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Sep 22, 2022 6:48 AM
Oct 2021
I know fully well how many people love this character, so I am fully prepared to qualify that statement.
Full spoilers and a longish read ahead. You can skip to the last paragraph for a tldr.

If we first try to describe Chisato, she's an upbeat lycoris who used to work for the DA, now trying to find the person who gave her a second chance in life by replacing her weak heart with a mechanical one. She's the best lycoris ever, owing to her supernatural ability to dodge bullets that she had from birth, but she never wants to take away people's lives, so she uses non-lethal bullets, and goes out of her way to make sure the people she fights do not die, not even by friendly fire from their comrades.

Ignoring the mechanics of how anything I said above works, here are what I consider to be the moments that weaken or destroy her character:

1. Episode 6 starts with Takina telling Chisato that 4 lycorises lost their lives. Chisato's response to this is very careless, and it's clear she doesn't even give a shit. A moment later she's all smiles because "Takina is gonna live with me, yay!". A normal person would've had a more serious reaction to that, but Chisato should've had an even bigger reaction because of much she values people's lives, and she grew in the same environment that the dead lycorises grew up in. She recieved the same brutal training in her childhood, so the tragedy of their wasted lives should've hit her harder but no, no signs of fucks given here.
2. In episode 8 she talks with the terrorist that killed those 4 lycorises, tried to kill her two episodes ago, and massacred an entire police department who were all innocent people. We know he can't hit her with the gun, he even puts it down. Does she try to stop him? arrest him? anything? nope. he can just go away and enact his plan that leads to even more people dying. Great job Chisato!
3. In episode 9 she just straight up shoots at innocent civilians at a highway, making them lose control of their car. She's just very lucky that that didn't cause an accident that lead to them + anyone else on the road dying. Fucking Mizuki's reaction to this is also of someone who doesn't give a fuck about people's lives. "But she was dealing with a lot and she was sad at that time, that scene is there to show us that she's not herself" is a defense that someone might try. The problem is this betrays her character, her morals, and just normal common sense. I can't believe this needs to be said but you can't just shoot at people just because you're sad. And does she look back at this regretfully? nope. Zero introspection and zero acknowledgement that she endangered innocent lives. This scene reminds me of that deleted scene from Captain Marvel, if anyone knows that one.
4. Again in episode 9, when Kusonoki questions her on letting Majima go, her response is "it's not my job". Forget about what's ethical, forget about what any normal decent human being would've done if they knew someone is a terrorist and they have the ability to stop them. She gives the stupidest excuse I've ever seen and dumbass Kusonoki doesn't say anything to that.
5. In episode 10, when she finds out Mizuki and Kurumi are looking for a way to save her, she decides to close down the cafe because "I can't have you guys wasting time worrying about me". This is just selfishness. It would weigh too much on her conciouseness to have them there trying to help her, so she's just gonna force them to leave their lives in Japan and move countires on her whim. And the two dumbfucks don't even argue back against that. No speech about how much she means to them or any kind of friendship speech that actually would've been appropriate for that moment because those two are nothing but glorified plot devices.
6. This point is less of a character thing, I just wanted to point this out because it's funny. At the end of episode 11, when Majima is shooting at her and Takina, she uses her bullet proof bag to block the bullets. She did that a lot and blocked a lot of bullets, but 1 bullet just knocks the bag out of her hand and so far away it falls down out of reach. The bullet didn't even hit her hand. This is funny because had she not lost that bag there, she could've just blocked Yoshi's bullets in episode 12 when he was shooting Takina, effectively bailing her out of making the choice. I guess the writers realized this and decided that the best solution is: "uuhh she just loosens her grip on the bag and loses it. Genius!". This is just lazy writing at its finest.
7. Chisato let Takina die in episode 12. That's the truth. When that lady who works for Yoshi was charging at Takina to kill her, Chisato didn't try to stop her, which lead to Takina falling off the building. Chisato is just very very lucky Takina fell on a beam and was able to hold on to dear life when the expected scenario would be that she falls to her death.
8. Chisato let's Yoshi go free. He's the guy who funded the terrorists and lead to so many innocents dying, and tried to kill her friend, but no. He gets to go because she can't kill him. So she just can't tie him up with her convenient gun that ties people up? She can't go after him after she calmed Takina down? Nah because we let terrorist funders go free in this show.
9. The choice is bullshit. She fired a real bullet for once. Did she actually have to kill someone? No. We can't let the show be too dark so we're gonna bait the choice while having the show bail her out so now she can't learn or grow or develope in any meaningful way.
10. Majima fucking emptied a mag on her friends when they were standing in the elevator. They could all be dead if it wasn't for Fuki's quick thinking. How does she respond to that happening? She doesn't. She lets it happen and then confronts him with "Yo.". I have to assume this is planned and they're gonna do something together next episode but fucking hell, lucky none of your friends were hurt in this stunt, huh Chisato?

And all of this doesn't include her constantly shifting power levels, the uncharacteristic stupid decisions she makes, how she never wonders if people could've been saved if she killed Majima in the tower incident (The most obvious question she should be asking herself). But this thread is long enough already.

I made this thread because while I always criticized other aspects of the writing, I don't think I went too deep into characters because there was always the chance they'd develope in a good way. I don't see that happening with episode 13 but I would happily eat my words if it proved me wrong. Characters is usually the thing people point to for this show but the characters are as terrible as the rest of the show. This is a 2/10 show on a good day.

If you asked the writers to describe Chisato, I don't think any of the above would come up. It really feels like the writers ignore innocent lives and have no awareness of the implications of the decisions the characters make or do not make. But the unfortunate reality is this:

Tldr; Chisato is an extremely selfish, immoral character that can be as compitent or as incompitent as the writing needs. She doesn't want to kill people with her own hands, but gives no fucks about people dying if she's not holding the gun. She forces others to follow her whims and desires and they rarely question her. She has no compelling developement or struggle. Chisato is not a waifu bait because a jpeg of a random female character would be a better waifu than this horrendous disaster of a character.
Pages (5) [1] 2 3 » ... Last »
Sep 22, 2022 6:56 AM
Jul 2020
Yes, Chisato is the worst character in the show, takina is second.
Sep 22, 2022 7:00 AM
Jul 2020
RogerCop said:
Yes, Chisato is the worst character in the show, takina is second.

And majima is the best character since he beat the shit out of Chisato.
Sep 22, 2022 7:08 AM
Dec 2021
Not gonna read all of that because she is the best ๐Ÿ‘€โค๏ธ๐ŸคŒ
Sep 22, 2022 7:10 AM
Mar 2022
opDYNO said:
Not gonna read all of that because she is the best ๐Ÿ‘€โค๏ธ๐ŸคŒ

she cute and her voice ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ so wtv
Sep 22, 2022 7:11 AM
Aug 2022
If you think anyone's reading that, well you might wanna reconsider. This is a MAL forum, people don't care about your opinion, especially when it's so long and convoluted.
Sep 22, 2022 7:12 AM
Apr 2021
Ain’t reading all that๐Ÿ˜ด
Sep 22, 2022 7:14 AM

Mar 2021
yes she is cringe.
Sep 22, 2022 7:14 AM
Feb 2018
not gonna read that essay
Sep 22, 2022 7:18 AM

Jul 2015
Looks like it's one of those threads, where someone is either completely ignorant or refuses to see depth of the character.
Like, for example, you need to be completely blind to not understand why she shoot at those "innocent civilians" on the highway.

