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Oct 18, 2015 11:15 AM

Jan 2013
Fintan said:
Imaishi said:

i'm not

seriously though, I don't see a problem with characters being sexualized at all, be it guys or girls I don't care at all, nothing wrong with that

I'd have to agree. There's really no reason for it to be bad, there's plenty of stuff to watch that doesn't have sexualized characters... It's just diversity.

The thing is theres not a level of diversity among female characters in anime. Very few are not sexualized in some way.
Oct 18, 2015 11:17 AM

Apr 2011
-this-is-the-end said:
I pity you guys living in your room in your parents house fapping to 2D little girls and blaming feminism for all your troubles cause you can't get laid and feel insecure if girls aren't powerless like your waifu 2D bitch, but I mean lets all face it anime and manga authers are shit at writing literature so they stuff fanservice and disgustingly cute bitches to try and sell their shitty story that has no real meaning to the basement dwelling long haired otaku and BOOM! What a profit any student could write a better more creative story than the shit anime and manga churns out but yet you guys lap it up incredible.

A lot of that is over stated, not that I disagree with everything though. You went a little too overboard, not all anime/manga is poorly written. If you're just refering to ecchi genre, yeah all of that is pretty much written by otaku with not much writing experience or originality.

You seem like you think you're telling all of us off or something... Why are you even in this forum if you don't at least like some anime/manga?
Oct 18, 2015 11:17 AM

Apr 2015
mayukachan said:
cause said:

aren't most yaoi shows mostly innocent AND sexualized? maybe they want a hot bod, and innocence, all wrapped up in a hot boy on boy action scene with steaming penetration and sweat dripping everywhere
how is that considered innocent ??? LMAO

innocent penetration
innocent orgasming

Deko_myanimelist said:

did you never felt aroused while watching anime or hentai? is that even possible
no, to both
because i dont have a dick

too bad for you it's nice feeling that much i can say
Oct 18, 2015 11:17 AM
Oct 2015
Deko_myanimelist said:
xMissHamilton said:

I'm not saying there anything wrong with that, you are into what you are into and that's cool, everyone is different lol. Me personally, I don't like it.

did you never felt aroused while watching anime or hentai? is that even possible

Nope I have never been sexually aroused watching anime or hentai, I watched hentai once a long time ago and didn't like it at all.. I don't even like normal porn.
I know a lot of people will find that weird but it just isn't my thing at all, I know there are plenty of other women who don't like it either haha
Oct 18, 2015 11:17 AM
Aug 2015
mayukachan said:
how is that considered innocent ??? LMAO

innocent penetration
innocent orgasming

innocence is a state of mind or personality. most commonly related to lack of experience in sex. or "purity". thats why its usually one dominant and one submissive for yaoi

Oct 18, 2015 11:19 AM

Jul 2012
cause said:
mayukachan said:
how is that considered innocent ??? LMAO

innocent penetration
innocent orgasming

innocence is a state of mind or personality. most commonly related to lack of experience in sex. or "purity". thats why its usually one dominant and one submissive for yaoi

but they're still sexualized in the end

Deko_myanimelist said:
too bad for you it's nice feeling that much i can say
yeah i want a penis too

xMissHamilton said:
Deko_myanimelist said:

did you never felt aroused while watching anime or hentai? is that even possible

Nope I have never been sexually aroused watching anime or hentai, I watched hentai once a long time ago and didn't like it at all.. I don't even like normal porn.
I know a lot of people will find that weird but it just isn't my thing at all, I know there are plenty of other women who don't like it either haha
its normal, i feel u gurl
Oct 18, 2015 11:19 AM
Aug 2015
you can be sexualized and have an innocent personality

Oct 18, 2015 11:19 AM

Apr 2015
xMissHamilton said:
Deko_myanimelist said:

did you never felt aroused while watching anime or hentai? is that even possible

Nope I have never been aroused watching anime or hentai, I watched hentai once a long time ago and didn't like it at all.. I don't even like normal porn.
I know a lot of people will find that weird but it just isn't my thing at all

you're missing ton of self pleasure
Oct 18, 2015 11:19 AM

Jul 2012
cause said:
you can be sexualized and have an innocent personality
so why are there so little anime catered to girls that aren't sexualized enough

Oct 18, 2015 11:21 AM
Oct 2015
mayukachan said:
cause said:

innocence is a state of mind or personality. most commonly related to lack of experience in sex. or "purity". thats why its usually one dominant and one submissive for yaoi

but they're still sexualized in the end

Deko_myanimelist said:
too bad for you it's nice feeling that much i can say
yeah i want a penis too

xMissHamilton said:

Nope I have never been sexually aroused watching anime or hentai, I watched hentai once a long time ago and didn't like it at all.. I don't even like normal porn.
I know a lot of people will find that weird but it just isn't my thing at all, I know there are plenty of other women who don't like it either haha
its normal, i feel u gurl

