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Feb 2, 2018 8:16 PM

May 2016


Feb 4, 2018 4:38 PM

Nov 2016
awkward cough
Feb 4, 2018 4:43 PM

Dec 2013
Oh right
I had question for you Muffin...
Mmmm muffin....
Blood power
She can't affect other humans right?
Cause that would auto lead to metagaming / unfair advantage situations when combating another person here
Feb 4, 2018 4:44 PM

Nov 2016
Nope. The blood has to out of their body before she can control it. Also, it has to be nearby her..
Feb 4, 2018 4:47 PM

Dec 2013
Mm ok
Just wanted a clarification on that
Aside from that
Then you're officially approved

Also approved
Feb 4, 2018 9:51 PM

Aug 2014
Name: Autumn LaFonte
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Magic: Summoning
Magic Explanation:

Magic Cooldown:

Level: 1 (Does this book even hold anymore power she doesn't yet know of? I guess we'll find out)



Be like this seal. It is a happy seal.
~Review Guidelines~ | ~Recommendation Guidelines~ | ~Mafia Society~
Feb 4, 2018 10:08 PM

Dec 2016

Feb 5, 2018 10:25 AM

Aug 2014
Kazegaya, Yuuto
風早 悠翔

"Can you feel the breeze?"

Character Information

-Yamato-Feb 5, 2018 11:25 AM
Feb 5, 2018 10:51 AM

Dec 2016

Kawaii Desu~~< @.@

Just need to put an ability cooldown and you’ll be approved
Feb 5, 2018 11:12 AM

Dec 2017
Sakura i agree he is kawaii i thought it was a girl
Feb 5, 2018 11:26 AM

Aug 2014
Okay done ^///^
Feb 5, 2018 11:33 AM

Dec 2016

Approved! :D
Feb 6, 2018 1:25 AM

Dec 2017
Name: Harumi Nishiyama

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Magic: Summoning magic

Magic explanation and abilities: summon a wolf
with water powers can sightly control small amount of water

Magic Cooldown: 1 post 1 cooldown

Level: 1

Personality: she seems like a very serious person at first but she is actually very outgoing and open person.but if she comes upon sadness or a sad situation she tries smiling to keep her pain in,she always tries avoid conflict,she wants to bring happiness to the people she appreciates which motivates her,even so she is very emotional polite person,She enjoys playing violin


Bio: she was a very lonesome and quiet child when she grew up so she didn’t have many friends so she was always alone with her mother’s summoned wolf,her mother always tried to encourage her to talk to more people and be more open she mom was a very loving and sweet woman toward her daughter but she was very ill since she had been born since her birth left very weak so she never had siblings,her mother a few years later when she was 14 passed away she lived with an aunt after her mother passed away she lived a happy life until she was 17 she fell in love with a young man she met in a town when she went for an erran to find out he didn’t even loved her back he was only looking for information from her families’ legacy the white wolf she possesses once she found out about this she left without telling no one that she would come to a magic institute wanting to get stronger.
Feb 6, 2018 1:56 AM

Dec 2011
Name: Goliath
Gender: N/A
Age: For the sake of rules, 17. Since summoning: 3
Magic: Transformation Magic
Magic Abilities: Shape Shifting: Capable of changing their shape and form into whatever they want, as long as they have eaten it, the Goliath is capable of bringing every advantage of a certain shape to themselves. This, of course, comes with it's disadvantages as well.
  • Combat Mode: Greatly enhances physical abilities, changing into a bigger form. Turns every part into hard metal. Normally, the parts are squishy.
    • Magic Cooldown: 1 Post to shape shift, 1 post cooldown, form is active until dispelled

Level: 1
Personality: Basically a newborn child, Goliath doesnt have any emotions built into it. Although that can change depending on what it's master wants.
Normal Mode Appearance:

Combat Mode Appearance:

Bio: "Born" from an alchemic ritual gone wrong, Goliath was a glob of goo. Like a slime. But was capable of changing shape and density. Which made it capable of changing itself to look like a certain material. After it's many hunger rampages, Goliath became capable of imitating near every common shape/size/object/item. Even hair and fur. Eventually, Goliath gained a standard form to make it easier to interact with it. Goliath was sent to the institute for testing purposes, and hopefully find a suitable controller. Like a master to their pet.
Discount66Feb 6, 2018 2:18 AM
Feb 6, 2018 9:40 PM

Mar 2015
Name: Wendy
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Magic: Summoning Magic
Magic explanation and abilities:

Magic Cooldown: 1 post to summon the claws, and they can be in use for four posts before they disappear, requiring 3 posts of cooldown, and then another one to re-summon them.
Level: 1


MontyMarsFeb 8, 2018 1:42 PM
Feb 8, 2018 3:03 AM
Jan 2018
Umm have i been approved yet?
Feb 8, 2018 11:38 AM

Jan 2018
Name: Megumi
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Height: 5’3
Eyes: Light brown
Hair: Medium-long reddish light brown
Sexuality: Bisexual

Magic: Transformation: Hawk
Slightly enhanced speed of flying and better vision

Magic Cooldown: lasts 3 posts recovers three post

Level: 1


Morika_KanaApr 22, 2018 12:08 AM
Feb 8, 2018 11:41 AM

May 2013
Name: Hakuya Arakawa
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Height: 5'7
Eyes: dark brown
Hair: short brown
Magic: Transformation magic
Magic explanation and abilities: Raven transformation, Hakuya can turn parts of his body into that of a raven, giving him sharp talons, wings, and better vision.
Magic Cooldown: the transformation will only last for three posts, and has a cooldown of three posts
Level: 1
Personality: Hakuya has a confident personality, thinking he is the best at everything he does. Always trying to be the coolest one in the room, he can't stand it when people ignore him. He loves shiny objects, and hates being cold. He only ever lets his guard down around his twin sister, Megumi, whom he trusts dearly and always tries to protect. He likes all sorts of animals, except insects, he has an irrational fear of spiders. Had a pet cat named Ryu.

