All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 198.5
Mean Score:
- Watching34
- Completed423
- On-Hold35
- Dropped25
- Plan to Watch126
- Total Entries643
- Rewatched65
- Episodes11,819
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 95.4
Mean Score:
- Total Entries184
- Reread1
- Chapters16,883
- Volumes1,463
All Comments (85) Comments
>We should watch a movie or something to celebrate.
No, because I know what you're going to suggest. :(
Anyway, it's been a while since I first saw Katanagatari so my memory of it isn't the greatest. From what I do remember, I liked the conversations between Shichika and Togame, the gorgeous artstyle and Shichika's gradual development over the course of the show (they do a really good job /showing/ the change in his mannerisms/worldview).
Oh right, I wrote a review about this show years ago. It's probably easier for me to just link it here since it has everything I liked and disliked about Katanagatari: (pls read and support the site you don't write for).
But yeah, I can see Katanagatari being a polarizing show though. My main complaints about the show were the instances where the dialogue meandered for too long (Nisio Isin can often be his worst enemy), Shichika being so much stronger than any of his opponents and, well, that ending (which I'm almost 100% positive you'll hate). I guess it's the type of show where you're either on board with its eccentricities from the start or you just...aren't - in which case, I'm not sure if there's a point in continuing.
I'm up for discussing it either here or on IRC (assuming I actually get my ass on there). Feel free to list some of your points of contention, since that will make it easier for me to respond to specifics (and hopefully refresh my memory in the process, heh).
>Kirara sucks, Towa a best.
Those are words to get fired by...
The Touch ending was great, although some people got a bit pissed off about it since Tatsuya's stubbornness nearly ended it on a sour note. I think the issue is that everyone expects perfection from the protagonist, when Adachi made it clear that Tatsuya is a very flawed human being. He's a lot different from Kitamura or Hiro in that regard. He also starts out as a terrible pitcher unlike the others.
Major is pretty fun so far. I'm not really sure what to expect right now since the series is so massive (like... 150 episodes) but it's off to a good start considering I almost never watch six episodes back-to-back. The scenes with his father are also great, although
Sadly, SAO went down the same route and did everything chronologically. I'm scared. Also, what the fuck, muh Mikasa design.
tl;dr - Fucking wait to marathon the series because waiting week by week is going to be horribly, horribly painful. And we still might get that anime only end, but even then, at least it'll have been an amazing however many episodes.
Not much of a tl;dr now that I think about it.