I have been called weird plenty of times for not liking it and I'm just over here like... uhm okay >.<
Oct 18, 2015 11:21 AM

Apr 2011
mayukachan said:
Deko_myanimelist said:
did you never felt aroused while watching anime or hentai? is that even possible
no, to both
because i dont have a dick

Girls can get aroused...
Oct 18, 2015 11:21 AM

Jul 2015
cause said:
-this-is-the-end said:
I pity you guys living in your room in your parents house fapping to 2D little girls and blaming feminism for all your troubles cause you can't get laid and feel insecure if girls aren't powerless like your waifu 2D bitch, but I mean lets all face it anime and manga authers are shit at writing literature so they stuff fanservice and disgustingly cute bitches to try and sell their shitty story that has no real meaning to the basement dwelling long haired otaku and BOOM! What a profit any student could write a better more creative story than the shit anime and manga churns out but yet you guys lap it up incredible.

your lack of sentence structure would make the school system hang its head in shame.
Are you an English teacher?
Oct 18, 2015 11:22 AM

Jul 2012
Depends on the scene.
Oct 18, 2015 11:22 AM

Apr 2015
mayukachan said:
cause said:

innocence is a state of mind or personality. most commonly related to lack of experience in sex. or "purity". thats why its usually one dominant and one submissive for yaoi

but they're still sexualized in the end

Deko_myanimelist said:
too bad for you it's nice feeling that much i can say
yeah i want a penis too

xMissHamilton said:

Nope I have never been sexually aroused watching anime or hentai, I watched hentai once a long time ago and didn't like it at all.. I don't even like normal porn.
I know a lot of people will find that weird but it just isn't my thing at all, I know there are plenty of other women who don't like it either haha
its normal, i feel u gurl

go for it, i don't know the cost of penis but i'm sure you can google that yourself #Futanari
Oct 18, 2015 11:22 AM
Oct 2015
Deko_myanimelist said:
xMissHamilton said:

Nope I have never been aroused watching anime or hentai, I watched hentai once a long time ago and didn't like it at all.. I don't even like normal porn.
I know a lot of people will find that weird but it just isn't my thing at all

you're missing ton of self pleasure

Some people just don't need materials for self pleasure..
Oct 18, 2015 11:22 AM

Jul 2012
Fintan said:
mayukachan said:
no, to both
because i dont have a dick

Girls can get aroused...
not with ecchi/hentai
Oct 18, 2015 11:22 AM

Oct 2014
mochabearkawaii said:
Not enough

Exactly what i was gonna write
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Oct 18, 2015 11:23 AM
Aug 2015
mayukachan said:
cause said:
you can be sexualized and have an innocent personality
so why are there so little anime catered to girls that aren't sexualized enough


because you're a minority in japan

Oct 18, 2015 11:23 AM

Jul 2012
cause said:
mayukachan said:
so why are there so little anime catered to girls that aren't sexualized enough


because you're a minority in japan

utapri is 1# on top sold anime this year
Oct 18, 2015 11:24 AM

Oct 2014
mayukachan said:
cause said:

because you're a minority in japan

utapri is 1# on top sold anime this year

There are many gay people in Japan. Or so i've heard
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Oct 18, 2015 11:24 AM

Dec 2013
mayukachan said:
The fan service wasn't that big of a deal.
Oct 18, 2015 11:25 AM

Apr 2011
mayukachan said:
Fintan said:

Girls can get aroused...
not with ecchi/hentai

I bet they could.... Maybe not you, but I'm sure some girls taps get turned on from anime/hentai.

I'm a guy and honestly most anime/hentai doesn't do anything for me. Occasionally, but it's usually cause I'm already in that mood to begin with.

Everyone's different :)
Oct 18, 2015 11:25 AM

Jul 2012
Milky_way1886 said:
mayukachan said:
utapri is 1# on top sold anime this year

There are many gay people in Japan. Or so i've heard
it doesn't cater to fujoshi though?
it caters to girls in general and seiyuu fans

i watched all four live concerts and its a bunch of screaming girls

Fintan said:
mayukachan said:
not with ecchi/hentai

I bet they could.... Maybe not you, but I'm sure some girls taps get turned on from anime/hentai.

I'm a guy and honestly most anime/hentai doesn't do anything for me. Occasionally, but it's usually cause I'm already in that mood to begin with.

