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Sep 9, 2012 7:05 PM

Jun 2012
I am going to build my first PC in a week or two, and am contemplating some games I will be playing (including Guild Wars 2, Counterstrike GO, Dota 2, League of Legends).

I would like to know about the difference between Dota 2 and L.O.L., and what's good and bad about each one. I do not want to see posts about voting which one is better, I only want information, or why you like one over the other (basically I prefer no arguments, which is nearly impossible since I just asked why you like one over the other, but please don't get out of hand).
As some side notes: I leaning towards Dota 2 since it doesn't have the cartoon style of art. The only reason I considered L.O.L. is because it is probably the most popular game at my school and all of my friends want me to play it. My brother told me that once Dota 2 is released (in beta right now), it may be more popular than the other.
I am probably ruling out Guild Wars 2 due to the time (not by match/round like the other 2, it's open world) and the money ($60), plus my computer may not handle it on good settings. I will probably play CS GO along with either Dota 2 or LOL.

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Sep 9, 2012 7:33 PM

Feb 2010
Lmao this thread won't end well, it usually don't.

Anyway, if you really want to take an interest on Dota 2, for starters, look at some of the weekly top 10 videos from DotaCinema.

Sep 9, 2012 7:47 PM

Feb 2010
Play 'em both and you'll see which one you like more.

I quit dota1 a time ago after playing it for like 6~7 years. LoL drew my attention with the different stuff(like runes/masteries/skins/mechanics/other stuff), and I believe it's much more balanced than dota is (not sure of dota2).

My brother told me that once Dota 2 is released (in beta right now), it may be more popular than the other.

Tell your brother that he's just a dota fanboy. LoL is at the same level if not have beaten the SC2 scene and it keeps growing, season3 final prizepool will be richer than season2(which is 2$million final and 3$million other events).
Sep 9, 2012 8:45 PM

Feb 2010
one-more-time said:

Tell your brother that he's just a dota fanboy. LoL is at the same level if not have beaten the SC2 scene and it keeps growing, season3 final prizepool will be richer than season2(which is 2$million final and 3$million other events).

To be fair, he said 'may be'. I have no idea why you would relate prizepool in competitive scenes to popularity. Valve and Riot ( backed by Tencent ) can throw as much money as they want.

Besides, what does popularity has anything to do with the quality of said game anyway?
Sep 9, 2012 9:01 PM

Nov 2011
Dota 2 is currently one of the most played games on Steam and that being in closed beta so just because LoL is popular don't count Dota 2 out yet.

It really depends though. I played a lot of LoL and a lot of Dota 2 lately more Dota 2. Some key characteristics I believe is that Dota 2 is more harsh to the player with losing gold on death. Not to mention heroes in Dota 2 have a lot more stuns/silences and such then heroes in LoL have. Not saying they don't have any but the majority of the heroes in Dota 2 have these types of abilities.

Also once a barracks is destroyed in Dota 2 it STAYS destroyed. It's been awhile since I've played LoL but they still respawn after some time, correct?

Basically to put it in shorter terms Dota 2 is a lot harsher and punishes the team more then LoL. Besides that LoL and Dota 2 still require teamwork, using skills appropriately, items and all that jazz.

Then of course you have graphics but I usually don't look at that so much. They both look nice in their own way.

LoL is aimed to be more for the casual MOBA players while Dota 2 may be for the more hardcore type. Although anyone can jump into the two it just takes practice and a understanding of the mechanics/items/heroes.

Both are great though.
Touch me, you filthy casual~
Sep 9, 2012 9:39 PM

Jun 2012
Ragix said:
Dota 2 is currently one of the most played games on Steam and that being in closed beta so just because LoL is popular don't count Dota 2 out yet.

It really depends though. I played a lot of LoL and a lot of Dota 2 lately more Dota 2. Some key characteristics I believe is that Dota 2 is more harsh to the player with losing gold on death. Not to mention heroes in Dota 2 have a lot more stuns/silences and such then heroes in LoL have. Not saying they don't have any but the majority of the heroes in Dota 2 have these types of abilities.

Also once a barracks is destroyed in Dota 2 it STAYS destroyed. It's been awhile since I've played LoL but they still respawn after some time, correct?

Basically to put it in shorter terms Dota 2 is a lot harsher and punishes the team more then LoL. Besides that LoL and Dota 2 still require teamwork, using skills appropriately, items and all that jazz.

Then of course you have graphics but I usually don't look at that so much. They both look nice in their own way.

LoL is aimed to be more for the casual MOBA players while Dota 2 may be for the more hardcore type. Although anyone can jump into the two it just takes practice and a understanding of the mechanics/items/heroes.

Both are great though.

