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ToG25thBaam May 24, 2020 2:54 PM
yepp I really enjoy romance that allows their relationship to slowly develop over the years. If I am to be frank about it, developed romance can kind of be boring. It's the process of getting to fall in love with one another that is fascinating to me. This is why I don't mind Shuurei taking her time to first get a try-out in her career before thinking about the other love stuffs, but in the mean time Ryuuki is definitely trying to woo her, and we can all see she's slowly falling in love with Ryuuki xD

Usually I prefer reading un-developed romance more but have you read High School Debut before? It's one of the classics, and I absolutely adore the relationship between Yoh and Haruna. I don't know why is it, maybe it's the art, or maybe it's the characters, but I really like Kawahara Kazune's writing style.

I am probably going to watch La Corda today! I've just caught up with NPOT manga so I am set haha. On topic of NPOT though the manga has gotten very, very weird since the last time I read it.. A bit disappointing Ryoma jumped ship from the US team back to Japan team though, I thought Ryoma's US team vs Japan team might be more interesting.. also sad Ryoga left the US team as well, would've liked a brother vs brother match too.. I just checked the latest raw chapter (299) and at least we finally get to see Tezuka play!

hahaha I totally agree. Jyuusan-hime definitely made Shuurei jealous. I love the plotline when there's another party that comes in and make the guy/girl jealous and realize their own feelings! It's one of my favorite trope in romance anime XD

Yep, The Beginning After The End is an action fantasy webtoon. It's one of my favorite to read in recent years.

Oh I see.. yep definitely hear "you're a shota" far lesser than "chibisuke" (lol this is how Ryoga calls Ryoma xD) or "lolicon!"

Yeah it's the game not the anime hahaha I've been playing the game and read some manhua/webtoon in the meanwhile. Didn't really watch much anime other than maybe catching up with Douluo Dalu. Going to watch La Corda soon though, I am pumped!

I agree. Harem nowadays all feel the same. If you notice, in my favorite character list, I have Katou Megumi as one of my favorite, because she's fairly unique in a harem setting. Even though Saenai is quite generic as a whole, Katou makes the series somewhat interesting. We definitely need more unique characters and scenarios. Need less high school, maybe more historical setting like SaiMono.. I love watching historical anime, maybe that's because we weren't born in that era, but I always find it fascinating to know more about the previous era, like the Edo period, time periods like Kuroshitsuji, SaiMono, or Gintama, instead of just modern high school.

I feel the same as you most of the time, I rarely drop anime, and if it's 12 episodes series, I will just finish watching it usually, sometimes it's not that bad.. but I remember dropping anime like Goblin Slayer because it's just very bad and edgy lol cannot bring myself to watch another episode of it.

Is Fushigi Yuugi worth watching again? Is the ending good? I want to try to watch it again someday.

I will check out the other manga titles that you name one day xD

Yep Vampire Juujikai is very good, I don't know if the entire series was tragic but it's 100% worth reading imo. The protagonist is awesome, and the supporting characters are all very well developed too, and it's only 44 chapters long, very easy to finish.

OMGGG you have no idea how happy I am to hear that Lulu is still alive!! I want to watch this very badly now! It's been 10 years I think since I've watched Code Geass season 1 and 2. Do you think I could watch the trilogy recap movies and then watch Fukkatsu no Lelouch, without watching R1 and R2 again?
edit: wait nooo, why does it say Lelouch is deceased in the wikia page. :(

Alright will do!

I have not watched Kimetsu no Yaiba. Kimetsu no Yaiba is Demon Slayer right? I want to watch that too but there's many series I want to finish first before I start a new one xD. La Corda, few more romance anime, 7DS, Magi, D Gray Man, etc. So many to watch and read lol
ToG25thBaam May 23, 2020 4:01 AM
I totally agree with you regarding hinted romance, I feel the same way! Little gesture like Ryuuki kissing Shuurei in the forehead iirc when she was sick is toooooo cute. That's pretty much how I feel about Skip Beat too, even though they didn't confess early on, but you can feeeeeeeeel the love in the air haha, and then when something happens between them, a little bit tease, you can't help but feel something. You know what happened between Kyoko and Ren right, around chapter 70. When Kyoko went over to Ren's house when he was sick, and then Ren ended up falling on Kyoko when she was on the ground, pinned her on the ground and made her heart doki doki.. Moments like this is why I love romance even though there's a lot of teases, though I understand people if they prefer the main characters to get together early in the story, but I like the whole "we're doing this when we're not couple yet??" scenarios hehehe *blush* I am ashamed lol

You finished SaiMono so quick. I was trying to finish up a series before I respond, but it ended up taking so long lol. Maybe I watch anime/read manga too slowly haha

Yunoki Azuma, huh. He's not the main character of the show right? I am actually about to start watching the series after this, or maybe 1 more series before I get to La Corda.

Yaa in otome game or visual novel the routes you pick are based on your decision but I don't like that there are another option, make the story/ship less canon, that's how I feel. Imagine if there's a SaiMono otome game, and then there's another route where Shuurei ended up with another guy.. that would be so wrong lol

omg boku no pico.. >.>.. I also tried to watch it because of all the memes about it.. but.. that's so weird. Definitely not a series you want people to know you've watched hahahah. For me chibi is like miniature characters, shota is just shota haha. I recently finished reading an awesome reincarnation story called "The Beginning After The End", the main protagonist is a shota and he's awesome. Do you know about this series?

Yep yep that's why. I still like Yukimura a lot though. I almost forgot about Shiraishi, his catchphrase is nice. I also like that he's quite chill too. Because I've been searching up Prince of Tennis ost on youtube, youtube keeps recommending me NPOT videos now lol I watched a few and really want to read the manga again now. You said the manga stopped?

Haven't started on 7DS yet, I was reading another series earlier haha.

Same, I try to not rely on MAL ratings because their ratings are usually just popular votes, and shonen / harem type of anime usually get the most love. Shoujo-ish is always rated low, I don't know why people watch shoujo if they don't like it and rate it low. It's sad to see. What do you think of shoujo anime? I feel like this genre of anime might be dying, there's so little shoujo anime in recent years. :( I still want High School Debut to be animated.

