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Aug 18, 2017 11:34 PM

Aug 2012
_Claire_ said:
aa-dono said:
If you are making a trap, why would you declare that it's a trap?

Nah its not a trap.
I was just bluffing obviously~
Hnn... I was expecting more of a playful what-do-you-think or why-would-I-tell-you.

So a bluff.

Aug 18, 2017 11:34 PM

Dec 2015
I like aa-dono. Lots of town effort.
It pleases me since I usually have a null/scum read on her. :D

Which reminds me, don't I usually have a scum read on you @_Claire_? lol
Aug 18, 2017 11:36 PM

Apr 2015
aa-dono said:
_Claire_ said:

Nah its not a trap.
I was just bluffing obviously~
Hnn... I was expecting more of a playful what-do-you-think or why-would-I-tell-you.

So a bluff.

No, what kind of trap do you think I have? ahaha
I dont like how he votes me.

Arrisu said:
I like aa-dono. Lots of town effort.
It pleases me since I usually have a null/scum read on her. :D

Which reminds me, don't I usually have a scum read on you @_Claire_? lol

I think so?
I guess I am just always scummy in general, cant help it.
Aug 18, 2017 11:40 PM

Apr 2015
Arrisu said:
As far as I'm concerned I just see @_Claire_ toying with us and our hearts. She want us to think that she's got a trap up her sleeve.

I don't like that. It's hitting players below the belt. It only gives me more indication to vote against her.

Claire, moving away from yourself and CP, what are your thoughts thus far on players?

What do you mean toying with your heart? I dont toy with hearts.

I guess I could say I dont like how Logic has been wishy washy about his vote? I also have the opinion that he hasnt been doing much of his own thinking.

On the other hand, Awa does sound like her townplay.. probably. I havent been playing for months, it could have changed.

Abu on the other hand hasnt been much helpful. I havent played with him much, but I dont think we should let him go just based on "abu never answers you, so why are you asking?" by Logic. I thought Logic knew better than that? I mean if you arent gonna just keep on asking are you gonna let Abu go? If Abu is scum should be his eziest game of his life.
Aug 18, 2017 11:41 PM

Jan 2010
CorruptedPurity said:
As usual I don't participate in RVS, but since I'm obviously best town, none of you have reasons to suspect me.

To be honest, I'm not all that good at scumhunting (duh), so even while I will try to do so, I'll mainly utilize my role as a cleared town to help others scumhunt. An opinion of a clear town could be quite strong, as you can factor in on the all interactions and suspicions from me without having to worry if I am scum. So if you ever need my opinion on a certain read, just ping me.

Also, can I get a "I respect that" for CP, the best town?
Just to clear things up a bit what is your role/ability called?
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Aug 18, 2017 11:43 PM

Dec 2015
@_Claire_ - I agree with what you're saying about Abu but I feel like I need more than that to convince me of his alliance.

Anyways with that, I'm going to bed soon o/

Have a good night.
Aug 18, 2017 11:45 PM

May 2013
@aa-dono from how I saw it, Claire really did ask for it so it's not like logic went "I might vote Claire" then a couple posts later voted Claire without having a reason to.
As for why I want to please logic it's because he asked me a question and I only found it natural to give him a respectable answer. I don't want to displease him either, he gets pretty scary once he tunnels on someone. Sorry for the weird reply but that's pretty much it. Didn't really have anything to say about whisper but I found something to say afterall. Besides, when I asked him "who should I focus on senpai," it was a joke because he likes to tell people what to do. Which is actually pretty town!logic if you want my opinion.
And yeah, one player = logic. whisper hard-focused on logic. He might have done other things but this thread is already so convoluted so I'm already scratching my head.
Aug 18, 2017 11:47 PM

Aug 2012
_Claire_ said:
aa-dono said:
Hnn... I was expecting more of a playful what-do-you-think or why-would-I-tell-you.

So a bluff.

No, what kind of trap do you think I have? ahaha
I dont like how he votes me.
Well, playful Claire is relaxed Kulala. And you're a stressed mafia. So it's not about what trap you have.