Feb 8, 2018 12:51 PM

Dec 2013
The following peeps are approved

Feb 9, 2018 12:31 PM
Jan 2018
Name: Nicolas Narahiko
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Magic: Thunder
Magic explanation and abilities: El Psy Congroo
By pronouncing these words, he can summon electrical energy to his fingertips and then discharge it all in one swift lightning strike.
Magic Cooldown:
2 posts.
Personality: Nicolas is an introvert, usually very calm but will lighten up when interacting with other people, even though in reality, he doesn't care much about most other humans, his standards for friendship are very high. His attitude towards other people doesn't depend on his own opinion of his partner, but it's more like a mirror of anyone he comes in contact with.
If he's treated with kindness, it will be returned back. But if treated with hostility, he'll usually just walk off or completely ignore it, but very rarely he can return the favor, as he's always prepared to fight if the situation requires it.

His motives are generally hidden, but if you ask him he may very well tell you the truth, or just a lie to keep you off his back. He's also not afraid to manipulate people he dislikes to serve his own purpose.
On the other side of the coin, he treats his friends like family, willing to do anything for them. This attitude may derive from the early loss of his family , all he has to lie back on are his friends and himself.


Bio: Ever since he grew up, he knew he was different. Early on in life he started noticing, most other persons couldn't live up to his standards, and so he never had many friends. But the ones he had meant the world to him.
At the age of 12, his hometown was attacked by a guild of dark wizards, leaving nothing but ashes in their wake. No one survived.
No one, except a small boy who had the wit to run for his life without looking back, a boy who was now all alone in the world.

Ever since he has lived on the streets, fencing for himself alone in the world, doing the odd job here and there, surviving.
Now, he has found the Institute of Magic, and a new hope burns inside him, hoping he'll find a new family in this new school, and hoping he'll get the power to one day go after those who took his world from him.
Vash115Mar 12, 2018 4:38 AM
Feb 9, 2018 10:11 PM

Dec 2013
I don't really see anything wrong with it
So eh
Feb 11, 2018 7:16 PM
Nov 2017
Name: William Pine
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Magic: You can choose between the following
Elemental magic: In which case you can choose an element and get abilities based on that element.
Magic Cooldown:
- One Post cool down for lower spells, Higher spells are Two post Cool down
Level One
Personality: Kind to a fault and naive, believes that he can help everyone in the world. And is often working towards fulfilling that goal.
Bio: Never having that much magic, William relied on his bow to combine his magic with. Through channeling his magic he can more easily use it as well as bolster his own archery skills.
Feb 12, 2018 3:10 PM

Aug 2014

Name: Leon
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Magic: Transformation Magic-Shadow Possesion
Magic explanation and abilities: Leon has a shadow form which increases his strength and speed but he doesn't have full control of himself when he transforms, the more he transforms he'll become even stronger and faster but the more berserk he will turn and less reasoning he will have. If taken too far Leon looses control and will attack indiscriminately until he's stopped or his energy runs out. The semi transformation takes a lot of energy so after use it will leave him exhausted.
Magic Cooldown: 4 Posts
Level: 1
Personality: Leon is mostly reserved and silent, he keeps his thoughts to himself and speaks only when it's necesary. Although he acts this way he is kind and has a soft spot for cats and dogs, he's level headed and usually doesn't let his emotions take priority on his decisions. Leon us currently trying to find some sort of meaning in his current life after his master had passed away so he isn't really aware of normal human interactions or things that may be normal for others.

Bio: From a young age Leon didn't know what a family was since his had sold him off to a slave trader, living a childhood of countless hardships he continued day after day laboring on hard jobs just to receive abuse from his owner. His owner had messed with the wrong people ending in his murder together with most of the other slaves he kept, only Leon and a few other kids where left behind to starve as the days passed by one after another they would die until only one was left, just as he thought that this was the end for him a strange man burst into the place to find this half dead kid.
Taking the kid with him the man raised him and gave him a name, Leon, he said that it was because the kid would eat like a lion while laughing but Leon never really got what he meant.
After many years had passed Leon has grown up to learn all of the things his master had to teach him except the way to control his magic which he himself didn't understand too well, it was as if a demon took over him at some point when he was a kid but he can't recall what was the cause of this happening but now that his master has died he doesn't have anyone else that can help him figure this out so Leon decided to head to the institute of magic where he might find a way of controlling this demon.
-Yamato-Mar 27, 2018 4:17 PM
Feb 13, 2018 8:48 AM

Dec 2016

Feb 14, 2018 3:16 PM

Dec 2013
Name : Mathias Erixial
Gender : Male
Age : 23
Magic : Transformation Magic - Keeper of the Dead
Magic Explanation & Abilities :
Mathias is able to transform his body into that of a Grave Keeper, a dark being from his homeland. When in this form, he is able to use shadow like powers to attack enemies with supernatural abilities. His transformed form gives him minor boosts in agility and strength but it is nothing extreme. While as a Grave Keeper, he feels no pain, as the dark entity itself is not of this world and is immune to the pain mortals feel.

Currently... he is only able to use shadow ravens that fly at high speeds at enemies, cutting them as if they were daggers.

Magic Cooldown :
Takes 2 posts to transform at first.
Transformation lasts 3 posts. (In this mode he can only currently use one shadow raven per post.)
Cooldown is 4 posts.

As he progresses in power, he will be able to use more shadow ravens, extend time he is transformed and unlock new attack abilities. This shall vary on level.

Level : 1
Personality :
Mathias shows little to no care for anyone around him. His task is to further his own goals, even at the expense of another's life. He keeps a solid focus on everything, but his lack of general emotions towards others give off a sense of dread. Silent and observant. He speaks only to establish what his opinions may be. Straight to the point and completely unfiltered in his words. (e.g. He will gladly say you are a fuck up, if you fail at a simple task.) Known to manipulate weak willed people for fun.

