12:46 AM
Break a leg? It usually means "Have fun out there or Good luck"

You and I are the same LOL! I used to have a good imagination when I was a child and I would draw everything! Now, I'm into numbers because simply its straight forward. Not for girls? XD well that's the beauty of it. You do something unsuspecting and that is impressive :)

I am also in my last year of study (computer information systems) so I do programming but i havent decided exactly what I will want to go into because there are tons of fields.
I am filipino and chinese. I was born in the Philippines and moved to America at age 7, where I forgot how to speak my language Tagalog. I can still try to speak it now (im 21 now) but its VERY hard, although I can understand it easily. Chinese, I dont know anything about that XD

OOH and I finished Suzuka! what did u think about it?
jjpak119 Mar 28, 2013 5:31 PM
AHAHA! SAME! I did that before too, and I was like ARRRG MY WORK! Yes, you are a hero :) so gj typing it again, you should be proud lol.

Nana was really fun to watch. It's like realistic and very unique. It's my first time watching a punk theme anime. Nana's band is awesome. Love her songs. K-On I can't even go past episode 1 lol... doesn't mean I don't like it. It's just that I need romance and drama for the moment.

Lucky Star? XD I have to watch it first. MIMIMI lol cute.

Itazura na kiss. I understand you clearly. I also hate the male lead LOL. He is smart but very blunt. I don't like how he treats her bad, then later does ONE small thing and everything seems to be all right. THEN, he makes her cry again by ignoring her and making her jealous >.> He never shows her how much he loves him and always tends to move away instead of staying by her side. I like the anime overall because I enjoyed the sweet moments and yeah LOL even though we hate them, we still keep watching.

By the way, what do you mean by grass? =.='
And so you're a drawer/graphic artist?

I saw Sankarea already lol. It is only one series but I hope for a second season. I like Rea-chan. She's very cute and adorable >3<

Honey and Clover, the characters look a bit weird. I don't's something. I will try it though, as well as all your other recommendations. I am currently looking at reviews for them :P thanks for giving it to me.

Tokyo Marble Chocolate looks REALLY interesting! HAha I will let you know when I will start watching it. It's a movie right? and 2 OVA

HAHA I enjoyed reading your "2nd" post :P since ur first got deleted hahaha. Sorry about that x) and sorry for replying so late. I've been busy and have not gotten any sleep the past few days. Don't need to apologize for your dictionary. I think it's good enough. What's your original language? Tell me more about yourself :P Work, yes. Tons of work for me too LOL. Good job. MESSAGE COMPLETE :)
jjpak119 Mar 26, 2013 11:34 AM
haha as long as i understand :P

Paradise Kiss, I haven't looked into yet. What is it about? The character art/theme looks a lot like Nana.

Lovely Complex is definitely a comedy haha. Yes I've seen that (both anime and movie!) I enjoyed it to the fullest. There is some drama in there though when she becomes sad and gives up on him.

Ouran...yeah I don't know. It scared me the first episode already LOL.. I tried lucky star too. it's really cute but i don't know if I can stand it XD same with k-on. I am looking for constant romance/drama XD because I enjoy the feels hahaha.

Toradora! I've seen it and L O V E D it! Every character was awesome. I kept switching back and forth between minori and see which one I would like to end up with ryuuji. also I loved itazura na kiss! EXCEPT i HATE HATE HATE the male lead. He sucks! He treats her so bad, THEN comes back and does ONE little thing to make her really happy...then treats her bad again.

They all revolve around each other and I enjoy the romance/drama aspects of it.

Kareshi Kanojo is really old. The art is awful :( and even though I care more about the story, this one though I don't know.. I look at it for a minute then I get discouraged to watch haha. Also, loved maid sama. There wasn't a lot of romance, but the comedy is cool. Misaki is a pure tsundere and I love these kinds of characters, especially when they show their cute side x3x

and ur reading veb-manhwa cheese manga? I mostly just watch anime on my free time. Recently, I got tired of watching harem and unrealistic reaction/moods so I looked up more animes and ended up watching Suzuka which is definitely what caught my attention the most and is now my most favorite romance/drama anime! :)
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