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Jun 12, 2009 4:58 AM

Feb 2009
Lesbian here. x3
Jun 12, 2009 5:20 AM

Feb 2009
well this discussion sure went in a strange direction, I guess not unexpected but still just wow. I wish I a had more to add I really do, but instead I'm curious about a few people.
some questions for who ever is willing to answer,

@ bisexual people- I am very surprised that so many of the bi people have a partner of the same sex, because you can go ether way wouldn't it be easier to ignore the part of you that could make unnecessary trouble for you? It's like you get to chose, and you choose the harder path.
2- does being bi make your partner uneasy or easily jealous, I mean they could lose you to ANYONE no matter what gender, you could just up and decide "my life would be easier if dated the opposite sex, bye." are they afraid maybe you'll turn coat at any time?

@ Homosexual- how do you put up with the crap that comes with the territory of being completely on the other side, do you ever think of going back into denial to make all those issues go away?
2- are there other issues other than society that make your life harder, because of your orientation?

@both- I hope no one takes offense to this final question, but do you ever worry that it IS "just a phase" and you'll just end up normal in the end, especially if you have a partner and you fear that you might hurt them if it "wares off" so to speak.

I know I'm a bit nosy, so no one has to answer me if they don't want to, but since people seemed to already be on the subject, I though now would be a good time to ask.

thank you for your time; <(=_=)> *bows and departs (>^.)>

and one last thing for Asexual people, does that mean you never harbor romantic feelings or is it just no interest in sex. oh and the both question is something I'd like to hear form you two on as well.

now I'm actually going K-Thanks-Bye *runs away
kaigenJun 12, 2009 5:31 AM
-"Just an ordinary woman who won't ever regret, being with the person she loves."
(Rokujou Ruri, Azure Dream, manga)

-"Shinobu, even if this body should turn to ash, I will never leave you."
(Naitou Momoko, shoujo-sect, manga)
Jun 12, 2009 6:49 AM

Apr 2009
Unkind said:
I am male, 98% straight. Although, I always would have preferred to be female, but a lesbian, if that makes ANY sense at all (hah).

same here I'm a heterosexual guy that wants to be lesbian
Jun 12, 2009 6:55 AM

Feb 2009
Unkind said:
I am male, 98% straight. Although, I always would have preferred to be female, but a lesbian, if that makes ANY sense at all (hah).
Unkind said:
nexist418 said:
Drocr said:
nexist418 said:
After exhaustive investigation and research, I decided I was straight. I generally dislike people, but I dislike women less :D

So you are male right? xD

On the outside. Inside I am a 16 year old Japanese Lesbian Schoolgirl....

haha, *high five*
kaigen said:
wow a lot went down while I was away, I'm here all morning then at night everyone gets on >.<
Anyway I will proudly join Unkind and nexist418 *joins the high five* we should have a club ^_~b
I know you both must have really enjoyed Kashimashi I know I did. *snap* your a school girl now, and have a flawless reason to be lesbian ^_^ take that.

miscs said:
*Joins The High Five* Then *Follows it up with a finger snap* Its like an unwritten law for me to follow high fives up with finger snaps lol.

Anywayyy I'm bisexual, but I think I'm about 55%-60% straight roughly-Ish
kaigen said:
now we have four guys for the mind of a 16 year old Japanese Lesbian Schoolgirl, club we just need nexist418 to sign of and Unkind to stamp it ^_~b

; (>^.)>
frikandelolifant said:
Unkind said:
I am male, 98% straight. Although, I always would have preferred to be female, but a lesbian, if that makes ANY sense at all (hah).

same here I'm a heterosexual guy that wants to be lesbian

now five for the wish i was a lesbian club ^_~b the awesome continues.
kaigenJun 12, 2009 6:59 AM
-"Just an ordinary woman who won't ever regret, being with the person she loves."
(Rokujou Ruri, Azure Dream, manga)

-"Shinobu, even if this body should turn to ash, I will never leave you."
(Naitou Momoko, shoujo-sect, manga)
Jun 12, 2009 7:39 AM

Dec 2007
I laughed my ass off reading this topic. Thanks a lot *cough*

Although I am a female I'll watch with interest the activity of "I wish I was a lesbian club" Your talk made me remember an old amv click

About me? I am female and I am heterosexual.
Jun 12, 2009 9:30 AM

Jan 2008
Kismet_ said:
I laughed my ass off reading this topic. Thanks a lot *cough*

Although I am a female I'll watch with interest the activity of "I wish I was a lesbian club" Your talk made me remember an old amv click

About me? I am female and I am heterosexual.

