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May 1, 2023 6:10 AM

May 2013
Welcome to the tenth annual Honorary Monstergirl Competition!

The rules of the contest are as follows:
1) ALL entries must be of roughly the same power levels as the girls that are legal to use as companions. No reality warpers, physical gods, or mountain-eating invincible powerhouses! Entries at the upper end of the companion power scale are allowed. Entries that have lots of story potential are encouraged!

2) Entries cannot be simple reposting of entries from previous contests; all entries must provide some measure of originality. The new entry may be a variation on a previous entry or an exploration of the same theme, but the new entry MUST bring something to the table that the previous version did not.

3) Multiple entries of the same mamono are allowed if they are sufficiently different (see above). In the event of two entries that have the same name the judge will consult one of the contestants about a name change, with the shared name going to the entry that was submitted first.

4) Entries must be formatted as official MGE entries. If you're not sure about the classification of your entry (i.e. family and type) feel free to ask for advice. If you're worried about spoilers before official contest start you can ask by PM. All entries will be edited for grammar by the judge.

5) Send your entries to me by PM, up to four entries per contributor. I will arrange them into polling brackets. Once a poll is up and running it will have a limited voting period, after which a winner will be advanced to the next round. This will continue until we have a final winner.

6) In the event that two (or more) entries are tied when voting for the bracket closes the winner will be decided by an H-off! Each contestant must post something brief (try not to go over 500 words) describing how his/her entry would be the most fun to “experience.” This can be in essay form or a brief h-scene. The judge (moi) will decide the winner based on commenter’s reactions.

7) Bonus: Name That Mamono! You are encouraged (but not required) to create a sample character of the species -- nothing fancy, just a short paragraph or two describing her appearance, personality, and skills. In particular you should describe how she exemplifies or differs from the species' usual. To be counted for H-offs all vignettes/essays for the species should include this character in some way (at least a mention).

The contest is live as of this post, but voting won't start until July (or whenever we get up to 16 entries).  Until then, feel free to revisit the Build a Monstergirl Workshop tutorial if you need some help coming up with ideas.

And for further inspiration, I have prepared a Pinterest gallery with images of possible honorary monstergirls. If you want to use one of these as the image for your entry PM me with the image name (they've all been named) and I'll mark it as claimed. All images are first come, first served.  There are over a hundred images there, so one of them is bound to spark an idea.

I would also like to solicit two volunteer back-up judges at this time.  This is an excellent opportunity for those who don't feel that they can come up with good entries to have some active involvement in the contest.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
May 1, 2023 6:39 AM

Jan 2013
Very nice, looking forward to it!

Let's hope people flex their creative muscles :)
May 1, 2023 8:34 AM
Apr 2018
Alrighty, let's have a go!
May 1, 2023 9:57 AM

Jan 2015
Agreed. Time to start brainstorming everyone!
May 1, 2023 11:23 AM

May 2013
I figured I should go ahead and pull the trigger on this, seeing as we have eight (!) entries already.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
May 13, 2023 9:00 AM

May 2013
We're at the end of week 1 and holding at 10 entries.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
May 14, 2023 7:02 AM

May 2013
We begin week two with 11 entries, and a 12th is already in the works!
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
May 17, 2023 9:51 AM

Jan 2013
tygertyger said:
We begin week two with 11 entries, and a 12th is already in the works!

Just a few more and we're ready to go then :)
May 21, 2023 8:21 AM

May 2013
Top of week 3 and we're still at 11 entries. Let's push for 16 by the end of June!
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
May 26, 2023 6:08 PM

Jan 2015
tygertyger said:
Top of week 3 and we're still at 11 entries. Let's push for 16 by the end of June!
I still have 4 in the making, so 16 should be doable. Perhaps 20 even if some more people join in?
May 27, 2023 10:40 AM

May 2013
20 would be nice
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Jun 3, 2023 9:04 AM

May 2013
Front end of June, and we are now at 12 entries (though three of them still need the NTM, hint, hint).
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Jun 4, 2023 8:08 AM
Apr 2018
tygertyger said:
(though three of them still need the NTM, hint, hint).

