This is to let all member that a few things have opened up and some things have come to my attention. So I will start out with the main points.
- You WILL NOT be able to request in the 100+ Les or anything like that until you have a member card and you are active in the club. It is not fair to others that are active in the club to not even get a chance to get a card because the ones that just check have taken them when they are not active. So you ARE to be active if you claim in special/limited/rare etc. That goes for claims when we have someone running it etc.
-YOU ARE TO GET A MEMBER CARD FIRST You must get a member card first before you request anything. Because the member number on that card is your PERM number you will be using to claim cards. I had noticed this was not put into the 100+ Le topic I have edited all posts that have member numbers! But the ones who do not ARE ON HOLD for only a few days. otherwise you will be ignored.
- Member cards for le/se/re etc. Are FIRST COME FIRST SERVE to active members and people with member number! only!
- There are many things open you can request for some are not open yet of course, but most are! I will also be sending out member cards that have requested for them!
- We still need staff Staff Recruitment [ OPEN] You are welcome to join anything as you please and may join 1 or more then 1 thing.
- Invite your friends if you want to and think they will be active and join in on the fun!
- Note anyone can request any of these of course. You need to make sure you are active in the club to be able to participate or you will not be able to!
- Yes, this may be strict, but we are bringing back a dead club! And we are making it active for everyone!
- This will be the last newsletter you get unless you register as well
Have any questions or problems please ask. - Injection
Heya! This Is Injection wanted to let you know that you are a member of the old club ~Request Paradise~ We have been inactive, but are bouncing back! I wanted to know if you were going to intend on staying a member and dropping by to talk to everyone!
More the welcome to anytime! We are still a bit under construction with finding staff if your interested sign up! A lot of different positions avilable. We would love to see you in our little group and have fun with us!!!
こにちわ^^ nadam se da si nuchila hiraganu xD
nisam josh otishla idem najverovatnije sad u subotu, kad se ti vrachash?
pa ima svashta prichacu ti sve lepoo uzivo nadam se da cemo se videti josh do Nemachke :3
uuu bash mi je drago da se lepo provodish prichacesh mi sve kad se vidimo ^^
mada pochela sam da gledam nije losh dala bih mu neku 6 jel ti gledash neshto?
I daa,evo sad sam bas gledala tvoj profil :DD Sjajne preporuke!I nisam znala da volis Sikamarua xDD On je takav car :D Ja sam dodala Kakashia i Gaaru :33 Rock Lee-ja ne mogu da nadjeem TT________TT
Da,Kimi Ni Todoke 2nd season. :) xD A da,Howl mi se ne svidja mnogo jer je nekako sve nerazumljivo,misteriozno...Mislim dobar je stvarno,ali smatram da da bih filmu dala 10ku,treba da me odusevi i da mi dah stane,kao sto je to obavio Spirited Away. xD :33 Jesam,snasla sam se,zahvaljujuci tebii :D <3
nije bio losh navikla sam se i na nachin crtanja i na sve i bilo je jako smeshnih scena al kraj me je razocharao mogli su mnogo bolje da zavrshe anime gledala sam i dramu po ovom animeu koja je OMFG al sve u svemu ocena izmedju 8 i 7
xaxaxa ma da moram da zabelezim shta gledam :3
ma necu se otrovati imam poverenja u tebe :D
e ovako ima jedna velikaa prodavnica zdrave hrane ima skoro svih sastojaka koji su u japanskim jelima nsm bila ali kazu da je jako dobra zove se HEMA-KHEYA-NEYE (retardirano znam ali ima svega)
i nalazi se u Hilanbdarskoj 24
evo ti i sajt
All Comments (169) Comments
nisam josh otishla idem najverovatnije sad u subotu, kad se ti vrachash?
pa ima svashta prichacu ti sve lepoo uzivo nadam se da cemo se videti josh do Nemachke :3
uuu bash mi je drago da se lepo provodish prichacesh mi sve kad se vidimo ^^
mada pochela sam da gledam nije losh dala bih mu neku 6 jel ti gledash neshto?
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ali ja nmg nikako danas popodne imam mnogo obaveza -_______-
ma necu se otrovati imam poverenja u tebe :D
e ovako ima jedna velikaa prodavnica zdrave hrane ima skoro svih sastojaka koji su u japanskim jelima nsm bila ali kazu da je jako dobra zove se HEMA-KHEYA-NEYE (retardirano znam ali ima svega)
i nalazi se u Hilanbdarskoj 24
evo ti i sajt
она крута.
если ты любишь эротику, юри и садо-мазо**