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Jan 3, 2017 4:50 AM

Jan 2010
@aa-dono I would like to hear your thoughts on the EoD activity for D1 and D2 you have not been present for either (I understand that D2 ended abruptly) so it may give me some perspective.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Jan 3, 2017 5:41 AM

Aug 2012
:Catching up:

Jan 3, 2017 6:03 AM

Oct 2014
logic340 said:
Sonata said:

Wait until we see how the lynch turns out at least before you start making accusations. If he is scum, you'll thank me later. If he is not, it isn't like we were going to get anywhere by interrogating him anyway and there were no signs of changing votes elsewhere either (which is what Soren wanted), if he actually is mafia Soren should be an obvious choice for next day phase.

If he's actually town, well, my mistake, but he didn't do anything to defend himself either so the outcome was gonna be the same either way.

@Togs @Crossbell
We don't know what the outcome would have been you cut us short by 20 hours on our discussion, which means that is 20 hours worth of leads you took away from us. I would say your actions are more pro-mafia than Bursama's were. This shit was not called for and if you are town you just set yourself up for a mislynch D3. So how is what you did helpful in anyway and why should you be pardoned tomorrow? Where is the townie mindset in putting your own goals ahead of those of the town? You potentially set us back 3 townies with this move so I really hope you are scum at this point because for lynching Bursama for not having the town in mind you surely don't seem to have our best interest at heart either.
logic340 said:
Sonata said:
I take full responsibily of my actions if this lynch ends up being bad by the way, but if it doesn't, Soren will be my next vote for sure.
So how do you plan on taking responsibility for these actions?

First of all, sorry again. I was very afraid you'd all turn the train into someone else after I was oh so sure that he'd flip scum. I'm a terrible player and I've let my impulsive nature take the wheel disrespecting my fellow town members in the process since I wasted 20 hours in which possibly we would have found something that'd lead to us noticing that Bursama was not actually scum (even if he voted himself up), though I thought all we'd find is an incoherent mess and paranoid discussion. I made a huge mistake in my judgement, and for that I sincerely apologize.

Second, I'm not asking to be pardoned, in fact what I meant by "taking responsibility" was offering myself up for a lynch in case there were no clues to follow and to give you security of my alignment if anything, I was just that sure that he'd flip scum (almost as sure as I am or was that Soren is scum aswell), but alas, I failed at being a good town, so I might aswell be lynched if that will bring tranquilty to the masses. Something I will say though, is that I am not (in the game context) scum, although my move and my person might as well be so.

So yeah, do as you please, I will just follow your guys' lead and point out whatever ideas I have but not make any decisive moves myself, since it hasn't worked for me lately which is kinda sad.

That's it. @Pentaflare I hope you'll forgive me, personally.
Jan 3, 2017 6:15 AM

Oct 2011
Patience, Bursama's my priority right now.

Here's the wiki page. If you go back to NnT, Soren actually explains this better.
oooh thankies~ Burden of Proficiency is sooo gonna be my burden lol
I'd say that I'm not lowkey either. I was the center of attention for a chunk of D1 and I've been contributing a good amount of opinions. Not sure where you're getting this idea. Okay, looking through your post, you say that "lowkey" to you means uninspiring. Does this mean you don't find anything alignment indicative in our posts?
I did not find anything that gave me a strong impression of u. u were hardcore questioning ppl only to back off at some point. as I said, I'm reading on the go, so there are bound to be ppl I don't notice thanks to a weak impression. I said this alrdy D1, ur posts left a weak impression hence lowkey. u had no particular stance on anyone, only hardcore questioning only to back off later.
So you think that Bursama has been working with us? I get the opposite impression right now.
And about Grapefruit, we all form separate opinions then come together to discuss that's kind of how the game works. This is more independent thinking and less evasive, which is a towntell imo.
what do u think now that Bursama flipped town?
So you find Sithis mixing in negatives in his posts as a scumread? I...don't think that in particular was alignment indicative. Going to need better reasoning than this because this looks like you are making assumptions about Sithis' motives.
I'm sure someone said it before some other game.. scum like to put shade at the end of a useful post. the more assorted they are in an entire post, the more they're trying to neutralize it.
Okay, so you scumread him because you thought his reads were too easy?

Soren didn't have any "walls" in nanatsu and as far as I know he's trying to tone down his towniness when he rolls town these days. Though I agree it makes him a bit under the radar, just not necessarily scummy.
good point didn't think of that.

Part of me wants to just hammer this so the phase can end, we get a flip, and move on able to have a fresh start. Since all our discussion right now is focused on Bursama, we aren't learning anything about others. I would rather have more info and start working fresh day 3.

If not, can someone on the train remove their vote so we aren't in L-1? Then we can spread our focus more.
part of u wanted to hammer a phase end? this is fishy.
Mudflinging eh? Phraze voted for me on Day 1, and now he says I'm mudflinging. She has not explained this, when Gruffin asked her she never explained it.
I did. I said ur posts had negative in there, as Lucian pointed out. love the colorcoding method.

What I am trying to say in my post is that what I get from talking about NKA is mostly speculation there is nothing indicative of alignment we can come up with by discussing NKA which is why people feel it is a distractions. - ref to#871(if needed)
NKA isn't necessarily a distraction. the flip says it all tho~

Jan 3, 2017 6:40 AM

Jan 2010
Sonata said:
logic340 said:
We don't know what the outcome would have been you cut us short by 20 hours on our discussion, which means that is 20 hours worth of leads you took away from us. I would say your actions are more pro-mafia than Bursama's were. This shit was not called for and if you are town you just set yourself up for a mislynch D3. So how is what you did helpful in anyway and why should you be pardoned tomorrow? Where is the townie mindset in putting your own goals ahead of those of the town? You potentially set us back 3 townies with this move so I really hope you are scum at this point because for lynching Bursama for not having the town in mind you surely don't seem to have our best interest at heart either.
logic340 said:
So how do you plan on taking responsibility for these actions?

First of all, sorry again. I was very afraid you'd all turn the train into someone else after I was oh so sure that he'd flip scum. I'm a terrible player and I've let my impulsive nature take the wheel disrespecting my fellow town members in the process since I wasted 20 hours in which possibly we would have found something that'd lead to us noticing that Bursama was not actually scum (even if he voted himself up), though I thought all we'd find is an incoherent mess and paranoid discussion. I made a huge mistake in my judgement, and for that I sincerely apologize.

Second, I'm not asking to be pardoned, in fact what I meant by "taking responsibility" was offering myself up for a lynch in case there were no clues to follow and to give you security of my alignment if anything, I was just that sure that he'd flip scum (almost as sure as I am or was that Soren is scum aswell), but alas, I failed at being a good town, so I might aswell be lynched if that will bring tranquilty to the masses. Something I will say though, is that I am not (in the game context) scum, although my move and my person might as well be so.

So yeah, do as you please, I will just follow your guys' lead and point out whatever ideas I have but not make any decisive moves myself, since it hasn't worked for me lately which is kinda sad.

That's it. @Pentaflare I hope you'll forgive me, personally.
I don't know what to make of you right now either overzealous town or mafia sacrifice. This moves feels too blatant to be mafia but I cannot just turn a blind eye to it for that reason alone. I need to see some cooperation out of you and even then idk what that will accomplish.

1. There are so many variable that I wont begin to speculate what might have been. The one thing that stands out to me is that Soren was pitching hard for no lynch there. By hammering the lynch you ended things before Soren had to reveal what he knows. Who knows what kind of information we will get now but I can honestly say I doubt it will be whatever he had to say last night.

2. While I respect that fact that you would put yourself up for lynch given the chance that you could be town do we really want to go down 6-0 to start a 15 person game? I would dare to say that you made things messier than they would have been had we waited out the rest of the phase. We have less room for error now so lynching you (while sounding lovely based on your actions) needs to be carefully decided before we sign our own death sentence.

It's just a game and though it's frustrating that we lost 20 hours it's just a game. In the end we will laugh at this shit but right now in the heat of it all it just muddles things up.

