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Oct 17, 2010
Ah the movie every Fate Stay Night fan has been waiting for and for good reasons too. This movie is not a continuation of the anime series. To make it very clear it’s like coming to a fork in the road, picking route A) takes you to the anime series which you seen or heard of, or if you pick Route B) it take you to the movie and the events in Route A) never happened at all.
Now here's some advice, to those who are new to the Fate/Stay Night Series. I highly recommend watching the anime before committing to this movie. The
reason I suggest this is simple. Try to compact a game which requires over 15 hours of play time into an hour and 45 minute movie. What are the flaws of doing that? It’s simplification. That means the supporting characters are like cardboard cutouts as you don’t get to see them much. Characters like Taiga, nor Sakura get hardly any screen time, nor other servants who in the original Visual Novel had a very lengthy screen time to learn of their plans and all their motives of doing what they’re doing and plus some of the humor that was in the route of Unlimited blade Works have been cut out for just pure action.
Story: The story of Unlimited Blade Works follows a different route to which Shirou isn't as protective of Saber as he is in the Anime. The Story separates from the anime shortly in the beginning after Rin takes Shirou to the Church. In this Movie Shirou is trying to win the war with little to no casualties. Unlike the Anime, the movie focuses more on Shirou and Rin as well as Archer. The only flaw in the movie is the simplification and doesn't nearly as much as the anime does, however the action in this movie is better than the anime which is more slow pace. The Story is faithful to the route in the visual novel and no changes are made, though the only thing that upsets me is that characters are like cardboard cutouts in which you don’t learn much about the characters in the movie as you would when you play the game. Because of the flaw I have to give it 7 out of 10
Art: The anime was made in 2006, and the artwork at the time was excellent. Four years later in 2010 the movie is finally released. So is the quality of art the same? No rather it takes its art up four notches and in top form. I applaud the people who made this and for not being lazy and slacking on the art. If need to be compare to the anime and the movie think of the anime like the original Hellsing anime compare to the Hellsing Ultimate OVA's. I award art 10 out of 10.
Sound: I made this point in my other reviews success on an anime or movie depends on the music, Art and characters alone can't tell the story. To make my point clear, put Barney the purple dinosaur I love you song in a scene in Dragon Ball Z where the fate of the world is in balance. Doesn’t work. Fortunately this doesn't happen in the movie. The Soundtrack is not as up to par compared to its anime counterpart. However, needless to say it gets it job done, not perfect, but done. Nothing feels out of place for any moment, no heartwarming moment is spoil by the wrong type of music and all is well; however it’s certainly not the top of the food chain, and has some flaws. This is the aspect where the anime version is superior. Sound I award an 8
Character: Everyone has favorite characters for different reasons. One character may be the favorite because of his attitude, another because of the jokes cause by the character, and last but not least, because that said character is Gar. My reason is different (though my favorite character being Gar isn't far from the truth). What this movie does it separates itself from the series by accurately portray the same characters differently and that they're not going down the same path. Shirou is not so protective of Saber as much in the movie as he was in the series (and i do admit that did annoy me sometimes) and this is where Shirou in this is different than his counterpart in the anime. Same goes for Archer and Rin as well as Saber, and in this movie it shows the characters ideals and these ideals are spoken through actions rather than words. However turning point to this is rest of the characters which are actually very important get very little development like Caster and her master, as well as a couple of others. Because of those drawbacks I give character a 7
Enjoyment: The only enjoyment watching this movie would be the action pack scenes, otherwise don’t expect anything else like romance and other things. 7 out 10 for enjoyment
Overall: So is this movie better than the anime? That answer will depend upon you. You are at the fork in the road and which path do you want to take? Path A which is the anime with decent actions and has a well explain story? Or Path B a movie that tells you the basic outline of the story and delivers action unlike any ever seen? The decision rests with you.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 11, 2010
There was a time, when i thought the only way for an anime to spook me, was to make my skin crawl from watching grotesque scenes, like in When They Cry; or see gruteous amounts of blood and body parts sent flying like in Elfen Lied. However this series, when you get down to it, can make you stand on the edge of your seat. This is probaly one of the few series i have seen where after watching a few couple of episodes, i wanted to turn some lights on.
Story: The story is rather simplitic enough, focusing on a group of rather diverse people
who hunt ghosts, and the plot of the story is put into mostly arcs which takes 3 to 4 episodes to finish. After each arc, the cases gets more dangerous than the last. The advantage of the tool of using 3 to 4 episode arcs, is that it doesn't become a rather overabundace of monster of the week epiodes. Sure it probably would've been great to see more cases of the SPR, but it probably would've taken out what makes the series so unique, its charactorization, supsense as well as its humor. The biggest drawback this series has against it, is that they hardly go into main characters backstories, and also there isn't really a conclusion. For that, i give the story an 8.
