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Jul 6, 2014
[Three points before I begin: 1; I'm sorry for the length, sometimes I tend to ramble. I do a TL:DR at the very bottom for a small conclusion. 2. There will be minor spoilers, I will try to review this with the least amount as possible. 3.This is just my opinion, feel free to disagree or agree. But remember, this is just one man's opinion and the scores go by MAL standards, 7/10 is a C, which means average]
This is one of the worst animes I have seen. Sure, it is competent enough on a good amount of points, it ain't no Garzey's wing or
Mars of Destruction. But on the other hand, this anime flops so many times I'm surprised it survived it's own death flag.
Story: So our MC can see Flags! That is a perfectly fine premise. Sort of like in Noucome, where the protagonist can see different choices like in Visual Novels. But in Kanojo Flag, instead of this being a random curse, he was given this curse by a loli magician, who he lost in chess. He must now muster a group of girls who represent different fantasy RPG classes and in doing so take the red pill and WTF is going on? No seriously, this anime is split into two halves. Harmless harem romcom and the third matrix movie. Plus, it is introduced to us a couple episodes later with no explanation. What explanation we get, is even more confusing than before. 3/10
Characters: If I can give this anime any accolades, it does pull off a good 7+ girl harem. SEVEN+ GIRL HAREM. We got, the Classic Tsundere, Modern Tsundere, Oneechan, the Imouto, the Trap, the Ojou-sama, The Childhood Friend, the Tomboy/Genki Girl, Yandere, the foreign girl. There is every harem stereotype there is in this anime...and that is the problem, they are all stereotypes. Take any trope for one of these stereotypes, for example: The Tomboy wanting to be more girlish? Check. Childhood friends meeting each other after 5+ years? Check. That is the problem with all of these girls. They are so cuttout and cardboard you don't even have to recycle. Compost them. Sure you get some molding, for example: The Foreign girl is also the tsundere ect. But we have seen that before (Hidan no Aria for example). That is the problem, we have seen ALL of this before. Quantity doesn't always mean quality.
Now, the main character... So you know that anime OreGairu/ Teen RomCom SNAFU? How that main character tries to avoid people and responsibility because he is a nihilist and makes himself the enemy because he sees that the community around him needs one and he gets no accolades by anyone? WELL F*** THAT NOISE. This guy gets a majority of his harem by trying to not make flags, he flags them anyway. At the start he is pretty unlikable. At the end...he is ok I guess, but he does nothing. 3/10
Art: The art is fine. If I can give Hoods Entertainment anything it is that their art is pretty good. The only thing about this anime being done by hoods, it is probably the worst art done by Hoods. At least animes like Fantasista Dolls had good action art. The best art in this anime is probably the death flags and a horse....a very very majestic horse. 6/10
Sound: The VA's do their work well, and each have their own voices, even the characters who only appear for one episode, they are all noticeable and well done. I do like the OP but the ED I could do without. 6/10
Enjoyment: Now I do admit, the first couple episodes were enjoyable. The anime did do some new things we don't see in harem animes. (ex:The Childhood friend character is still in contact with the MC via texting), Hanakana's character has some good quirks and a pretty funny running gag punchline. But that is about it. When the anime introduces the fantasy elements, it makes no sense whatsoever. Many a'time I was almost yelling at my computer saying "EXPLAIN ANIME....EXPLAIN", and when it does....it doesn't help. It then goes all "TAKE THE RED PILL" and spirals even deeper down the Death Flag Spiral. 3/10
While this anime at first does seem like a nice harem anime, it is brickwalled by confusing and unexplained plot elements and the most, THE MOST cardboard of cardboard harem characters with a pretty unlikable MC.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jun 19, 2013
(Notice: I rate based off the MAL system, not the grading system-type rule ex: 7 [C] = Average. Sorry about the length of the review)
If I were to describe this anime in one word it would be this: Harmless.
This is it, Harmless. I'm not even going to send the editor the revised edition. This is too harmless to award the "Mostly". Anyways, on to the review.
Story: BUGS INVADE THE PLANET OF DRAGON-PEOPLE...err...Aqualfall.What is the situation? Mostly Harmless. Really, pretty much...yeah. No, I'm serious. The invaders are pretty much "Mostly Harmless" and really don't play that much of as an invading species. Maybe an invasive species.
