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For what reason are you not gay, straight, or bisexual?

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Mar 13, 2010 3:25 AM

May 2008
More like an evolutionary psychologist.

Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Mar 13, 2010 3:37 AM
Aug 2009
And an essentialist on top of that. My, do I hate essentialists.
Mar 13, 2010 3:38 AM

Dec 2007
On the contrary, I think you can "click" better with someone of your own sex.
But I'm not gonna go into further stereotypes.

Anyway, I can connect with what ukonkivi said a while back. I can bring myself to be sexually attracted to something I despised before, it has happened quite a few times in my life.
Sonic_MoronicMar 13, 2010 3:48 AM
Mar 13, 2010 4:00 AM

May 2008
Reape said:
And an essentialist on top of that. My, do I hate essentialists.

Oh God, I love you for this statement. I never do use the terms essentialism and social constructianism.

It's pretty obvious that tend to base my statements on views of social constructionism and opposition to essentialism, but I rarely ever state this fact. It's one of those things when I namedropped ideas I find myself as and aligned with be never did come across remembering. I should sure be sure to speak in terms of this more often, as much as I bring up the related subjects.

Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Mar 13, 2010 4:04 AM

Dec 2007
I never looked into this Essentialism thing. It seems very close-minded and stereotypical, though.
Mar 13, 2010 12:46 PM
Feb 2010
There have been times where I seriously wished I could be gay... Unfortunately I do not even have the slightest attraction towards guys. I think I can tell what makes men attractive, but that doesn't stem from any sort of sexual tension with men.
Mar 13, 2010 12:59 PM

Dec 2009
I don't like guys.. probably because I don't have any reason to..
I think that nobody is 100% straight, but I gotta say, I haven't ever wanted to get with a guy.

I am really glad I'm not 'gay' too, because I live in a really homophobic area ;_;
in my highschool of almost 1000 students, there is 0 openly gay people.

if I was gay and if I were to come out of the closet... I could just kiss my life goodbye.
luckily some of my friends aren't homophobes, so I get some relief from the ignorent douchebags, but that really doesn't change the fact that people would treat me badly.

Ignorent Homophobic Douchbags and a Mcdonalds at every corner.
welcome to America.
Mar 13, 2010 1:41 PM

Dec 2007
Hey, at least you know SOMEONE.
Mar 13, 2010 2:13 PM

Mar 2010
Well, I get called bisexual a lot because I appreciate the woman form, and often say *insert female name here* is hot. Which they ARE, but I don't find women sexually attractive. I'm allowed to appreciate the female form, as is everyone else about any gender they want without it being sexual.

I'm straight, and I likes men. Erm just one in particular ;) but yeah.
Mar 13, 2010 5:25 PM

Oct 2008
WickedCrimson said:
Well, I get called bisexual a lot because I appreciate the woman form, and often say *insert female name here* is hot. Which they ARE, but I don't find women sexually attractive. I'm allowed to appreciate the female form, as is everyone else about any gender they want without it being sexual.

I'm straight, and I likes men. Erm just one in particular ;) but yeah.

You took the words right outta my head, same here! :D

It's like we can't comment on other girls like say they're "cute" or she has a nice body. I'm not sexually attractive to other women either, and yet a few people behind my back wonder if I'm lez or bi.

>_> Neither, man, neither. I like men dammit. Nothing wrong with gays and bis but it irks me when people are so assumptive of me. They never think to look from a different perspective -_-
Mar 14, 2010 7:22 AM

May 2009
ukonkivi said:
I'm amazed at your patience, especially since I tend to ramble on.

Likewise :P (i.e. your patience, and my own tendency to go on and on. Had to clarify that, in case you think I'm amazed by my own patience XD)
I believe I've said way too much, so I'll hopefully wrap it up in this post, haha.

Really? I think that everyone has a type, and just doesn't realize it.

