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People who don't have a girlfriend/boyfriend. What do you think is the reason behind it?

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May 24, 2017 10:57 AM

May 2015
ThrashMatto said:
TheBrainintheJar said:

I offered some basic traits/manifestations of 'social aggression'. You're welcome to offer your own definition.

I'm not going to "offer my own definition" because I don't make up my own definitions to words like you do, instead I'll offer you this, which goes against your usage of "social aggression". Please stop conflating confidence with social aggression, the two things are very separate.

Social (or relational) aggression refers to behavior that is intended to harm another’s friendships, social status, or self esteem. In contrast to physical aggression, social aggression may use verbal slights and non-verbal body language to reject or exclude others, and it may be indirect, involving rumor or manipulation (Underwood, 2003). Social aggression can be as hurtful as physical aggression, and may be more common than physical aggression among some groups of children and youth.

Methods for assessing social aggression vary depending on the age of participants. At younger ages, teacher reports may be most valid, whereas older children can be surveyed directly about their experience as either victims, perpetrators, or both.

Peer nomination techniques (having children list the names of students that engage in socially aggressive behaviors, including themselves, while looking at a classroom or grade-level roster) is another method which can be used, but when collecting these data, the confidentiality and privacy of respondents must be effectively safeguarded (Branson &Cornell, 2009).

Progress in preventing or reducing social aggression can be assessed by comparing information about the number of socially aggressive incidents experienced by participants on a weekly or monthly basis. If the rate of social aggression (the average number of incidents reported over a specific time interval) or the number of participants who report acting in socially aggressive ways toward others is not reasonably low or decreasing, program managers may want to assess issues around program design, implementation, and quality.

Social aggression refers to intentionally harming someone using nonphysical means. It is a nearly synonymous term to relational aggression. The following are the most common forms of social aggression used during the tween years.
Relationship Manipulation

One form of social aggression is relationship manipulation. Relationship manipulation tends to be subtle, with the tween doing things behind a friend's back that threaten the integrity of the friendship.

For instance, a tween might tell a friend's secrets in order to gain new friends and to undercut the existing friendship. Meanwhile, she acts like everything is fine with the existing friend and may even attempt to elicit more secrets so that she can pass them along.
Social Exclusion

Social exclusion can be verbal or nonverbal. Methods of nonverbal social exclusion include ignoring someone or deliberately leaving someone out of plans. Verbal social exclusion typically involves attempts to actively turn others against someone. A tween may even become friends with someone-usually an enemy-as an act of revenge and further exclusion against the former friend.
Reputation Attacking

Reputation attacking tends to be a particularly overt form of social aggression. Perhaps not coincidentally, it is the one type of relational aggression that boys tend to engage in more than girls. It can be done subtly, however, such as by spreading rumors and concealing their source.

This may especially occur online since it's easier to remain anonymous in cyberspace than in person.
Using Demeaning Gestures

Social aggression also can take the form of demeaning facial and bodily gestures. For instance, a tween might imitate the person behind her back, roll her eyes, or give dirty looks to the person.

Whether these gestures are noticed by the victim or simply seen by others, they have the effect of intentionally harming the individual.


Archer, John, and Coyne, Sarah. An integrative review of indirect, social, and relational aggression. 2005. Personality and Social Psychology Review. 9, 3: 212-230.

Benenson, Joyce F., Markovits, Henry, Thompson, Melissa Emery, and Wrangham, Richard W. Under threat of social exclusion, females exclude more than males. 2011. Psychological Science.

Girls often get a bad rap for gossiping, forming cliques, and other aggressive social behavior, as characterized in the popular movie Mean Girls. Boys, meanwhile, are known for physically aggressive behavior, such as hitting.

A new study, however, says these attitudes may be at least partly unfounded. While boys are indeed more physically aggressive, girls and boys are equally guilty of aggressive social behavior, according to the report published in Child Development.

Researchers did an analysis of 148 studies that included nearly 74,000 children and teenagers. The studies were mostly done in schools and looked both at direct aggression, which is physical or verbal, and indirect aggression, which includes covert behaviors designed to damage another person's social relations with others, without direct confrontation.