Yes, I heard (generally) that Dota 2 is more difficult to learn or be better at than LoL. I have never played those kinds of games, so either way it will take a long time to be able to play decently, but Dota 2 probably longer (and more frustrating) due to the hardcore gameplay.

one-more-time said:
Play 'em both and you'll see which one you like more.

I quit dota1 a time ago after playing it for like 6~7 years. LoL drew my attention with the different stuff(like runes/masteries/skins/mechanics/other stuff), and I believe it's much more balanced than dota is (not sure of dota2).

My brother told me that once Dota 2 is released (in beta right now), it may be more popular than the other.

Tell your brother that he's just a dota fanboy. LoL is at the same level if not have beaten the SC2 scene and it keeps growing, season3 final prizepool will be richer than season2(which is 2$million final and 3$million other events).

Yes, people have told me to play both, but I would not want to play two of the same type of game, even if both are free. I would really prefer one game to focus on, but I will probably have two (FPS as CS and then one of the other 3, probably not GW2).
I also do not like that you ask me to tell my brother that he is a Dota fanboy, that sounds disrespectful. I do understand your argument, though, thanks for the info.

Sep 9, 2012 10:13 PM

Feb 2010
live2win said:

To be fair, he said 'may be'.

Does it matter? No it doesn't.

I have no idea why you would relate prizepool in competitive scenes to popularity.

Mentioned it because LoL is making E-sports big. Many players have transferred from other games to LoL for the season3 events money.

In SC2 scene, Fighting Games scene people are talking about LoL for most of the part.

Big event streams will be very, very popular.

Valve and Riot ( backed by Tencent ) can throw as much money as they want.

No, they cannot.

Besides, what does popularity has anything to do with the quality of said game anyway?

Popularity has huge impact on the game quality. Common sense.

_Saburo_ said:
Yes, I heard (generally) that Dota 2 is more difficult to learn or be better at than LoL. I have never played those kinds of games, so either way it will take a long time to be able to play decently, but Dota 2 probably longer (and more frustrating) due to the hardcore gameplay.

When you're good at the game - it doesn't matter how hard/easy the game mechanics are - it's all about the player skill level. Everyone should know this. Arguing how hard the game is is just stupid.

If we want to talk about casual people - LoL is more noob-friendly than dota2.

I also do not like that you ask me to tell my brother that he is a Dota fanboy, that sounds disrespectful.

Respect has to be earned.
Sep 9, 2012 10:20 PM

Jun 2012
_Saburo_ said:
Yes, I heard (generally) that Dota 2 is more difficult to learn or be better at than LoL. I have never played those kinds of games, so either way it will take a long time to be able to play decently, but Dota 2 probably longer (and more frustrating) due to the hardcore gameplay.

When you're good at the game - it doesn't matter how hard/easy the game mechanics are - it's all about the player skill level. Everyone should know this. Arguing how hard the game is is just stupid.

If we want to talk about casual people - LoL is more noob-friendly than dota2.

I also do not like that you ask me to tell my brother that he is a Dota fanboy, that sounds disrespectful.

Respect has to be earned.

I believe that some games are easier to learn than others, I do not believe it is all] about player skill level. So are you calling me both a noob and stupid?
Also, you will not earn anyone's respect with your attitude, thinking of my brother and me as stupid. You really do not deserve respect, and your point is no longer valid.

Sep 9, 2012 10:38 PM

Feb 2010
_Saburo_ said:

I believe that some games are easier to learn than others, I do not believe it is all] about player skill level.

Sure, believe what you want.

Easy example: Chess.

So are you calling me both a noob and stupid?

Do you have any problems with calling you a noob?

I wrote that it's a noob-friendly game, not that you're a noob or anything. You're too defensive, kid. It's just a word, lol.

Admitting that you're a noob is a step to learning new things about the game. Arrogance is what keeps you low.

Also, you will not earn anyone's respect with your attitude, thinking of my brother and me as stupid. You really do not deserve respect, and your point is no longer valid.

I'd be glad to see the quote of mine where I implied that you(or your brother) is stupid. You're what.. 14? I'm not here to earns someone's respect nor do I need it from children.
Sep 9, 2012 11:55 PM

Nov 2011
Sorry for intervening but I think you guys are taking what both of you are saying the wrong way.

Generally speaking, Saburo is a "noob"(New player) when it comes to MOBAs where me and you(one-more-time) have more experience or at least understand the concept of how they work. You are correct when you said once you're good at a game all that matters is player skill, but Saburo hasn't even played a MOBA yet so I think it's safe to say he is nowhere "good." (No offense)

Saburo is looking at it from a different perspective then we are. He still has to learn the mechanics/items/heroes in order to make any progress to getting good to the point where the deciding factor of the game is his own skill. Then I think at that point he'll understand player skill is the deciding factor in games like Dota, LoL and chess.

