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Nov 10, 2008 10:03 PM

Dec 2007
Hey folks! I know we're still just a little shy of 100 members, but I couldn't help myself but to finish the little treat I had in store for us all, as a result of hitting triple digits.

So maybe it's premature, but take the personality match quiz! Paste us your results...maybe you'll be surprised as to which Higurashi character you're most like!

Take the Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Personality Match Quiz!

This thread is also a poll, as you can see. When you've taken the quiz, select who you got as your result on the poll. Maybe then we'll see which poor character is the most like all of us deranged, Hinamizawa Syndrome infected nutjobs!

*prepares the inkblots*
GaidaiNov 10, 2008 10:07 PM
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Nov 10, 2008 10:28 PM

Apr 2008
Yay! I got Rika-chama. :D I knew I would actually. I always understood her feelings in a way because I felt similar. Despite being fairly young, I understand a lot and observe the things around me carefully and I'm pretty pessimistic when it comes to the future. Yay! XD I also feel like my life in most aspects always ends up back at the same point no matter which path I take. At any rate, this is getting depressing.. >_>;

Ni-pah~! <3

And, sorry guys.. I've been so busy with other things I haven't been around. T__T

Nov 10, 2008 10:56 PM

Mar 2008
I got...Satoshi! Well he is a nice character, and I don't mind. I've always thought of him as kind of a wimp though...darn xD

This was a really good and thought out quiz though. Completely different from what I'm used to in personality quizzes (especially Higurashi-wise).

Also, I never even knew this club existed! I'm still not too sure what exactly is supposed to happen here, but it looks fun! ><

Edit: Eh? I went through the quiz again, chose pretty much the same answers, and I get Rena this time. Wait, what? >____<
ppizzapieNov 10, 2008 11:05 PM
Nov 10, 2008 11:32 PM

Dec 2007
Nice, Tsuruya. Rika-chama approves ;)

Welcome to our madness, ppizzapie! What happens here? Well, we....we hide in the rubber rooms because we're all hopelessly infected >.>;;

Can't explain why you got a different response on the same answers...are you sure they were exactly the same? The quiz is based on enough differing factors that even one changed answer could very well give you a different result.

I'm trying to resist the urge to take it myself until I've sufficiently forgotten which answers are related to which characters. I don't want to cheat ^.^;;
Nov 11, 2008 12:28 AM

Jan 2008
Satoshi for me too \o/.
Nov 11, 2008 2:02 AM

Feb 2008
I got Mion. No surprise there really. Kinda wish it was Rika since I <3 her the most but Mion is awesome too. And while I adore Rika-chama my actual personality is more like Mion fufufu~ just call me ojisan kiddies xDD

ps: nice quiz Misa!! The result description was really insightful, especially compared to most other quizes on quizilla xDD
Nov 11, 2008 2:53 AM
Mar 2008
Lol, I'm Kei-chan xD I don't mind though, Keiichi is awesome :3 I wish I were Mion though ;_;

LucySky said:
I got Mion

Lucky ;3

EDIT3 months later xD: I took the test again but this time I got Mion o.o
sonozaki_desuFeb 12, 2009 8:31 AM
Nov 11, 2008 4:46 AM

Apr 2008
I've got Rena.
Though she isn't my fav Higurashi character (actually Rika and Shion are ^^), I have to admit that I'm most like her.
Nov 11, 2008 5:54 AM

Oct 2007
I'm Satoshi too 8D
Nov 11, 2008 7:51 AM

Nov 2007
Oh, that has got to be one of the best character quizzes ever. 90% of the time, I can predict how to get the character I like the most. I try to be honest, but sometimes I just don't want to get someone I hate. This time, I have no idea who I'm going to get. I've just pressed submit and...

Well... I am... MION ~DESU!! I'm so happy <3. I love Mion to death. I want to dance, pretty much. But, seriously, out of all the Higurashi characters I feel the closest to her tomboy-ishness. The reason I love her so much is probably because I can relate to her on so many levels. And, the description of her at the end of the quiz, really explains a lot of the reasons why.

