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Anime|manga that you had high expectations because everyone hyped but then turned to be a dissapointment

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Jan 6, 2021 5:10 AM

Jan 2018
Chrome_Falcon said:
CuteAssTiger said:

"She didn't cause a social commotion with it?"

so ? you are missing the point
she was interesting because of how she invalidated his perspective on justice.

You are just willfully ignoring nuance right now.

Makishima shogo killing tsunemoris friend in psycho pass didnt proof anything to anybody else then himself and tsunemori. so what ? That doesnt make him a plot device.
Your argument doesnt make sense here because the reasoning is unrelated.

"We don't have any country where suicide is legal"

except it takes a 1 minute google search to find out that isnt true at all ?


" I have no intention of dragging this argument any further and wasting more of my time."

well i guess valid arguments are " wasting time " now.

You can't be serious. The link that you have posted literally states that "wikipedia doesn't have an article with this name". Stop trying to get proof for something that doesn't exist.

Edit - that link includes " symbol too. So it didn't show up when I pressed it. I see there is an entry for it. But what it states by suicide legislation is that the person committing suicide shouldn't be punished for that act. It is "decriminalised". It is different from a law that states "any one that wants to commit suicide should be allowed to do so". So the link you posted has nothing to do with the law in the anime.
i mentioned in the beginning that people that just say babylon is bad usually dont have any point to make and that i was curious because of that.
sadly there was still no point here.

If that is what you want to believe by all means do so. Ignoring the points made and believing only you are right will not take the debate anywhere. I made it clear why I hate it. You don't have to agree with me about it. I am not trying to convince you to hate it. But you seem to be trying to impose your opinion on me that is why I said it is a waste of time. @CuteAssTiger

The quotation marks were my fault
Try this one

Or alternatively do a 1 minute google search yourself . It's one of the first links .

Or provide any evidence yourself when you claim things like suicide isn't legal anywhere.
You also claimed that making something legal automatically makes it illegal to stop people from doing that legal thing. Wich is also factually incorrect

I know you said you aren't well versed in law but how do you make sense of what you just said ?

If something is legal it's legal.
How does the law making something legal effectively change anything if the thing was not illegal to begin with ? You can't say it has nothing to do with it when there is effectively no difference.
The suicide law makes suicide legal. But alternatively removing the law that makes it illegal has the same effect.
Thought in reality it actually is easier to make new laws that change old laws then it is to remove old laws. Depending on the type of law and in what book of the countries legislative system it is.
I don't know how japanese law is structured but I would not think it to be unrealistic that they would do it like that. But that is besides the point.
Having something as legal vs making a law that says something is legal is effectively no different. Thus the wikipedia article is a valid point of reference when looking at the real world legislation of suicide. Especially for someone that previously thought suicide wasn't illegal anywhere.

Lets just examine an example to see why this is no way to discredit evidence like that

Suicide is socially discourage

So is cheating in relationships.( Let's take that because it's an extreme example and similar to suicide it's a personal decision that hurts your loved ones"

If you cheat on your girlfriend you are most likely a massive asshole

But cheating is not illegal right? ( Well unless you are a woman in a very backwards part of the world. There are some really fucked up places where rape victims get punished because that's seen as cheating. Anyways)

You can cheat as much as you want and the legal system will do jack shit to punish you.
You may have to pay half of what you own if you get a divorce because of your cheating but that is a different legislation. Cheating is not illegal. But divorce is regulated by law. 2 different things.

So cheating on your girlfriend is not illegal right ?. The logical consequence is that it is legal ,right ? Because a thing that is not illegal is legal right ?

So if some political group would come out tomorrow and release a new law that says
" Hey buddy , cheating is legal now, wasn't illegal before , but not it's legal. Because we don't do anything about it anyways so it might as well be a law right ? This law doesn't actually change anything but whatever.
If someone wants to cheat they should be legally allowed to do so .lol"

Now do you expect MASSIVE OUTRAGE
Twitter SJW will form a rebellion and replace the government.
Political leaders will be beheaded.
Social structures will crumple ....

Ouh wait. None of that would happen,right?

Cheating would still be socially discouraged.
Just as suicide is.xD

People will propably find it pretty confusing and weird that there is now a law for something that wasn't punished anyways ( uhhh kinda like suicide :O)
People might talk about the topic for a while and may come do different opinions on the matter but I guarantee you that there will be no riot whatsoever because that would make no sense.

Maybe people would argue for polygamy and maybe society would actually change in that direction. The majority of people will propably be opposed to the idea and stick to monogamous relationships.But there will be no outrage.

Cheating and suicide are very easy things for an individual to do.
They are socially discouraged and legally not punished.
Making it legal doesn't change anything.

Further more I didn't ignore any of your points but I showed you why they are incorrect.
Many of those with examples that show how they are incorrect

Matter of fact is that you don't have a point right now

The real world shows that " no outrage" isn't unrealistic.

The real world shows that legal suicide is a thing

Plot holes like zen not using a female squad were simply incorrect
(Wich happens. Not blaming you or anything)


Your dislike of the anime comes from you not thinking it is realistic but all the evidence shows it to be realistic

You literally don't have a point right now.That is not me being mean.That is me describing what I'm observing.