"These conclusions challenge the popular misconception that indirect aggression is a female form of aggression," says Noel A. Card, PhD, assistant professor of family studies and human development at the University of Arizona and the study's lead author, in a news release.

Based on the analysis, researchers concluded that often the same kids who are directly aggressive are also indirectly aggressive. Although boys tend to exhibit more direct aggression than girls, there is little difference between girls and boys for indirect aggression. This continues over different ages and ethnicities.

The researchers also note that because of overlap between direct and indirect aggressive acts, it can be difficult to distinguish between the two. The overlap is greater for boys than girls.

They also found consistent links between direct aggression and other adjustment problems. Kids who are directly aggressive are more likely to have problems like delinquency, poor relationships with peers, and low pro-social behavior (which includes things like helping and sharing).

Kids who are indirectly aggressive often have depression and lower self-esteem. However, they tend to have high pro-social behavior, necessary to get support of others such as convincing peers to gossip and exclude others.

I'll go with 'assertive' then. This was a nice discussion about semantics.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
May 24, 2017 11:06 AM

May 2015
Satania- said:
You don't know this guy. He often has a thinly-veiled resentment regarding things he does not have. People have tried to inform him he should not look at things in an "us vs. them" mentality. He refuses to do so. Because others are assertive, that will make him pick on it as if it is a bad thing, simply because he does not have assertion himself. He can even try "being assertive" and therefore "get a girl" himself, but he refuses to try despite constantly whining about it. Is this really "intellectual" to you? I think it's nihilistic and pretentious beyond belief.

I enjoyed your psychoanalysis, only too bad psychanalysis no longer means anything except among some wacky postmodernists. Since you did not reference Derrida or Deleuze or Irigray, I'll assume you didn't read any of that.

Then again you seem to have a hard time in reading comprehension. So again, direct quote from post 133:

"I don't think social aggression is a bad thing at all. In fact, I think it's a desirable trait. While it increases someone's chance of harming others, it also increases their contribution to social situations. I know plenty of people who fit the label and are great people."

I do not see a 'us vs them'. I pointed out some people have a good trait I don't have. How is it saying that they're bad people? Do I also consider Kant or Dawkins to be horrible baby rapists because they're more intelligent than me?

I don't need people 'informing' me but 'discussing'. If you're out to inform, you're out for a monologue. Monologues can be a nice performance art, but not good communication.

You assume I refuse to try. This begs the question: How do you know? No, I'm serious. Do you know me IRL?

You say I'm both nihilistic and pretentious.

Pretentious; Please show where I pretend I'm X when instead I'm Y

Nihilistic: A quick look in my profile shows my pessimistic philosophy and a single piece about ethics. This is very far from nihilism.

I mean, I got a lot of hate on these forums from people who wouldn't survive a minute in a philosophy class. Yours was one of the most hilarious, though.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
May 24, 2017 11:27 AM

May 2015
SnugglyWhuggly said:
TheBrainintheJar said:

I enjoyed your psychoanalysis, only too bad psychanalysis no longer means anything except among some wacky postmodernists. Since you did not reference Derrida or Deleuze or Irigray, I'll assume you didn't read any of that.

Then again you seem to have a hard time in reading comprehension. So again, direct quote from post 133:

"I don't think social aggression is a bad thing at all. In fact, I think it's a desirable trait. While it increases someone's chance of harming others, it also increases their contribution to social situations. I know plenty of people who fit the label and are great people."

I do not see a 'us vs them'. I pointed out some people have a good trait I don't have. How is it saying that they're bad people? Do I also consider Kant or Dawkins to be horrible baby rapists because they're more intelligent than me?

I don't need people 'informing' me but 'discussing'. If you're out to inform, you're out for a monologue. Monologues can be a nice performance art, but not good communication.

You assume I refuse to try. This begs the question: How do you know? No, I'm serious. Do you know me IRL?

You say I'm both nihilistic and pretentious.

