I'm in an AP Art Class and I have to make a 2-D portfolio using the concentration opposites. I talked to my teacher and she had said that I should make a small comic that is about 12 pages, more like 10 or 9 pages, long. And this is my first time ever making a comic. >___>
So I'm going to be using two characters that are completely opposite from each other and I have yet to think of a story line (and I'm still working on their personalities) and I was hoping that maybe you guys here would possibly be able to give me any advice, criticism or opinions on how my work is going through the school year?
Right now I don't have a whole lot done just quick thought up character sheets of the two characters;
The notes are just some ideas and reminders for me about the character. Um, so please tell me what you think and any ideas I could possibly use for anything about these characters or even the story itself which I have yet to think.
Thank you in advance for anyone who helps.
Id quod factum est, infectum esse potest.
(What has been done can be undone)
These two, being complete opposites, should be thrown together to complete some sort of task or mission. Their violently different personalities will contrast against the similarities that they have, and they will come to some sort of understanding.
^ That girl up there is a very skilled writer, maybe she'll help you out.
Thanks, I'll try giving her a message if I can't think of anything soon. :)
ScrumYummy said: These two, being complete opposites, should be thrown together to complete some sort of task or mission. Their violently different personalities will contrast against the similarities that they have, and they will come to some sort of understanding.
At least, that's the way this usually goes XD
I like the designs so far :D
I like the idea, I just don't think I can pull it off in 10 pages or so. I really need to do something really simple since stories like you idea, I get really into and then I'll have a 100 page story or something like that -___-;
Thanks. would you mind if I posted more (when it gets done) and doing some criticism on it?
Id quod factum est, infectum esse potest.
(What has been done can be undone)
I like the idea, I just don't think I can pull it off in 10 pages or so. I really need to do something really simple since stories like you idea, I get really into and then I'll have a 100 page story or something like that -___-;
Thanks. would you mind if I posted more (when it gets done) and doing some criticism on it?
Depending on how much character development you want to do, you could go in-depth and establish some sort of relationship between your characters, or you could just have them meet randomly. You could have a really simple but effective story, something like....your two characters are, I don't know, shopping and they meet because they for some reason want the same thing, but for completely different reasons.
The link is for Zeroro1995's profile. He is part of my "Create an Anime/Manga" club and he is really good at coming up with stories. Send him a PM, I'm sure he can pull it of quickly. If you do happen to finish your comic, I would love to have your work displayed in my club. Good luck.