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Oct 20, 2018 6:27 AM

Mar 2016

In the spirit of duality, Karn is the sister city to Neito. This city has an extensive system of ring-canals that form the basis for transport, connected from the Serva River, through Karn, and into the Ocean on the other side. The rivers are auto cleaned and filtered. hoverboards are used to glide across the waters surface. Trees and cobblestone houses line the waterways, and crime is incredibly low due to a high IAHD presence here. In all truth, a lot of things are based here. It's simply the ideal location for most things.
Darth_LewdiousFeb 25, 2019 4:44 PM
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Jan 3, 2019 10:31 AM

Nov 2015
Ayano – The Mad Bullet Dancer

Ayano had the most interesting way of traveling on a maglev train, she was lying down on a chair and her feet where on a table and she had openly her gun up and she was looking at her MHPT. "How fun, a hunt is like search and destroy."

Ayano would access with her apps to check for basic message boards about Karn during her trips. The search was quite heavily based on anything suspicious around graveyards. Considering everything that creature couldn't have been a too big source of an uproar. While there she would make a single call with her MHPT: "I took a task rogue, again. You better wire the cash, double. When the deed is done or I'll have my big brother unload all over your chest. - Send Voice message."

After having sent the message to Apex [enter mission management here.] She looked at the MHPT and looked at the topography of each of the graveyards and cross-referenced it with IAHD presence. She used an application to make a heatmap of the area and she turned some areas red or green, based on how likely IAHD would have had immediately dealt with the threat and what areas would be more likely areas for this defiler to go unchecked. She also had to confirm this with general population of the area.

Just before arriving she would make a call to IAHD in Karn just leaving a voice message: "Hello. I heard there was a formal problem with some undead circling around the city. I am the hired cleaner who came to clean up with this mess. ~Please send any updates you have to me.~ - Send Voice Message."

Ayano would then check the closest area with a bar and would walk out there after arriving with a maglev to the city. She would go inside and make an order: "Hello boys. ~ Long time no see. I have a small business meeting in town. I'm looking for an undead that has been causing some trouble. So I was hoping to get two large bottles of your strongest alcohol, preferable a liter bottle each. ~ I promise I won't cause any trouble this time..." She gave off puppy eyes at the end of her promise.

After receiving her order, Ayano would walk to a table with the two bottles, and she verified that the alcohol content in the bottles was above 60%. She placed her revolver on the table and unloaded two silver bullets from it. First and fourth. Accompanied by a puff of black smoke she held two incendiary bullets and she loaded one to the first chamber and one to the fourth chamber. She stared at her gun like a pyromaniac.

After all of this was done, Ayano would look up at her MHPT and see for any voice messages about her rogue mission.

Jan 3, 2019 8:50 PM

Mar 2016
She would immediately recieve a message back from the Office of Apex in Karn.
That sounded like a threat. I would advise checking your tone before making those kind of requests or you wont recieve any payment. Send in your report when your mission is complete.
Ayano would manage to isolate two graveyards that had the best conditions. However, the incoming text from the IAHD added a new target.
Most Recent sightings of the Defiler place it near the attached Geomarker. Download the attached map projection. It contains prediction data for where the defiler is expected to go based on earlier data. Be careful. Its amassed a small hoard of corpsewalkers.

Jan 3, 2019 9:26 PM

Nov 2015
Ayano – The Mad Bullet Dancer

Ayano would send a reply back at her office in the bar: "Thanks love, I got the confirmation. I'll buy you a drink tonight. ~ Send Voice Message." She would proceed to take a shot from the bottles and then leave the two silver bullets on the table.

"Just put 'em on my tab like always." She'd say, looking at her MHPT like a beast. She would have a murderous gleam in her eyes, she had found the whereabouts of her prey. "So this is where you were hiding at... And you made some friends." On her way to the graveyard, she would study at the area topology from her MHPT.

Upon arriving at the graveyard in question, Ayano would stay at it's outskirts and take a small sip from the bottle. "I really hope I don't have to waste this stuff." She would look for the best vantage point that would not be into the graveyard to avoid getting dropped upon. And she would scan the area with her eyes. If she was able to get a high ground that would require climbing up ladders or such (read - difficult to reach as a zombie), she would take it and spend a moment observing the graveyard. -- She would use this location in conjugation with the data sent by IAHD to attempt to pinpoint the zombies.

Jan 6, 2019 12:54 AM

Mar 2016
She set her eyes upon the graveyard. And as you counted, there were thirteen family crypts here. And for of them were broken into. Searching movement, you could see a few of the corpsewalkers wandering around the outside of the Watson Family Tomb. Elsewhere they are sporadically placed. But all of them have managed to stay confined in the graveyard. Safe to say, tht anyone would draw the same conclusion. Your mark was likely inside the Watson Crypt somewhere, breaking into the coffins. The insatiable hunger of the dead is truly vexing. But for now nothing seems to have caught your scent. Yet.
Jan 6, 2019 2:41 AM

Nov 2015
Ayano – The Mad Bullet Dancer

"I see one... Two... Oh that's where it has to be. Let's see. On MHPT those should be there and there..." Ayano would start tracking the targets on her map and do a very thorough job with it. She wouldn't mind the patient approach here. As well as, she would go as far as to check, if the maps would extend underground before starting her hunt.

One last confirmation to the direction of wind, she didn't want to tip off whatever was inside the mausoleum to her presence. After she had confirmed her targets, Ayano would start working slowly through the zombies. Not taking any shortcuts here.

Initially, she would pick targets that would permit her to have a direct line of sight to the entrance of the mausoleum that was most likely to contain the target. Carefully being aware to any changes in the graveyard. As long as she could cull the corpsewalkers in peace, she would go and double-tap them, allowing the first bullet to hit them to the torso followed with a headshot with the aid of the recoil of the gun. If there was any noticeable unrest from the mauseleum, she would immediately fall back to her previous vantage point due to the ease to defend it.