The 'arguing how hard the game is is stupid' comment is a bit out there though. Saying the game is a bit more noob-friendly is saying it's essentially easier to pick up which is pretty much the opposite of saying it's harder. Although I agree with the whole player skill thing again you are looking at this from a more experienced stand-point while Saburo has little to know knowledge of MOBAs.

At the same time Saburo no need to get a bit worked up about the noob-friendly comment. Like I just said it just means it's easier for new players to pick up. The term noob isn't really supposed to be taken offensively unless they direct it at you for some particular reason. Otherwise just take noob as "new player" or "beginner."

No comment on the rest though. Seems like a bit of a internet fight(or whatever you call it.) started in the middle of this.

Writing may be it a bit off. It's about midnight where I live and I'm tired. lol
Touch me, you filthy casual~
Sep 10, 2012 12:59 AM

Apr 2010
This will end well.

Generally speaking, the balance levels of both are polar opposites. Dota 2 balances around everything being "OP". Every ability is really ludicrious, but since everyone has such strong abilties it is balanced. League has things balanced by keeping the power level of things much lower.

League is obviously more new player friendly for various reasons. That is not necessarily a good or bad thing, but it is easier to get started playing league than dota.

Both are very competitive games and if you are looking for potential e-sport careers, both are pretty good options.

I prefer league personally because I feel DOTA adds an artificial skill cap that adds nothing to the gameplay, but that is just my opinion. I also like how I can have people try league without being completely overwhelmed whereas dota would make them go crazy. Try both and see which you prefer.
Sep 10, 2012 1:56 AM

Aug 2012
If you haven't played the DOTA maps for Warcraft 3 then play LOL, it's more user friendly, also don't get worked up for nothing, noob is just a word for new people.
Sep 10, 2012 7:09 AM

Feb 2010
one-more-time said:
live2win said:

To be fair, he said 'may be'.

Does it matter? No it doesn't.

It doesn't matter only because you choose to ignore it and jump to your conclusion.

one-more-time said:

Mentioned it because LoL is making E-sports big. Many players have transferred from other games to LoL for the season3 events money.

In SC2 scene, Fighting Games scene people are talking about LoL for most of the part.

Big event streams will be very, very popular.

Doesn't matter because what makes LoL popular originally, like every mainstream game, is the ease of entry to newcomers rather than it's competitive scenes and prizepool. These are only achievable with a stable and rapidly growing player base.

one-more-time said:

live2win said:
Besides, what does popularity has anything to do with the quality of said game anyway?

Popularity has huge impact on the game quality. Common sense.

Oh wow, it's not to say popular game can't be good but I would rather not be tied down by something as superficial as popularity when it comes to deciding a game quality.
Sep 10, 2012 7:53 AM

Sep 2010
If you have never played the original dota or HoN id go for League of Legends.
Also Dota2 is still in beta so who the f knows when you will get in, it took me like 2 months.

ive started with LoL as my first moba and after almost 2 years and having tried both HoN and Dota 2 i feel its still the best of all 3.

HoN is gone completely to crap so forget about that, Dota 2 is just not user friendly, handles really bad (extremely clunky, characters like to spin and turn around monsters instead of just going to the place you want to).
The graphics are both their own style so you cant really compare them which each other imo.

Playerbase? both suck.
League has a shitty player base but so have all other moba's too, i find Dota 2 worse cause i played 5ish co-op games and 4 of those ended in a 2v2 or 1v1 cause everyone just straight up left, their leaver system is pretty horrible.

Short story:Dota 2 is too hard to get into as a beginner, handles worse and is basically made for dota-veterans nothing more.
LoL is the noob-friendly version of all Moba's and is thus a superior game.
easy to get into, hard to master.

edit: still try em out both though, dont rely on dota/lol fans to say which is better both have their own arguments.
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Sep 10, 2012 8:15 AM

Feb 2010
live2win said:
It doesn't matter only because you choose to ignore it and jump to your conclusion.

It's just I don't see any reason based standpoint for even saying "dota might surpass lol in popularity". Reality check: LoL is getting bigger and bigger, if it hasn't then it will exceed SC2 scene very soon. Will such imbalanced game surpass a game, which is well balanced and gets patched every two weeks and is more new-player friendly AND is more pro-player friendly? Don't think so.

Doesn't matter because what makes LoL popular originally, like every mainstream game, is the ease of entry to newcomers rather than it's competitive scenes and prizepool. These are only achievable with a stable and rapidly growing player base.