I'm one of those people who know exactly what I do NOT like in other people, but not so much what I like. Even then, they usually involve personality and mannerisms instead of physical attributes. And I'm aware, of course, types can very well be a certain type of personality, e.g. bad boys, but in response to your very precise and descriptive tier system, I must say my type is pretty much non-existent.
Of course, you may be right and I just need to figure it out myself, but at this point, I really don't know. I've been attracted to all sorts of men, and they don't really look the same or give off the same vibe, but they certainly don't swear constantly or do other things that I dislike. Oh well.

That's an interesting double standard you hold there.:/
We'll, you're certainly a bisexual if you think "anyone is good enough".

Oooh, you must've misunderstood. Nah, I was saying I could very well be accused of being someone for whom anyone's good enough, just because I don't have a type.

Uh, I've pretty much gone full circle, lookit:
- You tell me you can consider everyone sexual
- They may not necessarily be the first choice, but you can be attracted to them nonetheless
- (And yes, I know other factors must be taken into consideration)
- I say if I were your partner I'd be insecure knowing this, wondering if my next door neighbour can replace me just fine
- I, unlike you, don't have a 'most to least appealing' system
- Does this mean I'm even more likely to find anyone attractive?
- I know not just anyone will do
- An insecure partner may think otherwise, though
- I'm pretty much the pot calling the kettle black.

See? It's interesting what these discussions can do, haha...
So to reiterate, I do not have a type, but that doesn't mean anyone's fine. You do have many different types, from most appealing to least appealing, and as flexible as you are, for you too, not everyone's fine.
That's the logical view, but when in a relationship, logic often goes haywire.
I wouldn't consider this double standard, just my pathetic inability to exercise logic in a relationship.

What exactly is androgynous about Madonna?

Um, the ripped muscles look masculine and her face and hair look feminine. But yeah, certainly her demeanour and the way she carries herself is more feminine than 'neutral'.

Loads of people for some reason or another choose a well hated path.

True enough. The Nazi example, though, was that not the easy path? Anti-Nazis were mostly living in fear or in hiding. Most people who joined the Nazi did so to ensure their own safety and pretty much to be on the side of the big guys. As to how the first people joined the Nazi movement, I'm guessing it's a mixture of sympathising with Hitler's Jew-hating views and wanting to be part of the alternative movement. Once people realised how far he was willing to go the purge the Jews, I'm sure a lot of people got scared and stuck with it, not because they believed in him, but because they'd rather not be the one getting killed.
But yeah, I can't claim to know something when I don't. I am sure, though, that for the majority, living in peace is far more preferable than living in pain. And denying one's own being is probably a bigger pain than the pain of being taunted.

(ironically their Bible condones the rape of small children)

Er, the bible does? Um, yeah, I'd rather not know.

Ahaha, she's been about since before internet forums even existed.

See, this is one of those times when I feel stupid, but I'm instantly better now after remembering her ridiculous views XD

I think it's the juxtaposition of his kind personality and his epic strength.
...Makes me want to be held in his arms...
...So since people real life aren't as superpowered like that, a muscly guy would have to be really stylish and be cute and have adorable hair to contrast with the muscly manliness.

:) This made me smile and grin and my jaw's hurting now... Ah, 2D bishies :)
I'm sure there's someone like that in the real world, though... Oh yeah, I used to be into boybands when I was younger, and I used to be so into a group called Boyzone. If you're from America, you've probably never heard of them. Other than maybe being the first ever boyband member to come out as being gay.
Anyway, there was one particular member, the late Stephen Gately, who pretty much fits that criteria. He had a baby face, muscular body, and he was supposedly a really kind person.(And having been a fangirl for some years, I can assure you people didn't call him kind only after his death.)
So, keep looking for your Goku! ^^

Wait, you're not bisexual? Well, it's not like you're trying to be hypocritical, if that's even necessarily the proper word.
This makes me fascinated now, what is it you like more about males than females?

Eh, did I not mention it? I'm hetero, not bi.
And I guess I should've worded it a little clearer, but no, you never did make me feel like a hypocrite. My own logic brought me to the conclusion that I should feel like one.