If she was able to deal with the sporadically placed corpsewalkers without triggering an immediate hostile reaction, Ayano would proceed to fire at the ones at the mausoleum entrance from distance. (unless in the case that they wouldn't follow her, when she was shooting) she would pull back to her vantage point and then proceed to shoot from there.

Mostly all of Ayano's bullets would be incendiaries as she was hunting. Considering that those would have the best effect for the current encounter. Unless the initial four silver bullets, proved to have stronger effect than the odd 2 incendiaries that she already had loaded when she started off her hunt. It wasn't going to be that difficult to make up with the difference.

While doing this, Ayano would keep a constant note that the zombies were on places where she anticipated them to be at, and that there were no additional ones coming from any mausoleums. If there were, she would immediately withdraw back to the vantage spot.
Jan 7, 2019 9:36 PM

Mar 2016
The sound of Gunfire seemedto draw out three additional Zombies from the Watson Mausoleum, and shortly after, the target. The defiler walked up and peeked outside the mausoleum. Curiosly investigating the gunfire outside its feeding grounds. And while it did grab the creatures attention, it also killed the first round of targets the incendiary round that killed the first zombie set it ablaze. The smellof cooking flesh began to spread. This would draw outthe restof the zombies soon.
Jan 8, 2019 11:24 AM

Nov 2015
Ayano – The Mad Bullet Dancer

Ayano would have a gleeful smile. Apparently choosing a wind direction to her advantage and using incendiary bullets, would even the make the dead zombies appear appetizing for the rest of the zombies. While she was observing, as long as nothing approached her - Ayano would uncork one of the bottles of hard booze that she had grabbed from the bar and started filling the bottle with incendiary bullets, it was perhaps novel idea. A new cocktail had been born - Ayano's cocktail. If she had enough time to fully stuff the bottle until it was impossible to jam another incendiary bullet inside, she would give it a light whirl and take a taste of the metal infused booze. Confirming that she had six bullets left in the chamber, she would leave this bottle on the ground and start shooting. Leaving the bottle between her and the zombies. If the creatures would start their onslaught towards her, she would shoot an incendiary bullet dead-center on the bottle when they were almost on it's spot (don't try this at home). And withdraw back to her vantage point with the aid of this explosion. (While also taking shots to the most eager zombies to rush forward.)
Jan 8, 2019 11:42 PM

Mar 2016
The Defiler couldnt see you, until you shot at ome lf its risen. It quickly snapped its head in your direction a d stood up straight. The creature began running towards you, its legs flailing forward in a frenzied state. The beast was faster than the others, making its mad dash. It quickly jumped the bottle, and latched onto thw side of the building she stood on, begining to clammer up its side.

The other Zombies moved in a mob directly to Ayano. Not a mad dash, but more like a linear trajectory, slowly making their way there. Her bottle shot did remarkably well, killing six of the nineteen zombies. Though you couldnt have done much better with the Defiler right up on you. The other Zombies either tried to fimd a way around the fire, or made their way through it. Killing another five of them.
Jan 9, 2019 11:00 AM

Nov 2015
Ayano – The Mad Bullet Dancer

"And after pleasure comes work ..." Ayano would toss her last bottle that she got from the bar over the ledge towards the athletic Defiler with a smirk, as the bottle was falling down she would would quickly press her palm against the hammer of her revolver, quickly emptying the remaining clip of her revolver at the creature and the bottle of booze. Immediately upon doing so, Ayano would quickly dart as far away from the creature as possible and fling open her revolver and eject the empty cases. Quickly pushing in a moon of silver bullets and slamming the chamber shut; aiming over the ledge for anything coming up. She would quickly fan whatever would show it's ugly face with an addition of six pieces of silvery-love. However, if the creature appeared to have issues and was slowed from the previous volley, then Ayano would carefully move closer in and empty the lucky six at the defiler in pursuit. (Followed by retreat, if there were issues)
Jan 10, 2019 5:58 PM

Mar 2016
One shot missed the bottle, and two shots made it into the Defilers shoulder before it fell. The bottle promptly exploded, catching a side of the building on fire. Though since it was an alcohol fire, it burned up too quick to spread, same for the defiler. During all this, the mob behind it had caught up as the remaining three bullets hit it in its leg, chest, and as it hit the ground, its head. Killing the target.

+10 XP

The zombies began to crowd around the dead defiler. A terrible stemch wafts through the air. You could see them cannibalizing it. You then began shooting them, but only two of these bullets found their way into the remaining eight zombies. Killing them, and leaving only six. These creatures began to mutate on th spot. Their spines detatched from their hips, and fomed a bit of a tail starting at their shoulders. Then screamed and then remembered you. Two of them jumped up ten feet onto the wall and clammered up. Four of them had to vomit out what looked like their rotten, shriveled up lungs. The new six defilers were now all climing the wall like professionals. And Ayano didnt have any time to aim and shoot. By the time she had reloaded, the first two were already up the wall. And even if she dispatched them, the next four were right underneath them.
Jan 10, 2019 7:44 PM

Nov 2015
Ayano – The Mad Bullet Dancer

((OOC: so it looks like that eat=>mutate=>wall climb happened faster than the creature dying off and falling down to ground and 'appearing' human. I wonder, if it was intentional?))

It appeared that when Ayano quickly slammed against the firing pin of her revolver, the creature fell already first three and was finished by the end of it all. And after another fanning she only managed to drop two of the zombies. Ayano opened her revolver to eject the bullets as she calmly observed the situation. The alcohol apparently did not splatter on top of the defiler (and the things mutated extremely quickly). She wasn't going to waste time and when the creatures started climbing she would not hesitate to prepare to leave her position. First off shooting at the closer defiler with as many rounds as she had time, aiming at it's head and prepared to switch over to the other one as the distance was nearing.

