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Aug 26, 2008 12:16 AM
Jun 2008
ah, ZnT. what am I supposed to say? it's nothing but the same damn thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, ad infinitum.

can't j.c staff throw us off a bit and surprise us with someone else other than the same recycled template of "HEY I'M A CHICK WITH HUGE TITS AND I WANT TO SUCK SAITO'S COCK" "LAWL OKAY FINE BY ME" "B-B-B-BAKA INUUU" and the same reused explosion animation used in season 2? even the eyecatches are identical...

I know I'm going to get a lot of flak for this thread from raging fanboys, and you can give me the generic "omg then don't watch it if u dont like it lol!111!" bullshit treatment, but it still doesn't invalidate what I'm saying. I'm still watching because it's a guilty pleasure, and I really do enjoy the premise/setting, and I always have: it's bright, colorful, quirky, and kind of like a warped version of harry potter + moe. I'm just praying j.c staff will FINALLY get their shit together and have the romance actually, you know, advance. as it is now, 6 episodes in, I can't even tell this is a third season. the animation is lazy and near-identical. louise has not matured or had a fucking wink of character development in over 30 episodes. it's really disappointing, I dunno.

the lack of any real plot advancement or character development so far almost makes me wonder if they're going to milk it for a FOURTH season instead of just end it, as they should.

I can only subsist on mindless fanservice for so long. 2 seasons was enough. give me some fucking romance, goddamn.

it's not fanservice comedy, it's romantic comedy. so far there's been no "romance" beyond the same trite tsundere antics we saw 500000 times in season 1 and 2.
Aug 26, 2008 1:57 AM

Dec 2007
Rational Thoughts by major companies are only a myth. So in short, nope.
Aug 26, 2008 2:22 AM

May 2007
My major complain too as much as I love the series... Sign, also one of the reason I'm losing all the hype worth months of waiting. ( ._.)

Everyone was hoping for no more Louise reset button since episode 4 of ~Futatsuki no Kishi~ if you remember, that was the first ever damn romantic scene that made everyone go AAAAWWWW, but then as the title suggest, everything back to "Zero". Even at the end of season 2 after all the wedding and epic battle. Now add in BUST REVOLUTION Tifa I don't think they have intention to get serious. Zero no Tsukaima is now pretty much ecchi fanservice like To-LOVE-Ru, but with plot since it serialized from its light novel. Never read the novel myself so someone with knowledge may explain if Louise and Saito also running around in circle in the book.

Personally, I loved Zero no Tsukaima from the first season's impression and it got all the potential to be "great" anime. Then again, nothing's wrong with mindless fanservice. It's just that Louise and Saito swore to each other like 20 times now. Sad thing is... whenever Louise and Saito get over their perpetual quarrel, it'd be a great obstacle for J.C. Staff to make something new.
Aug 26, 2008 9:33 AM

Jan 2008
watch Shakugan no Shana XD the seiyūs of the main characters are the same and Shana and Louise are very a like because the seiyū of louise/Shana likes tsundere characters and he like to use urusai! XD

So watch Shakugan no Shana for some more serious fighting and less of the same and watch ZnT for the brainless but Ow so funny comical relief.

but ofcourse this doesn't solve the problem you think ZnT has.though, I agree with you a little but as I said ZnT is just this kind on anime and I doubt that it will ever change.
Aug 26, 2008 1:24 PM
Dec 2007
reaper_unique said:
watch Shakugan no Shana XD the seiyūs of the main characters are the same and Shana and Louise are very a like because the seiyū of louise/Shana likes tsundere characters and he like to use urusai! XD

So watch Shakugan no Shana for some more serious fighting and less of the same and watch ZnT for the brainless but Ow so funny comical relief.

but ofcourse this doesn't solve the problem you think ZnT has.though, I agree with you a little but as I said ZnT is just this kind on anime and I doubt that it will ever change.
You know, that doesn't solve his problem. He wants J.C. Staff to actually follow up on the interesting opportunity they set up with season 1. Ever since the beggining of Season 2 all they've done is go through an episodic cycle of :
1-"Saito ignored Louise or is not in the best of terms with her for some lame reason"
2-"Some female makes the problem worse by being whorish toward Saito, or making some stupid but easy to misunderstand action"
3-"some kind of ultra small plot development(sometimes this takes place at the end)"
4-"Louise and Saito get together again."
5-"Some misunderstanding: Louise goes Baka Inu and Saito is punished."