You can dislike what you want but it might also be productive to reflect on a viewpoint when all the evidence shows it to be incorrect.

I can choose to dislike the musical hamilton (Wich is don't dislike btw) because I think that the end(Wich they tell you about in the beginning of the musical so no spoilers.stillba weird choice); was an illogical decision that did lead to an unnecessary death. ( Wich it was).But that doesn't change the fact that these events played out that way. Everybody who knows a bit about american history knows that alexander hamilton dies in a duel with Aaron Burr.

I might think that it was stupid and foolish to agree to this duel ( Wich I do think) but if I were to say " this is a bad story because it's unrealistic' I would just be wrong . Because in reality things happened that way.

Now I don't dislike the musical. And even if I choose to do so that would still be my choice. But the reasoning would be incorrect regardless.

And if the reason for disliking this Musical is false then maybe I should reevaluate my stance on this Musical.

Do you see my point ?

You can dislike whatever you want but if it turns out that the reason isn't the fault of the thing that you dislike then it might be productive to reevaluate the stance on that thing.

Just food for thought

Edit: but while we are at it. Im noticing a logical inconsistency here
If it's important that a story is convincing and realistic then how come you liked school days ?
Makoto is the most unattractive male to come out of anime and every female on earth thinking that missing2-3 chromosomes is extremely sexy doesn't really make sense either.
CuteAssTigerJan 6, 2021 5:43 AM
Jan 6, 2021 5:15 AM

Oct 2020
Anime I were told were god tier but were boring: Vinland Saga, Clannad, Clannad Part 2, Psycho-Pass, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood.

Vinland Saga was really dry, simple story but no hype just random gore and battles. Sorely lacking in camera work and OST, its just silent montages of blood splatter and heads flying. Not very cool looking. I didn't feel like I needed to watch another episode. FMA is the same I know what's going on but there's no suspense, I'm kinda just watching random action scenes.

Top tier Anime I thought was top tier: A Silent Voice, Death Note, Attack on Titan
PlasmaAndroidJan 6, 2021 5:19 AM

Jan 6, 2021 5:23 AM
Jan 2019
Shinsekai Yori (boring shit that made me fall asleep), Steins;Gate (still don't get the hype about this - yes, I like the idea with playing with time but it doesn't deserve such "fame"), Great Teacher Onizuka and Mononoke Hime.. aaand Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin, Violet Evergarden and Hotaru no Haka - those three especially they were craving for my feelings but doing it so damn wrong, lmao, what a joke are these three things for real. I hoonestly wonder why ppl like these so much... :) I can go on, but these ones always "pops up" in my head when someone asks me about this
Jan 6, 2021 5:57 AM

Jun 2017
@CuteAssTiger As I said, the suicide legislation you linked to describes decriminalising suicide. It means a person trying to commit suicide shouldn't be punished that's all. Try reading this -
This is what the suicide law in babylon describes. Itsuki himself states that the law acknowledges people's right to death. But the problem with this law in the anime is it doesn't have any criteria where it is applied. It it is applied to everyone, of all age groups and irrespective of their health. If you read the article, you will know that every country that recognises right to death only does so for sick and morbid patients. The article lists all countries and describes how it is implemented in every one of them. There is not a single country where this law is indiscriminate. So what we have as right to death in these countries fundamentally differs from the anime's law.

If you want any progress in this debate, you will need to link an article that mentions a country which recognizes right to death that holds true for all its citizens irrespective of demography and diseases. Such a country doesn't exist in this day to my knowledge. And the reason is its people wouldn't approve of such a non specific law.
Jan 6, 2021 6:01 AM

Aug 2020
Devilman crybaby and Danganronpa are both overrated
Jan 6, 2021 6:05 AM

Apr 2020
Kurisu_Maklse said:
90% of anime for me idk people hype a lot but when I go watch i get bored easily ( Aot fmab one-piece Gintama demon slayer jujutsu kaisen naruto)
I am the only one?

Nope, same here. Everything except Demon Slayer, but I'm a manga reader, so I manage somehow.
Jan 6, 2021 6:07 AM

Apr 2020
epidemia78 said:
I don't pay attention to the hype but...S2 of Mob Psycho and season 3 of Oregairu were pretty big disappointments for me because I so enjoyed the previous installments.

I didn't watch Mob Psycho but read it. Anyway, the third season of Oregairu, as an LN reader, was shit.
Jan 6, 2021 6:09 AM

Apr 2020
Hrybami said:
Not exactly disappointment since I don't get hyped by peers. However, I can't believe that something like One Punch Man was actually hyped for real.

True Dat. My friends still think One Punch is the best Anime ever. They haven't even touched JoJo, Neon Genesis Evangelion, or something like that.
I find my friends shitty at these moments.
Jan 6, 2021 7:01 AM

Feb 2016
OnionKnightRises said:
Probably Beck.