I'd argue that prizepool played some role in a player growth, whether it be professional scene or casual player (even if not player, people might want to watch the Season2 finale just because it has so big prizepool(2$million just for finals).

Have you seen the numbers (stream viewers/unique viewers) that big tournaments have? It's mind-blowing.

The 5$million prizepool was a good PR and a good slap for dota2.

one-more-time said:
Oh wow, it's not to say popular game can't be good but I would rather not be tied down by something as superficial as popularity when it comes to deciding a game quality.

When LoL started to pick up speed, popularity wise, it lacked features like spectator mode, which is a MUST. Step by step the game improved drastically, because of how popular it was. People wanted to watch a high quality games, where RIOT worked on game balance together with pro-players and implemented many new features.

Ragix said:
No comment on the rest though. Seems like a bit of a internet fight(or whatever you call it.) started in the middle of this.

It's just a kid getting butthurt over nothing. Internet should be 18+.

The 'arguing how hard the game is is stupid' comment is a bit out there though. Saying the game is a bit more noob-friendly is saying it's essentially easier to pick up which is pretty much the opposite of saying it's harder. Although I agree with the whole player skill thing again you are looking at this from a more experienced stand-point while Saburo has little to know knowledge of MOBAs.

I kind of agree that dota2 is harder at the beginning, but from my perspective I don't see game mechanics to play the main role when you have to face real players. It's all about how they use game mechanics to their favour.
Even if game is harder to get to, but at the end of the day - after some time you'll understand the mechanics and how the game works (sort of) then it will be up to players imagination. We can see how LoL meta-game has changed and people are still coming up with interesting strategies.
Every player can become a good player by being open-minded and learning, that's one of the reasons I don't pay much attention to which game is harder and which is easier.
Chess is a very good example here, it's easy in the essence and mechanic-wise, but it's very, very complex strategy-wise. Players mind plays the main role in PvP games.

Easier use/understanding of mechanics pushes players to experiment on new strategies, because you will not win just by playing the game, that's where the real game begins imo.
Sep 10, 2012 6:54 PM

Jun 2012

Thank you for the post. I originally took "noob" as offensive, and still do, but you helped clarify a lot.


Obviously the internet available to nearly everybody. Plus, even 18+ such as you will argue and fight. I do not believe age relates to the topic, only experience of the game I am referring to. I'm sorry that I've been too defensive, anyway, but please do not call me a butthurt kid.
Thanks for all the replies, it seems everyone here agrees that Lol would be a better starter, and that Dota 2 is more difficult for new players. I will probably try both, although I hope to work my way into Dota 2, although it will be easily subjected to change, as I have yet to actually try both of them.

Sep 10, 2012 7:57 PM

Nov 2011
I've played both. If you want to play a game that's easy to get into play LoL ( especially if no moba experience). If you want something more fulfilling, has a higher skill cap then go play Dota2.
Sep 10, 2012 9:17 PM

Jun 2012
SRTHGV said:
I've played both. If you want to play a game that's easy to get into play LoL ( especially if no moba experience). If you want something more fulfilling, has a higher skill cap then go play Dota2.

So if I would prefer Dota 2, then I should start with Lol to get into MOBA games (what does it stand for anyway?), and then move onto Dota 2 when I am more experienced of how that type of game works?

Sep 10, 2012 9:58 PM

Jun 2012
D3ad_Fantasy said:
_Saburo_ said:
SRTHGV said:
I've played both. If you want to play a game that's easy to get into play LoL ( especially if no moba experience). If you want something more fulfilling, has a higher skill cap then go play Dota2.

So if I would prefer Dota 2, then I should start with Lol to get into MOBA games (what does it stand for anyway?), and then move onto Dota 2 when I am more experienced of how that type of game works?

no, for casual gameplay LoL.
Dota 2 if you want to get alil more serious cause gameplay mechanics are different and a bit more difficult early on.
If you played LoL then moved on to Dota 2 you would just have to learn new habits.

Yes, so I can play Lol for casual gameplay and to learn the mechanics, and then move to Dota 2 once I know that much. Also, what does MOBA stand for anyway?
I also like your signature, especially the dark background.

Sep 11, 2012 12:07 AM

Aug 2012
Not actually LOL is a little bit different, i remember being confused when I first played it after fooling around with DOTA, if you wanna play DOTA 2 play the latest dota maps for WarCraft 3 TFT, it'll teach you the mechanics and the weaknesses and strengths of the characters.
Sep 11, 2012 12:13 AM

Sep 2010

Yes, so I can play Lol for casual gameplay and to learn the mechanics, and then move to Dota 2 once I know that much. Also, what does MOBA stand for anyway?