As for review, I'd loveeeeee to write review, but my English vocabulary is very limited. I'd love to bring more attention to my favorite series and get people to try it out, that's why a lot of times I am in the recommendation forum on MAL, giving people recommendation of 90's or 2000's, or even early 2010's anime that many people have forgotten! But writing review? I am not creative or eloquent enough for that hahah.

Do you know some reverse harem isekai stories? I tried Fushigi Yuugi long time ago but didn't manage to finish it. I plan on watching it again though eventually. It's one of the classics. There's a lot of isekai story now.

I also spoiled myself about Pandora Hearts, I heard it's very heartbreaking.. but sometimes good stories are ironically tragic, like Vampire Juujikai. Have you read this series? It's very amazing. I definitely would also recommend reading Pandora Hearts though, and maybe when you do, you can tell me so we can read along together haha. I am definitely interested in reading that series too.

I've watched a few reverse harem,
Kamigami no Asobi
Arcana Famiglia
Hanasakeru Seishounen
Akatsuki no Yona

I am probably missing a few others because of MAL search function..

Yep I remember that series, I bookmarked it but haven't read it yet. Is it a romance? I might read it soon if it is haha. What is the other isekai one that you found?

Lol, I actually don't remember a character named ShiKou in SaiMono, I've only seen that series once before so my memory is a bit vague on many things. I will re-watch it eventually thoughh can't wait for that!

I sympathize with you.. romance anime today is kind of weak :(

I see, I didn't really catch that moment in Code Geass. For Suzaku, I remember when I was watching CG back then, he was very hypocritical, and he's deadset on going against Lulu even though he doesn't have good reasoning for his decisions. It's sad because Lelouch thought they were friends. Talking about Code Geass makes me sad.. because of the ending.. it killed my heart when I saw the ending. :'( I haven't watch any of the new series outside of the original Code Geass season 1 and 2. Is Akito good? Are any of the movies good? Can you spoil me about Lelouch, if he's actually dead or is he still alive after the ending of Code Geass season 2.. I want him to stay alive and maybe find someone to be with to pass his remaining days in peace.

Thank you, that's so nice haha is this phone size? I would love to make this my phone's wallpaper lol.

Also yeah never download from kissanime, I heard the site is quite virus infected. A lot of anime sites have virus because of all the ads.
ToG25thBaam May 17, 2020 9:33 AM
Yea I think I will just wait until it finishes. Every time I surf a manga site and see Tower of God being recommended, I am so tempted to catch up to it, but I think I will just wait for the anime to finish, then watch it, and then reread the webtoon starting from season 2 onward!

Yep but I rarely do that nowadays. I'd like to do that but my laptop is running low on space :( I wish I have infinite space so I can remember all the amazing anime OST I've heard. I still have some saved though, went to listen to them just a while ago, like the Persona song, "Burn My Dread", it reminds me of all the funny comments about it xD

Yeah I am really in need of a good romance anime, I haven't watch or read any romance in so long already. I've watched True Tears, it was good and it also pulled my heart string a little bit. I didn't really like Koi to Uso and Kuzu no Honkai. The others I haven't seen yet. I will probably watch all of those now haha, maybe after La Corda d'Oro. I think you've mentioned this series to me before right? I just remembered this series all of the sudden. It's a good time to start watching it! Thank you for all the recommendation!

Nope, I have never played Otome game before. Visual novel is not my thing sadly. I tried playing some but I didn't get far hahaa lol I think I usually prefer it when there's 1 definite ending instead of having a choice to choose my own ending.. this is probably also why I didn't enjoy reading fanfiction because the story is not 'canon' or real. Am I weird?

shota is definitely used but there's way lesser shota anime compared to loli anime, maybe that's why you haven't seen it much. I enjoy having shota protagonist too. I recently read a very good shota manhwa, it's called The Beginning After The End. Have you heard of it?

Yaya, I think that is it. I don't remember very well because it's been a while since I've read NPOT, but I think it's in the battle with Ryoma where he displayed his power, and his power gives off a very evil vibe. I think it is also partly displayed when he went up against Sanada. I just feel bad because Sanada has always been so hard working but he still lost to talent. :(

Haha that's good enough for romance in Kuroshitsuji, I don't think it should be the focus and take away from the story. Kuroshitsuji is full of bishies for sure 😍 Sebastian is setting the bar so high for future butlers lool

Ohh maybe I havent got to that part in 7DS yet, but I've spoiled myself a bit about Elizabeth's transformation because of the game. Sometimes it happens, the writer has to make it dramatic for the readers. Hope I still like the series as much by then though.

Thanks for bringing Kitsutsuki Tanteidokoro to my attention! It looks really good, I will watch it for sure once it finishes. Sadly a lot of anime that seems interesting are always rated lowly so I always miss the recommendation for it, and then some cliche harem or isekai gets rated very highly but they're boring. :l

I've seen Zetsuen no Tempest, Pandora Hearts, Sakurako-san, Taboo Tattoo, and Umineko. I heard Pandora Hearts manga is a masterpiece but I haven't read it yet. I totally forgot about it actually lol. I really like the style of Zetsuen no Tempest, very enjoyable to watch, really cool magic and there's some romance too. I've actually heard of all the others on this list but I haven't watch them yet.. I need to make time for them lol, maybe except for Ousama Game. I've read a bit of the manga but I heard that the girl the MC likes was forced to do ecchi stuffs with the MC's best friend, that's so messed up lol it's like ntr. That's a big no-no for me.

On the topic of survival series, I really enjoyed reading Kamisama no Iutoori and Torikago no Tsugai. I've also heard about Liar Game and is also planning on reading that soon. Have you read these before?

Haha yea I tried to download a cracked version of IDM but gave up on making it work since I rarely use it lol. I just use torrent because it's more convenient and it's what I am used to. So how do you download anime now without IDM?

Lol yep old school anime romance is nice, I actually have a lot of old school romance that I haven't watched because of 100+ episodes, but now might be a good time to start watching because of quarantine hahaha

Ahhhhh I love hinted romance too, because it keeps me wanting moarrr, I love it as long as I get confirmation the ship ended up sailing at the end lol. I enjoy all type of romance hehe it's just very nice to watch/read. For Code Geass, I disliked Suzaku because he's very preachy and I remember being very annoyed when Euphie ended up falling in love with him when Lelouch actually liked Euphie :( it's another example of ntr that I dislike :( I feel the same way as you though regarding hinted romance, all that thinking whether he will end up with her or not is giving me that anticipation XD but at the end I really do prefer if my ship ended up together or else it will feel a but unfulfilling.