Sure they are the whole point of the main plot but the things. But...a lot of stuff goes on without the Evil Alien Bugs, sometimes they are in the episode but really only in name. Not much to go on but...what else can you really say about an anime adaptation of a Freemiun Phone game? In the end, the story is a little adventure with what seems to be a big personal and I stress personal goal. 5/10
Sound: Let me tell you one thing about the OP of this anime, it is pretty rocking. Does it fit in with the anime? Hell no. Really Hell no. Does it matter? Hell no! I have to change my last statement. It isn't just pretty rockin' it is very rockin'. The ED, "Truly" fits better with the anime. Albeit...it doesn't really fit that much for an Adventure-lite Fantasy in comparison to other fantasy animes (Shukufuku and Shiawase no Pan for example) but it is a nice song nonetheless. The OST is a mix of symphonic work and some accoustic guitar that is fitting for a fantasy anime. Peppered throughout are some electric guitars reminiscent of the OP. Also, the VAs. They have some big name Voice Actresses on this anime. Saori Hayami (Ayase of Oreimo, Ikaros of SnO, Sachi of SAO), Kitamura Emi ( Mahiro of Nyarlko-san, Araragi Karen of the Monogatari series, Sayaka Miki of Madoka) and HanaKana (Do I really even have to? You can name more than three easily). Along with them comes Taketatsu Ayana (Azu-nyan of K-ON!, Kirino of OreImo and Suguha of SAO), who is steadily making a name for herself over this new decade. All of these VAs are really good. I'm just guessing they needed some extra pocket money.
Characters: There are four main characters in the anime. Leviathan is the hardworking girl with a goal. Bahamut is spoiled rich girl and Jormungandr is the hardworking tomboy. Each of the three girls deal with one specific element. Respectively they are Water, Fire and Earth. (Fun fact: All three beings, Leviathan, Bahamut, and Jormundandr are all related to the element water. Two are Sea Serpents, and one is a Giant Fish with an elephant head.) Finally we have a fairy named Syrup She eats a lot and generally isn't THAT much of help (she is sometimes). The girls work well, but are your basic stock tropes with sort of cliché backgrounds. The only exception is Jormungandr, her background is pretty unique in comparison and one I would have liked to see expanded. Syrup and Bahamut can get on your nerves, just at times and not enough to rage. 5-ish/10
Art: This is where I might be a little nit-picky
(If you don't want to read me nitpicking, putting a counter argument against the nitpicking skip the below paragraph)
Let me put out that the background art is fine. Perfectly fine. Now onto the part to nitpick: the character designs. So these girls are essentially a humanoid/reptilian breed. They have pointed ears, and can get wings and a tail in a transformation scene reminiscent of Mahou Shoujo anime. My biggest problem isn't really that, it is the use of scales. Essentially for these girls, scales act as underwear, they don't take them off, since they are scales but they still cover up everything that needs to be covered on a girl. The tails don't have scales. If so, what are the tails covered with? [Counter Arguement: really small scales, reptiles have a variety of scale sizes]
Anyways, the girls' hair is colored based on their element. For the most part, Leviathan and Bahamut don't have anything unique about their daily looks (excluding the wings and tails they get from the transformation). Jormungandr is a pleasent surprise, sporting a different skin tone in comparison to everyone else. As you might be able to see right now, I favor her.
There are some parts of the show where there is some CGI. In some parts it fits, and in some parts it doesn't really fit and sticks out like...well, CGI in anime
Overall + Enjoyment: Overall, again, I'd like to describe the anime in one word: Harmless. It doesn't tackle any big problem, but it tries to make it what it is. You have to give them some credit, this is an anime based off a phone game. But still, there is something missing from this anime that makes it really capture your attention. Is it the plot, is it the characters? Most likely. This anime is definitely is overshadowed by a majority of fantasy anime. Watch it while you are doing something else. You know, like split screen or something. It won't really harm you at all.
Enjoyment: 5.5/10
Overall: 5/10
If you have any comments or anything, please let them come, I"m always ready to trying to fine-tune my reviewing.
(P.S. While I do use references of the original Bahamut of Arabic mythology. I do know of the Dragon names Bahamut from the D&D franchise. I used Arabic Bahamut to keep in with my themes references for mythology.)