At this point Ayano would likely be forced to make up a retreat. With some form of understanding of the basic area being studied, she'd either try to continue from rooftop to rooftop, if the area supported that or sprint off, ejecting the casings in her revolver as she ran and waiting for an opportunity to push in another moon clip of incendiaries. At this point she was also risking that the creatures might be introduced upon civilian population. She didn't have time to issue an alert with her MHPT. A risk of a civilian getting hurt was going to be likely the case now.

"Those bloody things managed to mutate in just a split-second second despite of setting that thing on fire?"
Jan 11, 2019 6:09 PM

Mar 2016
+26 XP from previous Zombie Kills.

Ayano’s excellent shot picked off the first two defilers. Though her quick retreat gave her plenty of time to reload. By a stroke of fortune, she was in a spot that allowed her to stick to rooftops, minimizing civilian presence in her firing range.

Then the first of the four remaining defilers made it tothe roofs amd dashed toward her. Then two more, then the last. They began to sprint the moment they planted their feet on the tiles. They were much faster than you were. Even with your lead, it wouldnt be long before they get into attacking range.
Jan 11, 2019 7:38 PM

Nov 2015
Ayano – The Mad Bullet Dancer

Four more to go... Stay focused. You're almost to the clear. Just focus! - Ayano shouted to herself, dashing. After having reloaded her gun, she was forced to run into a diagonal, concentrating for just a moment. She'd set her aim so that the forerunner; would be hit on to it's leg to get into the way of others and two more shots into the legs of the defilers in hopes of slowing their advance, make them collide on each other in order to create isolation and reduce their ability of actually jumping from rooftop to rooftop to risk the possible lucky break that a few of them might fall down to the ground -- the timing of these shots would be when the creatures were about to reach an edge; taking an advantage of the mad dashes risking into horrible parkour accident.

After having taken the initial shots, if she heard that the creatures would stumble -- Ayano would calmly turn and take as many headshots with as much accuracy as she could up to the limit of three shots as she had no more left. Followed by her continuing her retreat and running as quickly as she could. She would look up for a trajectory to jump to the street level, if the enemies were getting too close. She would need the chaos as her cover.

If she was able to take the follow-up shots after her plan to slow down the defiler's advance enoug and had a brief window to reload, she would empty the shells and push in another moon of incendiary rounds.
Jan 14, 2019 12:03 PM

Mar 2016
As Ayano turns for a brief moment, or even if she didnt, as she took aim the first time, she would feel or see one of the defilers right behind her. The creature cranked its neck somthat it could bite the eide of the revolver. Its manual dexterity was quite impressive for a running cadaver. While your shot didnt hit it per say, the sudden force on your aim somehow managed to pop the one behind it in the head. Leaving three left. However, only two maintained their position on the roof as the second one lost motor control and tripped the third into the ground level.

+10 XP from a dead Defiler

The first defiler, the one who nad just bit your gun then grabbed your arm and dug its foot into the ground, tripping both of you into sliding across, amd then off of the roof. The last one on the roof jumped down, and aimed to strike you from on high with it’s claws. The one that dragged you down here is also trying to get up.

Meanwhile you could hear a little chaos from the one whom fell earlier. Then it died down with a strange concussive boom.
Jan 14, 2019 7:50 PM

Nov 2015
Ayano – The Mad Bullet Dancer

When the creature grabbed Ayano's gun with it's tooth, Ayano could feel nothing more but ecstacy and exhilaration. Her heart was beating like a drum and she grinned as the gun popped a head behind the creature. Although the creature may have had the idea of "tackling" her. She had the exactly same idea. Although in an outcome that was not as merry for it. Simply kicking off with her leg on the creature, the defiler had given her the best opportunity. All she had to do was to press the trigger and yank the aim to the side a little. It wasn't going to matter whether it was off by an inch or two. All she needed was a shot into the creature's mouth. Although not any shot would suffice. But a lined shot towards the one spot in head which guaranteed a suicide no matter what. A single decisive shot into it's throat -- for the bullet to travel, completely decimate the cerebellum and for the incendiary bullet to shatter against on the connection of the spinal column and the skull. She pushed the full force off on both of her feets to kick off and achieve this shift of few inches, not using the force in her hand to guide the gun but her legs. If she succeeded in aligning the gun with force, she pulled the trigger. Not even an iron group could dampen the sudden yank coming off from a burst of strength from her legs kicking against the creature and pushing with her back muscles. Depending on the success, Ayano would then have to worry about falling down the roof in a posture that was not going to be nice. If the creature took the bullet where she wanted it, she would try to roll the dead body so that it would cushion the fall slightly and then aim above.

She would then simply bet everything on this one last shot even, like her life depended on it. Well it did. Not even feeling the pain from underneath the pounding of her heart and the thrill of an adrenaline rush, she would wait for the final defiler to show itself, disregarding danger she would seek to hit it to it's head as it made it's fell swoop and although her reflexes would make her pull the trigger on the gun for one more time, it wasn't going to make much difference now. She gave out everything for the accuracy of the first shot to land it to the final creatures head. She didn't display fear, only an eagerness to take one last life, her bloodlust had gone past the roof, coupled with the adrenaline from a dangerous situation. Still even, if this was unsuccessful, she would not give up. Giving off her final bullet in a second attempt to lobotomize the creature. As any level of pain would likely go unnoticed in her current state due to the anatomy of pain.

Jan 15, 2019 12:12 PM

Mar 2016
Your sudden movement was successful. You killed another defiler before you fell off the roof. The fall down a twi story residence was cusioned to the point of you will live. A couple broken ribs was all you got from the fall. This was to be considered lucky that it didnt puncture vital organs, as the luck from the following events was not in your favor. The last defiler did jump down. But after such a dramatic change in events, it overshot, and did not fall down gracefully. Where Ayano was depending on the creatures head being, it simply was not there. And in its place, the incindiery round found its way into the monsters knee in what could be considered the most unlucky shot this week. With an empty clip, and a defiler falling at gravity speed towards you, you barely had time to reload as it hit the ground. And between the time it took to close the chamber, amd aim, the creature was there. And by the time you could pull the trigger, it had closed its jaw down on your left arm. Its jagged rotting teeth breaking flesh and damn near reaching the bone before you could put a round in the defiler.