I don't use IG and I stopped using FB already haha. For imgur I think it's not that complicated to use, go to this website
and click browse to upload the picture to imgur. After it's done, you can just copy the link and then share the link here XD

Also sorry for being inactive on MAL I was addicted to 7DS to the point of losing sleep lolll
ToG25thBaam May 9, 2020 12:58 PM
I am not from China, and thank God I am not haha I am a Malaysian Chinese. Currently jamming to Tower of God's OP and ED while responding to you LOL I love it so much! Omg do you think I should watch the anime now? I usually don't watch on going anime because when I caught up to the series and put it on hold, I almost always never get back to it, because starting from the middle of a story is weirddd, and rewatching seems redundant too!

I've always liked Kpop songs but like many other music bands I don't really follow them. The only artist I follow is probably Eminem..

Staph hyping me up I wanna watch 7DS more than ever now lol ahh should I do it right now? But I an itching for a good romance anime right now though.. I am currently reading some cultivation manhua but there aren't many good ones. I wanna watch Fruit Basket but I don't want to stop mid-way because the show is currently still airing right? Season 2. I was hoping Kono Oto Tomare would satiate my need for romance, but it didn't have that much romance, though it has a ton of drama. I tried watching Kaguya-sama and while it's very nice, the competition between the protagonists made the romance very unnatural and non-organic. Kyokou Suiri could've been pretty good at the romance but it focuses more on the mystery instead. I am very desperate for some good romance anime right now, I crave some doki doki moments >////<

I don't know if it's right to qualify 7 Deadly Sins Grand Cross as an otome game though, or a visual novel. It's the typical turn based gacha game.

Alright. You will surely like a lot of characters in Reborn. XD I love the whole cast, each of them have things that are great about them.

Haha Ryuuji was crushing on Minori before he fell in love with Taiga though XD

I don't know either.. but maybe you can upload it to imgur? If I am not mistaken, you can upload it even without logging in. I know you can post a picture here if you do

nono shota means loli, but for boys. It's used to refer to little boys or boys that look young and short, like how loli is for girls.

Yepp I've seen NPOT. I've also watched the movie but the movie was too ridiculous lmao. My favorite character(s) are the Echizen brothers lol they're too cool and strong. Other than them, I really like Tezuka too, he's very talented and always so calm and collected, always seems to have a plan and even when he fails he doesn't let it get to him and strive for the next round. I also like Sanada and Yukimura pair, though I dislike a little part in NPOT manga where Yukimura was portrayed a little negatively though almost like a villain if I remember correctly. Sanada seems boring but he's a guy that's willing to do the dirty work for the success of his team, and he's holding the helm of captain of his team until Yukimura gets better, and he doesn't have ego too which is great.

ohhh Elizabeth is going to play a bigger role? She has been a very minor character in the first 2 seasons I think.. Also Elizabeth reminds of Elizabeth from 7DS because I am currently playing the game lol I hear her name almost everyday. By the way, is there more romance in Kuroshitsuji or does it stay just in the background?

I don't remember which was the last movie of DC I watched. I remember it was the one about a soccer stadium and there's a bomb planted in the stadium. It was a long time ago.. I really need to start watching DC again haha, I loveeeee mystery / murder mystery / detective show. That's the reason I discovered Kyoukou Suiri and started watching it in the first place.

Oh.. yeah the torrent video size is a little large, plus it's hard to find seeds for older anime too so you can't really download those anime. I used IDM a while ago but the free trial expired and now I cant use it anymore lool

Yesss I need some doki doki anime right now, but I don't wanna rewatch anime I've seen :(

I see.. that's the disadvantage of having a real life, when you're busy and don't have a long period of free time, you can only watch little bit of anime and split it into multiple session. That's why I usually don't watch anime when I am busy, when I can't watch it all in one go I don't start.. because I usually forgot about watching it later and just don't continue. Definitely have to take this time to start watching some long anime though for sure.

Me.. I need some doki doki anime ToT I want to watch all the anime you recommended as well, like Blood+ and Princess Princess etc. and also some that I want to watch like Kuroshitsuji, Toaru and 7DS but I haven't watch a good romance anime in a long time and I really crave for it right now lol the last good romance I saw was probably Saiunkoku Monogatari and it has been ages since I've watched that, like last year I think.. sad..

Yepp I've seen Soredemo, I liked it but the seiyuu for the main characters are bad. Definitely going to read the manga at some point thoughh. Also I will watch My Next Life as a Villainness but I need to wait until the anime finished first c:
ToG25thBaam May 8, 2020 2:21 PM
Oh and btw how do you like the theme songs of Tower of God? I am so addicted to those songs right now.
ToG25thBaam May 8, 2020 1:46 PM
Omg 7 deadly sins.. I am currently playing the mobile game that just came out to global over a month ago. It's making me want to watch 7 deadly sins again and catch up to the series haha. There's a character in the game, Escanor, which I haven't met in the anime yet.. he has an ultimate skill that has incredible animation and I really like it.. I am excited to see him in the anime when I watch it XD Do you know about the game? This game is filling my free time during this quarantine lol

Haha why don't you try to watch Reborn though? It's very good, with good art and actually quite good story too. I think the first 20 episodes were just introductory arc where it introduces all the major main characters in the series. Episode 20 is where the first actual action arc started. When you're caught up like I did, you will be so addicted to the characters (bishies!!) because the art is so awesome, and the characters are awesome too. When I caught up I went straight to read the manga and was so addicted to it. So sad the series was cancelled though and ended pretty poorly.

Haha the height is definitely jarring for Toradora, but it never really bothered me, weirdly lol Usually I would be bothered if the girl is a loli, but I guess personality matters more because Taiga doesn't act like a kid, she acts like a proper teenager which definitely help.

omg do you still have that Mikasa x Misaka swap picture? I would love to see that. Railgun protagonist is Misaka. Many people like Railgun more because of Misaka though, so if you want to watch Railgun first, you can do that. Keep in mind though there will be a little confusing part because events do intersect in Index and Railgun, where in Index it was showing from the perspective of Touma, the protagonist of Index, whereas in Railgun it was shown from the perspective of Misaka, the protagonist of Railgun. The Toaru franchise is just full of awesomeness.