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Feb 10, 2012
(I am Presuming you have seen the other 12 episodes of Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko, if you haven't, why did you watch this? go watch the other 12 episodes then watch this one)
This Episode marks the Official End of SHAFT's (All caps due to the logo Stylization) 2011 work, Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko. I have heard rumors that a second season could be made, but it probably won't be a while since SHAFT has a lot to work on, onto the review.
Story: This OVA is episode Thirteen of Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko. Our Protagonist, Niwa Makoto hit the home run in the
Town vs City baseball match and won the town's right to have the festival there. The episode finally closes this anime and end's it well, I can't let out much because I would spoil a lot. But, to say, it wraps up the Baseball arc and some info on one character in the series. 9/10 because it wraps up the story.
Art: The Art is classic SHAFT. While Denpa Onna isn't Avant-Garde/Experimental like works such as Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, The Monogatari Series or The Hidamari Sketches, it is still top notch art and animation, showing SHAFT is one of, if not, the best Animation studio out there. The Colours are vibrant and actual animation is top notch. 10/10
Sound: The VAs all do good work in the ep (As it is, Kato Emiri (Ryuushi) says a nice little tongue twister really nicely) and there isn't that much to say but they do their job very nicely. The OP is as great as ever, as catchy as ever, same with the ED, which I don't like as much as the OP and takes a couple episodes to get used to (well, at least for me) but it still good. 8/10
Characters: The Characters are all the same as they appeared when the anime aired from April to July 2011. Not much to say, I love the characters, every last one of them and it is great seeing them again. 10/10
Enjoyment: If you go onto my Profile and look under the favorite anime section you will see Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko. That is what I think of it, I love it, I love the Characters, the plot, everything. For me, this Anime Brings a feeling of calmness, which is very enjoyable for me. This episode is no different then the others. I had (and always will have) a fun time watching it. 10/10
Overall: If you are a Fan of Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko you will like this episode, if you hate Denpna Onna to Seishun Otoko or just gave it a 5/6 (Mediocre to Fair), you will most likely have the same feeling. If you love Denpa Onna, you will love this episode. As I said before, it is one of my favorite animes of all time, and it probably will be for a good and long time. I love it so that is why I am giving it a 10/10
And now, you will excuse me I am now going to watch the whole series again.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Sep 12, 2011
Ok, so the Commemoration of the infamous Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni's 10th Anniversary, DEEN gives us a Comedy and at the moment, It is rated...ok.
On the Other hand. Type Moon is making a 10th Aniversary anime for the horror anime/LN Tsukihime and the Action Anime/LN Fate Stay Night. AND IT IS ALSO A COMEDY.
Talk about Double Standards people. People Slam Higurashi kira for not being serious. Carnival Phantasm is just as Serious as Kira. Get over it. For the 10th Anniversaries of Studios and Famous Serious anime the Animation Companies decided to do something Lighthearted.
So Why the Hate all on Kira? It is
essentially doing the same thing as Carnival Phantasm. They both have Injokes and have Comedic Versions of the Characters.
Sure Kira is more Fanservice-y but then again, Higurashi wasn't an Eroge to begin with. People need to stop having double standards. The Art is Deen. The Characters are the same as if the first episode of arcs, before everything got serious happens. It is basically a break from all that is Serious. We have gotten Two long Series of Seriousness. Two Episodes of Relief and then a three episode serious arc. Fate Stay Night and Tsukihime have Two long serious Animes with now getting 14 episode of Relief (If you want to compare by 30 minutes then 7), which is more than Kira.
Take a Break people. Relax and don't take anything seriously, if you are hating on Higurashi Kira and loving Carnival Phantasm, you have double standards.
Oh yeah the Review. I liked it, it even parodied itself.
(P.S. Sorry about all the mentions of Carnival Phantasm and anything Type:Moon. Just had to point it out on this Rant/Review)
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Apr 19, 2011
I think some people have the wrong idea about this anime, don't read the damn synopsis, this anime has nothing to do with anything the Synopsis says. Trust me, I've actually read the manga (well...like four chapters you get the jest of it)
Astarotte no Omocha! isn't an Ecchi Loli anime. It is a Medieval Fantasy RomCom that just so happens to have Lolis in it. Oh yeah, did I mention there are viking elements in it? Yes this anime has Yggdrasil, uses Nordic mythos names and also mentions other realms of Yggdrasil, there certainly was some research involved in this anime and I comment that.