I seriously thought this Season would improve the show a little from the disastrous Season 2, but as it turns out there's even less story this time than through Futatsuki no Kishi. They even completely diregarded Saito and Louise's exchange of vows and his ultimate proof of love by taking her place in the frontlines and technically dying. They had a good show in the beggining, but two seasons of a barebones plot and "boob" jokes have almost destroyed it. I have no hopes for a fourth season being any better.

Aug 27, 2008 3:16 AM

Aug 2008
Basically the anime is fanservice...
The JCstaff just assumes all the audience had read the novel (if you hadn't,go to store and buy……), and their aim is to " be creative ,try to keep the origin line intact and at the same make it different from the novel as much as possible ,in order to please or surprise the fans. (as fans certainly,at least in producers' theory, had read the novels of course),,

So ,while trying to avoid the plot that already is written in the novel (except lewd ones = =), and can't make any serious chanes like relationships between them,,,the anime producers has no option but to go into that cycle again and again……

For the 3rd season ,I only hope they would be able to cover the Tabitha Extrication Event.....

If you want spoilers for the plot in the novels:

Sep 23, 2008 4:31 PM

May 2008
I see it like this.

First Season genrerally good. Second season had some high/low points and I liked the heroic ending (the part I din't like, well you probably all know so I won't spoil) and the third season was all "meh" and a bit chaotic. I have watched most of the animes that arrived this spring and a feeling that was common was

"Well, it's now two eps left, how are they gonna wrap this up nicely without this ending in mass suicide?..."

The answer to that question, I can't give cuz all of the shows haven't ended yet. This is the exact feeling I got with S3 of Zero.

Trust me!

After watching ep 12 J.C is either really stupid or as MM23 nicely put it "they're going to milk it for a FOURTH season"

in this case my coinsack is on option number two, since J.C. is a company and company's need riches to be successfull.

So im gonna end this post with this...


"When are you gonna release the next season? And this time, please wrap it up somehow like Saito and Louise going back to Saito's world and live happily ever after! (or something like that)

Nov 18, 2008 12:56 PM

Jan 2008
Tsundere romances never move forward, expect in hentai. If for once someone doesn't interrupt, the tsundere will put a stop to anything that might cause development with violence. LOL

Joking, in about 1% of the animes where the love-interest is a tsundere the relationship has a chance to advance before the series is over. (this number is just a guess, and I have no definite numbers)
Nov 24, 2008 9:07 AM

Apr 2008
DarkBlue said:
Tsundere romances never move forward, expect in hentai. If for once someone doesn't interrupt, the tsundere will put a stop to anything that might cause development with violence. LOL

Joking, in about 1% of the animes where the love-interest is a tsundere the relationship has a chance to advance before the series is over. (this number is just a guess, and I have no definite numbers)
I'd argue the opposite. Most tsundere love interests eventually advance in anime (Love Hina is the first that comes to mind). In spite of my username, i really wish that JC would hurry up and stick Saito with ONE girl, even if it's Louise. enough with the fanservice crap and give us a real plot please

Nov 25, 2008 8:06 AM

May 2007
lol@the first post. If you're going to watch ZnT for plot, you'll be disappointed. If you're going to watch it for loli tsundere/oppai/mega elf oppai, then ZnT is for you.
Apr 20, 2009 3:41 AM

Apr 2009
Sigh... Saito's "fickleness" is still present in the light novels, even through volume 16. I can't help asking myself "what the hell is the author thinking?!". On a random note... I despise Henrietta.
Apr 22, 2009 12:06 AM

May 2008
antifayt said:
Sigh... Saito's "fickleness" is still present in the light novels, even through volume 16. I can't help asking myself "what the hell is the author thinking?!". On a random note... I despise Henrietta.

hahahaha....i totally don't like henrietta anymore either...and saito's stupidity is getting on my nerves and lucia forgiving him repeatedly is not helping things along

grrrr....this anime....the's all just making me upset! i stopped watching after season 2 upset me, but i thought MAYBE season 3 will end it all nicely...ugh, in my dreams! so i have decided to stop watching...for realz this time =P
May 27, 2009 2:44 AM

May 2009
Well, season 1 was quite good, season 2 was suckish, yeah everyone knows that but season 3 wasn't that bad you know. The storyline in season 3 is a little bit akward but hey, the comedy was great en things happened at the school and not in the middle of nowhere.
When season 4 comes, I think I'll still watch it.
May 29, 2009 2:48 AM

Apr 2009
Personally I don't get all the hatred for S3, I think it was quite good. Yes, the "bust revolution" was just cheap fanservice, but we got the first interesting love triangle of the whole series with Henrietta, which helped develop her, Louise, their relationship with Saito as well as between themselves, plus I liked the relationship between Tabitha's book and the plot, too.