Nope, I rarely watch kdrama, in fact I rarely watch drama series. I am Chinese so I do watch some cdrama, or hkdrama, or tdrama sometimes when they're on TV but that's when I was a little younger. Nowadays I rarely watch TV anymore lol. Just watch anime and read manga on the internet.

Haha the cheeky confident shota characters? I like that too hehe I miss Prince of Tennis.. I saw the news that there will be new season of New Prince of Tennis and was so happy about it!

For sure I will watch S1 and S2 of Kuroshitsuji before watching Book of Murder and onward. It's been maybe 8 to 10 years since I've watched the first 2 seasons of Kuroshitsuji.. it's impossible for me to watch Book of Murder without watching S1 and 2 first haha

Oic. That's relatable. I might want to rewatch DC too when I continue the series again.. the mystery is awesome and the soundtrack makes people feel nostalgic. The vibe of the show is just very chill and there's no harm in rewatching it xD Do you download the episodes from torret?

I actually forgot which part did they kiss in Skip Beat lol this is also another series where it's been years since I've read it.. I told you before right, I read Skip Beat once every few years lol it's probably been 3~4 years since I've last read it. The managers in Skip Beat are all awesome, they're always so funny trying to cope with the craziness of their clients

binge watching it is! xD what are you currently watching? Do you watch 1 series at a time or do you watch multiple series at a time?
ToG25thBaam May 6, 2020 3:12 PM
haha of course, we're all here because we share the same love for anime XD Glad to know you're still alive and well too, since the outbreak.

KHR actually have a different artist to BnHA, KHR artist is the same as Psycho Pass, if you know that anime XD KHR is actually really good, I will highly recommend if you want something fun to watch, fun and cute. The show is also very funny XD Especially in a certain arc, there's a frog costume character that is really, really funny! It's one of my favorite shonen for sure.

Nisekoi.. brings back memory lol I remember liking the series at the beginning but after a while the story is just repeating itself

Anyway, for Toradora, yess, it's one of my favorite romance, cause it pulled my heartstring. Very rarely I find anime that will pull my heartstring and make my heart ache for the romance. There is also 1 scene during the Christmas episode where it just broke me. T_T the incredible OST, plus the incredible performance from the seiyuu.. just great series in general. This is the OST if you're wondering haha enjoy!

Listening to this again make me want to watch it again.. it's so niceee!

Kugyuu is a cute nickname for the seiyuu Kugimiya Rie, who is dubbed as the queen of Tsundere because she voice acted for many famous tsundere!

And yessss toaru i highly recommend that series. There's only few Toaru; Toaru Majutsu no index, this is the main series; Toaru Kagaku no Railgun, this is the side story featuring one of the characters from Index main series, this is mainly more slice of life cute girls series; Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator, I haven't watch this one yet but this is also a side story of one of the main characters in Index series. Basically Toaru Majutsu no Index is the main story. Watch Railgun and Accelerator after you're done with Index. This is one of my favorite fantasy magic action series of all time! The anime might not be that good compared to the novel, but the world building is incredible, I like this type of anime a lot

Fated to Love you is not thai drama haha it's Taiwan drama. I think it's nice though it's romance but understandable XD

My next life as a villainness looks good.. there's an anime too, thanks I will bookmark it

haha it's good we all overreact to our ship, we all have our own best boi and best girl xD I will watch the original first then, since I like older anime better.. thank god my wifi is back though so I can start watching anime again

No problem just watch it whenever you feel like it, though I can definitely guarantee Nodame is very good! Also Kuroshitsuji!! I remember watching this a long time ago and so in love with the victorian setting and Ciel! A lot of people didn't like season 2 but I thought it was pretty good haha. I forgot most of the things that happened in that show, so I plan on rewatching it too because I want to watch book of murder and so on.. I wish there's more anime with Victorian setting though, I loved Kuroshitsuji, Gosick, and Detective Conan movie 6 because of the setting!

Speaking of DC, I thought you're quite far into the series haha. For me, I really like watching DC but I hate those kids.. so I went to DC wikia and search for episodes that don't have the kids and watch those lol.. I skip most of the episodes that have the kids in it.

Haha yea my name is taken from Tower of God. Actually my favorite character is Koon too, but ToG25thBaam looks better so I pick this. I like Baam a lot too. I like all the characters from season 1 of the story. You will see later, those characters will become awesome, even the one with the most plain design.

Yay! Actually it's pretty fast to catch up to skip beat because there's not many chapters, but it's so good xD You remember the moment I told you about shortly after the anime? It's the scene where Kyoko was in Ren's house rehearsing about something while Ren was sick. They fell to the ground and Ren did something to her and that moment got my heart doki doki hehe That's the moment I decided I want to finish reading Skip Beat in a day back then. I don't remember their kiss scene though maybe you're the one spoiling me hahaha I am not caught up with the series. I put the series on hold and only read it once every few years, because it's monthly release so you only get 12 chapters a year sadly. No worry I won't spoil. The story keeps getting better and I like it when Kyoko is trying her hardest to make it big in the entertainment business! Reminds me of Shuurei from Saiunkoku Monogatari in a way.

Yeah I recently heard that the anime is going on hiatus, and the manga will slow down its releases because of this pandemic.. sucks but life is more important.

Yep it's been so long since I've gone out.. I like staying home and relax, but not given the option to go out to buy some stuffs or just walk in the park is really suffocating lol I don't even know what the outside world looks like anymore :( I heard from some filipino streamers too they say a lot of ph people don't listen to the government and still go out. It's pretty much like that everywhere. They have to realize the more cooperative they are, the sooner this will end. Anyway for us we just stay home and watch anime/drama haha
ToG25thBaam May 4, 2020 8:31 AM
sorry for the super late response again, got immersed in reading/watching series haha

yep same, I like it when fans talk about anime with a positive vibe instead of always having negative vibe, good to know I can share my love for anime with someone, usually older anime! I notice a lot of older anime got overlooked by the community because a lot of them only joined recently!

I am doing good, though my wifi broke about a week ago, and because of the social distancing law, we couldn't get a technician to fix it.. so I am stuck at home using a very bad and limited data connection :( it's boring at home when you can't even watch youtube in peace, worrying about the data limit lol

What do you mean Vampire Knight Memories? Is that the sequel for VK?