Sep 22, 2022 7:25 AM

Sep 2016
Really good thread a Shame that many will not read or care for being a popular show, everything you described is a nuisance for me too, I would just add a few things like, do you remember that episode where Takina trains with Chisato's gun and do they comment on how hard it is to hit shots with that ammo? And that's why Chisato shoots in that strange pose and practically point blank, but in the most recent episodes Chisato appears hitting targets from a long distance without missing a single shot and while running dodging bullets, not to mention the inconsistency in her ability to dodge bullets which is described as "reading the enemy's muscles and reacting based on that" yet she dodges some magina shots in the dark, and she even dodged all the lillybell shots in an enclosed area with no space at all, the animators didn't even animate this in instead i cut the scene with her walking and going back to her ammo which apparently knocks out enemies with one shot, weren't able to do that with majima even with a hesdshot.
Sep 22, 2022 7:34 AM
Oct 2021
StaleNut said:
If you think anyone's reading that, well you might wanna reconsider. This is a MAL forum, people don't care about your opinion, especially when it's so long and convoluted.

Except I present facts that happen in the story, not just my opinion. And I like how you decided that my "opinion" is "long and convoluted" while implying that you didn't even read it. Nice one dude.

Cestlavie_ said:
People should know if ur post is more than 4 paragraphs I ain't reading

"People should know that my attention span is 4 paragraphs". I think you're better off if people didn't know that.

Piromysl said:
Looks like it's one of those threads, where someone is either completely ignorant or refuses to see depth of the character.
Like, for example, you need to be completely blind to not understand why she shoot at those "innocent civilians" on the highway.

Please, oh enlightened one. Explain to us blind people why our beloved character almost killed innocent people.
Seriously, you put that in qoutation. So are you implying they're not innocent? What's your argument mate?
Sep 22, 2022 7:37 AM

May 2021
All in all, it comes down(mostly) to the tone. The writers are terrible with it.

Sep 22, 2022 7:37 AM
Oct 2021
gnomeu said:
Really good thread a Shame that many will not read or care for being a popular show, everything you described is a nuisance for me too, I would just add a few things like, do you remember that episode where Takina trains with Chisato's gun and do they comment on how hard it is to hit shots with that ammo? And that's why Chisato shoots in that strange pose and practically point blank, but in the most recent episodes Chisato appears hitting targets from a long distance without missing a single shot and while running dodging bullets, not to mention the inconsistency in her ability to dodge bullets which is described as "reading the enemy's muscles and reacting based on that" yet she dodges some magina shots in the dark, and she even dodged all the lillybell shots in an enclosed area with no space at all, the animators didn't even animate this in instead i cut the scene with her walking and going back to her ammo which apparently knocks out enemies with one shot, weren't able to do that with majima even with a hesdshot.

Yeah I just quickly mentioned how she has inconsistent powers. People are complaining about the length of the post without me going in detail about that.
And you're right about them not even bothering to show her dodging the last episode, they did it in episode 2 as well and it's just jarring to see.
Sep 22, 2022 7:44 AM
Mar 2022
anyone wanna TLDR this?
Sep 22, 2022 7:44 AM
Aug 2022
Secret333 said:
StaleNut said:
If you think anyone's reading that, well you might wanna reconsider. This is a MAL forum, people don't care about your opinion, especially when it's so long and convoluted.

Except I present facts that happen in the story, not just my opinion. And I like how you decided that my "opinion" is "long and convoluted" while implying that you didn't even read it. Nice one dude.

You presented facts that lead to no objective reasoning to back up your claim. Everything you were implying is based on your preferences and doesn't even matter to the majority of the viewers. What you wrote isn't seen as criticism. Besides, I was just presenting facts just like you. It's hard to accept "facts" when you're not the one blatantly throwing them out there.
Sep 22, 2022 7:46 AM

Jul 2015
Secret333 said:
Please, oh enlightened one. Explain to us blind people why our beloved character almost killed innocent people.
Seriously, you put that in qoutation. So are you implying they're not innocent? What's your argument mate?

My argument is, that a pacifist girl, who has her life cut short, who is completely frustrated, angry and scared of dying suddenly has her life cut short. She has to every day put up a facade to conceal that and not spread her misery to other. She is suddenly harassed for no reason by two jackasses. It is totally understandable why she snapped at them. It is literally in our faces as the audience.

And no, I do not imply that they are "not innocent", but it is you, who somehow implies that they deserve sympathy by emphasizing, that they are innocent.
You just tried desperately to nitpick something trivial to justify your argument, but that's a fail.
And they were not in any danger of losing their lives.

So, overall. Character has a flaws = bad character. Wow. Just wow! It's not like she is a Mary Sue or something. A little bit of internal conflict, flaws and hypocrisy helps flesh out character.
Also, you try to force your morals on her. She has a quite unique predicament, that made her absolutely refuse killing, so that's kinda immature from you.
PiromyslSep 22, 2022 8:00 AM

Sep 22, 2022 7:47 AM

Sep 2016
RogerCop said:
RogerCop said:
Yes, Chisato is the worst character in the show, takina is second.

And majima is the best character since he beat the shit out of Chisato.

yes this ^ i loved her at first but she she just became more and more annoying tbh
Sep 22, 2022 7:49 AM

May 2017
I agree with everything you said. All in all this was a 6/10 anime at best hard carried by mediocre waifus.
Can't wait for this anime to be completely forgotten in 2 weeks and replaced with another mid waifu show.
Sep 22, 2022 7:52 AM

May 2008
Secret333 said:
Tldr; Chisato is an extremely selfish, immoral character that can be as compitent or as incompitent as the writing needs.

Not that I disagree with your points, but Chisato strikes me as being more fatalistic than immoral/amoral. She knows she is going to die soon, and she knows that Lycoris girls tend to die on a regular basis in operation anyway (the body count alone among DA agents of the Tokyo Tower operation ten years ago when she was 7 years old must have been horrific), and as a result I think she try to live her short life the best she can, detached from the factors she know she have zero control over.

That being said, Lycoris Recoil is above everything else a "cute girls doing cute things" show with action scenes being mixed in. We probably should not try to read too much into its plot, or the characters, but I know I'm preaching in the desert here :)
IaldaSep 22, 2022 7:57 AM
Sep 22, 2022 7:58 AM

Dec 2020
I read upto 5 points and not interested in reading further. If you are gonna write big ass essays like this then atleast add few pictures of the things you are talking abt.