You know, there is a reason why Nietzsche pointed out that Genius is a result of having a bad memory....

Btw, I don't wish I was a lesbian, I am a lesbian, I just happen to have a penis in this incarnation... ;D

That amv was great
nexist418Jun 12, 2009 9:34 AM
Jun 12, 2009 10:33 AM

Apr 2008
I'm bisexual but sadly, I'm still a virgin to both genders. =( I would prefer to lose my virginity to a female first. But where I live, it doesn't look like that's gonna happen anytime soon. -_-'
Jun 12, 2009 11:41 AM

May 2008
Heterosexual male. No desire to be a lesbian.
Jun 12, 2009 12:06 PM

Apr 2008

and one last thing for Asexual people, does that mean you never harbor romantic feelings or is it just no interest in sex. oh and the both question is something I'd like to hear form you two on as well.

Asexuals can have romantic feelings towards other people and fall in love. There are romantic orientations, like homoromantic, heteroromantic, bi and aromantic (like me owo). But it's like intellectual love, personality, cuddling and that, nothing to do with sex or desire. Most of us don't want to have sex ever and don't feel interested, others want to test it.

Since I'm an aromantic asexual, I don't think of other people sexually or romantically. Hope that answers your question owo
Jun 12, 2009 12:11 PM
Jun 2008
kaigen said:

@ bisexual people- I am very surprised that so many of the bi people have a partner of the same sex, because you can go ether way wouldn't it be easier to ignore the part of you that could make unnecessary trouble for you? It's like you get to chose, and you choose the harder path.

Surprisingly, the harder part for some people is to deny what they truly want. If you're bisexual, let's say female, and you realise that you have more attraction to women, would it really feel better or be easier to deny your urges or desires and just be with men because it's the easier thing to do? I know a lot of bisexuals who prefer guys, so I don't know if this is true or not, I've yet to meet bisexuals who would pick a girl over a guy, so as far as I see, there's no real problem for bisexuals in this area.

kaigen said:

2- does being bi make your partner uneasy or easily jealous, I mean they could lose you to ANYONE no matter what gender, you could just up and decide "my life would be easier if dated the opposite sex, bye." are they afraid maybe you'll turn coat at any time?

I haven't seen a guy yet with a bisexual girlfriend that he would feel even the slightest bit wary about her being with women. I don't mean to lump all guys into this section, but most of them have a comforting theory that a woman needs a man in their life. So what if their girlfriend wants another woman? I know many guys who said that their girlfriends being with other women "doesn't count" so that means they don't even see other women as being contenders for their bisexual girlfriends. And in the end, they'd just think it's either hot or that there'd be room for a threesome.

kaigen said:

@ Homosexual- how do you put up with the crap that comes with the territory of being completely on the other side, do you ever think of going back into denial to make all those issues go away?
2- are there other issues other than society that make your life harder, because of your orientation?

Well, the gay guys I know are very open about it and it seems bisexuals are the ones with bigger emotional problems or denial issues, which is so weird, honestly. However, I think it's both harder and easier for a girl to be gay. Gay girls do not have the same about of self confidence with their sexuality as gay men do. I know one lesbian, and she's in the closet. However, if a girl comes out of the closet, people are generally more receptive of that than if a guy comes out of the closet. I think it still has to do with gender roles in society.

kaigen said:

@both- I hope no one takes offense to this final question, but do you ever worry that it IS "just a phase" and you'll just end up normal in the end, especially if you have a partner and you fear that you might hurt them if it "wares off" so to speak.

I know of two cases where it "wore off". I think a lot of people misconstrue their emotional feelings for someone with sexual feelings or romantic feelings for them. I know of many cases in my school for example (all girls) where people have misunderstood the love of friendship to be romantic love. Eventually, they have all returned to being straight.

