May 6, 2015 12:03 PM
[center] Game v45: Fate/stay Night Host: Doughkey Co-Host: Ctsu Enter the Holy Grail War in this unorthodox take on a Lovers Mafia game. Fill in the role of a Master or Servant and work together along with the other Masters to defeat the mafia and claim victory. As a master you will be able to summon any remaining servant class of your choice. Fight, and win the long sought after Holy Grail, command seals in one hand, holy hand grenade in the other. Timer Gimmicks This game will differ from a mafia game on the following ways:
Rules [u]Section I: General Game Guidelines[/u] [*] External communications (PM/IRC/etc.) are prohibited. If you use a command seal to send a PM you must send it to the host. [*] Once you die you may no longer post any strategy/information you may have. [*] You may PM the host or co-host with questions/concerns regarding the rules. It is preferred that you ask questions about the rules in the game thread as someone else probably has the same question as you. [*] The Site & Forum Guidelines should be taken into consideration.[/list] [b]Section II: Game Overview[/b] [*] There are two phases; day phase and night phase. Day phase and night phase will both last 24 hours. Day is where you discuss who to lynch and vote. Night phase is when the mafias discuss in their secret as to who they want to kill. This is also the phase where I will be receiving most night actions, though some actions must be sent during the day. [*] While I will try my best not to make spoilers, it may be tough to make phase changes and roles without very minor ones. Even the names of the servants can be considered spoilers for instance, so I will avoid that except for the user who summons that given Heroic Spirit. I will avoid major spoilers though, don't worry. [*]Abilities are processed according to this priority system. Role Blocking>Protection>Night kill. [*] If you want to use your skills, contact the host/co-host via your role PM. Alternatively for mafia post your action(s) in your club by comment or thread, make sure it's in bold. [*] No copy/pasting PMs. You can share the contents of a PM, but you can only paraphrase what I said. [*] No posting a screenshot of a PM or a modified screenshot of a PM [*] Strategy talk is allowed during the night phase. [*] Play to your win victory [*] It's an Open setup, 20 players, night kills are revealed(unless specified otherwise), 1 mafia faction and 2 3rd party. [*] Mafia meet and communicate in a secret club or by any other ways specified by the host [b]Section III: Lynching[/b] [*] During the day phase, players can vote who they want to lynch. Who ever gets the most votes at the end of the day phase will be lynched. [*] Any player can change and/or remove their vote. [*] Vote like this: Vote: Ctsu bold so that I wont miss it. [*] Tied votes will result in no lynch for day 1 only, from day 2 onwards tied votes will equal a randomized lynch between those tied. [b]Section IV: Inactivity[/b] [*]Inactivity is detested and makes the game boring. So please be as active as you can. [*]To be deemed active you must make 3 meaningful posts per phase. After 48 hours of being inactive, without a notification, I will either modkill you or replace you. Roles [center][color=Green][b][u]Town[/color][/u][/b] Win Condition: Defeat all mafia. Shiro Emiya [Master] Shirou is a Student of Year 2 Class C of Homurahara School. He has no interest in the Holy Grail and instead despises its use. However, he is determined to win the Holy Grail War with his servant for he hopes his efforts will ensure that another disaster like the Fuyuki conflagration will never occur again. Ability - Command Seals Passive - If you are killed, your servant will no longer have a source of magic and will die. Shinji [Master] Shinji is very popular as the vice-captain of the Archery Dojo despite his personality. Though he is selfish and has the bad habit of looking down on other people, he is virtuous in his own way, and while he may be warped he is not actually a bad person. He strives to win the Holy Grail for selfish reasons. Ability - Command Seals Passive - If you are killed, your servant will no longer have a source of magic and will die. Rin Tohsaka [Master] Best girl. Ability - Command Seals Passive - If you are killed, your servant will no longer have a source of magic and will die. Passive 2 - If Rin dies the host will be sad Kirei Kotomine [Master] He is not sane, but neither is he insane. Despite his personal accomplishments, he never felt satisfaction. Despite his best efforts he could not enjoy what other people found happiness in, and instead found himself drawn to negative emotions like the pain of others. Ability - Command Seals Passive - If you are killed, your servant will no longer have a source of magic and will die. Illyasviel von Einzbern [Master] Illya is cheerful and outgoing, upbeat and generally exhibits a positive attitude. Possessing a friendly demeanor, she is easy to talk to and tends to be playful and mischievous. Runner-up for best girl. Ability - Command Seals Passive - If you are killed, your servant will no longer have a source of magic and will die. Waver Velvet [Master] Waver can be called a "spoiled brat" who is the very embodiment of a "narcissist that doesn't doubt he's a genius." He displays traits of cowardliness, being short-tempered, and constant complaints without action. He has an inferiority complex about his abilities as a magus and Master, and he constantly doubts himself at every turn. Ability - Command Seals Passive - If you are killed, your servant will no longer have a source of magic and will die. Kariya [Master] ;-; Ability - Command Seals Passive - If you are killed, your servant will no longer have a source of magic and will die. Saber [Servant] Saber is a strong-willed young woman who always speaks resolutely. She is courageous, determined, and set on winning the Holy Grail. She constantly insists that she is a knight first and that her gender is of little importance to her. Ability - Saber is able to protect someone every night. She can only protect herself and her master every other night however. Passive - If your Master dies, you no longer have a source of magic, and you also die. Passive 2 - You will be under the influence of Command Seals. Rider [Servant] Actual best girl. Rider is noble and physically overbearing. He is not pragmatic, but is a person who lets history run its course and acts according to his impulses. While he is wild and somewhat inconsiderate to others, his greed inspired his subjects and ultimately resulted in their happiness. Ability - Rider is able to pick a target every night and follow them to see who they targeted. You will not receive information of what action was performed. Passive - If your Master dies, you no longer have a source of magic, and you also die. Passive 2 - You will be under the influence of Command Seals. Archer [Servant] His personality is very contradicting. While he is thoroughly cynical and nihilistic, he is at the same time devoted and protective, and even a little childish to the point that it makes him hard to hate. He doesn't lie, but he does keep secrets and tell half truths. Ability - Archer is able to choose one person per night to role block. Passive - If your Master dies, you no longer have a source of magic, and you also die. Passive 2 - You will be under the influence of Command Seals. Lancer [Servant] Lancer is a fierce, but balanced warrior who enjoys combating a worthy opponent, but at his core he believes in justice and is easy to get along with. He is an agreeable youth acting out the role of one gentle in disposition yet strong in body. Ability - Your vote will secretly count for 3. Everyone will be able to see your singular vote, but the 2 extra votes will only be counted by the Host or Co-host and the actual vote count after abilities are taken into consideration will not be released. Passive - If your Master dies, you no longer have a source of magic, and you also die. Passive 2 - You will be under the influence of Command Seals. Bersercar [Servant] Due to his Mad Enhancement, Berserker is completely void of thought for most of the story. His emotions have been sealed off, making it impossible to perform any actions with personal motivation, and the only thing not lost is the reason within the core of his being that not even the bondage of the Command Spells can overwhelm. Ability - Bersercar is able to perform a single Kill at any time in the game. If Bersercar hits a Master, their servant will sacrifice their self instead. Passive - If your Master dies, you no longer have a source of magic, and you also die. Passive 2 - You will be under the influence of Command Seals. Assassin [Servant] Assassin is quiet and composed, and while his general tone has a mocking nature to it, he takes it to another level with Caster. He is honorable in battle, always maintaining a degree of bushido, and he is not the type who would attack defenseless women and children. Ability - Assassin can target 1 person a night to learn who targeted a player, but not what actions were performed on them. Passive - If your Master dies, you no longer have a source of magic, and you also die. Passive 2 - You will be under the influence of Command Seals. Caster [Servant] She's malicious and seemingly evil, but also has an easy going and quirky personality. While she at first seems to be cruel, it is shown that she does show kindness and compassion in certain situations. Ability - Caster will gain power based on the more people who are killed. Vanilla -> Hider(1) -> Voyeur(3) -> RBer(6) -> Doc (8) -> Cop (12) -> Can live after Master dies[passive](16) Passive - If your Master dies, you no longer have a source of magic, and you also die. Passive 2 - You will be under the influence of Command Seals. [center][color=red][b][u]Mafia[/color][/u][/b] Win Condition: Outnumber the townies. Gilgamesh [King] He takes the time to enjoy himself, mastering every treasure and every pleasure. With conviction to treat good and evil equally, he has no need for other