I don't take this anime seriously so i really don't care abt the criticisms specially abt the characters, I like chisato and other Girls and that's it.
Sep 22, 2022 8:00 AM
May 2022
Secret333 said:
I know fully well how many people love this character, so I am fully prepared to qualify that statement.
Full spoilers and a longish read ahead. You can skip to the last paragraph for a tldr.

If we first try to describe Chisato, she's an upbeat lycoris who used to work for the DA, now trying to find the person who gave her a second chance in life by replacing her weak heart with a mechanical one. She's the best lycoris ever, owing to her supernatural ability to dodge bullets that she had from birth, but she never wants to take away people's lives, so she uses non-lethal bullets, and goes out of her way to make sure the people she fights do not die, not even by friendly fire from their comrades.

Ignoring the mechanics of how anything I said above works, here are what I consider to be the moments that weaken or destroy her character:

1. Episode 6 starts with Takina telling Chisato that 4 lycorises lost their lives. Chisato's response to this is very careless, and it's clear she doesn't even give a shit. A moment later she's all smiles because "Takina is gonna live with me, yay!". A normal person would've had a more serious reaction to that, but Chisato should've had an even bigger reaction because of much she values people's lives, and she grew in the same environment that the dead lycorises grew up in. She recieved the same brutal training in her childhood, so the tragedy of their wasted lives should've hit her harder but no, no signs of fucks given here.
2. In episode 8 she talks with the terrorist that killed those 4 lycorises, tried to kill her two episodes ago, and massacred an entire police department who were all innocent people. We know he can't hit her with the gun, he even puts it down. Does she try to stop him? arrest him? anything? nope. he can just go away and enact his plan that leads to even more people dying. Great job Chisato!
3. In episode 9 she just straight up shoots at innocent civilians at a highway, making them lose control of their car. She's just very lucky that that didn't cause an accident that lead to them + anyone else on the road dying. Fucking Mizuki's reaction to this is also of someone who doesn't give a fuck about people's lives. "But she was dealing with a lot and she was sad at that time, that scene is there to show us that she's not herself" is a defense that someone might try. The problem is this betrays her character, her morals, and just normal common sense. I can't believe this needs to be said but you can't just shoot at people just because you're sad. And does she look back at this regretfully? nope. Zero introspection and zero acknowledgement that she endangered innocent lives. This scene reminds me of that deleted scene from Captain Marvel, if anyone knows that one.
4. Again in episode 9, when Kusonoki questions her on letting Majima go, her response is "it's not my job". Forget about what's ethical, forget about what any normal decent human being would've done if they knew someone is a terrorist and they have the ability to stop them. She gives the stupidest excuse I've ever seen and dumbass Kusonoki doesn't say anything to that.
5. In episode 10, when she finds out Mizuki and Kurumi are looking for a way to save her, she decides to close down the cafe because "I can't have you guys wasting time worrying about me". This is just selfishness. It would weigh too much on her conciouseness to have them there trying to help her, so she's just gonna force them to leave their lives in Japan and move countires on her whim. And the two dumbfucks don't even argue back against that. No speech about how much she means to them or any kind of friendship speech that actually would've been appropriate for that moment because those two are nothing but glorified plot devices.
6. This point is less of a character thing, I just wanted to point this out because it's funny. At the end of episode 11, when Majima is shooting at her and Takina, she uses her bullet proof bag to block the bullets. She did that a lot and blocked a lot of bullets, but 1 bullet just knocks the bag out of her hand and so far away it falls down out of reach. The bullet didn't even hit her hand. This is funny because had she not lost that bag there, she could've just blocked Yoshi's bullets in episode 12 when he was shooting Takina, effectively bailing her out of making the choice. I guess the writers realized this and decided that the best solution is: "uuhh she just loosens her grip on the bag and loses it. Genius!". This is just lazy writing at its finest.
7. Chisato let Takina die in episode 12. That's the truth. When that lady who works for Yoshi was charging at Takina to kill her, Chisato didn't try to stop her, which lead to Takina falling off the building. Chisato is just very very lucky Takina fell on a beam and was able to hold on to dear life when the expected scenario would be that she falls to her death.
8. Chisato let's Yoshi go free. He's the guy who funded the terrorists and lead to so many innocents dying, and tried to kill her friend, but no. He gets to go because she can't kill him. So she just can't tie him up with her convenient gun that ties people up? She can't go after him after she calmed Takina down? Nah because we let terrorist funders go free in this show.
9. The choice is bullshit. She fired a real bullet for once. Did she actually have to kill someone? No. We can't let the show be too dark so we're gonna bait the choice while having the show bail her out so now she can't learn or grow or develope in any meaningful way.
10. Majima fucking emptied a mag on her friends when they were standing in the elevator. They could all be dead if it wasn't for Fuki's quick thinking. How does she respond to that happening? She doesn't. She lets it happen and then confronts him with "Yo.". I have to assume this is planned and they're gonna do something together next episode but fucking hell, lucky none of your friends were hurt in this stunt, huh Chisato?

And all of this doesn't include her constantly shifting power levels, the uncharacteristic stupid decisions she makes, how she never wonders if people could've been saved if she killed Majima in the tower incident (The most obvious question she should be asking herself). But this thread is long enough already.

I made this thread because while I always criticized other aspects of the writing, I don't think I went too deep into characters because there was always the chance they'd develope in a good way. I don't see that happening with episode 13 but I would happily eat my words if it proved me wrong. Characters is usually the thing people point to for this show but the characters are as terrible as the rest of the show. This is a 2/10 show on a good day.

If you asked the writers to describe Chisato, I don't think any of the above would come up. It really feels like the writers ignore innocent lives and have no awareness of the implications of the decisions the characters make or do not make. But the unfortunate reality is this:

Tldr; Chisato is an extremely selfish, immoral character that can be as compitent or as incompitent as the writing needs. She doesn't want to kill people with her own hands, but gives no fucks about people dying if she's not holding the gun. She forces others to follow her whims and desires and they rarely question her. She has no compelling developement or struggle. Chisato is not a waifu bait because a jpeg of a random female character would be a better waifu than this horrendous disaster of a character.

Listen man English class is not rn for me. YOU TYPED ALL OF THAT. Respect but also idc.
Sep 22, 2022 8:02 AM

Sep 2016
Cestlavie_ said:
Secret333 said:

Except I present facts that happen in the story, not just my opinion. And I like how you decided that my "opinion" is "long and convoluted" while implying that you didn't even read it. Nice one dude.

"People should know that my attention span is 4 paragraphs". I think you're better off if people didn't know that.