Although, a lot of actual gay people are convinced by pressure and brainwashing from converters that they're not gay and it's just a phase, and some of them actually change to heterosexuality. But it's not to say it doesn't happen in reverse, I know some people who have convinced themselves they're gay when it's clear as day that they're not.

And you shouldn't say "normal" :P We're all normal, no matter how weird we are.
Jun 12, 2009 12:15 PM

Feb 2009
@lupi_san- yes for the most part but what about the"both" question?

I don't usually quote myself, just adding context, I case someone missed the questions. >.>;

kaigen said:
well this discussion sure went in a strange direction, I guess not unexpected but still just wow. I wish I a had more to add I really do, but instead I'm curious about a few people.
some questions for who ever is willing to answer,

@ bisexual people- I am very surprised that so many of the bi people have a partner of the same sex, because you can go ether way wouldn't it be easier to ignore the part of you that could make unnecessary trouble for you? It's like you get to chose, and you choose the harder path.
2- does being bi make your partner uneasy or easily jealous, I mean they could lose you to ANYONE no matter what gender, you could just up and decide "my life would be easier if dated the opposite sex, bye." are they afraid maybe you'll turn coat at any time?

@ Homosexual- how do you put up with the crap that comes with the territory of being completely on the other side, do you ever think of going back into denial to make all those issues go away?
2- are there other issues other than society that make your life harder, because of your orientation?

@both- I hope no one takes offense to this final question, but do you ever worry that it IS "just a phase" and you'll just end up hetero in the end, especially if you have a partner and you fear that you might hurt them if it "wares off" so to speak.

I know I'm a bit nosy, so no one has to answer me if they don't want to, but since people seemed to already be on the subject, I though now would be a good time to ask.

thank you for your time; <(=_=)> *bows and departs (>^.)>

and one last thing for Asexual people, does that mean you never harbor romantic feelings or is it just no interest in sex. oh and the both question is something I'd like to hear form you two on as well.

now I'm actually going K-Thanks-Bye *runs away

@tehnominator ^_^; well I will try a better word this time, my apologies<(=_=)> *bows
kaigenJun 12, 2009 12:28 PM
-"Just an ordinary woman who won't ever regret, being with the person she loves."
(Rokujou Ruri, Azure Dream, manga)

-"Shinobu, even if this body should turn to ash, I will never leave you."
(Naitou Momoko, shoujo-sect, manga)
Jun 12, 2009 12:41 PM

Apr 2008
@both- I hope no one takes offense to this final question, but do you ever worry that it IS "just a phase" and you'll just end up hetero in the end, especially if you have a partner and you fear that you might hurt them if it "wares off" so to speak.

xD I forgot. Well, I am pretty sure that I'm asexual, but the romantic orientation is harder to pinpoint, but I, up until now, have never liked or wanted a romantic relationship with someone, girl or boy.

It took meyears to finally accept that I was asexual, during that time I just thought that yeah, it was just a phase, and that I would eventually marry and have kids like everyone else, but during those years I understood that it was real, not just a phase, so I don't worry about that anymore. I did a lot of thinking those days, it's not easy to accept that you're different from the people in your school o friends.

It's usually hard to have a sexual-asexual romantic relationship, because of sex or needs, but I dont know anything about relationships, so I´m not going to answer that one xD.
lupi_sanJun 12, 2009 1:17 PM
Jun 12, 2009 1:13 PM

May 2009
I'm a 5 on the Kinsey Scale, but I still put homosexual. I would actually have chosen "Pan-sexual" had it been an option, simply because I believe you fall in love with the person and not their body ..... although it always helps to be attracted to them ^_^

Also, to answer kaigen: It it hard to overcome the negativity that you receive from different individuals but I never think of going back. It is difficult to open up to people that you are forced to around (like co-workers and family) because it's not like you can just erase them from your life, so sometimes you play the pronoun game where you change "he" to "she" or "her" to "his"..... and even "Chris" to "Christine") Opening up to friend, especially new friends, is a different matter, because if they don't accept you the friendship just ends. But it also depends on if the individual is ready to be out with everyone yet.