+20 XP for two dead defilers.

+10 Fame for public defiler kill.

-20 fame for civilian casualties
(Yes it can go negative)

Ayano has been infected with Rot Plague.

Rot Plague Added to the Guide for reference.

All targets slain. Report completion at an Apex Office.
Jan 15, 2019 9:06 PM

Nov 2015
Ayano – The Mad Bullet Dancer

OOC: (I think there might be missing 2 defiler kills from the start in terms of XP.)

Ayano would giggle for a moment until she would start coughing a little blood, placing her hand in the way she'd slowly start to feel the main. Realizing that she was bitten by a defiler only a few moments later she would kick the thing away. "Tch... *cough*" Still despite of the pain, she was still high from the adrenaline. She would open up her MPHT and listened with her ears the situation, she was quite positive that the 4th one was dead. She checked up the closest path for the nearest medical station and started running. Meanwhile she would send a voice message to claim the deed:

"Hey darling, the deed has been complete. Unfortunately had to put a bullet on a few out on the open. The horde had grown a little bit too big. However I killed them. I just need to go and get a medical check-up just in case. Broke probably half of my ribs for falling off rooftops. Bloody things were agile. Killed 6 defilers. 1 Broke containment, it found something more attractive than my lovely round ass. Fortunately it was terminated by a third party so I don't have to worry further damage control. *Cough* Ow-ow... Bloody ribs. Anyways, drinks after I get back. xoxo, kisses. Drinks on me when I get back. Send message."

Ayano would keep breathing as she ran and she would report to the medical station: "I was bitten by a defiler a few moments ago." Ayano would sound slightly fatigued by everything.
Inaru-samaJan 15, 2019 9:10 PM
Jan 15, 2019 11:45 PM

Mar 2016
((Check ur discord when u have the chanc.))

She got a text back.
”Six? Because of the major increase in severity, we have decided to elevate the missions ranking. Youll get a nice little bonus out of this. Updating the board. Well done.

It took six minutes for her to reach the medical station in her injured condition. And by that point, the plague had begun to raise your body tempurature to intemse levels. It would feel like your body was being seared from the inside out. The aids on duty quickly rushed to help you onto a bed when they heard that it was a defiler. They did a muscle test by injecting a tiny amount of nerve toxin into your biceps. Not damgerous, just painful. And once they confirmed the atrophy hadnt set in, they strapped you in and stuck needles in your arms and legs quickly, into your veins. The solution they pumped into your blood made your already burning blood heat up more as it was literally burning up the plague. The straps were to make sure you didnt flail about and cause complications. Because it was PAINFUL. After the procedure, and the pain was gone, was about an hour. The doctor in charge approached you and handed you a small meal.

“Sorry about the extreme measures, dont know if youve been bitten before, but Rot Plague is an extremely painful way to die. We had to act fast to prevent the atrophy from setting in. While you were suffering from the cure, we had an Osteokinetic try and fix your ribs. They are back where they belong in your chest but you should let your body reinforce them naturally. So try not to get hit too hard. You are officially discharged. Your gun is currently being safeguarded at the desk, please remember to pick it up on your way out.”
Jan 16, 2019 10:41 AM

Nov 2015
Ayano – The Mad Bullet Dancer

Ayano would have a mixture of laughter and screaming alongside with the treatment. If someone didn't know better, you could say that she enjoyed the pain. Although tears had slightly damaged her makeup.

After a hour later, Ayano would look at the doctor and listen quietly at him talking. She gave a faint grin but didn't respond. Until she heard the words that she was discharged. "Thanks." Ayano would accept the meal and she would eat in a rush. Being slightly cautious of her ribs as she did so.

"I'll try to think up something that'll keep my ribs together." Ayano would step out from the bed. Feeling more experienced of the situation. Ayano would follow the place out and look up on her MHPT and then go and pick up her gun.

"I could go and pick up another assignment. Or go out and drink a little. Although, I did promise ... To buy one drink. Aargh. I don't feel like traveling that far sober... I actually want to keep on shooting. I think there was two more ~ fun assignments. Perhaps I should go and take a look."

Ayano would travel to the maglev and travel back to her HQ, leaving the area.
Inaru-samaJan 17, 2019 11:49 AM
Jan 16, 2019 11:33 PM

Mar 2016
On her way out, Ayano heard a whispering in her ear. Far but near. Unsettling, but just a brief moment it. Strangely it was completely legible.

”We are all his, bold and freed...
We are all yours, bound to bleed...
We are the blind, and through this see...
We are what was, what could not be...”

OddlopJan 16, 2019 11:44 PM
Jan 17, 2019 12:36 PM

Nov 2015
Ayano – The Mad Bullet Dancer

Ayano's plans would derail as she heard the strange whispers. She froze on her tracks, drawing her gun only to realize that she never reloaded it, and at the same time she saw nothing. She took a mental note and checked on her MHPT to pick the message up.

"Hey... Say has there been as of lately any observations of cognito hazards in the Karn City? - Send Message." She would send the message back at HQ.