Appearance :

Bio :
Ze-LemMar 4, 2018 3:27 PM
Feb 15, 2018 12:20 PM

Jan 2018

BᴀSɪᴄ IɴFᴏ
ɴᴀᴍᴇ: Clo Claudette
ɢᴇɴᴅᴇʀ: Female
ᴀɢᴇ: 16
ʜᴇɪɢʜᴛ: 5'5"
ᴡᴇɪɢʜᴛ: 120
ʜᴀɪʀ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ: Black
ᴇʏᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ: Golden

MᴀGɪᴄ IɴFᴏ
ᴀʙɪʟɪᴛʏ: Tempus
ʟᴇᴠᴇʟ: 1

For the duration of one post, Clo can manipulate the "timeline" of an inanimate object. The object in question must be within five feet of her outstretched hand and she must be pointing at it with any one of her digits. Be it the index or middle, as long as any of her ten available fingers are aimed at the object and it is within five feet of that hand, the item falls under her influence.

Manipulation of the timeline involves pushing the object forward or backward in it's isolated history (and future). For example; If someone were to throw a lemon aimed at her head, once within range, Clo can point at said lemon and push it forward along it's timeline until it decomposes into dust. Alternatively, a shattered sword can be mended by pushing it backwards on it's timeline reverting it to the form it held before it was damaged.

One object per ability activation.
The object cannot weight more than 100lbs.
The object cannot be larger than herself.
The object cannot be living and sentient ie. plants are fair game.
The object cannot be of great importance to another.*
The object can be a other magic.

ᴄᴏᴏʟᴅᴏᴡɴ: 2 Posts

EǫᴜɪPᴍᴇɴT IɴFᴏ
As per rank one guidelines, Clo carries on her person a Sword that has been splintered in half horizontally across the blade. The end fractured into a point. It is stored via sheath and clipped to a leather shoulder harness. It is easily concealable and easily accessible and is usually attached to her chest at any given time during the day.

PᴇʀSᴏɴᴀL IɴFᴏ
A little brash. A little headstrong. Clo is free spirited by nature, not one to follow the rules or the norms when it can be helped. She often times carves her own path and though one might say such a life has the potential for danger, she understands it more as an opportunity to discover something new... and Clo does loves new things. New faces. New ideas. New roads. New and interesting magic. It's one of the few reasons she decided (consented) to enroll at the Institute. What's more brand new than knowledge learned?

Because of her upbringing, Clo takes a real interest in the well being of her friends and family. Despite her seemingly prickly outer shell, she values the bonds created with strangers turned acquaintances recognizing that there is strength to come from building relationships instead of breaking them. This, combined with her mildly obstinate nature, means that she ultimately thrives in the social environment. She seldom let's the influence of others decide who she becomes friends with and so naturally surrounds herself with all manner of characters.

She's a bit of a potty mouth and is sometimes a little too quick to action but the one virtue of her family that has stuck with her is an acute awareness of all things. She's particularly good a reading a situation and finding a way out... a trait any good noble such as herself should know.

Clo into a family established in both political status and money. In short, she was well off. Lucky for her. Child of virtue and eventual heir to a family fortune worth pounds more than she could ever hope to spend, even after considering the half that would be given to her brother, her youth was spent in preparation for a role in rule. Her parents saw to cementing her successful future, positive that their budding child would mature into a woman who could continue their family legacy. What fleeting dreams she may have had of a life adventurous were abandoned in favor of books and lessons concerning the norm. Days were spent with her head between the pages of all manner of tomes studying the culture and history and math and sciences of the world around her. All things that made her little head spin.

This obviously didn't work for her. A rebellious undertone quickly became her recurring theme. She'd frequently skip lessons, flitting off into the county and getting into trouble where she could. She'd dabble in a little bit of theft, a little bit of mischief, a little too much fun. She frequently find herself in over her head and her parents would eventually have to come to her rescue... every time. This only became more of a problem when, at the age of eight, she discovered she had a gift, just like her parents... just like her brother. In the span of a single day, her questionable future as a politician was further blurred and the dream of a life of adventure found real purchase in her once again. Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on who you ask, it just so happened that her particular flavor of magic was only beneficial in a life of small time crime. Her parents however, now extremely concerned with her behavior, felt it necessary to nurture the girl's gift instead of trying to smother it. They feared that oppression as opposed to controlled freedom would warp their child into the kind of leader the world would reject. So, they set about helping her to hone her particular skill and managed a precarious balance of lessons required of her for another life and those lessons of the deeper world of magic and adventure. It proved resourceful if nothing else. In between reads, she was trained by various teachers on the sacred art of simple combat and sword play. Swords, shields, daggers and a little bit of time spent with the bow and arrow. Her skills were never anything to gloat over but she had the basics down and knew exactly how to use each one if she had to pick one up. Blending in a bit of arcane practice and her craving for fun and trouble was sated just enough to keep her in her seat long enough to absorb something from her morning lessons. In this way, the uncontrollable flame that was their daughter could still burn bright and be a guiding light to others as they intended.

Enrollment into the Institute was a natural choice for her parents seeking to keep an eye on their girl while providing her with the tools necessary to help her grow. Clo was tentative at first. She'd planned to strike it out on her own for a while, finding adventure in other lands before she resigned herself to a life of noble. Her brother however was the deciding factor in whether or not she would go. He offered to enroll with her if she completed her studies with their mother and only after he'd finished transitioning their father's company over to himself. They were after all going to the same school. She accepted and within two years, she arrived ready to find that new life of hers wherever it may be.

Clo has recently secured herself a position as a barista at the café just outside the school grounds. She's scheduled to work shifts before dawn, Clo being a morning flower herself.

