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May 28, 2017 8:48 PM

May 2012
yurkin said:
Which is the #numbers of these post?
Can't find them with these links.
1295 and 1300
May 28, 2017 8:52 PM

Nov 2008
That is why I was proposing killing inactives first but we need a mass consensus before doing this. Whoever betrays this gentlemanly proposal will be denounced. xDD

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
May 28, 2017 8:55 PM

May 2012
DenjaX said:
That is why I was proposing killing inactives first but we need a mass consensus before doing this. Whoever betrays this gentlemanly proposal will be denounced. xDD
I don't think we'll get mass consensus or will even be able to trust everyone to keep their word.

This'll give the replacements something bite-sized to catch up on so they can start posting content for everyone to debate. There's no need for them to have to slog through all of Day 1 in order to decide if I'm scum or not. Should be easy, right?
May 28, 2017 9:08 PM

Jul 2009
Gruffin said:
yurkin said:
Which is the #numbers of these post?
Can't find them with these links.
1295 and 1300

Btw why in isolation though, isnt that taking the comments out of context?
If "read me in isolation" means what i think it does, similar to the iso's logic make.
May 28, 2017 9:10 PM

May 2012
yurkin said:
Btw why in isolation though, isnt that taking the comments out of context?
If "read me in isolation" means what i think it does, similar to the iso's logic make.
Oh heck, I could've worded that better.

I just mean to read my posts and then sum up your thoughts on them and the cases presented. And yeah, it'll be out of context, but that's better than nothing. No need to put in the level of effort Logic does. ^^;
May 28, 2017 9:14 PM

Nov 2008
Gruffin said:
DenjaX said:
That is why I was proposing killing inactives first but we need a mass consensus before doing this. Whoever betrays this gentlemanly proposal will be denounced. xDD
I don't think we'll get mass consensus or will even be able to trust everyone to keep their word.

This'll give the replacements something bite-sized to catch up on so they can start posting content for everyone to debate. There's no need for them to have to slog through all of Day 1 in order to decide if I'm scum or not. Should be easy, right?
Of course, I already said that won't happen because Togs is here and probably others who wants to win very badly. I am fine with my vote atm.

I am just keeping track of the almost non existent progress. xDD

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
May 28, 2017 9:21 PM

May 2012
DenjaX said:
Of course, I already said that won't happen because Togs is here and probably others who wants to win very badly. I am fine with my vote atm.

I am just keeping track of the almost non existent progress. xDD
Heh, we'll see if this'll go anywhere. It kinda depends on how many people in this group want to play along.
May 28, 2017 9:32 PM

Jul 2009
Gruffin said:
yurkin said:
Btw why in isolation though, isnt that taking the comments out of context?
If "read me in isolation" means what i think it does, similar to the iso's logic make.
Oh heck, I could've worded that better.

I just mean to read my posts and then sum up your thoughts on them and the cases presented. And yeah, it'll be out of context, but that's better than nothing. No need to put in the level of effort Logic does. ^^;

Worry not lolz i dont plan of making an iso. If someone make if will be great though ;3
May 28, 2017 9:53 PM

May 2012
Signing off for now, I should be around before phase change.

Just in case, my last will is:
-If anyone plays along with my plan and posts their thoughts, please engage with them and discuss stances.
-Otherwise, get the replacements talking about something, if not me. Maybe even soft-reset the game by asking them to play from Day 2 onwards and judging behavior from there if you have to.
May 28, 2017 10:03 PM

May 2015
I was reading you in iso but then I got distracted with CP's post and ended up trying to build a town block I could feel comfortable with (specially after the cp fiasco)

I asked a question regarding that btw, do you mind giving me your thoughts on #1278 @Gruffin
May 28, 2017 10:08 PM

May 2015
I'm against lynching inactives at this point because we will probably get it wrong and we will be loosing 3 townies again. Like i said before, we can't afford that.
Killing inactives is an easy way for scum to get rid of townies without looking suspicious.
Is a NO from me.
May 28, 2017 10:08 PM

Jun 2009
Ruu said:
Suzune-chan said:
Okay, so a thought passed my mind today. Corrupted in his early stages knew what the townie zombie pms had to look like. That would suggest that there is no reason for flavour claims to be discussed anymore because they already knew that. In the longer post where Corrupted laid out his plan it all made since to me as a townie because my pm looked exactly like what they are describing. Therefore, we should stop worrying about flavour because the mafia has been controlling it the entire time and all active townies have just fallen into the mistake. Thus who continue to look for it are probably scum because they are using their upper hand to weed out the power roles.