Other than discrimination, it's hard to find a girlfriend or boyfriend, because aside from gay bars (which is not really the place to find a long term relationship) there isn't many places to meet people. Straights can flirt with people in coffee houses, classes, workplaces, parks .... anywhere really. Now, if you don't mind being turned down then flirting with people in those places is fine, but not everyone is comfortable with that. So, those who don't have a great gaydar or who don't mind being turned down by lots of straight people end up having a hard time finding someone.

SeventhTerraceJun 12, 2009 1:33 PM
Jun 12, 2009 2:58 PM

Jan 2008
I hate being turned down by straight people....
Jun 12, 2009 3:38 PM
Jun 2008
nexist418 said:
I hate being turned down by straight people....

Better than being turned down by gay people, eh?
Jun 12, 2009 4:05 PM

Aug 2007
kaigen said:
@ bisexual people- I am very surprised that so many of the bi people have a partner of the same sex, because you can go ether way wouldn't it be easier to ignore the part of you that could make unnecessary trouble for you? It's like you get to chose, and you choose the harder path.

I see your point. Personally, while I am attracted to people of the same gender I have never been in a relationship that was not hetero so I cannot answer. Being terribly shy does not precisely help any.

kaigen said:
2- does being bi make your partner uneasy or easily jealous, I mean they could lose you to ANYONE no matter what gender, you could just up and decide "my life would be easier if dated the opposite sex, bye." are they afraid maybe you'll turn coat at any time?

Not at all. I am currently single but my former boyfriend was completely fine with my sexual orientation, in fact he even wanted us to have a threesome with a girl I've had a crush on. As far as he knew having a bi girlfriend was a plus of sorts. Besides, he often got mistaken for gay and his two best friends are bi so he was not at all freaked out by it.

kaigen said:
@both- I hope no one takes offense to this final question, but do you ever worry that it IS "just a phase" and you'll just end up normal in the end, especially if you have a partner and you fear that you might hurt them if it "wares off" so to speak.

I always had a hard time fitting in and so I made a choice to simply not focus on same gender attraction because I did not want any more complication in my life. But I grew out of that kind of attitude even though it took a lot of time and pondering. Eventually it's a matter of just accepting oneself, as cliché as that may sound.
Jun 12, 2009 6:51 PM

Aug 2008
Female, Bisexual.
More Bi-curious than Bisexual. But who knows. :)
Jun 12, 2009 7:11 PM

Jan 2008
tehnominator said:
nexist418 said:
I hate being turned down by straight people....

Better than being turned down by gay people, eh?

Actually, I've not had that happen. Men are sluts after all.
Jun 13, 2009 10:00 AM

Nov 2007
I'm pansexual (I selected bi, but I don't like the term because it excludes non-binary genders.)
Jun 13, 2009 11:38 AM

Sep 2008
Im a tad surprised by the results of this poll. I kinda expected Hetrosexual to be a minority choice. Though I think its nice that we have such a diverse club here.
Jun 13, 2009 12:36 PM

Aug 2008
Skadi said:
Im a tad surprised by the results of this poll. I kinda expected Hetrosexual to be a minority choice. Though I think its nice that we have such a diverse club here.

If you only polled females I think you'd get more the result you were expecting.
Jun 13, 2009 2:07 PM

Nov 2008
I'm a plant.
Jun 13, 2009 2:10 PM

May 2009
I'm male and heterosexual :):):):):):):):)
Jun 13, 2009 3:08 PM

Jun 2008
I'm a girl who likes girls. (;
Jun 13, 2009 9:12 PM

Dec 2007
kaigen said:

@ bisexual people- I am very surprised that so many of the bi people have a partner of the same sex, because you can go ether way wouldn't it be easier to ignore the part of you that could make unnecessary trouble for you? It's like you get to chose, and you choose the harder path.

Hell yeah it would be easier! But I cant help that I am turned on by girls, I can't help that I want to make love with a girl XD In fact the reason I'm bi is manly because I'm just straight-curious (C WUT I DID THAR??) I want to know what it's like to have sex with a guy, but I don't want to be in love and spend the rest of my life with a guy. So I say I am bi, because I would 'hit' that, given, I didn't have a boyfriend and the guy was mega hot.