I've seen Bungou Stray Dogs, the first season was nice, though I haven't watched the sequel yet. When it came out, I was not following any anime update so I havent got to it yet. Mafia anime reminds me of Katekyo Hitman Reborn.. it's a series I really enjoyed a lot. Have you seen it?

Lol tsundere is a very popular trope, when I first got into anime, I really enjoyed watching tsundere, like Shakugan no Shana (I haven't completed it yet, I should!), Toradora (one of my favorite romance hehe) Zero no Tsukaima, Hayate no Gotoku, and newer ones like Toaru series and Hidan no Aria. Kugyuu is really the queen of tsundere! There are also cases where the character loses their tsuntsun trait after falling in love like Rakudai, and portray full deredere.

I rarely watch kdrama/cdrama. I used to love it a lot but I didn't search for them actively to watch haha. I still remember loving this series a lot

this is the tdrama that got me hooked to watching tdrama! I think this is my first tdrama ever. It pulled my heartstring so much T_T After finishing this series 10 years ago, I remember looking up other drama that the 2 main characters acted in, and watch them as well haha. I highly recommend this one if you haven't seen it yet! It's called fated to love you.

I especially rarely watch anime live action lol. I came across Skip Beat kdrama/tdrama (forgot which one) from a hotel TV one time, but I didn't really watch it all, only 1 or 2 episodes when I was staying in that hotel xD Usually live action aren't that good. High School Debut is one of my favorite shoujo romance, I found out it had a live action series and tried watching it.. the acting was really bad lol. I still wish it will get an anime adaptation one day. Remembering High School Debut makes me want to read the manga again haha.. I haven't been reading any shoujo romance manga recently.. do you have any recommendation?

nooo :( but take your time xD I've recommended Nodame Cantabile to few people and they all stall it lol it doesn't look like it's good but once you watch it, it's hard to stop xD

It's the complete opposite lol, I've seen Hotarubi no Mori e but haven't seen Your Name and Weathering with you yet. I remember Your Name was very popular when it first came out.. I was waiting to watch it, but then completely forgot about it when the blu ray came out hahaha I will definitely pick those to watch when I am in movie mood. Movie is harder to get attached to because it's so short, don't have enough time to develop the story. I know Hotarubi because I love Natsume Yuujincho XD Even though Natsume Yuujincho is emotional, Hotarubi wasn't that sad even though what happened was very heartbreaking.. cuz like I said movie is too short to leave an impact on me emotionally. It's still a beautiful story though.

Speaking of Fruit Basket, have you seen the original? I need to know which one I should watch haha.. I watch few episodes of the original many years ago but I dropped it because I searched up wikia and found out the protagonist didn't end up with the black haired guy, and I didn't ship her with the orange haired guy last time.. very childish reason to not watch the series haha but I am now ready to watch Fruit Basket, which many people say is one of the best shoujo romance!

ALSO YOU COMPLETELY MISSED MY USERNAME! It's related to Tower of God, hohoho~ Check it again, you will realize XD I love Tower of God, it's one of my favorite manhwa and I highly recommend you to read it! So far, who is your favorite character?

You mean One Piece? How popular is One Piece in PH? I am happy so many people are enjoying One Piece which is my favorite manga of all time. It really is a blessing in disguise now where people who previously said they don't have time to watch One Piece can watch it now because they have a lot of time.

YESS I recently watched Stampede, it's mostly just fanservice but it was enjoyable.. if you've seen it already (spoiler alert) the Sabo/Ace part at the end made me tear up T_T it was so well animated!

Enjoy watching DC. I want to get back to watching DC too, DC is one of those series I wish will never end so I can forever watch it haha, same with Pokemon.

You too, stay safe at home.. though I really miss going outside, it's been over 2 months since I went out :( but can't be helped. The more cooperative we are, the quicker they solve this problem, then the sooner we can go out.

Oh and I almost forgot, if you still enjoy Skip Beat you should definitely read the manga!! It's like less than 10 chapters after where the anime stopped where the exciting part happened!! That part is where it made me hooked to the story haha
ToG25thBaam Mar 19, 2020 5:49 PM
sorry for the late response, I got busy with life a while back! With the whole coronavirus thing going rampant right now, I hope you stay safe yourself!

As for my age, I am 2 years younger than you :)

I've seen some of the ones you mentioned, and I especially like Arcana Famiglia, the mafia theme is so cool and the guys are quite unique. I remember someone calling the main protagonist a "bambina" XD I just like everything about that show, the style, the music..

I'll get to some of those that I haven't seen yet. I've heard about Pretear recently, the ost is kind of nice.

Oh why haven't you finish the Negima series? Did you drop it or do you plan to read it again sometime? I ship pretty much everyone with Negi to be honest, I don't really mind who ends up with him haha but I do want to see him end up with someone. Eva is a good bet though it might be considered a shota lol. I think part of your assessment on me not liking Touta is correct but I am a little weirded out by the whole Touta x Eva dynamic, especially after we've gone through Eva and Negi relationship for over 350 chapters.

I've never seen Elsie as someone with potential to be with Keima, I think it's because the mangaka has kept it purely brother/sister relationship for the longest time. Sometimes when Elsie blushes to Keima it's cute though. I haven't finish reading the manga either but you definitely should. I think The World God Only Knows should be the standard for harem series, it's just very entertaining to read, unique concept too.

I've seen most of the harem anime you named haha, I like Asu no Yoichi, TWGOK, Hidan no Aria, Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry (this is so good I really want a season 2), and Saenai Heroine. I don't know if I've mentioned this to you before but Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry's Identity instrumental (the one that played in episode12 proposal scene) is really, really good music. I love that so much!

Isn't Yosuga no Sora the incest hentai? Also I've thought of watching Highschool DxD but is it good? I know there's a lot of ecchi but I am afraid I will get very annoyed with the main protagonist. I heard he's very annoying.

Soooo how is your rewatch/read progress with Skip Beat? I am not caught up with the manga right now but I will read it again soon.. there's very little content to read every year because a chapter comes out only once per month and there's gonna be max 12 chapters per year.

Ohh for guys I usually don't like tsundere type too, for girls it's cute, but for guys sometimes they're annoying haha. Mikasa I also don't quite like because of the reasons you stated, if there's more to her character it would be good but up until the point I read it, Mikasa is quite annoying when it comes to Eren.