Pretentious; Please show where I pretend I'm X when instead I'm Y

Nihilistic: A quick look in my profile shows my pessimistic philosophy and a single piece about ethics. This is very far from nihilism.

I mean, I got a lot of hate on these forums from people who wouldn't survive a minute in a philosophy class. Yours was one of the most hilarious, though.

Having minimal knowledge in philosophy doesn't make your "arguments" more credible than someone who knows next to nothing about philosophy, especially when the "argument" doesn't even involve philosophy, such as this one, from what I can tell. This is one of the most cringey "I'm smarter than you" remarks I've ever seen on the internet, falling just below someone who seemed to believe having a vast knowledge of the Star Trek franchise somehow made him "superior" in every regard that wasn't even remotely related to Star Trek.

For someone who claims to want criticism in order to learn, you seem to have a had time responding like a mature adult to anyone who doesn't agree with you like you're the messiah of intellect, philosophy and/or reviews or whatever. You need to learn that you aren't the centre of the universe, and it seems you still need to discover your own self identity, since most people don't cling to their hobbies or interests as "who they are" past their late teens/early 20s.

If you want to reply with another one of your predictable "you're just angry, therefore I can ignore you" or "gimme evidence even though I'll never provide any of my own" posts, go ahead. I'm not interested in replying again, not matter how good a joke is, it's gets boring after the 100th time. I don't expect anything to ever get through the thick insular wall you've created around yourself, but I do continue to find it genuinely depressing to see a human being fall this deep into their own insecurities and warped view of themselves and the world around them.

I understand that asking someone how they reached their knowledge about me is 'responding immaturely'.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
May 24, 2017 12:49 PM

Aug 2016
Pretty much all the choices except the shy one. I don't really see the point of getting one now.

"... Because when you live in this world of my closed eyes...
... Being alone is very lonely..."

May 24, 2017 4:27 PM

Feb 2016
I'm shy and awkward when talking to people. I mean, I could work on getting over it if I tried, but I'm not exactly looking too hard for a relationship. At one point, I had a guy friend pretty much confess to me. I freaked out and sorta turned him down. Part of the reason was that I hadn't actually been talking to him in over year because we don't go to the same school anymore, so to have him tell me that all of a sudden was extremely awkward. Can't really date someone you haven't talked to in a while. But mostly, I'm still trying to get myself together so I can comfortable enough to look for the right person.
May 25, 2017 3:49 AM

May 2015
SnugglyWhuggly said:
TheBrainintheJar said:
I understand that asking someone how they reached their knowledge about me is 'responding immaturely'.

"I mean, I got a lot of hate on these forums from people who wouldn't survive a minute in a philosophy class. Yours was one of the most hilarious, though."

Yeah, not immature at all...

You leave yourself open to criticism every time you post, every time you give your opinion and every time you post a review. You're not immune to criticism simply because "people don't know you IRL".
By your logic, no one should be allowed to criticise Hitler, or any politician, philosopher, novelist, etc. Because none of these people know them in real life.

That's all I got left to say. If you want to live the rest of your life trapped inside your pre-created bubble, that's your choice to make.

You forgot the rest of the comment.

Emi-cchi said:
I'm shy and awkward when talking to people. I mean, I could work on getting over it if I tried, but I'm not exactly looking too hard for a relationship. At one point, I had a guy friend pretty much confess to me. I freaked out and sorta turned him down. Part of the reason was that I hadn't actually been talking to him in over year because we don't go to the same school anymore, so to have him tell me that all of a sudden was extremely awkward. Can't really date someone you haven't talked to in a while. But mostly, I'm still trying to get myself together so I can comfortable enough to look for the right person.

In my experience, being shy and awkward is only cured by getting yourself out there. Since talking to the opposite sex is a bigger challenge, a success there is a bigger improvement. I suggest challenging yourself. You don't have to ask people on dates, but just approaching people you're attracted to is already a good thing.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
May 25, 2017 4:15 PM

May 2014
Im suuuuuper shy IRL and I also don't like my looks and so I never think people are interested in me. if someone did ask I'd probably die of embarrassment tbh.
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