2- does being bi make your partner uneasy or easily jealous, I mean they could lose you to ANYONE no matter what gender, you could just up and decide "my life would be easier if dated the opposite sex, bye." are they afraid maybe you'll turn coat at any time?

FUCK YEAH I GET JEALOUS (-________________-)
And I agree with this statement 100%! I am SO afraid that quote is going to come out of my girls mouth someday, and I will cry, like i did the last time that happened to me >.> I think -because- she is bi... actually no... it is BECAUSE she is bi that I get so jealous when guys talk to her, or when she jokes around with them. It's like she is screaming I REALLY WANT TO BE WITH A GUY HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA111!!!!1!!! I mean, I am fairly certain she is bi leaning STRAIGHT. (Like wtf right O___o;;) but she tells me she loves me and love is greater than penis. Therefore I try to stay pretty level headed about that situation, but its like walking on a really thin sheet of ice. If I put too much pressure... its going to crack. But really thinking about it now starts to piss me off... gahhh I have been so good about letting this subject go too. And you know... even if she was bi leaning lesbian I would feel a little better.. but the last time I checked she was leaning straight, so go head everyone, tell me how this story is going to end?



@both- I hope no one takes offense to this final question, but do you ever worry that it IS "just a phase" and you'll just end up normal in the end, especially if you have a partner and you fear that you might hurt them if it "wares off" so to speak.

It's not a phase imo. What it is... is whatever you end with.... is what you chose to do. Its not like this is storm passing by, it's something you chose to do. For those that really are homo, bi, w/e then it is obviously not something you chose to do because you really get turned on by the same sex. The ones that say it is a phase... are the ones that want attention, true story.

and one last thing for Asexual people, does that mean you never harbor romantic feelings or is it just no interest in sex. oh and the both question is something I'd like to hear form you two on as well.

I wonder as well... I mean... for the longest time I didn't want sex at all.. I was just like wtf am I asexual? But yet I still LOOOOVED romantic stories, with a passion. Now I really want sex... BUT I JUST GET IT. And I dont mean the sex part... I mean I cant get sexually aroused? xD I mean.. I do.. but...

I can't orgasm T_T


Skadi said:
Im a tad surprised by the results of this poll. I kinda expected Hetrosexual to be a minority choice. Though I think its nice that we have such a diverse club here.

It's really not so bad. Its gay to straight: 51-41 its pretty even hah.
Jun 13, 2009 10:24 PM

Jan 2009
kaigen said:

@ Homosexual- how do you put up with the crap that comes with the territory of being completely on the other side, do you ever think of going back into denial to make all those issues go away?
2- are there other issues other than society that make your life harder, because of your orientation?

@both- I hope no one takes offense to this final question, but do you ever worry that it IS "just a phase" and you'll just end up normal in the end, especially if you have a partner and you fear that you might hurt them if it "wares off" so to speak.

I know I'm a bit nosy, so no one has to answer me if they don't want to, but since people seemed to already be on the subject, I though now would be a good time to ask.

thank you for your time; <(=_=)> *bows and departs (>^.)>

I don't mind you being nosey, I'm used to people asking me these kind of questions ^^.

It's always hard at first, to accept oneself and then to be open about it. For me I wouldn't have been able to accept any of it if I didn't have the support I did. I came out to my friends first, and when I got a positive (yet shocked) response, it gave me courage to move on to my family. Without my family's support I probably would've gone back in the closet and forced myself to date men.

I can't force myself into denial again. Even though it looks like it would make all of these troubles disappear, it doesn't. I was miserable for a long time because I had put myself through all the denial and forcing myself to be something I wasn't. Even when I was little I knew that I was different than the kids around me and for the longest time I actually thought something was wrong with me, and I wanted to "fix" it.

I have found some other difficulties that have come with my orientation, other than with all of the discrimination. Living in the south I've had to put up with all of the ultra religious people telling me I was going to hell on a regular basis, which really tweaks me since I'm somewhat religious myself (just not to that degree). Also living where I do, I don't have as many rights as everyone else.

