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Apr 13, 2014 3:53 AM
Oct 2013
I think this ending was the best they can come up with considering the direction of the series...
Only people he didn't say goodbye was Rina and Yuki so one of them might be the true end.
9/10 from me. WA2 is still much more better though. Still WA is worth a watch
Jun 6, 2014 1:14 PM
Jul 2012
Wow that was quite a ride. Touya, Touya, Touya. Really this guy is just......

Wanted to see him end up with someone (Rina or Yuki) but i think the way they ended the anime was perfect. This anime really messed with my emotions.

Jul 14, 2014 3:32 AM

Apr 2012
I enjoyed watching this show, but I don't necessarily think that means I liked it. The ending was stupid.

Really great duet, though.
Sep 4, 2014 12:39 AM

Jan 2012
Give this guy a medal. He fucked every heroine and didnt got a bad end
My Guitar Covers:

Dec 1, 2014 4:02 PM

Feb 2014
Holy shit what the fuck that conclusive yet not even conclusive ending O_o Happy that Touya woke up from his faggotness but wtf lol making me depressed and confused yet relieved at the same time, dafuq lol dafuq. Knew this would be depressing once I read the synopsis but wtf I didn't expect this kinda ending
8/10 for the ability to make me go wtf, still unsure of what to make of what happens with Touya now

"For the sake of humankind, I forsake my humanity." - Cherry
Dec 3, 2014 2:33 PM

Aug 2013
I liked this series. Sure I think that WA2 is better, but I liked the atmosphere of this show. The 1980s setting was unique for an anime that was released in 2009. Since cellphones are part of our daily lives, it was interesting seeing characters using car phones and pay phones, since they are almost non-existed.

What I liked about this series the most is it presented a different approach to the harem genre. The characters are pretty complex and are not perfect, especially Touya. We seen a different side of relationships in this anime and it was nice.

PoeticJustice said:
nigga i am black, do you think my ass would fit in? "Oh look it is negro kun." Hell no.
Feb 14, 2015 9:09 PM
Sep 2014
Ha, look, another underrated anime based on eroge vn.
Im still getting surprised how many hidden gems are out there.
Just as Waterfallsxo said, I loved this harem approach and the fact that they didnt include anything perverse in the show. I also loved the style combination, they mixed it at the right time.
Apr 22, 2015 9:44 PM

Feb 2013
That was a great duet. The song is Powder Snow by Ogata Rina and Yuki Morikawa. Although I can't find the exact version.

The only person I think Touya ended up with was Yuki. Mana and Menou moved away, Rina said "Thanks you, Goodbye", Misaki is gone(where the ehl did she go? we haven't seen her in a while), Haruka doesn't have a chance, Yayoi was told by TOya that he didn't love her and was only playing with her, so that leaves only Yuki. But even that is kida hard to say because that ending looked kinda open ended.

Should've ended up alone for all of the dick moves he made. Asshole.

Touya lost his memories because he pissed his pants and lost some medal? What even is this? WTF?

Rina was best girl and Yuki was a good second for me.

How any of these girls fell in love with this guy I wil lnever know. How any of them can forgive him for putting his dick in every hole I will never know.

I guess I'm off to watch White album 2. God I hope that show is better than this.
Nano1124Apr 25, 2015 5:39 PM
Jun 26, 2015 5:39 AM
Apr 2013
What the actual shit...
Oct 8, 2015 2:13 AM
Oct 2015
I need to read these reviews before I waste 13 hours of my damm life , I really loved the show for the first 25 episodes, I believe I like everyone else wanted to strangle toyo, but that was part of the fun, but there was no resolution, no ending, and Raina my favorite character just gives up and is like here's the letter she really dident break up with you.....
Anyway is there any resolution in the manga series? I will buy the last damm one if there is.

Although I did hate the male lead I also felt sort for the guy, him and yuki where dating since the beginning of Ihigh school , so together almost what 6 years? And the make it clear they where NOT having sex, at the beginning of the series he did not even have yukis God damm PHONE NUMBER and he barely saw her in the proceeding year, I mean think about it he was kicked outa his house as a teenager( I don't know why he reconciled with his asshole dad) and it seems he was a virgin... Once the hit manager throws herself at him I can see why he started accepting the tail THROWN at him left and right.... Especially after the " letter" gets not delivered and Raina lies about what's in it ...

Ugggg well overall series 8/10 the ending just sucked .. Now I gotta find that damm manga if anyone reads this msg me if you know
Oct 8, 2015 3:49 AM
Nov 2014
hauptg said:
In the end he is alone, just like his father was. He didn't end up with any of them, he was only left with good-bye's. Remember that he never really loved any of them, he was just stuck on Yuki. A gold axe would be goddess like and a bronze axe is more human like, so the ending is saying that he will start looking for something realistic.

