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[Oshi no Ko] 2nd Season
[Oshi no Ko] 2nd Season
Feb 20, 1:32 AM
Completed 13/13 · Scored 9
Shiguang Dailiren: Yingdu Pian
Shiguang Dailiren: Yingdu Pian
Feb 9, 1:19 AM
Completed 6/6 · Scored 6
Bocchi the Rock!
Bocchi the Rock!
Feb 2, 5:46 AM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 10
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Bocchi the Rock!
Bocchi the Rock!
Jan 31, 1:22 AM
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Kyonyuu Suki nanoni BL-kai ni Tensei shimashita
Kyonyuu Suki nanoni BL-kai ni Tensei shimashita
Jan 25, 6:06 AM
Reading -/35 · Scored -
Jan 25, 6:01 AM
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KyleNamikaze Oct 14, 2018 10:36 PM
MeliPridurok Apr 15, 2017 5:05 PM
Thank you for accepting ! (⌒▽⌒)☆
Canaan Sep 8, 2016 2:54 PM
fatalnosebleed Feb 11, 2016 6:52 PM
Eh its alright idk if its your type tho :L. Still not as good as season 1. I've tried Tera out at my friend's house lmao it looks pretty dope but I don't have time. Dude Blade and Soul is crazy like half of my school is playing it. I can't download it tho so rip LOL. Ooooo I heard Durarara is really good. What is an anime challenge list? ERASED IS SUPER GOOD U HAVE TO WATCH IT. I've been alright lol school is destroying me tho. Finally get a 5 day weekend so I have some time to recover.
fatalnosebleed Feb 3, 2016 1:01 AM
Woah sorry for the super late response lol I've been sorta busy. Lmaoo I feel you dude. Yea, season 2 actually has some feels later on, you'll see. What is a challenge list? Duude this game is crazy everyone at my school is playing it but I don't ahve time lmfao. Do you play Tera? Oh okok then I gotta watch it asap so I can watch that when it airs. Lol I've heard that Erased is super good atm like my friend is hyping like crazy about it. However, I've only seen 1 ep. Lol but buy this time you probably already started it. How've you been?
fatalnosebleed Jan 12, 2016 11:57 PM
Haha I agree. If Nora and Yato's dad had a thing that would be crayyy that would mean that Nora is Yato's stepmom? LOL and he kissed Hiyori so he's a playa. Ye hopefully season 3 isn't a letdown I have high hopes for it. Dude there's this game called Blade and Soul that's gonna drop on the 19th, I think ima try it out, but that would mean RIP my grades lmao. Wao dude that sounds pretty craycray I gotta watch that soon. Also there's this new show you might wanna try out, there's been 1 episode and it's already 8.63 rated LOL.
fatalnosebleed Dec 29, 2015 10:46 PM
Hahaha that last episode was crazy. I agree, glad Yato finally released her at the end, can't wait for season 3 when we meet Yato's dad. Was that kid at the end the same person who kissed Hiyori at the carnival tho? Season 2 was meh, I personally enjoyed the shooting game but after that it got kinda boring but it still made me cri at the end. Daanngg sounds like your gonna be pretty busy next year hahaha I don't have time for video games anymore. Okok I'll be sure to watch it soon. What's it about?
fatalnosebleed Dec 23, 2015 6:07 PM
Idk nora is just hella badass she reminds me of suzuya from tokyo ghoul but yea I feel you lol. Yea I agree with you if SAO wasn't the first show I watched I probably would've hated it too but I was too attached to the world to hate on it. It was kinda lame how Asuna transitioned from a badass to som1 who couldnt do shit and she was pretty much irrelevant for the whole shooting game thing. They should be coming out around winter 2016 haha. Steins Gate was really good it messes with your brain and makes you question your existence. Really? What are some new games coming out. I've heard of d-gray man I'll add that to my list.