I like Black Blood Brothers a lot too! I don't really remember much about it but reading my comment from the last episode discussion thread I like Mimiko a lot as well, and apparently I want Jirou to suck on Mimiko's blood more =////=

I've seen Aoharu x Machinegun, Binbougami ga, and Assassination Classroom too, the first 2 didn't leave huge impression on me, but Assassination Classroom was pretty nice. It does have quite a bit of dull moments though but the ending was sad. :(

I see, thanks on the info about Blood+ and Blood C, I am back watching anime again after a long break and I'll probably watch them soon.

Lol because Kourin and Eigetsu look like chibi :p I don't remember the other kids for now, might have to rewatch the series few years from now and then get sad again because there's no way to read the novel and the anime doesn't have a conclusive ending and we'll never get to see Ryuuki and Shuurei be together. :'(

Haha for the whole beating part, it's just a comedy scene, you'll know when you watch it xD their dynamic is pretty unique. Have you finished Nodame Cantabile yet?

Kaze Hikaru sounds very interesting but I think you can't read it online right? I just searched and there's around 120 chapters translated (22 volumes) but there are 44 volumes available right now.. and the last date of fan translation was 5 years ago.

I don't remember that much about Peace Maker Kurogane either, I just remember thinking the protagonist's voice was annoying lol gomen.

Wait, there are no girls in Princess Princess at all?

I don't know if I can recommend any movie to you that would suit your taste haha, I don't really watch a lot of movies unless it's related to the series I've watched, like the One Piece / Naruto movies and so on.. I have a few that I rated quite highly though. Flanders no Inu, Asura, Wasuregumo, Momo e no Tegami, Tsumiki no Ie.. I am trying to get more into movies as well myself, but they're too short for me to feel anything usually haha, I want the series I like to go on a little longer xD

I always rather re-watch older anime than watch newer anime too, because there hasn't been the same charm with newer anime that I felt with older anime.. a lot of anime now I feel are just commercialized products made to promote the original source.. I feel like anime back then were made with more care and love.

Anyway sorry again for the late response, had some stuffs happened to my work and life back then and became really busy for a while. Hope you're doing good now too with the coronavirus invasion. Stay home and stay safe!
ToG25thBaam Oct 26, 2019 1:45 PM
ikr life just gets busier as we get older. I need an early retirement at like age 30 lmao

Reverse harem? Hmm let me see, probably just the most popular ones, SaiMono, Hanasakeru Seishounen, Yona, OHSHC, Kamigami no Asobi, Kamisama Hajimemashita, and a couple more obscure ones.

omg yess, I love Negima, it's such a underrated shounen fantasy adventure. Did you read the manga? I love the adventure to the magic world, it's such a unique concept to me. The pactio power is so cool too, and I like that the kiss doesn't get too sexual which shouldn't be the point of anime to be honest lol, it's just a cute little scene. Unfortunately I don't like the sequel UQ Holder.. I love Negi, I don't like Touta. :(

I agree with your list, though I didn't really enjoy outbreak company much because I don't really enjoy the references lol. Maybe I will rewatch it again one day. Hayate no Gotoku is a lot of fun to me, it's more slice of life like Special A haha the harem is kinda a side plot, it's just crazy episodic stories. I love rich school plotline like Hayate no Gotoku, Special A, Ouran High School Host Club, Kaguya-sama, etc. if you know more pleaseeeee recommend me some XD

TWGOK or Kami nomi zo shiru sekai is also another one of my favorite harem, but I actually haven't finished reading the manga lol, put it on hold in the last few chapters. It's also quite fun. The best of harem tend to not focus on the harem but actually something else haha, like Hayate with comedy, TWGOK with the conquest, and Saenai features a really interesting character in Katou Megumi aside from her the series is actually pretty average also for me.

Have you seen Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko? It's mega cute, I don't know if it's a harem but I really like it too.

Yeahh, to be honest I really like tsundere haha it's really cute, both male and female xD the others really depends though.

I actually don't know yet. I tried reading the Chihayafuru manga but didn't get far lol from what I've been reading it seems that there's a possibility that she could've ended up with either. It seems like it's still pretty open for now and Chihaya seems to be focused more on improving her game.

I agreee I love watching older anime, the art is not too clean and shiny and it looks really nice imo. Nowadays anime is too shiny lol but yeah I remember shipping Naru and Mai back then and went to look for spoiler.. I learn that Mai was actually dreaming about Naru's brother instead lol that was weird. Too bad the story is on hiatus.. last I checked which was a long time ago.

Do it! Rewatch skip beat and read the manga. You're gonna feel a lot of doki doki moments xD The scene a little bit after the anime ended, in the manga, when you reach that part tell me how you feel hahahaha you will know which moment I am talking about when you get there *w*

Hmm it's confusing. So Blood+ didn't end conclusively? Blood C ended conclusively? And they both have the same Saya as protagonist but in alternate timeline, so both series aren't related to each other?

Yesss I remember that scene! It made my heart ache when person A really loves person B but talks about the possibility of person B finding another person to be together.. That is when I am all in on Ryuuki. If you have seen Toradora, it's exactly like the moment during the Christmas party when Ryuuji went to look for Minori and Taiga had to send Ryuuji, the man she loves so dearly away herself. :( Those moments always break my heart, but they make the anime so much better. Another scene is when Taiga told Ryuuji she loves him a lot when she was sick/unconscious with high fever but she knew she had no chance with him because he loves another girl.. I love having those heart aches if the series ends well haha very rarely I feel that way when watching romance anime nowadays.