Alright, alright...
Jun 11, 2023 7:52 AM

May 2013
We have 14 entries! At this rate we might be ready to start voting by the time I get back from my family reunion!
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Jun 22, 2023 6:56 PM

May 2013
We are currently holding at 14 entries, but I really want to get to at least 16. To that end I am extending the submission deadline to 11:59 p.m. CDT on Friday 06/30. I will start setting up voting brackets on the weekend following.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Jun 25, 2023 9:24 AM

May 2013
We are now at 15 entries!
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Jun 26, 2023 8:39 AM

May 2013
We are at 16 entries, and I'm told there are two more coming.  Looks like we'll have 18 this year.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Jul 8, 2023 10:35 PM

May 2013
Voting brackets are now up, but most of the image links are broken.  I'm not sure how to fix it, but if one of the other admins (read: somebody younger and more tech-savvy) could do that I'd be most appreciative. Voting will remain live until 11:59 p.m. CDT... and since I have spoiled y'all with Worldclock, I'll leave you a link:
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Jul 9, 2023 9:36 AM

Sep 2013
I got my votes in just under the wire! 😀
Jul 9, 2023 10:25 AM

May 2013
5Cats said:
I got my votes in just under the wire! 😀
Oops, forgot to specify.  That's 11:59 p.m. CDT on 07/15.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Jul 13, 2023 12:13 PM

Jan 2015
It's been a while since we had 20 entries to choose from. Am excited!
Jul 15, 2023 3:34 PM

May 2013
Less than seven hours until voting for round 1 closes. If you haven't voted yet, please do!
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Jul 16, 2023 5:34 AM

May 2013
The votes are in, and it looks like we need h-offs in three (!!!) brackets.

*Bracket 1 -- between the lorelei and symbiote;
*Bracket 2 -- between the leprechaun and pariah;
*Bracket 4 -- between the mirage and yacumama.

Gentlemen, start your vignettes!
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Jul 16, 2023 5:54 AM

Jan 2013
Curtain Call

What would a real dragon do? That was a question Carla asked herself often.

What would a real dragon do? Whatever she pleased, of course! And right now it pleased her to luxuriate in a pile of tinkling silver coins. There was definitely something to be said for ‘working’ for Eglantine, even if the woman was the very definition of gullible. No, her being gullible only made her so much better as an employer for Carla.

“Miss Carla?” A timid voice called.

Carla opened her eyes. Who dared interrupt her happy time? “MISS Carla,” she corrected, without dignifying the interloper with a glance.

“Mistress Carla. Please,sorry. The baroness wants to see you.”

Carla affected a grumble as she sat up. The soft jingling of heavy silver coins falling and rolling across her skin and scales delighted her ears. “Does she?” She asked gruffly. Eglantine usually knew better than to call on her. The Empusa had tried to show her off to visitors once. And that had been the end of it. She was much too grateful to have Carla here guarding her riches to risk her ire. But then why was she calling now? “What does she want?” Carla demanded gruffly and let herself fall back into the pile of silver.

“She did not say,” the servant said. Was that Pip? Zip? It definitely wasn’t Nip. Carla had a hard time telling the baroness’ bed warmers apart.

“Then I don’t care,” Carla said.

In truth, it wouldn’t cost her anything to go and see what the woman wanted. It wasn’t as though Carla was truly too proud for that kind of stuff. But that wasn’t the point. The point was that a real dragon wouldn’t lower herself to wait on the pleasure of a mere Empusa. And so, neither did Carla. Her position, after all, depended on authenticity.

“But I was told to fetch you, Mistress Carla,” the servant girl said.

“Let Eglantine know I’m hard at work guarding her riches then,” Carla said flippantly.

“But mistress Carla, I really think that…,”

“What?” Carla asked gruffly and mustered the young servant girl with a well practiced glare. The kind you throw at an offending piece of dung. In truth, the little pussybus was far from that. Carla wouldn’t have minded to have those red eyes looking up at her from between her thighs… But no. “Shoo, little girl,” she told the pussybus and cast her from her mind.

