Enjoy your stay in this page (or not) and feel free to chat or drop by (whenever).
Striving to work in the medical field once I finish my last year of high school (--> That was a freaking lie! I ended up in business school!). Wow, I haven't been on for like a year now lol. (Stupid community service hours...)
The types of anime I dislike (too see) are things way too moe (that has no type of character development), poor execution, cheesy drama, ecchi (Some are exceptions if it has some significance to the plot), crappy story, and or retarded/spineless main characters. And this goes along with my philosophy:
"Bigger is not always betterererer"
Ratings, I rate in a scale 1-10 in these main concepts - Story, Character(s), Visuals, Soundtracks, and Fanboyism. Then I average them out of 50, I round them up or down to the nearest whole number and that's how I get my scores.
My rating scale of DOOM:
10- Masterpiece, closest thing to perfection.
9- Exceptional
8- Great
7- Very Good
6- Above Average/Good.
5- Reasonable/Average
4- Mediocre
3- Crap
2- Poop 1- Poopier
The ratings I give on anime is a matter of my opinion if it is good or bad. Everyone has their own opinion, and I'll respect them for that (90% of the time), I will sometimes deviate from the norm. Typically more lenient on Mangas. Feel free to check out my data down below.
Join my epicenter of disaster. It's free. Current Games playing or dropped...
Xenoblade Chronicles (F'ing Amazing) (Completed)
Pandora's Tower (Completed)
Dark Cloud 2 (Completed)
Final Fantasy X (Completed)
Resonance of Fate (Semi-Hiatus)
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time (Hiatus)
Star Ocean: The Last Hope (Completed)
Final Fantasy XIII (XIII-2 lol) (Completed)
Ni no Kuni (Completed)
Valkyria Chronicles I and II and III (Currently playing)
Ar tonelico (Hiatus)
Persona 3 (Completed)
Persona 4 (Completed)
Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (Completed)
Fire Emblem: Awakening (Hiatus)
Liberation Maiden (Hiatus)
Kingdom Hearts / II (Completed)
The Last Story (Completed)
Eternal Sonata (DROPPED wth is this pretentious POS.)
Bayonetta (Currently Playing)
Xenosaga I-III
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (and Radiant Dawn)
Shin Megami Tensei IV
Etrian Odyssey (All of them)
Tales of (Graces, Xillia 1-2)
Legend of Heroes (1-3, Trails in the Sky)
The Witcher 3 (SOOOOOO GOOOOOD became an instant fan)
Plan to buy
Monolith X (Xenoblade Chronicles X now) I crave for this game. (╯°■°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Final Fantasy XV (Versus XIII)
Persona 4: Golden
Final Fantasy 0 Kai
Murdered Soul Suspect
Pikmin 3
Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
Bayonetta 2
Valkyrie Profile 2
The Wonderful 101
Atelier Escha & Logy
Atelier Shallie
SSBB WiiU and 3DS (MU's there so that's a buy.)
Stella Glow
My favorite Male video game characters (In no specific order):
