Great Teacher Onizuka is a better manga than anime, but not atrociously bad as an anime. It gives a less frenetic, but if anything more endearing touch to everything in my opinion. You lose a lot of the funniest moments though, for sure.
Kinda strange that we have so high compatability when we are into such different anime. My favorite kind of anime is a dark psychological one whereas your favorite would be a comedy one. But yeah 88.7% is awesome :P I really dont get how they emasure it tho
sorry i was caught up watching bamboo blade...thanks for the recommendations...hmmm fmp huh yea i'll try that one! long have i liked anime?? umm every since dragon ball z came 2 the us i guess...that was my first one by the way but yea i've only really been n2 it like this for about 2years maybe
wow 6 years?!?! well i've always liked anime bt nvr really got n2 til recently when i joined a forum bt hmm...i guess my fav genre's are action, comedy, mecha, samurai, vampire (like blood +),shounen, and slice of about u?
full metal alchemist?? yea i got that one on hold bt i do really like it planing on watching it from the beginning with subs this time around tho...oh n i c its ur bdae soooo...HAPPY BDAY!!!!! n thanks for the recommendation! :)
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