And since I haven't watched a good comedy series in a *very* long time that lasted more than 26 eps, I'll continue to watch this for as many seasons as they can produce. I do hope they'd give us less Siesta and Tifania or at least develop them beyond MsFanservice status in the future, though.
No problem is insoluble in all conceivable circumstances.
Jun 1, 2009 1:08 PM
Apr 2009
man you know this guy is trolling right? and if hes not this is morbidly frightning i mean god is there anything you guys wont complain about?
Jun 4, 2009 10:33 PM

Jul 2008
Well, the setting of Zero no Tsukaima is a great one. That why people love the series. I enjoyed the S3.
Jun 4, 2009 10:49 PM

Sep 2008
I agree with what the OP said, except the whole rage part. Season 3 was a disappointment. Louise and Saito's relationship keeps on resetting, Tiffa is introduced, Siesta's gone crazy, Henrietta seems to like betraying her best friend and now Tabitha joins the fray. Hopefully they get their act together in season 4.
Jun 4, 2009 11:02 PM

May 2007
Do it like me.
Watch the first season, forget about the second, don't watch the third, and imagine an variation of your own story.

I mean, saito cxan use WEAPONS. Yet all he doesi s swing his sword, when he is not bumping into other girls busts.

Tell-me it wouldn' be cool to have saito using an sniping rifle, a bazooka (Like in the first season), a semi-rifleand stuff.

That would just pwn.

I lost my hope on ZnT, i won't be watching it if there is an next season.
I rather imagine it didn't exist in first place.
Man, i wouldn't watch this even if i get paid for!
Well, well paid for. lol
Jun 9, 2009 2:31 AM

May 2009
Problems to resolve:
1. Siesta has officially become a whore-for-hire
2. Less boobs, more talk (well, S3 at least has less booby-spotting than S2)
3. The relationship that keeps resetting itself over and over again
4. Stop the fillers
5. Slapstick is driving me nuts (it's also very tedious)
6. Focus of characters are shifting like hell (S2 had moar Julio spotlight and almost no Tabitha, S3 didn't even have Julio in 14% of its screentime and had more Tabitha)

How to resolve:
1. Revert Siesta to how she was in S1, a like-able maid (I actually thought a Saito x Siesta pairing wouldn't be so bad in S1, in S2 however, I started hating Horny Siesta)
2. Drop the damn boobs JC Staff, it's THAT easy
3. Make Louise a bit more demonstrative or something, hell, look at Shana and Taiga, they're not slapstick-driven.
4. You could've just had more character developments instead of fillers
5. Dropping the slapstick is as simple as dropping the boobs JC Staff, it's THAT easy
6. Dropping the fillers and boobs, you could find lots of space for these people


Good points:
1. Henrietta development
2. Louise personality and insecurity development
3. Saito is at least moar badass and noble-guy-looking
4. Tiffa isn't a bad addition although her boobs is inhuman
5. Siesta does not go into Whore Mode when rivaled by someone other than Louise
6. Less boobs
7. More spotlight on Tabitha and Kirche compared to S2
8. Fanservice is more tolerable than the boob-fiesta of Season 2
Jun 15, 2009 6:48 AM

Mar 2009
MM23 said:
ah, ZnT. what am I supposed to say? it's nothing but the same damn thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, ad infinitum.

can't j.c staff throw us off a bit and surprise us with someone else other than the same recycled template of "HEY I'M A CHICK WITH HUGE TITS AND I WANT TO SUCK SAITO'S COCK" "LAWL OKAY FINE BY ME" "B-B-B-BAKA INUUU" and the same reused explosion animation used in season 2? even the eyecatches are identical...