Meanwhile while waiting for an answer, she emptied the chamber of her gun of the empty shells and placed six iron bullets in, gave it a spin and then closed it. Holstering the weapon. Ayano would take a deep breath and start walking towards the direction of the whispers, assuming likely that it was from the Graveyard where she had been previously at.
Jan 17, 2019 6:05 PM

Mar 2016
She got back a danger report on Karn, containing public data on local dangers. Crime was low. Undead was low. This place was a remarkably safe place to live actually. Cognito hazards were limited to psychic criminals and psychoactive drugs. Anything else has been chalked up to individual insanity. Back at the graveyard, she found IAHD cleanup crews taking care of the bodies and assessing repairs. Impressive response times.
Jan 17, 2019 8:10 PM

Dec 2015
Rohan Azuron

Still hobo
Status: Focus

With a mission at hand, and full of energy due to just being revived, although still hungry, Rohan set off on his quest. He started to walk around Karn's streets, occasionally asking one of two questions: "Have you seen Arachne?" or "Do you recognize this pendant?", occasionally entering stores or restaurants to ask there too. He would keep at it for a couple of hours at first, hoping to find results sooner than that. If not successful at first, Rohan would take a break on a nearby park, laying down under the shadow of a tree.
Jan 17, 2019 10:17 PM

Nov 2015
Ayano – The Mad Bullet Dancer

Ayano looked around at the site and then sent out for a message:
"Could you verify any database match on the following:

We are all his, bold and freed...
We are all yours, bound to bleed...
We are the blind, and through this see...
We are what was, what could not be...

Additional search parameters: "The Blind" -- Possible cults, such. Likely involved in morbid actions. Even case files from asylums. You know how much I hate dealing with cognitohazards... There are things that I would rule on coincidence. This one ... Na-ah. I'll try to follow my intuition on this one. If it fails, I'm out of Karn for good and never coming back here. I really hate dealing with this.

Thanks. - Send Message."

Ayano nibbed her lower lip as she confirmed that there were no outstanding cognito hazards from the first reply that she had received. She'd walk towards the crypt where she saw the defiler coming from, she was quite determined in her path; at least when IAHD were around as walking like you knew what you were doing was going to reduce the risk of someone bothering asking questions and right now she had better things to do.
Inaru-samaJan 17, 2019 10:23 PM
Jan 20, 2019 12:16 AM

Mar 2016
You got back a few thousand entries pertaining to “The Blind”. However, one entry was tagged. The peom was even listed. The topic was two monsters that wer dealt with 125 years ago. The Gods of the Velen. Extraterrestials who were among the first to arrive. Two entities they worshipped, called The Briar and The Cyst, were apparently a deity couple. One prevented hunger and starvation. The other prevented disease and insanity. However, once their followers began to die of age, they were left unfulfilled. Briar amd Cyst ended up causing a lot of major problems until Lyka the Dullahan, Nykas Krym, and seven Velen priests managed to put the deities back to sleep. Then seal them up. Their Crypt is even constantly monitored by the IAHD in case they ever do wake back up. As such the location of their crypt is sent to you. Its in the Serva Valley.

Most of the replies that Rohan was getting seemed to imply that most people have recently seen her at New Pantheons cathedral. Raising morale for Hang’E followers and caring for the ailing goddess. Arachne, Skadi, and Pele have all been trying the same thing. Steer everyones faith amd goodwill towards HangE to try and help her fight whatever has her ailing.
Jan 20, 2019 5:05 AM

Nov 2015
Ayano – The Mad Bullet Dancer

Ayano would look at her MHPT rather casually until a strong hit was found, she would have a relief over her face, she'd go into the crypt to find anything that would connect to these two deities before heading out to the location in the geomarker: "I'll go out to investigate. It sounds like there may be a catastrophic containment breach. If that is true case, it's payday for us. Unfortunately I fear that there is a connection. Any possibility that the corpsewalkers or defilers were formerly part of this cult worshipping Briar and Cyst. I'll do some digging up of my own around the crypt to see, if there might be any items involved to this incident. Try to keep it off from IAHD radar. I don't want them to dictate the price on this. Oh... And I read the report. It's a little bit of too much of a coincidence to have 'Nykas' appear here today and having been out there 125 years ago. I don't believe in coincidences. He was there for a purpose. I have the gut feeling that like there is something wrong here. Send message."

Ayano would go around the crypts to see, if she could find anything in the initial area that could link up with the two self proclaimed deities, noting anything of interest. After she completed her sweep, she would leave the graveyard and head out, if she wouldn't find anything special.
Jan 21, 2019 12:33 AM

Mar 2016
She would find absolutely no link between the graves and The Briar. The Watson Family was never known for its religion. And a background check confirms it. This graveyard, due to lack of evidence, seems entirely unrelated to The Briar. The message that returned in response had links to the aforementioned, and spoke. “As of yet, there isnt an incident. And if you look around a bit, you will find things that reference Nykas in almost every major world event or large problem earlier than 56 years ago. She is kind of a legend.”
Jan 21, 2019 3:24 PM

Nov 2015
Ayano – The Mad Bullet Dancer

"Understood. I'll go check the crypt." Ayano would look up for the trip to Serva Valley. It wasn't one that she was quite keen on taking but she wanted to be meticulous with this issue before it could get any worse. After confirming her destination, she would take maglev as close as it was possible before continuing from there on by foot, leaving the area.

Jan 21, 2019 11:56 PM

Mar 2016
The MagLev would take you to the Cordam Project, within the far edges of the serva forest. Before it runs into the valley and mountains. It was quite a trek to the crypt, but that was the only thing in that direction.
Feb 21, 2019 10:37 AM
Aug 2014

Aliza / Not Summoned
Staff of Light / Wielding
Healing Light / 2 Uses Left / 1 CD

A familiar name came up in his search, but for the sake of his own health, he ignored it. Instead, he focussed on the three names at hand. Out of those three, Ceylan realised the easiest to meet up with was probably the spiritualist. After all, he wasn't eager to end up in a fight against defilers, nor did he know how to approach a musician without them thinking he was just some fan of their music without any respect for their privacy. Besides, even if the spiritualist wouldn't be the man he was looking for, they were always an interesting type of people.

In the end, Ceylan set out to find the address he found the spiritualist to live and work at. Considering it was bought fifty years ago, the spiritualist was probably pretty old. Once he managed to find the place, he'd look to see if there was a doorbell, or desk, or anything he could use to formally announce his presence.
Feb 25, 2019 4:52 PM

Mar 2016
Ceylan's search was a simple one, just search the name of the establishment. And immediately there was the address. he was in the southern area of Karn, to the right of the Serva Canal. The place would prove easy enough to find, as it was packed with groomed foliage and a very interesting architecture. It was made of sloped sand brick in a slightly pyramidian structure, with the top shaved off. The entrance was more similar to a Gate than a doorway, leading into a courtyard where more than a dozen students were meditating, in the air. Seems whatever they learn here actually works.