* Regarding the ruling that magic cannot effect an object of import to another character. This rule takes effect when the object being targeted is necessary to sustain life or to activate a magical ability. For example, there is another character who can draw in a book and give form to her creations. This book and by extension the quill or splinter of lead being used to draw in the book cannot be influenced by Clo's magic.

This OC conceived for the Institute of Magic (RP).

Everything beyond this point technical.
Regular Post:
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ExitMar 4, 2018 8:36 AM
Feb 15, 2018 12:35 PM

Dec 2016

She can’t have a pet, because we are having events for that
It’ll defeat the purpose
Other than that.. Approved
Feb 15, 2018 1:07 PM

Jan 2018
Sakura_megami said:

She can’t have a pet, because we are having events for that
It’ll defeat the purpose.

Sounds good! I edited Lucile out.
Feb 16, 2018 8:35 AM

Dec 2016
Name: Luna Bella
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Magic: A siren’s voice
Magic explanation and abilities: Luna uses her voice to attack. Every song she sings will have different attacks. Luna doesn’t yet know she has this power. For now she only has basic cat like powers which include, night vision, 50% increase in sight and smell, can make her nails long and sharp.
Magic Cooldown:
Level: 1
Personality: Luna is fun and energetic and loved to be around people. She has a creative side to her. She loves to draw and sing and do other fun things.

Bio: Luna comes from a family that was cursed by a very evil and despicable demon. Her father and great grandfather have the curse of turning into a cat when hot water is poured on them. To turn back into a human, they have to go into cold water. This cursed was passed on to Luna and now Luna shares the same fate as them. The curse has its good and it’s bad. On a full moon, Luna can’t turn into a cat or use her cat reflexes. On a lunar eclipse, Luna can’t turn into a human.
Despite all of this, Luna had a decent childhood. Luna’s mom is as a normal human, while her father was a cat man, due to the curse. Her parents gave her all the love and affection needed. They were very powerful so they protected her from the many harms of the world. Luna was bullied a lot by other humans because of her cat feature. She has very bad memories associated with bullying and is quick to get upset when the memories pop up in her head. Once she hit 17, she decided to enroll in magic Institute in order to be become stronger and become as strong as her father. She also wants to find the demon that put this curse on her family and kill them in order to break free.
Sakura_megamiFeb 16, 2018 8:41 AM
Feb 17, 2018 1:24 PM

Dec 2016
Name:. Euphemia Dione
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Magic: Divine Strings (elemental)
Magic explanation and abilities: She has the power to release 10 strings from her fingers. the strings are razor sharp and can stretch a distance of five miles
Magic Cooldown: 2 post use, 2 post cooldown
Level: 1 ;.;
Personality: Euphemia has a strong presence but is more of an observer. She is a heavy thinker and can normally be seen in combat, thinking of a way to outsmart her opponent. She is slightly malicious and fascinated with with seeing people go all out in battles. She enjoys the sight of a blood and some darker things. Euphemia has a low key manipulative side that you won’t know until you’ve experienced it first hand. She play nice to you, but underneath, she is just thinking of a way to use you for her gain. Euphemia is the type of person that would do anything to get what she wants. If she has to flirt, so be it. If she has to betray, so be it. If she has to kill..well you get the gist of it.

Euphemia was born into a pretty crappy and poor family. For starters, She was an accident. Her parents were both drunk and had sex. The most messed up part was that was their first time meeting. There was no real love in this family. Her parents would argue in front of his face and after the arguments was when there was trouble for this young girl. They would constantly tell her that she was a mistake and that she should have never been born. They would tell her all types of horrible things. One day She was sitting in his room when his parents came into her room, drunk and drugged up. Her mother hit him and dragged her into a chair. She strapped her in the chair as his father came from the kitchen with a grin and a butchers knife. He laughed evily along with his mother as his father started to cut Yuki. In her stomach her hands. They untied her after an hour of constant abuse. Yuki ran up to her room and cried her heart out until she decided not to cry anymore. She got super mad and that’s when she discovered her powers. String game out from her fingers. They cut some of the basic stuff in her room. Yuki practice using them until she had enough practice to set a trap. She made a circle with her strings above her door. She then called her mother and told her that she had seen dad with someone else, so that she would come. Once her mother walked through the door, the strings fell over her head and until her neck. Yuki pulled the strings and killed her. She then waited for her father to get home. Just as expected he was drunk and drugged. She laughed evilly, put some water in her eyes and ran out the door past her father. “Help help, my dad went to far and killed my mother” the guards believed it because they had a history of always being drunk. They took the father away and to prison for life. Yuki then left that village, to never be seen again.
Feb 17, 2018 1:25 PM

Dec 2016
Name: Yuki Hatsu
Gender: Female
Magic: Ice Queen
Magic explanation and abilities:
-Ice Tornado: Yuki will summon a snow tornado full of ice shards. This will make the temperature naturally drop 5 degrees for every post that this is in use. She can also control the direction the ice shards go in.
Magic cooldown: 2 post use, 2 cooldown
Level: 1
Personality: Yuki is kind and caring, she is always up to help someone in need. She is also cheerful, energetic and a bit of a flirt. She will always go out of her way to help a friend. She is super naive and is easy to trust others.

Ice Queen

Bio: Yuki spent most of her life within a special orphanage for people with magical abilities. She heard from her guardians a few times that this orphanage was actually created with help of her father who was a very powerful dark and light wizard. Her father however had vanished when Yuki was just an infant, leaving her in the orphanage. She never really met her mother. Nobody ever told her anything about it. When she would ask, they would state that they don’t know or they changed/dismissed the conversation. Yuki never really mind because the people there were very kind and caring. Kids in this orphanage had really happy childhoods even if they were orphans. Guardians and other kids liked Yuki very much because of how bubbly fun and smart she was.
Yuki discovered her powers when she was 10, there was a girl in trouble, she was being chased by a forest creature that had gotten into the village. She was desperate to save the girl. She ran towards her, grabbed her hand and lead her away from the creature. But as they were running, the creature used its claws to attack them. When she looked back, she saw those claws in her face but luckily her ice magic activated. The floor turned to ice and the monster slipped and feel. The towns guard were able to capture the monster and as a reward for somewhat helping. The girls where treated to lunch. Over the next year, the girls had become best friends, that is until Yuki had to leave with the orphanage. The orphanage left to a bigger and safer village.