Please, oh enlightened one. Explain to us blind people why our beloved character almost killed innocent people.
Seriously, you put that in qoutation. So are you implying they're not innocent? What's your argument mate?

nah dude ur just not wise enough to paraphrase ur points in 5 paragraphs or less
anything above that is you Talkin out of ur ass

Not wanting to intrude on your discussion, but Bro he literally made a summary in 1 paragraph at the end, you're not making sense, you can read the summary and if you want more clarification, read the entire post is simple.
Sep 22, 2022 8:06 AM
Oct 2021
StaleNut said:

You presented facts that lead to no objective reasoning to back up your claim. Everything you were implying is based on your preferences and doesn't even matter to the majority of the viewers. What you wrote isn't seen as criticism. Besides, I was just presenting facts just like you. It's hard to accept "facts" when you're not the one blatantly throwing them out there.

I like how you're not even giving examples for what you're saying. I qualified my statements, not based on opinion or preference, but based on what happened in the show. How many people care isn't an argument. Your fact is "nobody is reading that" when several people did so nice try. And what exactly do you mean by that last sentence? people don't accept facts if they're not the one presenting them?

Piromysl said:

My argument is, that a pacifist girl, who has her life cut short, who is completely frustrated, angry and scared of dying suddenly has her life cut short. She has to every day put up a facade to conceal that and not spread her misery to other. She is suddenly harassed for no reason by two jackasses. It is totally understandable why she snapped at them. It is literally in our faces as the audience.

And no, I do not imply that they are "not innocent", but it is you, who somehow implies that they deserve sympathy by emphasizing, that they are innocent.
You just tried desperately to nitpick something trivial to justify your argument, but that's a fail.
And they were not in any danger of losing their lives.

So, overall. Character has a flaws = bad character.
Also, you try to force your morals on her. She has a quite unique predicament, that made her absolutely refuse killing, so that's kinda immature from you.
Wow. Just wow!

So because she's harrassed it's understandable to possibly kill them? My point is that the show doesn't acknowledge how fucked up that is and apparently neither do you.
And I emphasize how innocent they are because they fucking are. Honking at someone doesn't make you deserve the fucking death sentence.
"And they were not in any danger of losing their lives" You have no reason to belive that. You just have to because it makes the scene less shit.
I never tried to force my morals at her. I evaluated her actions based on her own morals. And if a character acts against their morals, it should be acknowledged by the story. That scene was just brushed aside. So it's not a character flaw, it's just a fuck up in the writing. They wanted to show how sad she is and ended up making her almost kill people without realizing it.
Sep 22, 2022 8:07 AM

Jan 2021
Idiotic take. Try harder.
Sep 22, 2022 8:08 AM
Jul 2020
Piromysl said:
Secret333 said:
Please, oh enlightened one. Explain to us blind people why our beloved character almost killed innocent people.
Seriously, you put that in qoutation. So are you implying they're not innocent? What's your argument mate?

My argument is, that a pacifist girl, who has her life cut short, who is completely frustrated, angry and scared of dying suddenly has her life cut short. She has to every day put up a facade to conceal that and not spread her misery to other. She is suddenly harassed for no reason by two jackasses. It is totally understandable why she snapped at them. It is literally in our faces as the audience.

And no, I do not imply that they are "not innocent", but it is you, who somehow implies that they deserve sympathy by emphasizing, that they are innocent.
You just tried desperately to nitpick something trivial to justify your argument, but that's a fail.
And they were not in any danger of losing their lives.

So, overall. Character has a flaws = bad character. Wow. Just wow! It's not like she is a Mary Sue or something. A little bit of internal conflict, flaws and hypocrisy helps flesh out character.
Also, you try to force your morals on her. She has a quite unique predicament, that made her absolutely refuse killing, so that's kinda immature from you.

You're correct, she just a bland character, not a bad one, simply bland.
And she isn't frustrated, she clearly isn't a reactionary type, she simply is the living incarnation of Yolo and nothing else.
The show is the one badly written, and takina is missed potential.
Sep 22, 2022 8:09 AM
Jul 2020
Cestlavie_ said:
gnomeu said:

Not wanting to intrude on your discussion, but Bro he literally made a summary in 1 paragraph at the end, you're not making sense, you can read the summary and if you want more clarification, read the entire post is simple.

the TLDR is just saying chisato is this ,she is that
with no explanation, meaning I still have to go back to that long ass essay to understand

That's what a tdlr is, a conclusion.
Sep 22, 2022 8:09 AM
Jul 2020
certifiedbinger said:
Idiotic take. Try harder.

Calm down dude, you didn't have to debunk every single argument plus his existence.
Sep 22, 2022 8:11 AM

Jan 2021
RogerCop said:
certifiedbinger said:
Idiotic take. Try harder.

Calm down dude, you didn't have to debunk every single argument plus his existence.

Thursdays, am I right?
Sep 22, 2022 8:11 AM
Jul 2020
TheFounder131 said:
I read upto 5 points and not interested in reading further. If you are gonna write big ass essays like this then atleast add few pictures of the things you are talking abt.

I don't take this anime seriously so i really don't care abt the criticisms specially abt the characters, I like chisato and other Girls and that's it.

Avarage anime viewer attention span.
Sep 22, 2022 8:13 AM
Jul 2020
Ialda said:
Secret333 said:
Tldr; Chisato is an extremely selfish, immoral character that can be as compitent or as incompitent as the writing needs.

Not that I disagree with your points, but Chisato strikes me as being more fatalistic than immoral/amoral. She knows she is going to die soon, and she knows that Lycoris girls tend to die on a regular basis in operation anyway (the body count alone among DA agents of the Tokyo Tower operation ten years ago when she was 7 years old must have been horrific), and as a result I think she try to live her short life the best she can, detached from the factors she know she have zero control over.

That being said, Lycoris Recoil is above everything else a "cute girls doing cute things" show with action scenes being mixed in. We probably should not try to read too much into its plot, or the characters, but I know I'm preaching in the desert here :)

If we don't criticize characters they will never get better.
Sep 22, 2022 8:15 AM
Jul 2020
StaleNut said:
Secret333 said:

Except I present facts that happen in the story, not just my opinion. And I like how you decided that my "opinion" is "long and convoluted" while implying that you didn't even read it. Nice one dude.

You presented facts that lead to no objective reasoning to back up your claim. Everything you were implying is based on your preferences and doesn't even matter to the majority of the viewers. What you wrote isn't seen as criticism. Besides, I was just presenting facts just like you. It's hard to accept "facts" when you're not the one blatantly throwing them out there.

His claim was that the character isn't good, he showed examples of both the writing and moral actions, he proved his point.
Sep 22, 2022 8:17 AM

Dec 2020
RogerCop said:
TheFounder131 said:
I read upto 5 points and not interested in reading further. If you are gonna write big ass essays like this then atleast add few pictures of the things you are talking abt.

I don't take this anime seriously so i really don't care abt the criticisms specially abt the characters, I like chisato and other Girls and that's it.

Avarage anime viewer attention span.

nyce inglish boro
Sep 22, 2022 8:17 AM

Jul 2015
RogerCop said:
You're correct, she just a bland character, not a bad one, simply bland.
And she isn't frustrated, she clearly isn't a reactionary type, she simply is the living incarnation of Yolo and nothing else.
The show is the one badly written, and takina is missed potential.