Vote: Ruu

I don't get this. I was talking about claims with you how did that translate to flavour? Also now that I reread the posts I don't get why was my comment so confusing. Anyways... how do you feel about wen/Gruffin then?
I'll work on a post about Gruffin later when I get on my pc btw.
Well I have been noticing that you seem to be spearheading the claims lists this phase. Which means you have taken up the torch for looking into that information this phase. Also frankly speaking both your level of activity, you long well spoken posts and your chasing attitude tells we that you are looking for that polished scum game.

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
May 28, 2017 10:12 PM

Jun 2009
togs said:
@Togs Answer me this Suzune. Let’s say you roll scum in this game and you get one of this show’s kawaii MCs as your flavor, yet you know that the town are all nameless zombies. Do you try to slip into your real role flavor, knowing you can never claim it and that having definite flavor in the first place would make you more suspicious, or would you try to dissociate yourself from that flavor and slip into the role of a flavorless villager ?

Interesting question. Well I would not have known without looking it up that my character was a main character because i am unfamiliar with the series. But since I am quite lazy at reading the opening posts I would not have made the instant connection between town as zombies and scum as anything else, therefore, I would have have known until corrupted outted their entire story. Then I would be clued in. At which point I would lie about my role in the rare event I had to out it. I would comtimplate how the character would live the role and then figure it out from there. I would be unable to disassociate myself from the flavour completely.

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
May 28, 2017 10:19 PM

Jun 2009
Gruffin said:
Shoot, I like Wen's vote on Togs and dislike Suzune's vote on Ruu.

@Suzune-chan Why must you ignore me like this? :'<
What do you want me to say to you. You are not on my suspect list and the only thing memorable you said to me is no on is talking to you because they have nothing to say to you. Which is great and all but I was pretty active day one and was shot down by people who were literally online. However, that is neither here nor there really,

If you are upset that I did not get back to you about the Ruu read. I kind of already hinted at it, but here is a list of information for you since we were going to exchange reads. Since I am only my phone I am just going to make a little list.

-Ruu was the first person to bring up the serial killer. Which at the time I pointed out because they were concerned at how town could possibly catch them and what strategy they would use. Which is interesting enough but it was right towards the back half of day one and that is honestly quite an interesting direction to take. Almost like it was to direct town into a seperate discussion adn break up the hunting that was actually going on at that minute.

-Then she did that think that Logic does and made those long ISO things that are interesting but become nothing more then one shot responses like a catch post which looks really really busy because it would take a long time, but does not really move forward and address the claims.

-Their percuiral I know what your role is but were you suggesting something when talking to Grr really stands out to me as quite bizarre and the absolute need to get confirmation on that. Honestly it is in the mafia's favour to have all the village zombies out because it directs mafia into picking out the power roles from the remaining herd.

It is for these reasons that I think Ruu is a great choice going forward
@Togs @Gruffen @Ruu @Wen @Fo

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
May 28, 2017 10:21 PM

Jun 2009
Fo said:
Suzune-chan said:
But bascially, I was baiting Grrr to check me.

Pings all caught up~
Can you quote where you did this exactly?

There is the link you want.

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
May 28, 2017 10:24 PM

Jun 2009
Fo said:
Suzune-chan said:
Okay, I'm confused.I am not soft claiming anything. I was baiting grrr, yes. I wanted to see if he had an ability or whether it was a gamble that he was making in the topic.
Because it was interesting. No one would cop would so obviously claim day one unless there was something else cooking or they were hoping to draw fire or they couldn't be killed anyway. Seemed like a gamble that even grr would not make, so I thought to push him a little and see what was going on. It was around this time that Ruu started talking about mafia cops and mafia doctors and those two things seems like such strange coincidences that I thought it might be interesting to see what was going on. Grrr brushed it off, but Ruu was actually the one to respond..

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
May 28, 2017 10:31 PM

May 2015
@Suzune-chan let's say you succeed and I get lynch, what will you do when I flip town? Do you have other suspects?
May 28, 2017 10:39 PM

Jun 2009
Ruu said:
@Suzune-chan let's say you succeed and I get lynch, what will you do when I flip town? Do you have other suspects?
I dislike this kind of questioning. What will I do if you flip town? Well I will have to scratch my notes about you, figure out who connected with me and why.