Also, I wouldn't know traps :/ I've never known how to make one in any game. Unless I did, but never really realizing what I was doing...

Arrisu said:
I like aa-dono. Lots of town effort.
It pleases me since I usually have a null/scum read on her. :D
Uh.. don't jinxed it. Last time you liked my post, we end up tunneling each other end game. I still remember alice working so hard to make us stop ;-;

_Claire_ said:
On the other hand, Awa does sound like her townplay.. probably. I havent been playing for months, it could have changed.
Not that I hate towncred, but I still don't believe anyone grasp my towngame 8)

Aug 18, 2017 11:48 PM

Jan 2010
lastwhisper31 said:
aa-dono said:
ororo~ You're answering for uncle logic..
and you're trying to be like Logic, with the posts that make you sound like you're doing something. Logic will most likely answer the post too, but there's nothing wrong with two perspectives.
why stop at two? Why not share yours and make it three? I feel like you were mudslinging dono here with bolded as it seems to serve no purpose other than to say you feel she isn't doing anything with this post.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Aug 18, 2017 11:51 PM
Jul 2018
@lastwhisper31 you should stop throwing unnecessary shades
Aug 18, 2017 11:52 PM

Apr 2015
aa-dono said:
_Claire_ said:

No, what kind of trap do you think I have? ahaha
I dont like how he votes me.
Well, playful Claire is relaxed Kulala. And you're a stressed mafia. So it's not about what trap you have.

Also, I wouldn't know traps :/ I've never known how to make one in any game. Unless I did, but never really realizing what I was doing...

Arrisu said:
I like aa-dono. Lots of town effort.
It pleases me since I usually have a null/scum read on her. :D
Uh.. don't jinxed it. Last time you liked my post, we end up tunneling each other end game. I still remember alice working so hard to make us stop ;-;

_Claire_ said:
On the other hand, Awa does sound like her townplay.. probably. I havent been playing for months, it could have changed.
Not that I hate towncred, but I still don't believe anyone grasp my towngame 8)

I am a stressed mafia?
Just confirming, did you just think I were a mafia there?
Hmm, I dont think I ever relax playing mafia.
Aug 18, 2017 11:55 PM

Aug 2012
Mishukax said:
@aa-dono from how I saw it, Claire really did ask for it so it's not like logic went "I might vote Claire" then a couple posts later voted Claire without having a reason to.
As for why I want to please logic it's because he asked me a question and I only found it natural to give him a respectable answer. I don't want to displease him either, he gets pretty scary once he tunnels on someone. Sorry for the weird reply but that's pretty much it. Didn't really have anything to say about whisper but I found something to say afterall. Besides, when I asked him "who should I focus on senpai," it was a joke because he likes to tell people what to do. Which is actually pretty town!logic if you want my opinion.
And yeah, one player = logic. whisper hard-focused on logic. He might have done other things but this thread is already so convoluted so I'm already scratching my head.
iirc logic said it in response to Arri before Claire did the whole "vote me" post.

I can understand that. I don't like being on logic's tunnel too :')
Though that's mostly because my heart just don't handle anything that seems confrontational well.
Still don't like how you specifically phrase things to please a player though. Just for note.

Last gave 3 suspicions, based on my memory: logic, claire and lamb.
I don't get the lamb read though. Thoughts?

Aug 18, 2017 11:55 PM

May 2013
Gonna head out soon too, but for good measure:

I'm not gonna tolerate a game full of "I'm scum" from Lamb. Not that I don't expect him to eventually step it up since I know he's good, but I want to mention this at least. And I suppose this concerns Abu and whisper as well. I understand the will to joke around, but claiming you're scum no matter the intent or context can get pretty confusing for town and people might end up reading you solely on the wine that such statements are creating. So yeah, I don't really care for those posts, just don't abuse them.

Tingle and roz1roz are new players for me, I'm looking forward to them. Coelestin is... Chione, I believe? If so, heck yes.
Good night to all.
Aug 18, 2017 11:56 PM

Aug 2012
_Claire_ said:
aa-dono said:
Well, playful Claire is relaxed Kulala. And you're a stressed mafia. So it's not about what trap you have.

