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lelouch do you like him or hate him and why
i dont like him
i like him
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Aug 10, 2014 6:44 PM
May 2014
OP, Light Yagami wanted to be a god and did whatever it took to become one, even if it meant killing good people (uh, L?). While Lelouch sacrificed himself to be forever vilified so that the world could have a common symbol to hate (tyranny) and another too revere (Zero).

If you still think Light is a better person than Lelouch, your morals are screwed up.

BTW, in regard to the Euphemia incident, did you even watch Code Geass? He commanded Euphemia too kill all the Japanese by accident, and he was pretty torn up about it for awhile. What do you expect him to do though, roll over and die because he made an (admittedly large) mistake? Of course you do, because your favorite character is Light, a pussy who begged for his life when he lost.
Aug 11, 2014 12:26 AM

Jul 2012
That's because L was trying to stop kira he killed innocent people in order to not be found out.........sure he told the woman he was kira to mess with her up give you that......

But it was for the greater good

Lelouch started a huge war for his own selfish benefit where loads of loads innocent people have died...........And yes I have seen the series.....both of them in fact.... And I know what happened in both.......any ways

The only reason he started a uprising and started a huge war where millions of millions of people died to kill a few bad and was for

Revenge against his father
Look in to his mothers murder
To make a better place for nunnally

Light on the other head didn't kill loads of innocent people .....he killed criminals .....

Ect ect

It was to make the world a better place and kill few innocent people.............but that was to keep people from finding him and thats it.

I mean if you think a war monger like lelouch is better then a judge like. Light who gets Reid of the scrum of the world then your the one who is screwed up here not me.

And about the whole euphy thing.........yes I know it was an accident I know he didn't mean to do it I know he wouldn't do it....I know all that .....but.......but........

I can't forgive that prick for letting everyone believe she's a murderer ......she was the most innocent character in the series and loved everyone and wouldn't hurt a fly.......but that prick let's everyone believe she's a killer....he tarnished her name, she gave up the throne and wanted everyone to get along......while that prick lelouch hated what she was doing and wanted her to shoot him because she ruined his plan til his gaess went out of control........

So really lelouch tried to make his own sister shoot him in order to get people on his side ......What a prick only because he couldn't get his own way.......

He didn't try to clear her name which would come to bit him in the arse later.......which was funny as hell when the knights turned on

Sorry but I would rather have a judge that kills criminals then a war monger who is responsible for having millions killed.

Up yours you lelouch fan girl
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia.

im a shiki supporter

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Just past the 1500th Mark bitches

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Aug 11, 2014 2:09 AM
May 2014
Damn your logic is pretty fucked up man.
Seems like you can't get over Euphy's part. YES, she was really innocent and wished for people to live together peacefully. Lelouch eventually also agreed with that, but because he couldn't control his geass for a moment, he accidently gave her the order to kill everyone, which was of course not what he wanted. From that moment on he just kept lying to ppl but I think he made some pretty good decisions. At some points he looked as if he was fucking insane but he wasn't. He was just full of anger and sadness. All the things that happened (Euphy --> didn't want that; Shirley --> didn't want that etc). He took the blame for so many things he didn't want. That takes balls. As stated in the series: you have to end what you start. He's always kept his mask on regarding of what happened and his feelings towards everyone. Saying you used everyone as pawns is not easy. He DID care for his subordinates. And he cared most for Nunally, which was quite obvious from the beginning.
All in all, yes I have to say I sometimes hated Lelouch for what he did, but still I like him. Especially that last episode. He ended it the right way. He's been trying to do good the whole time. Yes, he looked selfish and insane, but he just put on a mask. He often had lots of difficulty doing what he was doing. If only the black knights had known that he's done so many good things...
And one more thing. If I have to choose a character I hate the most it would be Schneizel. That man is an example of someone who is totally fucked up. He doesn't care about anyone. He wanted to kill 2 billion people to create peace. I mean come on...So you do care Lelouch "used" Euphy to kill the Japanese (which was, as I said before, clearly an accident), but what Scneizel did was fine? acting all kind and stuff. He's the fucking biggest hypocrite in the whole show. I kinda liked him in the first season but yeah. His intentions were ridiculous. Atleast Lelouch was honest towards the world (well, kind of xD) Also, I had a hard time watching the last big war. Everyone turned against Lelouch while he was in fact protecting everyone (allies/enemies/regular ppl) against Schneizel who wanted to destroy the whole worll. And the fact that no one realised that made me really sad lol
So yeah, i'm kinda just repeating myself over and over again but no matter how much evil Lelouch has done, he really gained my respect for bearing the burden alone and acting as if he doesn't care. Mentally, that must be really hard.
But I kinda understand what you mean too. Let's say that:

- Light had good intentions in the beginning. He indeed killed bad ppl like murderers etc which is very good. But at the end he turned insane so yeah. No good.
- Lelouch started lots of wars for personal intentions which was indeed quite selfish. But, in the end, he kinda brought peace. So I still think Lelouch was better off in the end even though Light had better intentions before he went crazy as fuck
MarkiesAug 11, 2014 2:37 AM
Aug 11, 2014 4:15 AM

Jul 2012
More like you don't agree with what I have to say because ether you don't like light and maybe a lelouch fan boy.....or even worse a near fan boy.......


It's not just euphys death but loads of other things He's done which I can't forgive him for....

1 euphy s death and disgrace

2 using his power on his allies

3 indirectly killing Shirley..........yes I know it was rolo who killed Shirley but it's thanks to him that she got killed in the first place-
3.1 he killed her father even tho he didn't mean too.
3.2 he made her forget about him and what he did.
3.3 he's indirectly responsible for killing her.

4 making non soldiers kill them selfs after they have done there jobs

5 he's indirectly responsible for what happened in ep 18 R1 killing millions of people. ( I know it was nina who made it, I know suzaku pulled the trigger) it's thanks to lelouch where nina is now and its thanks to lelouch that he made suzaku live with he's gaess which activated it.

6 he clams he's making the world good for do you think she's going to react if she found out that he started a war and had millions of people die and ruined loads more others lives.

7 he betrayed cornelia ( he's sisters) .......she loved lelouch as much ad euphy did and wanted to avenge his apparent death and wanted to know what happened to him, but after finding he's alive and what he can do and what he did to euphy she tries to look for evidence to clear euphy name ( like a good sibling would)...........I bet you'd let your siblings name be in disgrace even if they didn't do anything wrong.....I wouldn't I'd find evidence to clear there names...........

8 he tries to kill his best friend suzaku 3 times

I didn't say I agreed with schneizel in fact what he did was just as bad of what lelouch did..... lelouch believed what he was doing was right but it wasn't, it's the same as schneizel he believes he's doing the right thing but he isn' can tell they are brothers.....

He didn't are about he's subordinates he was using them and was only upset about losing his pawns and that's it

How was lelouch honest towards the world, when he was the one responsible for what happened at the stadium......he lied to everyone about that and wanted euphy to shoot him to get everyone on his side.......that's not honest mate.......that's having a baby fit because things aren't going his way.

So you KINDA agree with say that quite a few times in that message, I think it's your fandom for the character that's making you say that..........

Light might of gone a bit mental.....but he didn't lose focus of what he wanted to do and that was kill criminals he only killed innocent people BECAUSE they was trying to capture him ...he even said he wants the police to corporate with him.....

Light was makng the world a safer, cleaner place .......It's like setting an example of someone if you do wrong this is what will happen to you......And killing the most notorious criminals is a good example.

Lelouch has done lot of stupid shit that I cant forgive.....Light thinks things through better then lelouch.

Let's say lelouch disgraced and framed your sister what would you do?

If he just came clean on what happened to euphy and what powers he had to do the job with then maybe they would of kept is secret because they needed zero.

Think about it...when kallan found out who zero was and found out what he could do and what He did at the stadium from suzaku and she left him to suzakus.....

After a year past she escapes and finds out the Britannias have taken back area11 and captured everyone...........she has no choice but to get lelouch back because he can preform miracles and save everyone from being executed and she threatens him if he falls out of line she'd kill him cause she knew the knights couldn't win without him.......she felt how the knights felt when they found out what he did................

They didn't care who he was or what he could do.....but after finding out what he did at the stadium and used he's powers on his allies they turned on him for area 11 to be theres again.....which is what they wanted.......

.think about it for a second...........

Kallan was devastated when she found out about lelouch and what he did and left him for dead and went back for him because she knew they needed him.....

It would of been the same if schneizel didn't agree to give them back area11 they would of done the same as what kallan did and kept him in check while they was fighting Britannia........Also if it got out that zero was responsible for what happened at the stadium the people would of lost respect for the knights and maybe turn on then for what zero did......It's even said in episode 20 that they'd lose credibility if people found out.