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
May 28, 2017 11:04 PM

May 2015
@Suzune-chan I should have asked you a direct question: Do you have anymore suspects apart from me?

Still on page 19 reading Gruffin in iso. She is very logical and I haven't found anything too scummy in her posts. Some of her posts do look like she is trying to look busy but others are townish. I'm not feeling confident enough to town read her thou. I will keep my vote for now because I think I can get more information and reads if I do. Right now there is a tie, I want to see how the rest of the players behave when they see this.

Edit: autocorrect is evil. I corrected some grammar stuff
May 28, 2017 11:07 PM

May 2015
3 in the morning and my alarm clock is set at 8 am so I will finish reading tomorrow. Bye- bye!
May 29, 2017 1:35 AM

Dec 2013
Suzune-chan said:
Gruffin said:
Shoot, I like Wen's vote on Togs and dislike Suzune's vote on Ruu.

@Suzune-chan Why must you ignore me like this? :'<

-Ruu was the first person to bring up the serial killer. Which at the time I pointed out because they were concerned at how town could possibly catch them and what strategy they would use. Which is interesting enough but it was right towards the back half of day one and that is honestly quite an interesting direction to take. Almost like it was to direct town into a seperate discussion adn break up the hunting that was actually going on at that minute.

I can see the town mindset of hunting SK. In this game it'd be best for town if SK were gone from D1 onwards. That way we'd be left with (i assume) 11 townies and 3 mafioso, which are better odds than most basic games. Also since there's a SK you might assume the town to have a better protective role than most basic games which further helps town. Early game the SK simply has too high a chance to hit town with his night kills.

That said hunting him on D1 isn't likely to work and is often not worth to try. Nevertheless i can see wanting him gone come from a town mindset since him being lynched D1 would be extremely advanteagous for town.

Suzune-chan said:
Well I have been noticing that you seem to be spearheading the claims lists this phase. Which means you have taken up the torch for looking into that information this phase. Also frankly speaking both your level of activity, you long well spoken posts and your chasing attitude tells we that you are looking for that polished scum game.
Can't say i get this.
You basically say her posts are nice but you feel like she's scum and thus her posts must come from a scum-mindset.
Doesn't that practically mean you're just full-blown tunelling at this point in time?

Ruu said:
I'm against lynching inactives at this point because we will probably get it wrong and we will be loosing 3 townies again. Like i said before, we can't afford that.
Killing inactives is an easy way for scum to get rid of townies without looking suspicious.
Is a NO from me.

I agree with this. As much as i want the inactives gone it's not in our best interest. I don't think we should do it.
Unless togs gets inactive, now that'd be a different story.
May 29, 2017 2:15 AM

Dec 2013
Ruu said:
CorruptedPurity said:

Trust me you're in for a treat, 2 of your not enough info should be bumped to scum-read and the last to strong scum-lean with recent developments.

how do you guys read this post now that CP has flip scum? Do we treat this as a way to town read some of the inactives? Do you think CP would put one of his buddies on that list?
Well i don't know CP so putting myself in his shoes: entirely possible to have a scumbuddy in that list.
What's happened happened. If his scumbuddy made a move that puts him in the same catagory as somebody he was already making a case on he has no choice but to bus them. He can't just scumread 1 person and not scumread the other when they did the same thing.

DenjaX said:
Ruu said:
wen294 why do you think he could be tpr if he is not scum? I'm no good at figuring out ways to catch tpr so I'm curious.
Because wen is mafia and they are not teammates with Togs so Togs can't be mafia as well. And looking at wen's reasons, it is actually not far fetched to think that Togs is the SK this game.
I assure you i'm quite town, as you will find out yourself sooner or later.
May 29, 2017 2:41 AM

Dec 2013
Togs said:
wen294 said:
Going through Togs' posts there's one thing that catches my eye: It looks like he's searching for town-reads instead of scum-reads. All i see him doing is quoting posts like "oh i quite like this" or "i agree with this", sometimes giving 0 reasoning behind it for example his early town-lean on Wyndz. Even his vote for quite a while had been on one of his town-reads.
Well my entire approach to mafia involves finding townreads and then lynching scum through poe so.. yeah
I'm going through an older town game (you roll scum way too often) and i can't see it.
At the very least in no way similar to what you've been displaying so far in this game.

in that game you start with things like "this post doesn't give off a good vibe" and try to create more discussion than just shaking your head and smiling like you've been doing this game. You also proactively tried to get someone lynched at EoD and were vocal about scumreads.