Edit: Also you never did give a read on Bursama Lucian called you out on this in #888 and look what ended up happening. So I will ask you do you have a read on Bursama you would like to share? How about reads on all remaining living players? I would like to see you put some work in during this Night Phase I am not one who likes appeasing in mafia but yeah. If you are town leave something good for us before you possibly get lynched later.
logic340Jan 3, 2017 6:46 AM
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Jan 3, 2017 6:59 AM
Jul 2018
Phraze said:
Mudflinging eh? Phraze voted for me on Day 1, and now he says I'm mudflinging. She has not explained this, when Gruffin asked her she never explained it.
I did. I said ur posts had negative in there, as Lucian pointed out. love the colorcoding method.
So it's a bad thing to post scumreads?
Jan 3, 2017 7:05 AM

Aug 2012
@logic340 hmmmmmmmmmmmm short answer because... I don't think I have the energy to type long ones.

Penta is scum.

I'll explain come Day phase.

Jan 3, 2017 7:27 AM

Jan 2010
aa-dono said:
@logic340 hmmmmmmmmmmmm short answer because... I don't think I have the energy to type long ones.

Penta is scum.

I'll explain come Day phase.
Fair enough
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Jan 3, 2017 8:11 AM

Aug 2014
Phraze said:
Part of me wants to just hammer this so the phase can end, we get a flip, and move on able to have a fresh start. Since all our discussion right now is focused on Bursama, we aren't learning anything about others. I would rather have more info and start working fresh day 3.

If not, can someone on the train remove their vote so we aren't in L-1? Then we can spread our focus more.
part of u wanted to hammer a phase end? this is fishy.

I was getting frustrated with the fact that everyone was focused on Bursama. I wanted to look at my other suspects like Gruffin too.. Obviously forcing the flip on bursama wasn't the way to do it because that kills the very discussion time I wanted, but I was tempted by the idea of shutting down the discussion on bursama anyway. My better judgement held me back and that is why I later stated intention to hammer instead of actually hammering. I still wanted full time for discussion.
Be like this seal. It is a happy seal.
~Review Guidelines~ | ~Recommendation Guidelines~ | ~Mafia Society~
Jan 3, 2017 8:18 AM

Aug 2014
Also, I'm still a little frustrated that I put so much effort in writing this post about Gruffin and the other people who listed Gruffin as a suspect of theirs haven't commented on it. Does everyone just agree with my conclusion? That's the impression I'm getting if nobody else thinks the topic needs more discussion.
Be like this seal. It is a happy seal.
~Review Guidelines~ | ~Recommendation Guidelines~ | ~Mafia Society~
Jan 3, 2017 10:14 AM

Jul 2013
PentaFlare said:
Also, I'm still a little frustrated that I put so much effort in writing this post about Gruffin and the other people who listed Gruffin as a suspect of theirs haven't commented on it. Does everyone just agree with my conclusion? That's the impression I'm getting if nobody else thinks the topic needs more discussion.
That's the thing, if you make a wall post, people will read it, but they won't formulate a reply with the same effort you gave in your post.

I find bouncing ideas off each other then substantiating it more as it progresses to be more productive. That way people follow the read in a progressive manner while having an active discussion about it rather than having to take it all in at once from one big wall post.

Not to say that wall posting is bad though.
Jan 3, 2017 10:38 AM

Jul 2013
logic340 said:
@Soren the way you said that Bursama is town for obvious reasons seems like scum knowing what the flip would be. I could see you possibly being town but the fact that you didn't follow through on your post #915 I am having a hard time seeing you as town right about now. So I am going to ask you very directly and I want an answer from you. What is the reason you knew (so obvious) that Bursama was town?
As stated in my #925 I believe that the train on bursama had stalled because people didn't dislike him for being scummy anymore, but because of the way he was playing. And nothing was changing at that point, we were just going back and forth with bursama, telling him to play differently and actually do something, only for it to be met with the same "i got nothing to say, just lynch me" response. We fell into a circular rut and didn't really see any effort to get out of it. I think that's the bigger issue we had there than sonata hammering the lynch. We've gotta be constantly progressing the game otherwise we fall into a state where we walk in circles, town making mistakes or even worse, scum taking advantage of the situation.

At that point in the game I couldn't really see how bursama could be scum based on his behaviour. I had a short discussion with penta about this which you can see it all in #943. Penta held the opposite opinion which I could partly understand but also partly don't see it being the case. Scum giving up and claiming vanilla town when there were like only 3 votes on them, and proceeds to play with a silent voice so as to not give anything away that would give away associative tells for town to work with? Surely not. I didn't see this being the case because scum would only adopt such strategy if its their last resort, if its been assured that their lynch will be the one to go through, which was not the case. Not only that, if keeping silent to not give away any associative tells was their strategy why would they bother to continue repeating themselves instead of just disappearing from the thread. Arguably repeating themselves may just make themselves look worse but I didn't really see it that way, cause I didn't see it as scum giving up on the game.

Based on that, my opinion at that time was that bursama was town that just really didn't have any scum reads and much of any other thoughts. Which I could resonate with as me, myself, don't really have any scum reads either, hence my lack of posting in day 2.
What was interesting was how bur responded after my #904.
Bursama said:
@Soren: Why am I town to you?

He responded with this. This simple question indicated to me that he was town. Why? Because it showed that he was still thinking about the game which, to me, revealed a townie mindset. He's ready to be lynched yet he still exhibited a curious mind which demonstrated that he still had his heart in the game, albeit a small amount. But was enough for me to not want to lynch him.
Having said that, I wasn't so confident, it was something small that I noticed and I wanted to push on it a bit more. Can I get him to show more curiosity that would strengthen this town read that I'm getting. This prompted my #912 where I pushed him a bit more to see how he'd respond.
Then his response in his #916 was lackluster and my thoughts began to backtrack. So I wasn't that confident about it anymore, and left me stunned for a bit on how to approach the game at that moment. But in the next moment sonata unvoted, penta vote and sonata hammered and day ended. And any plans that I could have come up with was thwarted.

I reveal this easily now, but maybe if I had been more transparent with my thoughts at that time, and expressed it at that time then maybe we could have prevented this myslynch.
Jan 3, 2017 10:59 AM

Jan 2010
PentaFlare said:
So this is going to be more of a post by post analysis than a cohesive read, but I'll try to tie it all back together at the end.

Post #102
This is Gruffin's first real post of the game. Right off the bat it seems to be analysis of players which is good but this post doesn't sit right with me. I'm seeing a lot of comments that would imply a scumread that seem to be selective reading (unjustified, scummy). For example, she says I seem to have an "odd focus" on Mishu. The mention of this being odd implies that it doesn't seem natural. Natural is townlike behaviour, odd is scummy. The problem is that I have also made comments on other players and have been working with Soren and Lucian on the second page. I don't see how someone would see me as fixated on Mishu unless they were focusing on only those posts. This is scummy. The same can be said for the comment that Lucian is fixated on Soren seeing as Lucian has also made comments to logic, grapefruit, and Mishu.
This seems like a scummy entrance to me. I can see where some of the suspicions that appear later stemmed from.
There are other instances of scummyness as well. Look at how they class Sonata as apathetic though we just got out of a game together (you were there too) where a town player (KOta) took the same exact stance D1. I would think this knowledge would be carried over as I have seen this behavior more from town than mafia since joining the MS on MAL. Another example of town taking this stance is the first two game I played with Astros. The apathetic over not wanting a D1 random lynch is more framing to go along with the Soren and Lucian comments.

PentaFlare said:
The rest of page 3
Gruffin pursues her vote on logic asking for reads and criticizing the lack of scumreads saying that logic is taking the easy way out. This part sits more as a town motive to me.
I don't see how telling me I should have scum reads on page 3 is a townie mindset. I am going to have to ask you to explain this to me in greater detail.