No, ppl here are overestimating dota2's skill cap vs league's skill cap, its basically the same just when you start with all champs unlocked (idiot system ftw) you basically have too much information from the start.

and league works differently than dota2 in mechanics its not smart to switch over halfway in.
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Sep 11, 2012 12:32 AM

Dec 2009
You should just join witchever suits your tastes better. It doesn't matter if you are joining for the community. You are going to get yelled at for being new on both games anyways.

As for skill. I wouldn't say that Dota has a hero that you can just pick up and play well from the start. Every hero takes some time dedication and although some are easier to play than others, it doesn't mean that you'll do good as a beginner with them. Getting used to a hero in dota takes a little bit of time to be used effectively.

I'm pretty sure LoL has the same concept regarding skill. Unless they have a hero that is super noob friendly.
Sep 11, 2012 2:29 AM

Dec 2011
_Saburo_ said:
Also, what does MOBA stand for anyway?

MOBA = Multiplayer online battle arena
Sep 11, 2012 2:51 AM

Feb 2010
Retr0Master said:
I'm pretty sure LoL has the same concept regarding skill. Unless they have a hero that is super noob friendly.

There are pub-stompers in League just like in Dota, they are countered by decent-good players, but works very well early on.

Saburo said:
but please do not call me a butthurt kid

If you can't even take that then you have no place in MOBA games, because the community is utter shit and will flame you non-stop. If you want to play Dota or League - grow thicker skin.

I can call you whatever I want, just stated how I see you, was I wrong? Don't think so.
one-more-timeSep 11, 2012 5:26 AM
Sep 11, 2012 4:09 AM

Sep 2010
anything is a pubstomper as long as your enemies are bad enough.
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Sep 11, 2012 9:36 AM

Nov 2011
If you go straight into dota2 with 0 experience in any moba games you will feel like committing suicide. If your going to go straight into dota2 which it seems like you want to you should start by watching some dota2 streams

Also a good place to get some information for dota2 is

If your looking for a key and want to try your luck

All people saying that dota2 has an artificial skill cap are talking crap. I've played league and been on the first page on my main ( 2400 elo) and trust me dota2 requires much more skill and knowledge.
Sep 11, 2012 9:57 PM

Jun 2012
So a lot of you say Dota 2 is very different from Lol, is it that dramatic of a difference to where I cannot switch over partway after learning some basics (and if I still feel like it)?

Well I have a heart and am kind, while you are generally harsh and strongly support your own opinions. If the community rages at me because I'm horrible at the game (initially), that's a reason. You just seem to enjoy raging at younger people whom you see as less mature or intelligent.

Sep 11, 2012 11:16 PM

Jul 2011
_Saburo_ said:
So a lot of you say Dota 2 is very different from Lol, is it that dramatic of a difference to where I cannot switch over partway after learning some basics (and if I still feel like it)?

Some of the concepts and goals are the same, but the games are radically different. Learn one and you might be more inclined to catch onto the other, but it will still require an excessive learning phase in which you will be mentally and verbally assaulted.
Sep 11, 2012 11:34 PM

Jul 2009
Kira-oniisan said:
Not actually LOL is a little bit different, i remember being confused when I first played it after fooling around with DOTA, if you wanna play DOTA 2 play the latest dota maps for WarCraft 3 TFT, it'll teach you the mechanics and the weaknesses and strengths of the characters.

i say this is the best bet if u wanna get into dota and watch replays, there's a free Dota 2 Spectator client on steam with it you can see if yur cp can run dota 2/ watch others play.

ps. verbal abuse is not avoidable in dota sorry :(
Sep 11, 2012 11:39 PM

Apr 2012
I've played Dota for years and used to be a huge fan of it, I tried HoN for a while and quit it fast, one day a friend invited me to the beta for LoL, I played it and just was making fun of it for being a Dota clone, I kept playing it and now its my favorite out of the three. Hell I haven't even touched Dota forever nor do I ever plan to, I got into the beta for Smite and Dota and I have barely even touched those either.

Overall LoL has the best noob-friendly community (Besides low elo players but let's not talk about that) and actually has a very helpful tutorial as I recommend doing that. Also I'd recommend doing bot games until level 7-10 as it will help you get better as well as meeting less smurfs which would totally wreck a noob.
Sep 12, 2012 8:16 AM
Sep 2012
Leonard93 said:

when you start with all champs unlocked (idiot system ftw).

And this is how you confirm a huge brainwashed LoL fanboy. Who the HELL in their right mind (without having played any MOBA) would prefer having less heroes to pick from than more?

And you're calling that the idiot system??
EggimanndSep 12, 2012 8:25 AM
Sep 12, 2012 2:59 PM

Apr 2012
Eggimannd said:
Leonard93 said:

when you start with all champs unlocked (idiot system ftw).