It wasn't bad at all, the story was good and the characters were fine. I would have rated it much higher had I read the manga instead, because DEAR GOD THE ENGRISH WAS UNBEARABLE. I don't have expectations when it comes to English fluency, if I hear bad English in an anime I have no problems with that and can just shrug it off. The problem with Beck was the fact that we had characters who they were propping up like "holy shit this guy's English is good! So fluent!" despite how awful the English was, and they gave them so many English lines that it felt like 1/4th of the dialogue was in English. I know this is very much a personal problem, especially considering the series was made for Japanese people so it's unfair for me to criticize it for this, but I just couldn't help but cringe every time they spoke English. The series doesn't deserve my criticism, this is just based on my own shit experience with the show.

In Detective Conan, the actors with the greatest number of English lines are those with the worst grasp of the language. Most embarrassing is the American teacher who corrects the pronunciation of others.
“It’s not ‘porice,’ it’s ‘porice.’”
The anime has plenty of actors fluent in English, but most play minor characters who appear in no more than a couple of episodes. Heiji’s actor also speaks English very well. He just has no lines, because his character is Japanese.
Jan 6, 2021 7:02 AM

Oct 2020
Haikyu, I've seen people hype it up so much but it turned out to be average and nothing about it seemed great to the point of hype that it was given.
Jan 6, 2021 7:11 AM

Jan 2018
Chrome_Falcon said:
@CuteAssTiger As I said, the suicide legislation you linked to describes decriminalising suicide. It means a person trying to commit suicide shouldn't be punished that's all. Try reading this -
This is what the suicide law in babylon describes. Itsuki himself states that the law acknowledges people's right to death. But the problem with this law in the anime is it doesn't have any criteria where it is applied. It it is applied to everyone, of all age groups and irrespective of their health. If you read the article, you will know that every country that recognises right to death only does so for sick and morbid patients. The article lists all countries and describes how it is implemented in every one of them. There is not a single country where this law is indiscriminate. So what we have as right to death in these countries fundamentally differs from the anime's law.

If you want any progress in this debate, you will need to link an article that mentions a country which recognizes right to death that holds true for all its citizens irrespective of demography and diseases. Such a country doesn't exist in this day to my knowledge. And the reason is its people wouldn't approve of such a non specific law.

"If you want any progress in this debate, you will need to link "
well first off that is a hella arbitrary condition.
Just because something isnt present in a very specific way does not mean that an another statement is inherently true.

Similarly i could demand you link me an article about people being outraged because a political party proposed that excact idea to them . But this would go nowhere because this example doesnt exist.

But going back to the suicide legallity issue first

That doesnt change that it is legal.

What you are bringing up discusses in what way the goverment would help you kill yourself.
And that is different from your initial statement that suicide just isnt legal .

Regarding the Suicide law.
The difference here is just in how far the government helps you with it.

Fundamentally it removes the option to not choose.
If you recognize Humans the Freedom of humans to choose for themselves you will have to acknowledge their freedom to die.

If you reject the inherrent freedom of human being then ... well good on you , i would agree, but most people like to believe they are free.

Having Suicide legal without assisting it lets you not choose a side. somebody kills themselves and you are not involved. You had no influence.

But even going as extreme as offering it to everybody i doubt you would see outrage. especially with magase playing arround behind the scenes.
Many people would likely reject it even without considering the categorical question of freedom but outrage? im doubting it.
She convinced and manipulated a political leader over the phone while talking about something different and also hid a message in that conversation that would only affect zen when he heard the recording of that conversation. She is also providing lots of evidence that apparently lots of normal people would like to choose death since nobody knows about her.
The sucess of the suicide law isnt surprising to me at all when you factor her in.

Even if you had people that demonstrade against it you could keep the events of the anime the same and not show it as long as the opposing groups arent a huge majority in every single state.

Jan 6, 2021 7:11 AM

Apr 2020
Oregairu it's unrealistic to its core the only sense of realism is hikiman being a introvert(but he doesn't act like one) and of course boring it made me drop it to times every character is damn annoying . I really want to ask the people who call it realistic ,I envy you , getting two girls around + a imouto + kouhai and every cliched harem character.
It seems more like a wanna be psychological haganai
Tristar_ShinobiJan 6, 2021 7:18 AM
Jan 6, 2021 7:20 AM

Sep 2019
Kill la Kill got hyped to hell and back, but it really didn't work for me.
the wise man bowed his head solemnly and spoke: “theres actually zero difference between good & bad things. you imbecile. you fucking moron"
Jan 6, 2021 7:20 AM

Feb 2016
haristotle said:
You've got a shit taste mate. Sorry to say, but all those anime are greatest animes ever.
Well not helping it, you're 13 and don't understand complex world issues yet.

Bitch, you're less than half my age and not even an adult yet. Shut the fuck up... XD
Jan 6, 2021 7:23 AM

Jun 2016
Everyone hyped up Force Force everywhere on social media and IRL so I was hyped to watch it, however it was such a disappointment that I had to force myself to finish it
"I don't care if no one likes me. I wasn't created in this world to entertain everyone"- Oreki Houtarou
Jan 6, 2021 7:23 AM

Mar 2020
Demon Slayer and My Hero Academia, I never understood the hype of New Gen Shounen and I never will
Jan 6, 2021 7:41 AM

Jun 2017
You said that suicide law is followed in many countries while referencing babylon's law. I said they are not the same law and provided context with my link. -

CuteAssTiger said:
different countries provide different takes on assisted suicide and there is no outrage.
Voluntary euthanasia was legalized in the Netherlands (in 2002), Belgium (in 2002), Luxembourg (in 2008), and Canada (in 2016) and i didnt hear anything comming close to outrage about that. The legality of suicide is still being discussed to this day.