Oh yes iv watched this series in and out and thought things though.......get your head out of your arse and look at your own isn't perfect ether.......hell you even say kinda in this messege a few times which indicates that I'm right about a few things.

Your turn or is this a checkmate
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia.

im a shiki supporter

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Just past the 1500th Mark bitches

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Aug 11, 2014 4:23 AM

Oct 2009
I'm not really fond of Lelouch, but I can see why people respects his attitude. For me the only thing worth saving from Code Geass is Nina's table, that poor thing didn't even make it to the credit roll.
The most important things in life is the people that you care about
Aug 11, 2014 4:40 AM

Jul 2012
azzuRe said:
I'm not really fond of Lelouch, but I can see why people respects his attitude. For me the only thing worth saving from Code Geass is Nina's table, that poor thing didn't even make it to the credit roll.

I knew that table was popular with everyone why else would everyone hate makes sense now that table had friends in high places lol
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia.

im a shiki supporter

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Just past the 1500th Mark bitches

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Aug 11, 2014 7:43 AM

Nov 2013
Animefreak17a said:
More like you don't agree with what I have to say because ether you don't like light and maybe a lelouch fan boy.....or even worse a near fan boy.......
More like you don't want to agree with what anyone has to say because you are a Kira fanboy and even worse a Lelouch hater.
Aug 11, 2014 8:54 AM

Jul 2012
laldonkaments said:
To create a peaceful world for Nunnally to live in was just a pretense for his revenge on Charles & Britannia for most of the series. Apparently he had a change of heart somewhere between ep.15-21 in R2. Then he tried to make the best out of the shit he has done until this point (which resulted in a quite foolish conclusion imo, but that's another matter).

Is that enough to redeem himself? Naaah, no way. He has used and destroyed so many lifes on his path. And the disturbing thing is not the fact THAT he did it, but the way HOW he did it: Forcing people to go against their principles, beliefs, love and loyalty in the most cruel way. Another thing that annoyed me throughout the series is his lack of honor: He challenges opponents multiple times (Suzaku, Cornelia, ...), only to set them up (Sayoko, Darlton, ...). I can't remember a 1on1 where he won fair & square without his Geass (except chess). It's like Charles said, he mainly consists of "cheap tricks" like "schemes, plots, surprise attacks".

In retroperspective he acted quite awesome and entertaining at times, but character-wise he's just an arrogant prick with an infinite amount of false pride and no shred of honor. He threw the whole world in turmoil without consulting his little sister even once in the process - which probably would've prevented that whole mess. And in the end he even couldn't grant her simple wish of living a peaceful life with her onii-san. Tragic? Yes. Hero? No.

You and me are going to get along just fine
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia.

im a shiki supporter

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Just past the 1500th Mark bitches

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Aug 11, 2014 9:00 AM
Mar 2011
Because he's the first on the Favorite page in MAL. Same reason why L, Luffy and Light are popular.
Aug 11, 2014 9:00 AM

Jul 2012
Botato said:
Animefreak17a said:
More like you don't agree with what I have to say because ether you don't like light and maybe a lelouch fan boy.....or even worse a near fan boy.......
More like you don't want to agree with what anyone has to say because you are a Kira fanboy and even worse a Lelouch hater.

Your one to talk .....but your a L fan boy which is ok in my book.....but near......No way.....mello was more interesting then that failed copy cat clone wannabe 9000!!!!!!!! Rip off.

At least kira does it for the greater good unlike lelouch who does it for revenge cause he has daddy issues
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia.

im a shiki supporter

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Just past the 1500th Mark bitches

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Aug 11, 2014 9:04 AM

Jul 2012
naens said:
Because he's the first on the Favorite page in MAL. Same reason why L, Luffy and Light are popular. like him because his popular?!?!?