PentaFlare said:
After this Gruff continues to have consistent play. Most of their posts are analysis of players and no more suggestions of scumminess that aren't justified with support and that are excluding things. She also continues to pressure people to take stands on who they think is scum and place votes. Despite knowing she is suspicious to some she isn't afraid to push ahead trying to hear scumreads from more people. This is not the approach of someone trying to protect themself but of someone trying to solve the game.
I can actually say that this would be a great approach for someone who is suspected to take. It got you to give her a glowing town read and fits the mindset of mafia perfectly actually. Looking busy while putting thoughts that others can push into the mix. Also the votes with no support look very scummy and the after the fact way of answering in my opinion is another scummy move. Yeah the answers sound like what we want to hear but I would have liked to hear some support up front. It seems to easy since scum could also use the vote then explain tactic.

PentaFlare said:
(I'm aware I've stopped making this a post by post but I don't really care. Everything seems to flow so well that I don't need to chop it up and analyze each post.)
^That's also another point that seems townie about Gruffin, their posts follow a logical thought process that continues to develop as the game goes on. I'm not going to count this as a strong point because this is why I townread Chione last game and was wrong, but on top of the other townie things Gruffin is doing this reinforces my good impression at this point in the game.
You say that Gruffin's post follow a logical though process but you also say this is something scum can do. I watched scum chione pull this off perfectly as I town read him for a majority of the game. This here for me actually works as a point against Gruffin knowing that we were all fooled by Chione this way.

PentaFlare said:
Her vote on 0x40 isn't explained at all, but this isn't the first time Gruffin has mentioned them. She actually tells Soren earlier (lost the post number) that she would be fine with an 0x40 lynch because she doesn't see any gamesolving from them. This is early on before the bulk of the train on 0x40 formed. Her read on 40 seems consistent with the pressure she has been putting on other players (like logic) to take stands and pressure their suspects with votes. I think this is a townlike vote despite the complete lack of explanation.
The mentioned 40 thing doesn't sit well with me as we know someone laid the foundation for a mislynch. This post can be read as Gruffin had been sprinkling breadcrumbs for some time before finally moving over to 40. I don't see lack of explanation as a town like vote. Matter of fact a townie (myself) questioned everyone about their vote on town for not liking his game play. This vote in my opinion is not coming from a townie place and it wasn't even needed at that point. It looked scummy when it happened and your read on it hasn't convinced me in the least.

PentaFlare said:
Post #528
This is Gruffin's explanation for her vote on Sonata. I don't like this post all that much because it seems forced. Yes, Phraze joined Gruffin on that train and switched off without saying what they gained from the Sonata vote, but that just seems to be stating something that happened. For a more fleshed out idea of what can be learned from Phraze I would expect some mention of the circumstances of Phraze's vote on Lord_Sithis. This seems more like Gruffin wanted to have something to say for the vote on Sonata. Their current case on Phraze is more supported than what they have said here though so overall I am fine with it. Gruffin did end up looking into Phraze in more detail. Considering the other more townlike things Gruffin has done, I'm willing to let a forced post go because even town can force things unknowingly if they think they are on to something. The fact that Gruffin substantiated the read more makes it sit comfortably with me.
I am not liking that it took so long for Gruffin to share their reason for voting Sonata. Again as I said earlier it could just mafia vote and explain later.

PentaFlare said:
So one wall of text later I'm definitely leaning towards a townread on Gruffin. Looking at everything she has said on its own shows a clear focus on pushing other people to pressure scum and a logical progression on her reads regarding other players, which focuses on analysis with concrete examples. The only points I still see as scummy are the forced post about the Sonata vote and her early comments which seem to exclude some things, but these aren't as strong tells as the clear town motivation I'm seeing.
One wall text later I am still neutral with a scum lean. I would like to see more of a focus on catching scum than pressuring town to do things the way she see as town. I felt that you guys were bullying 40 over his playstyle which lead to a horrible lynch I don't see the town motive behind that. We all play differently, I have seen plenty of town scum hunt in many different ways. The forced reads are bad, the no support for votes is bad, the lack of support for their Bursama vote was bad considering all the support that Grape, Kit, and I had for ours. I am not seeing this townie mindset that you are.

Is there a specific reason you want us to see Gruffin as town to the point where you admittedly overlook the scumminess because of what you consider to be town like scum hunting?
logic340Jan 3, 2017 11:02 AM
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Jan 3, 2017 11:04 AM

May 2012
Ayy I'm here. Had to take a break after yesterday's shenanigans. I'll post replies shortly once I make sense of D2.
Jan 3, 2017 11:18 AM

Jan 2010
Soren said:
logic340 said:
@Soren the way you said that Bursama is town for obvious reasons seems like scum knowing what the flip would be. I could see you possibly being town but the fact that you didn't follow through on your post #915 I am having a hard time seeing you as town right about now. So I am going to ask you very directly and I want an answer from you. What is the reason you knew (so obvious) that Bursama was town?
As stated in my #925 I believe that the train on bursama had stalled because people didn't dislike him for being scummy anymore, but because of the way he was playing. And nothing was changing at that point, we were just going back and forth with bursama, telling him to play differently and actually do something, only for it to be met with the same "i got nothing to say, just lynch me" response. We fell into a circular rut and didn't really see any effort to get out of it. I think that's the bigger issue we had there than sonata hammering the lynch. We've gotta be constantly progressing the game otherwise we fall into a state where we walk in circles, town making mistakes or even worse, scum taking advantage of the situation.
I though behavior is what we were using to find scum? I thought it was scummy behavior so your use of the word behavior fit what he was lynched for to me. Is there some other reason that is more compelling? I voted for him because I thought his D1 behavior was scummy. On D2 I was feeling a little less solid because of how easily that lynch train filled up but his behavior didn't seem very pro-town as noted by many players. He was vanilla town with only vote power and he voted himself off. Like WTF Soren how did that help town?? I actually didn't know what to think of it. I have never seen anyone just give up like that on either side.

Soren said:
At that point in the game I couldn't really see how bursama could be scum based on his behaviour. I had a short discussion with penta about this which you can see it all in #943. Penta held the opposite opinion which I could partly understand but also partly don't see it being the case. Scum giving up and claiming vanilla town when there were like only 3 votes on them, and proceeds to play with a silent voice so as to not give anything away that would give away associative tells for town to work with? Surely not. I didn't see this being the case because scum would only adopt such strategy if its their last resort, if its been assured that their lynch will be the one to go through, which was not the case. Not only that, if keeping silent to not give away any associative tells was their strategy why would they bother to continue repeating themselves instead of just disappearing from the thread. Arguably repeating themselves may just make themselves look worse but I didn't really see it that way, cause I didn't see it as scum giving up on the game.
At that point in the game I could see scum and town motive behind him sitting idly by. Had he not voted for himself then that hammer wouldn't have happened, I can say that I don't see getting himself killed as pro town as another dead town only brings the mafia closer to their win condition. I saw it as a player giving up on the game scum or otherwise. Especially because I asked what attributed to the change with no answer. The only reason I really questioned it is because I would be pissed as scum if my partner just gave up like that but not enough experience to say nah he isn't scum giving up.

Soren said:
Based on that, my opinion at that time was that bursama was town that just really didn't have any scum reads and much of any other thoughts. Which I could resonate with as me, myself, don't really have any scum reads either, hence my lack of posting in day 2.
What was interesting was how bur responded after my #904.
Bursama said:
@Soren: Why am I town to you?

He responded with this. This simple question indicated to me that he was town. Why? Because it showed that he was still thinking about the game which, to me, revealed a townie mindset. He's ready to be lynched yet he still exhibited a curious mind which demonstrated that he still had his heart in the game, albeit a small amount. But was enough for me to not want to lynch him.
Having said that, I wasn't so confident, it was something small that I noticed and I wanted to push on it a bit more. Can I get him to show more curiosity that would strengthen this town read that I'm getting. This prompted my #912 where I pushed him a bit more to see how he'd respond.
Then his response in his #916 was lackluster and my thoughts began to backtrack. So I wasn't that confident about it anymore, and left me stunned for a bit on how to approach the game at that moment. But in the next moment sonata unvoted, penta vote and sonata hammered and day ended. And any plans that I could have come up with was thwarted.
looking back at Bur's question to you it definitely feels like a town question instead of a scum one. Sonata and Penta both look suspicious to me here.