You're relying on your own meta here and it doesn't even hold. It's not helping your case at all.
May 29, 2017 2:59 AM

Jul 2009
DenjaX said:
Fo said:
Hadn't thought of that but is grrr reckless enough to think "scum have a rolecop I'm safe to claim cop" and what is the mod-meta like for that round here?

Also the entrance here was kinda okay like the casualness.
That or he is a mafia goon and standing as a representative for their role cop just in case he gets killed for the claim. Eitherway, he is a good meal for the SK. Probably a meta because zombies don't have brains so only humans can do informative stuff which are the mafia.

wow I shouldn't have guessed that the mafia are the humans before the cp flip xD
May 29, 2017 3:04 AM

Jul 2009
Ruu said:
@Suzune-chan I should have asked you a direct question: Do you have anymore suspects apart from me?

Still on page 19 reading Gruffin in iso. She is very logical and I haven't found anything too scummy in her posts. Some of her posts do look like she is trying to look busy but others are townish. I'm not feeling confident enough to town read her thou. I will keep my vote for now because I think I can get more information and reads if I do. Right now there is a tie, I want to see how the rest of the players behave when they see this.

Edit: autocorrect is evil. I corrected some grammar stuff

Mafia's not going to post directly scummy stuff though. They are the ones that wish to look most town of all.

Btw ruu, what do you think of suzune-chan?
May 29, 2017 3:35 AM

Sep 2012
wen294 said:
ima get some pings in since i'm getting annoyed.
@Togs @Fo @Laby-gaga @Bee-Boy @Floofs @Suzune-chan
Get your asses in gear.

Gruffin said:
Shoot, I like Wen's vote on Togs and dislike Suzune's vote on Ruu.
Yeah suzu's reason to vote sounds a bit too far out there, i don't think it's a good reason to vote either yet i don't particularly feel like it comes from a scum mindset...
What's your take on it? Just a town voting with bad reasoning or do you scumread her for it?

Is this good enuff for ya?
May 29, 2017 3:40 AM

Sep 2012
Gruffin said:
Um I just looked at the timer and it looks like I need to move this along now.

@yurkin @Suzune-chan @Floofs @Laby-Gaga @Bee-Boy @wen294 @Togs

Do you think you guys can all read me in isolation, then read Denja's post here and Fo's post here and decide on a stance with your own thoughts by deadline?

I don't think I can.
Also what are we meant to take from points following Denja's post there.....
More importantly though, why make propositions to do one thing or another but back out of committing ahead of unlikely opinions given the remaining time as noted by you?
May 29, 2017 3:49 AM

Sep 2012
Kids to touch:

Not immediately:

Nope for now:
Laby-Gaga v2.0
May 29, 2017 3:49 AM

Dec 2013
yurkin said:
DenjaX said:
That or he is a mafia goon and standing as a representative for their role cop just in case he gets killed for the claim. Eitherway, he is a good meal for the SK. Probably a meta because zombies don't have brains so only humans can do informative stuff which are the mafia.

wow I shouldn't have guessed that the mafia are the humans before the cp flip xD
You really wanna go down flavour lane again...?
I don't like this post at all :\
May 29, 2017 3:52 AM

Sep 2012
Koz votes are cool~

Vote: Togs

Unless numbers change much before bed, current vote range should be easily determined.
Current leaders look yuck.
May 29, 2017 3:52 AM

Dec 2013
Laby-Gaga said:
Kids to touch:

No pedophilia tyvm.
May 29, 2017 4:04 AM

Jul 2009
wen294 said:
yurkin said:

wow I shouldn't have guessed that the mafia are the humans before the cp flip xD
You really wanna go down flavour lane again...?
I don't like this post at all :\

>: im simply saying i couldn't think about it myself, Its just fun someone guessed it correctly nothing more. I'm not going any flavor lane.
May 29, 2017 4:08 AM

Jul 2009
Laby-Gaga said:
Kids to touch:

Not immediately:

Nope for now:
Laby-Gaga v2.0

My name is at the top of the list, im touched ;3 lol
May 29, 2017 5:51 AM

Dec 2013

Sooo, about replacement for the replacement. Do you have it? 'cuz it looks like we're gonna need it.
May 29, 2017 8:17 AM

Dec 2013

The inactivity is killing me... (it might literally)

@DenjaX you alive?
May 29, 2017 8:48 AM

Aug 2014
wen294 said:

Sooo, about replacement for the replacement. Do you have it? 'cuz it looks like we're gonna need it.