I am referring to Kourin and To Eigetsu. There are other kids? I don't really remember lol but it's nice that they also develop the side characters. Are you saying To Eigetsu was guiding Shuurei's kid to be the next emperor?

yeahhh Noda Megumi is a really wild protagonist! Chiaki is your typical serious guy with serious dream and Nodame came into his life and made it a lot more colorful. Their dynamics is what I enjoy the most haha the best part about Nodame Cantabile is that it is fully adapted, means the story is completed in the anime. No need to read the novel, no need to read the manga. You get the whole story by watching the anime xD

oh yeah there are movies to Peace Maker Kurogane now.. wasn't even aware of it lol I completed it quite awhile ago. Yeaa when you know it ended badly before you watch it, it's hard to start watching it lol but definitely one day. You're really a huge fan of Okita huh hahaha

Yeaaaa I love both Gintoki and Luffy! They just have a really charming personality! I kind of like Naruto at the beginning haha but later on he's a bit too preachy and self righteous. Still like him quite a bit though. Don't have much opinion on Eren and Yuu because it's been a long time since I read/watch those series. I don't like Mikasa though when everyone likes her. Her character is very boring and it's all about Eren. :l

Yeahhh it looks really nice.. omg wait, they're guys? Lool! Is there any romance in it at all? Ohh and also, does it have a rich school setting? hahaha it looks like it does.
ToG25thBaam Oct 23, 2019 9:38 AM
I am also an all-nighter type of person when it comes to anime/manga, I love watching anime at night when it's quiet <3 Perfect mood hahaha I wish I still have the time to watch anime late at night though, those were some of the best moments in my life xD I remember binge watching and then read skip beat almost all day lol, I caught up to skip beat in just 1 sitting back then.. it was crazy lol

I prefer reverse harem more too but so many reverse harem female protagonist have no personality :( it's like it's made to promote the video games. I really like harem like Hayate no Gotoku though, it's really fun to watch the hijinks haha, it's more slice of life comedy and a little bit of harem, the fun type xD

lol short cuts, we all take them hahaha honestly some story arcs in DC are really good, especially the episodes that involve Haibara, the osaka couple (Heiji?), Kaito Kid, and other random detectives! The Black Organization episodes are really fantastic too! I don't know if you've reached that part yet, but the episode where it involved a bus bombing/hijacking really got my heart thumping.. really great episodes. (yeah just checked, episode 230-231!)

I wish Arata is the end game lol but there's plenty of Taichi fans! I don't know if Taichi has confessed, I don't really remember but I think I read that season 3 is gonna end around the part where he confessed. It just might be the right time to start watching Chihayafuru now haha season 3 coming soon in 2020 xD

You haven't watched Shiki yet? Try this one xD


I've seen Higurashi and Another, but haven't watch Blood C / Blood + yet.. I remember really wanting to watch Blood+ a long time ago but I heard there's a reverse rape in it and it turned me off lol is Blood C / Blood + the same?

I don't like the whole Sakujun saga lol I shipped Ryuuki x Shuurei and Sakujun was there to take every first's of Shuurei away :( The story is good, but I don't like the relationship. Shuurei let Sakujun get close to her too easily :l She never allowed Ryuuki to do that!!! His ending is sad though but I am too biased for Ryuuki lol and yes I like that the story really develop the side characters! I really come to care about the 2 kids that's around Shuurei always. I heard they have a bad ending too? I don't quite remember. :(

Nodame Cantabile is the best!! haha it's the best romance to me, the main couple has so much chemistry and they're always so funny together lol you really need to watch it if you love romance comedy anime. There's nothing better than it imo Noda plays the piano and Chiaki is actually an aspiring conductor but he can play the piano really well too. Here's a snippet xD

I've seen Peace Maker Kurogane, but unfortunately I don't remember much! I remember this amazing OST though!

Haven't seen Hakuoki but it's definitely on my ptw list for reverse harem. Ahh I was hoping Hakuoki is a little better given the fame.. I think I remember reading people were annoyed with it too, but many people also liked it. Too bad I spoiled myself and I heard it ended really badly :l

Yesss Gintama is amazing haha I remember the Kagura x Sougo moment in the Yagyuu arc, so funny when they're together! XD Gintoki is one of the best protagonist imo, his quote "if you have the time to think of a beautiful end, why not live your life beautifully to the end instead" really struck a chord with me.. it makes me rethink my life haha
ToG25thBaam Oct 22, 2019 10:00 AM
I prefer watching anime if I have time.. but after I grow into an adult there's very little time so usually I rather read manga because it's easier to consume and doesn't take 24 minutes/episode before you can pause it. Yeahh so sad the good type of anime usually don't sell well because they're usually not that popular and pander to a small specific group of audience and the generic type sell really well, nowadays it's the isekai harem.. isekai/fantasy is fun but they make it so edgy most of the time lol

Oh I highly recommend watching DC, it's one of the classics! For me I watch DC following a specific guide lol I went to the wikia and check the characters involved.. if the kids are involved then I usually skip the episode hahahaha I think I've watched a little over 600 episodes while skipping episodes with the kids lol they're annoying to me. It's one of the type of anime that I wish will never end, it's always so nostalgic when watching the show, just really fun show to rewind after a long day XD I mean, listen to this!

I will watch Kuroshitsuji for sure xD just need to find the time to.

For Taichi vs Arata, it's been a heated debate in the community lol but I don't really like Taichi because he always make Chihaya uncomfortable. I know the feeling of unrequited love but imagine being Chihaya.. and the story started with Taichi still having a crush on Chihaya while having a girlfriend.. that's not nice :( meanwhile Arata is so dreamy. Tbh I ship this pair more than Arata and Chihaya hahaha

when he checked up on her by the end <3 Yeah I am really excited for season 3.. I hope there's more Arata scene in it, especially his karuta matches hehe

lol then you better avoid Shiki if Corpse Party scared you xD You might have nightmare hehe but it's still a really unique story so I will still recommend it

ohh I can relate to that.. honestly SaiMono is very one-of-a-kind.. rarely you will see this type of story in anime, that is why I fell in love in first sight ;D Shuurei is really impressive protagonist. By the way, as a fellow ShuureixRyuuki shipper, what did you think of the whole Sakujun saga?

Oh and what do you think of Nodame Cantabile if you've seen it?

I like Shinsengumi, used to love it a lot because of Gintama and Kenshin but nowadays I don't see many good shinsengumi character writing anymore :( they're so amazing in Gintama! It's another series that if you haven't watch, I will 1000x recommend it to you haha
ToG25thBaam Oct 21, 2019 6:41 AM
I remember reading that one of the classic shoujo is going to get full adaptation, but I don't remember which one unfortunately.. maybe it's fruit basket.. I read it a long, long time ago.

