Actually the name of my profile is related to the world of video games, of which I am passionate. Games like 4story, Guildwars2, Mount and Blade and all their fantastic mods. I think that most people who like anime also like or have liked video games. Also, boardgames. Loved them, specially BattleStar Gallactica, Dune Imperium & Dune Classic & Tyrants of Underdark (the book is also good).
In general I like adult animes that have a certain philosophical and political background. I like strategy, military and the development of characters and kingdoms. I am open to talking about any issue, always trying to discover good animes to watch. Every time I watch one, I think, there's one less left on the list to watch and it makes me kind of sad. On the other hand, I go seasonally, sometimes I can go 1 year without watching anime and then watch 4 at once.
I think the best way to watch anime is to comment on each chapter or every 2-3 chapters, trying to analyze them individually. I watched many animes in my childhood and they may be overrated like BTOOM but until I watch them again I can't really know.
I love also openings and endings of anime. Made a top150 video of openings on:
All Anime Stats Anime Stats
- Watching1
- Completed170
- On-Hold19
- Dropped43
- Plan to Watch153
- Total Entries386
- Rewatched0
- Episodes3,968
All Comments (64) Comments
Aww, Spain and Romano are close ;) I plan to read ""The Travails of Persiles and Sigismunda"" this year. I'm curious Cervantes's point of view in his last work after he relieved himself of his war CPTSD in his most known novel.
About Napoleon. I add to what I have written before:
- I don't like his treatment of sick soldiers in Egypt and his official propaganda;
- I don't like his suppression of Haiti uprising;
- I'm sick of his idealized, idolised version worshipped by Poles in the 19th century.
He also had his merits, of course. And what do you like about him? I am not particularly invested in 19th-century wars, so most I know is basic stuff.
Maybe demographics of anime watchers dictates it. Or sexualisation of anime is part of global trend. "Paprika" is crazy in many aspects. Also crazy good. I've obssesed about it's music after I watched it :)
Speaking of mysteries :D Try to guess three times ;)
MAL doesn't reflect time when I watched most of the series except last season. I made my account about 3 years ago but I didn't used it till Crunchyroll closed comments section last autumn.
I meant Sci-fi. I recommend my country classics:
- Lem's "Eden" (contact with aliens; good);
- Lem's "The Futurological Congress" (dystopian masterpiece);
- Zajdel's "Limes Inferior" (dystopian, in some aspects similar to NWO).
Personally I really like White's "Hospital Station" and Lloyd Biggle's "Monument" First is pure comedy, second is retelling of colonisation of Americas; definitely better than "Avatar" :P
I'm not sure if I may recommend anything cyberpunk, P.K. Dick is absolutely classic. Did you like "Modified Carbon"? I didn't read it yet. Generally, I lean more to fantasy or sci-fantasy than other genres. One of favs are Connie Willis mini series about time travelling historians. Is it comedy and tragedy - it depends of which one book it is.
Aww, I don't know much about Hideyoshi except part about his anti-Christian (or anti-Portugal) restrictions. Trasibulo - Thrasybulus? Are you Italian? I don't like Napolen but I like his civil service changes and I'm quite fascinated how much crazy charisma he had. His doctrine of army without approvisation was devastating to countries he subjogated and killed his army during his attempt of Russia's conquest. So buu-hu ;)
Are you dissapointed with community or with producers? Many of them are probably younger teens, so have mercy ;) I must admit it's a bit weird that in a few years there is more and more pure fanservice almost without a plot. Harem is a plague, especially when you watch something promising and suddenly it's changes to harem in the middle of the story. It's really annoying.
No, I don't. But in the same time I like crime stories. Maybe because they are almost always builded like just-world is true. And often they are intellectual/psychological mysteries fun to solve.
Yes, I'm. I changed my Fenrys avatar and added my age after some guy from Mexico sended me dm-s about his unhappy marriage. He stopped immediately and vanished in depths of MAL :D
I've read Neuromancer, too, hahah. I've read tons of fantasy/sci-fi as a youngster. Lastly I read more classics. Do you read SF, especially cyberpunk?
