1/10.- FML.
2./10- Pretty horrible all around.
3/10.- I regret most of my time watching this.
4/10.- I'm probably on the verge of liking it to some extent, but can't quite say I do. Maybe the narrative just doesn't work or the animation is truly bottom the barrel.
5/10.- I can get some enjoyment out of this. Probably has tons of flaws but also a good deal of potential, so I still like it a little bit. You could call it a guilty pleasure.
6/10.- A decent show that I deem to have some aspects of interest that are well executed. Fun to watch but still kind of mediocre.
7/10.- A show that's pretty cool and doesn't have too many flaws. I enjoy it quite a bit, but it might not do anything special to catch my attention and keep me thinking about it.
8/10.- An overall really good show with very few flaws. Probably delivers in every single aspect but is still nothing truly amazing to make me consider it among my favourites.
9/10.- A great show that barely has any flaws. Probably has a narrative or message that resonates with me personally and I can get behind.
10/10.- Uhhh... I could probably think of flaws for these kinds of shows, but this site doesn't allow decimal scores... So... yeah...
Of course, these score descriptions aren't absolute in any case. There are exceptions to them.
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