nel is a fun loving girl who just likes to play games.
nel is not to be taken seriously EVER!
she is easily scared, but also incredibly happy all the time ^^
nel is still getting used to this place
she has to go back through and rate things, its time consuming
time she could be spending actually watching the anime ^_-
nel marathons anime like no one else can!
that is nel's secret...nel has seen pretty much all of her 36 days worth of anime in about 15 months now...
All Comments (16) Comments
Seems like I will drop it again.
As for One Piece, it bores that I have to waste time on 150 episodes for it to get epic.
Tho with my girl, jobs and life in general, I started watching way less.
she has to go back through and rate things, its time consuming
time she could be spending actually watching the anime ^_-
nel marathons anime like no one else can!
that is nel's secret...nel has seen pretty much all of her 36 days worth of anime in about 15 months now...
Unknown :(
It's about time you made a profile.
This is -Magician ;).
We share 25 anime ='(