Soren said:
I reveal this easily now, but maybe if I had been more transparent with my thoughts at that time, and expressed it at that time then maybe we could have prevented this myslynch.
I can see how this would have been hard to get out and get across to others in the moment. I learned something yesterday in lynch lock games I will not be walking away from the game with my lynch on someone in L-2 or L-1 again. I as actually thinking about moving my vote right before it happened but I got a phone call and when I can back shit was already done.

Thank you for going over your though process there. I know it was a little thing but it made me waiver as well, too bad I didn't do something about it but I will try to rectify that D3.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Jan 3, 2017 11:20 AM

Jan 2010
Soren said:
PentaFlare said:
Also, I'm still a little frustrated that I put so much effort in writing this post about Gruffin and the other people who listed Gruffin as a suspect of theirs haven't commented on it. Does everyone just agree with my conclusion? That's the impression I'm getting if nobody else thinks the topic needs more discussion.
That's the thing, if you make a wall post, people will read it, but they won't formulate a reply with the same effort you gave in your post.

I find bouncing ideas off each other then substantiating it more as it progresses to be more productive. That way people follow the read in a progressive manner while having an active discussion about it rather than having to take it all in at once from one big wall post.

Not to say that wall posting is bad though.
That was my frustration in The Great Terror game I did cases on almost every player and no one would respond to them. They would tell me they didn't agree with it but no support for why, no calling me out for bias or anything else. it was frustrating to see everyone disagree with me but not know why.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Jan 3, 2017 11:21 AM

Jul 2013
We gotta be careful to not immediately attribute anti-town behaviour as scum behaviour. As being anti-town doesn't equate being scum. This game has been a clear example of that.
But that's easier said that done.
Jan 3, 2017 11:29 AM

Jan 2010
Soren said:
We gotta be careful to not immediately attribute anti-town behaviour as scum behaviour. As being anti-town doesn't equate being scum. This game has been a clear example of that.
But that's easier said that done.
What do you classify as anti-town behavior. I think that I am starting to see what some call anti-town as covert-town. They put themselves in an unfavorable position where pretty much no one can say they are town. It'sn ot always evident right away but through the course of the game things can be learned from these "anti-town" activities. This was basically my argument against the x40 lynch he. His behavior didn't appear scummy and if it was it was too blatant to be scum. Same thing can now be said for Bursama.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Jan 3, 2017 11:31 AM

Jan 2010
We all have different playstyles, we all hunt in different ways, and there are those who don't share our win condition. We need to think about said win condition and work toward achieving it. Town we need to catch scum as we read over posts we need to see think about whether the person in question or the poster is actually trying to catch scum or set someone up.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Jan 3, 2017 11:34 AM

Jan 2010
Question of the Day:
Do you think that Sonata is either overzealous town or sacrificial scum?
logic340Jan 3, 2017 11:40 AM
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Jan 3, 2017 12:01 PM

May 2012
Soren said:
the ones in your #198?
1. to answer that question i need to know why you want to post higher quality posts
2. trying to convince you that logic is town is pointless when i thought you were scum, only town needs a lecture to make them re-consider their reads
3. it being opportunistic doesnt mean you didnt have your reasons
1. I want to post higher quality posts because in my previous town games I was veeery confused while I was posting. Basically, I didn’t read the thread as thoroughly as I would have like and in return didn’t think through what I posted as much. It’s partially a self-improvement thing, but I also think it’s more helpful for town for me to take everything into deeper consideration.
2 & 3 Alright, I can see that.
Jan 3, 2017 12:02 PM

May 2012
logic340 said:
There are other instances of scummyness as well. Look at how they class Sonata as apathetic though we just got out of a game together (you were there too) where a town player (KOta) took the same exact stance D1. I would think this knowledge would be carried over as I have seen this behavior more from town than mafia since joining the MS on MAL. Another example of town taking this stance is the first two game I played with Astros. The apathetic over not wanting a D1 random lynch is more framing to go along with the Soren and Lucian comments.
I was pointing out that Sonata was apathetic because that can be scummy behaviour, not that it necessarily was. It was a quick note to keep in mind in case I saw further evidence that it was scummy apathy or townie apathy. Believe me, I learned my lesson from KOtA. The thing about Lucian and Penta being fixated on certain players was an oversight on my part, I rushed reading the thread again so I could participate.

I don't see how telling me I should have scum reads on page 3 is a townie mindset. I am going to have to ask you to explain this to me in greater detail.
^^ This in itself isn't townie, no. But I explained why I went after you like that later on. Pretty much I was pressuring you with everything I could find, forcing the read and seeing how you would react so I could sort you early.

I can actually say that this would be a great approach for someone who is suspected to take. It got you to give her a glowing town read and fits the mindset of mafia perfectly actually. Looking busy while putting thoughts that others can push into the mix. Also the votes with no support look very scummy and the after the fact way of answering in my opinion is another scummy move. Yeah the answers sound like what we want to hear but I would have liked to hear some support up front. It seems to easy since scum could also use the vote then explain tactic.
Yeahhh, I knew my D1 behavior was going to get the town focused on me, potentially wasting time and energy. I wanted to drop the secretive act and join that town-block you're trying to form to prevent this. The votes were not without reason, actually. I gave my opinion on Bursama in my readslist way before I voted and then continued to try to figure him out. The Sonata vote was a baiting attempt, so explaining it would have ruined its effectiveness.

You say that Gruffin's post follow a logical though process but you also say this is something scum can do. I watched scum chione pull this off perfectly as I town read him for a majority of the game. This here for me actually works as a point against Gruffin knowing that we were all fooled by Chione this way.
I am not Chione, so I think using this as point against me is unfair.

The mentioned 40 thing doesn't sit well with me as we know someone laid the foundation for a mislynch. This post can be read as Gruffin had been sprinkling breadcrumbs for some time before finally moving over to 40. I don't see lack of explanation as a town like vote. Matter of fact a townie (myself) questioned everyone about their vote on town for not liking his game play. This vote in my opinion is not coming from a townie place and it wasn't even needed at that point. It looked scummy when it happened and your read on it hasn't convinced me in the least.
Explaination for vote here. Do you think my early mention of 40 is what caused his lynch? I was giving my thoughts on the game, and that's what I saw from him at the time.

One wall text later I am still neutral with a scum lean. I would like to see more of a focus on catching scum than pressuring town to do things the way she see as town. I felt that you guys were bullying 40 over his playstyle which lead to a horrible lynch I don't see the town motive behind that. We all play differently, I have seen plenty of town scum hunt in many different ways. The forced reads are bad, the no support for votes is bad, the lack of support for their Bursama vote was bad considering all the support that Grape, Kit, and I had for ours. I am not seeing this townie mindset that you are.

Is there a specific reason you want us to see Gruffin as town to the point where you admittedly overlook the scumminess because of what you consider to be town like scum hunting?
I'm trying to. I wasn't entirely convinced that Bursama was scum because of how self-defeatist he was, but it was really hard for me to tell if it was geniune or not. That's why I wanted to look at other players before we ended D2 in case we were wrong about him.