CuteAssTiger said:
we litteraly have places where suicide and assisted euthanasia is legal and there is no huge outrage.

It is now your job to provide proof for what you said by linking to a source. You are backtracking now and asking me to provide a source for people's opposition to it instead. Babylon's law or a law similar to it doesn't exist irl. So people's outrage against it doesn't exist either. How can I prove something that doesn't exist?
Remember, the suicide law in Babylon states that everyone has the right to death. It is not the same as the suicide legislation you linked.
Chrome_FalconJan 6, 2021 7:51 AM
Jan 6, 2021 7:49 AM

Aug 2018
I think, Zombieland Saga.

I mean, I don't hate it, but it did kinda bore me out 7 episodes in. It was cute and funny, though!

I'll most likely rewatch it, as I believe in second chances. u-u
╔════════════════ • • ════════════════╗
Sometimes it feels like I've got a war in my mind
I want to get off, but I keep riding the ride
I never really noticed that I had to decide
To play someone's game, or live my own life
- Get Free, Lana Del Rey

╚════════════════ • • ════════════════╝
Jan 6, 2021 8:56 AM

Jan 2018
Chrome_Falcon said:
You said that suicide law is followed in many countries while referencing babylon's law. I said they are not the same law and provided context with my link. -

CuteAssTiger said:
different countries provide different takes on assisted suicide and there is no outrage.
Voluntary euthanasia was legalized in the Netherlands (in 2002), Belgium (in 2002), Luxembourg (in 2008), and Canada (in 2016) and i didnt hear anything comming close to outrage about that. The legality of suicide is still being discussed to this day.

CuteAssTiger said:
we litteraly have places where suicide and assisted euthanasia is legal and there is no huge outrage.

It is now your job to provide proof for what you said by linking to a source. You are backtracking now and asking me to provide a source for people's opposition to it instead. Babylon's law or a law similar to it doesn't exist irl. So people's outrage against it doesn't exist either. How can I prove something that doesn't exist?
Remember, the suicide law in Babylon states that everyone has the right to death. It is not the same as the suicide legislation you linked.

where are you pulling this from ??
i said >>>suicide<<< is >>>LEGAL<<< in many countries wich it factually is.
did you go trought the article at all or did you only brush over the first 2-3 sentences ?

and you said exactly specifically that there is no country where >>>SUICIDE<<< is >>>LEGAL<<<
"We don't have any country where suicide is legal"

yet here they are XD

you even quoted the part where i say suicide is legal XD
are you starting to trow / troll now XD ??

you said i said one thing and then quote the part where i said something different

"It is now your job to provide proof "
i mean you werent able to provide a quote for what i apperantly said . So how am i supposed to find proof for something i didnt even say XD ?

"You are backtracking now and asking me to provide a source for people's opposition to it instead"
are you illiterate ?
i pointed out a logical fallacy in your question and and supported it by showing a demand that follows the same fallacy while explaining why it is a logical fallacy

"Just because something isnt present in a very specific way does not mean that an another statement is inherently true."

"But this would go nowhere because this example doesnt exist."

is this like a really bad attempt to get back at me by just trolling the points now ? XD
This isnt going anywhere lmao

Jan 6, 2021 9:02 AM

Aug 2016
I guess it would be Aku no Hana, I hated the anime's guts when I watched it, but people kept telling me to read the manga because it's so much better and the anime doesn't do it justice. Well, it was better than the anime, which isn't saying much, but I still disliked it in the end.
Who are you and why do you show your hostility towards a complete stranger whom you've not once spoken with before. Are you seriously asking to get blocked? Well, if that's what your intent is; to tempt me into throwing hands with someone as lowly and insignificant as you, then i may grant your wish provided you articulate yourself a bit better when trying to spite a person of my wavelength.
Jan 6, 2021 9:04 AM

Jun 2017
CuteAssTiger said:
Chrome_Falcon said:
You said that suicide law is followed in many countries while referencing babylon's law. I said they are not the same law and provided context with my link. -

It is now your job to provide proof for what you said by linking to a source. You are backtracking now and asking me to provide a source for people's opposition to it instead. Babylon's law or a law similar to it doesn't exist irl. So people's outrage against it doesn't exist either. How can I prove something that doesn't exist?
Remember, the suicide law in Babylon states that everyone has the right to death. It is not the same as the suicide legislation you linked.

where are you pulling this from ??
i said >>>suicide<<< is >>>LEGAL<<< in many countries wich it factually is.
did you go trought the article at all or did you only brush over the first 2-3 sentences ?

and you said exactly specifically that there is no country where >>>SUICIDE<<< is >>>LEGAL<<<
"We don't have any country where suicide is legal"

yet here they are XD

you even quoted the part where i say suicide is legal XD
are you starting to trow / troll now XD ??

you said i said one thing and then quote the part where i said something different

"It is now your job to provide proof "
i mean you werent able to provide a quote for what i apperantly said . So how am i supposed to find proof for something i didnt even say XD ?