Art: Art is above average, main characters are not so detailed yet very simple designs, however even simple designs can be effective as i can see the shading of these characters making them stand out. I also commemorate the art on the ghost designs especially one of the designs in episode 21 where it gave me very good chills. So i give art a good 9
Sound: Now this is what makes a series or breaks it, if you don't have the right sounds or music for the right scenes or moments, then simply its not good. But this is where this series shines the most and i give it a well deserve 10, as it more than surpasses my expectation of good timing of music, and the right mood of music. This series does a great job executing the suspecful music and the eerie music that makes you more alert. The Opening gives you the sense of what is to come and what to expect and the Ending is also worth a listen due that its rather unusual way to end as series. Listening to the Ending for the first time i thought it didn't fit, but after watching more episodes and learning chemistry of characters and plot development it dawns that it really fits than first thought.
Characters: The characters are rather unique to the show, and the chemistry they have is just so...right. You'll see what I mean when I start doing a listing off their psychological profile heres. First up to bat is Kazuya Shibuya the main male lead, very self confident and a self consious boy who is known by a nickname as Naru, which in short for Narsccistic, which certainly fits his character as time and time again he is proven to be right. We have a rockstar buddish monk, who has a large fanbase of girls. A priest who is Austrailian, and you have a shinto priestess who many people in the group make fun of her for bragging that she can cleans spirits, but fails to do so. Last and certainly not least, a young high school girl who because of circumstances is force to help the team. Bring all these aspects together, you got a very unique humor to pave for some lightheartness. For the originality of the characters i give it a 9
Enjoyment: This series is certainly going to give you the run of your money and is one of the few series that i love to watch again, and again, and again despite knowing what will happen and why. Replay value is priceless, however, i felt some things could've been done better, sorta wish the series had a slight longer run if only to have as I will say again, a slight conclusive ending, however the way it ended isnt bad, leaves it open ended. I award enjoyment with a nine.
Overall: Overall this series is something people should at least watch for four episodes before deciding to quiet it. So when you people decide to watch it, i will dare you to watch it at night with the lights off, and the sound not cranck up all the way but enough so you can hear the slightest whisper, especially from episode 18- 21. Rating for Overall i award a 9
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Apr 21, 2010
It's surprising when your talking to your friend one day, and your friend pops you a question out of the blue. "Have you ever heard of Nadesico?" The response was immediately. "No why?" "It's rated as one of the greatest Comedy anime series in Japan" Now with that said, i was curious about Martian Successor Nadesico, i was curious as to why it was rated one of the greatest comical anime series in Japan, as my friend mention and showed me in one of his magazines. So i decided to watch it. What happens after that was probably one of the greatest enjoyments of
my life. Never have I witness a Anime series where it is so light hearted, and so....just so funny and yet there's people dying here and there, but that doesn't stop the series from being more funny, I mean, i never seen a anime series that has a anime inside of anime, yea i know your probably wondering how is this computing, but when you watch it, you will figure that out. If it makes it simpiler heres a simpliar way to explain it
Anime A is Nadisco, crew members in Anime A watch Gekigangar which is Anime B, now one episode Anime B which is Gekigangar is watching Anime A which is Nadesico
Story = 10
The story is Mars being invaded, and the main character mysterious teleported to Earth at the time of the invasion, while being attack. Anyways the main Character Akito, is a cook employed by a private battle ship Nadesico, though the cook is always complaining that he just wants to be a cook and not a pilot. Unfortunately it doesn't quiet help when he has something that allows him to pilot the mechs. The story has a couple of screw and curve balls and never have i seen a series where you have people die, and then something happens to lift the serious and brooding tone, i mean the brooding tone doesn't even last for 15 minutes, because something happens to bring back the funny atmosphere. Sometimes I wonder if it was spoofing the infamous series Neon Genesis Evangelion since the english actors who play the character in Neon Genesis also voice act in the series too, as the voice actor who voiced Shinji is voicing the main character Akito Tenkawa
Art = 10
Art- Art is impressive, love the design of the mechs, and especially the craftsmanship of the design of the Spaceship Nadesico. Also impressive is the art style of the characters, the character designs are very unique, which i believe setted up templettes of other characters to come, such as Primula from Shuffle! looks awfully a lot like Ruri from this series. Being that this is a 90's show the art is still impressive.