And this is how you confirm a huge brainwashed LoL fanboy. Who the HELL in their right mind (without having played any MOBA) would prefer having less heroes to pick from than more?

And you're calling that the idiot system??
People like you are the reason why Karma has a 38% winrate
Sep 12, 2012 5:03 PM

Jun 2012
Thanks for more replies. I guess that switching over doesn't seem like a good idea, but I think I may just try it anyway. Hearing that Lol has a tutorial and can start with bots is of great help for a new player like me. Although as of now I am leaning towards Dota 2, I have never played either yet. I will have my PC built probably (if no problems occur) tomorrow or Friday, so I will soon get to try them both out, although I'll probably start with Lol.

Eggimannd said:
Leonard93 said:

when you start with all champs unlocked (idiot system ftw).

And this is how you confirm a huge brainwashed LoL fanboy. Who the HELL in their right mind (without having played any MOBA) would prefer having less heroes to pick from than more?

And you're calling that the idiot system??
Eggimannd said:
Leonard93 said:

when you start with all champs unlocked (idiot system ftw).

And this is how you confirm a huge brainwashed LoL fanboy. Who the HELL in their right mind (without having played any MOBA) would prefer having less heroes to pick from than more?

And you're calling that the idiot system??

I understand both perspectives, I believe. Maybe it is that starting with all the heroes can be overwhelming or does not allow for unlockable heroes. On the other hand, starting with all of them can leave a player equal in terms of what is available.

Sep 12, 2012 5:59 PM

Apr 2012
Also the bots have different difficulties and usually play pretty realistically, I've seen a few glitch here and there, I actually had one afk on me hahaha. Also the reason I say all champs unlocked is a bad idea is because, first it means there will be plenty more smurfs (Level 30s making a new level 1 account) since they will be able to play their favorite champ at the start, besides we get 16 free champs each week. Anyways they are both good games, I'd maybe watch videos of both games, if you play LoL, Annie is a good middle starter who is easy to use and has amazing burst damage. A good attack damage carry for beginners I would say is Ashe although you gotta remember to toggle Q on and off to not run out of mana. A nice starting support would be Soraka and Sona, Soraka for healing mana and hp greatly, and Sona for doing some damage and boosting your teams health, speed, and armor. If you want to learn jungling I'd start out with Nunu since he pretty much has a built in smite which gives him sustain.
Sep 12, 2012 6:10 PM

Jun 2012
Well I don't really know about each hero and am not worried about that at the moment, but I will try to remember your advice anyway, thank you. So you get 16 new heroes each week, or just 16 become free?

Sep 12, 2012 6:15 PM

Apr 2012
16 heroes become free each week, you can easily buy champions with the ingame curreny though, I have never felt forced to buy a champ with real money.
Sep 12, 2012 6:33 PM

Jul 2009
1 note;u can face bots in dota 2 as well,

remember to download the free Dota 2 Spectator to see how dota will look on yur new comp /to see the interface of dota 2 and you can watch live games as well.
Sep 13, 2012 6:18 AM

Sep 2010
Eggimannd said:
Leonard93 said:

when you start with all champs unlocked (idiot system ftw).

And this is how you confirm a huge brainwashed LoL fanboy. Who the HELL in their right mind (without having played any MOBA) would prefer having less heroes to pick from than more?

And you're calling that the idiot system??

"oh look im gonna learn this game, lets see how many champs i can choose from"
WOOOSH 100+ heroes in your face.

League gives you a small amount of free champs every week (10 ish) and the ability to buy your own champs, so there is automatically more progression in the champ system and its A LOT easier to learn the champs cause you aren't flooded with choices at level 1.

The free week is designed to usually feature the easier champs for the newer players, also facing and playing with a different champ every game doesnt help you with the game at all.

obv dota2 fanboi detected.

both games have co-op so thats good for learning.
last time i played the dota2 beta the tutorial wasnt available yet but i do think they will implement that eventually.
Leonard93Sep 13, 2012 6:22 AM
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Sep 13, 2012 7:48 AM
Jul 2018
These arguments are amusing, both of the games suck.
Sep 13, 2012 9:56 AM
Sep 2012
Leonard93 said:
Eggimannd said:
Leonard93 said:

when you start with all champs unlocked (idiot system ftw).

And this is how you confirm a huge brainwashed LoL fanboy. Who the HELL in their right mind (without having played any MOBA) would prefer having less heroes to pick from than more?

And you're calling that the idiot system??

"oh look im gonna learn this game, lets see how many champs i can choose from"
WOOOSH 100+ heroes in your face.

League gives you a small amount of free champs every week (10 ish) and the ability to buy your own champs, so there is automatically more progression in the champ system and its A LOT easier to learn the champs cause you aren't flooded with choices at level 1.