"You are backtracking now and asking me to provide a source for people's opposition to it instead"
are you illiterate ?
i pointed out a logical fallacy in your question and and supported it by showing a demand that follows the same fallacy while explaining why it is a logical fallacy

"Just because something isnt present in a very specific way does not mean that an another statement is inherently true."

"But this would go nowhere because this example doesnt exist."

is this like a really bad attempt to get back at me by just trolling the points now ? XD
This isnt going anywhere lmao

You are applying the law in babylon to laws in real life. What I said is - if Babylon's laws were present in real life it wouldn't be accepted. Your response for that was quoted by me above. Your link showing suicide is legal has nothing to do with Babylon's law. Legality of suicide and right to suicide are different things. Don't confuse them together.
Edit - Let me put it this way. Your link states that suicide law is legal in USA. Does that mean anyone that wants to commit suicide in USA are allowed to do so? No. But in Shiniki it is allowed. The two laws are fundamentally different.
Chrome_FalconJan 6, 2021 9:36 AM
Jan 6, 2021 9:38 AM

Jan 2018
Chrome_Falcon said:
CuteAssTiger said:

where are you pulling this from ??
i said >>>suicide<<< is >>>LEGAL<<< in many countries wich it factually is.
did you go trought the article at all or did you only brush over the first 2-3 sentences ?

and you said exactly specifically that there is no country where >>>SUICIDE<<< is >>>LEGAL<<<
"We don't have any country where suicide is legal"

yet here they are XD

you even quoted the part where i say suicide is legal XD
are you starting to trow / troll now XD ??

you said i said one thing and then quote the part where i said something different

"It is now your job to provide proof "
i mean you werent able to provide a quote for what i apperantly said . So how am i supposed to find proof for something i didnt even say XD ?

"You are backtracking now and asking me to provide a source for people's opposition to it instead"
are you illiterate ?
i pointed out a logical fallacy in your question and and supported it by showing a demand that follows the same fallacy while explaining why it is a logical fallacy

"Just because something isnt present in a very specific way does not mean that an another statement is inherently true."

"But this would go nowhere because this example doesnt exist."

is this like a really bad attempt to get back at me by just trolling the points now ? XD
This isnt going anywhere lmao

You are applying the law in babylon to laws in real life. What I said is - if Babylon's laws were present in real life it wouldn't be accepted. Your response for that was quoted by me above. Your link showing suicide is legal has nothing to do with Babylon's law. Legality of suicide and right to suicide are different things. Don't confuse them together.

the talk about real life legal juristiction came up because even in real life this is a topic .

im not confusing anything because what i say makes sense.

meanwhile you are the one saying one thing , then quoting another and then trying to debunk an example that was given for a logical fallacy in the first place thus didnt need to be debunked in the first place lmao .

the confusion isnt on my part buddy XD
Jan 6, 2021 9:57 AM

Jun 2017
I hope you also looked at my edit before your reply. Because I gave you another perspective to see how these two laws are different. The whole argument I am making from the beginning is that Shiniki's law wouldn't be accepted in a realistic situation. But you are referring to an existing, different law to say I am wrong which doesn't make any sense.
Jan 6, 2021 10:02 AM

Jan 2018
Chrome_Falcon said:
I hope you also looked at my edit before your reply. Because I gave you another perspective to see how these two laws are different. The whole argument I am making from the beginning is that Shiniki's law wouldn't be accepted in a realistic situation. But you are referring to an existing, different law to say I am wrong which doesn't make any sense.

again that is not what the link states at all XD

im really not sure if you are trolling at this point because you are saying things , then quoting something differen

ten saiyng a link says a certain thing even though that is not what the link says at all XD
Jan 6, 2021 10:15 AM

Jun 2017
CuteAssTiger said:
Chrome_Falcon said:
I hope you also looked at my edit before your reply. Because I gave you another perspective to see how these two laws are different. The whole argument I am making from the beginning is that Shiniki's law wouldn't be accepted in a realistic situation. But you are referring to an existing, different law to say I am wrong which doesn't make any sense.

again that is not what the link states at all XD

im really not sure if you are trolling at this point because you are saying things , then quoting something differen

ten saiyng a link says a certain thing even though that is not what the link says at all XD

Everyone is free to read that link. It is clearly written there - "However, while suicide has been decriminalized in many western countries, the act is stigmatized and discouraged." Decriminalization of suicide is not the same as right to suicide. I am starting to think that you are the one who is trolling. Why are you totally silent about the page I linked? It actually describes the right to suicide. Babylon dealt with the right to suicide.

Sigh. What am I going to achieve by arguing with you? Whether you believe that the points I made were logical or not is none of my concern. Believe what you want to believe. I feel like I am just wasting my time. I know why I hate it well. I don't have any reason to prove it to you. This time I am really not going to bother replying. You clearly aren't capable of understanding the difference between legality of suicide and right to suicide.
Jan 6, 2021 10:24 AM
Aug 2018
it's mirai nikki..
the starting was great but in 2nd half am like wtf i am watching this
bakayarou konoyarou
Jan 6, 2021 10:27 AM

Feb 2016
Chrome_Falcon said:
You are applying the law in babylon to laws in real life. What I said is - if Babylon's laws were present in real life it wouldn't be accepted. Your response for that was quoted by me above. Your link showing suicide is legal has nothing to do with Babylon's law. Legality of suicide and right to suicide are different things. Don't confuse them together.