You should like a character not because there popular but of what they are and can do or something like that.......only cause someone's popular doesn't mean there great......but saying that rider from fate zero is a favourite of mine and his popular .....but I don't like him because his popular I like him because of his character and his awesome.
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia.

im a shiki supporter

my YouTube channel

Just past the 1500th Mark bitches

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Aug 11, 2014 9:11 AM
Mar 2011
Animefreak17a said: like him because his popular?!?!?
No, not me. But I think a lot of people do. I usually don't care which characters are popular or not. An for me it changes all the time. I think I can do a new set of favorite characters every month.
Aug 11, 2014 9:13 AM

May 2014
Animefreak17a said:
I just don't get it

1 - He murders he's sister and let's everyone believes she's a murderer and he does nothing to clear her name.
2 - He makes Shirley forget who he is and what he did to her father He is indirectly responsible for her death.
3 - He uses people like pawns both enemies and allies.
4 - He's responsible for killing millions of people and ruining there lives.
5 - He's inconsistent
6 - He has a loli sister complex
7 - He uses the knights for he's own uses and not for there reasons
8 - He is arrogant and two faced.
9 - He betrays he's other sister who loved him
10 - He doesn't come clean that everything was his fault.

I honestly have no idea why people likes this guy I honestly dont.

I just down right hate him

He does it all for him self and not for anyone else's needs

I numbered your ideas so it would be easier to answer.
1 - He killed Euphie because of geass accident. He couldn't change what he have accidentally done so he solves the problem in best possible way.
2 - To make people forget of bad things is not bad idea. It was done to prevent pain. It wasn't him who killed her. It was obvious that he cared about her.
3 - About this one I can only say "So what?". It is not much different from other politics.
4 - Sacrificing a few useless pieces to win a game is forgivable.
5 - He is like any human being.
6 - Different kind of fetish. I wouldn't attack him for that. It is not on incest level love. Brotherly love is not bad thing by itself.
7 - That is kings job. They chose to fallow him with their own free will.
8 - Same as number 5
9 - And does that in order to protect her.
10 - Watch the last episode.

This is my opinion anyway.
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Aug 11, 2014 10:28 AM

Jul 2012
1 yeah but he lets everyone think she's a killer which she wasn't. I know it was an accident I know that 100% I know he didn't mean to do it.....but he wanted her to shoot him in order to get people on his side that's how desperate he was, to make his own sister look like the bad guy ........despicable I tell you..........And he does shit to clear her name...... I bet you any amonte of money if nunnally was framed like how euphy was he'd do everything in his power to clear her name.........again despicable.

2 I said it was indirectly his fault for keeping rolo, and he didn't want her to get in the way of his plan so like a coward he made her the hell making her forget it was him that killed her father the pains still there......And yes he did care for her but instead of saying .....I'm sorry and owning up to it and let her pass judgement on him he makes her forget.....again using his power on his friends and allies.........fucking coward.

3 but he does it not for the good of area 11 but for him self and he had it coming after the find out he's the one who was using them for he's petty petty petty petty revenge against his daddy.

4..............a few useless pieces?!?!?!........even if there innocent.........!?!?!?! You sound like a villain.

5 yeah but a arse hole human humans are pricks anyways

6 yep and he'd kill millions for her even if there innocent lives just for her.

7 yeah but they turned on him after they find out he was using him they thought he was doing it for them but wasn't and its awesome how they did it..............the knights turn on the prick who had thousands killed at the stadium hahaha

8 same as 5

9 no he didn't he wanted to use her as a hostage .......Cornelia li Britannia I mean.....he didn't care about her.

10 yeah he is killed and good riddance....he didn't own up to anything he just made him self the bad guy and again didn't come clean what he did as zero.

This is fact
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia.

im a shiki supporter

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Just past the 1500th Mark bitches

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Aug 12, 2014 11:49 AM

May 2014
Animefreak17a said:
1 yeah but he lets everyone think she's a killer which she wasn't. I know it was an accident I know that 100% I know he didn't mean to do it.....but he wanted her to shoot him in order to get people on his side that's how desperate he was, to make his own sister look like the bad guy ........despicable I tell you..........And he does shit to clear her name...... I bet you any amonte of money if nunnally was framed like how euphy was he'd do everything in his power to clear her name.........again despicable.

2 I said it was indirectly his fault for keeping rolo, and he didn't want her to get in the way of his plan so like a coward he made her the hell making her forget it was him that killed her father the pains still there......And yes he did care for her but instead of saying .....I'm sorry and owning up to it and let her pass judgement on him he makes her forget.....again using his power on his friends and allies.........fucking coward.

3 but he does it not for the good of area 11 but for him self and he had it coming after the find out he's the one who was using them for he's petty petty petty petty revenge against his daddy.

4..............a few useless pieces?!?!?!........even if there innocent.........!?!?!?! You sound like a villain.