As expected, she heard the girl retreat and the gate to the vault close. Carla breathed a relaxed sigh. It was oh so tiring to affect the masque of the stern, proud dragon. With snaking motions of her tail, she propelled herself through the pile of silver. There glinted the occasional gem and bauble of gold, but most of her, or rather Eglantine’s, riches were made of silver from Athalia’s own mines.

She floundered about in the pile for a while longer, until she heard the sound of the locks being disengaged once more.

“Did I not say that I was hard at work?” She demanded, making sure to put a hint of threat and anger into her voice.

“Yes, I can see that,” said an unfamiliar, deep voice. Carla righted herself and prepared to glare down the unexpected intruder. But when she opened her eyes, she didn’t manage more than a gulp. “My pleasure to make your acquaintance,” the massive woman said.

Carla quickly caught herself and came to her feet. Even when she straightened out, she had to look up to the newcomer. A dragon with fiery red scales stood before her. A familiar sigil emblazoned on her silken blouse. Why in the name of all the lords was the seneschal of house Nightshroud standing in her vault?

Cool, stay cool, Carla, she told herself.

“This is not a place for an outsider, Treva,” Carla said coolly. She had considered throwing in a barb about the red dragon not really being a Nightshroud, but perhaps that was too much provocation.

“It’s alright Carla,” came the cheerful voice of the baroness. “Zip told me you were worried about leaving my treasure unattended, so I invited Miss Treva to come see you down here. After all, she came all this way.” There was a hint of reprimand in her voice. Of course it was. Having the representative of such a powerful woman come to Athalia and want to see Carla, instead of the baroness herself probably rankled the Empusa’s pride. Behind Eglantine, Amaya lurked attentively. The Cambion’s eyes were always glued to the silver legged woman’s backside. And not just because she was her bodyguard.

“Thank you baroness,” Treva said with a nod to the far shorter woman. “If you do not mind, I would like to discuss my matron’s business with my… kinswoman. If it would be agreeable with you, I would like to see you afterwards, when I have completed my duty.”

“Oh?” Eglantine cooed and Carla had to admit that the red dragon had hit just the right tone. That the mighty dragon requested an audience beyond what her duties demanded would surely stroke the empusa’s ego. “Please, you can call me Elegantine,” Eglantine said with a seductive smile. Treva nodded, but then waited for them to be left alone.

As the heavy doors of the vault fell shut, Treva’s pleasant smile turned into a business-like mask. “What does the seneschal of house Nightshroud want with me?” Carla demanded, affecting annoyance at the rudeness of the red dragon.

“Drop the act,” Treva said and came closer. Carla stubbornly held her ground, but in her mind her thoughts were racing.

What does she mean? Does she know? Why does she know?

“You are very rude for someone intruding upon my ground,” Carla said threateningly. She bared her claws at the taller dragon. It was a dangerous game she was playing now. And it would have been, even if this one was not reputed to be extremely dangerous, even by the standards of her kind.

“And you are stubborn in your deception,” Treva said. “I said to drop the act. I know your game and I am not here to unmask you.”

Carla narrowed her eyes. “I do not appreciate your poorly veiled accusations, kinswoman.“

Treva raised an eyebrow. “The matron has a job for you. After which she will allow you to return here and resume your masquerade.”

“I’m a dragon!” Carla said in outrage. “If the matron wants something done, she can well do it her-,”

She didn’t get to finish her sentence. Faster than she could follow, she was lying on her back in the pile of silver. The red dragon on top of her with fangs bared and a claw at her throat. Carla strained at the dragon’s arm with her own considerable strength, but it didn’t even budge.

“If you had said that to Capella or Altair or the matron herself, you would be hurting very, very badly right now. Be thankful I am the one teaching you this lesson,” Treva said coolly, but with a dangerous glint in her hard eyes. “Play your game, but recognize when the jig is up. Your options now are to obey or for me to expose your secret. Which one do you choose, imposter?”

Carla bit her lip, then closed her eyes and nodded in supplication. “I will obey.”

A hint of a smile flashed across Treva’s face and she released her hold on Carla. “Good, good. Pack what you need. I will inform Eglantine she’ll have to do without her dragon for a month or two.” Treva turned towards the door of the vault.

