I understand where you're coming from and appreciate the feedback. I can totally agree that everything has its flaws and yes theres anime that I've enjoyed more than others. I guess I've just always looked beyond the flaws and saw the better things. Again I appreciate your thoughts and I wish you happy anime watching.👍
Wasn't ever expecting to get a comment from anyone, so I'm a little surprised but I guess rating everything a 10 does raise eyebrows. To answer your question, I'm aware of how rating systems work but I simply rate everything a 10 because I just appreciate anime/manga as a whole. Everything I've watched and/or read I found interesting and enjoyable in some way, whether it was the story, plot, characters, animation etc or maybe I simply learned something from it. Anyway I'm just a guy who loves anime so everything's a 10 in my eyes. Hope that answers your question and if it doesnt well maybe I at least got my point across.
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