fatalnosebleed Dec 18, 2015 10:30 PM
Woo done with that sht lmao even tho my grades all died, i tried my best so its all good. Yea tru a;; his regalias have been swords so far. I kinda like Nora too even tho she a douche when she stole Hiyori's memory, she seems to really care for Yato and stuff. Dam straight Yukine is a bae haha. Yea they are making SAO 3 cuz the author made it into a manga. I gotta agree with that hopefully third season redeems itself lol too many SAO haters because of that fairy dance arc. In the third season I heard Kirito gets trapped or something in some other game idk but it sounds pretty intense hopefully its not a letdown. One punch man is godly, best anime ever made. Steins Gate is this show about time traveling and stuff its also hella good, actually ranked number two in terms of ratings for this site haha. Lol tru I always wondered why they don't sell guy bras like shit sometimes I feel like covering my nips up too you know?
fatalnosebleed Dec 15, 2015 6:44 PM
Thank you but I haven't been studying rly well cuz I've either been sleeping or watching anime lmao. Tru tru but all he need is yukine ;). Nonono actually I heard Fairy Tail 2014 is trash lol. What I meant was that the anime music videos for fairy tail are pretty good lol, those are what made me want to watch the show. Same, the last time I watched that show was some time over the summer lol. For winter, SAO III is coming out and since SAO was actually the first anime I watched, that's gonna be hella nostalgic to watch. Also, obviously tokyo ghoul, steins gate 0, and hopefully a new season of one punch man lol, there's gonna be lots of goodies next year. O yea one of my friends actually does wear girl's clothes but he's stupid so yea not a good representation of a normal high school boy lol.
fatalnosebleed Dec 14, 2015 11:13 PM
Lmao yup that's like every single show I watch tbh. "Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z!" = saddest moment of my life. Actually finals are from wednesday to friday so I didn't take them yet :L. Nah, I just thought of it that way cuz both his hands r filled with Yukine so he can't really hold anything else u kno wat I mean? Saaame I took a break from Fairy Tail around ep 30 cuz it started to get boring lol I gotta get back to it some time cuz the fairy tail amvs are really good. TG is airing next winter I believe. A lot of my favorite shows are going to be airing then and Ima literally be watching anime 24/7 ahahaha. Lol did you learn lots about what life is like for high school boys? My list is also starting to clog up like hell too many things to watch I'll never finish.
fatalnosebleed Dec 12, 2015 10:37 PM
AHAHA dam they trolled us hella hard. I love how they always end with a cliff hanger and resolve the issue within the first 30 seconds of the next episode. ikik all the goddam cliffhangers made me skip studying for finals and get caught up lol. Agreed dual swords r seksi af but it also means that Yato won't be able 2 wield any other regalias but Yuki is all he needs so it's all gucci. Nah you should still watch it tho cuz every1 has different taste remember :L but yea I feel u. Ok I won't spoil anything for you then but ull proly get mind blown cuz its unexpected af. I agree, especially since we both have hella sht on our plan 2 watch so cant afford wasting time on lame sht. Ok hf with that it sounds like a funny show :L. Also something else u might wanna consider watching is The Devil is a Part-timer cuz its kinda similar to the first season of Noragami when stuff isnt that serious yet. Its also about some god-like character struggling to make a living in the human world lol.
fatalnosebleed Dec 11, 2015 10:59 PM
Yooooo this is getting hella intense I got hella sad when Yuki died but den he just came back to life and got 2x sweggier lol. Yah I know a lot of ppl who recently dropped naruto cuz of all the filler episodes being boring. Actually, hopefully they follow the manga storyline for the 3rd season cuz the sequel haz pretty gud reviews and even tho I haven't read it I kinda know what happens and it sounds pretty interesting. I know that feeling too well where u try rly hard to like a show and you force yourself to watch thru the entire thing without falling asleep but it still ends up being trash lmao. Duude parasyte is amazing u gotta watch it asap. LOL i c u into the lives of high school boys tho ;))
fatalnosebleed Dec 11, 2015 5:12 PM
Haha new ep comes out tmrw right? I'll try to catch up by then. And yea I agree, I'll prolly marathon it over the summer cuz that's what one of my friends did. Yea but since there's a thirds season its kinda obvious that he's not actually dead ;). The manga also ended when he "died" which pissed lots of ppl off cuz it was hella sudden but there's a sequel to it so that's what the 3rd season is based on. If ur interested tho there's this similar anime called parasyte that I really enjoyed u can consider giving it a try.
Heiko92 Dec 10, 2015 8:31 AM
Really good and detailed review of Mirai Nikki :)
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