Just my opinion. >.>
I think you are right, after the "The things I lost" thought, Touya has in one of the ending scenes which came right after seeing Yuki and Rina's pictures on their album in the store, that is the same conclusion that I came to and it's what makes the most sense in my opinion.

SnuggLes__ said:
Touya is a Scumbag. No excuses..

I hope somehow Rina and Yuki end up together cause Touya only deserves to be with his pee hands..
I agree lol.

Wasabi said:
...Wtf? So all of Touya's lost memories were because he lost some fucking medal? Wtf?
My thoughts exactly, at first anyways, if you think about it at least he did something to protect the girls from the bullies, the way he did it was smart for a kid, he was scared, he knew there wasn't time to do much and that he was not strong enough to stop the bullies for sure by fighting them so he did something he knew would work. It was selfless and took allot of courage to sacrifice his pride and embarrass himself like that to protect them and I think that is why his dad and Yuki made the medal for him.

After going through all that, his dad scolding him and him coming to understand what that medal was and meant then not being able to find it. I would guess that for a weak minded naive kid all that could be enough of a trauma to cause memory loss.
Dec 8, 2015 12:37 PM

May 2010
Lol so what happened with Eji Ogata? Misaki's breakup and Tamaru? None of htose things were addressed
Jan 6, 2016 6:11 AM
Jan 2016
Will be 3rd season ??
Feb 3, 2016 10:47 PM

Sep 2013
I hope the MC die in horrible way, like School Days
Apr 15, 2016 9:56 PM

May 2014
ooo333 said:
White Album (AKA White Album 1) is the greatest anime that the anime world does not know about or refuses to acknowledge

I beg your pardon but I'll have to disagree. The setting and the characters are all good, and I like things as depressing as they can be, once in a while, but they failed a lot in how to present it to the viewer. I'm not saying it was bad, though, because hell did I enjoy watching it, but there were times when I couldn't understand what was happening or that a character did something completely out of character.

I couldn't understand why he was expelled from home or why he and his father hated each other (just because he was expelled? That seems too trivial), for example, and they could have explored much better the death of his father. I wanted to know more about Yuki and why exactly she was so devoted to that rotten soul she had for a boyfriend. I knew Rinna was interested in him since the beginning, but they made me wait for something to happen for so long that I forgot about it/dismissed it as me just overthinking.

It was quite enjoyable seeing the many faces of the characters, though. I mean, I first saw Ogata Eiji as the typical power-hungry villain, then as a caring brother, then as an eccentric good-willed manipulator, then as a pitiful madman. Much like the hag from M3. Ogata Rinna was the best character in the whole series, was very important to the whole plot and deserved more screentime, even though they kind of put her aside for quite a while and treated her as just a friend of Yuki's. It seemed like Yuki also could've been better worked, she was adorable and we empathized with her a bit because of how the other characters affected her, but we couldn't empathize with her much because we didn't have the chance to.

I prayed for Yuki to end up well and unhurt, since I felt she was the only one actually being faithful and honest. I hated Touya for doing such horrible things under the mask of "not ruining my girlfriend's career" when in fact it was only his selfishness and his second and third brains (a.k.a. testicles) assuming control over him all the time. That man didn't deserve a good ending. I wanted to give that scumbag a beating in hopes that he might grow up, but besides all that, I wholeheartedly wanted him to redeem himself somehow and get forgiveness from that angel of a girlfriend. And it happened... Kind of... Maybe... At least in my mind. That's why I hate these inconclusive ends, they're frustrating and seem lazy.
IshikamiApr 15, 2016 10:01 PM
Feb 28, 2017 2:57 AM

Aug 2009
SurferDude said:

Because Touya was such a bitch the entire series, I'm gonna say all the girls dumped his ass and he was actually waving at Akira in the end.

rofl your comment made my day sir

i might regret later but gonna give it a 9/10 in terms of bs level

was a lot of wtf moments but i survived... songs were nice too so i guess all is well

looks like yuki and rina recorded under frankie's company lol
Jun 29, 2017 10:52 AM
Dec 2016
PandAEmiC said:
neverless said:
1. What was inside that white package?

2. So ... anyone care to explain "everything" that happened? This anime never made sense to me since the beginning , but this last episode I guess did explain a lot (a bit too much that I'm confused myself)

same same...
SO CONFUSED!!! what just happened...

I'm assuming touya ends up with yuki because of some of the stuff that happens at the end?