The main plot may turn people off, a loli succubus that has to gather a male harem. Well in truth this anime has no real plot, per say. It is the type of anime that will have plot from episodes 10-12. There is actually only one male in the 'harem' and he acts more of like a onii-chan figure, but i'll come to that later. Overall, the plot is nothing special at the moment but don't really expect one, even if it is following the manga pretty well. 7/10
Characters: Here at the moment I am only going to address Lotte as Naoya hasn't really been talked about yet.
Lotte is your typical Rie Tsundere character in every way. Just lolified instead of flat-chested. She is dependent on her servants, can't really do anything with help from the supporting cast and Naoya. She takes the role of a Princess forced with duties that she doesn't want as she hates men due to seeing what Sigmund Freud and other mind-examiners (sorry forgot how to spell the word..psycia...something) call a "Primal Scene". Overrall, she is only here to be angry, sad, and a loli. 6/10 (no that isn't bad a 6 means Fair, like as an an ok)
Art: If you read my Dog days review you know I love fantasy scenes. No problems here. The Animation is ok but I personally watch the anime just for the backgrounds, I don't have to look at the characters really, well-drawn as they are in their own way. 8/10
Sound: no problems with the Acting. The OP and ED are forgettable as you will just stare at the art. 6/10
Enjoyment: I'm a fan of the manga and the anime follows the manga so far, i'm just watching a slightly edited and animated version of the manga. 8/10
Overall: 7/10
Astarotte no Omocha! will be watched by lolicons, as this is the loli anime of the season. But, if you aren't a loli (like moi) I advise you to watch it while you have some spare time in-between watching Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi and Hanasaku Iroha (well, that is what I'm doing) as it is a nice tale and worth some notice.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 4, 2011
We rarely see Medieval Fantasy Anime. I mean, the only prominate one out there is Zero no Tsukaima. I love anything Fantasy related so naturally Dog days would be at the top of my list for the plan to watch anime for the Spring 2011 season and naturally being a fantasy anime it would be compaired to Zero No Tsukaima. But are they really the same? At first, my answer was No but now up to Three Episodes, things are different.
The thing is this anime can't decide what it is. It wants to be an anime with some ripped ideas with
a sort of cool athletic/fighting competition (just don't call it a war, more will be explained later). But, on the other hand it wants to be a light-ecchi Rip-off of Zero No Tsukaima, having a bath encounter scene and a grope/tsun scene. But enough of this, On to the Review!
Plot 7/10
The basic plot is here for fantasy anime. The protagonist gets sucked into a different world of fantasy and has to deal with what happens and also becomes some sort of savior or hero of a kingdom and falls in love with a noble. Dog days is no different here. But now it is here that it gets...well...stupid. In the fantasy world of Dog days dog/human hybrids of the kingdom of Biscotti and cat/human hybrids of the king of Gellato..*ahem* Galette are fighting for territory, with the cats on the offense. But here, this war isn't actually a war. It is basically an obsticle course/athletics competition...ok...That is one of the dumbest things ever. Sure, while the cat vs dog thing in a fantasy land is cool the athletics conpetition as a civilized war is just stupid. Basically the anime turns the idea of war and makes it so lighthearted that it is a game that is magically broad casted across kingdoms (yes, this world has some advanced stuff like Binoculars or microphones, probably not electricity based and uses magic but still). I went through the definition of war and the 'war' in this anime is not a war and it shouldn't be called a war. Sure, there are swords and weapons but they do nothing as they seem to make the warriors go *poof* and they turn into their chibi version of their base animal. Oh yeah, there are no horses, the people here ride on chocobos, or some relative of them. Oh yeah, *SPOILERS*...
The Princess gets Kidnapped...surprised?
Characters 7/10
Shinku: This is the main protagonist. Unlike Saito from ZnT, Shinku is pretty bad-ass to start out with, he can Jump high, run fast and is damn good with a staff. Sure, he follows the usual male protagonist in harem animes but he is turning out well and has good morals
Millhoire: Still, even though Millhoire is supposed to be the main female in this anime, she doesn't really have that much background. The only thing we actually know about her is that she can sing (which we haven't even heard yet). She acts more like a supporting character in the first two episodes, just watching the "war" (I still use this term lightly) and commenting. The third episode she gets in an embarrassing situation and gets kidnapped. Oh well, so much for character development.