But other than that, it isolates me in a way from my other friends. I don't relate to them as well since I have different concerns and worries than they do. Plus I get left out of the conversations with my female friends when it comes to relationships. There isn't a large gay community where I am, so it can feel like I'm the only one sometimes ><.

And finally, No it's not a phase. I've always like girls this way, I just never allowed myself to see that until a few years ago. When I finally figured it out, I was very happy. It explained all of my "strange" behavior growing up and it proved that nothing was wrong with me after all \(^o^)/
"Wish as hard as you can, and they will know your feelings" - Juri Arisugawa
Jun 13, 2009 10:43 PM

Dec 2007
Aw~ You need a hug, *hugs*.

You aren't the only one (thank god, a world without lesbians is scary) we almost have 1000 that at least support it in this very club ;D I would say at least 500 are 'not straight' females though :)

I also had that problem with wanting to 'fix' myself when I was younger... I felt really, really dirty growing up because I had actually kissed a girl when I was in 3rd grade.
Jun 14, 2009 12:10 AM

Jan 2009
Yay hugs! Thanks ^_^

I have to say that I am very glade that I'm not the only one (that would indeed be very very scary o_o). It was cool to find this kind of club and that a lot of girls here where like me ^^.

Aw, you need hugs too *hugs*
"Wish as hard as you can, and they will know your feelings" - Juri Arisugawa
Jun 14, 2009 12:44 AM
Dec 2007
Female, lesbian.
Jun 14, 2009 10:13 AM

Jan 2008
Juri21 said:
Yay hugs! Thanks ^_^
Aw, you need hugs too *hugs*

If this keeps up, I may need to break out the camcorder....
Jun 14, 2009 11:36 AM

Dec 2007
Juri21 said:
Yay hugs! Thanks ^_^

I have to say that I am very glade that I'm not the only one (that would indeed be very very scary o_o). It was cool to find this kind of club and that a lot of girls here where like me ^^.

Aw, you need hugs too *hugs*

I agree, I never really liked MAL until I found this club XD
Thanks for the hug :D

nexist418 said:
Juri21 said:
Yay hugs! Thanks ^_^
Aw, you need hugs too *hugs*

If this keeps up, I may need to break out the camcorder....

Now, now, girls are allowed to give girls hugs when they need them :O
Jun 14, 2009 11:54 AM
Jun 2008
Drocr said:

I agree, I never really liked MAL until I found this club XD
Thanks for the hug :D

:0 MAL is like my second home. No really. Lots of arguments (main forums) and anime everywhere. Although I'd say this club helped me be more... MAL-friendly. If that makes any sense. Just used to stay on my profile page, never venturing out...

Checking the polls, I'm not shocked that most of the club members are straight (guys) and bisexual (girls). Now, straight girls and bisexual guys might be a rarity. I know we have some straight girl members.
Jun 14, 2009 11:59 AM

Jan 2008
Drocr said:
Now, now, girls are allowed to give girls hugs when they need them :O

I fully encourage hot girl on girl action, just like I fully support gay marriage if both chicks are hot...
Jun 14, 2009 12:41 PM

Aug 2007
Drocr said:

I also had that problem with wanting to 'fix' myself when I was younger... I felt really, really dirty growing up because I had actually kissed a girl when I was in 3rd grade.

*adds self* I tried "fixing" myself too. I figured I did not want any more complications in my mind and blocked out all thoughts of being attracted to girls. Since I'm bi I just focused on the "acceptable" kind of attraction but for a long time I saw nothing at all interesting in boys.
Jun 14, 2009 6:39 PM

Nov 2008
Drocr said:

I can't orgasm T_T

There are people that can fix that.
Jun 14, 2009 8:56 PM

Dec 2007
tehnominator said:
Drocr said:

I agree, I never really liked MAL until I found this club XD
Thanks for the hug :D

:0 MAL is like my second home. No really. Lots of arguments (main forums) and anime everywhere. Although I'd say this club helped me be more... MAL-friendly. If that makes any sense. Just used to stay on my profile page, never venturing out...