I'm the same this anime was full of things that were hard to understand and at the end we get nothing ... I hate this anime but I liked it
Nov 6, 2018 10:42 AM

Sep 2018
neverless said:
1. What was inside that white package?

2. So ... anyone care to explain "everything" that happened? This anime never made sense to me since the beginning , but this last episode I guess did explain a lot (a bit too much that I'm confused myself)

I think he's got chocolate because Rina didn't give him that in Valentine Day or later
Jan 18, 2019 4:17 AM

Dec 2018

Thanks to ep13 of s2 its all clear, my mind confused throughout the whole series Q_Q

Who will TOYA choose??? All these questions..
I wanna know T_T

Although it's a good Anime, But for those who take ANIME seriously, just a little bit DISTURBS MENTALLY ^_^
Apr 20, 2019 1:49 AM

Aug 2017
NoobHunterD said:
Give this guy a medal. He fucked every heroine and didnt got a bad end

Yeah Touya did pretty well by the end. Didn't close with Mana and didn't seem to fully close with Menou or Rina either. Still he got the winning confession by the end, all the girls love him

Oct 8, 2019 3:41 PM
Dec 2018
Love all the righteous puritans who talk about cheating all the time.

Touya cheated on his girlfriend that didn't see him for months at a time and when she did come to see him she often only stayed for a few minutes. She didn't even to manage to visit his dad when he was in hospital that often. She made more of a fuss when Rina moved to the other company. If people want to to be doubtful about the dubious plot in relation to the recording company keeping them apart, and blame him, then she has to take as much blame for that situation, even if it isn't that believable. I'm not going to blame a guy who has been left behind by his newly successful girlfriend for succumbing to temptation after all that time apart. His only mistake is that he should have broken up with her. And she should have broken up with him.

All the others are mutual situations that the other person are just as interested in as him and he is virtually a single guy. In the case of Haruka and the manager, they actually pursued him more.

He helped and cared for them all whenever he could. He was particularly nice to Misaki, he pretty much saved her play. He went and found Mana when her mum, who hated him, was worried. They all knew about him but they all liked him because he was a kind person. Better that than all these righteous goody two shoes who talk about cheating but never help anyone in their lives.

Not sure who he ended up with, my impression was that the message on the mirror would have come from both Yuki and Rina together. The way that Yuki made all the fuss about Rina leaving the company made me think she was closer to Rina than she ever had been to Touya so she would have left with her. But him saying 'all is right with the world' makes me thinks he had reset his goddess syndrome and the person he was waving to was Yuki, or a new person altogether, having straightened himself out. Wasn't sure the break up with Misaki was all that final, to be honest, but it felt like the show was trying to tell you that it was. Personally, i think the best ending is that he sorted himself out and started again with a new person. This being adapted from a Visual Novel means that the ambiguous ending is almost guaranteed. It also makes the main character look worse if it tries to cover parts of each person's route in the game.

Gab5Oct 8, 2019 3:46 PM
Nov 17, 2019 7:48 AM

Apr 2017
I miss some series, anything, similar to this.
I miss the intensity, conflicts, love-savagery, everything wrapped into whole package like this.
Jan 19, 2020 11:25 PM
Aug 2016
Idk who's more pathetic, the MC who pissed himself out of fear.. or the faggots who actually run away from his piss-drenched hands and never came back Lmao
Jan 29, 2020 7:48 AM
May 2015
I watch this series after hear garassu no hana/glass flower by nana mizuki, damn this series is deep and not for casual watcher.
If you dont understand why his dad kick him from house, I will tell you, that his dad do it so he could became independt because he know that he will be dead.
He piss himself because he cannot win by punching them, so he use pyscological tactic to repel the bully.
His dad said he wanted to be alone, because he don't want burdened by love and sadness, so he make touya hate him because he dont want touya to love him, and feel depressed when he die...
So to give his love to his son, he use yuki using the medal, but yuki don't know what it mean and regret it... cmiiw
Is there any info about this vn translation, I want to read it...
Jun 29, 2020 11:14 AM

Jul 2017
we were all trolled omg
Sep 15, 2020 3:06 PM

Jul 2019
this anime was a slap in the face
Feb 2, 2021 9:59 PM
Apr 2019
I enjoyed this because of some of the characters. They went full retard on second season though.

Like if they tried to mix all routes into one shit and eventually it led nowhere. Also, we were missing a lot of context from his childood, like why did his father kick him out, who as his mother etc.

Unfortunately the novel will never be translated.