Oh, BTW, is there any way to see the rest of the results? I want to read all the descriptions because I really liked Mion's description.
amayadoriNov 11, 2008 7:54 AM

Znips: When Shay is born she just crawls back in the womb to shitpost for another year
Nov 11, 2008 8:13 AM

Dec 2007
I'm like your nee Misa!
I'm like Rena!!!
After reading the long description, it made me think about myself, and it's true we are alike.....
especially when I read this:
"Pissing you off isn’t easy to do, but it’s a really, really bad idea to push you too far. Rather than simmering, you explode when you’re angry, and without even realizing it, you purposefully look for the most hurtful things to say, even if you don’t mean them."
Nov 11, 2008 10:10 AM

May 2008
Sonozaki Shion
You seem to think a lot like Shion. You have your head in the clouds a lot, and you tend to come off as happy-go-lucky and playful. You enjoy friendly teasing, and you have a vivid imagination. You insist that you know your own mind, and you don’t take advice or constructive criticism well. People tend to think you’re a bit stubborn because of this, but you know better than that. Your heart and your trust are closely guarded things, indeed—there’s no way anybody could understand them the way you do. You’re a hopeless romantic, to a fault. There’s somebody out there for you, and even if you haven’t met them yet, it’s only a matter of time. Nobody gets between you and your lover—nobody. Not your family, and not your friends. That’s probably one of the only ways a person could really push you over the edge, but it’s definitely not somewhere any reasonable person wants to go. You never forget a slight, and you believe in revenge. You’ll get yours, no matter how long it takes. One of your biggest problems is, you have a hard time determining when enough is enough. Pranks, nagging, the need to get even—whatever it is, you tend to get into things over your head, and just like lying, one action covers another until you find yourself making poor choices. By the time you realize the consequences of your actions, it may be too late. Take care to be cognizant of this…
annoyed to be labeled as a girl... but hey this is really accurate.
Nov 11, 2008 10:50 AM

Dec 2007
Wow, looks like everybody's enjoying it. I'm glad, as I've actually been working on that quiz for some time. The questions are a bit deceptive on purpose, so like Amaya was saying, you can't just 'guess' your way to the end. Each possible result has a few questions that have to do with the obvious parts of their personality, and then a question or two that has to do with aspects of them people might not be thinking about while they're taking the quiz. I was hoping people would just be as honest as possible, so they'd get an accurate result :)

I'm glad people are calling it accurate, though! ^.^ I think I'm just gonna bite the bullet and take it one more time. I've taken it three times, and despite knowing the answers, I've forced myself to go with honesty instead of being influenced by the characters I like--even, of course, if it means I have to answer some questions in ways I wouldn't want people to know, heh.

....if I get the same result a fourth time around, well hell, I'm gonna post it here >.>;;
Nov 11, 2008 10:57 AM

Nov 2007
I remembered Misa talking about this quiz idea when I saw the PM and immediately followed the link. (That was last night; after a mini-marathon session of Higu S1, I was barely up to taking the quiz, let alone posting here... :P) As it turns out... I got Rika! I definitely wasn't expecting that result but the description matched up with my answers.

"’re usually in control of your emotions, and possess the strength to ‘detach’ yourself, to view a given topic from a non-partisan standpoint... Your skill with ‘faces’ is something you’re thankful for, as you manage to maintain a positive opinion of yourself in the minds of others..."

It's ironic that I watched Meakashi-hen just beforehand, as this quiz was definitely an eye-opener. Thanks, Misa!

Nov 11, 2008 11:04 AM

Dec 2007
I'm glad you enjoyed it, Kawada. Looks like it was a successful (if premature) 100 members activity :)

Well, heh....same response again. I had to stay honest. Go figure, got Rena-nee, look who I got:

Furude Hanyuu

You have something in common with Hanyuu. You’re an optimist, and philanthropic with your emotions. You really believe that everything is going to work out in the end, but you’re not always sure what you, personally, can do to help that theory along. You genuinely care about people in general, and you try to understand their feelings, to the point that you’ll do your best to ‘turn the other cheek’, when you can. You’re not often very sure of yourself. If you’re waiting in line at a store, you feel bad for feeling impatient—if you’re working at the store with the line, you feel like you aren’t moving fast enough. You tend to feel more comfortable either being by yourself, or being around those few people that you truly care about; as opposed to being around people in general. Your combination of optimism and a timid nature mesh in a good way, however. Unlike others, you don’t feel the need to join the ‘rat race’, or ‘keep up with the Joneses’. It doesn’t take much to make you feel content in life, and you adore the tranquil, peaceful life. It doesn’t bother you to let others take the reins, as a matter of fact, you prefer it. This isn’t to say you’re easily manipulated—you still know what you want out of life, you just see most of the concerns of average people to be frivolous. It would be easier to leave all that superficial stuff up to those who deem it important. It’s very difficult to rouse you to anger, because you don’t like feeling that way. The best way to get under your skin is for somebody to interrupt the nicely laid out simplicity that is your life. Secretly, your bark may be worse than your bite. However, because of the fact that people assume you’re not the type, you have a knack for scaring people out of a conflict, before it escalates too far. So what if they didn’t know you had it in you? At least nobody got hurt.

You know...I haven't read over that at all since the first time I wrote it. I swear I don't mean this egotistically, but you people are right, this thing is really accurate...I am like that...and now I'm starting to scare myself >.>;;

In response to your question, Amaya...I was hoping people would paste their results as they got them, so we could all read them that way. It'll be interesting to encounter a Takano or an Ooishi, heh ^.^
Nov 11, 2008 1:46 PM

Dec 2007
Heh, my significant other just took the quiz, and she got Keiichi :)

So....I'm Hanyuu and she's Keiichi. Uh.....yeah. >.>;;
Nov 11, 2008 3:23 PM

Aug 2008
Ack! Misa also got Hanyuu? *Takes the quiz again and comes back depressed*

Well on the bright side, this means that I am Oyashiro-sama! Mwahahaha! Bow down to me peasants! Ignore my secretly gentle nature and fear my curses!

Ok I think the quiz may be biased towards Rika. I chose all the answers that I thought Keiichi would say, and it came up Rika. Then I chose the first answer to every question. It came up Rika. I chose the second answer to every question, it came up Rika. The same thing occurred when I chose all the last answers. I even tried choosing the pattern 1, 2, 3 for all answers (meaning question one I chose answer 1, 2 was 2, 3 was 3, and 4 was 1 and it repeated like so) and it came up Rika. Then I chose multiple answers, I chose all possible answers (just to see what would happen) and it came up Rika.


I changed my mind, I think the test is biased towards Irie. I used my calculator to randomly generate numbers 1 to 3. 6 out of 6 tests all came up as Irie. Additionally, it seems that if you select only one answer it comes up as Irie.
EDIT: I just ran the numbers a 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th time, it came up Rika for all 4 times. I'm not quite sure what to think anymore >_<

masterhooplaNov 11, 2008 3:49 PM
"Cicadas, even though their lives last only a few weeks, fall in love and disappear"

~Heed the roar of the mighty ocelot~
Nov 11, 2008 3:55 PM

Dec 2007
You're depressed that you got the same result as me? Mou! ;_; Oyashirosama's think alike!

Hmmm...that's odd. When I tested it before it was published, I tried answering all 1's, and 2's, and all 3's. 1's came up Rena, 2's came up Keiichi, and 3's..I think 3's were Rika. I had to change the order of the answers a bit on publishing though, because quizzilla has this stupid ass thing about not letting you access more than 10 possible results from a dropdown menu, if you're trying to plug in an answer for any question after the 2nd anytime I had result #11 that was supposed to go in the 3rd answer slot of a given question, I had to change the order. That might have had something to do with it.

You whipped out a calculator? I'm going to take that as flattery, despite it probably not meaning that, heh. It doesn't appear anybody has gotten Irie yet, though...

I didn't even know choosing multiple answers was possible, heh. Oh well, so long as people are thinking the results they got feel accurate---or at least are making them think, heh.

Still no Satoko's out there. Go figure.
GaidaiNov 11, 2008 3:59 PM
Nov 11, 2008 4:44 PM

Aug 2008
Ouch! We Oyashiro-sama's do think alike, too alike. And when I'm walking and hear footsteps, I know, those are my footsteps since I am Oyashiro-sama.