Checking the polls, I'm not shocked that most of the club members are straight (guys) and bisexual (girls). Now, straight girls and bisexual guys might be a rarity. I know we have some straight girl members.

Haha MAL is my second home as well... well actually this club is my second home. I also only stayed on my profile until I found this xDD

Hvesier said:
Drocr said:

I can't orgasm T_T

There are people that can fix that.

I hope so :p
Jun 15, 2009 7:45 AM

Feb 2009
I'm happy to see that my line of questioning was well received, I thought people were just going to ignore me >.>; though I am new here I have a strong attachment to this club and hope that you (the longer members) will accept me as part of the family here <(=_=)> *bows (sense this is everyone’s second home we must be a family ^_~b)
*joins the group hug;
I really like the answers that come out of this and I hope I come up with other questions that are well received in the future.

@Juri21- I misspelled nosey, how embarrassing I am a horrible speller. >.>;

Drocr said:

Hvesier said:
Drocr said:

I can't orgasm T_T

There are people that can fix that.

I hope so :p

@Drocr- from your back story (I like to phase it like that because your history is that awesome) d>.<b
You haven’t really had much of a chance to… o.O
-"Just an ordinary woman who won't ever regret, being with the person she loves."
(Rokujou Ruri, Azure Dream, manga)

-"Shinobu, even if this body should turn to ash, I will never leave you."
(Naitou Momoko, shoujo-sect, manga)
Jun 15, 2009 7:55 AM

Nov 2008
tehnominator said:
Drocr said:

I agree, I never really liked MAL until I found this club XD
Thanks for the hug :D

:0 MAL is like my second home. No really. Lots of arguments (main forums) and anime everywhere. Although I'd say this club helped me be more... MAL-friendly. If that makes any sense. Just used to stay on my profile page, never venturing out...

Checking the polls, I'm not shocked that most of the club members are straight (guys) and bisexual (girls). Now, straight girls and bisexual guys might be a rarity. I know we have some straight girl members.

I'm a minority! That makes me feel special :)

I didn't think bisexual guy would be popular in this club. I actually expected it to be mostly straight guys, which would still make me in a minority I suppose.
miscsJun 15, 2009 8:25 AM
Jun 15, 2009 8:15 AM

Jul 2008
First things first! I'm a bisexual guy (As were requested in the first post)
Next things next ;P @ Kaigen

kaigen said:
@ bisexual people- I am very surprised that so many of the bi people have a partner of the same sex, because you can go ether way wouldn't it be easier to ignore the part of you that could make unnecessary trouble for you? It's like you get to chose, and you choose the harder path.

It's not that you can choose which gender to like, or who to fall in love with, those things just happen. You can try to ignore the ' gay side' of yourself, and therefor trying to change your sexuality, but that is doomed to fail IMO.

kaigen said:
2- does being bi make your partner uneasy or easily jealous, I mean they could lose you to ANYONE no matter what gender, you could just up and decide "my life would be easier if dated the opposite sex, bye." are they afraid maybe you'll turn coat at any time?

I've heard a lot of stories that were just like that. Of course there is a bigger chance that a bisexual person sees someone of his/her liking. And also: people who doubt their bisexual partner because they think their gender is not enough to satisfy the bisexual partner in question.

kaigen said:
@both- I hope no one takes offense to this final question, but do you ever worry that it IS "just a phase" and you'll just end up normal in the end, especially if you have a partner and you fear that you might hurt them if it "wares off" so to speak.

When I was just getting interested in girls, I also started becoming interested in guys. At that time I thought it was a phase and it were just the hormones ragging through me, but after 3 years I came to the point I accepted my preference, and started coming out to my best friends. Now, 2 years later, I found some awesome supportive people (and MAL-clubs) so I finally feel comfortable with myself, although I still sometimes doubt my own feelings, but that is due psychological problems from the past.

I hope this awnsers your questions!
Jun 15, 2009 2:47 PM

Apr 2009
Mario1-7 said:
I am a Dude and I like Z girlz!!!and Girl on Girl. ONLY!!!! Yaoi is the Mega fail of the World!!!