What I mean is, I could give you a bunch of reasons why I find men attractive, both physical attributes as well as (stereotypical) behaviour and personality. If you were to present me with a female who fit every single criteria I ask for in a male partner, I still wouldn't be sexually attracted to that female. We could be best friends, sure, but I honestly couldn't look at her sexually. Thus, the hypocrisy.

And this is exacerbated by my obsession for the idea of pure, pure love. (Of course, love and sexual attraction are different, but bear with me for a bit.) And while yaoi isn't the best source of, er, anything really, some of my favourite titles involve this idea of how love transcends gender and that X loves Y purely because Y is Y, not because Y is a male or not a male, or because Y once saved him. Just pure and simple, inexplicable, illogical love.

How can I not feel like a hypocrite? I'm in love with this 'pure love' idea, but even if you gave me the female counterpart of my perfect male, I wouldn't be attracted to her :S

And just to go back a bit, as little as I agree I guess I can understand why you'd champion the nurture >>> nature idea. On the other hand, it's this kind of thing that makes me certain genetics is the major player, with experience playing a supporting role. (This kind of thing being how preference defies logic.)

You mentioned fetishism, and that in my opinion, is the kind of thing that is affected by your environment. I have a huge lingerie fetish, they're so pretty *.* I like them on myself, though, not on another female (or male). I mean, in spite of having a fetish for something that's worn by females, I'm not attracted to females. If my sexuality can so easily be altered by the environment, wouldn't I rather look at those pretty things on a pretty lady?
Probably not the best example, seeing that lingerie isn't exactly a body part, but it's supposed to be worn at any rate.

I'll shut up now before you bash my head in :P
Mar 14, 2010 7:33 AM

Mar 2010
Uhm, i am straight, because i was meant to be? Maybe...
Sig deleted for being obnoxious.
Mar 14, 2010 7:35 AM

Dec 2008
Mar 14, 2010 8:04 AM

Feb 2010
well the reason I'm straight is because i like the opposite sex?

Mar 15, 2010 5:18 PM

May 2008
ukonkivi said:
Clockwork said:
boys and girls are programmed to think in different ways

And so now we're back to stereotypes.

I disagree.

They are when it comes to sexual attraction. The rest you can argue but this just has to be true.

Mar 15, 2010 5:23 PM

Dec 2009
Hinako used to be a shut-in who just liked eating snacks and watching anime all day in her dark living room until her dream of becoming an anime character comes true!

No longer unfit, no longer sloppy-- Hinako is a young, busty and energetic girl who is on a mission to make her fellow otaku hikkikomori get into shape.

She likes push-ups, squats, crunches, showering and sleeping, and loves to dream that she is a magical girl. Hinako also enjoys wearing lingerie and school gym outfits (though she does not seem to go to school).

If there's anything Hinako loves more than lingerie, anime and exercising, it's sleeping! She appears to be a great advocate of sleep.
Mar 15, 2010 10:39 PM
Aug 2009
corbenic said:
ukonkivi said:
Clockwork said:
boys and girls are programmed to think in different ways

And so now we're back to stereotypes.

I disagree.

They are when it comes to sexual attraction. The rest you can argue but this just has to be true.

Not necessarily.
Mar 15, 2010 10:49 PM

Apr 2008
So, I keep thinking about the original question...
For what reason are you not gay, straight, or bisexual?

And what I come up with every time is "I'm suppose to have a reason?"
Like, what would my reason really be?
"I am straight because I'm a female and females are suppose to like males."
"I am bisexual because I want something different every once in a while."
"I am gay because I find dicks repulsive."

I don't think I can find a reason for something like that.
Is there a reason that I've liked guys in the past but I currently find myself liking a girl?

I don't know, but I think you can't really have a set reason for attraction.
Mar 17, 2010 9:25 AM

May 2008
Everything has a reason.

And finding penis repulsive seems a pretty well statement for why of something.
And then it would be interesting to find someone's reason, that is, cause for something, and then find the cause for that, and then the cause of that, and then the cause of that, until there is no more relevant to the person.

Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Mar 17, 2010 6:10 PM

May 2008
Reape said:
corbenic said:
ukonkivi said:
Clockwork said:
boys and girls are programmed to think in different ways

And so now we're back to stereotypes.

I disagree.

They are when it comes to sexual attraction. The rest you can argue but this just has to be true.

Not necessarily.

How come?

Mar 27, 2010 4:39 PM

Dec 2007
Erm, because girls have different sexualities too?
Mar 27, 2010 6:52 PM

Sep 2009
who said I'm not? :PPP

We're all golden
on the inside :>
Mar 27, 2010 7:04 PM

Mar 2010
There was a time where I honestly believed I was bi-sexual.

But, as I grew abit older, I tend to think it was more or less a attraction to 2-D men. Cause in that entire time, I never saw myself attracted to any 'real' men. You get me? Just my husbandro. Or whatever the hell you call them. xD

This is actually kinda silly now that I typed this up fully.
<img src="" border="0" />
Mar 27, 2010 9:28 PM

Mar 2010
Because I know who I am and am not confused. I know the key goes in its hole.

>.> Though, I have nothing against people who choose to want two keys. Or two holes. It's just a matter of preference and personal taste. :p
Mar 27, 2010 10:50 PM

Oct 2009
Er.. It's hard to describe, I suppose. To put it simply, I just don't find other females attractive. When you attend an all-girls high school and you see every type of girl, what they're like for eight hours.. It kind of makes me want to talk to any guy, just for a change. But then again, even before I entered high school I've been boy-crazy <.<

" ... carpenters fashion wood; wise people fashion themselves" - Buddhism
Mar 27, 2010 11:07 PM

Mar 2010
This forum makes me a little sick, i like woman and thats about the bottom line. I went through a "gay" phase if you want to know, I have wondered into both sides of the yard, and let me tell you. The grass is simply greener on one side then the other (the side where the woman live that is lol.) And thats probably because they water the grass and men simply let it die. Honestly i understand why woman choose other woman at times, men can be foul creatures. And to say what is sick about gay sex is that i have learned that a sweaty man butthole is in no way attractive. Oh and fuck you to all who read this a laughed at least i had the balls to say the truth.
Mar 28, 2010 12:30 AM
Aug 2009
enjoiemerika said:
men can be foul creatures.

The same applies to all humans in general, including women.
MinimalisticMar 28, 2010 12:35 AM
Mar 28, 2010 12:42 AM

Mar 2010
Reape said:
enjoiemerika said:
men can be foul creatures.

The same applies to all humans in general, including women.
That is vary true, but to me woman are much more kind hearted and i mean they really cheer me up, just talking to a girl is a heart warming experience in my opinon, call me nieve call me what you will.
Mar 28, 2010 1:39 AM

Mar 2009
This has been a very serious issue for me ever since my early teenage years even.

Throughout my life so far, I've had sex with both men and women but I do not think I'm bisexual. The answer for that, is very confusing even to myself. But to put it simple, although I was born female, I don't think I am. I'm not saying that I should have been born a male either, I just don't find myself to fit into either gender so well.

Sure I like to look cute and pretty like any girl out there but I have a guy's taste in life too. But besides the fact that I do love what a (nerdy) guy my age would love, such as shooting and fighting games, shounen action packed anime etc. etc. which anyway, is not such a rare trait among girls; there's something more about me, deeper if I may say so, that rules out the possibility that I'm just another tomboy.

It's a sort of a vague but domineering mentality of mine. I mean, if I would not say now that I'm a woman, then by looking through my profile, my lists, my posts you'd think I definetely have to be a guy. And it's not just by my anime choices and all that, I do tend to naturally come out as one.

I've seen a lot of documentaries about how babies that ought to be born male, in the nick of time, their gender develops to that of a female and vice versa. It's disappointing if it is so but I think it might be the case with me too although I fail to see any evidence of it on my body.

So, am I woman with the soul of a man or a man with a body of a woman? Actually, what I like to this is that I'm neither. I am me and that's the end of it. And that's me being neither a man nor a woman.

