Well hey who ever is reading dis, I'm currently a lifeless guy, just a soulless body wondering around
not knowing what's his next move gonna be, also currently I'm no longer a student cause I finished high-school like 2 months ago, was late on application for colleges and am now doing absolutely nothing and just waiting for God knows what. Let's stop talking about my depressing life now and ima talk about my anime point of view if I may :))) back at grade 8 a friend of mine named wassim showed me some anime scenes and how popular some shows were, I got really hooked up by the first look of that naruto scene and I couldn't resist but to start watching anime, not to be an a hole my other friend his name was hassan samha he is the one who told me before wassim about anime tbh but I wasn't as attracted to it at that time, hassan told me about a game called league of legends and he was one of the realest people I knew, sometimes some classmates bully me but yet he defends me, such a good friend to have istg, and that sums up when I started watching anime and the 2 most important people of my childhood (in school) cause if I Wana start talking about the people I knew out of the school I would keep typing until Tom xD, so back on topic we were talking bout anime yeah, ehm now my rly close friends know me that I'm very generous when it comes to rating anime in which I give all animes that I have seen a 10 out of 10 because the people who took a lot of time drawing these and making them look as perfect as possible while spending months or even years finishing a 12 episode anime until someone says "meh not good enough" kinda pisses me off, I get its an opinion but at least appreciate the piece of art that the people behind the anime worked hard on making it, but ig ur right when u say some anime are trash when it comes to the plot and the story because personally I have come across one anime I think which has the plot of it kinda meh but not BAD I forgot the animes name 😅 but every now and then it's your right to say and give opinions when needed, and I'm not saying u should be on ur knees appreciating every anime that has been made of how good looking it is, no I'm just saying that not to over criticize an anime just a quick opinion covering the points u felt were weak. Recently I watched an anime called your lie in april and when the anime finished I was......... Legit speach less, that anime was so freaking good, everything about it was so beautiful, legit the goosebumps I get from watching that anime made my hair go supersayen man, istg one of the least anime that made me cry, I love watching sad anime cause I feel like I can relate to it and plus idk why I make my self feel miserable, when I saw I want to eat your pancreas I was crushed man, after that anime I wanted to stop watching sad and drama involved anime just to improve my mentality a bit so I went ahead and watched hunter hunter, when I got like 20 episodes in I knew at some point in this anime I would be depressed again because killua and gon looked so happy together and later on in the anime they were like brothers so if one leaves the other it would be a dramatic scene, well that's what I thought until I reached episode 135, I never freaking knew that a anime related to hunters would make me CRY man, just why, I chose hunter hunter so I would relief my self from depressing anime and here I go back again at another depressing episode..... The episode hurt me so much because the way he was checking up on her, I forget that girl name it was kougiri or smthing like that, the scenery made me rly sad of how it escalated, a creature who is literally the strongest character in all hunter hunter world almost kneels for a girl he liked playing chess with? The director really did a masterpiece there, the way he died knowing that if he was alive he would have ruled the whole world, not even the world the whole universe man, but on the other hand it was smart that he died peacefully with his loved one, because if he was kept alive he would have been wayyy overpowered character anyway, kinda sad mentioning hunter hunter knowing it would probably continue when I become a grandfather. I have been typing for around 30 min or even more 😂😂 its 1:46am rn I'm kinda exhausted idk of what tbh lol, my close friend (wassim) is traveling to Syria to start his college there, a girl I like stopped talking to me after high-school ended, I feel like I've been played with when I was in a "crushing" phase over someone, life is crazy and short so try making the best of it, hate it as much as u want but that won't change anything, by the time ur reading this I might be in God's hands or alive somewhere in this earth, nevertheless take care and if u made it this far reading my life story then thank you and I hope I didn't waste ur time, if ur wondering that I watched the entire anime history then no I didn't 😂😂 I watched around 30 anime in total over 3 or 4 years, I'm not rly a weeb that just watches anime but when I see something that's worth watching I never hesitate to click it, ight I talked for so long xD take care and sarabada ✌️
All Comments (2) Comments
You said that you were late to applying, hopefully, ur done rn and started?