5 yeah but a arse hole human humans are pricks anyways

6 yep and he'd kill millions for her even if there innocent lives just for her.

7 yeah but they turned on him after they find out he was using him they thought he was doing it for them but wasn't and its awesome how they did it..............the knights turn on the prick who had thousands killed at the stadium hahaha

8 same as 5

9 no he didn't he wanted to use her as a hostage .......Cornelia li Britannia I mean.....he didn't care about her.

10 yeah he is killed and good riddance....he didn't own up to anything he just made him self the bad guy and again didn't come clean what he did as zero.

This is fact

These are not facts, but simply your opinion. For some unknown reason you got really emotional about this. Obviously you missed a few quite important points.

1 First she really did kill them. Even if it was geass it was done by her in front of millions. Even if he revealed himself and his geass what would that achieve? Nothing useful. Also even if he planned to be shot by Euphie he dropped that plan and decided to cooperate (although due geass accident it failed).

2 You bragged your last post that killing is bad, but now you are saying that he should have disposed of Rolo....Also Shirley was in love with him. When she knew that he killed her father (even though it was just his actions side effect) she broke down. By making her forget it AND him Lelouch at least drastically reduced her pain.

3 But he also gives Japanese people who were treated nearly as slaves hope and courage to fight for themselves.

4 There is no such thing as innocent people. I may sound like a villain. Personally I don't care. Sometimes sacrifices have to be made in order to achieve something.

5 You come and make thread, start posting insults to fictional characters and complain about them without fully understanding them. I am sorry to say this but you are no different. Although you may consider me to be one as well now, but I simply my opinion about your post.

6 When one truly loves/cares about someone that person will do everything in his/her power to protect that precious someone

7 They turned against him because they believed that Lelouch controlled them with geass (which was not true)

8 same as 5

9 Is it a crime to not care about someone?

10 He united the world, became the most person in it and got killed (most likely) by his friend in front of people he cared about. He made Zero a symbol of home which was really needed at that time.
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Aug 13, 2014 8:03 AM

Jul 2012
1 it was still thanks to him

2 just to satisfy him self

3 yeah for to have people on he's side and nothing more

4 villain

5 I understand him clearly and again he does it for him self

6 doesn't make it right.....I bet she'd kill her self if she found out he destroyed millions of lives for her

7 bollocks they turned against him because he was using them and for what happened at the stadium........If he was controlling them they wouldn't of betrayed him........again bollocks so no lelouch had it coming............And they betrayed him to get Japan back too...................same as my last answer.

8 again

9 he didn't care about her again

10 but its a false hope and again good riddance.

What a fan boy you are.... I mean look at your avatar..........lelouch fan girl....there's nothing likeable about him.

Put your self in the shoes of the loved ones who have died thanks to lelouch ....which was millions of people

Euphys loved ones
Shirleys family and friends
The people who lost there lives thanks to leouch if they found out who was to blame would you let them kill lelouch........I'd say go for it.......again

Good riddance
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia.

im a shiki supporter

my YouTube channel

Just past the 1500th Mark bitches

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Aug 13, 2014 6:38 PM
May 2014
Because Lelouch is basically what I wish Light Yagami had been like. It wasn't long before I realized Light was disillusioned and that he was never going to stop killing people to achieve his "perfect" world. Light was the ultimate deceptive selfish dickhead. Light wasn't even an anti-hero, he was just evil trash. I mean, if u still have doubt just look towards the end where he said he plans to kill the "lazy" people as well.

Lelouch on the other hand was not disillusioned in his goals, and although they were born out of selfish desires/revenge, he eventually grew a lot wiser and less self-oriented in season 2. Lelouch was also very human in the sense that he cared for plenty of people and struggled when his mistakes affected them (or killed them). He's a perfect anti-hero, having done questionable deeds in order to fullfil his own causes, but growing from them to help others.
bladeangelAug 13, 2014 8:12 PM
Aug 14, 2014 12:48 AM

May 2014
Animefreak17a said:
1 it was still thanks to him

2 just to satisfy him self

3 yeah for to have people on he's side and nothing more

4 villain

5 I understand him clearly and again he does it for him self

6 doesn't make it right.....I bet she'd kill her self if she found out he destroyed millions of lives for her

7 bollocks they turned against him because he was using them and for what happened at the stadium........If he was controlling them they wouldn't of betrayed him........again bollocks so no lelouch had it coming............And they betrayed him to get Japan back too...................same as my last answer.

