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Oct 16, 2022
Mixed Feelings
It has really cool visuals, and a unique style (reminiscent of monogatari series, it's the same direcotr), but there isn't much pass that. The story is kind of pointless, with a couple of moments making absolutely no sense. The characters are rather shallow and lack any complexity or developement. 90% of the show feels like filler more than anything.

It's not that I got bored or anything, but I don't feel like I would have missed something by not watching it either. I would just skip this one to be honest, unless you feel especially attracted to the art style. There's much better things to watch ...
Oct 3, 2022
Cool action/mystery anime with a "revive and try again" element. Some moments surprised me by how well written and logical were. In any other anime, the MC would have failed constantly, acting dumb as a rock and repeatedly choosing the stupidest thing to do in every situation, until sometime during the second season their two last functioning neurons would have come to the right conclusion after countless deaths of trial and error.

But my boy Shinpei goes straight to the logical thing to do. I never felt like any of the deaths were done for the sake of killing him. Every single time, it felt like ...
Sep 23, 2022
This is, in my opinion, the best anime Trigger has made. That alone should make it clear how amazing this show actually is. As it's usual with Trigger, it's artistic direction is among the best you can find in this medium. It's animation is superb, and it has amazing designs to go with it. It's soundtrack couldn't have been better chosen too.

The show follows street kid David Martinez as he struggles in a futuristic dystopia obsessed with body augmentations. By chance, he ends up joining a group of mercenaries, who will teach him how to survive and make a living outside the law.

Although this show ...
Sep 20, 2022
I didn't expect to enjoy this anime as much as I did. I thought I would find generic comedy, and instead I found jokes that hit hard and that felt original and unique. I thought there wouldn't be any plot, but some characters (specially Ishigami) got an incredible ammount of exposure and development. In summary, I thought this would be another generic and dull show, but I couldn't have been further from the truth.

That said, part of me wishes that this was it's last season. It feels like the perfect place to end the story, and to not make it's humor feel repetitive. We'll see ...
Sep 15, 2022
It's not a bad anime by any means, but it also feels like it doesn't take any risks. The second season of Kaguya-sama replicates what we've seen in it's first one, and barely makes the main plot advance. A couple of new characters are introduced, and we take a look at Ishigami's past (which is actually a suriprisingly deep and sad story for the tone of the anime). But that's pretty much it.

I would say it's comedy retains the level of it's first season. It's animation feels a little bit better (not that it was bad to begin with).

If you were left wanting more after ...
Sep 7, 2022
I wouldn't call Kaguya-sama a masterpiece, even among comedy animes. But it definitely is a fun watch.
It's a sketch anime, so storywise there's not much going on apart from the romantic tension between the two main characters, but there's not need to anyway. It has charming characters and a good sense of humor. Opening aside, the soundtrack is not very remarkable, and it's animation is fine for what it is.

If you like pure comedy animes (with a touch of romance), give this a try. It may start to get boring in the next seasons, but so far I would say it's worth watching (or ...
Mar 25, 2022
I could have never imagined how much I would end up loving this show when I started it. This is one of the best animes I've watched in a long time, and it would probably remain at the top of my list forever.

It's artistic style, as well as it's animation, are from a quality you rarely encounter in this medium. Every single frame manages to convey an array of emotions that other shows could only dream about transmitting. It's characters, from foes to allies, manage to make you care about them more than entire casts from other shows. This is specially true for the ...
Mar 14, 2022
Seriously, were does Ufatable get the budget for something like this. I don't think I've ever seen anything with this level of animation. The story itself is nothing to get excited about, it's average even for an action shonen. But my god, the animation, it justifies watching this anime 100%.

The artistic style of Kimetsu no Yaiba is also destacable, as well as the character designs. Specially those of the Hashiras, with Rengoku stealing the past arc's spotlight, and Uzui stealing this one's.

As far as the story goes, as I said it's not too interesting. It's enough for what the show tries to be. If you ...
Mar 9, 2022
A fine arc for the series. While I'm not a big fan of the story (it's really simplistic even for an action shonen), it's one of the best animated animes out there, and it's artisctic style and animation quality justify watching it 100%.

Now, I see a lot of people complaining about this arc and the fact that it's an adaptation from the movie by the same name. These complaints see this movie as a cash grab. And, well, while that may be true (let's not pretend like big companies don't do things whith money on their mind), I think it's a necessity for movies ...
Feb 24, 2022
I'm not a big Isekai fan, but I have to say that Mushoku Tensei got me hooked from the starts. It's really well paced, has great art style and animation, a good soundtrack and decent designed characters (some of them are cool, but others feel really cliché).

It's biggest drawback this first season would be it's story. It's not bad, but there's not much going on, it feels more like exposition (tho it starts getting interesting in the last few chapters).

I'm excited to see how it continues, which is something that I can't say about most of the other Isekais I've watched.

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