ideologies and ways of life when the absolute basis is "himself." Ability - If Gilgamesh discovers the identities of both a Master and Servant, Gilgamesh can immediately find and kill the 2 of them by the end of the phase. This ability can be used during day or night phase. This ability is usable until death. Gilgamesh must provide solid evidence that he knows the 2 are a pair. Tokiomi Tohsaka [Mage] Although he loves his wife and cares for his daughters, he bases everything on his and their lives as magi, foregoing their happiness as regular people and only thinking of their future lives as magi. He has a "perfect and coldhearted" aspect to him that can be called a negative trait to his otherwise seemingly outstanding self-image. Ability - Tapioca will give you a look of disappointment so strong that only the most disappointed of dads can give you. If he targets you during the night you will be so ashamed of yourself you will not be able to perform your action. Ryuunosuke Uryuu [Maniac] Ryuunosuke has a beautifully simple mind that wishes to seize one point to its very limit. He is obsessed with the process of death and dying. Ability - Ryuunosuke loves death so much he goes as far as to have 2 votes in order to instigate a lynch. During the day phase he controls 1 hidden vote that he must PM to the host which will then be secretly counted for at Phase Change. He may lynch someone different from who his secret vote is on. Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald Uryuu [Magus] Kayneth is the epitome of how someone who believes themselves to be entitled at birth will never be happy. He is a cruel man with a selfish and arrogant personality. He holds a great amount of hatred towards anyone who wrongs him, wishing to torture and kill them if at all possible. Ability - Vanilla mafia [center][color=Gold][b][u]3rd Party[/color][/u][/b] Win condition: Unique win condition for each 3rd party role. Sakura [Survivor] While Sakura is outwardly shy, soft-spoken and eager to please, she possesses a great inner strength. As noted by Shirou, she can also be openly stubborn at times. However, she is also prone to feelings of resentment towards others. Ability - When the first master dies, Sakura will become the substitute master of the servant. Their Goal will be to survive until the end. Taiga Fujimura [Jester] Taiga is irresponsible, clumsy, and prone to sporadic bouts of extreme lethargy or zest. Although flawed, she is bright, cheerful and always bring laughs with others. Win Condition - Taiga loves attention, so if Taiga is lynched she will deem herself the winner. Note - If Taiga completes her Win Condition the game will continue. Notes
Sign-ups 1) Heartman 2) blu-eyes 3) greenwillow 4) Smoothie McSmootherSmooth Juzzywuzzy 5) 667b 6) TheConquerer 7) Shadowsnake777 (Jester) 8) turtlebandit 9) Karote 10) NosferatuHisham 11) Wyzdm 12) Luna 13) KaitoKirishima 14) AbuHumaid 15) TheLigerNinja 16) Jackrito 17) Suzune-chan 18) grrr88 19) Crowlage 20) Aqualiv grave_robber Waitlist 1) Mai Lambooty 2) Zymf 3) grave_robber [/spoiler] |
DoughkeyMay 9, 2015 7:53 AM
May 9, 2015 7:32 AM
Okay, I was not going to take charge of another mafia group unless I absolutely had too. However if no one is going to talk about what we are going to do. I am going to start making suggestions. Luna who are you, there is not a list giving me who is playing who so if you might share we can begin to work on a strategy. I am the Mage. I think for tonight it would be good to use my power on juzzy. Juzzy is a great town leader and I think it will be interesting to how she reacts to being role blocked. The question returns to the night kill, it needs to be someone who will cause chaos. In honesty a lucky kill will probably get us two people so we need to be really wise anyone thinking anyone. |
Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween! |
May 9, 2015 7:43 AM
Ah, I was about to write something after checking a few more things, but if you already started I'll reply to some things first. I'm King Gilgamesh. So I guess my priority is to stay alive no matter what or else they'll all start claiming and I guess then it's over for the mafia pretty fast. The chance is almost 50% that we'll kill a master. I was actually wondering, how masters and servants act in this game. Would the servants be a bit more active than the masters so there's less chance that a master gets killed? What do you think? Also, do you think we need to kill Lancer quickly? With his 3 votes he could become a problem. |
May 9, 2015 8:00 AM
May 9, 2015 8:00 AM
We have a member with two votes so while it Iis a problem and should take priority u less the host is broadcasting the count it will be hard for us to catch him. A wise host would hide the three votes. When I had characters in my game like that I counted them at the end and just listed the people at the time. I think it will probably be a mixed bag. It is better honestly for both in a pair to play evenly, the loudest one from the mafia is usually the one who has nothing to lead or who is leading the team. So if the master has a strong partner the. They will hide in the back because it is a danger to get the master. I do not know a lot boarder on nothing about fare stay night but I would have to say, the ones with the strongest attack abilities need to go first. So in this game we need to Eliot our kills between the most active and the least active in order to make the strongest kills. |
Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween! |
May 9, 2015 8:00 AM
Luna_ said: Ah, I was about to write something after checking a few more things, but if you already started I'll reply to some things first. I'm King Gilgamesh. So I guess my priority is to stay alive no matter what or else they'll all start claiming and I guess then it's over for the mafia pretty fast. The chance is almost 50% that we'll kill a master. I was actually wondering, how masters and servants act in this game. Would the servants be a bit more active than the masters so there's less chance that a master gets killed? What do you think? Also, do you think we need to kill Lancer quickly? With his 3 votes he could become a problem. Lancer is def an issue, espically if he finds mafia. But odds of us even finding him this early are pretty slim. |
May 9, 2015 8:02 AM
Luna be careful to play as normally as you usually do. Post as much as you always good otherwise people will notice that there is something off about you. As our ace, you are invaluable to this team. |
Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween! |
May 9, 2015 8:15 AM
Kaito, which role are you? And I will try as best as I can Suzune. Yesterday was a bit problematic for me due to real life problems, but that will hopefully not continue. Also, if any of you find hints about who could be a pair, please tell me, because I might overlook them (are we allowed to discuss here during the day phase?) I've analyzed the votes a bit to see if I could find Lancer, so here is what I have so far: TurtleBandit(2): NosferatuHisham, TehConquerer grave_robber(1): TheLigerNinja Greenwillow(2): Karote, blu-eyes AbuHumaid(1): turtlebandit 667b(3): Crow, Shadowsnake777, Jackrito Shadowsnake(5): Heartman, Fuzzywuzzy, grrr8, gravy_robber, Wyzdm KaitoKirishima(1): greenwillow No-lynch(2): 667b, KaitoHiroshima Definitely not Lancer: - Crow, Jackrito (then we would have had a tie and a random lynch... unless it was a random lynch) Probably not Lancer: - NosferatuHisham, TheConquerer, blue-eyes (too much of a risk to reveal yourself or to kill an innocent) Might be Lancer: - 667b (no lynch option) - AbuHumaid (didn't vote) - People who voted for Shadowsnake, especially the last two (grave and Wyzdm) - People who voted for one person alone |
May 9, 2015 8:19 AM
I hate to say it but it is probably grrr. Grrr is a player who is obsessed with being right and he always seems to get the good role to lose it early game. So I I had to randomly choose someone I thought it was, then It is probably him. Do not worry about it Luna I had problems yesterday too. The thunderstorm out me in the dark for a longtime yesterday and I missed two phases I wanted to be active in. |
Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween! |
May 9, 2015 8:21 AM
For now we need to decide on someone to attack and who should make the kill. To be depressing and I hate to say it but, unless the kill needs to be made by someone in particular we should probably have our vanilla mafia member do it because the risk is less. |
Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween! |
May 9, 2015 8:22 AM
Luna_ said: Kaito, which role are you? And I will try as best as I can Suzune. Yesterday was a bit problematic for me due to real life problems, but that will hopefully not continue. Also, if any of you find hints about who could be a pair, please tell me, because I might overlook them (are we allowed to discuss here during the day phase?) I've analyzed the votes a bit to see if I could find Lancer, so here is what I have so far: TurtleBandit(2): NosferatuHisham, TehConquerer grave_robber(1): TheLigerNinja Greenwillow(2): Karote, blu-eyes AbuHumaid(1): turtlebandit 667b(3): Crow, Shadowsnake777, Jackrito Shadowsnake(5): Heartman, Fuzzywuzzy, grrr8, gravy_robber, Wyzdm KaitoKirishima(1): greenwillow No-lynch(2): 667b, KaitoHiroshima Definitely not Lancer: - Crow, Jackrito (then we would have had a tie and a random lynch... unless it was a random lynch) Probably not Lancer: - NosferatuHisham, TheConquerer, blue-eyes (too much of a risk to reveal yourself or to kill an innocent) Might be Lancer: - 667b (no lynch option) - AbuHumaid (didn't vote) - People who voted for Shadowsnake, especially the last two (grave and Wyzdm) - People who voted for one person alone Im just the Sad vanilla role lol |
May 9, 2015 8:23 AM
Suzune-chan said: I hate to say it but it is probably grrr. Grrr is a player who is obsessed with being right and he always seems to get the good role to lose it early game. So I I had to randomly choose someone I thought it was, then It is probably him. Do not worry about it Luna I had problems yesterday too. The thunderstorm out me in the dark for a longtime yesterday and I missed two phases I wanted to be active in. Dude lol that guy always tries to sound so scummy as a town role, i mean it makes it easier for mafia! |