Wow, i'm a straight guy and that comment pissed me off. Because you're straight, that means Yaoi "is fail"? On top of being a judgemental asshole, you don't seem to be too gewd at teh 3ngl1sh!!! LOLZORS!!!. I want to shove your shift key down your throat...

Please die in a fire.
Jun 15, 2009 2:56 PM

Nov 2007
Supernova1337 said:
Mario1-7 said:
I am a Dude and I like Z girlz!!!and Girl on Girl. ONLY!!!! Yaoi is the Mega fail of the World!!!

Wow, i'm a straight guy and that comment pissed me off. Because you're straight, that means Yaoi "is fail"? On top of being a judgemental asshole, you don't seem to be too gewd at teh 3ngl1sh!!! LOLZORS!!!. I want to shove your shift key down your throat...

Please die in a fire.


It's like those people who thinks that the fact that I am a girl and read yuri is gross.

Jun 15, 2009 2:59 PM

Dec 2007
Supernova1337 said:
Mario1-7 said:
I am a Dude and I like Z girlz!!!and Girl on Girl. ONLY!!!! Yaoi is the Mega fail of the World!!!

Wow, i'm a straight guy and that comment pissed me off. Because you're straight, that means Yaoi "is fail"? On top of being a judgemental asshole, you don't seem to be too gewd at teh 3ngl1sh!!! LOLZORS!!!. I want to shove your shift key down your throat...

Please die in a fire.


Plus fucking 1.
Jun 15, 2009 3:04 PM

Nov 2007
We sure are friendly... :)

Jun 15, 2009 3:10 PM

Nov 2008
Drocr said:
Supernova1337 said:
Mario1-7 said:
I am a Dude and I like Z girlz!!!and Girl on Girl. ONLY!!!! Yaoi is the Mega fail of the World!!!

Wow, i'm a straight guy and that comment pissed me off. Because you're straight, that means Yaoi "is fail"? On top of being a judgemental asshole, you don't seem to be too gewd at teh 3ngl1sh!!! LOLZORS!!!. I want to shove your shift key down your throat...

Please die in a fire.


Plus fucking 1.

I endorse that plus 1.
Jun 15, 2009 3:42 PM

Dec 2007
Heh, now just cause Nova's reaction was epic awesome, doesn't mean you aren't welcome here Mario =D Just try to be more open minded and less judgmental :p

As Nomi would say "To each their own"
Jun 15, 2009 3:50 PM

Nov 2008
Drocr said:
Heh, now just cause Nova's reaction was epic awesome, doesn't mean you aren't welcome here Mario =D Just try to be more open minded and less judgmental :p

As Nomi would say "To each their own"

Jun 15, 2009 5:04 PM

Jan 2008
While i detest the grammar, structure, etc of the original comment. I really hate Yaoi as well -- even at Shonen-Ai levels. That would be why I am a member of a Yuri group and not a Yaoi group.

Mock outrage at others comments seldom gets you laid, though one would think otherwise. It is even less successful on-line.
Jun 15, 2009 5:06 PM

Jan 2008
Drocr said:
Just try to be more open minded and less judgmental

An open mind is like a fortress with its gates open and doors unbarred.
Jun 15, 2009 5:28 PM

Apr 2009
nexist418 said:
Drocr said:
Just try to be more open minded and less judgmental

An open mind is like a fortress with its gates open and doors unbarred.

Because a world filled with isolated fortresses would prosper, as opposed to one where all the kingdoms trade and benefit from each other... *face palm*

Stop trying to come up with stupid metaphors to hide the fact that you're bias, and just stop being bias. I don't fap to Yaoi, i'm not gay, and no one is making you fap to it either.

I didn't realize not finding something arousing meant you hated it... i must hate a lot of things...

I hate my wallpaper, and this keyboard, and that pen, and that lamp, and my remote control...

Wow, i never knew i was such a hateful person.
Supernova141Jun 15, 2009 5:45 PM
Jun 15, 2009 5:51 PM

Jan 2009
>_<, harsh all around.
"Wish as hard as you can, and they will know your feelings" - Juri Arisugawa
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