Also, I wouldn't know traps :/ I've never known how to make one in any game. Unless I did, but never really realizing what I was doing...

Uh.. don't jinxed it. Last time you liked my post, we end up tunneling each other end game. I still remember alice working so hard to make us stop ;-;

Not that I hate towncred, but I still don't believe anyone grasp my towngame 8)

I am a stressed mafia?
Just confirming, did you just think I were a mafia there?
Hmm, I dont think I ever relax playing mafia.
But I was liking you for town earlier. That's gone though.

What do you think of Mishu?

Aug 18, 2017 11:57 PM

Aug 2012
Mishukax said:
Good night to all.

Aug 18, 2017 11:59 PM

Sep 2012
Mishukax said:
Gonna head out soon too, but for good measure:

I'm not gonna tolerate a game full of "I'm scum" from Lamb. Not that I don't expect him to eventually step it up since I know he's good, but I want to mention this at least. And I suppose this concerns Abu and whisper as well. I understand the will to joke around, but claiming you're scum no matter the intent or context can get pretty confusing for town and people might end up reading you solely on the wine that such statements are creating. So yeah, I don't really care for those posts, just don't abuse them.

Tingle and roz1roz are new players for me, I'm looking forward to them. Coelestin is... Chione, I believe? If so, heck yes.
Good night to all.

Well... I get your point I guess, but you might not have to.... not for long
Vote: Mishu
Aug 18, 2017 11:59 PM

Aug 2012
logic340 said:
lastwhisper31 said:
and you're trying to be like Logic, with the posts that make you sound like you're doing something. Logic will most likely answer the post too, but there's nothing wrong with two perspectives.
why stop at two? Why not share yours and make it three? I feel like you were mudslinging dono here with bolded as it seems to serve no purpose other than to say you feel she isn't doing anything with this post.

Aug 19, 2017 12:01 AM

Apr 2015
aa-dono said:
_Claire_ said:

I am a stressed mafia?
Just confirming, did you just think I were a mafia there?
Hmm, I dont think I ever relax playing mafia.
But I was liking you for town earlier. That's gone though.

What do you think of Mishu?

Too laid back for my liking.
I dont remember playing with such laid back Mishu, but obviously I am an old grandma that will just forget everything. Also thinking that his thinking is a bit too out there for me to understand (But I can barely understand people, I am arrogant and pref my own opinions).
Aug 19, 2017 12:03 AM

Aug 2012
Labs said:
Mishukax said:
Gonna head out soon too, but for good measure:

I'm not gonna tolerate a game full of "I'm scum" from Lamb. Not that I don't expect him to eventually step it up since I know he's good, but I want to mention this at least. And I suppose this concerns Abu and whisper as well. I understand the will to joke around, but claiming you're scum no matter the intent or context can get pretty confusing for town and people might end up reading you solely on the wine that such statements are creating. So yeah, I don't really care for those posts, just don't abuse them.

Tingle and roz1roz are new players for me, I'm looking forward to them. Coelestin is... Chione, I believe? If so, heck yes.
Good night to all.

Well... I get your point I guess, but you might not have to.... not for long
Vote: Mishu

Aug 19, 2017 12:20 AM

Dec 2014
logic340 said:
CorruptedPurity said:
Logic it's a joke. Lighten up. Like even me saying lynch anyone who claims cp is a joke, im aware flavour cant be used this game.
If it's a joke then say that and leave it at that. What is all the extra for? Just like the "cheap knockoff" you guys want me to be conscious of what I say to you all I would like the same respect in return is all.

Ok fine. Maybe I went too far, I'm sorry. I respect that.
Aug 19, 2017 12:25 AM

Dec 2014
_Claire_ said:
AbuHumaid said:
That's some BS. I stated my opinions, you're just ignoring

Who do you think we should look into beside CP? I dont see it sorry, probably link it for me?