No more replacements st this point, whether I have them or not. It is too disruptive so I'll just modkill.
Be like this seal. It is a happy seal.
~Review Guidelines~ | ~Recommendation Guidelines~ | ~Mafia Society~
May 29, 2017 8:54 AM

Feb 2015
Gruffin said:
Um I just looked at the timer and it looks like I need to move this along now.

@yurkin @Suzune-chan @Floofs @Laby-Gaga @Bee-Boy @wen294 @Togs

Do you think you guys can all read me in isolation, then read Denja's post here and Fo's post here and decide on a stance with your own thoughts by deadline?

I have a town read on you.
140 Nice use of your vote on ruu to ask togs questions to see if they had a town mind set.
430 I didn't like purity's mechanical talk, but I can see where you are coming from since purity did this in SM mafia.
550 I agree with your questions/response to ruu here about their read list and being pocketed. I don't understand ruu's actions. They feel inconsistent to me.
585 I like your push on me/my predecessor for lack of moving the game along. Players that don't seem like they want to game solve or lurk should always be pushed because they are doing nothing to help the town.
614 Healthy little back and forth with grapefuit about cp which helps you reassess your reasons for town reading cp

EDIT: fixed links
FloofsMay 29, 2017 8:58 AM
May 29, 2017 8:58 AM

Dec 2013
PentaFlare said:
wen294 said:

Sooo, about replacement for the replacement. Do you have it? 'cuz it looks like we're gonna need it.

No more replacements st this point, whether I have them or not. It is too disruptive so I'll just modkill.
K. That might actually be for the better yeah.
May 29, 2017 9:02 AM

Dec 2013
Also with the level of inactivity i don't feel comfortable prolonging this.
@Yurkin @Gruffin @DenjaX @Ruu @Suzune-chan @Fo
We seriously need to get our shit together. With the votes spread around all over the place like it is now it's WAY too easy for scum to change it in their favour without looking suspicious.

I'll role claim here: I'm the vigilante
I can go in more detail if needed, but i'd rather not give scum a helping hand in what to look for when fake-claiming a PR.
And as already deduced, i was the person that shot CorruptedPurity in the night. Would be real swell if you guys could move the votes away from me.
May 29, 2017 9:24 AM

Jul 2009
@wen294 #1347
Well at least im not voting for you wen ;3
I'll believe your claim untill proven otherwise.
What outed cp as scum in your eyes? imo there one certain trait in his scum play - the mocking tone...
...anyway, so who do you suggest is scum as well? I have ideas who it can be but im so often wrong lol

Also wen, wasn't claiming quite reckless thing to do, vigilante is an impostant role for town, as the other pr ofc; wasn't it better to claim later, on d3 for example ?
yurkinMay 29, 2017 9:45 AM
May 29, 2017 9:44 AM

Dec 2013
yurkin said:
@wen294 #1347
Well at least im not voting for you wen ;3
I'll believe your claim untill proven otherwise.
What outed cp as scum in your eyes? imo there one certain trait in his scum play - the mocking tone...
...anyway, so who do you suggest is scum as well? I have ideas who it can be but im so often wrong lol

Also wen, wasn't claiming quite reckless thing to do, vigilante is an impostant role for town, as the other pr ofc; wasn't it better to claim later on d3 for example ?
I can't trust this gamestate. There is no activity, it's just a pure playground for scum atm. Claiming here should limit scum's options some, i think it's necessary.

And if you have ideas then share them. Even if it's incorrect, if you don't share them we're never getting anywhere.

As for my suggestion for who i think is scum as well: Togs. Well i still feel like he is more likely to be SK than scum but either way i don't believe he's town-aligned. For more reads i should proobably backread again but i relleh don't like doing that. If it comes down to it i'll do it tho.

Also the thing i felt outed cp was the fact that he made it sooo obvious what he was hinting at with that flavour stuff. He didn't try to make it so that scum wouldn't notice AT ALL, he was just trying to make sure as many people as possible see it. That's not how you bait scum, that's how you create chaos.
May 29, 2017 10:10 AM

May 2015
yurkin said:
Ruu said:
@Suzune-chan I should have asked you a direct question: Do you have anymore suspects apart from me?