The person you are looking for isnt in the Courtyard, but there is a section past the courtyard that includes a lobby, a small sauna which is protected and regulated by middle aged men and women. There was also a staircase leading into the upper level, but there was no need, as you could see the man you were searching for through an open doorway, leading a class.
Feb 27, 2019 12:27 PM
Aug 2014

Aliza / Not Summoned
Staff of Light / Wielding
Healing Light / 2 Uses Left / 1 CD

Ceylan was surprised to find that the building he was looking for was... 'A pyramid..?' Add to that the 'floating' and meditating students, and it was clear that the 'spiritualist' was about as peculiar as Ceylan had expecting a person like him to be. He ended up crossing the courtyard into a lobby, but someone that seemed to be in charge, whom Ceylan assumed to be his target, was leading a class. Deciding not to interrupt, he'd wait for it to finish while listening in on whatever was discussed. 'Who knows, maybe I'll pick something up.'

If someone would approach him, wondering what he was doing here, he'd explain himself. “I'm just waiting for a chance to speak to mister Nihilo.” If that wouldn't happen, he'd wait for the class end before approaching Havraak. “Excuse, mister Nihilo, could I have a moment of your time please?”
Feb 27, 2019 7:49 PM

Mar 2016
You were left uninterrupted, and the man you sought left the room while everyone talked among themselves. You stopped him, and he nodded with a smile. "Of course Ceylan, walk with me. I should see my pupils as we speak." Already having knew your name, it became immediately obvious he was either legit, or had a very good intel network. "Would you like something to eat or drink once we are back inside." He said while he walked the courtyard, observing form and stability of the levitation.
Mar 1, 2019 1:34 AM
Aug 2014

Aliza / Not Summoned
Staff of Light / Wielding
Healing Light / 2 Uses Left / 1 CD

Havraak seemed to be up to date, whether that was through connections or spiritualism, Ceylan did not know. What Ceylan did know, however, was that he'd better be on guard. After all, a common tactic used by conmen, was to start off offering something for free. It gave their victims a sense that they 'owed' the conman something in return. That was often why people were more willing to hear them out. In this case, accepting food and/or drink could be a ploy to creature that kind of goodwill or sense of debt.

That said, Ceylan wasn't planning to be tricked by it, thus he figured he might as well accept the offer. After all, for as long as he was aware of it, he wouldn't fall for the trick so easily. “Some tea would be great, if possible.” After that, the man just stood and watched the levitating people. There wasn't really anything to appraise about it, so Ceylan could look as much as he wanted, but at best he spotted 'oh, that one wobbled for a bit' if such a thing were to occur.

That said, once they were back inside, he'd give Havraak the option to start the conversation. After all, Ceylan was curious to see if Havraak would 'know' more than just his name, and if the guy would also know his reason for being here. If Havraak didn't, and if he would ask Ceylan about it, he'd reply; “Have you ever heard of the Monolith? It's a relic kept by the Collectors. I'm trying to see where its visions will lead me, and so far, it lead me here. After experiencing a sense of dying to creature that I believe to be defiler, and being revived at the Karn pylon, I've set out to find people whom experienced this fate. From what I gathered, you are such a person.”
Mar 3, 2019 8:38 PM

Mar 2016
As they sat around a small table, Havraak observed your silence, whilst bringing two cups and a pot of hot tea to the table. Though he didnt move, they did. As the things gently floated into place, the teapot floated into his hand as he poured the tea. Sitting it on a coaster, he let you initiate.

"The Monolith of twenty faces? Obsidian Make? Yes I know the object. I heard it was crafted by a group of war Survivors to hide a very powerful object from the unwise. When the defiler Attacked, I was unaware of Rot Plague. And so i returned to here with moderate wounds, only to go to the hospital later and find out it was too late. Its... its a special kinda pain to die like that.
Mar 5, 2019 1:22 AM
Aug 2014

Aliza / Not Summoned
Staff of Light / Wielding
Healing Light / 2 Uses Left / 1 CD

By now, Havraak seemed more of a magician than a spiritualist. Floating teapots and cups around like he owned the place, which he did, but still. That said, from what Havraak named the object, it seemed like he had more information on it than Ceylan. That, or they weren't talking about the same thing... “I don't think I've heard it being referred to by those names, only as the Monolith or the Obelisk. Might I ask for you to share whatever information you have about it?”

It was also pretty ironic for a spiritualist to be unaware of the Rot Plague, as you'd expect him to somehow spiritualist his way out of such things. “I can imagine.” Ceylan could bring up some sympathy for the man's death. That said, in Ceylans visions, the death had seemed to be far more immediate, rather than delayed like in Havraak's case. It meant Havraak likely wasn't his target. Even so, maybe he could learn from him. “What meaning would you, as a spiritualist, read into the fact that I've been given visions of someone dying to such a creature? The fact that I've also seen where they were revived, here at the Karn pylon, made me believe I'm meant to look for them, but beyond that, I don't know what I might expect.”
Mar 5, 2019 9:36 PM

Mar 2016
He chuckled, then laughed a bit at your misunderstanding. "Those werent names, they were a description. Anyways, when it comes to the Visions of the Monolith, they can be about as cryptic as they come. Or, so simple you wouldnt even think to try. The Monolith always gives three clues. What were the clues?" He took a sip of the tea. Very obviously grimacing. "On second thought, maybe we should just set the tea aside..." If you went against his judgement and tasted it, your taste buds would not-so-gently inform you of how bad of an idea it was to drink it. It tasted abysmal. Bitter and somehow dry, there was a high chance, unless you know a competing party, that this may have been the worst tea that has ever crossed your lips. It was absolutely foul.
Mar 8, 2019 1:18 AM

Dec 2011
Aiden Stormguard

Current Status Normal
Skills Active Stormblood Blessing, Danger Imminent
Current Equipment Radiation Shield, CEFGR Array

After having received equipment from the armory, Aiden would be on his way. Nighttime is best time for ambushes! Although he might have to find a way to see better in the dark...