I think my calculator's personality must be exactly like Irie, seeing as it happened 6 times in a row.

I took out a calculator to confirm my suspicions after the Rika incident. The results really surprised me, so I think something may have messed with the answers, like perhaps my previous answers influenced the responses of the next result.

Agh, I so wanted to be Satoko too! I really want to add Trap Master to my list of titles (and yes, I am keeping a list). Well being able to call myself a God isn't that bad either :P

I tried to get Satoko and ended up with Oishi >_<

Continuing in my quest to get Satoko, I decided to use mixed tactics. The questions that I felt didn't apply as strongly to Satoko, I left blank, and the ones where multiple answers applied, I checked all of them. The result? Sure enough, victory is mine! Mwahahaha. Ah, Satoko needs more love. Too bad there wasn't a Broccoli or cauliflower question, I would have been able to get Satoko sooner.

Satoko, the Trap Master and Goddess of Love~:
masterhooplaNov 11, 2008 5:06 PM
"Cicadas, even though their lives last only a few weeks, fall in love and disappear"

~Heed the roar of the mighty ocelot~
Nov 11, 2008 4:51 PM

Dec 2007
Satoko, Takano, Ooishi, and Irie aren't on the board, yet.

Heh...I wonder if anybody will get Takano...
Nov 11, 2008 6:10 PM

Feb 2008
I'm going to be honest and admit that I got Takano the second time I took the quiz *cries* Oyashiro~save my soul from a future as droopy-tan!!
Nov 11, 2008 6:21 PM

Dec 2007
Heh need best two out of three then, I think, to save your soul!
Nov 11, 2008 6:59 PM

Nov 2008
much to my surprise, i got Ooishi Kuraudo. i dont understand it well, but i suppose it does make sense... in a way. its a good quiz though, props to whoever created it.
Nov 11, 2008 7:10 PM

Dec 2007
Ooishi! I was wondering if we'd get an Ooishi. Did it make sense from the standpoint that the result description sounds like you?

Satoshi still seems to be the most popular, heh.
Nov 11, 2008 7:11 PM

Jul 2008
My Result:

I got Satoshi! Now that I think about it, Satoshi, and I are very much alike.

Azu-nyan! <3 *She's my current obsession*
Nov 11, 2008 7:17 PM

Dec 2007
I'm glad you feel that way about it...makes me feel successful ^.^

You know, reading Satoshi's result I'm starting to feel bad for people >.>;;
Nov 11, 2008 7:21 PM

Nov 2008
Misa_Ryuuguu said:
Ooishi! I was wondering if we'd get an Ooishi. Did it make sense from the standpoint that the result description sounds like you?

Satoshi still seems to be the most popular, heh.

yea i guess it does, . im surprised no one has gotten satako yet tho.
my results/ ooishi's results

Nov 11, 2008 7:28 PM

Dec 2007
Thanks for posting the Ooishi results, Nibuku :)

Yeah really...still no Satoko-chan...
Nov 11, 2008 7:34 PM

Feb 2008
I got Mion again so its best 2/3 for her!
*is relieved* But I do have some Takano-like tendencies >.>
Nov 11, 2008 7:35 PM

Dec 2007
Heh, Mion and Takano really aren't all that different, if you think about it >:)
Nov 11, 2008 8:32 PM

Dec 2007
Misa got Hanyuu!
see now, I really have to take care of you since I'm like your nee~
Nov 11, 2008 8:45 PM

Dec 2007

Please take care of me ;_;
Nov 11, 2008 8:52 PM

Jun 2008
i saw that i got Mion and i laughed so hard :D
Nov 11, 2008 9:02 PM

Dec 2007
good thing I didn't turned out to be like 34.....
that means I am still sane enough to keep my cool and not do anything that involves a village and poison gases.....
Nov 11, 2008 9:19 PM

Dec 2007
If you were 34, spring, I would run screaming into the night.