The free week is designed to usually feature the easier champs for the newer players, also facing and playing with a different champ every game doesnt help you with the game at all.

Your point is incredibly flawed. Nothing is stopping you from picking the same hero over and over in Dota 2 if you want to learn him. I have friends who are incredibly good at certain heroes because they only play 5-6 heroes out of the 100. Fact is, more selection is always better than less selection.

And to be honest, playing a wide variety of heroes DOES make you a better player. It helps you better understand the hero and know what will be effective against them. You're never going to be a good Moba player if you only stick to a few characters and never get out of your comfort zone to try them all.

Wrong about why the free week was designed. It was designed because it's an incredibly smart marketing strategy from Riot to make you want to pay real money to get the champion you just tried quicker.
Sep 13, 2012 10:08 AM

Feb 2010
Eggimannd said:

And to be honest, playing a wide variety of heroes DOES make you a better player. It helps you better understand the hero and know what will be effective against them. You're never going to be a good Moba player if you only stick to a few characters and never get out of your comfort zone to try them all.


Mastering one/few champions sharpens your skills/decision-making with the certain champion, basically you can play versus any counter-champion and it will not matter. You learn about other champions facing them or having in team, it's good enough experience to have, because when you're good at the game - you have the knowledge of various game-mechanics and champion-mechanics which helps when picking up a new unplayed yet known champion.

It's silly to say that you're not going to be a good player if you're playing just few champions.
Every player has their comfort zone, what's the point in changing it to something that you're not feeling comfortable with?

Jack of all trades Master of none. That's what you're advocating for. You must be pretty low skill player to think that way.
Sep 13, 2012 1:12 PM
Sep 2012
one-more-time said:


Mastering one/few champions sharpens your skills/decision-making with the certain champion, basically you can play versus any counter-champion and it will not matter. You learn about other champions facing them or having in team, it's good enough experience to have, because when you're good at the game - you have the knowledge of various game-mechanics and champion-mechanics which helps when picking up a new unplayed yet known champion.

It's silly to say that you're not going to be a good player if you're playing just few champions.
Every player has their comfort zone, what's the point in changing it to something that you're not feeling comfortable with?

Jack of all trades Master of none. That's what you're advocating for. You must be pretty low skill player to think that way.

Not wrong at all. The better players I know play a TON of different heroes. The less skilled ones are usually the ones that always play the same one. You get a better grasp for the heroes if you've actually played them. Just facing is not enough.

But hey I'm talking to obvious LoL fanboys here who think restricting heroes is better than having them all available. It's a lost cause already.
Sep 13, 2012 3:58 PM

Sep 2012
i kno very little about dota 2, but i can tell you the community for both games is awful, full of terrible people . You will never see so many trolls and elitists anywhere else.
however LoL is very fun and addictive but i have grown tired of it and would like to play dota 2(i even have a beta account) but my comp cant handle the games graphics =^(

Sep 13, 2012 4:07 PM

Jun 2012
So do they add champs (or heroes?) every week, or switch out some of them out and add new ones. Basically, do they keep adding on to the amount that is already there, making a huge list of champs that is always increasing every week?

Sep 13, 2012 5:23 PM

Feb 2010
Eggimannd said:
Not wrong at all.

Well yes it is, my dear friend.

The better players I know play a TON of different heroes.

Seems that we have a different understanding of word "good player".

The less skilled ones are usually the ones that always play the same one.

Every single pro player will say that you should stick to one/few champions you like, don't jump around.

TiensiNoAkuma is my favourite Katarina player, he plays like only Katarina (and a bit of Xin). 1063 Katarina games out of total ~1600 ranked games. Second most played champion is Xin Zhao with only 174 games. He's 2600 ranked player in League. So this pretty much blows your "less skilled players" argument. Or do you need more players like Tiensi? Wait a minute, every single top-player has their comfort zone and they're playing just few champions (tho it changes due to game-changes or just got bored of it).

You get a better grasp for the heroes if you've actually played them. Just facing is not enough.

What's the point of playing several dozens of champions? You will not actually learn any of them, there's not a huge difference in playing the champion and playing vs him, if you understand game-mechanics.

But hey I'm talking to obvious LoL fanboys here who think restricting heroes is better than having them all available. It's a lost cause already.

Restricting heroes... what? I'm not arguing about it. Besides that how am I LoL-fanboy? I'm not shouting out loud that LoL > all without any real arguments, I'm a 2k elo player in League and can speak confidently about this stuff. Plus I played dota for 6~7 years and still have some love for it, despite how imbalanced it is.

Btw, why did you make new account just for this thread? I don't get it.