Well, more like why are you looking at CP? The only guy who got cleared by mod. Like if you don't trust mod, fine. Then I am NAI. An innocent child claim never warrants a scum read even in a bastard game. Your entire case on me was cause of my claim, not my behaviour, my interactions or anything about me beside my role. So it's a weak case. You could look at the too fuffy lastwhisper or the pressurizing logic or the subtle yet impactful aa-dono but you're looking at the only guy who did nothing much but fluff abit with his role.
Aug 19, 2017 12:30 AM

Dec 2014
logic340 said:
CorruptedPurity said:
As usual I don't participate in RVS, but since I'm obviously best town, none of you have reasons to suspect me.

To be honest, I'm not all that good at scumhunting (duh), so even while I will try to do so, I'll mainly utilize my role as a cleared town to help others scumhunt. An opinion of a clear town could be quite strong, as you can factor in on the all interactions and suspicions from me without having to worry if I am scum. So if you ever need my opinion on a certain read, just ping me.

Also, can I get a "I respect that" for CP, the best town?
Just to clear things up a bit what is your role/ability called?

I am glad you asked this cause I was contemplating alot about revealing my second ability or not.

My Passive is "Best Town" - It does as what Ruu posted at the start of the thread. Host did warn me that people may not believe me because it was a bastard game though. Seems like his warning is true.
I have another passive which can turn into an active under a set of conditions. What it is, what it can be and what the conditions are will be secret for now.
Aug 19, 2017 12:40 AM

Dec 2014
_Claire_ said:
logic340 said:
I don't like this plus 1 at all as you could have given who you think we should be looking into.

@_Claire_ we are at the point where everyone needs to be looked into. So I choose logic for you to look into as I don't like your singular focus.

"If you focus on everything, you will get nothing. Focus on something, and you might get something"
- Claire, 2017

"A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one." is the proper, uncut quote.

Tunnels are unhealthy, broaden your mind and seek enlightenment. Then and only then can you find your true purpose in life (and maybe scum too)
Aug 19, 2017 12:44 AM

Jun 2013
Good Morning and happy birthday to Suzu~ Ah phase change is at a time I’m usually asleep at already. I will have to adjust my sleepschedule a bit for this game, but that should be fine.
Arrisu said:
So I suppose the biggest question is...
Is the D1 post about the player or role? Hm.
RT. This is a player based mafia game who's to say that the CP the D1 post is talking about, is the actual CP. It's highly plausible, to me at least, that this could actually be someone else. But I will however be suspicious of whoever claims CP, it seems like an easy scum move to try and get town to trust you. But then again, maybe it’s a too easy move?

logic340 said:
_Claire_ said:

You forget that this is a bastard game.

There is higher chance he is scum, not town imo.
I don't think this being a bastard game makes it any more or less likely that an innocent child claim from host to start the game will be scum aligned. That is some serious hos meta there and I would like to see something that supports it other than one Favorites game where everyone got screwed over. It's one thing to acknowledge the possibility it's another to lead a witch hunt based on paranoia.

Just my 2 cents.
I gotta agree with this. Best to let a potential confirmed town live for D1, and wrap our heads around that later. A confirmed towny could help us a ton in the early stages of the game. It’s for us to judge later if the choices they’re making are leading town to a dark path or a bright path. So I’m of the opinion that we should let the whole CP thing rest right now and look for potential scum moves on other players.

AbuHumaid said:
I'll just dip out of the game until it gets less active
Why dipout when it’s active? You should see this as a chance to question other players and get a move on.

Mishukax said:
logic340 said:
"Best Town" means a certain player in the MS community.

Aw damn, I forgot Best Town is the nickname of that particular MS member. Well, if CP does have that card, he's either a super OP town or a super deceptive mafia. Which doesn't bring us anywhere really.
role fishing.

logic340 said:
Just to clear things up a bit what is your role/ability called?
i dont like this.

Mishukax said:
Gonna head out soon too, but for good measure:

I'm not gonna tolerate a game full of "I'm scum" from Lamb. Not that I don't expect him to eventually step it up since I know he's good, but I want to mention this at least. And I suppose this concerns Abu and whisper as well. I understand the will to joke around, but claiming you're scum no matter the intent or context can get pretty confusing for town and people might end up reading you solely on the wine that such statements are creating. So yeah, I don't really care for those posts, just don't abuse them.