1. Shulk (Xenoblade Chronicles)
2. Welkin Gunther (VCI) THE MAN.
3. Kurt Irving (VCIII) THE (OTHER) MAN.
4. Yu Narukami (Persona 4) BROSWAGONIST.
5. Teddie (Persona 4)
6. Dunban (Xenoblade Chronicles)
7. Maximilian (Dark Cloud 2)
8. Jann Walker (VCI) MANLY.
9. Vashyron (Resonance of Fate)
10. Zephyr (Resonance of Fate)
11. Aeron (Pandora's Tower) Lucky man.
12. Link (LoZ)
13. Edge Maverick (Star Ocean IV)
14. Cloud Strife (FFVII)
15. Karl Landzaat (VCI) Lucky man.
16. Radi Jaeger (VCI)
17. Ratchet (Ratchet and Clank)
18. Derek Stiles (Trauma Center)
19. Professor Layton (Professor Layton) THE GENTLE MAN.
20. Sir Therius (The Last Story)
21. Zael (The Last Story)
22. Keithgriff (Atelier Ayesha)
23. Raphael (Rhythm Thief)
My favorite Female video game characters (In no specific order):
1. Imca (VCIII) SO CUTE x2/Severa (FE:A)
2. Leanne (Resonance of Fate) SO CUTE
3. Monica (Dark Cloud 2)
4. Lynn (VCI) If she only had more screen-time.
5. Alicia Melchiott/Gunther (VCI)
6. Isara Gunther/II (VCI)
7. Fiora (Xenoblade Chronicles)
8. Melia (Xenoblade Chronicles) DEM WINGS
9. Elena (Pandora's Tower) SO CUTE
10. Kairi (Kingdom Hearts)
11. Reimi Saionji (Star Ocean IV)
12. Magari (VCII) SO CUTE
13. Yukiko Amagi (Persona 4)
14. Riela (VCIII)
15. Marie (Rhythm Thief)
16. Rosalina (Super Mario Galaxy)
17. Aerith Gainsborough (FFVII)
18. Lin (Advance Wars Days of Ruin)
19. Shoko Ozora (LM)
20. Calista (The Last Story)
21. Odelia (Atelier Ayesha)
22. Linca (Atelier Ayesha)
23. Flora (Professor Layton)
Notable video game characters:
1. Hans (VCI)
2. Pater (Resonance of Fate)
3. Reyn (Xenoblade Chronicles)
4. Riki (Xenoblade Chronicles)
5. Mirania (The Last Story)
6. Peter (Atelier Totori)
7. Chims (A11-A13)
8. Arumat P. Thanatos (Star Ocean IV)
Aaaaaaaaaawww shiz Saenai it's been way to long!....again!
I-I guess I can somewhat related since I'm in uni now(though like a good uni student I dodged my studying until the last minute ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ ) still got an exam hiding somewhere down the end of May to torment me
feel free to time travel into the future and pick me up and copy! All my need!
I haven't played too far into it myself, since I've been trying to get through my backlogs
Have you played other games buy Falcom? I adore the Ys series they're Fantastic, but brutal depending on the difficulty, action rpgs. Plus Falcom's games always pack absolutely stellar soundtracks
Haha I wouldn't be too botherd by MAL over school, I honestly only use it for the database and the uber club these days. Sounds tough though, are you going to jump straight to uni after highschool is done and dusted?
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeey long time no see, stoopid MAL doesn't notify me when I get a profile messages >.>
How are you anyway! Oh and don't watch the trails in the sky animu, as far as I can guess it skips the entirety of first chapter and is paced badly anyway
All Comments (109) Comments
I-I guess I can somewhat related since I'm in uni now(though like a good uni student I dodged my studying until the last minute ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ ) still got an exam hiding somewhere down the end of May to torment me
feel free to time travel into the future and pick me up and copy! All my need!
Shulk gonna be my main for eternity, just a shame ryne isn't in the final smash, they missed a great opportunity for "NOW IT'S RYNE TIME"
And yes, xenoblade on muh 3ds is a major selling point for the new model for me xD
Waifu wars best 3ds game(until smash rolls over because SHULK ALMOST CONFIRMED FOR IT MOFO)
Have you played other games buy Falcom? I adore the Ys series they're Fantastic, but brutal depending on the difficulty, action rpgs. Plus Falcom's games always pack absolutely stellar soundtracks
Haha I wouldn't be too botherd by MAL over school, I honestly only use it for the database and the uber club these days. Sounds tough though, are you going to jump straight to uni after highschool is done and dusted?
How are you anyway! Oh and don't watch the trails in the sky animu, as far as I can guess it skips the entirety of first chapter and is paced badly anyway
Hal is playing in a local cinema for one day this fall, a "European premier" to be exact
Please explain why wonderful 101 isn't in you're plan to buy list