“Wait,” Carla called. “How did you know?”

A rumbling chuckle emanated from the dragon. “We have known about your mother for nearly 300 years.”


Treva looked after the receding form of the imposter and shook her head wryly. How did anyone mistake that for a dragon’s graceful flight? Then she quietly pondered to herself. Would she have been fooled, at least for a time, had she not known?

It remained to be seen if Carla could fulfill her task. If everything went well, the matron did not have to know. Not until the time came at least. And if push came to shove, Treva had nothing to worry about. Rigel had given her the go-ahead after all.

As much as Treva admired the matron, there were some undeniable flaws in her pridefulness. Was it, after all, to be an advantage that Treva had been born to her echidna mother? It had to be said that Rigel did not suffer from an overly prideful nature either, but she would certainly benefit greatly if the imposter succeeded.

She tapped her claw against the marble floor as she considered everything. “Miss Treva, would you care for some tea?”

Treva sighed inwardly and affected the unassuming, but pleasant smile she tended to wear at affairs like this. The baroness was a few cards short of a full deck, but was a pleasant enough woman. How far would a smarter and more ambitious woman be able to take Athalia, capitalizing on its wealth? It led some credence to the rumor she’d heard that the marchioness of Kilkelly had thwarted a few plots against Eglantine. Or rather ordered plots thwarted.

“Gladly,” Treva said.

Jul 16, 2023 8:51 AM

May 2013
I like everything about this bit. I am especially intrigued by the convention of several characters being named after stars.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Jul 16, 2023 9:43 AM

Jan 2013
tygertyger said:
I like everything about this bit. I am especially intrigued by the convention of several characters being named after stars.

Good catch.

All the members of house Nightshroud are named after stars or constallations.

The matron's name of course is not known to anyone except herself.

The two dragons that hatched from the last two remaining eggs after the dragon wars being Altair and Capella.

The matron's three daughters being Cephei, Auriga and Rigel.

And of course the youngest member of the family and daughter of Cephei, Vela.
mugen91Jul 16, 2023 12:48 PM
Jul 28, 2023 8:29 PM

May 2013
We come at last to the close of round 1. Let us have a moment of silence for the fallen.

The lorelei sings her swan song;
The pariah is cast out;
It's the final act for the false dragon;
The yacumama goes under;

I'll try to get the new voting brackets up this weekend.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Jul 29, 2023 10:11 PM

May 2013
Round 2 voting brackets are posted! Voting will remain live until 11:59 p.m. CDT on 08/05.

Worldclock, for your time zone conversion needs:

Bracket 1:
Bracket 2:
Bracket 3:
Bracket 4:
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Aug 1, 2023 8:24 AM

Jan 2013

Carla groaned inwardly as Epiphany set down the box on the table before her. Though this was a triumph of sorts that had cost her a great deal of annoyance, the large stack of documents did not lift her mood. Not at all. “Is there anything else you require,... my lady?” The young hummingway asked while puffing out her chest proudly.

“These are all the documents pertaining to that particular case?”

“Indeed,” Epiphany crooned happily. “We pride ourselves on the stellar organization of all our documents. Every detail that has been recorded, you will find in there. Well, every publicly available detail, of course.” The last part she added almost as an afterthought.

Carla stopped her eyebrow from twitching and simply said. “Thank you, Epiphany. That will be all.”

“Of course… my Lady.” The hummingway bowed respectfully and moved away. Carla allowed herself to let out an annoyed huff. The girl had no idea how to address her properly. Not that there was a proper address for her, but that wasn’t the point.

She began methodically looking through the different documents Epiphany had brought her. Witness testimonies, legal precedents, transcripts. This would take her a while. Again. While she carefully sorted the documents, Carla inwardly cursed Treva and all of house Nightshroud. Where did they get off settling her with the Alnorian bureaucracy? And why send her to retrieve something from a woman more than a millenia in the Lords-damned grave? They probably didn’t even know, did they? She’d been sent to follow the trail of a powerful sorceress. No one had said anything about a damned countess. Finding out about that had been a bitch and a half. Of course, getting sensitive information about Amarantian nobility was something else entirely than learning something about a mere sorceress, no matter how powerful.