May 9, 2015 8:29 AM
Naturally I know that. However, mafia is anything but ironic. Who shall be the target tonight we need someone who has good reads they we could swing the town into thinking they were killed out of fear for being correct. Choosing someone quiet for no reason usually looks poorly for us. |
Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween! |
May 9, 2015 8:38 AM
Crow and Jackrito were discussing the Jester thing Jackrito was very quite at the beginning and voted pretty late, but he said a few interesting things Heartman mentioned a few times that people need to be careful with votes so Lancer could stay hidden Heartman also really wanted a lynch Juzzywuzzy and grave generally have good reads in general I think (I have never played with grave before but I think she was a bit silent? well not sure) Wyzdm was pretty active turtle also became pretty active after the last game where he was told he didn't take it seriously So probably one from this group unless you have another suggestion. We can roleblock one of them (for example like you suggested Juzzy) and then kill another one. |
May 9, 2015 8:53 AM
Luna_ said: Crow and Jackrito were discussing the Jester thing Jackrito was very quite at the beginning and voted pretty late, but he said a few interesting things Heartman mentioned a few times that people need to be careful with votes so Lancer could stay hidden Heartman also really wanted a lynch Juzzywuzzy and grave generally have good reads in general I think (I have never played with grave before but I think she was a bit silent? well not sure) Wyzdm was pretty active turtle also became pretty active after the last game where he was told he didn't take it seriously So probably one from this group unless you have another suggestion. We can roleblock one of them (for example like you suggested Juzzy) and then kill another one. you two have the most say since i was gone during most of the talking |
May 9, 2015 9:22 AM
Okay then let's role block juzzy. Who said we kill, heartman seems to be coming off strong to me in this game, might be worth it. I have this thing about killing Jack first would love to do it but it is my usual motive. |
Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween! |
May 9, 2015 9:27 AM
May 9, 2015 9:33 AM
@Suzune, if killing Jack would be your usual motive, wouldn't some player notice this then? @Kaito, I was away most of the time as well, but I read the thread today. It's helpful to make some notes while reading about the interesting things, then you have more things to discuss as well. They have the same avatar because of this. |
May 9, 2015 9:35 AM
That is what I meant Luna. That someone would notice and potentially link it back to me. This would make him not a good first night target. So I would prefer it be someone else. You get used to it, i have seen many phases of this matching avatar nonsense. |
Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween! |
May 9, 2015 9:41 AM
Yeah, then I think it should be someone else. Heartman is probably a good choice, I'd be fine with him, unless someone else has a better suggestion. |
May 9, 2015 9:54 AM
If no one disagrees who is taking the kill? |
Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween! |
May 9, 2015 10:03 AM
Suzune-chan said: We have a member with two votes so while it Iis a problem and should take priority u less the host is broadcasting the count it will be hard for us to catch him. A wise host would hide the three votes. When I had characters in my game like that I counted them at the end and just listed the people at the time. I think it will probably be a mixed bag. It is better honestly for both in a pair to play evenly, the loudest one from the mafia is usually the one who has nothing to lead or who is leading the team. So if the master has a strong partner the. They will hide in the back because it is a danger to get the master. I do not know a lot boarder on nothing about fare stay night but I would have to say, the ones with the strongest attack abilities need to go first. So in this game we need to Eliot our kills between the most active and the least active in order to make the strongest kills. Just to clarify- I will only secretly count Karote and Lancers ability after the final vote count, nobody will know the real vote count except Ctsu and I. I mentioned it once in thread, I will add it to 'Notes' though. |
May 9, 2015 10:13 AM
Normally I'd agree with you that the vanilla mafia should make the kill because it's less of a risk, but now I wonder if Kaito wasn't a bit too obvious in the thread to get roleblocked. You shouldn't do it because if you get roleblocked we'll lose the RB and the kill and I should probably try to stay out of it. We should keep in mind that they have two servants that can find out who someone targeted and Caster is currently a Hider. I've never played with a Hider before, but according to mafiascum the hider will die if they target a mafia or if the townie the hider is hiding behind gets killed. |