Many YT history chanells are very good. I'll not yap about Sea People bc when I talk about it almost all are dead like Troy citizens in a short time :S But we know quite a lot now. For me it is very interestigly connected with Hebrew conquest of Canaan and Philistines identity as remains of Sea People.
So you like study warfare strategies? It is consistent with your profile :) Do you have favourite general or war?
Ok, then I will try "Made in Abyss" some day :)
I watch for time being more light-hearted and less full of explosions batterfield things? But I also have character gap taste so it may reverse some day. It's rare when are both in one show in right way. Also, direction of most contemporary anime are more mellow and it has an impact, I guess.
What about your changes of taste?
Good. I've watched it twice :D You mean overpowered or something else?
I've read Amber series in high school but I didn't liked it then, it was too much realpolitik for younger, naive me :D I keep in mind I want come back to this story some day. Also because I don't remember it well so reading now will be new experience. My fav book of Zelazny is "Lord of the Ligt" - I like how reincarnation and generally speaking Hindu mythology is used in SF/dystopian genre with a hints of noir here and there.
Fortunately history is also great hobby :) Which ancient? Do you often think about Roman Empire? ;) I like a lot first civilisations (The Fertile Crescent, Aegean civilization and Late Bronze Collapse). Later are great, too :)
Thank you for all recommendations :) I wonder if "Made in Abyss" is similar to "Children Who Chase Lost Voices"? Because I hate it. I don't like human/child sacrifices so in Punic Wars I'm all in with Rome, even if they weren't nice guys for Sofonisba and Masinissa descendants.
>>you seem a normal person and cultured , though we share 1% of anime hehehe, maybe we can talk about everything...
Haha, you never know... I have weak spot for celtic/early medieval myths, so your location, even if it's taken from the game, looks interesting. Also BTOOM is great :D
I see you like political stuff. Have you wathed ACCA-13? Slice of live, but also political story with machiavellian tone.
I'm also curious what you recommend :)
| Hahah well.! i like discuss too ― pleasure can exchange with other person expanding my open-minded,
Interesting topic, quite a few asked me to talk about it. I really like both series especially deathnote - i watched it when was a teenager. which one. 'At one time, I didn't think about anything or even really didn't care, that series is fun enough and clever's.
btw ask me anything, I am really open and accept all forms of criticism.
don't worry im friendly. :)
La verdad es que normalmente para determinar cuánto me gusta un anime con precisión intento hacer un balance ponderado (suena super técnico pero en verdad es un poco impulsivo lol) entre mi impresión nada más terminarlo y la impresión que me ha dejado al pasar el tiempo. Incluso, para no tener que cambiar la nota después, intento predecir más o menos la impresión que me dejará para el futuro, aunque al final siempre acabo haciendo alguna carnicería de notas en algún momento de mi vida XDD
La verdad es que sí, suena injusto darle un 8 a animes que te viste hace mucho tiempo y son, en comparación con los actuales, bastante peores o simplemente no causan la misma impresión. Me pasa mucho con No Game No Life, en su momento me gustó muchísimo pero, si me lo viese en la actualidad, probablemente no le daría más de un 5 o un 6...
A mí personalmente Kirito y Asuna me parecen personajes con bastantes fallos, aunque no soy quién para decir qué es bueno o qué es malo. Tengo que decir que Aincrad me moló, las hadas no me gustaron y los sables láser en general me parecieron un poco meh. ¿Qué opinas de Alicization, por curiosidad?
(●っゝω・)っ~☆HIYAH☆ Thanks For The Accepting the Friend Request ❤
Nice to meet chu. How are you doing?
As my nationality I prefer not to say because I have some people who share same ethnicity or who Im pretty sure that they share it with me that I just dont wanna interact to much. But I can say that Im mixed . Where are you from if you okay sharing
About 25 I did just did have a lot of time in summer so I start to watch a lot of anime that start to arriving in summer its gonna be less in autumn because of university. I do like Planetes for now
Oh Im already watching HXH just put it on On hold for a little time but almost everything you say is on my PTW list especially 86.
As a recommendation I think you can like Welcome to the N.H.K.,Devilman:Crybaby and Jormungand ( I didn’t like second season but a lot of people like it )
Nice to meet you btw