Apr 28, 2020
This manga follows around the Demon Lord Eugene Satania-Vidorick. Eugene Satania-Vidorick has a secret though, he loves to go into the human world! He takes on the disguise of Sayano (Satani) Yuuji while working and living. One day a rookie low-level demons named Mist showed up in his apartment. Satani must protect his disguise at all costs!
This is a short manga with only two volumes and fourteen chapters. It is a somewhat a mass-produced storyline. It is very popular and very overplayed. It's still cute, but because of the mass producing finishing may take some work. A short manga like this depending on time I
can finish between one day and two weeks. This specific one took me about two months because it felt a bit of a chore.
The art is pretty average with some details. Usually not detailed unless it was part of the main dialogue: 7/10
Only one of the characters (Satani) are actually round. The rest fell flat (literally). They are also mostly static: 5/10
While the story is mass-produced it is still cute even though I have seen this done before and better: 7/10
My enjoyment was really average. Reading this isn't going to make you think that hard or feel that emotion. I know for sure that I wouldn't re-read this like I have re-read the others I have rated: 6/10
Overall this is an average manga one would read because they just need to pass the time. Would not recommend: 6/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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