I have never seen the show in question, so my response is simply regarding the arguments being used... and I must say, it is clear to me that you have never once studied logic in your life. From hilariously-fallacious claims like "making suicide legal = making attempts to stop suicide illegal" to moving the goalposts whenever your statements are rebutted with contradictory facts, just about every argument you made in this exchange was fundamentally-flawed in some manner. The worst part is that you do not seem to be aware of just how foolish you sound! To be honest, it's kind of pathetic.

This last response, for example, is so ridiculous that it is nearly incomprehensible:

1) "You are applying the law in babylon to laws in real life" - Did you mean "comparing?" Seriously, do you even English?

2) "If Babylon's laws were present in real life it wouldn't be accepted" - Uh, if you took five seconds to look at the fucking chart CAT posted, you would have noticed that Belgium is an example of a country which has had the exact same fucking law for nearly two fucking decades!

3) "Your link showing suicide is legal has nothing to do with Babylon's law" - It has everything to do with the argument in which you are currently engaged, though, especially since it disproves your central thesis.

4) "Legality of suicide and right to suicide are different things" - So, no one told you how the law works, huh? While there is merit to making such a distinction in the proper context, this argument does not concern such an instance. This statement commits a number of logical fallacies, but I think the fact that you attempting to move the goalposts is the most egregious of them because doing so is usually an act of outright dishonesty.

What the aforementioned demonstrates to me is that, in the end, all you are doing is trying to save face after getting caught saying something really fucking stupid whilst attempting to seem more intelligent. In other words: You are wrong, and you need to deal with it like a mature adult.
Jan 6, 2021 10:27 AM
Apr 2020
I guess it would be an anime from this season. The Day I Became a God or Kami-sama ni Natta hi by Jun Maeda.
Jan 6, 2021 10:37 AM

Mar 2016
One Piece! Which is obviously an unpopular one lol, but I really couldn't get into it. I watched over a 100 episodes a couple years ago but I found it very uninteresting. I was basically forcing myself to keep watching, so I gave up after a while lol. Sorry One Piece fans ;-; I respect y'all and the show, but it wasn't for me ;-;
"It wasn't your fault. You do not have to carry that burden."

Violet Evergarden

Jan 6, 2021 11:07 AM

Jan 2018
Chrome_Falcon said:
CuteAssTiger said:

again that is not what the link states at all XD

im really not sure if you are trolling at this point because you are saying things , then quoting something differen

ten saiyng a link says a certain thing even though that is not what the link says at all XD

Everyone is free to read that link. It is clearly written there - "However, while suicide has been decriminalized in many western countries, the act is stigmatized and discouraged." Decriminalization of suicide is not the same as right to suicide. I am starting to think that you are the one who is trolling. Why are you totally silent about the page I linked? It actually describes the right to suicide. Babylon dealt with the right to suicide.

Sigh. What am I going to achieve by arguing with you? Whether you believe that the points I made were logical or not is none of my concern. Believe what you want to believe. I feel like I am just wasting my time. I know why I hate it well. I don't have any reason to prove it to you. This time I am really not going to bother replying. You clearly aren't capable of understanding the difference between legality of suicide and right to suicide.

"Decriminalization of suicide is not the same as right to suicide"


dude that one sentence does not invalidate the later mention of legal suicide whatsoever
i explained this very aspect like 2-3 times already . are you stupid ?
are you illiterate ?
can you read more then the first few sentences ?

X-thing is discouraged does NOT MEAN x-thing is ILLEGAL


x-thing is LEGAL means X-thing is legal.

cheating is socially discouraged and stigmatized YET ITS LEGAL

being unhygenig is socially discouraged and stigmatized YET ITS LEGAL

being stupid is discouraged yet here you are unable to understand what that sentence even means and thinking that it somehow equals something being illegal while in the same article it says suicide is legal

your argumentation is so bad that its honestly kind of sad

discouraged =/= ILLEGAL


this is not complicated at all .
jesus christ how can anyone get the same thing explained to them multiple times and still be so illiterate

Jan 6, 2021 11:08 AM

Jun 2017
simplydru said:
Chrome_Falcon said:
You are applying the law in babylon to laws in real life. What I said is - if Babylon's laws were present in real life it wouldn't be accepted. Your response for that was quoted by me above. Your link showing suicide is legal has nothing to do with Babylon's law. Legality of suicide and right to suicide are different things. Don't confuse them together.

I have never seen the show in question, so my response is simply regarding the arguments being used... and I must say, it is clear to me that you have never once studied logic in your life. From hilariously-fallacious claims like "making suicide legal = making attempts to stop suicide illegal" to moving the goalposts whenever your statements are rebutted with contradictory facts, just about every argument you made in this exchange was fundamentally-flawed in some manner. The worst part is that you do not seem to be aware of just how foolish you sound! To be honest, it's kind of pathetic.