8 again

9 he didn't care about her again

10 but its a false hope and again good riddance.

What a fan boy you are.... I mean look at your avatar..........lelouch fan girl....there's nothing likeable about him.

Put your self in the shoes of the loved ones who have died thanks to lelouch ....which was millions of people

Euphys loved ones
Shirleys family and friends
The people who lost there lives thanks to leouch if they found out who was to blame would you let them kill lelouch........I'd say go for it.......again

Good riddance

Hahahahahhahaha.....Kids these day. When they can't beat you in argument they simply attack your avatar and call you fangirl.

Fine I will play with you a little more.

1. And he paid for it in the end.
2. Obviously you missed that Shirley got much better after that. Comparing suffering of mental breakdown level and what was shown after that difference is obvious.
3. That was true at the beginning, but as series progressed it changed. Even if that was not true Japanese people ended up better with this situation.
4. Villains are people who understand how this world works. Unlike heroes they don't have unrealistic and idiotic delusions such as justice.
5. Go re watch season 2.
6. Protect does not mean satisfy. Sometimes in order to do what is necessary in order to protect someone you have to do what one would be hater for, things against that persons will.
7. Again you missed the important part. They betrayed him because they THOUGHT that he controlled them and misunderstood his previous actions. That recorded lie pushed them to do it.
8. Do I even have to type this number.....
10. Any type of hope (real or not) is still better than no hope at all.

So whats next? Gonna try calling me fan girl again or maybe try to attack me because my avvy? Just 1 simple advise. These things only work on people who actually give a shit about it. It is quite useless waste of energy to try use it on me. :D

Maybe I should try same approach as you. For example: try to put yourself in the shoes of those whose loved ones Android 17 or Light Yagami or anyone else killed? It is exacly same thing. If I actually started to hate anyone because this stupid ass reasoning I should hate every single religion and nation in the world.

From my perspective you are simply another kid hater who tries to play smart, creates useless threads, attacks others simply because difference in opinions.
First line of your signature more or less summarizes your behavior so far.

bladeangel said:
Because Lelouch is basically what I wish Light Yagami had been like. It wasn't long before I realized Light was disillusioned and that he was never going to stop killing people to achieve his "perfect" world. Light was the ultimate deceptive selfish dickhead. Light wasn't even an anti-hero, he was just evil trash. I mean, if u still have doubt just look towards the end where he said he plans to kill the "lazy" people as well.

Lelouch on the other hand was not disillusioned in his goals, and although they were born out of selfish desires/revenge, he eventually grew a lot wiser and less self-oriented in season 2. Lelouch was also very human in the sense that he cared for plenty of people and struggled when his mistakes affected them (or killed them). He's a perfect anti-hero, having done questionable deeds in order to fullfil his own causes, but growing from them to help others.

This post actually summary it quite perfectly. +1 to this.
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Aug 14, 2014 8:11 AM

Jul 2012
What ever what would you know your just a kid......I bet you like him because he's popular and he is the main just don't get it at all.

1 and thank God he did pay for it........ otherwise I'd of gone ape shit......fucker had it coming

2 and like a coward he lets her think he didn't do it would you feel if someone killed your parents and made you forget he was the one who did it and was continuing to do bad things.....exactly.

3 and look what he did to euphy who wanted to make area 11 a place of peace for both.....(listen carefully)...............he hated euphy because she was getting in his way after she announced that there would be a zone for both party's and wanted her to shoot him to get people on his side.......yes I know he changed his mind that time all he wanted was to have her to make people hate her his own sister who was innocent.........

4 yeah like freiza cell buu from Dragon ball z that kills for pleasure.....

5 Jesus Christ he's character has even you fooled

6 I stand corrected

7 again they betrayed him because of what happened at the stadium. Kallan found out what lelouch did and what he could do and left him to be killed by suzaku, and the same thing happened with the knights they betrayed him because he was using them and what happened at the stadium.......Also look at it this way from there point of view.....

A prince with the power to control people who was banished from the throne is starting a war with Britannia for revenge......think about it.

8 yes I do because it's not getting thought that thick skull of yours

9 but she cared about him and want to lengths to find out what happened to him and he betrayed her.