Tingle and roz1roz are new players for me, I'm looking forward to them. Coelestin is... Chione, I believe? If so, heck yes.
Good night to all.
yeah I played a lot in 2015, not sure if I ever saw you back then.

CorruptedPurity said:

Well, more like why are you looking at CP? The only guy who got cleared by mod. Like if you don't trust mod, fine. Then I am NAI. An innocent child claim never warrants a scum read even in a bastard game. Your entire case on me was cause of my claim, not my behaviour, my interactions or anything about me beside my role. So it's a weak case. You could look at the too fuffy lastwhisper or the pressurizing logic or the subtle yet impactful aa-dono but you're looking at the only guy who did nothing much but fluff abit with his role.
I think we should look for other reasonings on why claire is scummy.. We’ve gotten pretty much all the answers we could’ve gotten from her concerning this issue. I like arri’s reasoning on why she’s voting.. I’m gonna analyze Claire’s activity again, look if I can get anything else out of it myself.

CorruptedPurity said:

I am glad you asked this cause I was contemplating alot about revealing my second ability or not.

My Passive is "Best Town" - It does as what Ruu posted at the start of the thread. Host did warn me that people may not believe me because it was a bastard game though. Seems like his warning is true.
I have another passive which can turn into an active under a set of conditions. What it is, what it can be and what the conditions are will be secret for now.
would host actually do that? It feels kinda unlikely to me.
Aug 19, 2017 12:47 AM

Dec 2014
aa-dono said:
So far, there are three votes that I like.

1. Claire - She grasp at whatever lead she can now, and already started to move out of RVS with her vote.

2. logic - Similar to above, though I only agree with some of the points on Last. I fluff a lot as a player so i don't really see Last's fluff as AI. Esp not this early.

3. Arrisu - I like her view on Claire's vote. Most likely town effort.

1. I agree but we must also consider her purpose. Did she do this to move out of RVS or does she really think that I, best town mind you, am scum?

2. I find alot of his arguments kind of weak though. Like you said with last, fluff aint alignment indicative. His push on Claire was better to read but it seems to forced. Is claire really scum or just misguided town? To just lump her in the scumread is too rash I think. But if it's anything, I do like him as townread.

3. I am not as sure about this. Before this, Ari is more questions less answers. Pinging people as asking them for their opinions without giving her own. It's like lazy scum trying to be active. His Claire push made sense though, that much I'll give.
Aug 19, 2017 12:50 AM

Jan 2014
_Claire_ said:
I wanted to vote Last because of the RVS vote (just fluffing since I did promise I would vote him back) but!

Vote: CP

I am not gonna be surprised that you are scum.
Chris has the tendency to make roles are infuriating as possible.
Also I think I know who your flavour is. If I am assuming correctly.

Last time Chris made the favourite mafia he made this role where scum card would flip town if lynched. I would just assume now is another bastardly role card CP is getting.

Just to clarify if I understood this correctly... You are voting for him because the announcement makes him more likely to be scum?
Aug 19, 2017 12:51 AM

Apr 2015
CorruptedPurity said:
_Claire_ said:

"If you focus on everything, you will get nothing. Focus on something, and you might get something"
- Claire, 2017

"A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one." is the proper, uncut quote.

Tunnels are unhealthy, broaden your mind and seek enlightenment. Then and only then can you find your true purpose in life (and maybe scum too)


Yeah, but who is tunneling atm?
If I can find enlightenment I am a Buddha atm and I wont bother with a mafia game XD
Aug 19, 2017 12:52 AM

Apr 2015
Coelestin said:
_Claire_ said:
I wanted to vote Last because of the RVS vote (just fluffing since I did promise I would vote him back) but!

Vote: CP

I am not gonna be surprised that you are scum.
Chris has the tendency to make roles are infuriating as possible.
Also I think I know who your flavour is. If I am assuming correctly.

Last time Chris made the favourite mafia he made this role where scum card would flip town if lynched. I would just assume now is another bastardly role card CP is getting.