Saburo said:
So do they add champs (or heroes?) every week, or switch out some of them out and add new ones. Basically, do they keep adding on to the amount that is already there, making a huge list of champs that is always increasing every week?

Every week 10 free-champion roster changes.

A new champion is added to total champion-pool every ~2-3 weeks. It's added to f2p champions on next week.
Sep 13, 2012 5:28 PM

Apr 2012
one-more-time said:
Eggimannd said:
Not wrong at all.

Well yes it is, my dear friend.

The better players I know play a TON of different heroes.

Seems that we have a different understanding of word "good player".

The less skilled ones are usually the ones that always play the same one.

Every single pro player will say that you should stick to one/few champions you like, don't jump around.

TiensiNoAkuma is my favourite Katarina player, he plays like only Katarina (and a bit of Xin). 1063 Katarina games out of total ~1600 ranked games. Second most played champion is Xin Zhao with only 174 games. He's 2600 ranked player in League. So this pretty much blows your "less skilled players" argument. Or do you need more players like Tiensi? Wait a minute, every single top-player has their comfort zone and they're playing just few champions (tho it changes due to game-changes or just got bored of it).

You get a better grasp for the heroes if you've actually played them. Just facing is not enough.

What's the point of playing several dozens of champions? You will not actually learn any of them, there's not a huge difference in playing the champion and playing vs him, if you understand game-mechanics.

But hey I'm talking to obvious LoL fanboys here who think restricting heroes is better than having them all available. It's a lost cause already.

Restricting heroes... what? I'm not arguing about it. Besides that how am I LoL-fanboy? I'm not shouting out loud that LoL > all without any real arguments, I'm a 2k elo player in League and can speak confidently about this stuff. Plus I played dota for 6~7 years and still have some love for it, despite how imbalanced it is.

Btw, why did you make new account just for this thread? I don't get it.

Saburo said:
So do they add champs (or heroes?) every week, or switch out some of them out and add new ones. Basically, do they keep adding on to the amount that is already there, making a huge list of champs that is always increasing every week?

Every week 10 free-champion roster changes.

A new champion is added to total champion-pool every ~2-3 weeks. It's added to f2p champions on next week.

It's actually added 2 weeks after

Also if you know Omer from MMOhut, He mains Singed and is around 2.1-2.2k Elo. If you look at Scarra he also mained Katarina and is in Team Dig and is known as the "Best Middle Player" and I love him a lot more than Tiens. But after Riot fked up Kat I really don't care about her anymore heh.
Sep 14, 2012 12:50 AM

Sep 2010
anyone who thinks having everything unlocked from level 1 is good is just a plain retard, why even try to argue with them.

and hes calling us 'lol fanbois' while our arguments are around 100x better than his, maddd :)
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Sep 14, 2012 8:37 AM
Sep 2012
Leonard93 said:
anyone who thinks having everything unlocked from level 1 is good is just a plain retard, why even try to argue with them.

and hes calling us 'lol fanbois' while our arguments are around 100x better than his, maddd :)

Your argument is beyond retarded. So you're telling me if someone had absolutely NEVER played any Moba game, they would prefer having a limited selection of heroes than having the full selection??

Brainwashed faggot LoL kid confirmed.
Sep 14, 2012 11:48 AM

Sep 2010
Eggimannd said:
Leonard93 said:

Brainwashed faggot LoL kid confirmed.

you've repeated this 4 times and your only posts are in this topic, troll detected and enjoy your report.
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Sep 14, 2012 12:07 PM

Nov 2011
What benefits do you gain from having to "gain levels" to unlock heroes? I could throw 10 heroes in your face until you hit the next level and throw a new one at you and you'll be just as nooby as before since you don't know the skills, items needed, etc. of that hero.

Also Dota has been around for a LONG time. How do you think the more experienced Dota players would feel if they had to wait and "unlock" a hero they wish to play or have experience with. ALSO Levels do NOT mean you are good at all. You gain xp whether you win or lose. You could have level 30s in LoL that aren't as good as let's say a level 10. Here's another great thought. If someone wants to learn how to play they can 1.) Watch a game. 2.) Use the coaching system(When it is released.) 3.) Tutorial system(When it is released.) 4.) Play vs. bots. 5.) Use the Learn tab which shows you all items and hero abilities and what they do.

So on the contrary having all the heroes unlocked is a good thing. It's just as easy to access champions in LoL(With the weekly rotations and being able to buy champions by playing.) but the difference is in LoL when you start off your limited to learn heroes from that weekly rotation and nothing else until you start racking up points to buy champions while Dota gives you everything right there.

I love both but I don't love how you guys are criticizing this part of the hero/champion system that actually works.
Touch me, you filthy casual~
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