She shuddered when she thought back on running from junior clerk to senior clerk, never with quite the right form, only to be informed that the blasted countess was actually dead. She should’ve abandoned her task then and there. Screw her cushy life in Athalia, say goodbye to Eglantine and find somewhere else, something new. But no, Carla had to be stubborn. She just had to ask what had happened to the countess's estate and belongings. Ten days! Ten days of a wild chase throughout Alnor’s administration. And all of that just to get access to the public records. Carla almost felt like crying when she skim-read through a file that did nothing more than to describe in great detail what clothing had been worn by whom on one single day of the court proceedings.


Carla was nursing a stiff drink in a nice tavern. She felt drained, though all she had done that day was sit around and read circumlocutory documents written by self-indulgent clerks. Couldn’t they simply record what part of the woman’s estate had gone where? The judge had decided in favor of the countess's husband, but of course he too would be long dead. Not that the judgment had included a succinct verdict on who was entitled to what. If only there was at least a detailed list of what belongings in question had been argued over. But no. That would have been too much detail. Better to describe for the third time the nice frills on the dress worn by one of the solicitors.

She could always go to the old manor, see if that was still around. Perhaps that would give her a clue. But Carla didn’t know much about magic and tomes or the like. How would she even know whether she had in her hands what she’d been sent to find? And what were the odds that the manor remained untouched after all these years? After all, the man would be long dead. Someone new would have moved in by now. Or would they? There was much to be said against the Alnorian bureaucracy, but she found it difficult to believe it was easy to take possession of a place like that. If she had to take a guess, just getting the information on where the manor was to be found would take a few more days. At least if she was forced to go through official channels. The only explanation Carla could come up with was that these bureaucrats got off on people’s misery. Either that or she had to start applying a lot of grease.

She suffered a brief existential crisis as she contemplated engaging once again with junior, mid grade and senior clerks, only to be told that she was missing that one crucial form that would send her straight to the beginning. Even if no one had taken possession of the place, it would surely have been ransacked by someone in the intervening years. And who knew if the countess had even left behind any of the records in question? Would they remain legible after all this time?

Carla weighed the heavy purse Treva had settled her with. It had mollified her initially, back when she thought that what remained would at least compensate her for the inconvenience. Back when the task seemed a simple one. Now her funds were draining and she felt no closer to the final goal.

So absorbed was Carla in her self-pity, that it took her a while to notice the figure that stood in front of her table and tried to catch her attention. “What?” She growled and was glad for the fact that, no matter her state of mind, she had mastered the art of maintaining her mask of high- and mightiness.

The youko in front of her bowed, but not in an obsequious way. “My Lady Carla, it is such a special privilege to meet you once again.” Carla narrowed her eyes and scanned her face more carefully. There was something vaguely familiar about her. But from where? “I wonder, how long has it been?” The youko wondered, either oblivious or uncaring of Carla’s lack of recognition. “I have not accompanied my mother to Teremir in quite some time. I hope your own mother fares well enough?”

Things clicked into place. Her mother. Teremir. Youko. “Helia,” Carla said. “Yes, things fare well in Teremir, I hear.”

Go away, Carla thought. She had no particular desire to make trouble for her mother, but considering she was in a tough place because of her mother’s lack of discretion in the first place, she was also not inclined to play nice on her behalf just then.

“Circe, please call me Circe,” the youko, Circe said. Carla remembered her now. Circe’s mother was a wealthy merchant based in Alnor, but with interests all over Amarante. She had seen them a few times before she left home. What did she want? Carla affected a bored mask that was only half pretend and took a sip that burned pleasantly on her tongue. When it became obvious that she wasn’t going to be carrying the conversation, Circe mercifully came right to the point. “We have heard of your interest in the countess Alexna.”

Now that caught Carla’s attention.

mugen91Aug 22, 2023 3:40 AM
Aug 3, 2023 3:08 PM

May 2013
We are coming up on the voting deadline for round 2, but we still need more votes!  You can find the voting brackets at the links below.

