The "Darkness" surrounds and binds all matter, yet we cannot see it.
The "Light" is the mediator for the "Darkness", yet we cannot touch it.
Why is it that God made things we know to exist, but cannot interact with?
Is it a test of our sanity? Our grip of reality? No....
It exists because that is all it knows to do. The same is with me.
I am all, yet I am nothing.............
You are nothing with me as well.
This "Nothingness" that we live through, is called "Life".
A confusing word to some. Why? Because it's "Purpose" is to infect us with self-doubt.
Filling us with fear, that the next day, we may not live... We may not breathe...
I am only a "Philosopher". I only help your mind to wonder about such things. I am not a "Peasant"... Nor a "King" for that matter.
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