It shouldn't matter too much to him, since he's a close combat fighter. While the others probably rely on ranged combat, which rely way more on sight. But they'll be in for a surprise with his new CEFGR Array!

Aiden looked at the map, trying to figure out where he had to head to next... Seriously, where did he have to go to next?
Mar 10, 2019 1:00 PM
Aug 2014

Aliza / Not Summoned
Staff of Light / Wielding
Healing Light / 2 Uses Left / 1 CD

Havraak had an odd way of describing things, equally odd as his timing in doing so. Ceylan shrugged it off. To his further disappointment, Havraak didn't reply react to his question. Instead, he just replied with a question of his own. Ceylan answered. “There was an undead creature with a tail and jagged teeth, the feeling of dying due to my heart slowing down and stopping, and an image of the Karn Pylon.”

For some reason, trying the tea was discouraged. Ceylan decided to live up to the advice, although he was curious enough to smell it. If the smell hinted in any way towards what the taste would be, he wouldn't be able to help himself from trying to figure out how it could be this abysmally bad. “Is this something used for rituals or something...?” It was the most plausible reason for someone to have something like this served as tea.
Mar 11, 2019 8:28 PM

Mar 2016
He sat and thought about it for a moment. He was about to respond, yet Ceylan had another question to ask. The tea. Thankfully Ceylan hadnt yet accused him of attempting to poison him. "Not in particular. Sometimes I just forget that I am really bad at Tea. So instead, we have Rose Milk that has been purchased from the Store, where we can assume it tastes edible."

The Tea floated away and back to where it came from, and you could hear the entire pot spill into a drain. Shortly after a moment, two clear glasses of an opaque pink liquid. This one would actually taste fair. It had a floral taste, while being exceedingly sweet and soft. Havraak actually had a significantly smaller glass than you did. Well... Lets see...

He reached out and grabbed your arm, lifted it a bit, then let go. "Well obviously, if you are 'sposed to find someone, it isnt me. But... Im not sure thats what its asking for. It identified two objects and a link. Neither of the objects are a person... I smell fire. Why do i smell fire? There is no fire, so why do I smell it...?
Mar 14, 2019 11:07 AM
Aug 2014

Aliza / Not Summoned
Staff of Light / Wielding
Healing Light / 2 Uses Left / 1 CD

How in the world someone could be 'bad at tea' was beyond Ceylan, to the point where he wondered if it was an excuse for something. Well, it didn't matter too much, or so he hoped. He eyed the drink he was given instead, 'Rose Milk', which was new to him. He gave it a good look, a fair sniff, and eventually a slight sip. It was quite a bit more sweet than what he preferred, but he wasn't rude enough to say so. Instead, he figured he'd just sip from it until either his teeth jumped out or until the cup was empty.

That said, he was distracted by the sudden arm-grab. This, in turn, was soon forgotten by whatever Havraak started blabbering about next. Ceylan didn't quite manage to make sense of the 'it identified two objects and a link' before Havraak went on with something that got him even more confused. A quick look around him revealed that there was indeed no fire. The thought that it was something psychic didn't really cross Ceylan's mind, as something like 'I smell fire' didn't really come across as psychic-ish as 'I sense fire' for various reasons. “Excuse me, I'm afraid I don't quite follow...”
Mar 14, 2019 11:48 PM

Mar 2016
Havraak seemed to notice your opinion of the Rose Milk through the way that you behaved while drinking it. "If it makes you feel better, its not really my favorite thing either. But it does wonders for nerves."

he quickly realized that he was confusing the poor boy. "Im sorry." He said it with a soft chuckle. "You can tell I dont really deal with people other than my students. Forgive me if I seem scattered. So many things are wrong about tonight. Anyways, what i was saying, is that the fact that it didnt show you a single person, makes me question whether or not it wants you to find a person. I personally think you are barking up the wrong tree. When I touched you, nothing happened. If I was your target something would of happened. There should be one common link between your clues."
Mar 16, 2019 2:15 AM
Aug 2014

Aliza / Not Summoned
Staff of Light / Wielding
Healing Light / 2 Uses Left / 1 CD

Ceylan wasn't really worried about his nerves. If anything, he was wondering if this overly sweet drink would've made a good combination with the overly bitter tea. That said, Ceylan had yet to get his certificate in tea appraisal. Skipping ahead to the more important things, Ceylan was glad to get something of an explanation.

“I see. I guess I was under the wrongful impression that I was experiencing the visions through the eyes of the person I was looking for. Hence I connected the creature, the feeling of death by heart failure, and the Karn Pylon as an attempt to find whomever has gone through that experience. If that turns out to be incorrect...” Ceylan wasn't quite sure what else would make sense of the visions. “The only common theme that I can imagine is death and revival. An undead, the feeling of dying, and a device to bring people back to life. Sadly enough, I am unaware what such a common link might lead towards. I've already visited the Karn Pylon, and I didn't notice anything that might be relevant to this...”

At this rate, it felt like going by a wild guess might be his best option. “If it doesn't wish for me to find a person, what else might be the objective? It doesn't seem like I was meant to find just the Karn Pylon, nor was there another object among the clues. Would it wish for me to find the specific defiler?” If the latter was the case, Ceylan feared he would need the help of his companion again. Resummoning her wouldn't be pleasant.
Mar 18, 2019 10:49 PM

Mar 2016
He thought, finishing his drink. "Well, I could also be wrong. There is a good reason nobody has successfully opened the Monolith. Because the three clues it gives you often could be anything at all. Maybe it wants you to find someone who died of Rot Plague. Maybe it wants you to rip out a defilers heart. Hell, maybe it wants you to die a certain way. A mistake most people make is ruling out things that seem unreasonable. So try and think of everything."