Bracket 1:
Bracket 2:
Bracket 3:
Bracket 4:
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Aug 5, 2023 6:47 PM

May 2013
We did get some additional votes as I had hoped, but we are also looking at h-offs in three brackets again.  As that was a bit of a headache last time I am extending the voting deadline to 11:59 p.m. CDT on Friday 08/11.  We'll deal with whatever situation we have at that point.

MetallumOperaturAug 6, 2023 11:07 AM
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Aug 22, 2023 9:27 PM

May 2013
H-off vignettes are up!
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Aug 23, 2023 5:07 PM

May 2013
After a hard-fought h-off round 2 has been decided. A moment of silence for the fallen:

The symbiote fails to connect;
The rusalka goes under;
The mirage fades from view;
The living scabbard has lost her edge.

Prepare for round 3, coming soon to a club near you!
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Aug 25, 2023 8:04 AM
Nov 2019
im surprised the living scabbard went down after the first rounds, i thought they would be a fantastic contender for the finals
Aug 25, 2023 3:41 PM

May 2013
To be fair, that h-off was really close... and the empusa is one of the entries that I regarded as comparably strong.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Aug 26, 2023 5:21 PM

May 2013
The voting brackets for round 3 are now live and will remain so until 11:59 p.m. on 09/02.

Bracket 1:
Bracket 2:
Bracket 3:
Bracket 4:
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Sep 6, 2023 12:03 PM

Jan 2013


The crackling of fake torches filled an otherwise dark space with a flickering light. Deep in the catacombs, where she kept her vigil, she stood in her mistress' study. Five heavy books floated in the air before her, suspended on her thoughts as she considered the complicated diagram before her. Beneath her golden mask, her face rippled with concentration. There was something she was missing. Something she was missing.

Then her concentration was interrupted by another presence entering the space. “You have been staring at this diagram for two months, Gold,” a voice spoke and Gold registered the vibrations in her volatile body.

“Red,” she acknowledged.

“Have you made any progress?” Red asked and Gold affected the facsimile of a sigh. It wasn’t as if she was capable of sighing, yet the social cue stuck with her even after all this time.

The books before her gently shut close and piled themselves neatly on the desk. “The solution yet evades me,” Gold said. “Is there an issue?”

“I have come to talk about the interloper,” Red stated as she floated forward, towards her sister. The red gold encapsulating her form shone warmly in the flickering light.

“That is for you and White to consider,” Gold said evenly and returned her attention to the diagram in front of her. “That was Yavina’s decision.”

“White and I are of dissenting mind,” Red said. “A tie breaker is needed.”

“Of dissenting mind? Already?” Gold wondered.

“The interloper has not attempted ingress into our domain,” a third, identical voice made itself heard in Red’s and Gold’s minds only. White strode into the room, sensuously moving her hips, making the white gold accents decorating her red body clink softly. “She merely guards the gate.”

“And as long as you keep feeding her, she is unlikely to depart,” Red stated resolutely.

“As long as I keep feeding her, she has no reason to progress into the estate,” White argued.

“It is illogical to believe she would assume more food to be available further into the estate. If she hungers, she will leave,” Red argued back.

“She guards the gate, thus serving our purpose,” White returned. “Also, logic is not the primary factor guiding this one’s actions.”

“I see the problem,” Gold said thoughtfully. It was unusual for Red and White to disagree after just two months apart, but to look at things from different angles was the reason to assign this task to the both of them. “She presents no threat?”

“We can say confidently…,” Red started.

“...That she is not here for plunder,” White finished the thought in their minds.

Gold nodded. On that they were in agreement. “Why is she guarding the gate?” Gold asked.

“She believes herself to be the guardian of the underworld,” White said.

The term rang a bell, but before Gold could plumb the depths of her memories for the reference, Red clarified. “An otherworld mythos. She resembles a creature guarding the gates leading out of the human’s imagined afterlife.”

“One of their imagined afterlifes,” White corrected and Red conceded the point.

“So she believes the mistress’ estate to be this mythical underworld?”