Eclair: Seemly a perfect name for a character that lives in a kingdom named after a cookie (For those who don't know, an Eclair is a type of Pastry, very delicious also). Eclair is our stereotypical Small-Breasted, In-very-humiliating-situations Tsundere of the anime, not as much as any character Kugimiya has done but a Tsundere still. I hate this character and like her at the same time. For one, I hate her for one reason. She calls Shinku an idiot for not knowing that like the princess is an idol and the monetary system and stuff about the world Shinku is in at the moment. I'm pretty sure it is said about ten times in-front of her that he is from a different world, doesn't she have the brains to know that things are different on different worlds? It is very annoying, very annoying. What makes her likable? Well she gets into all the humiliating situations, might as well like the fanservice character.
Art 8/10.
It is a fantasy anime so there is some good art showing a fantasy world. Midieval Kingdoms, Floating rocks, great landscapes. Nothing special but still good art.
Sound 8/10
No problems with the sound. The OP and ED are ok, they can grow with enough listens. What really surprises me is the fact that some pretty high class Seriyuus are on this anime (Nana mizuki for example) so that is a + on my book.
Enjoyment 7/10
While this anime looks fun and is fun, I sort of lost some enjoyment from the stupid idea of trivializing war and making it a simple athletic/ obstacle competition (Sora no otoshimono: Forte's Snow war EP was more like a war than this series). The Fighting animation is very good and the visuals are good.
Overral: 8/10
Overral this anime gets an 8. Actually it should be a 7 but I am being leniant due to the lack of medieval fantasy anime's out there. I didn'tt expect to really, really love this anime but it has gotten better in the later two episodes
(Note: Lots of people seem to rate 7 as average or bad in their rating systems when in fact 7 means it is good. 5-6 is average not 7)
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Feb 22, 2010
Let me just say I'm not a fan of Naruto, during the time it came out I was reading Ranma 1/2. When I got to read it about 50 chapters out of boredom I just stopped, never thinking that this was going to be well-known. Sadly, I was wrong Naturo had become a hugely favorite manga in the US of A, and i still can't see how. To me, the people reading Naruto are either Young Boys, Teenage boys who have yet to hit puberty or have totally skipped it and teenage girls who all their care about is Sasuke. And that leads me
to the characters; The three main characters are unlikable in different ways and intensities. Naruto, is Obnoxious, Rude, and overly unlikeable. Some people would want to defend him about that other village people hate him because he holds a demon in him. People can't hold a grudge about him for that long. No-one feels pity which makes the whole common village people unlikable. And second, what the hell is on his face? they are like cat whiskers or something. The next character on the hate list is Sasuke. The manga and all the fan-boys and fan-girls call him a cool person? What is cool about him? Al he does is stay silent and hold a grudge for killing his family, all the while not showing emotion and dedicating his life to hate. Sakura is ok, for an obsessed and hopeless lover can be.
After reading the first Tankobon. Naruto keeps on turning himself into a naked girl and makes some of the adult's nose bleed. It's like they forgot it is Naruto transforming himself into the girl, Which makes almost all the guys that all for it completely stupid. At one point there is a Fat ninja, which is a complete oxymoron. First, Ninjas in the Naruto world have to be fit for it, then if you are obese you would get forced into training because these ninjas "hide in the shadows". For a bit of reality, Ninjas were peasants and farmers who didn't like the Shogun's rule and their weapons were mainly farming weapons, they did have the stars but theyi were ill-fit for throwing stuff like needles.
The last thing to point out is the character development. Crap, complete and utter crap. Do you know why? The mangaka made a time skip. Making all the characters change. How the hell did they change. Like for instance, Naruto becomes a little more hardworking and a little less obnoxious. How? did he get attacked by the Naruto + Sasuke Yoai Fan-girls and fan-boys? We don't know. basically, the Mangaka ran out of ideas and had no imagination for character development.
In the end there are a couple nice things about it. The artwork is sorta nice, and the Plot line could've been good but only if they actually had different characters than the dull ones now it could've been enjoyable. I'd say read it when your young (like 7-12) than just move on and don't get into the over-hype by the vast amount of stupidity
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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