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Katainaka no Ossan, Kensei ni Naru: Tada no Inaka no Kenjutsu Shihan Datta noni, Taisei shita Deshi-tachi ga Ore wo Houttekurenai Ken
Nov 27, 2:56 PM
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All Comments (95) Comments
I've always thought that what constitutes "questionable content" should be up to the individual. Nobody is forcing anyone to read or watch things so I don't understand the need to restrict stuff so heavily.
I do worry a bit as things become more mainstream here that there will be pressure on them to change things but thankfully they don't seem to consider western opinions much for now.
Recent hollywood stuff has just become horrifically stale. Part of what I love about anime so much is that at least most series are original and not remakes of the same thing a million times over.