Still on page 19 reading Gruffin in iso. She is very logical and I haven't found anything too scummy in her posts. Some of her posts do look like she is trying to look busy but others are townish. I'm not feeling confident enough to town read her thou. I will keep my vote for now because I think I can get more information and reads if I do. Right now there is a tie, I want to see how the rest of the players behave when they see this.

Edit: autocorrect is evil. I corrected some grammar stuff

Mafia's not going to post directly scummy stuff though. They are the ones that wish to look most town of all.

Btw ruu, what do you think of suzune-chan?

I think Suzu is tunneling me but her approach is so.. messy and incomplete I can't see scum!Suzu behind it. Her case has too many holes and I know scum!Suzu is way more careful than to leave so many openings.
I'm not fully town reading her (I'm done getting pocketed xD) but I'm not seeing scum!Suzu in this posts.
May 29, 2017 10:14 AM

May 2015
Laby-Gaga said:
Kids to touch:

Not immediately:

Nope for now:
Laby-Gaga v2.0

I don't know if I should feel offended or relieved that I'm not on that list xD
May 29, 2017 10:18 AM

May 2015
PentaFlare said:
wen294 said:

Sooo, about replacement for the replacement. Do you have it? 'cuz it looks like we're gonna need it.

No more replacements st this point, whether I have them or not. It is too disruptive so I'll just modkill.

if this happens I hope at least one is mafia or tpr cause if not we are f.
May 29, 2017 10:22 AM

May 2015
wen294 said:
Also with the level of inactivity i don't feel comfortable prolonging this.
@Yurkin @Gruffin @DenjaX @Ruu @Suzune-chan @Fo
We seriously need to get our shit together. With the votes spread around all over the place like it is now it's WAY too easy for scum to change it in their favour without looking suspicious.

I'll role claim here: I'm the vigilante
I can go in more detail if needed, but i'd rather not give scum a helping hand in what to look for when fake-claiming a PR.
And as already deduced, i was the person that shot CorruptedPurity in the night. Would be real swell if you guys could move the votes away from me.

I'm going to believe you for now, especially because you claimed pr which is an easy cc if it was false. I guess you also did it because you only have 1 or 2 shots so you are vanilla at this point.
I'm not voting for you so I can't help you with your train....
May 29, 2017 10:33 AM

Dec 2013
Ruu said:
I think Suzu is tunneling me but her approach is so.. messy and incomplete I can't see scum!Suzu behind it. Her case has too many holes and I know scum!Suzu is way more careful than to leave so many openings.
I'm not fully town reading her (I'm done getting pocketed xD) but I'm not seeing scum!Suzu in this posts.
I'm not really known with her scum game but yeah, it feels like she's tunelling atm with reason that sounds feels very unconvincing ~ 50% of the time. That might be why i didn't really feel scum vibes from it?

Ruu said:
Laby-Gaga said:

I don't know if I should feel offended or relieved that I'm not on that list xD
It means he doesn't consider you as a kid, take it as a compliment~
Also it means you don't have to fear pedophiles, so that's cool.

Ruu said:
if this happens I hope at least one is mafia or tpr cause if not we are f.
Yeah if all inactives flip town we're gonna be in for a tough ride... That said i myself always feel like if you'd be scum you're more likely to be active (might be just me though, since i like rolling scum) so not sure how hopefull our odds are :\

Ruu said:
I'm not voting for you so I can't help you with your train....
Making a different train biggers works a-okey as well. Just something to keep in mind (preferably Togs' train but since you townread him... yeah).
I myself can't be on for phase change because timezones exist so i just have to pin my hopes on those that can be on then. I'll be online for another... ~2.5 hours or so i think?
May 29, 2017 10:52 AM

May 2015
@wen294 I think we had two active mafias and one inactive (like in Disgarea, Suzu and I where the active ones and then we had a third buddy that was MIA (even his replacement) during the game), So now it could be 1 active, 1 mia.
May 29, 2017 11:06 AM

May 2015
@DenjaX @Gruffin do you believe wen? Are you planning to move your vote somewhere else?
May 29, 2017 11:10 AM

Jun 2009
Why does no one seem to be posting. Also ruu I do not the it messy thinking it is actually the way I process most of it. A random assortment of ideas they comes together to form a problem.

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
May 29, 2017 11:15 AM

May 2015
@Suzune-chan mmmm.... okay? Anyways do you believe wen? How do you feel about his read on Togs?
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