Feb 17, 2018 1:48 PM

Jan 2018
Name: Myla Mayfair
Sexuality: Lesbian
Age: 18
Height: 5'5
Hair: Golden blonde long length
Eyes: Ruby Red
Magic explanation and abilities: White mage, she can do healing magic but cannot do internal healing has to be open wounds, and other helpings of effects on others at higher levels. Weakness is that she cannot heal herself her body rejects the self healing magic. Cooldown 2 usage 2 at level 1 and up to 4 posts on next level.
Weapon: Daggers
Myla has a mischievous type of personality she has fun causing little mishaps around here and there. She never went to far with it though but just enough to irritate or annoy the others which she got a kick out of. She wasn’t all that big of a fan of her own power finding it was a lot less fun than others and not for her. Even though she may not seem it she does then to be a little sensitive to some things.It takes alot to embarrass her. She is protective over those close to her. Because of her dislike to her powers she chooses to use her father’s daggers on the side which she self taught herself. This was something she would regret in time, the fact that she had taken them with her to the institution in secret from him.

Her parents were mostly loving but they did not want her to be involved with weapons or this war. At least not in battle. Even though they were fine with her going to the Institution they were worried if they would go against their wishes of staying out of danger. Her mother was also a healing user and taught her as much as she could. Even to make herbs on the side to avoid using too much magic. Whatever remedies to prevent sickness. She was grateful for the lessons she gave her. She knew they didn’t want to lose her cause when she grew up more and was mature enough to know she learned of the fact that she was not their first child. There was an older sibling that they lost to heart failure and they feared that Myla had the same problems.

Feb 17, 2018 1:51 PM

Dec 2016

Feb 18, 2018 11:28 AM

Jan 2018
Kikuri Hamada
Age: 21
Sexuality: Straight
Hair: light brown (long)
Eyes: greenish blue
Height: 5'6

Magic: paint brush for weapon. she can make whatever she draws come to life but she can only make one drawing come to life at a time. the drawing lasts for two posts and cool down is 2 posts.

Personality: Upbeat and energetic. Likes to drink and party if there is someone to party with. She likes to be out in the woods especially when she paints cause she loves nature. She's not fond of staying indoors especially when alone.

She does not own a specific pet. She'd rather be around wild animals.

Her parents are dead. Killed by evil magic users at age 13 and had to fend for herself.

She does not handle loss that well when it happens but she puts on a strong front as if nothing is wrong.

Doesn't handle loneliness well and either paints, walks in the woods or drinks to lessen the feeling.

When she feels upset she brushes it off or holds it in wanting to stay strong knowing her parents would want her to. That's all she knew to do to keep her occupied.

When someone pisses her off enough she would possibly paint one of her creations to life like a mouse or bird to attack whoever was bothering her.

Now and then she likes to sing but has never done it in front of anyone besides the animals in the woods. Not even her parents heard her sing

After Searching for new places to see and go she came across a huge building. When she came to check it out she asked some of the people what it was. They told her it was a institution for magic users. She couldn’t forget about the place and thought the area was rather beautiful. She then talked to some people in charge to ask if she could set up join this school as well and told her own info before heading home to pack.

Morika_KanaFeb 18, 2018 12:38 PM
Feb 18, 2018 1:06 PM

Dec 2016

Feb 19, 2018 6:25 PM

Jan 2018

BᴀSɪᴄ IɴFᴏ
ɴᴀᴍᴇ: Vur Claudette
ɢᴇɴᴅᴇʀ: Male
ᴀɢᴇ: 18
ʜᴇɪɢʜᴛ: 6'1"
ᴡᴇɪɢʜᴛ: 165
ʜᴀɪʀ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ: Black
ᴇʏᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ: Golden

MᴀGɪᴄ IɴFᴏ
ᴀʙɪʟɪᴛʏ: Artis Corporis (Summoning)
ʟᴇᴠᴇʟ: 1

Vur's magical abilities are represented by various seals that have been semi-temporarily inked into his skin, two of which are permanent and represent words written in Latin on the inside of both of his palms. The word on the left reads "accipere" or to receive and the word on the right reads "mitte" or to send. During activation and for a duration of five seconds (or one post), Vur can take any item or magical ability that is within five feet of his left palm and "store" that item. The stolen item or ability in question turns into a 2D representation that appears in an empty space on the skin of his arm. On the other hand, both figuratively and literally, he can summon this item or magical ability back from his arm into the right hand. For clarification, the left hand takes and the right hand sends. If desired, the summoned object can be propelled from the right hand instead of simply summoned, turning the item or magical ability stolen into it's own projectile. Additionally, he can only either take an item or receive an item per ability activation. He cannot perform both actions at the same time.

While the item or ability is a tattoo, he can continuously summon it every time his ability is off cooldown. For example, if an opponent shoots a spear made of ice at Vur, he can "take" the spear once it is within range and ink the ability into his arm. Until he replaces that tattoo, that ability is always available to him. Every time Artis Corporis is available for use again, he may choose to either take another item or shoot a spear of ice out of his right hand. Finally, the tattoo must be visible before it can be used. If his tattoos are covered, he cannot summon any of them.

At level 1, he can store up to three items. Once this quota is met, if he wants to store another item, he must replace an item already in his possession.

One object per ability activation.
The object cannot weigh more than 100lbs.
The object cannot be larger than himself.
The object cannot be a human.
The object cannot be of great importance to another.*
The object can be a other ranged magic.†
The object can be a beast or creature or plant based.