Just to clarify if I understood this correctly... You are voting for him because the announcement makes him more likely to be scum?


I am just learning from past experience, thats all :P
Aug 19, 2017 12:55 AM

Dec 2014
To be fair, I don't fully believe claire is scum, I see many possible worlds where she's town. Either purposely doing this to get out of RVS or just overly suspicious of me for some reason.

Also, host said that. Not those exact words cos I can't quote him, it's against the rule. But paraphrased mode (I went to town with synonyms): "However, it will say that maybe the mods may be 'not telling the truth'."

Actually now that I think of it, host never stated that they could be lying. Lemme see check up on that.
Aug 19, 2017 12:56 AM

Jan 2014
_Claire_ said:
Coelestin said:

Just to clarify if I understood this correctly... You are voting for him because the announcement makes him more likely to be scum?


I am just learning from past experience, thats all :P

Do you intent to change your vote if someone actually seems scummy to you instead of basing this on the roles?
Aug 19, 2017 12:57 AM

Sep 2012
Tingle said:

I am glad you asked this cause I was contemplating alot about revealing my second ability or not.

My Passive is "Best Town" - It does as what Ruu posted at the start of the thread. Host did warn me that people may not believe me because it was a bastard game though. Seems like his warning is true.
I have another passive which can turn into an active under a set of conditions. What it is, what it can be and what the conditions are will be secret for now.
would host actually do that? It feels kinda unlikely to me.[/quote]

Yeeaahhhh dis bold seems on point tbh.
I don't see the host sticking their nose in the game like that...... I'd bet more on backwards meta fuhkking the roster, as per the repeat of not tagging said player with the whole best town insert.

Edit: I cut the quote up wrong here.... wooops
Aug 19, 2017 12:57 AM

Dec 2014
_Claire_ said:
CorruptedPurity said:

"A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one." is the proper, uncut quote.

Tunnels are unhealthy, broaden your mind and seek enlightenment. Then and only then can you find your true purpose in life (and maybe scum too)


Yeah, but who is tunneling atm?
If I can find enlightenment I am a Buddha atm and I wont bother with a mafia game XD

You weren't tunneling on me? Ok then, then just treat it as a friendly advice to not tunnel on people in the future then. I used then too much.

Oh wait, I forgot my key phrase. Hey Claire, I respect that.
Aug 19, 2017 1:00 AM

Apr 2015
Coelestin said:
_Claire_ said:


I am just learning from past experience, thats all :P

Do you intent to change your vote if someone actually seems scummy to you instead of basing this on the roles?

When you are 1/4 through the game, no obvious lead to go on except analyzing the behaviour of the first 10 hours of the game (which honestly cant say much at this point), I am willing to take my chances on looking at a more promising field~

CorruptedPurity said:
_Claire_ said:


Yeah, but who is tunneling atm?
If I can find enlightenment I am a Buddha atm and I wont bother with a mafia game XD

You weren't tunneling on me? Ok then, then just treat it as a friendly advice to not tunnel on people in the future then. I used then too much.

Oh wait, I forgot my key phrase. Hey Claire, I respect that.

Nyaaaah but I have not been tunneling. My tunnel consists of 3 day phases of tunneling... Idk what youre talking about here :P
Aug 19, 2017 1:03 AM

Jun 2013
Labs said:
Tingle said:
would host actually do that? It feels kinda unlikely to me.

Yeeaahhhh dis bold seems on point tbh.
I don't see the host sticking their nose in the game like that...... I'd bet more on backwards meta fuhkking the roster, as per the repeat of not tagging said player with the whole best town insert.

Edit: I cut the quote up wrong here.... wooops
you make it feel more and more like D1 post was about the role not the player, and that CP is just going along with it.. And it's actually quite plausible.

edit: the whole quoting was a mess, hope I fixed it
Aug 19, 2017 1:15 AM

Dec 2014
Tingle said:
Labs said:

Yeeaahhhh dis bold seems on point tbh.
I don't see the host sticking their nose in the game like that...... I'd bet more on backwards meta fuhkking the roster, as per the repeat of not tagging said player with the whole best town insert.