10 I prefer real hope then to false hope....... It's like God people say he's real but he isn't real...And that's false hope.....I dont like to be lied too I prefer facts

Jesus Christ take a chill pill,

Android 17 wasn't evil and he didnt kill anyone in the present time and he was being controlled by Dr myuu and gero

Light killed criminals and people who was trying to stop him......And he did it for the greater good. And never lost focus which lelouch seems to do alot

Im not attacking you BECAUSE you have a different opinions I'm angry that you don't see it from my point of view, .......if seen this series twice now and my opinion doesn't change a thing about lelouch I stand corrected about him and I say his a wanker.

laldonkaments said:
To create a peaceful world for Nunnally to live in was just a pretense for his revenge on Charles & Britannia for most of the series. Apparently he had a change of heart somewhere between ep.15-21 in R2. Then he tried to make the best out of the shit he has done until this point (which resulted in a quite foolish conclusion imo, but that's another matter).

Is that enough to redeem himself? Naaah, no way. He has used and destroyed so many lifes on his path. And the disturbing thing is not the fact THAT he did it, but the way HOW he did it: Forcing people to go against their principles, beliefs, love and loyalty in the most cruel way. Another thing that annoyed me throughout the series is his lack of honor: He challenges opponents multiple times (Suzaku, Cornelia, ...), only to set them up (Sayoko, Darlton, ...). I can't remember a 1on1 where he won fair & square without his Geass (except chess). It's like Charles said, he mainly consists of "cheap tricks" like "schemes, plots, surprise attacks".

In retroperspective he acted quite awesome and entertaining at times, but character-wise he's just an arrogant prick with an infinite amount of false pride and no shred of honor. He threw the whole world in turmoil without consulting his little sister even once in the process - which probably would've prevented that whole mess. And in the end he even couldn't grant her simple wish of living a peaceful life with her onii-san. Tragic? Yes. Hero? No.

I agree with this1+
geekfreak17aAug 14, 2014 8:17 AM
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia.

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Aug 14, 2014 9:45 AM

May 2014
Chill pill? For what? If I calmed down even a bit more I would be dead.

Like I wrote before since you can't win in argument you direct attack on me. Now you say that I like him because he is popular and calling me kid. lol You are simply to predictable. I have my reasons to like him and the only one here who is acting childish is you. Fine I will play with you a little more. So how you gonna try to attack me again and fail?

I don't get it why are you so emotional. It clouds your judgement. Its same as looking into the sky at night and only concentrating on moon. You only see 1 fragment and miss the remaining picture.

1 Again you posted emotional childish comment without any real argument.
2 Well I can't comment very well on this one because to tell the truth I don't really care about them that much. If they actually got killed I might be able to squeeze a couple of tears, but I doubt that would happen. If we replaced word parents with words someone I care about. Hmmm... I would prefer not to know. It would only hold me back from moving forward.
3. And later he admitted to himself that she was the first girl he loved. Also if you consider that his family basically abandoned him, you could hardly attack him for that.
4 Villains might kill joy for you but 99% of time they are most down to earth characters in series.
5 Fooled? I wonder how? If we talked about average human perspective then he done everything for Nunnally, if we actually discussed it philosophically (what we are definitely NOT doing) then everything anyone ever does is done for themselves.
7 Again you point out that they misunderstood that they were controlled by geass. Also that perspective was true at the beginning, but for me the only thing that matters are results so...
8 Again you waste space trying to insult me and fail. You are only angry because I am not getting to emotional here like you.
9 Again if someone cares about you does not mean that you should care about them as well. If it was true imagine what would happen for famous people who have tons of stalkers :D
10 Without hope (it does not matter real or not) there wouldn't be despair, without despair - fear and without fear there would only be chaos. Chaos is opposite of what real world needs and opposite of what fictional characters tries to achieve (in ANY story).
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Aug 14, 2014 10:36 AM
May 2014
Animefreak17a said:

1 and thank God he did pay for it........ otherwise I'd of gone ape shit......fucker had it coming

haha i guess you won't be glad to know that he didn't actually die. Its just like in episode 1 where C.C.took a bullet to the face...and she came back. If you backtrack the series and examine the rules of geass and how people with geass can become immortal, it's most likely that Lelouch became immortal himself towards the end of the anime. Hence why C.C. is addressing him in the last scene. plz feel free to do go ape shit now
bladeangelAug 14, 2014 10:47 AM
Aug 14, 2014 11:07 AM

May 2014
bladeangel said:
Animefreak17a said:

1 and thank God he did pay for it........ otherwise I'd of gone ape shit......fucker had it coming

haha i guess you won't be glad to know that he didn't actually die. Its just like in episode 1 where C.C.took a bullet to the face...and she came back. If you backtrack the series and examine the rules of geass and how people with geass can become immortal, it's most likely that Lelouch became immortal himself towards the end of the anime. Hence why C.C. is addressing him in the last scene. plz feel free to do go ape shit now

And I was going easy on him and tried to hide this idea. You just hit him below the belt
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Aug 14, 2014 11:21 AM

Jul 2012
More like your trying to sound like your right and making me out I'm wrong........