ᴄᴏᴏʟᴅᴏᴡɴ: 1 Post

EǫᴜɪPᴍᴇɴT IɴFᴏ
Vur carries a dagger attached to a shoulder harness. The dagger is always hidden and sheathed on the left side, his right being the dominant hand.

PᴇʀSᴏɴᴀL IɴFᴏ
Although living a life conflicted, torn between two worlds not unlike the life of his sister, Vur has allowed his duty to his family decide his personality. Vur is charismatic, for better or worse. Confident but not arrogant. Courageous but not stupid. He's a person of genuine warmth when circumstances allow, mostly because he grew up caring for his little sister. He he's naturally nurturing around family and interested when around friends. Around everyone else and the business side of the Claudette family takes over. His charisma becomes a tool to get the upper hand, a weapon to more easily dismantle the other and get what he wants. If it sounds sinister, that's ultimately because it is. It has to be. One can't be too trusting or friendly when dealing with money.

He's learned to balance the two halves of his life. While away from business, he's a social butterfly like his sister and the rest of his family. Maybe more so. With money comes power and women and he quite often gets lost in both... but never to excess.

The time spent training with his father and the various trainers his family hired have given him a sense of calm and collection in battle. He can easily interpret a situation and determine an outcome or find a possible solution.

First born into a family of political power and wealth, great responsibility was thrust upon him from an early age. Luckily, being the first, he was given a choice. Two legacies lay before him of which either path he could walk: His mother's of a life of political intrigue and his father's of a life of trade and money. He chose the latter where his life became one centered on economics and the nurturing of the charisma needed to undercut even the most shrewd of businessmen. He took to his role like the natural Claudette son he was. His sister, born when he was barely two years her senior, would be give the mantle carried by their mother, much to her dismay. Unfortunately for her, being the second meant she didn't have a choice.

Because of the future expected of him, Vur's lessons began even earlier than Clo's, his a focus on linguistics and the power of money. By the time he was six, he was well versed in one other language besides his own and could calculate the projected earnings for his family's business for that year. In between lessons he would receive training in sword play, mostly for his protection, and of course, be his sister's charge. It was his job to make sure she didn't get into any trouble growing up. Of course Clo being Clo, she proved to be more than anyone could handle and more often than not, would give Vur the slip creating for him panic and a lesson with his parents on the value of protecting family above all else. She'd get him into plenty of trouble in their younger years but their bond was never strained or broken.

At the age of 9, Vur discovered his unique ability when he'd inadvertently stolen an item meant for sale, the item reappearing as a mark on his arm. An antique worth millions in gold, the cost for theft of the item would be his hand... that is until he duplicated it.. over and over again. In a single day, the Claudette family name already worth more than they could spend inflated to amounts beyond any of their wildest imaginations. Spurred by this influx of cash and now, an unlimited supply to meet any amount of demand, his father cemented Vur as heir to the family business. He completed his lessons at the age of 14 and was given a portion of the business to run on his own until at the age of 16, Vur took over and his father retired. That same year, Clo expressed interest to further her studies of magic before resigning herself to a life of politics. He offered to attend the Institute with her once things were settled with the transition of their familie's business and once Clo was confident in her abilities to lead after she graduated.

After two years of planning on Vur's part and final studies for Clo, the both of them enrolled at the school. 18 and a fully realized entrepreneur, Vur has taken a hiatus from running things on the other side of the world to focus on improving his abilities at the Institute. He's confident that the business can run itself while he rekindles his relationship with his sister and finds adventure for himself.

* Regarding the ruling that magic cannot effect an object of import to another character. This rule takes effect when the object being targeted is necessary to sustain life or to activate a magical ability. For example, there is another character who can draw in a book and give form to her creations. This book and by extension the quill or splinter of lead being used to draw in the book cannot be influenced by Vur's magic.
† Regarding the ruling that magic can effect ranged spells. Magical abilities that are based on summoning a beast tied to their master cannot be taken.

This OC conceived for the Institute of Magic (RP).

Everything beyond this point technical.
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ExitMar 4, 2018 8:21 AM
Feb 19, 2018 7:16 PM

May 2009
Name: Adrian Vera
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Magic: Transformation
Magic explanation and abilities: With this form he's hands and tail have poison, also if he uses his dagger he can pass the power. What his poison does is reduces the agility/strength for 1 post.

Magic Cooldown: He stays transform always, but the ability has 1 post use, 2 post cooldown.
Level: 1
Personality: serious, prod, easy-going, loyal and respectful

Bio: He has always been underestimated because of his looks, but he learn how to control his powers when he was 7 years old. His mother also had Transformation magic, so this power was passed from her. His dad is a normal human that works in the industries. He has always lived in the same place, in the city where there is always a rush and never time to rest. Even so, he had a good childhood. Not many friends because if they didn't look down on him they were scared of his powers. He didn't mind, he prefer to be feared than being looked weak. When he heard that the Institute could help him push his powers to the maximum, he told his parents his decision to leave and learn more about it.
linetteApr 15, 2018 11:47 AM
Feb 19, 2018 8:03 PM

May 2009
Name: Viola Norris
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Magic: Element - Water
Magic explanation and abilities: Change State: she can manipulate the water, ice and vapor. She can also change one state to the other.
Level: 1
Personality: silent, observant, imaginative

Bio: She was a pretty lonely girl, much of her time she was sited staring at a lake. One day, she saw a fish and wish she could see it close by. By her surprised, the fish with a bubble of water got closed to her. She was amazed and call her parents. When they saw this they notice their little girl had powers, she had 9 years old. After that, she show her powers by doing smaller bubbles and letting them fall on the kids. The kids like it and turn to be her friend. But soon she notice that it wasn't just fun, but also very dangerous. She noticed this when some kids were teasing her about her powers, she got angry and change the bubble of water into a sharp ice shard and shoot it in a kid's shoulder. She gasp when this happen and was afraid to use her powers again. She stop using it until some days ago when her parents talked about the Institute. They promised her she could learn how to control it and being able to use her power again without fear. She agreed just because she couldn't bear to hurt her parents.
linetteFeb 19, 2018 8:38 PM
Feb 20, 2018 2:34 AM