I'm pretty sure I, just like many others correctly analysed what we have seen and it's quite literally in our faces.

Secret333 said:
So because she's harrassed it's understandable to possibly kill them? My point is that the show doesn't acknowledge how fucked up that is and apparently neither do you.
And I emphasize how innocent they are because they fucking are. Honking at someone doesn't make you deserve the fucking death sentence.
"And they were not in any danger of losing their lives" You have no reason to belive that. You just have to because it makes the scene less shit.
I never tried to force my morals at her. I evaluated her actions based on her own morals. And if a character acts against their morals, it should be acknowledged by the story. That scene was just brushed aside. So it's not a character flaw, it's just a fuck up in the writing. They wanted to show how sad she is and ended up making her almost kill people without realizing it.

Just like you have no reason to believe they were in danger? Something tells me, that authors will agree with me and your reaching is kinda irrelevant, because you just desperately want to see this scene more shit than it actually is. It's brushed aside because there is completely nothing more to it.
And I am emphasizing how they do not deserve sympathy, because they don't deserve sympathy lol. That's why they were portrayed as jackasses. They did not deserved death and they did not died.
You are seriously wondering why people refuse to read this wall of text? I did and lost some braincells in the process.
You just do not pay attention what you are watching, think that character being put in moral dilemma makes them a bad character and somehow reach really far due to your bias. WTF?!
PiromyslSep 22, 2022 8:21 AM

Sep 22, 2022 8:24 AM
Oct 2021
Piromysl said:

Just like you have no reason to believe they were in danger? Something tells me, that authors will agree with me and your reaching is kinda irrelevant, because you just desperately want to see this scene more shit than it actually is. It's brushed aside because there is completely nothing more to it.
And I am emphasizing how they do not deserve sympathy, because they don't deserve sympathy lol. That's why they were portrayed as jackasses. They did not deserved death and they did not died.
You are seriously wondering why people refuse to read this wall of text? I did and lost some braincells in the process.

Someone is driving on a highway, another driver pulls out a gun and shoots at them, they lose control and crash and die, possibly crashing other cars and killing other people. Is it too hard to see how that could happen? No danger? Are you sure?
You're right that the authors would agree with you. I pointed that out in my post. I don't think the writers realize these people's lives were put in danger by Chisato.
Think about more than what the show tells you I beg you.
"You just do not pay attention what you are watching, think that character being put in moral dilemma makes them a bad character and somehow reach really far due to your bias. WTF?!" please point to where I said that, or what made you think that's something I think.
Secret333Sep 22, 2022 8:41 AM
Sep 22, 2022 8:38 AM
Jun 2021
bruh how many hours did you take to wrote that ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
also I don't care about others opinion,
you know what I am gonna put her on my favourite character
Sep 22, 2022 8:43 AM
Oct 2021
SONU0810 said:
bruh how many hours did you take to wrote that ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
also I don't care about others opinion,
you know what I am gonna put her on my favourite character

I appreciate your concern for my time, but I'm a fast writer.
Sep 22, 2022 8:44 AM

Jul 2015
Secret333 said:
Someone is driving on a highway, another driver pulls out a gun and shoots at them, they lose control and crash and die, possibly crashing other cars and killing other people. Is it too hard to see how that could happen? No danger? Are you sure?
You're right that the authors would agree with you. I pointed that out in my post. I don't think the writers realize these people's lives were put in danger by Chisato.
Think about more than what the show tells you I beg you.

You are just going to repeat the same non-argument, won't you?
And you know what? Even if they would die and we would see their mangled bodies on screen, then it still would work in favor of the narrative, because it would imply, that Chisato's morals and codes are not unshakable and Yoshi could convince her to start killing.

Sep 22, 2022 8:47 AM
Oct 2021
Piromysl said:

You are just going to repeat the same non-argument, won't you?
And you know what? Even if they would die and we would see their mangled bodies on screen, then it still would work in favor of the narrative, because it would imply, that Chisato's morals and codes are not unshakable and Yoshi could convince her to start killing.

I simply replied to your argument.
And I'm glad you agree that it would be better if the show acknowledged the scene.
Sep 22, 2022 9:07 AM
Apr 2021
Secret333 said:
I know fully well how many people love this character, so I am fully prepared to qualify that statement.
Full spoilers and a longish read ahead. You can skip to the last paragraph for a tldr.

If we first try to describe Chisato, she's an upbeat lycoris who used to work for the DA, now trying to find the person who gave her a second chance in life by replacing her weak heart with a mechanical one. She's the best lycoris ever, owing to her supernatural ability to dodge bullets that she had from birth, but she never wants to take away people's lives, so she uses non-lethal bullets, and goes out of her way to make sure the people she fights do not die, not even by friendly fire from their comrades.

Ignoring the mechanics of how anything I said above works, here are what I consider to be the moments that weaken or destroy her character:

1. Episode 6 starts with Takina telling Chisato that 4 lycorises lost their lives. Chisato's response to this is very careless, and it's clear she doesn't even give a shit. A moment later she's all smiles because "Takina is gonna live with me, yay!". A normal person would've had a more serious reaction to that, but Chisato should've had an even bigger reaction because of much she values people's lives, and she grew in the same environment that the dead lycorises grew up in. She recieved the same brutal training in her childhood, so the tragedy of their wasted lives should've hit her harder but no, no signs of fucks given here.
2. In episode 8 she talks with the terrorist that killed those 4 lycorises, tried to kill her two episodes ago, and massacred an entire police department who were all innocent people. We know he can't hit her with the gun, he even puts it down. Does she try to stop him? arrest him? anything? nope. he can just go away and enact his plan that leads to even more people dying. Great job Chisato!
3. In episode 9 she just straight up shoots at innocent civilians at a highway, making them lose control of their car. She's just very lucky that that didn't cause an accident that lead to them + anyone else on the road dying. Fucking Mizuki's reaction to this is also of someone who doesn't give a fuck about people's lives. "But she was dealing with a lot and she was sad at that time, that scene is there to show us that she's not herself" is a defense that someone might try. The problem is this betrays her character, her morals, and just normal common sense. I can't believe this needs to be said but you can't just shoot at people just because you're sad. And does she look back at this regretfully? nope. Zero introspection and zero acknowledgement that she endangered innocent lives. This scene reminds me of that deleted scene from Captain Marvel, if anyone knows that one.
4. Again in episode 9, when Kusonoki questions her on letting Majima go, her response is "it's not my job". Forget about what's ethical, forget about what any normal decent human being would've done if they knew someone is a terrorist and they have the ability to stop them. She gives the stupidest excuse I've ever seen and dumbass Kusonoki doesn't say anything to that.
5. In episode 10, when she finds out Mizuki and Kurumi are looking for a way to save her, she decides to close down the cafe because "I can't have you guys wasting time worrying about me". This is just selfishness. It would weigh too much on her conciouseness to have them there trying to help her, so she's just gonna force them to leave their lives in Japan and move countires on her whim. And the two dumbfucks don't even argue back against that. No speech about how much she means to them or any kind of friendship speech that actually would've been appropriate for that moment because those two are nothing but glorified plot devices.
6. This point is less of a character thing, I just wanted to point this out because it's funny. At the end of episode 11, when Majima is shooting at her and Takina, she uses her bullet proof bag to block the bullets. She did that a lot and blocked a lot of bullets, but 1 bullet just knocks the bag out of her hand and so far away it falls down out of reach. The bullet didn't even hit her hand. This is funny because had she not lost that bag there, she could've just blocked Yoshi's bullets in episode 12 when he was shooting Takina, effectively bailing her out of making the choice. I guess the writers realized this and decided that the best solution is: "uuhh she just loosens her grip on the bag and loses it. Genius!". This is just lazy writing at its finest.
7. Chisato let Takina die in episode 12. That's the truth. When that lady who works for Yoshi was charging at Takina to kill her, Chisato didn't try to stop her, which lead to Takina falling off the building. Chisato is just very very lucky Takina fell on a beam and was able to hold on to dear life when the expected scenario would be that she falls to her death.
8. Chisato let's Yoshi go free. He's the guy who funded the terrorists and lead to so many innocents dying, and tried to kill her friend, but no. He gets to go because she can't kill him. So she just can't tie him up with her convenient gun that ties people up? She can't go after him after she calmed Takina down? Nah because we let terrorist funders go free in this show.
9. The choice is bullshit. She fired a real bullet for once. Did she actually have to kill someone? No. We can't let the show be too dark so we're gonna bait the choice while having the show bail her out so now she can't learn or grow or develope in any meaningful way.
10. Majima fucking emptied a mag on her friends when they were standing in the elevator. They could all be dead if it wasn't for Fuki's quick thinking. How does she respond to that happening? She doesn't. She lets it happen and then confronts him with "Yo.". I have to assume this is planned and they're gonna do something together next episode but fucking hell, lucky none of your friends were hurt in this stunt, huh Chisato?

And all of this doesn't include her constantly shifting power levels, the uncharacteristic stupid decisions she makes, how she never wonders if people could've been saved if she killed Majima in the tower incident (The most obvious question she should be asking herself). But this thread is long enough already.

I made this thread because while I always criticized other aspects of the writing, I don't think I went too deep into characters because there was always the chance they'd develope in a good way. I don't see that happening with episode 13 but I would happily eat my words if it proved me wrong. Characters is usually the thing people point to for this show but the characters are as terrible as the rest of the show. This is a 2/10 show on a good day.

If you asked the writers to describe Chisato, I don't think any of the above would come up. It really feels like the writers ignore innocent lives and have no awareness of the implications of the decisions the characters make or do not make. But the unfortunate reality is this:

Tldr; Chisato is an extremely selfish, immoral character that can be as compitent or as incompitent as the writing needs. She doesn't want to kill people with her own hands, but gives no fucks about people dying if she's not holding the gun. She forces others to follow her whims and desires and they rarely question her. She has no compelling developement or struggle. Chisato is not a waifu bait because a jpeg of a random female character would be a better waifu than this horrendous disaster of a character.

totally agree. glad someone pointed that out.
Sep 22, 2022 9:25 AM
Jul 2020
Piromysl said:
RogerCop said:
You're correct, she just a bland character, not a bad one, simply bland.
And she isn't frustrated, she clearly isn't a reactionary type, she simply is the living incarnation of Yolo and nothing else.
The show is the one badly written, and takina is missed potential.

I'm pretty sure I, just like many others correctly analysed what we have seen and it's quite literally in our faces.

Secret333 said:
So because she's harrassed it's understandable to possibly kill them? My point is that the show doesn't acknowledge how fucked up that is and apparently neither do you.
And I emphasize how innocent they are because they fucking are. Honking at someone doesn't make you deserve the fucking death sentence.
"And they were not in any danger of losing their lives" You have no reason to belive that. You just have to because it makes the scene less shit.
I never tried to force my morals at her. I evaluated her actions based on her own morals. And if a character acts against their morals, it should be acknowledged by the story. That scene was just brushed aside. So it's not a character flaw, it's just a fuck up in the writing. They wanted to show how sad she is and ended up making her almost kill people without realizing it.

Just like you have no reason to believe they were in danger? Something tells me, that authors will agree with me and your reaching is kinda irrelevant, because you just desperately want to see this scene more shit than it actually is. It's brushed aside because there is completely nothing more to it.
And I am emphasizing how they do not deserve sympathy, because they don't deserve sympathy lol. That's why they were portrayed as jackasses. They did not deserved death and they did not died.
You are seriously wondering why people refuse to read this wall of text? I did and lost some braincells in the process.
You just do not pay attention what you are watching, think that character being put in moral dilemma makes them a bad character and somehow reach really far due to your bias. WTF?!

What others are you talking about?
Sep 22, 2022 9:25 AM
Jul 2020
TheFounder131 said:
RogerCop said:

Avarage anime viewer attention span.

nyce inglish boro

It's grammatically correct, so what's your point.
Sep 22, 2022 9:48 AM
Sep 2021
agreed this Shaw has a cool concept and good story but chisato and takina have ruined for me, the only reason i'am still watching is majima
Sep 22, 2022 10:07 AM

Aug 2018
I suggest you don't post your opinions on a site like MAL. No matter what your opinion is, the responses will be toxic af.
Maloween 2020 candies

Main candies:

Sep 22, 2022 10:14 AM
Feb 2021
I like chisato :)
that is all
Sep 22, 2022 10:16 AM
May 2021
Secret333 said:
I know fully well how many people love this character, so I am fully prepared to qualify that statement.
Full spoilers and a longish read ahead. You can skip to the last paragraph for a tldr.

If we first try to describe Chisato, she's an upbeat lycoris who used to work for the DA, now trying to find the person who gave her a second chance in life by replacing her weak heart with a mechanical one. She's the best lycoris ever, owing to her supernatural ability to dodge bullets that she had from birth, but she never wants to take away people's lives, so she uses non-lethal bullets, and goes out of her way to make sure the people she fights do not die, not even by friendly fire from their comrades.