And I'd like to see the answer to that question, actually.
Jan 3, 2017 12:16 PM

Aug 2014
@Soren I wish you had a chance to express what you did in #1012 before the lynch got hammered, but I guess that wasn't really possible with how it happened. I can see what you are saying with that question. It definitely seems townlike looking back but I dismissed it when it happened. I was probably biased by my own experience seeing as I have been in that same situation before (something like D5 in Harry Potter, nobody was willing to believe my redirecting virgin claim so I just gave up :P). It was the only experience I could think of with something similar so it just fit like that in my mind.
Be like this seal. It is a happy seal.
~Review Guidelines~ | ~Recommendation Guidelines~ | ~Mafia Society~
Jan 3, 2017 12:21 PM

Jan 2010
Gruffin said:
logic340 said:
There are other instances of scummyness as well. Look at how they class Sonata as apathetic though we just got out of a game together (you were there too) where a town player (KOta) took the same exact stance D1. I would think this knowledge would be carried over as I have seen this behavior more from town than mafia since joining the MS on MAL. Another example of town taking this stance is the first two game I played with Astros. The apathetic over not wanting a D1 random lynch is more framing to go along with the Soren and Lucian comments.
I was pointing out that Sonata was apathetic because that can be scummy behaviour, not that it necessarily was. It was a quick note to keep in mind in case I saw further evidence that it was scummy apathy or townie apathy. Believe me, I learned my lesson from KOtA. The thing about Lucian and Penta being fixated on certain players was an oversight on my part, I rushed reading the thread again so I could participate
When have you ever seen scum flaunt that type of behavior before? It could be scum behavior but is it? You don't make mention of seeing the town mindset which I have given examples of.

Gruffin said:
I don't see how telling me I should have scum reads on page 3 is a townie mindset. I am going to have to ask you to explain this to me in greater detail.
^^ This in itself isn't townie, no. But I explained why I went after you like that later on. Pretty much I was pressuring you with everything I could find, forcing the read and seeing how you would react so I could sort you early.
I still don't know how I feel about that. I can see that coming form both mindsets. Still hoping it's town as you are an asset as town

Gruffin said:
I can actually say that this would be a great approach for someone who is suspected to take. It got you to give her a glowing town read and fits the mindset of mafia perfectly actually. Looking busy while putting thoughts that others can push into the mix. Also the votes with no support look very scummy and the after the fact way of answering in my opinion is another scummy move. Yeah the answers sound like what we want to hear but I would have liked to hear some support up front. It seems to easy since scum could also use the vote then explain tactic.
Yeahhh, I knew my D1 behavior was going to get the town focused on me, potentially wasting time and energy. I wanted to drop the secretive act and join that town-block you're trying to form to prevent this. The votes were not without reason, actually. I gave my opinion on Bursama in my readslist way before I voted and then continued to try to figure him out. The Sonata vote was a baiting attempt, so explaining it would have ruined its effectiveness.
Honestly if you are town I wouldn't see it as a waste of time or energy as it made people discuss not only me but your behavior as well. This is what we want and is actually a point in your favor. The thing is scum would know you are town but they would eventually have to chime in if you kept your secret a little bit longer (if you are town).

Gruffin said:
You say that Gruffin's post follow a logical though process but you also say this is something scum can do. I watched scum chione pull this off perfectly as I town read him for a majority of the game. This here for me actually works as a point against Gruffin knowing that we were all fooled by Chione this way.
I am not Chione, so I think using this as point against me is unfair.
I don't think it's unfair at all, tactics are tactics. I got a feeling that we were doing KOta all over again with x40 and that was right so I am going to use my previous game experience to my advantage whenever I can. So it's not really a point against you but for me the logical progression can't be a point for you either due to mafia already using it against me.

Gruffin said:
The mentioned 40 thing doesn't sit well with me as we know someone laid the foundation for a mislynch. This post can be read as Gruffin had been sprinkling breadcrumbs for some time before finally moving over to 40. I don't see lack of explanation as a town like vote. Matter of fact a townie (myself) questioned everyone about their vote on town for not liking his game play. This vote in my opinion is not coming from a townie place and it wasn't even needed at that point. It looked scummy when it happened and your read on it hasn't convinced me in the least.
Explaination for vote here. Do you think my early mention of 40 is what caused his lynch? I was giving my thoughts on the game, and that's what I saw from him at the time.
A lot of different misinformation caused that lynch but most notable to me is behavior that people didn't like. I really feel like he was kind of bullied for not playing the way people wanted him to. I laid out the town mindset no one wanted to hear it. So I with that being said I can say those little breadcrumbs potentially did more damage, though I cannot point to them as the reason. It allowed you to move to that train with no worries.

Gruffin said:
One wall text later I am still neutral with a scum lean. I would like to see more of a focus on catching scum than pressuring town to do things the way she see as town. I felt that you guys were bullying 40 over his playstyle which lead to a horrible lynch I don't see the town motive behind that. We all play differently, I have seen plenty of town scum hunt in many different ways. The forced reads are bad, the no support for votes is bad, the lack of support for their Bursama vote was bad considering all the support that Grape, Kit, and I had for ours. I am not seeing this townie mindset that you are.

Is there a specific reason you want us to see Gruffin as town to the point where you admittedly overlook the scumminess because of what you consider to be town like scum hunting?
I'm trying to. I wasn't entirely convinced that Bursama was scum because of how self-defeatist he was, but it was really hard for me to tell if it was geniune or not. That's why I wanted to look at other players before we ended D2 in case we were wrong about him.

And I'd like to see the answer to that question, actually.
Yeah I was wavering there at the end too. Sadly I got a call walked away from the computer without doing anything and when I came back the lynch was set. I definitely feel that we need to sort out Sonata and Penta with what happened there. I was going to start looking elsewhere too but time got cut short. All our cases were wrong....I just wish I had more information on how serious yours was doesn't look too serious so honestly can't hold it too much against you Gruffin.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Jan 3, 2017 12:21 PM

May 2012
@Sonata What do you think of Soren now that he has posted 1012?
Jan 3, 2017 12:23 PM

Jan 2010
PentaFlare said:
@Soren I wish you had a chance to express what you did in #1012 before the lynch got hammered, but I guess that wasn't really possible with how it happened. I can see what you are saying with that question. It definitely seems townlike looking back but I dismissed it when it happened. I was probably biased by my own experience seeing as I have been in that same situation before (something like D5 in Harry Potter, nobody was willing to believe my redirecting virgin claim so I just gave up :P). It was the only experience I could think of with something similar so it just fit like that in my mind.
I had never experienced that before on either side so I didn't have a clue. I was a deer in headlights and I think moving forward if I feel like that again I will unvote and think about it more thoroughly.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Jan 3, 2017 12:25 PM

Aug 2014
Going to break this up a bit.
logic340 said:
PentaFlare said:
So this is going to be more of a post by post analysis than a cohesive read, but I'll try to tie it all back together at the end.

Post #102
This is Gruffin's first real post of the game. Right off the bat it seems to be analysis of players which is good but this post doesn't sit right with me. I'm seeing a lot of comments that would imply a scumread that seem to be selective reading (unjustified, scummy). For example, she says I seem to have an "odd focus" on Mishu. The mention of this being odd implies that it doesn't seem natural. Natural is townlike behaviour, odd is scummy. The problem is that I have also made comments on other players and have been working with Soren and Lucian on the second page. I don't see how someone would see me as fixated on Mishu unless they were focusing on only those posts. This is scummy. The same can be said for the comment that Lucian is fixated on Soren seeing as Lucian has also made comments to logic, grapefruit, and Mishu.
This seems like a scummy entrance to me. I can see where some of the suspicions that appear later stemmed from.
There are other instances of scummyness as well. Look at how they class Sonata as apathetic though we just got out of a game together (you were there too) where a town player (KOta) took the same exact stance D1. I would think this knowledge would be carried over as I have seen this behavior more from town than mafia since joining the MS on MAL. Another example of town taking this stance is the first two game I played with Astros. The apathetic over not wanting a D1 random lynch is more framing to go along with the Soren and Lucian comments.