So that's why I say that even though I might have sex with both men and women, I'm not bisexual.
Signature? I ain't got no signature! I don't need no signature! I don't have to show you any stinkin' signature!
Mar 28, 2010 1:54 AM

Mar 2010
kodial said:
This has been a very serious issue for me ever since my early teenage years even.

Throughout my life so far, I've had sex with both men and women but I do not think I'm bisexual. The answer for that, is very confusing even to myself. But to put it simple, although I was born female, I don't think I am. I'm not saying that I should have been born a male either, I just don't find myself to fit into either gender so well.

Sure I like to look cute and pretty like any girl out there but I have a guy's taste in life too. But besides the fact that I do love what a (nerdy) guy my age would love, such as shooting and fighting games, shounen action packed anime etc. etc. which anyway, is not such a rare trait among girls; there's something more about me, deeper if I may say so, that rules out the possibility that I'm just another tomboy.

It's a sort of a vague but domineering mentality of mine. I mean, if I would not say now that I'm a woman, then by looking through my profile, my lists, my posts you'd think I definetely have to be a guy. And it's not just by my anime choices and all that, I do tend to naturally come out as one.

I've seen a lot of documentaries about how babies that ought to be born male, in the nick of time, their gender develops to that of a female and vice versa. It's disappointing if it is so but I think it might be the case with me too although I fail to see any evidence of it on my body.

So, am I woman with the soul of a man or a man with a body of a woman? Actually, what I like to this is that I'm neither. I am me and that's the end of it. And that's me being neither a man nor a woman.

So that's why I say that even though I might have sex with both men and women, I'm not bisexual.
have you thought about when you get older and want to marry or anything? do you feel attracted to either sex more than the other?
Mar 28, 2010 2:04 AM

Mar 2009
Ah, that's another issue for me there... lol

I think I've never been in love so far so I fail to imagine myself devoted to one person, marry them and make a family. I've lusted for certain men in my life but I never loved them, and there was a certain woman that I really wanted by my side but then one day I realized that my whole feelings for her, was "Just look how good I look next to her!" and not any kind of love.

I think I am a little bit cruel by thinking of this but when I see love in fiction my heart breaks. It's such a perfect emotion that I do not wish to share it with imperfect humans. Evil? lol ...Maybe.. But I have not found anyone who I could feel love for, yet.

If I do, I might change my mind and would consider marrying them or at least living with them for the rest of my years. But now, no, I can not even imagine myself married.

As for who am I attracted to more, I don't know. I seek to have sex with men more than women but if I ever cared about someone even for a little bit, it was always a woman and never a man.
kodialMar 28, 2010 2:07 AM
Signature? I ain't got no signature! I don't need no signature! I don't have to show you any stinkin' signature!
Mar 28, 2010 2:08 AM

Mar 2010
kodial said:
Ah, that's another issue for me there... lol

I think I've never been in love so far so I fail to imagine myself devoted to one person, marry them and make a family. I've lusted for certain men in my life but I never loved them, and there was a certain woman that I really wanted by my side but then one day I realized that my whole feelings for her, was "Just look how good I look next to her!" and not any kind of love.

I think I am a little bit cruel by thinking of this but when I see love in fiction my heart breaks. It's such a perfect emotion that I do not wish to share it with imperfect humans. Evil? lol ...Maybe.. But I have not found anyone who I could feel love for, yet.

If I do, I might change my mind and would consider marrying them or at least living with them for the rest of my years. But now, no, I can not even imagine myself married.
Its not evil, people are cruel by nature. But there are really good people out there, and im sure that there is a man/woman perfect for you somewhere just waiting for the day you enter their life and you'll both get bit by the love bug lol. For me, i stopped dating because i am tired of being yanked around, im just getting myself on track and waiting for that special girl ya know.
Mar 28, 2010 2:22 AM

Mar 2009
What I meant to say is pretty much summed up with that old Prodigy song:

"You're no good for me, I don't need nobody."

And though I know it's wrong, it can't be helped if it's how I feel.