May 9, 2015 10:15 AM
Doughkey said: That makes the most sense, I assumed as much. ThanksSuzune-chan said: We have a member with two votes so while it Iis a problem and should take priority u less the host is broadcasting the count it will be hard for us to catch him. A wise host would hide the three votes. When I had characters in my game like that I counted them at the end and just listed the people at the time. I think it will probably be a mixed bag. It is better honestly for both in a pair to play evenly, the loudest one from the mafia is usually the one who has nothing to lead or who is leading the team. So if the master has a strong partner the. They will hide in the back because it is a danger to get the master. I do not know a lot boarder on nothing about fare stay night but I would have to say, the ones with the strongest attack abilities need to go first. So in this game we need to Eliot our kills between the most active and the least active in order to make the strongest kills. Just to clarify- I will only secretly count Karote and Lancers ability after the final vote count, nobody will know the real vote count except Ctsu and I. I mentioned it once in thread, I will add it to 'Notes' though. |
Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween! |
May 9, 2015 10:15 AM
Luna_ said: We need to check then if I can use my abilities and make the kill because if it is one or the other, I think we should gamble on the vanilla member.Normally I'd agree with you that the vanilla mafia should make the kill because it's less of a risk, but now I wonder if Kaito wasn't a bit too obvious in the thread to get roleblocked. You shouldn't do it because if you get roleblocked we'll lose the RB and the kill and I should probably try to stay out of it. We should keep in mind that they have two servants that can find out who someone targeted and Caster is currently a Hider. I've never played with a Hider before, but according to mafiascum the hider will die if they target a mafia or if the townie the hider is hiding behind gets killed. |
Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween! |
May 9, 2015 11:12 AM
Luna_ said: hider will die if they target a mafia The only hider variant I have seen on Mafia Society is one that doesn't die when they target a mafia, so I will stick to that version. Everything else about the role applies though. When I have more time I will update Casters abilities with specifics under 'Roles', I gave caster a run-down of their abilities specifics already. Suzune-chan said: We need to check then if I can use my abilities and make the kill because if it is one or the other, I think we should gamble on the vanilla member. You may use your ability and perform the night kill at the same time. |
May 9, 2015 11:14 AM
Well is that what you want. I can make the night kill, I do not like to but I can. |
Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween! |
May 9, 2015 11:17 AM
When does the phase end dough, I could not find a timer. |
Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween! |
May 9, 2015 11:18 AM
Suzune-chan said: When does the phase end dough, I could not find a timer. - - - - - - - - - - - Hi. |
May 9, 2015 11:26 AM
I don't think I can make it to phase change, I barely slept last night and I'm already dead tired. Maybe Karote should make the kill? He's the only one that grave didn't mention in her post. Not sure if that's a good tactic but like I said before, if someone roleblocks Suzune, we lose both the possibility to block someone and the night kill. |
May 9, 2015 11:27 AM
Yes that sounds good. Karote would you please make the kill. |
Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween! |
May 9, 2015 11:28 AM
Suzune-chan said: When does the phase end dough, I could not find a timer. Timer is on the first post, right under the title, phase changes will occur at 9 PM GMT, so in 2 and a half hours. |
May 9, 2015 11:29 AM
Doughkey said: I swear I checked it early this morning and it had not been changed. I swear...Suzune-chan said: When does the phase end dough, I could not find a timer. Timer is on the first post, right under the title, phase changes will occur at 9 PM GMT, so in 2 and a half hours. |
Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween! |
May 9, 2015 11:38 AM
Suzune-chan said: Doughkey said: I swear I checked it early this morning and it had not been changed. I swear...Suzune-chan said: When does the phase end dough, I could not find a timer. Timer is on the first post, right under the title, phase changes will occur at 9 PM GMT, so in 2 and a half hours. Well I guess it depends how long ago morning was for you. I changed it like... 4 hours after phase change~ with a deviation of another hour. Didn't update the player list until a few hours ago though, I know I am going to be bad with keeping everything up to date, as you could probably already tell, I forget small details a lot. |