Yes, it is true that Gruffin is calling Sonata apathetic and that apathy has a bad connotation, but I don't see this as framing because she provides support, notably the post where Sonata says "I vote for whoever, and then let it go". This isn't as related to being opposed to day 1 lynches but says more that Sonata really doesn't care who gets lynched. They are fine with town being lynched which is a scummy remark. I don't see this part as framing because the apathy implied by that comment is concerning.
Be like this seal. It is a happy seal.
~Review Guidelines~ | ~Recommendation Guidelines~ | ~Mafia Society~
Jan 3, 2017 12:26 PM

Jan 2010
@aa-dono, @Grapefruit, @Gruffin, @Kit, @Lord_Sithis, @LucianRoy, @Oyasumi_Rosie, @PentaFlare, @Phraze, @Sonata (sure you can weigh in too), and @Soren,
logic340 said:
Question of the Day:
Do you think that Sonata is either overzealous town or sacrificial scum?
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Jan 3, 2017 12:32 PM

Aug 2014
logic340 said:
PentaFlare said:
The rest of page 3
Gruffin pursues her vote on logic asking for reads and criticizing the lack of scumreads saying that logic is taking the easy way out. This part sits more as a town motive to me.
I don't see how telling me I should have scum reads on page 3 is a townie mindset. I am going to have to ask you to explain this to me in greater detail.

Town wants to find the scum. To catch scum, people need to be pressured. In this post, Gruffin was saying that you were taking the easy way out because you weren't expressing suspicion and pressuring people. Pressuring people will lead to catching scum so when someone wants to see people pressured that means they are trying to catch scum. Yeah, page 3 is a little early to have strong scumreads, but it doesn't mean you can't start pressuring people. That's how I see it. Gruffin wants pressure and that is why she is pressuring you and why she wants to see you pressure other people.
Be like this seal. It is a happy seal.
~Review Guidelines~ | ~Recommendation Guidelines~ | ~Mafia Society~
Jan 3, 2017 12:34 PM

Jan 2010
PentaFlare said:
Going to break this up a bit.
logic340 said:
There are other instances of scummyness as well. Look at how they class Sonata as apathetic though we just got out of a game together (you were there too) where a town player (KOta) took the same exact stance D1. I would think this knowledge would be carried over as I have seen this behavior more from town than mafia since joining the MS on MAL. Another example of town taking this stance is the first two game I played with Astros. The apathetic over not wanting a D1 random lynch is more framing to go along with the Soren and Lucian comments.

Yes, it is true that Gruffin is calling Sonata apathetic and that apathy has a bad connotation, but I don't see this as framing because she provides support, notably the post where Sonata says "I vote for whoever, and then let it go". This isn't as related to being opposed to day 1 lynches but says more that Sonata really doesn't care who gets lynched. They are fine with town being lynched which is a scummy remark. I don't see this part as framing because the apathy implied by that comment is concerning.
As I have followed the entire conversation Sonata has fleshed out and explained what they meant by that comment multiple time to multiple players. I still see it as framing because she left out the fact that she just played with this type of player in a pervious game, which means she failed to mention that there is a townie side to apathy as well. This is why I see it as a frame because I myself try to give all the information so that others can verify what I am saying is fact. To leave out that very important detail seems to be pushing things in a certain directions.

Here is an example from my own posting. I was doing a case on rosie started off as a scum read and by the end of it I find myself reaching to make rosie look scum, but due to this fact I notice Gruffin looking scummy which aa-dono picked up on and asked me about saying the rosie read felt like a scumread on Gruffin. I was focused on rosie but as aa-dono read it Gruffin came through in that post. I wasn't trying to push Gruffin but that is what was taken from all the information. So Gruffin is trying to push Sonata had they said that KOta just played like that in the previous game and town how do you think people view her read and vote with just that little added information? Leaving out something that doesn't fit the narrative is the definition of scummy for me.

Do you think that scum would blatantly say they aren't worried about lynching town? Have you ever seen that in your mafia career? If not why infer that this is the first time it is happening in regards to Sonata?
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Jan 3, 2017 12:34 PM

Aug 2014
logic340 said:
@aa-dono, @Grapefruit, @Gruffin, @Kit, @Lord_Sithis, @LucianRoy, @Oyasumi_Rosie, @PentaFlare, @Phraze, @Sonata (sure you can weigh in too), and @Soren,
logic340 said:
Question of the Day:
Do you think that Sonata is either overzealous town or sacrificial scum?

Give me time on this one. I can't see Sonata as anything but scum after manipulating me like that, but there is probably some emotional bias in there. I need some time to be able to step back and look at it more objectively.
Be like this seal. It is a happy seal.
~Review Guidelines~ | ~Recommendation Guidelines~ | ~Mafia Society~
Jan 3, 2017 12:38 PM

Jan 2010
PentaFlare said:
logic340 said:
I don't see how telling me I should have scum reads on page 3 is a townie mindset. I am going to have to ask you to explain this to me in greater detail.

Town wants to find the scum. To catch scum, people need to be pressured. In this post, Gruffin was saying that you were taking the easy way out because you weren't expressing suspicion and pressuring people. Pressuring people will lead to catching scum so when someone wants to see people pressured that means they are trying to catch scum. Yeah, page 3 is a little early to have strong scumreads, but it doesn't mean you can't start pressuring people. That's how I see it. Gruffin wants pressure and that is why she is pressuring you and why she wants to see you pressure other people.
Um I think that Sonata was doing that thought they are not for D1 lynches they put pressure on me by making my train 3 votes strong. I can see scum doing this to get town credit and have seem it Crossbell in CCL. Matter of fact the way Gruffin came at me was so reminiscent of CCL Gruffin and Crossbell that I made not of it before I even voted for her. In that game I was also hounded by Gruffin and Crossbell for taking the easy way out. Knowing me over the course of these two games and Gruffin knows me from like 3. I don't start very quickly but when I get started it's hard for me to stop. The fact that I was picked when they knew I was trying to change things up is why I said they took the safe route rather than pressure one of the other 14 players she decided to go for someone she would be able to sort easily enough. I've never been a hard read for Gruffin and this game hasn't proven to be any different.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Jan 3, 2017 12:38 PM

Aug 2014
logic340 said:
PentaFlare said:
Going to break this up a bit.

Yes, it is true that Gruffin is calling Sonata apathetic and that apathy has a bad connotation, but I don't see this as framing because she provides support, notably the post where Sonata says "I vote for whoever, and then let it go". This isn't as related to being opposed to day 1 lynches but says more that Sonata really doesn't care who gets lynched. They are fine with town being lynched which is a scummy remark. I don't see this part as framing because the apathy implied by that comment is concerning.
As I have followed the entire conversation Sonata has fleshed out and explained what they meant by that comment multiple time to multiple players. I still see it as framing because she left out the fact that she just played with this type of player in a pervious game, which means she failed to mention that there is a townie side to apathy as well. This is why I see it as a frame because I myself try to give all the information so that others can verify what I am saying is fact. To leave out that very important detail seems to be pushing things in a certain directions.

Here is an example from my own posting. I was doing a case on rosie started off as a scum read and by the end of it I find myself reaching to make rosie look scum, but due to this fact I notice Gruffin looking scummy which aa-dono picked up on and asked me about saying the rosie read felt like a scumread on Gruffin. I was focused on rosie but as aa-dono read it Gruffin came through in that post. I wasn't trying to push Gruffin but that is what was taken from all the information. So Gruffin is trying to push Sonata had they said that KOta just played like that in the previous game and town how do you think people view her read and vote with just that little added information? Leaving out something that doesn't fit the narrative is the definition of scummy for me.

Do you think that scum would blatantly say they aren't worried about lynching town? Have you ever seen that in your mafia career? If not why infer that this is the first time it is happening in regards to Sonata?

I personally didn't find Sonata's posts to have any hint to her alignment early on, but I've also watched her get mislynched for her unwillingness to vote D1 in a game that I've hosted. I know that Sonata will do that as any alignment. However, I didn't see Gruffin's comment as framing because I could see how she would come to that conclusion.