Everyone's different :)
from the (mal) girls i've spoken to, they've all jumped to yaoi doujins so idk....
Oct 18, 2015 11:26 AM

Apr 2015
Fintan said:
mayukachan said:
no, to both
because i dont have a dick

Girls can get aroused...

cause said:
mayukachan said:
so why are there so little anime catered to girls that aren't sexualized enough


because you're a minority in japan


do u really think that people don't like ecchi harem animes ? you got more of that ganer than anything else #romance inb4 tits hit the screen
Oct 18, 2015 11:28 AM

Jul 2012
Deko_myanimelist said:
do u really think that people don't like ecchi harem animes ? you got more of that ganer than anything else #romance inb4 tits hit the screen
i dont think straight girls get turned on by seeing sexualized girls.......
Oct 18, 2015 11:28 AM
Aug 2015
mayukachan said:
cause said:

because you're a minority in japan

utapri is 1# on top sold anime this year

maybe it is reversing fam.
Oct 18, 2015 11:29 AM

Jul 2012
cause said:
mayukachan said:
utapri is 1# on top sold anime this year

maybe it is reversing fam.
Oct 18, 2015 11:29 AM
Aug 2015
Deko_myanimelist said:
do u really think that people don't like ecchi harem animes ? you got more of that ganer than anything else #romance inb4 tits hit the screen


are you talking to me
Oct 18, 2015 11:30 AM

Apr 2015
mayukachan said:
Deko_myanimelist said:
do u really think that people don't like ecchi harem animes ? you got more of that ganer than anything else #romance inb4 tits hit the screen
i dont think straight girls get turned on by seeing sexualized girls.......

i totally agree i never once got turned on by see any guy in anime hentai
Oct 18, 2015 11:30 AM
Aug 2015
mayukachan said:
cause said:

maybe it is reversing fam.

no fam.

i as a member of the patriarchy cannot let this happen.
Oct 18, 2015 11:30 AM
Oct 2015
mayukachan said:
Deko_myanimelist said:
do u really think that people don't like ecchi harem animes ? you got more of that ganer than anything else #romance inb4 tits hit the screen
i dont think straight girls get turned on by seeing sexualized girls.......

I'm bisexual and honestly I don't even get turned on by seeing girls being sexualized especially in anime etc.
Oct 18, 2015 11:30 AM

Apr 2011
mayukachan said:
Fintan said:

I bet they could.... Maybe not you, but I'm sure some girls taps get turned on from anime/hentai.

I'm a guy and honestly most anime/hentai doesn't do anything for me. Occasionally, but it's usually cause I'm already in that mood to begin with.

Everyone's different :)
from the (mal) girls i've spoken to, they've all jumped to yaoi doujins so idk....

Do you not consider yaoi doujins to be a form of hentai? I always just thought of the term hentai just meaning all animated porn, well it means pervert or perverted I believe.

I'm surprised fujoshi have had to kind of remain in the doujin market, it seems like there's enough of them that there would be more budget for mass market stuff. I know there's some, but not many at all.
Oct 18, 2015 11:31 AM

Apr 2015
cause said:
Deko_myanimelist said:
do u really think that people don't like ecchi harem animes ? you got more of that ganer than anything else #romance inb4 tits hit the screen


are you talking to me

ofc op
Oct 18, 2015 11:31 AM

Jul 2012
Fintan said:
mayukachan said:
from the (mal) girls i've spoken to, they've all jumped to yaoi doujins so idk....

Do you not consider yaoi doujins to be a form of hentai? I always just thought of the term hentai just meaning all animated porn, well it means pervert or perverted I believe.

I'm surprised fujoshi have had to kind of remain in the doujin market, it seems like there's enough of them that there would be more budget for mass market stuff. I know there's some, but not many at all.
no, i don't call it hentai because hentai in my head, is just heterosexual porn thats animated

well, junjou romantica keeps on getting more seasons theres that
Oct 18, 2015 11:32 AM

Jul 2015
Fintan said:
-this-is-the-end said:
I pity you guys living in your room in your parents house fapping to 2D little girls and blaming feminism for all your troubles cause you can't get laid and feel insecure if girls aren't powerless like your waifu 2D bitch, but I mean lets all face it anime and manga authers are shit at writing literature so they stuff fanservice and disgustingly cute bitches to try and sell their shitty story that has no real meaning to the basement dwelling long haired otaku and BOOM! What a profit any student could write a better more creative story than the shit anime and manga churns out but yet you guys lap it up incredible.

A lot of that is over stated, not that I disagree with everything though. You went a little too overboard, not all anime/manga is poorly written. If you're just refering to ecchi genre, yeah all of that is pretty much written by otaku with not much writing experience or originality.

You seem like you think you're telling all of us off or something... Why are you even in this forum if you don't at least like some anime/manga?
The problem is,I do I think it could be a brilliant art form there could be sketchy noir series to very realistically drawn ones to series that look like they were painted and people with original ideas and stories could make something great out of it. BUT it just isn't like that its not much of an art form and also no one else can do it except Japan, because apparently anime can only be from Japan.
Oct 18, 2015 11:33 AM
Aug 2015
Deko_myanimelist said:
cause said:


are you talking to me

[img][/im g]
ofc op

i think ecchi sells copies. so people must like it. can't argue with that.