He looked at him with an eye raised. "Well, it might want you to find a specific Defiler, but thats like finding a single specific Needle in a needlestack. Ive been on my hunt for a long time. Lead me to a lot of places, met a lot of interesting people. Actually, mull on that for a moment, Ill be back shortly." He got up and walked back to the courtyard. Then he walked upstairs. Then back down and into the kitchen. He went back upstairs with a peculiar tool in his hand and was up there for five minutes before he came back down. "Sorry for making you wait. Ill be just a moment longer." He set the tool back in his kitchen and brought more rose milk. "There we go, want some more?"
Mar 20, 2019 1:42 PM
Aug 2014

Aliza / Not Summoned
Staff of Light / Wielding
Healing Light / 2 Uses Left / 1 CD

'Try to think of everything' felt like a rather useless suggestion. After all, even if he managed to come up with a plethora of possibilities, there was no way for him to test them all. The best he could was to start with whatever seemed plausible and rule out all dead ends. So far, he didn't really consider any of the suggestions made by Havraak plausible enough to pursue. That said, one thing managed to pique Ceylan's interest. “If I may ask, what is a spiritualist such as yourself hunting for?” He figured it was probably a figure of speech, as he doubted the guy would actually hunt for monsters. That said, he still was curious to learn what Havraak was after. That said, he wasn't eager to get more rose mild. “No thanks.” The 'peculiar tool' on the other hand, was of interest to Ceylan. Enough so for him to try to using his skill as a master appraiser to see what he could learn about it during the time that it was visible to him.
Mar 25, 2019 9:56 PM

Mar 2016
"A key of some sort." He answered quite frankly. "But if you mean in regards of my path, then I am studying the fabric of higher creation. I seek a peace found through understanding of the fundamentals of reality." As Ceylan had tried to appraise the tool, he would find that it was some sort of celestial sextant. It was used to measure the location of certain celestial bodies. The problem is that the bodies that this object are attuned to, to your knowledge, dont exist.

As Aiden left the armory, he would find that the night had been passing quickly, and it would be morning pretty soon. But for now, your goal was due east, a building a good distance away from the Dullahan's Estate, along the edge of the Serva Forest. The GeoMarker had an arrow in that direction, as well as an extremely detailed overhead view of the area.

Mar 26, 2019 9:11 AM
Aug 2014

Aliza / Not Summoned
Staff of Light / Wielding
Healing Light / 2 Uses Left / 1 CD

By now, Ceylan felt like he had mostly been wasting his time here. The spiritualist wasn't the person he was looking for, that much was clear. It also wasn't someone whom could really help him figure out what the Monolith wanted, as he had only added more possibilities, rather than exclude some. The entire 'two objects and a link' wasn't quite sinking in either. Well, there was one option, in the sense that defilers were undead and the Karn Pylon brought people back to life, the link being dying without staying dead. For that matter, the most 'clear' option he could try out was 'try dying', which wasn't exactly atop his bucket list. He shrugged it off.

Instead, he tried to make sense of the latest reply he had gotten, until he figured it wasn't really worth the trouble. “I see. Good luck on your search, and thank you for your time. If you would excuse me.” Unless he Havraak wanted to keep him there for whatever reason, he'd show himself out the door. 'I wonder if I should go find Skylar Cahn... but if I'm not looking for a person, finding him won't really do much. I'm not really eager to try dying either. I guess it means we might as well focus on Aliza's riddle next, at least until I've got clues on how to sort out mine.' He wasn't looking forward to resummoning his companion, as he'd be dealing with some fiery complaints.

For now, he'd head towards a quite part of Karn, so that he could summon Aliza without drawing a spectacle. That was, of course, on the condition that Havraak wasn't keeping him at his current locations.
Mar 26, 2019 8:56 PM

Mar 2016
He handed Ceylan a card made of a thin sheet of metallic substance. Though a professional would be able to determine it was just Chroma. It was a contact Card. Containing his MHPT data. "You too Ceylan, if you ever need any assistance with psionics, or wish to learn about the higher functions, or even want to visit, feel free to give me a call. He smiled and got back up. Walking out with you, until he stopped at his students. Resuming his daily activities.
Mar 27, 2019 10:43 AM
Aug 2014

Aliza / Summoned
Staff of Light / Wielding
Healing Light / 2 Uses Left / 1 CD

Ceylan accepted the contact card. He wasn't sure if he'd need it, but it'd be rude to refuse it. Besides, he didn't know much about psionics or 'the higher functions', so who knew, maybe it'd be useful at some point. The only thing he was really sure of, was that he wouldn't be coming back for the drinks.

The city was pretty heavily centred around an extensive system of ring-canals, and Ceylan only had to follow one of those for a while to end up a a more remote part of the city. 'I guess here will do.' What he was doing wasn't illegal, but he didn't want to make a spectacle out of it, so having found a place with little to no people around, he summoned Aliza.


Flame Greaves / Wearing



Aliza said, as she was resummoned. Considering the place and time, she'd been missing out on a few things. “Did you forget what I said about the whole summoning business?” She cracked her knuckles.

“My apologies, I deemed it necessary for travelling and debate.”

“What if I deemed that assessment to be wrong?”

“That would be unfortunate.”

Aliza sighed. She knew this wasn't really going to go somewhere, so she figured she'd just ask for the states quo. Ceylan soon filled her in on what he'd been up too, ending it with; “So that's why I figured we might try to pursue your riddle for now. We could try the Index Foundation, they might know about the cauldron or species you saw.”

“We could, but if we're going to the HQ, I'm going to be travelling to Plexta. No desummoning. Agreed?”


With that, Ceylan started to look up the easiest way to get to Plexta, after which they would end up leaving Karn. Unless, of course, they'd be interrupted first.
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