I can't remember, did KOtA simply not want a lynch or did they say they didn't care who got lynched? If they did say they didn't care who got lynched and then they flipped town I can see where you are coming from, but if they only were against a lynch in that game then I think the cases are different enough to justify not thinking back to KOtA.
Be like this seal. It is a happy seal.
~Review Guidelines~ | ~Recommendation Guidelines~ | ~Mafia Society~
Jan 3, 2017 12:40 PM

Jan 2010
PentaFlare said:
logic340 said:
@aa-dono, @Grapefruit, @Gruffin, @Kit, @Lord_Sithis, @LucianRoy, @Oyasumi_Rosie, @PentaFlare, @Phraze, @Sonata (sure you can weigh in too), and @Soren,

Give me time on this one. I can't see Sonata as anything but scum after manipulating me like that, but there is probably some emotional bias in there. I need some time to be able to step back and look at it more objectively.
Please take your time, I have been thinking about it too. I can come up with two scenarios. The town scenario is bad because a mislynch on Sonata puts us down 6 town to 0 mafia killed. So even though I find what happened really scummy I have to be objective because we are getting close to the mafia win condition. The scum scenario is just what it say, sacrificial scum.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Jan 3, 2017 12:41 PM

Oct 2014
Catching up, expect a long post with my thoughts and my role. However, if anything, I'm overzealous town, but that's what mafia would say anyway. So yeah, catching up, shower then I'll go ham on my braincells.
Jan 3, 2017 12:42 PM

Aug 2014
logic340 said:
PentaFlare said:

Town wants to find the scum. To catch scum, people need to be pressured. In this post, Gruffin was saying that you were taking the easy way out because you weren't expressing suspicion and pressuring people. Pressuring people will lead to catching scum so when someone wants to see people pressured that means they are trying to catch scum. Yeah, page 3 is a little early to have strong scumreads, but it doesn't mean you can't start pressuring people. That's how I see it. Gruffin wants pressure and that is why she is pressuring you and why she wants to see you pressure other people.
Um I think that Sonata was doing that thought they are not for D1 lynches they put pressure on me by making my train 3 votes strong. I can see scum doing this to get town credit and have seem it Crossbell in CCL. Matter of fact the way Gruffin came at me was so reminiscent of CCL Gruffin and Crossbell that I made not of it before I even voted for her. In that game I was also hounded by Gruffin and Crossbell for taking the easy way out. Knowing me over the course of these two games and Gruffin knows me from like 3. I don't start very quickly but when I get started it's hard for me to stop. The fact that I was picked when they knew I was trying to change things up is why I said they took the safe route rather than pressure one of the other 14 players she decided to go for someone she would be able to sort easily enough. I've never been a hard read for Gruffin and this game hasn't proven to be any different.

Off-topic, but has Crossbell finally had a scum game?
Back on topic. So you find Gruffin calling you out in this way suspicious because she has done this as scum before? I can see this as something that would be easy to fake a town mindset by saying, but it sat well for me because I saw other things townie about her. If she has specifically bugged you about this in a scum game of hers though it would make since to be wary of it.
Be like this seal. It is a happy seal.
~Review Guidelines~ | ~Recommendation Guidelines~ | ~Mafia Society~
Jan 3, 2017 12:45 PM

May 2012
logic340 said:
When have you ever seen scum flaunt that type of behavior before? It could be scum behavior but is it? You don't make mention of seeing the town mindset which I have given examples of.
I've never personally seen it before, but I know by playing as scum before that it's easy to just not care about the lynch like that, so it can come from a scummy mindset. I did not know for sure though, so I did not commit to a scumread on her for it.

I still don't know how I feel about that. I can see that coming form both mindsets. Still hoping it's town as you are an asset as town
That's fine, it's in the grey area by nature. I got what I wanted from it, so there will be no need for me to do that again this game.

Honestly if you are town I wouldn't see it as a waste of time or energy as it made people discuss not only me but your behavior as well. This is what we want and is actually a point in your favor. The thing is scum would know you are town but they would eventually have to chime in if you kept your secret a little bit longer (if you are town).
I was talking about the focus being on me D2. Seeing people's reactions to me D1 was very helpful yes, but going into D2 it would be dragging on for too long, imo. I wanted to figure people out that day after the mislynch on D1. Scum knowing I'm town is partially why I'm wary of Penta's townlean on me. I haven't given them a closer look yet (Getting to that next, Grapefruit. Don't worry, I didn't forget about you.) so I can't say for sure if it's scum whiteknighting me or a geniune read from town.

I don't think it's unfair at all, tactics are tactics. I got a feeling that we were doing KOta all over again with x40 and that was right so I am going to use my previous game experience to my advantage whenever I can. So it's not really a point against you but for me the logical progression can't be a point for you either due to mafia already using it against me.
Okay, I see what you mean.

A lot of different misinformation caused that lynch but most notable to me is behavior that people didn't like. I really feel like he was kind of bullied for not playing the way people wanted him to. I laid out the town mindset no one wanted to hear it. So I with that being said I can say those little breadcrumbs potentially did more damage, though I cannot point to them as the reason. It allowed you to move to that train with no worries.
Eh, yeah the 0x40 lynch wasn't the best in hindsight. On the breadcrumbs thing, I feel like you're making the facts fit the situation. If I had made no early mention of 0x40, what then?

Yeah I was wavering there at the end too. Sadly I got a call walked away from the computer without doing anything and when I came back the lynch was set. I definitely feel that we need to sort out Sonata and Penta with what happened there. I was going to start looking elsewhere too but time got cut short. All our cases were wrong....I just wish I had more information on how serious yours was doesn't look too serious so honestly can't hold it too much against you Gruffin.
Definitely going to be more careful with my vote this time around. ._. I hadn't built a case, it was more like some suspicions I wanted proven or proven wrong.
Jan 3, 2017 12:57 PM

Aug 2014
logic340 said:
PentaFlare said:
After this Gruff continues to have consistent play. Most of their posts are analysis of players and no more suggestions of scumminess that aren't justified with support and that are excluding things. She also continues to pressure people to take stands on who they think is scum and place votes. Despite knowing she is suspicious to some she isn't afraid to push ahead trying to hear scumreads from more people. This is not the approach of someone trying to protect themself but of someone trying to solve the game.
I can actually say that this would be a great approach for someone who is suspected to take. It got you to give her a glowing town read and fits the mindset of mafia perfectly actually. Looking busy while putting thoughts that others can push into the mix. Also the votes with no support look very scummy and the after the fact way of answering in my opinion is another scummy move. Yeah the answers sound like what we want to hear but I would have liked to hear some support up front. It seems to easy since scum could also use the vote then explain tactic.

So you are saying that you find her placing votes without explaining them and then saving the explanation for the votes until after as mostly scummy? I think this is just a conflict in our experience then because I've done this on many occasions too. I usually go a little farther with it too even so much as to make up a cop claim to see how the other player will react. It is risky town play for sure because it is very suspicious, but it can be worth it. You are thinking it is just scum that is just trying to look busy by placing votes and then coming up with reasons for that after? The Sonata vote does sort of look like it with how forced the explanation was. I'll have to think about this one.
Be like this seal. It is a happy seal.
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Jan 3, 2017 12:57 PM

Jan 2010
I'm on mobile I'll be reading but posting will be limited until I get to a pc.
I will be back befor phase change.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Jan 3, 2017 12:59 PM

Jan 2008
logic340 said:
Kit said:
I'm responding to multiple people as I catch up. I had a question for Bursama, so I asked it

I'm feeling Lucian because he seems to contradict himself often. But I'm not sure.
Can you give examples of where Lucian contradicted himself please?
I'm only going off memory right now. The progression of his read on 40 seemed unnatural- feels 40 is town from his early posts, likes my vote on 40 says im doing good work, feels less town on 40 when i asked him about it, then at the end of the day thinks 40 is town for a completely new, random/out of game reason in an attempt to save 40. Lucian's defense for 40 really tipped me off because while you/logic gave some well thought out reasons why 40 could be town, Lucian seemed to pull a reason out of his ass like he knew 40 would flip town and wanted to look good for defending him. Like, if 40 was used to 2-week phases, that would still apply if he was scum.

Happened again with the Bursama vote, sort of. He shows his intention to vote Bursama then immediately unvotes because it's L-1. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't remember him having a case on Bursama, just not liking some of his recent posts. In the end it didn't seem like Lucian cared about if he got lynched, just that Lucian didn't want to contribute to getting Bursama hammered.