Lol I think Japanese live action is probably really bad.. I tried watching High School Debut Japanese live action series and the acting is so bad hahah.. I am still waiting for an anime adaptation for that one.. =(

The only one I've seen from that list is Loveless in recent years. I actually know about Junjou Romantica and Sekaiichi Hatsukoi for a long time and have been meaning to watch it for sooo long but there's too many backlogs now.Those 2 are like the most well known yaoi out there. I've seen Love Stage though, it's actually pretty good. I've also heard of Strawberry Panic long time ago but I actually haven't seen it yet.. the cover art on MAL looks so interesting! Definitely gonna add it to my PTW when I feel the yuri vibe haha. I like hetero romance more than yuri and yaoi I can relate more to it xD

The art for La Corda D'oro is okay I think but the color is a little dark looking and it makes it feel a bit old looking, but that was just my teen self talking lol nowadays I just want really good story that can move my heart hehe I haven't felt that heart thumping romance lately from anime, the most recent one is Yagate Kimi ni Naru and it's a yuri.. the anime industry deserves better romance anime haha

Speaking of romance anime, have you seen Nodame Cantabile? It's my favorite romantic anime ever, it's more than perfect in my eyes 😍

For HxH you mean the old OVAs right? Or does the 2011 ver. have its own OVA and movie as well? I've seen the old ones. For Kuroshitsuji, I haven't!! It's frustrating because I remember loving the series so much but it's been at least 7 years since I've seen season 2 and I don't remember a lot from the story.. I have to find time to re-watch season 1 and season 2 before I can watch the ova :( and yeah many people don't like season 2 but I enjoyed it a lot too. I remember back then Kuroshitsuji, Gosick, Detective Conan movie 6 got me so hooked to the 1900's European setting, but that type of setting is very rare in anime..

Haha I love all sports anime. Have you seen Chihayafuru yet? I have a feeling you will love it XD The art is so incredible and Arata, omg Arata, his accent, his black haired, his megane, he's just too perfect! Season 3 is coming out soon too!

Yesss! Ghost Hunt is my favorite horror anime but it's not very well known for many people. It's the only anime that is scary for me haha the Bloodstained Labyrinth and the Doll House arc really creeped me out. I would not want to watch the scene where Mai was dragged underground while not being able to move at all, and was almost decapitated in the dark, at night, alone in the house.. that will make me so paranoid lol they animated the scene so well.

What do you mean way beyond feels?

Hahahaha that's what we do when we were younger, if you missed it and you didn't know you can watch anime online then it's really sad. For me it was Naruto. I have seen Dragon Ball on TV back when I was a kid but I never really followed the series. I remember traveling to the Philippines I think around 12 years old or 13 years old, that's when I saw a shop selling Naruto anime and there's a lot of episodes so I asked my parents to buy my those. That's how I got into anime watching. That's when I got internet at home, not the dial-ups lol and then I remember talking to someone on the internet, on facebook I think with my friend and they say you can watch anime online.. and I was so confused, shocked and happy.. then that's how I started looking for anime online! After I finished Naruto, then Dragon Ball, Bleach, One Piece etc. Kaichou wa Maid-sama is also one of my first anime ever.. and then Skip Beat is like the anime that really got me into shoujo, the rest is history hahaha I wish there's a lot more good shoujo anime out there.. but I heard they say shoujo anime doesn't sell well in Japan so now they don't make a lot of those T_T
ToG25thBaam Oct 19, 2019 10:41 PM
we're on the same page when it comes to Yuki haha I really thought he's the main love interest at first.. so sad when I spoiled myself and turns out he's not :( Shoujo with something going on more than romance is always my favorite, look forward to Fruit Basket! Do you know if the new anime is going to adapt all of the manga? If so, I am gonna wait until it ends to binge watch it.

Samee Hana Yori Dango art turns me off at first but it's one of the classic shoujo, I gotta watch it! I think the story is pretty good, and I heard the protagonist is really great.

In His and Her Circumstances, I heard it's kind of about the emotional trauma of the characters, I am interested in those sort of plot, that's why the series is so intriguing to me right now. (which is also why I love Hitsuji no Namida!) Plus I loveeee the way they first get together haha it's really cliche but I like that cliche. It's similar to Special A which I also enjoy a looooooot, 2 people competing to one-up each other and ended up sooo in love <3

I like Yuri and Yaoi too, I used to find them to watch because I was running out of hetero romance to watch lol but I haven't watched a lot though. Yagate Kimi ni Naru is the latest yuri I've seen and it is soo good! I don't remember the last yaoi that I watched, it's been a while, I think it's some kind of 2 episodes OVA where there's a kimono guy as either the protagonist or the love interest, it's also really good, really pretty art!

Ooooo I forgot about La Corda D'oro, the art turned me off when I was younger but now I am so interested in watching this too! Plus it's music and romance, one of my favorite combination! Thanks for reminding me of it haha Same for Tactics, I watched a couple of episodes back then and found it really interesting with good art but didn't have time to finish it back then.

My favorite anime has a lot of sports anime in it lol I love sports anime, top anime list in no order xD -

  • Hikaru no Go
  • Mushishi
  • Nodame Cantabile (Megumi x Shinichi <3)
  • Oofuri
  • Chihayafuru (Arata 😍)
  • Natsume Yuujincho
  • Clannad After Story
  • Kuuchuu Buranko

Don't know the last 2 lol they're all so equally enjoyable for different reasons. SaiMono, Yona, Toaru, Skip Beat, Kenshin, Code Geass, Baby Steps, Reborn, HxH, Kuroshitsuji, Cross Game, Gosick etc.

By the way, what is that princess princess anime? It looks really interesting ;o

Also surprised Kaichou wa maid-sama is not on your list haha Usui was my first man-crush lol
ToG25thBaam Oct 17, 2019 5:24 AM
yes yes yes! haha if you have the time I'd recommend start from the beginning though to get in the feel, so that a certain upcoming scene will hit even harder and make your heart doki doki xD

no, not yet. I tried Fruit Basket many years ago, I thought the black haired guy (Yuki) was the main lead and I really shipped him and Honda hard lol was disappointed when I found out the real ship is with Kyou.. but I heard Kyou is a really great character though.. definitely also plan on watching Fruit Basket some time soon when I am in the mood for romance

Now that I think about it, there's so many old school romance that I haven't watch yet.. Fruit Basket, Bokura ga Ita, His and Her Circumstances, Vampire Knight, Nana, Aishiteruze Baby, Fushigi Yuugi, Hana Yori Dango, etc.

His and Her Circumstances sounds the most interesting to me right now.. I remember back then when I was younger, I wasn't into this kind of drama haha, but now this sounds so appealing to me.
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