Edit: I cut the quote up wrong here.... wooops
you make it feel more and more like D1 post was about the role not the player, and that CP is just going along with it.. And it's actually quite plausible.

edit: the whole quoting was a mess, hope I fixed it

What??? NO, It's my role. I'm best town. CP is a shitty town, whoever has the CP role most probably have a lightning rod passive role that attracts all night kills. Me as a player is the best town, not the role based off of me.
Aug 19, 2017 1:20 AM

Jan 2014
AbuHumaid said:
I think we shouldn't worry too much about CP now

*posts that we shouldn't worry too much about CP*
*Claire starts to worry even more*
lastwhisper31 said:
_Claire_ said:

You forget that this is a bastard game.

There is higher chance he is scum, not town imo.
+1, omg I wonder what abu's role does haha.

You seriously believe that CP is more likely scum just because of that? Ok, lol

Regardless of whether or not CP is actually town or not or if he's the innocent child of not, it should be obvious what this whole best town thing is supposed to be to all who are at least a little familiar with the current active player base. Not even sure why people were/are still discussing.
Aug 19, 2017 1:22 AM

Aug 2012
CorruptedPurity said:
aa-dono said:
So far, there are three votes that I like.

1. Claire - She grasp at whatever lead she can now, and already started to move out of RVS with her vote.

2. logic - Similar to above, though I only agree with some of the points on Last. I fluff a lot as a player so i don't really see Last's fluff as AI. Esp not this early.

3. Arrisu - I like her view on Claire's vote. Most likely town effort.

1. I agree but we must also consider her purpose. Did she do this to move out of RVS or does she really think that I, best town mind you, am scum?

2. I find alot of his arguments kind of weak though. Like you said with last, fluff aint alignment indicative. His push on Claire was better to read but it seems to forced. Is claire really scum or just misguided town? To just lump her in the scumread is too rash I think. But if it's anything, I do like him as townread.

3. I am not as sure about this. Before this, Ari is more questions less answers. Pinging people as asking them for their opinions without giving her own. It's like lazy scum trying to be active. His Claire push made sense though, that much I'll give.

1. I think she's using the announcement as a way to move forward with her reads. I don't really think she believes strongly that you're scum. Her posts sounds wary and it's really mostly others who said she's tunneling or focusing on you. From how I see it, she's been pushing Abu and logic as well. (maybe me too, not sure) So her vote and pushes are on town side of things.

2. How is it forced?

3. Hnn, I ask a lot of questions too. Maybe it's just that no one ask Arri much?

Aug 19, 2017 1:25 AM

Jan 2014
logic340 said:
Arrisu said:

I know what the purpose of RVS is. I was asking why he wasnt doing so.
What do you make of Purity's reply to this question?

lastwhisper31 said:
Yep, he doesnt join in on RVS.
@Arrisu Also how do you feel about last intercepting this one?

Arrisu said:

Is this something you do regularly?
It's something I have done more regularly lately but voting No Lynch is also an early favorite of mine for RVS as well. It's not a voting option this game though.

Not entirely sure what to make out of this post, seems a bit like a shot into the dark. Gotta see if this is town logic trying too hard again or something else.
Aug 19, 2017 1:25 AM

Aug 2012
CorruptedPurity said:
Actually now that I think of it, host never stated that they could be lying. Lemme see check up on that.
Kaitou said:
✥ This is role madness, so balance is not guaranteed. This game contains bastard elements. This means that the game may contain, but not guaranteed, the following: lies in role PMs, unrevealed hiddens - no hints would be provided, game changing mechanics, and modifiers such as voteless/suicidal.

Aug 19, 2017 1:26 AM

Sep 2012
aa-dono said:
CorruptedPurity said:
Actually now that I think of it, host never stated that they could be lying. Lemme see check up on that.
Kaitou said:
✥ This is role madness, so balance is not guaranteed. This game contains bastard elements. This means that the game may contain, but not guaranteed, the following: lies in role PMs, unrevealed hiddens - no hints would be provided, game changing mechanics, and modifiers such as voteless/suicidal.