Now take care of me, nee nee!
Nov 12, 2008 12:09 AM

Jun 2008
"You’re a lot like Rena."
Nais !! =D

I really really liked that test! Very good questions that needed careful thinking. It made me go into a psychological state and think about a lot of aspects of life. Cheers for it !! :D
... Even if I took time to write alot of intelligent words of deep thought and meaning in my signature, would you really care to read and comment on it? ...
Nov 12, 2008 5:37 AM

Dec 2007
Glad you enjoyed it, CaMaVan. Being a lot like Rena-nee could be a good or a bad thing, depending how you look at it >;)

It appears Rena is the first to catch up with Satoshi as far as most frequent result, heh.
Nov 12, 2008 7:58 AM

Nov 2007
@Misa: Oh good, so I'll take the test again and post Mion's description for everyone else to read.

For those of you who want to know Mii-chan's description:

Znips: When Shay is born she just crawls back in the womb to shitpost for another year
Nov 12, 2008 8:09 AM

Dec 2007
Thanks, Amaya!

You know...I always got the impression that Mii-chan had several important personality traits in common with Takano--she's just not quite as extreme about them. Would be interesting to see what she's like as an adult.
Nov 12, 2008 8:15 AM

Nov 2007
No, no, no!! Not Mii-chan XD!! Well, I would say the only thing they really have in common is their leadership. Droopy-tan is pretty much off her rocker while Mion is stronger. Both strive towards their goals, but that doesn't really mean they're that alike.

Need. Higurashi. Epilogue. Now.

Anyway, Rena, anyone? I wanna read it ~desu.

Znips: When Shay is born she just crawls back in the womb to shitpost for another year
Nov 12, 2008 9:46 AM

Dec 2007
They're not exactly alike, no...they just have similar traits here and there.

Since several people have already gotten Rena, here it is for you :)

Nov 12, 2008 2:15 PM

Aug 2008
There's obviously no Satokos for a reason,

No one is worthy of living up to the Trap Master's name.
"Cicadas, even though their lives last only a few weeks, fall in love and disappear"

~Heed the roar of the mighty ocelot~
Nov 12, 2008 6:22 PM

Dec 2007
It would seem that way, heh.
Nov 13, 2008 5:24 AM

Dec 2007
so now there are two people here who are like Rena, me and Camavan.
He's probably the good side of Rena and I'm the bad side. Whichever it is, you gotta follow us Misa.

btw, for anyone curious about Rena's description:
Nov 13, 2008 6:27 AM

Mar 2007
Ryuuguu Rena. Hmm so im a airhead? X)
Instagram: Luzifurr
Nov 13, 2008 6:40 AM

Dec 2007
*bows and follows anybody who's Rena like a lost puppy* Hai, nee nee.....

Rena, Rena, everywhere....and not a Satoko to drink. >.>;
Nov 13, 2008 8:50 AM

Nov 2007
I'm almost nothing like Rena. After Mion, I'm probably closest to Rika. My only similarity with Rena is my temper.

Misa, are you sure the quiz isn't making it impossible to get Satoko? It's surprising that no one's getting her.

Znips: When Shay is born she just crawls back in the womb to shitpost for another year
Nov 13, 2008 9:37 AM

Apr 2008
Lol, so I purposely tried to get Satoko.. and won! Yay I know her so well~ XD Well I hope someone really gets it though. Although it says 4 people did already. So not counting mine and the earlier one that would mean two people got it, right?

Nov 13, 2008 9:38 AM

Dec 2007
Yeah, but you got Mion, right? ^.^;

Just to make sure, I took the quiz again and purposefully plugged in all the Satoko answers--she came up just fine. Every possible result has an equal number of answers associated with it on the quiz (assuming the person taking it is only inputting one answer per question, which is how it was meant to be taken).

The math is: 11 possible results, 6 answers per person = 66 possible answers to questions. Divide that out by 3 (the number of answers per question), and you get 22 questions total :)

Keep in mind, the whole 'trap-master' thing is only one aspect of Satoko's personality. You're probably not gonna get her if you're only focusing on that. Think about how her nii nii makes her feel, and how she responds to her personal life, as well ;)

*EDIT* Looks like your comment got in there just before mine did, Tsuruya. One of those four was probably me, testing to make sure the Satoko answer works. ;) Nice job on figuring her out, heh.
Nov 13, 2008 2:06 PM

Apr 2008
Yeah, Misa. :D I was focusing more on her delicate side rather then her trap master side. X3
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