Sound = 8
The music sets the tone, and in this case Nadesico successes in that aspect, also the music makes this series stand out somewhat from other series, though its may not be the greatest soundtrack ever created, it certianly is good nonetheless, as i believe after watching the opening of the show
Character = 10
This is where the magic of the show drags you in, as you slowly begin to learn each and every crew member. I especially think Ruri was extremely well done, i have never laugh so much from a girl whose dead pan and smart attitude cracked me up so much. As i said all the crew members are well done, you get to learn every one pervious jobs, like the pilot Minato, whose previous job was being the secretary, though being on that ship i wonder why did we let a secretary pilot a top of the mil spacecraft.
Lets go through some characters shall we?
Akito Tenkawa- Major goal in life is to be a cook, but is having a hard time achieving that goal due to some techinal diffculties of being a backup pilot, despite his most memorable quote "I'M JUST A COOK!"
Captain Yurika Misumaru- The childhood friend of Akito, and is probably one of the most ditzies captains i have ever seen in anime existance, well ok maybe not the dizties, but very close. Usually absent minded, thinking about her crush, which can sometimes put the entire crew in dire straights, but being the best in her field as a captain she usually pulls through
Gai Daigoji- In my wildest dreams, never...i mean NEVER, would i have thought about meeting an otaku pilot. In fact i think its the first character in anime history i have ever seen being a Otaku nut pilot. He loves the anime Gekigangar and the show is the reason why he is a pilot so he could accomplish his dream of piloting a giant mech
Ruri Hoshino- Probably the most funniest and the memorable character, her deadpan tone and witty nature just makes me laugh with her usuall catchphrase being "Idiots"
Enjoyment = 10
The series has a lot things that is enjoyable and makes me laugh, especially after the fact that the series has its own anime in the name of Gekigangar, which spoof the late 70's anime shows. The show even has an Otaku Pilot for crying out loud! Never have i before seen a anime series that has a otaku piloting a mecha. Occasional witty humor especially from Ruri. Also never have i ever seen a anime series that successfully broke down the forth wall and then procede to do what they were doing like nothing had ever happen
Overall = 10
Overall this is a series you should not miss. If you like a series that lampoons Mecha's, and has a great story, then this is the show for you to watch!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Apr 21, 2010
This is my first review, so bare with me please. Anyways about Irresponsible Captain Tylor, where do i start, i got started into the series because of a recommendation from a friend. Little did i know how much i was going to enjoy the series, because when you look at it at a first glance it doesn't look anything special, or unique. However Irresponsible Captain Tylor proved me wrong, the humor was very unique and interesting and the characters just keep you laughing, as well as hard to stay on your chair without falling out laughing, as well making me curious whatever if Captain
Tylor is really a genius, or a absolute fool.
The overall story is a mixture of humor, drama, romance, and sprinkle of little action all boiled in a pot. The humor is predictable and unpredictable, as you know what to expect next from Captain Tylor, but at the same time you don't know what else he is going to do. The main titular character Tylor, as you watch just suddenly appears at a recruiting station wanting to join the army of the Earth Federation, thinking being in the army would be a easy life. The drama is slightly over the top, with "What's going to happen how are we going to get out of this mess" however there are occasional seriousness at parts, which shows its not all fun and games, well sometimes its not all fun and games. The action i do not know if to consider it action since i laugh so hard when watching the action happening, but as with drama there are serious times of actions. The reason i gave the story a 9 is that there are some parts in the story that i think they could've done so much more with, especially in the later part.
ART = 9
The Art style is more impressive especially the time period when it was produced in the 90's, i say the art is more impressive than most of the other series produced in the 90', the art looks smooth, shading looks very wonderful.
SOUND = 10
The soundtracks impressed me very much, the music set the overall tune of what's going to happen. To prove my point just go to this link
In this link has the teaser trailer of Captain Tylor, that has the background music of series
The character is what really give the show its shine, especially the main Titular character Captain Tylor. Captain Tylor is the lucky man who things go his way on luck, he also a slight womanizer. This man who joins the army because he wanted a easy life, somehow manages to become a captain of a cruiser. At one point in the series, the commanders don't know whatever Captain Tylor is a genius or a complete Idiot, though the crew beg to differ. So the character development is up to you, the viewer.
The enjoyment is outstanding i never had so much fun watching a series and laughed so hard because of unique sense of humor. This is also the first anime series i have seen that gives homage to the american pop culture with the reference to Jason Vorhess from Friday the thirteen since there is a crew member whose name is Jason and also has a hockey mask on.
Overall i recommend this series to anyone looking for a good laugh.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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