I've been through the phase of trying to find a special someone too, but it did not work out. You think you'd know somehow that it will be him when you see him but in the end you realize you're rushing things just as much as you did when you were looking for cheap thrills.

Now I don't care anymore,I live on my own and my worries mostly consist of managing my money, pay my bills, my taxes, my food and my rent and still spare budget for my entertainment too so I won't end up falling into the category of "living to work" .

My quest is to have as much fun as possible without ruining my economy! lol
Love doesn't fit there. ;)
Signature? I ain't got no signature! I don't need no signature! I don't have to show you any stinkin' signature!
Mar 29, 2010 3:57 PM

Mar 2010
kodial said:
What I meant to say is pretty much summed up with that old Prodigy song:

"You're no good for me, I don't need nobody."

And though I know it's wrong, it can't be helped if it's how I feel.

I've been through the phase of trying to find a special someone too, but it did not work out. You think you'd know somehow that it will be him when you see him but in the end you realize you're rushing things just as much as you did when you were looking for cheap thrills.

Now I don't care anymore,I live on my own and my worries mostly consist of managing my money, pay my bills, my taxes, my food and my rent and still spare budget for my entertainment too so I won't end up falling into the category of "living to work" .

My quest is to have as much fun as possible without ruining my economy! lol
Love doesn't fit there. ;)
Love doesn't... but fun does you said your self. Sometimes we need those cheap thrills. You may hate this but try listening to the eagles of deathmetal (they aren't deathmetal) most people on here would hate them and many people do. But i love them they are funny as all hell. And let me tell ya nothing makes me wanna go find a cheap thrill as much as those guys lol.
Mar 29, 2010 4:08 PM

Mar 2010
Very open community. somewhat of a rarity.
Mar 29, 2010 9:46 PM

Jul 2009
Honestly I think I just love boys too much XD I don't find the idea of getting it on with a girl repulsive or anything, but it's just not appealing. Like how I would always choose eating a favorite food over eating a food that's "okay." My mind is asking me what the point is of being attracted to girls when there are BOYS out there! :D

Artixte said:
WickedCrimson said:
Well, I get called bisexual a lot because I appreciate the woman form, and often say *insert female name here* is hot. Which they ARE, but I don't find women sexually attractive. I'm allowed to appreciate the female form, as is everyone else about any gender they want without it being sexual.
You took the words right outta my head, same here! :D

It's like we can't comment on other girls like say they're "cute" or she has a nice body. I'm not sexually attractive to other women either, and yet a few people behind my back wonder if I'm lez or bi.
I know the feeling a bit, though my friends and I are pretty open about commenting on sexy actresses and the like, so I don't have to deal with it a lot. What I hate is trying to explain my "girl crushes." They're not exactly girls I'd like to date/have sex with/whatever in the traditional sense of the word "crush," yet they're still my crushes. Pff. I don't know/ XD

(An example? I have a major girl crush on Amanda Seyfried. That is all.)
misstuMar 29, 2010 9:55 PM
Mar 29, 2010 11:26 PM

Feb 2008
Sure, I love boys. They can be cute, funny, and pretty nice (the good ones).

But I also find something quite appealing about girls. I can't really explain it. Maybe it's just me being curious since I've never had the experience of having a girlfriend.
Mar 29, 2010 11:32 PM

Oct 2008
Systems said:
Very open community. somewhat of a rarity.

youtube comments...
Mar 29, 2010 11:35 PM

Jun 2008
I've never had a serious crush on anyone of either sex, but I do discuss hot actors/people with friends. We don't tend to talk about if women are "hot" more if we think they're nice people.

I guess most of the guys I've been close to have been good friends of mine and I've never thought about them in "that way" :/

[白恋] [] [?] [LJ] [DA] [MDL]
Mar 30, 2010 4:04 PM

Dec 2009
I don't know because I was born not being attracted to other guys? I don't know the specific reason, just their overall appearance doesn't attract me sexually? Although I have had deep feelings for males, not sexual or romantic feelings but more like looking up to a role model, or loyalty to a friend, hell I've idolized males before. I guess the best way to explain it is while I've never looked at a guy and thought "I'd do him" I have to girls. Also I just find the idea of being put in any sort of sexual situation with another guy to be disgusting. Just like I don't know why I'm attracted to females, I just am.