Aug 19, 2017 1:26 AM

Dec 2014
aa-dono said:
CorruptedPurity said:
Actually now that I think of it, host never stated that they could be lying. Lemme see check up on that.
Kaitou said:
✥ This is role madness, so balance is not guaranteed. This game contains bastard elements. This means that the game may contain, but not guaranteed, the following: lies in role PMs, unrevealed hiddens - no hints would be provided, game changing mechanics, and modifiers such as voteless/suicidal.

Not what I meant. Mobile is a burden. I'm refering to something mentioned by host in my role PM. Nvm for now, I PMd him, if something's supposed to happen, it will happen.
Aug 19, 2017 1:29 AM

Jan 2014
_Claire_ said:
Coelestin said:

Do you intent to change your vote if someone actually seems scummy to you instead of basing this on the roles?

When you are 1/4 through the game, no obvious lead to go on except analyzing the behaviour of the first 10 hours of the game (which honestly cant say much at this point), I am willing to take my chances on looking at a more promising field~

A simple yes or no would have been enough...
Aug 19, 2017 1:30 AM

Dec 2014
Ima stick my vote with aa-dono cos she's making me sad with confusing me with my own words even though I'm best town. And since I'm best town, I can get away with it.

If someone can't tell I'm fluffing and actually quotes me on this, I gonna start not respecting that.
Aug 19, 2017 1:33 AM

Aug 2012
CorruptedPurity said:
Ima stick my vote with aa-dono cos she's making me sad with confusing me with my own words even though I'm best town. And since I'm best town, I can get away with it.

If someone can't tell I'm fluffing and actually quotes me on this, I gonna start not respecting that.
I quoted! Mwahahaha

Shouldn't it be aa-nee? tsk tsk

So where are you with Last?

Aug 19, 2017 1:35 AM

Jan 2014
Abu pretty much seems like town atm, hope it's gonna stay that way
Aug 19, 2017 1:37 AM

Aug 2012
Coelestin said:
lastwhisper31 said:
+1, omg I wonder what abu's role does haha.

You seriously believe that CP is more likely scum just because of that? Ok, lol
I like this.

Aug 19, 2017 1:41 AM

Jan 2014
@logic340 is your vote on lastwhisper because you seriously believe that the NK thing he posted is truly a scum tell or just to get started a bit?
Aug 19, 2017 1:44 AM

Dec 2014
Innocent childlike, immature reads:
Aa-dono is scum (she confuse me)
Chi is town (she defends me)
Claire is scum (she vote me)
Lamb is town (his accent is too sexy to be scum)
Logic is town (he vote Claire)

Less fluffy reads which I should be doing more instead of roleplaying as a 3 year old version of denjax.

Claire is NAI (I see both scum and town motive from her push onto me. No further comments. Do ping me if you have a question for me regarding her tho.)
Logic is town-ish (applying reasonable pressure on claire and last. A tad bit weak reasonings but it's only the first 10 hours, he can afford for his arguments to be weak. (Regarding last). Quite a one sided view on Claire, did he even stop to consider the possibility of her being town? At the very least, he didn't vote her until forced. Shows conviction in some form)
Arri is slight scum lean (ya maybe nobody asks him questions, but that shouldn't stop him from saying his thoughts anyway. He asks others, creating generation around him but not from him. His only opinion he shared was the one on claire and tbh, logic was already half way through Claire at that point, it would be so ez to just hop on the anti Claire train. I would call this lurking in a smart form, he does enough to garner views that he's actually active while not doing anything of his own conviction that could be questioned by others.

That's about it, the rest are slight neutral. Dono is a confusing read for me. She post town but my gut screams scum. I can't explain it.

Question to myself, should I vote ari? Lemme think about it.
Aug 19, 2017 1:46 AM

Jun 2013
Coelestin said:
Abu pretty much seems like town atm, hope it's gonna stay that way
can you describe what makes him town in your eyes?
Aug 19, 2017 1:46 AM

Aug 2012

CP has join Shin to the other side...

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