My fav was yayoi though, rekindled my love for onee sans
Apr 9, 2021 11:31 PM

Aug 2014
For all 26 episodes:


-Captivating atmosphere. The background music in addition with the gray-ish graphics really sets the mood for the anime to be taken serious.

- Captivating scenery, with the big city look in the 1980's, with no cellphones, no internet, no computers. 

- This anime has an artistic feel for it.

- The girls in this anime are awesome in their own way. They have lives outside the male MC

- The side characters are awesome as well, and they have their own lives as well.

- I love the music, they were epic  (White Album, Sound of Destiny, Powder Snow).

- This anime has a good presentation of its story.

- They show us spicy kiss scenes in this anime.


-  This anime is 26 episodes long. This anime should have found a way to tell its story in a much shorter way, like 13 episodes, because many episodes were meh or boring......... Episode 1-9 were ok-to-meh; it was like I would be enjoying it, and then I would get bored, or just didnt care, that I sometimes had to speed things up. .......  And then Episodes 10-16 were the best episodes.  ........   But then Episodes 17-26 is when the anime lost its spark and it became a drag to watch. The final episode was nice though, I mean, I did get a conclusion feeling to it.

-  To be honest, sometimes I wonder why all these girls are drooling over the male MC other than the fact that he is the male MC.  The male MC, most of the time, I found myself bored watching him in this anime. 

- The only girl that is girlfriend material out of all the heroines is Misaki.    Yuki is too innocent to be considered realistic so shes not girlfriend material. Rina is too sassy and confident to be considered girlfriend material and no way a guy like the male MC can pull her off. Haruka feels like shes missing a few screws in her head. Yayoi is obviously not girlfriend material (more like friends with benefits). The girl the MC is tutoring is too annoying to be girlfriend material.  But again, it feels like all these girls only want the MC because hes the MC and nothing more. 

- I just feel like the characters just dont mesh well, like there is no chemistry between them (whether in the romance scenes or non-romance scenes), which can make the anime most of the time a dull to watch. Which is why I wanted this anime to be much shorter than 26 episodes.  The only time I could feel some sort of chemistry between the characters was when the two Ogata siblings were interacting with each other, or when the male MC was interacting with his father. 

oooo3333Jul 29, 2023 7:19 PM
Jan 2, 2022 11:33 AM
Feb 2021
Typ055 said:
I enjoyed this because of some of the characters. They went full retard on second season though.

Like if they tried to mix all routes into one shit and eventually it led nowhere. Also, we were missing a lot of context from his childood, like why did his father kick him out, who as his mother etc.

Unfortunately the novel will never be translated.

My fav was yayoi though, rekindled my love for onee sans
I can also say that my favorite was yayoi, such a good character also like how she doesn't beat around the bush
May 26, 2022 1:53 PM

Jul 2021
I have a love-hate relationship with this anime, I absolutely hated every single episode because of Touya and Yayoi, but on the other hand the story was really well written to be honest. I loved the old-school atmosphere and Idol elements of the anime. But seriously, Touya started off as a likeable character in the first half of season one, and then turned into the most punchable anime MC in history. I personally think I would've enjoyed White Album way more If Touya wasn't such a twat.
Jan 25, 2023 6:02 PM

Apr 2020
sushitrash88 said:
I have a love-hate relationship with this anime, I absolutely hated every single episode because of Touya and Yayoi, but on the other hand the story was really well written to be honest. I loved the old-school atmosphere and Idol elements of the anime. But seriously, Touya started off as a likeable character in the first half of season one, and then turned into the most punchable anime MC in history. I personally think I would've enjoyed White Album way more If Touya wasn't such a twat.
I think Touya became the 'not the best guy' 1/4 into season 1. But I do like the part of his personality where he was kinda in a world of his own with meeting some type of goddess each day for whatever reason. I also hate his actions, but I'm not sure whether the anime would be better if he wasn't such a twat since that added a lot of drama.
ow + nw = 90-2000s

Oct 17, 2023 5:19 PM

Apr 2016
Woah, all those infidelities didn't have any consecuences nor importance at all.
The plot, nor any characters' actions made any sense until the end.

Woah, this is insane. I have never scored anything with a score below 4, but this show is an instant 1. This is simply the worst thing I have never seen.
I just hope I never ever watch anything as bad as this, if something like that even exists.

I'm going to need a rehabilitation after watching this trash.
Dec 12, 2024 11:04 PM

Jan 2020
Surprisingly there is 0 sex scene shown....
Surprisingly Touya didn't get a bad ending....
Surprisingly Touya didn't bang any of the main girls....

In the end I think even Yayoi couldn't resist Touya's chick magnet power....
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