“Or she believes the outside world to be the underworld and the mistress’ estate the escape. I believe the mythos described them as a creature that prevents egress from said underworld.”

Gold nodded. It didn’t make much sense to her, but people often did and believed irrational things. “The only escape here is one from ignorance.” Gold replayed everything White and Red had communicated in her mind. “If she is harmless as you say, I see no reason to dislodge her by force. That is, for as long as she does not attempt to go deeper. If she turns away unwelcome visitors, all the better. Have you engaged with her?”

“I have observed,” Red said.

“I have engaged,” White thought to them.

“Then White will be responsible for turning her away if she attempts to enter,” Gold decided.

“Shall I keep feeding her?” White inquired.

“If it pleases you,” Gold and Red replied.

“What will you do?” Gold asked of Red as White departed the chamber, once more clinking her white gold accessories as she swung her hips. A medium sized tome floated into the air to hover before Red. Gold knew which one it was. They hadn’t gotten to that one yet. Even after all this time. “The third principle of obfuscation?”

Red nodded and floated out of the room. Gold lifted the five heavy tomes on the desk before her once more. Letting Red and White stay separated from her for a while longer yet would do no harm and give her the chance to study this diagram in peace.
Sep 6, 2023 12:39 PM

May 2013
Hmmm... this is shaping up to be interesting. Apparently Yavina has partitioned off her consciousness into three sections -- I get strong So I'm a Spider, So What? vibes from this. And of course a certain cerberus is the entity guarding the gate. :)
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Sep 6, 2023 12:57 PM

Jan 2013
Reply to tygertyger
Hmmm... this is shaping up to be interesting. Apparently Yavina has partitioned off her consciousness into three sections -- I get strong So I'm a Spider, So What? vibes from this. And of course a certain cerberus is the entity guarding the gate. :)

Seems MAL removed the "quote" button.

You are quite correct. Now that we are entering the quarter finals of the contest, I migt want to finish writing that little story I set up :P
Sep 26, 2023 5:07 PM

May 2013
And now a moment to salute the fallen:

The blessed sword goes back in the sheath;
The blood golem labors in vein;
The cambion has but half a chance;
The melusine sinks without a ripple.

I'll get the brackets for round 4 up this weekend.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Nov 11, 2023 11:34 AM

May 2013
Phew! It took a while (dang rl issues!), but we finally have the h-off vignettes for round 4 bracket 4!
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Nov 12, 2023 10:39 AM

May 2013
The results are in! After much deliberation over some particularly enjoyable vignettes, the winners of the round 4 h-offs are...

Bracket 2: Cerberus
Bracket 4: Ophan

I'll work on getting the round 5 voting brackets up tonight.

I suppose we should do our traditional cannon for the fallen:

The leprechaun goes over the rainbow;
The noppera-bo loses face;
The marid fades into the dark;
The pussybus takes a catnap.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Nov 19, 2023 7:08 AM

May 2013
The semifinals are over, and we sound a cannon for the fallen...

The ägir goes off the deep end;
The cerberus fails to get ahead.

Which means the final battle is between the empusa and the ophan! I will get that voting bracket up later today.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Nov 27, 2023 9:57 PM

May 2013
It's a little early, but I'm calling it.

The Peoples' Choice round was close -- mainly because there were enough entries to really spread out the votes -- but in the end the outcome was never in doubt. The people have spoken, and they have chosen... the CERBERUS!

And for the final round, the battle was hard-fought for a couple of days, but once a clear lead was seized it was held until the end. The OPHAN is our runner-up, which makes this year's HMG winner... the EMPUSA!

Congratulations to all of our contestants, and thank you for participating!

Maku the Blue: Blessed Sword, Leprechaun, Lorelei, Rusalka
MetallumOperatur: Cambion, Empusa, Melusine, Pussybus
Mugen: Ägir, Blood Golem, Cerberus, False Dragon
Nu: Yacumama (double congrats for a such a strong first entry!)
Tygertyger: Living Scabbard, Marid, Noppera-bo, Ophan
VenomWolf: Mirage, Pariah, Symbiote
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
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