Ignoring the mechanics of how anything I said above works, here are what I consider to be the moments that weaken or destroy her character:

1. Episode 6 starts with Takina telling Chisato that 4 lycorises lost their lives. Chisato's response to this is very careless, and it's clear she doesn't even give a shit. A moment later she's all smiles because "Takina is gonna live with me, yay!". A normal person would've had a more serious reaction to that, but Chisato should've had an even bigger reaction because of much she values people's lives, and she grew in the same environment that the dead lycorises grew up in. She recieved the same brutal training in her childhood, so the tragedy of their wasted lives should've hit her harder but no, no signs of fucks given here.
2. In episode 8 she talks with the terrorist that killed those 4 lycorises, tried to kill her two episodes ago, and massacred an entire police department who were all innocent people. We know he can't hit her with the gun, he even puts it down. Does she try to stop him? arrest him? anything? nope. he can just go away and enact his plan that leads to even more people dying. Great job Chisato!
3. In episode 9 she just straight up shoots at innocent civilians at a highway, making them lose control of their car. She's just very lucky that that didn't cause an accident that lead to them + anyone else on the road dying. Fucking Mizuki's reaction to this is also of someone who doesn't give a fuck about people's lives. "But she was dealing with a lot and she was sad at that time, that scene is there to show us that she's not herself" is a defense that someone might try. The problem is this betrays her character, her morals, and just normal common sense. I can't believe this needs to be said but you can't just shoot at people just because you're sad. And does she look back at this regretfully? nope. Zero introspection and zero acknowledgement that she endangered innocent lives. This scene reminds me of that deleted scene from Captain Marvel, if anyone knows that one.
4. Again in episode 9, when Kusonoki questions her on letting Majima go, her response is "it's not my job". Forget about what's ethical, forget about what any normal decent human being would've done if they knew someone is a terrorist and they have the ability to stop them. She gives the stupidest excuse I've ever seen and dumbass Kusonoki doesn't say anything to that.
5. In episode 10, when she finds out Mizuki and Kurumi are looking for a way to save her, she decides to close down the cafe because "I can't have you guys wasting time worrying about me". This is just selfishness. It would weigh too much on her conciouseness to have them there trying to help her, so she's just gonna force them to leave their lives in Japan and move countires on her whim. And the two dumbfucks don't even argue back against that. No speech about how much she means to them or any kind of friendship speech that actually would've been appropriate for that moment because those two are nothing but glorified plot devices.
6. This point is less of a character thing, I just wanted to point this out because it's funny. At the end of episode 11, when Majima is shooting at her and Takina, she uses her bullet proof bag to block the bullets. She did that a lot and blocked a lot of bullets, but 1 bullet just knocks the bag out of her hand and so far away it falls down out of reach. The bullet didn't even hit her hand. This is funny because had she not lost that bag there, she could've just blocked Yoshi's bullets in episode 12 when he was shooting Takina, effectively bailing her out of making the choice. I guess the writers realized this and decided that the best solution is: "uuhh she just loosens her grip on the bag and loses it. Genius!". This is just lazy writing at its finest.
7. Chisato let Takina die in episode 12. That's the truth. When that lady who works for Yoshi was charging at Takina to kill her, Chisato didn't try to stop her, which lead to Takina falling off the building. Chisato is just very very lucky Takina fell on a beam and was able to hold on to dear life when the expected scenario would be that she falls to her death.
8. Chisato let's Yoshi go free. He's the guy who funded the terrorists and lead to so many innocents dying, and tried to kill her friend, but no. He gets to go because she can't kill him. So she just can't tie him up with her convenient gun that ties people up? She can't go after him after she calmed Takina down? Nah because we let terrorist funders go free in this show.
9. The choice is bullshit. She fired a real bullet for once. Did she actually have to kill someone? No. We can't let the show be too dark so we're gonna bait the choice while having the show bail her out so now she can't learn or grow or develope in any meaningful way.
10. Majima fucking emptied a mag on her friends when they were standing in the elevator. They could all be dead if it wasn't for Fuki's quick thinking. How does she respond to that happening? She doesn't. She lets it happen and then confronts him with "Yo.". I have to assume this is planned and they're gonna do something together next episode but fucking hell, lucky none of your friends were hurt in this stunt, huh Chisato?

And all of this doesn't include her constantly shifting power levels, the uncharacteristic stupid decisions she makes, how she never wonders if people could've been saved if she killed Majima in the tower incident (The most obvious question she should be asking herself). But this thread is long enough already.

I made this thread because while I always criticized other aspects of the writing, I don't think I went too deep into characters because there was always the chance they'd develope in a good way. I don't see that happening with episode 13 but I would happily eat my words if it proved me wrong. Characters is usually the thing people point to for this show but the characters are as terrible as the rest of the show. This is a 2/10 show on a good day.

If you asked the writers to describe Chisato, I don't think any of the above would come up. It really feels like the writers ignore innocent lives and have no awareness of the implications of the decisions the characters make or do not make. But the unfortunate reality is this:

Tldr; Chisato is an extremely selfish, immoral character that can be as compitent or as incompitent as the writing needs. She doesn't want to kill people with her own hands, but gives no fucks about people dying if she's not holding the gun. She forces others to follow her whims and desires and they rarely question her. She has no compelling developement or struggle. Chisato is not a waifu bait because a jpeg of a random female character would be a better waifu than this horrendous disaster of a character.

i agree with a lot of your points, i personally still enjoy this show for what it is but the writing is definitely not the best and chisato is a highly overated waifu in my opinion
Sep 22, 2022 11:52 AM
Mar 2022
Secret333 said:
I know fully well how many people love this character, so I am fully prepared to qualify that statement.
Full spoilers and a longish read ahead. You can skip to the last paragraph for a tldr.

If we first try to describe Chisato, she's an upbeat lycoris who used to work for the DA, now trying to find the person who gave her a second chance in life by replacing her weak heart with a mechanical one. She's the best lycoris ever, owing to her supernatural ability to dodge bullets that she had from birth, but she never wants to take away people's lives, so she uses non-lethal bullets, and goes out of her way to make sure the people she fights do not die, not even by friendly fire from their comrades.

Ignoring the mechanics of how anything I said above works, here are what I consider to be the moments that weaken or destroy her character:

1. Episode 6 starts with Takina telling Chisato that 4 lycorises lost their lives. Chisato's response to this is very careless, and it's clear she doesn't even give a shit. A moment later she's all smiles because "Takina is gonna live with me, yay!". A normal person would've had a more serious reaction to that, but Chisato should've had an even bigger reaction because of much she values people's lives, and she grew in the same environment that the dead lycorises grew up in. She recieved the same brutal training in her childhood, so the tragedy of their wasted lives should've hit her harder but no, no signs of fucks given here.
2. In episode 8 she talks with the terrorist that killed those 4 lycorises, tried to kill her two episodes ago, and massacred an entire police department who were all innocent people. We know he can't hit her with the gun, he even puts it down. Does she try to stop him? arrest him? anything? nope. he can just go away and enact his plan that leads to even more people dying. Great job Chisato!
3. In episode 9 she just straight up shoots at innocent civilians at a highway, making them lose control of their car. She's just very lucky that that didn't cause an accident that lead to them + anyone else on the road dying. Fucking Mizuki's reaction to this is also of someone who doesn't give a fuck about people's lives. "But she was dealing with a lot and she was sad at that time, that scene is there to show us that she's not herself" is a defense that someone might try. The problem is this betrays her character, her morals, and just normal common sense. I can't believe this needs to be said but you can't just shoot at people just because you're sad. And does she look back at this regretfully? nope. Zero introspection and zero acknowledgement that she endangered innocent lives. This scene reminds me of that deleted scene from Captain Marvel, if anyone knows that one.
4. Again in episode 9, when Kusonoki questions her on letting Majima go, her response is "it's not my job". Forget about what's ethical, forget about what any normal decent human being would've done if they knew someone is a terrorist and they have the ability to stop them. She gives the stupidest excuse I've ever seen and dumbass Kusonoki doesn't say anything to that.
5. In episode 10, when she finds out Mizuki and Kurumi are looking for a way to save her, she decides to close down the cafe because "I can't have you guys wasting time worrying about me". This is just selfishness. It would weigh too much on her conciouseness to have them there trying to help her, so she's just gonna force them to leave their lives in Japan and move countires on her whim. And the two dumbfucks don't even argue back against that. No speech about how much she means to them or any kind of friendship speech that actually would've been appropriate for that moment because those two are nothing but glorified plot devices.
6. This point is less of a character thing, I just wanted to point this out because it's funny. At the end of episode 11, when Majima is shooting at her and Takina, she uses her bullet proof bag to block the bullets. She did that a lot and blocked a lot of bullets, but 1 bullet just knocks the bag out of her hand and so far away it falls down out of reach. The bullet didn't even hit her hand. This is funny because had she not lost that bag there, she could've just blocked Yoshi's bullets in episode 12 when he was shooting Takina, effectively bailing her out of making the choice. I guess the writers realized this and decided that the best solution is: "uuhh she just loosens her grip on the bag and loses it. Genius!". This is just lazy writing at its finest.
7. Chisato let Takina die in episode 12. That's the truth. When that lady who works for Yoshi was charging at Takina to kill her, Chisato didn't try to stop her, which lead to Takina falling off the building. Chisato is just very very lucky Takina fell on a beam and was able to hold on to dear life when the expected scenario would be that she falls to her death.
8. Chisato let's Yoshi go free. He's the guy who funded the terrorists and lead to so many innocents dying, and tried to kill her friend, but no. He gets to go because she can't kill him. So she just can't tie him up with her convenient gun that ties people up? She can't go after him after she calmed Takina down? Nah because we let terrorist funders go free in this show.
9. The choice is bullshit. She fired a real bullet for once. Did she actually have to kill someone? No. We can't let the show be too dark so we're gonna bait the choice while having the show bail her out so now she can't learn or grow or develope in any meaningful way.
10. Majima fucking emptied a mag on her friends when they were standing in the elevator. They could all be dead if it wasn't for Fuki's quick thinking. How does she respond to that happening? She doesn't. She lets it happen and then confronts him with "Yo.". I have to assume this is planned and they're gonna do something together next episode but fucking hell, lucky none of your friends were hurt in this stunt, huh Chisato?

And all of this doesn't include her constantly shifting power levels, the uncharacteristic stupid decisions she makes, how she never wonders if people could've been saved if she killed Majima in the tower incident (The most obvious question she should be asking herself). But this thread is long enough already.

I made this thread because while I always criticized other aspects of the writing, I don't think I went too deep into characters because there was always the chance they'd develope in a good way. I don't see that happening with episode 13 but I would happily eat my words if it proved me wrong. Characters is usually the thing people point to for this show but the characters are as terrible as the rest of the show. This is a 2/10 show on a good day.

If you asked the writers to describe Chisato, I don't think any of the above would come up. It really feels like the writers ignore innocent lives and have no awareness of the implications of the decisions the characters make or do not make. But the unfortunate reality is this:

Tldr; Chisato is an extremely selfish, immoral character that can be as compitent or as incompitent as the writing needs. She doesn't want to kill people with her own hands, but gives no fucks about people dying if she's not holding the gun. She forces others to follow her whims and desires and they rarely question her. She has no compelling developement or struggle. Chisato is not a waifu bait because a jpeg of a random female character would be a better waifu than this horrendous disaster of a character.

Yav ลŸu balon kฤฑz kadar beni tilt eden baลŸka bir ลŸey yok ลŸu sฤฑralar
Sep 22, 2022 12:22 PM
Apr 2022
This onslaught of hate for Lycoris Recoil makes me laugh. You have a show like Made in Abyss where people somehow applaud Bondrewd who literally tore children apart just so he can use them as his little power cells, or Chainsaw Man everyone says is the best story since sliced bread when Denji the main character is just a 16 year old who’s single motivation in the beginning is booba...but no, Chisato is a terrible character, a character who despite how insufferable it was to watch, stood by her belief of not killing, despite being the BEST killer in Japan period, and has adopted a sense of optimism she places on her own life and towards others as demonstrated when she cared for one of the terrorist’s wounds during the operation with Walnut...I don’t know, her motivations may seem one dimensional but she’s been a fairly solid and consistent character from day one. She never did anything outside of what she spoke or made herself out to be. Her goals and morals are complex, and make for interesting conflict in the world of Lycoris Recoil, which is THE BEST dynamic you can have in any piece of writing, when the character is directly at odds with the environment around them, consatantly leading to interesting exchanges. If this show displayed bad ass waifus killing and chewing bubblegum, then it would just be Black Lagoon, but that show already exists...The story beats may not always be the most interesting, but the fact that Chsiato’s character has always lived but her beliefs and demonstrated it time and time again while also being at odds with even the one she loves the most Takina is good writing. The conflict is always fresh, the fire is always tended to, the audience is always anticipating how it will come to bite Chsiato’s heel later on, you know, like “well if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions”...I mean, you have a movie like Batman V Superman where Batman literally flings thousand pound crates at people’s heads and fires rockets at people despite having a “no kill” policy...but no...Chisato bad...?
thunderkitten13Sep 22, 2022 12:34 PM
Sep 22, 2022 12:25 PM

Jan 2021
I agree with the OP’s points, based take
under”Mebius” is my salvation

Sep 22, 2022 12:52 PM
Oct 2021
Spoonmaster12 said:
I suggest you don't post your opinions on a site like MAL. No matter what your opinion is, the responses will be toxic af.

Ummm, I'll be fine.

I hope.

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Sep 8, 2:17 AM

» Your favourite character and scenes.

Hickykissy - Aug 24

24 by thelastavocado »»
Aug 26, 3:02 PM

Poll: » Lycoris Recoil Episode 12 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

Stark700 - Sep 17, 2022

289 by six20 »»
Aug 19, 12:47 PM

Poll: » Lycoris Recoil Episode 1 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

Stark700 - Jul 2, 2022

305 by Satireslovers »»
Aug 15, 9:06 AM

» New Short Movie mini-series confirmed

Yuri_Niji - Jul 23

11 by MarshallLeeee »»
Jul 25, 11:50 AM
Itโ€™s time to ditch the text file.
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