I know I'm going to get a lot of flak for this thread from raging fanboys, and you can give me the generic "omg then don't watch it if u dont like it lol!111!" bullshit treatment, but it still doesn't invalidate what I'm saying. I'm still watching because it's a guilty pleasure, and I really do enjoy the premise/setting, and I always have: it's bright, colorful, quirky, and kind of like a warped version of harry potter + moe. I'm just praying j.c staff will FINALLY get their shit together and have the romance actually, you know, advance. as it is now, 6 episodes in, I can't even tell this is a third season. the animation is lazy and near-identical. louise has not matured or had a fucking wink of character development in over 30 episodes. it's really disappointing, I dunno.

the lack of any real plot advancement or character development so far almost makes me wonder if they're going to milk it for a FOURTH season instead of just end it, as they should.

I can only subsist on mindless fanservice for so long. 2 seasons was enough. give me some fucking romance, goddamn.

it's not fanservice comedy, it's romantic comedy. so far there's been no "romance" beyond the same trite tsundere antics we saw 500000 times in season 1 and 2.

You're absolutely right.But i still like it.
Jun 24, 2009 10:57 PM

May 2009
Season 1 - good to great
Season 2 - 1st half: kinda boring, 2nd half: epic win, the peak of the series IMO
Season 3 - good starting episodes, the rest were crappier than both seasons :(
Aug 15, 2009 7:26 PM

Jun 2008
I kinda agree with the OP, but hey, I still enjoy watching the deredere moments in the anime, even if they'll just end with Saito getting blown up/beaten, whatever.

For me though, I don't mind the repitition too much, it's just the mindless fan service... No, wait, scratch that... It's just the countless boob shots and that whore Siesta, that bug me =.=

J.C. Staff just need to do S4 like they did S1 but with a bit more development in the romance department and I think everyone will love the series THAT much more.
Aug 23, 2009 7:46 PM
Jan 2009
So will there really be a S4? or are they leaving it as is. Cuz that would be really sad !
Aug 24, 2009 12:48 AM
Aug 2009
I believe they are leaving it, because all the seasons have started in early July and ended late September, and it is now August. BUt I could be wrong, they might have extended their break period because of Tora Dora.
VampiricWulfAug 24, 2009 2:40 AM
Aug 24, 2009 5:06 AM

Jun 2008
Let's not forget that several Shakugan no Shana OVAs are coming out a couple of months or so followed by season 3 or so they've announced... That may be the reason for ZnT season 4 to be delayed...
Sep 1, 2009 5:35 AM

Jun 2008
jampa411 said:

There are things known as capitals and punctuations you know... One of them, you're using a bit too much, the other, not at all, so it's kinda hard to completely make out what you're saying =.=

From what I can see though, you're saying that it's just plain comedy? Plain comedy also has a plot and a storyline you know... I don't think mindless nonsense can be sold very easily. Anyway, backtrack to season 1 and right there is what most of us already want, plot development with romance and comedy in a fantasy setting. We're not asking for a complete overhaul of what genre this anime belongs to, but it really needs to live up the fact that it's supposed to be a romantic comedy (and yes, romantic comedies DO have a plot as well as character development the last time I checked).

And just so you know, not everyone watches anime just for laughs, most of us actually enjoy a good storyline and some character development as well.

Edit: For the record, J. C. Staff are a bit too large a studio to go bankrupt due to one series doing poorly, don't you think?
XenithSep 1, 2009 5:42 AM
Sep 13, 2009 6:12 PM

Jun 2007
The 3rd season actually had a director/writer switch. That's why the story was purely fan service this time around.

The first season was great. It felt original and entertaining. The second was a mixture of slowness and epicness which was fine. The third was down right horrible. Nothing but fan service and plot holes. What's even worse is some questions from previous series never get answered and endings get done half assed. If they make a 4th season they really need to stick to their roots from S1.
Sep 13, 2009 6:15 PM

Dec 2007
MM23 said:
so far there's been no "romance" beyond the same trite tsundere antics we saw 500000 times in season 1 and 2.

You were probably sleeping, but there actually was a touching romantic scene with Saitou and Louise at the church/chapel where they vow their love for eachother.

Then S3 just completely disregarded all that and went to the crapper.
Sep 26, 2009 8:43 PM

Sep 2009
first season: jul 3rd-sep 25 06

second season: jul 9th-sep 24 07

third season: jul 6th-sep 22 08

fourth season should be coming out soon eh, D:?
Jul 5, 2010 12:31 PM

Jul 2008
Even if you think that way, You'll still watch it when another season comes out. Bullshit reviews are bullshit.

Starting to like Tabitha and hopefully we can see more of that on the next season.

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