This last response, for example, is so ridiculous that it is nearly incomprehensible:

1) "You are applying the law in babylon to laws in real life" - Did you mean "comparing?" Seriously, do you even English?

2) "If Babylon's laws were present in real life it wouldn't be accepted" - Uh, if you took five seconds to look at the fucking chart CAT posted, you would have noticed that Belgium is an example of a country which has had the exact same fucking law for nearly two fucking decades!

3) "Your link showing suicide is legal has nothing to do with Babylon's law" - It has everything to do with the argument in which you are currently engaged, though, especially since it disproves your central thesis.

4) "Legality of suicide and right to suicide are different things" - So, no one told you how the law works, huh? While there is merit to making such a distinction in the proper context, this argument does not concern such an instance. This statement commits a number of logical fallacies, but I think the fact that you attempting to move the goalposts is the most egregious of them because doing so is usually an act of outright dishonesty.

What the aforementioned demonstrates to me is that, in the end, all you are doing is trying to save face after getting caught saying something really fucking stupid whilst attempting to seem more intelligent. In other words: You are wrong, and you need to deal with it like a mature adult.

Babylon deals with rights to suicide. The law in babylon states that everyone has the right to commit suicide. Making suicide law legal would imply that by stopping suicidal attempts you are going against the person's right. So what I posted there is still true. I recommend actually watching the anime before getting triggered.
1. You understood what I wanted to say didn't you? English isn't my first language but the sentence was still understandable because you corrected it.
2. You don't even know the "babylon's law" being discussed here. The page only states that suicide law is accepted. But I have been writing that they are different for so many posts.
3. Just making statements is no good. You have to tell how it disproves any thesis of mine.
4. I didn't change my statements. By suicide I always meant the suicide law in Shiniki city which is about the right to suicide. This is not something that people without the full context of the anime can realise. I should have stated it as the right to suicide from the beginning but I didn't realise it would result in a confusion.
Again you didn't say which fallacies I committed. I admit I don't know anything deep about the judicial system but I analysed it with the knowledge available to me. The other person kept arguing about another unrelated law and all I have done is to state that they are not the same law. I don't know what triggered you so much to use curse words frequently but I believe I immediately admitted any mistakes I see as mistakes. (Like how Magase can control ladies too).
Jan 6, 2021 11:08 AM

Jan 2018
simplydru said:
Chrome_Falcon said:
You are applying the law in babylon to laws in real life. What I said is - if Babylon's laws were present in real life it wouldn't be accepted. Your response for that was quoted by me above. Your link showing suicide is legal has nothing to do with Babylon's law. Legality of suicide and right to suicide are different things. Don't confuse them together.

I have never seen the show in question, so my response is simply regarding the arguments being used... and I must say, it is clear to me that you have never once studied logic in your life. From hilariously-fallacious claims like "making suicide legal = making attempts to stop suicide illegal" to moving the goalposts whenever your statements are rebutted with contradictory facts, just about every argument you made in this exchange was fundamentally-flawed in some manner. The worst part is that you do not seem to be aware of just how foolish you sound! To be honest, it's kind of pathetic.

This last response, for example, is so ridiculous that it is nearly incomprehensible:

1) "You are applying the law in babylon to laws in real life" - Did you mean "comparing?" Seriously, do you even English?

2) "If Babylon's laws were present in real life it wouldn't be accepted" - Uh, if you took five seconds to look at the fucking chart CAT posted, you would have noticed that Belgium is an example of a country which has had the exact same fucking law for nearly two fucking decades!

3) "Your link showing suicide is legal has nothing to do with Babylon's law" - It has everything to do with the argument in which you are currently engaged, though, especially since it disproves your central thesis.

4) "Legality of suicide and right to suicide are different things" - So, no one told you how the law works, huh? While there is merit to making such a distinction in the proper context, this argument does not concern such an instance. This statement commits a number of logical fallacies, but I think the fact that you attempting to move the goalposts is the most egregious of them because doing so is usually an act of outright dishonesty.

What the aforementioned demonstrates to me is that, in the end, all you are doing is trying to save face after getting caught saying something really fucking stupid whilst attempting to seem more intelligent. In other words: You are wrong, and you need to deal with it like a mature adult.

well apparently he doesnt English because something being socially discouraged is apperantly the same as something being illegal
Jan 6, 2021 11:12 AM

Jan 2018
here is an explanation on a very easy and basic level . im sure even you will understand

the article basically says

"Introductory side note: suicide is socially discouraged .
and now that this side info is out of the way here is the information where it is illegal and where it is legal "

now does the additional information somehow turn legal into illegal ?

mhhhh lets think about it
Jan 6, 2021 11:14 AM

Jan 2018
"3. Just making statements is no good. You have to tell how it disproves any thesis of mine."

but that doesnt work because at some point he will just take sentences that dont proof anything and pretend that they proof something .

he will also say that you said something and then quote you were you said something totally different
Jan 6, 2021 11:18 AM

Sep 2020
god of high school and tower of god this year.
Jan 6, 2021 11:21 AM

May 2020
people kept saying that the akame ga kill deaths were so sad and it was good and all but it i had no feelings for any of the characters at all. it seemed like their deaths were rushed and i just didnt connect with them

a sound soul dwells within a sound mind and a sound body
Jan 8, 2021 3:47 AM
Jul 2018
Shoujo Kakumei Utena is the prime example. I want all my hours spent on that back.
Jan 8, 2021 4:54 AM

Jan 2021
kill la kill as someone said here, i guess it was just not for me
"不幸だ!" - Kamijou Touma
Check out my anime list by clicking here (it's public now).

