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Jul 11, 2019
K-On! (Anime) add
I only recently got to K-On!, despite it being an influential part of the anime landscape for a decade now. I was not particularly excited going in, but I wasn't hugely pessimistic either. After all plenty of fairly inane slice of life shows have managed to solidly entertain me for their duration - Lucky Star, Azumanga Daioh, Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid and so forth. The character designs looked cute and I figured it'd probably have some catchy pop-y numbers to go along with the day-to-day antics.

One episode in, however, I was already having my doubts, but I gave it the benefit of the doubt. I ...
Jul 3, 2019
Death Parade (Anime) add
I'm not going to be ambiguous in this review: Death Parade is one of the very rare anime that just blew me away. I was hooked from the very first episode to the last.

Not withstanding its amazing and incredibly fun OP, this is a very serious show. It is also a wild emotional ride for the viewer. Because of its heavily episodic nature though, it does a brilliant job of interlacing intense, impactful episodes and more light-hearted, fun episodes without feeling uneven or tonally imbalanced. But in addition to its emotional intensity, Death Parade is also deeply thought-provoking. Whilst it never commits to any ...
Jun 25, 2019
I was genuinely excited going into No Game No Life. It seemed to have a sufficiently interesting and distinct premise to rise above the mass of isekai we've have in recent years. Add to that its stunning and unique visual style and a banger of an OP (which for good reason is pushing 100 million views on Youtube) and the combined package seemed like something I could get into.

My excitement abated fairly quickly. I think the first alarm bells were the introductions of the two main characters. I was not five minutes in before I was getting distinctly concerned about where these characters would ...
May 30, 2019
Revisions (Anime) add
Whilst looking through Netflix I came upon this show and started watching it knowing absolutely nothing about it.

It probably would have been better if I'd continued knowing nothing. My life is certainly none the richer for having spent any time with this show.

Where to start?

Well I suppose the appearance of the show. It looks disconcertingly ugly. Every character moves like an NPC in a mid-2000s video game. The facial expressions are borderline uncanny valley territory. Everything just looks and feels off.

Then there's the dialogue. I've only watched this in dub, so maybe it's an issue with the dub, but I think it probably goes beyond ...
May 15, 2019
So, I'm going to start a review of Mahou Shoujo Site by talking about jokes and comedy, but bear with me.

Jokes have a certain anatomy, a standard structure which is essentially setup and punchline. In something like a knock knock joke these elements are easily distinguished; in something like the subtly brilliant British sitcom Peep Show, they're harder to pick out, but they're still there. This basic structure is the bare bones of all comedy.

Both parts of the structure are important. The setup can be skillfully and efficiently executed for rapid fire comedy or it can be deliberately long-winded and circuitous so as to ...
May 14, 2019
There's a moment in WataMote where the humour revolves around someone's mother walking in on them whilst a very, very cringey bit of audio of an unusual sexual nature that they spliced together plays over the speakers instead of their headphones. It goes on much longer than is comfortable and it's very funny.

The humour in WataMote is overwhelmingly of the cringey variety and how you deal with that will likely effect your enjoyment of this show. How do you deal with The Office, particularly the British original version? That might get you some of the way to appreciating just how much cringe this show will ...
May 7, 2019
This will probably be shorter than my usual reviews, because there's only so much that can be said about this travesty.

I went into this knowing about its reputation beforehand, but I was genuinely expecting that it couldn't possibly be as bad as people said. In actual fact it exceeded my expectations - insofar as it was far worse than I could ever have imagined.

Indeed giving this a 1 doesn't seem up to the task of properly, truthfully conveying what an offensively terrible disaster this is. It honestly makes fellow Idea Factory dumpster fire Mars of Destruction look comparatively (and strictly, mind you, comparatively) ...
May 7, 2019
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (66/148 eps)
So... where to start on justifying what is probably my least popular opinion of any series on this site.

Well, I don't think I'm generally an iconoclast. The anime I most rate are generally ranked fairly highly in the mainstream critical consensus and the shows I hate are usually not exactly well regarded. What I'm saying is, I don't have hugely niche tastes or an insatiable urge to slaughter holy cows of the anime world.

The second point I'll make before getting into the meat of the review is that, my relatively mainstream anime taste not withstanding, I'm not the biggest shounen battle anime fan. It's ...
May 7, 2019
Let me tell you a story of three series. Each is made by Gainax, or its offshoot, Studio Trigger. Each tells the story of young men piloting giant robots to fight inhuman monsters. Each takes place in a post-apocalyptic setting. And each starts in one place and ends somewhere spectacularly, wildly different.

The shows are Neon Genesis Evangelion, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann and Darling in the Franxx and despite their many ostensible similarities, each is wildly different to the other two. Only one of them can reasonably be called great - Evangelion - but each is a very interesting work in its own way. Eva incidentally ...
Apr 30, 2019
I've always thought when it comes to our notions and philosophies about the world there are two aspects: what we can reason to be true and what we feel to be true. And whilst we may know the former to be the superior measure of these concepts, it's really the latter that solidifies these philosophies for us and can motivate us to act them out in the world. If you truly feel something to be the case, that's always ultimately more compelling than simply knowing it to be the case. It's why impassioned political rhetoric is a greater motivator than a tightly reasoned discourse on ...

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