PentaFlare said:
Also, I'm still a little frustrated that I put so much effort in writing this post about Gruffin and the other people who listed Gruffin as a suspect of theirs haven't commented on it. Does everyone just agree with my conclusion? That's the impression I'm getting if nobody else thinks the topic needs more discussion.
I read it and generally agreed with it, I'm pretty much leaning town on Gruffin. By the time I got to reading it you had already switched gears back to Bursama..

logic340 said:
@aa-dono, @Grapefruit, @Gruffin, @Kit, @Lord_Sithis, @LucianRoy, @Oyasumi_Rosie, @PentaFlare, @Phraze, @Sonata (sure you can weigh in too), and @Soren,
logic340 said:
Question of the Day:
Do you think that Sonata is either overzealous town or sacrificial scum?
I want to be careful here, so I'm going to stay neutral-to-townish for now. Did Sonata seem scummy before the hammer? I thought I remembered people town reading them.


Gosh, you guys post so much while I'm trying to catch up and write responses

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . anime . manga . updates . ♫♪. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jan 3, 2017 1:02 PM

Jan 2008
Does anyone else have a weird suspicion that Penta and Sonata were working together on that hammer? It was just too convenient and happened too fast. Penta had expressed wanting to hammer earlier. Maybe they discussed it in scum chat and decided Sonata was more likely to get away with it than Penta. #crazytheory

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . anime . manga . updates . ♫♪. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jan 3, 2017 1:07 PM

May 2012
logic340 said:
As I have followed the entire conversation Sonata has fleshed out and explained what they meant by that comment multiple time to multiple players. I still see it as framing because she left out the fact that she just played with this type of player in a pervious game, which means she failed to mention that there is a townie side to apathy as well. This is why I see it as a frame because I myself try to give all the information so that others can verify what I am saying is fact. To leave out that very important detail seems to be pushing things in a certain directions.

Here is an example from my own posting. I was doing a case on rosie started off as a scum read and by the end of it I find myself reaching to make rosie look scum, but due to this fact I notice Gruffin looking scummy which aa-dono picked up on and asked me about saying the rosie read felt like a scumread on Gruffin. I was focused on rosie but as aa-dono read it Gruffin came through in that post. I wasn't trying to push Gruffin but that is what was taken from all the information. So Gruffin is trying to push Sonata had they said that KOta just played like that in the previous game and town how do you think people view her read and vote with just that little added information? Leaving out something that doesn't fit the narrative is the definition of scummy for me.

Do you think that scum would blatantly say they aren't worried about lynching town? Have you ever seen that in your mafia career? If not why infer that this is the first time it is happening in regards to Sonata?
I eventually understood the townie mindset behind it after Sonata's conversation with Lucian, and commented on it on 528 and my readlist in 612. And I don't want to rely too much on the meta of other players to determine the motivations of Sonata. Yeah, KOtA and Sonata were similar in terms of apathy, but I don't want my experience with KOtA to give me a bias for Sonata.
Jan 3, 2017 1:08 PM

Jan 2008
PentaFlare said:
Off-topic, but has Crossbell finally had a scum game?
Camp Crystal Lake/Friday the 13th

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . anime . manga . updates . ♫♪. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jan 3, 2017 1:12 PM

May 2012
On the current Sonata situation, I'm going to need some more time to work that out. If she is overzealous town, lynching her over a mistake wouldn't be the best move. If sacrificial scum, I'm wondering what sort of gain the scumteam would have gotten from sacrificing a member?
Jan 3, 2017 1:16 PM

May 2012
Kit said:
Does anyone else have a weird suspicion that Penta and Sonata were working together on that hammer? It was just too convenient and happened too fast. Penta had expressed wanting to hammer earlier. Maybe they discussed it in scum chat and decided Sonata was more likely to get away with it than Penta. #crazytheory
That thought crossed my mind at first, but it's super paranoid without any evidence to support it. I don't want to jump to this conclusion quite yet until I'm able to figure out D2.
Jan 3, 2017 1:18 PM

May 2012
Also, I've been working on my read of Lucian too. It'll be posted at some point during D3, and I'd like to hear comments on it from those who suspect him.
Jan 3, 2017 1:28 PM

Oct 2014
Gruffin said:
On the current Sonata situation, I'm going to need some more time to work that out. If she is overzealous town, lynching her over a mistake wouldn't be the best move. If sacrificial scum, I'm wondering what sort of gain the scumteam would have gotten from sacrificing a member?

Specially when they aren't under any pressure whatsoever, given the current affair of things.

I'm doing the whole 20something tabs open thing again, to try and defend myself and make a case on Soren again, since he's still the one I'm leaning more towards being mafia of the remaining players (Bursama being town didn't change much), though I might be tunneling a bit, but it's the best I can do to defend myself at this point probably.

Kit said:
Does anyone else have a weird suspicion that Penta and Sonata were working together on that hammer? It was just too convenient and happened too fast. Penta had expressed wanting to hammer earlier. Maybe they discussed it in scum chat and decided Sonata was more likely to get away with it than Penta. #crazytheory

Would have been a great idea, but my plan with taking Penta off the train was different. Since he had expressed that he wanted to hammer it before but didn't:

"Part of me wants to just hammer this so the phase can end, we get a flip, and move on able to have a fresh start. Since all our discussion right now is focused on Bursama, we aren't learning anything about others. I would rather have more info and start working fresh day 3.

If not, can someone on the train remove their vote so we aren't in L-1? Then we can spread our focus more."

The thing I was trying to prove is whether he meant it or not, so if he had seen me remove my vote on Bursama (thing I made sure of by quoting him) he would naturally vote for him instead to fulfill his own desire (worked out since I was voting Soren earlier in the phase anyway). So, had Bursama been scum as I thought, he would have not risked not being the one with the power to hammer the vote at that point (in which all the people online bar me had a vote on him) and virtually lynch his own teammate in a situation of no pressure for the mafia (that keeps on), so by voting him up we practically secured a trusted town member from which believe reasonins without fear of lies. Didn't work out though, but that surely was not my intention since I manifested my reads on Bursama way before the train got going (iirc it was after just one vote had been placed on him).

So yeah, I'll try to be done before phase change.
Jan 3, 2017 2:30 PM

Oct 2014
Ok, I got nothing. Gruffin, Kit, and Pentaflare are the only two that have ended up voting up the two lynches so far, and while Soren's behavior this game has looked suspicious to me, I have no way to prove that he's scum after all since him trying not to get the lynch on Bursama through might or might not be a fluff to save face after I said I had stuff to incriminate him for Mishukax dying. Out of the three, I used to townread Gruffin after day 1 ended, but now I'm honestly a mess and can't think straight anymore. Bursama didn't even want to defend himself either, this is way too weird. In #912 Soren's behavior doesn't fit with what he said about Bursama in #925, he should have probably tried to defend him more vehemently if he really thought so? Also #947 was written without knowing that the vote had bene hammered yet (the posts were seconds apart from each other). I agree with #998 still.

For the record, Mishu was the only one who voted up Kit aswell day 1. Penta openly said that he townreads Gruffin, whom I townread, though. I'd also weigh the people who voted up 0x40 more than Bursama, since his train was running fast without much delay...

So yeah, I've got nothing.
SonataJan 3, 2017 2:36 PM
Jan 3, 2017 2:51 PM

May 2012
Before we get into D3, I have a question for everyone to think about looking back at D2:

Who out of us here isn't providing clarity on their actions? Who's actions are causing confusion and discord among us? I think once we find and question these people, we'll have a better time figuring out who the scum are through their motives. Because scum want confusion, and town wants clarity.
Jan 3, 2017 2:54 PM

Jan 2010
#6 - Soren "Penta got sent-a scum role pm
Vote: PentaFlare"

#54 - PentaFlare in response to #6 "Sure did, but the only way you would know that is if you saw me in the secret club, so you must be scum too! :o
Vote: Soren"

Is this the truth in plain sight or just playful banter?
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

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