Oct 18, 2015 11:33 AM

Apr 2011
-this-is-the-end said:
Fintan said:

A lot of that is over stated, not that I disagree with everything though. You went a little too overboard, not all anime/manga is poorly written. If you're just refering to ecchi genre, yeah all of that is pretty much written by otaku with not much writing experience or originality.

You seem like you think you're telling all of us off or something... Why are you even in this forum if you don't at least like some anime/manga?
The problem is,I do I think it could be a brilliant art form there could be sketchy noir series to very realistically drawn ones to series that look like they were painted and people with original ideas and stories could make something great out of it. BUT it just isn't like that its not much of an art form and also no one else can do it except Japan, because apparently anime can only be from Japan.

You've not even seen many anime.... How are you saying that like you know what's out there...

Not aimed at you ^^

PS. Can people please stop saying fam....
Oct 18, 2015 11:36 AM

Apr 2015
cause said:
Deko_myanimelist said:

[img][/im g]
ofc op

i think ecchi sells copies. so people must like it. can't argue with that.


Oct 18, 2015 11:36 AM

Jul 2012
Fintan said:
PS. Can people please stop saying fam....
Oct 18, 2015 11:36 AM
Oct 2015
Fintan said:
-this-is-the-end said:
The problem is,I do I think it could be a brilliant art form there could be sketchy noir series to very realistically drawn ones to series that look like they were painted and people with original ideas and stories could make something great out of it. BUT it just isn't like that its not much of an art form and also no one else can do it except Japan, because apparently anime can only be from Japan.

You've not even seen many anime.... How are you saying that like you know what's out there...

Not aimed at you ^^

PS. Can people please stop saying fam....

Resists urge to say it...
Oct 18, 2015 11:37 AM

Jul 2015
Yes , everybody knows it and that's why they like it
Oct 18, 2015 11:38 AM

Apr 2015
is fam new meta or somesthing?
Oct 18, 2015 11:38 AM

May 2013
Deko_myanimelist said:

we watch anime and hentai and we fap deal with it

That's the spirit
Oct 18, 2015 11:40 AM
Aug 2015
ohana means fam

and fam means

no one gets left behind

Oct 18, 2015 11:40 AM

Jul 2015
Fintan said:
-this-is-the-end said:
The problem is,I do I think it could be a brilliant art form there could be sketchy noir series to very realistically drawn ones to series that look like they were painted and people with original ideas and stories could make something great out of it. BUT it just isn't like that its not much of an art form and also no one else can do it except Japan, because apparently anime can only be from Japan.

You've not even seen many anime.... How are you saying that like you know what's out there...
so if my list had 100+ series you`d listen to me more? I'm not trying to start an argument but can you disprove what I stated?
Oct 18, 2015 11:42 AM

Apr 2015
cause said:
ohana means fam

and fam means

no one gets left behind


ty very mach u will be my soul m8 from now on
Oct 18, 2015 11:43 AM

Apr 2011
-this-is-the-end said:
Fintan said:

You've not even seen many anime.... How are you saying that like you know what's out there...
so if my list had 100+ series you`d listen to me more? I'm not trying to start an argument but can you disprove what I stated?

Yes..... I don't really feel like it though lol. Why are you here again?
Oct 18, 2015 11:43 AM

Nov 2007
Girls are very often sexualized in anime, yes. So are guys, either with being "cute" or being extremely muscular. Women aren't pure and innocent either, at least, a lot of them aren't. My current girlfriend is as into sex/sexualization as I am and likes fanservice aimed at women, while my last two weren't that into it or at least weren't open about being into it. Both women and men are also sexualized in commercials and what not, because sex sells, and at least for a lot of women, they're as into it as men. We need to get rid of this double standard where nobody says anything about:

But everybody loses their shit over:

There have actually been multiple studies done by video game developers (Blizzard and Riot are two names I can pull from memory but definitely others) and when you find a sexualized female in video games and ask yourself "why? don't they care about their female demographic?" well... the data shows that women above anything, enjoy playing a "sexy" female character in video games. It's what they feel most comfortable with and it's what they like to represent themselves as. More than heavily armored and very modest females and more than cute or unrealistically muscular guys. So honestly, sexy female characters is a win-win, the data shows both genders actually enjoy them but for different reasons.
Oct 18, 2015 11:46 AM
Aug 2015
Deko_myanimelist said:
cause said:
ohana means fam

and fam means

no one gets left behind


ty very mach u will be my soul m8 from now on

i did not consent to this
Oct 18, 2015 1:30 PM

Oct 2015
Is that even a question? I recently watched Code Geass and they decided to abuse Kallen, that poor soul, reduced to nothing but ass and tits

why was this necessary??
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