But it's definitely biological or societal, not some other reason, because I could become attracted to an ugly girl if she has a good personality, so looks don't matter to me too much. But if there was a guy that was extremely attractive (he could even look like a girl) and had a good personality I still wouldn't be attracted to him, so it's gotta be something more than just the appearance.
maholloMar 30, 2010 4:16 PM
Jun 10, 2010 11:39 PM

Jun 2010
I find it kind of hard to define my orientation. A few years ago, it was very fragmented. I used to be sexually attracted to women, but I couldn't get emotionally attached to them, and I felt romantically attracted to men even though I didn't find them physically attractive. Now I'm much more balanced in that sense.

I guess what I identify with the most is pansexuality or polysexuality. In essence, I'm attracted to all genders, but it's still hard to define, especially since I'm heavily androgynous and that has somewhat of an influence.
Jun 11, 2010 12:35 AM

Apr 2010
Why? My parents made me that way...
I myself not totally sure what I really am... So what?

Jun 11, 2010 12:37 AM

Jul 2009
I am amused this thread was revived (and another ukonkivi thread).

I am female.

I like men.
I also like women.

But I'm not really good with people so yeah.

I don't really remember what/if I responded to this thread the first time. I have no idea why I am attracted to what I am attracted to.

edit: I think I hate women, too.

and men.

ESSWHYJun 11, 2010 12:41 AM

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Jun 11, 2010 12:59 AM
Jun 2010
All the cute girls that talk about guys being jerks and what not...

That just makes me really sad. I'm kinda older and I wish I could find a girl around my age that was into anime and video games w/ some buddy holly glasses. :p

As far as the topic goes, I'm straight because I love women. They have great bodies and sexual stimulation with them is just awesome. Why not with guys? Be it biological or nurture, I don't know.
Jun 25, 2010 12:28 PM
Jul 2008
Asako said:
I'm asexual, but aesthetically I find women more appealing, in general. I'm not adverse to a nice trap, though. It's not penises that bother me, it's typical masculine features; body hair, large muscles etc. If a guy can pull off looking like a girl in general outward appearance, I'd be happy with them as much as I would be a real girl.

Yeah I'm consider asexual as well. Glad I'm not the only one. But I like female yeah.
HellobeeJun 25, 2010 2:19 PM
Jun 25, 2010 1:23 PM

Jun 2009
I'm straight because I don't like penis.
Jun 25, 2010 1:34 PM

Jun 2010
I consider myself straight, but I've always had a weird attraction to girls. Because of this, I tried dating 2 different girls but couldn't for the life of me have any romantic feelings for them. I just thought that they were really pretty. I can only really "fall for" guys, but the attraction to girls is still there.

Yeah, I'm a weirdo. As for your question, why? I don't know.
Jun 25, 2010 1:35 PM

Apr 2009
I'm not gay because guys are disgusting, hairy, and lack a certain wonderous organ.

I'm not straight because I'm a virgin otaku.

I'm not bisexual because I hate wishy-washy people.
This is a serious post. You're not allowed to delete it.
Jun 25, 2010 1:40 PM

Jun 2010
Straight, because I only have a interest in the opposite sex. End.

Stillmatic said:
Asako said:
I'm asexual, but aesthetically I find women more appealing, in general. I'm not adverse to a nice trap, though. It's not penises that bother me, it's typical masculine features; body hair, large muscles etc. If a guy can pull off looking like a girl in general outward appearance, I'd be happy with them as much as I would be a real girl.

Yeah I'm consider asexual as well. Glad I'm not the only one.
That's such a strong word. Maybe you mean you don't have any interest in relationships or sex?
Jun 25, 2010 1:43 PM

Nov 2009
Im not gay because I find guys physically unappealing, and even if they DID look like girls, I'm not into crossing swords, if you know what I mean.
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