May 9, 2015 12:55 PM
Karote said: Please, because it would be nice if I get roleblocked not to lose the ability and the kill.Uhm, give me one minute. |
Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween! |
May 9, 2015 1:03 PM
Suzune-chan said: Karote said: Please, because it would be nice if I get roleblocked not to lose the ability and the kill.Uhm, give me one minute. Oh yes, I'll do the kill. I just meant give me time since I'm doing smth atm ;> I want to post my thoughts too. |
May 9, 2015 1:04 PM
Karote said: Please post in the night topic then please. Or let dough know. Heart is the target.Suzune-chan said: Karote said: Uhm, give me one minute. Oh yes, I'll do the kill. I just meant give me time since I'm doing smth atm ;> I want to post my thoughts too. |
Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween! |
May 9, 2015 1:24 PM
Ye, done. And I'm sure grave suspects me being mafia already, she knows how to read me ;__; Kaito though, sooner or later people will start to lynch him if he keeps playing like that. |
May 9, 2015 1:30 PM
Are you aiming at Master? I'm not sure, Masters may play a little more cautous than Servants because Servants have abilities and even if they die, their Master won't. I hope Heartman is Master >.< |
May 9, 2015 1:31 PM
Karote said: That is the goal, to aim at masters. However, I think it will be a split. Some masters will be active some will not be.Are you aiming at Master? I'm not sure, Masters may play a little more cautous than Servants because Servants have abilities and even if they die, their Master won't. |
Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween! |
May 10, 2015 8:46 AM
May 10, 2015 12:39 PM
KaitoKirishima said: Keep being put in situation where i get really really, hopefully that won't happen anymore tho. Fake roleclaim or something, if you do happen to be on the towns table. |
May 10, 2015 12:41 PM
Karote said: actually better yet, I will not use my power tonight and claim you were roleblocked.KaitoKirishima said: Keep being put in situation where i get really really, hopefully that won't happen anymore tho. Fake roleclaim or something, if you do happen to be on the towns table. |
Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween! |
May 10, 2015 2:11 PM
Jackrito said: Another person I suspect is Karote they are adding little to the overall discussion and mostly posting off topic. Also thier only vote so far has been for one of thier friends also on day one and not even voting today even though been active which I find strange. -.- I feel like it's more his guts, than actual reasons. Should I try debating? or just ignore it and try contribute more? |
May 10, 2015 4:12 PM
Karote said: Jackrito said: Another person I suspect is Karote they are adding little to the overall discussion and mostly posting off topic. Also thier only vote so far has been for one of thier friends also on day one and not even voting today even though been active which I find strange. -.- I feel like it's more his guts, than actual reasons. Should I try debating? or just ignore it and try contribute more? Whatever you think is best |
May 11, 2015 9:18 AM
Okay we need to decide on today. I am thinking we should take out a big thinking player like grr, 668b, or the conquerer |
Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween! |
May 11, 2015 9:37 AM
Listen I have a break from work for twenty minutes in twenty minutes due to weird scheduling. I am going to make a decision by myself about the kill if nothing happens before then. |
Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween! |
May 11, 2015 9:53 AM
I'm sorry, I was stuck in my train. Seems Nosferatu has been replaced and Juzzy has problems with his hand so he'll probably be replaced too. With 667b we might have the chance that she gets lynched, same with TheConq maybe. grrr is pretty quiet and I don't know this player well. He might be a master. So maybe he's a good target? Actually I think that grr and 667b could be a pair, but I don't have any real evidence for it. Maybe it's also just him faking it. On day 1 he said now he has to change his vote (when 667b was leading) and on day 2 he and 667b were voting for each other, maybe to make it look like they're not a pair. But yeah, I'm not sure and I don't have evidence for it. Just wondering if we should take out users with the nightkill if we're suspecting them to be a pair. Edit: Wyzdm might also be a possibility. |
LunaMay 11, 2015 10:05 AM
May 11, 2015 10:16 AM
I like the idea of taking either of them. Sorry this role over does not work for me I the week, there is nothing more I can really do. Early to tomorrow I will post my thoughts hear to make Wedensday easier. Personally I would be interested in 667b, however I can compromise at grr. lets go for grrr and I will role lock 667b. |
Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween! |
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