One interesting thing is that we usually decide upon one or the other Tsundere personality apart from her love interest, who is usually the trigger for her mood sways.
Some tsundere's do not have love interest's, but usually they still have a person who is good a triggering their reactions.
I do not think this is entirely correct to ignore the other party.
The best example of how important is tsundere's love interest in mood changes could be seen if we compare two of the four loli tsundere wonders - Louise and Taiga.
It is generally assumed that Louise is the most violent while Taiga is rather soft and shows a lot more dere-dere moments, which is true, but at the same time we should look at their trigers/love-interests.
Ryuuji (Taiga's interest/trigger) is a good guy with scary eyes, he is kind, caring, cleaning (sometimes too much), not a pervert and pretty determined and is perceptive enough to understand things about feelings, has little self-confidence, is shy.
Saito (Louise's love/interest) is a good guy, but is an idiot, pervert, womanizer (hit's on many girls through series, and though is supposed to love Louise sees no sin in kissing other girls himself), cannot do chores at all, has no determination most of the time and is totally ignorant of other people's feelings. He doesn't actually have much good features except being good and strong (which mostly comes from his power, when he looses he becomes all emo), is too self-confident (boasting about himself, and when gets his ass kicked, starts being emo again) and has no manners whatsoever and is clumsy.
So while Louise is indeed more violent than Taiga, when you look at their trigger's you have to ask yourself how much of that depends on their triggers. Ryuuji is a great guy to be around, while Saito - is one of the worst male protagonists for a tsundere to be around.
If Louise would be with someone more like Ryuuji maybe we would see more of her dere-dere sides too, and vice versa, if Taiga had such bad luck, to be with someone like Saito instead of Ryuuji, we might have seen more of her violent acts as well.
So in my opinion we should sometimes take into account the trigger characters as well to determine how violent tsundere is. Like if a guy is someone like Negi (from Negima) or Ryuuji then a girl who still gets very tsuntsun over them should be considered bit more violent than the one who gets tsuntsun over such idiots like Saito. |