Dec 2017
Clear, crystal or bright; sparkling and beautiful autumn season

Name: Akiko Miyamoto

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Magic: Elemental Manipulation

Magic explanation and abilities:
she can manipulate water to be in whatever form she wishes

Magic Cooldown: 2 posts 2 magic cooldowns

Level: Level 1

she is a very cheery girl and sweet girl tries to keep other emotions other than that to herself to keep everyone around her happy a very bright person,she loves singing and mostly any kind of music


She lived with her father and mother until a very young age that for unknown reasons to her they left her in an orphanage,at the time she never smiled was always alone with only the pain of her parents abandoning her until one day a young woman adopted her she was a very cheery and smiley girl she still stuck to her lone attitude everyday her mother would ask her to smile she never did till around the age of 16,her and her mother went out to some woods for a picnic when something appeared it was about to attack her when her mother protected her she didn’t know how to use healing magic so she couldn’t help her with tears in her eyes she looked at her mother injured she started to blame herself as she hugged her mom when her mother asked one more time to smile for her to smile all she could so people could see her beautiful smile she promised she would as her mother’s life slipped away since that day she smiles trying to fulfill her mothers wish but she can never talk to someone about this without suffering a bit since the accident every time she tried to talk to someone about it if she spoke too much she would collapse no matter how hard she tried she never finished to share what had happened to her
_Ashie_Mar 27, 2018 3:14 AM
Feb 20, 2018 11:08 AM

Apr 2013
Name: Skyler Knight
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Magic: Water Elemental
Magic explanation and abilities:

Magic Cooldown: 3 post cooldown, 2 post duration of x1.2 power and speed boost, 4 total of stormy weather (first 2 with boost, last 2 without)
Level: 1
Personality: Skyler being stubborn and adventurous tends to find herself in constant trouble. She appears to be headstrong and does what she sets up to do regardless if someone tells her not to. Overall she appears friendly on the outside but is quite cautious when it comes to meeting new people. Being on her own since she was younger caused her to be wary of who she trust and who she doesn’t. Some of her favorite things involve sweets, music and animals. While her dislikes include being kept indoors and being tied down. Being adventurous has her wanting to continue to travel and grow.

Alice157Apr 8, 2018 6:47 PM

Feb 21, 2018 10:40 AM

Dec 2016
Name: Hiroshi kasai
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Magic: Summoning Magic (Fire]
Magic explanation and abilities: He can Summon a fire breathing Phoenix.

Magic Cooldown: 2
Level: 1
Personality: He is super laid back and likes to spend his time reading books. He doesn't hesitate to show any mercy to those who are mean to his closest friends or do bad things in general. He has a good grasp of moral and etiquettes and doesn't defile them as he respects everyone. He is super sweet and if someone needs the help, he would go out of his way to help them. He is a big romantic when it comes to finding a love interest.

Bio: The boys grew up in a prestigious family surrounded by magic and had ample opportunity to be able to study and learn the magical arts. They lived in a well protected city full of powerful Mages and wizards. Growing up, They were mentored by his parents to be able to manipulate the magic. He boys where able to discover there powers at a young age. One had dumping powers, the other elemental magic. Just like with the rest of their family, both of their powers were fire related. They have grown up striving to hone in their powers. It wasn’t long before they were both sent to magic Institute. The most famous magic school in the whole world.
The boys were born twins but if you get close to them it is easy to tell them apart. Yuu’s hair is a slight deeper tone of red then Hiroshi and they have opposite personalities.

Name: yuu kasai
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Magic: Fire
Magic explanation and abilities: His attacks are both beautiful and elegant. He use his fire in the form of rose pebbles that surround him and then attack his enemies.
Magic Cooldown: 2 post use two cooldown
Level: 1
Personality: He enjoys teasing and messing around with people because he likes to see the different emotions and reactions that he gets. He is super nice and sweet and is always up to have a good time. He loves to go on walks or just do activities that requires him to move. He is very overprotective of the people that he gets close with. This was probably a skill that he gained through being an older brother. He feds of the compliments given to him and as a result has a super high confidence. He is extremely loyal and dedicated when it comes to people he gets close with. He is also a hopeless romantic.

Sakura_megamiSep 19, 2018 8:16 PM
Feb 21, 2018 11:15 AM

Dec 2013

Curiosity question
What about objects that need to be in contact with the summoner? Or else they disappear after a post or two without contact from the summoner.
My character Annalise
Summons crystal lances
But the moment she lets go it will disintegrate after two posts or immediately if someone other than her or her brother grabs it.
Does your guy’s magic override that or not?

Aside from that question
Everything else checks out
Feb 21, 2018 12:37 PM

Jan 2018

According to the rules of her magic, as soon as anyone else attempts to touch the spear, it disappears so no he cannot take it.

At that point, depending on how exactly it "disappears", it'll either shatter as soon as he attempts to steal it, or he'll successfully take it but the tattoo will fade immediately. This will burn up his use of his ability putting it on cooldown.
Feb 21, 2018 12:41 PM

Dec 2016

Feb 21, 2018 4:12 PM

Jan 2018
Name: Ethan Kinley
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Sexuality: bisexual
Height: 5'5
Hair: Red medium length
Eyes: Light Green

Magic: Controls water, the movement, temperature. Cool down is 3 post 3

Personality: He can be a little aloof at times and is shy and sweet. He tends to have a sweet tooth and will find ways to make desserts. He likes to experiment with what he makes to make the flavor even better than before. He enjoys baking and cooking in general. He tries to be cool but usually fails at it cause most people that know him find him more cute than cool. He gets embarrassed when someone says that he’s cute thinking that should be something said to about a girl.