Jun 3, 2021 2:29 AM

Sep 2020
For me, it's Owarimonogatari s1 2nd half,Re:zero s2 and Jojo part 4(not disappointed fully,it's still my personal fav both enjoyment and writing)

Owari s1:they said sodachi the worst girl have a great arc,but it's kinda slow but damn the reward,the shinobu arc,i was have a low expectation after the climax of owari s1, but it's just suddenly going out of nowhere and the robot+Yotsugi and Shinobu is an annoying plot convenience

Re; zero s2, yeah it has less shock but better writing,if i remember it was great,but the downgrade and dialogue especially really bothers me,it's very witty and bloated,the reason why i can't enjoy it as much,and mostly,part 2 is extra unnecessary. it's just a bonus episodes with background characters.

Jojo part 4:I thought Kira will always a blonde,it tuned out he change his identity in just few episodes after he appears,i thought he will cool and badass like meruem, turned out he easily to lost to
Jun 3, 2021 2:34 AM

Feb 2020
Girls und Panzer
Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san
Jun 3, 2021 2:42 AM
Jul 2018

Code Geass

Demon Slayer


Akame Ga Kill

Death note

My Hero Academia

Tokyo Ghoul

Black Lagoon

Holyland (Manga)

Soul Eater (Manga)

Tokyo Ghoul (Manga)

Uzumaki (Manga)
removed-userJun 3, 2021 2:58 AM
Jun 3, 2021 2:45 AM

Dec 2015
Most show nowadays tbh. Even if they aren't necessarily bad, but they aren't the level people claimed to be. Vivy is the most recent example, as it didn't show a reason for it deserve a 8/10 score or higher. It's a really solid 7/10 and nothing more.
Jun 3, 2021 2:47 AM

Apr 2021
I had high expectations for AOT, but when i watched it I didn't really find anything special in it. For anything that second arc was EXTREMELY boring. Made me rate it a 6/10.
MAL's Little Raccoon #2
made by hearingnote

matching w/ sekai-

Jun 3, 2021 2:52 AM

Feb 2020
demon slayer had a ton of hype and i tried watching it, dropped it on episode 5 and well that's that.
my friend also said plunderer would be nice, i gave it a shot and that felt like the biggest waste of my time on an anime

Jun 3, 2021 2:54 AM

Jun 2010
I haven't found any series that really disappoint me that bad. Nothing is perfect, but there will always be something or one thing that will interest me. It could be anything - be it a character, an arc, a scene, a scenario, the plot, the artist's artwork and presentation, author's sense of humour, the music or song, and so on.
Jun 3, 2021 2:56 AM

Aug 2017
op, i advise you to not listen to other people that much because that will obviously ruin your enjoyment.
pro tip: don't have expectations to begin with so you won't get disappointed later on.
Jun 3, 2021 3:18 AM

Feb 2020
I after watching modest heros, i read a review where it was written it was average short and there are far better aka Neo tokyo. curiosity go better of me and I had faithful encounter with trash

Again just few days ago watched mononoke and read in comment section many people saying that bakeneco arc of ayakashi was soo good and they wished they had not seen ayakashi before mononoke. curiously went to watch ayakashi, aside from first 2 shitty arc which deludes u into thinking 3rd arc bakeneko is gold. it just was a waste of time. i wish i had seen ayakashi first instead of mononoke, atleast i would have had quality improvement with passing time

Yeah, this kind of things happens, don't go put that much trust on other people's opinion. Always go with low expectation that's the golden rule.
AdampkJun 3, 2021 3:26 AM
Click for a anime mashup!
Still not gone bandwagon u, keep crying. Here u are welcome to CRINGE at my EXISTENCE

Jun 3, 2021 3:21 AM

Dec 2018
Demon Slayer: I likesd most of the part after ep 18, but until then it was boring af. Literally slept while watching many of the eps.

Zeta Gundam: A lot of people praise it but imo a lot of eps are wasted on teen drama and unnecessary battles, not to mention almost all of the political plot ran in the background, only lat few eps were great.

FMAB: It was pretty good anime but is extremely forgettable imo, didn't feel like a masterpiece to me.

Jojo part 3: It was really boring, idk why people praise it so much.

Jun 3, 2021 3:24 AM

Jul 2015
I'll just give the best mentions:

Steins;Gate, I had been promised compelling sci-fi that would blow my mind, I got a very bad rehash of 90s/early 00s sci-fi books about time travel wrapped in a dreadful dating sim adaptation/harem package.

Madoka,telegraphed deaths, telegraphed plot twists, telegraphed 4/10

Osayumi Punpun, god that thing is so edgy. Maybe when I was 16 and thought drawing swastikas on my highschool's table was funny, but not now. Miss me with that superficial crap. Life isn't just about looking good and getting laid lmao.
Jun 3, 2021 3:54 AM
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