Bio: He had always loved to cook alongside his mother. He was taught to cook by her and he especially liked to bake with her. His older brother would be the one to be with their dad more often to go on hunts. His mom had the same powers as Ethan as well so when they hung out they were able to practice that together. He helped also around the house quite a bit with his mother and for a while his brother went out hunting again longer than usual. It was strange that they never came back and they never said it would take so long. They soon found out they had gone missing. Ethan and his mother couldn't believe it. They searched as best as they could. Ethan and his mother soon found the institute and hoped that maybe if he joined this school that it could lead to finding what happened to his brother and father.

Other casual:
Morika_KanaApr 21, 2018 11:59 PM
Feb 22, 2018 9:09 AM

Dec 2016

Feb 22, 2018 4:53 PM

Apr 2013
Name:Aria Clare
Magic:Waving Pitch
Magic explanation and abilities:

Magic Cooldown:1 post active 1 post CD
Personality:Aria is a bit of a perfectionist as music. Being brought up as a competitive pianist by her parents has made her that way. Spending most of her life practicing she had few friends. With a cold indifferent exterior, it can be hard to get to know her but behind her walls she’s quite a fun and rather easy-going person outside of music.


Alice157Mar 17, 2018 12:18 AM

Feb 23, 2018 8:09 AM

Dec 2013

Approved >.>
Feb 24, 2018 2:07 PM

Jan 2013
Name: Protagonus Stratus
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Magic: Transformation magic: Minotaur
Magic explanation and abilities: Protag turns into a Minotaur for a limited amount of time and grows in size and gain tremendous physical power and endurance.
Magic Cooldown: Protag Minotaur transformation is different from most powers. The cooldown of the ability depands on the amount of the ability used. So for 10 posts of activity the ability has a cooldown of 10 posts and for 5 posts it has a 5 and for 2 posts activity it has 2 posts cooldown. In short the cooldown lasts for the same amount of time as the active ability. But the ability can only be active for a maximum of 4 posts. As he levels up this will go up as well.
Level: 1
Personality: Protagonus is a very nice but timid man. He isn't very socialble but is quite friendly and funny when you get to know him. He is generous and shares what he got with others. He always tries to help even when not asked and has a hard time hating people. However he is quick to anger and can react very violently to provocation. This is mostly due to an aggression problem as a side effect of his ability. This expand to even sadness as the only way he knows to deal with negative feelings is through violence. But he is also quick to forgive but he never forgets when wronged. However he has a hard time forgiving people who betray him. Being as generous and trusting as he is he expect the same from others.
As a Minotaur his agressivness is increased greatly along with his strength so it's best not to anger him in this state. He also becomes less socialble and more awkward in this state not because he gets more timid but because his morals gets conflicted. The line between right and wrong becomes slime and he can do some very questionable things and also things that aren't really in the "social norm" of things. Bottom line, he becomes a weird aggressive guy who is hard to get along with.

Bio: Protag hails from a small village and is the son of that village's chief. He was born as a normal boy with no great amount of magic or anything. He lived his life normally and in preparation of becoming the next chief of the village. He made himself friends and even got a girlfriend, everything was going well and dandy until one fateful night. On a full moon lit cold night something happened. He and his girlfriend were finally going to do it. They were going to pleasure each other's flesh but what would be a mutual pleasure ended up into a once sided one. In the heat of the moment and his aggressiveness, Protag turned into a Minautor for the first time and killed the woman he loved right there on her bed. It took him awhile to realize what had happened but once he did he took her body and hid it, then proceeded to flee back home to his father for advice. The chief then told him that the best course of action now were to flee, change indentity and enter the magic institute to learn to control this thing he had. After telling his father where he put the body a broken Protag flees his village and registers himself at the institute of magic.
ChadNegroFeb 27, 2018 5:00 PM

Feb 24, 2018 6:47 PM

Sep 2016
Name: Almon Reeb
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Magic: Transformation magic
Magic explanation and abilities: Can grow any body part that an animal can have ((not robotic shiz)).
Lvl 1: He can grow his nails into claws on his right arm. Sharp, strong, light, and long as 20 cm, they can be used as a little sword or a dagger. Lasts for 3 posts
Magic Cooldown: lvl 1 magic: 2 posts
Level: 1
Personality: Introverted, anti social, Almon has serious trouble talking to people. He'd much rather not anyway. He doesn't know to express emotions or even understand them, he's hardly any different from a robotic structure. He just wants to be free and secure. He hasn't any goals, dreams, beliefs, dislikes or likes. Actually, he likes, he has always loved the sky. Where the kind souls ascend when they have no more room in this world dirty by the evil of its doers. That place pure of all the evil down here. I'd he ever had a dream, he dreams of being able to ascend to the heavens and back to earth. There just is something that won't let him leave the earth for good. He dreams to be an angel, to serve the greater good. He is really a kind person. Probably....
Little does he know. Little does anyone know, Almon has a little something with his personality...

Bio: I remembering waking up there, covered by blood. Blood I swear I never spilled. Says Almon about his crime, all that stood in his way to enter the school. And my sentence? I was the rat they tried all they had on, be it meant for human or not.

Earlier, Almon paid a visit to his family. Apparently, his brother hanged from the ceiling as his parent lied dead in the red of their blood. Of course they'd be after him, he just escaped with what they hid from the public. some of it at least. Almon had to work for them for a lifetime to be forgiven for his sins. The ones he never commit far as memory serves him.

To be chased by such mighty force, that had his family executed soon as he managed to escape them, Almon needed a safe place. He however couldn't easily find that. It has been a long search. He'd lie in a different place and hear his mother's cries from the heavens to sleep every night. And that's how he eventually found the institute. Almon has been accepted as his innocence was proven somehow.
RaioresFeb 24, 2018 7:26 PM
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