Ok let's start again

Reasons why I hate lelouch

1 what he did to his sister euphy-

He hated her for nealry ruining his plans .......hell he even said he used to like her.

he tries to make her shoot him in order to get people to side with him.......come on even you should know that was a dick move.........again only because it was ruining his plans......admit it that was a dick move if he went though with it.

He accidentally used his power on her........I'm not blaming him for that I know 100% he didn't mean to do no blame on him for that........but

He lets everyone believe she's a murderer.........when it was all his would you feel if someone you loved was framed......he lets a pure innocent girls name be tarnished because it suits him and he takes advantage of it.............he makes the 11s believe that all Britannias are evil he fuelled peoples hatred.....And we know not all Britannias are bad....look at the students at the school.

And when euphy was killed he drops a tear.........when nunnally supposedly was killed he gose completely ape shit and panics.......favouritism anyone.

2 what he did to people that was close to him-

Euphy of course.

Thanks to him Shirleys dad is killed.

He's indirectly responsible for Shirleys death.....yes I know he didn't kill her but if he didn't keep that bastard rolo around then she wouldn't have died.......why didn't he use he power on him in order to to use him.....exactly.....he makes her forget because he didn't want to kill her because he cared for her but he was so much of a coward he made her for get he did it to her.....again another innocent is dead because of him....And her mother has lost a husband and a daughter

He betrays his sister Cornelia li Britannia who cared for him and was sad when she thought he was dead and she even was looking in to his mothers death cause she looked up to her....And even looking in what happened to lelouch and nunnally and what does he do.........he tries to take her hostage he hurts he betrays her...............runs in the family doesn't it >_>

*laldonkaments said:*
To create a peaceful world for Nunnally to live in was just a pretense for his revenge on Charles & Britannia for most of the series. Apparently he had a change of heart somewhere between ep.15-21 in R2. Then he tried to make the best out of the shit he has done until this point (which resulted in a quite foolish conclusion imo, but that's another matter).

Is that enough to redeem himself? Naaah, no way. He has used and destroyed so many lifes on his path. And the disturbing thing is not the fact THAT he did it, but the way HOW he did it: Forcing people to go against their principles, beliefs, love and loyalty in the most cruel way. Another thing that annoyed me throughout the series is his lack of honor: He challenges opponents multiple times (Suzaku, Cornelia, ...), only to set them up (Sayoko, Darlton, ...). I can't remember a 1on1 where he won fair & square without his Geass (except chess). It's like Charles said, he mainly consists of "cheap tricks" like "schemes, plots, surprise attacks".

In retroperspective he acted quite awesome and entertaining at times, but character-wise he's just an arrogant prick with an infinite amount of false pride and no shred of honor. He threw the whole world in turmoil without consulting his little sister even once in the process - which probably would've prevented that whole mess. And in the end he even couldn't grant her simple wish of living a peaceful life with her onii-san. Tragic? Yes. Hero? No.

I love this ^^^^^^^^^^

He killed his mother........And after all that fuss of wanting to know what happened to her and was sad he kills her without trying to talk her out if it.....this one's debatable

It's thanks to him millions of innocent people was killed in episode 18 r2 ..........suzaku might of been the one to pull the trigger nina might of been the one to make it.........but its all thanks to him that happened.....

If he didn't do any of his stupid jokes on euphy then nina wouldn't of made the weapon
If he didn't use his gaess on suzaku then suzaku wouldn't have pulled the fact he wanted to die for the sins he did but its thanks to lelouch that all those millions of lives was lost.

He uses the knights for his own gain .....And it was convenient for him to use them he only used them to -

Find out about his mother's death
To get revenge on his daddy
To make the world a better place for nunnally

Lelouch is a liar and if youv seen him make his speeches about what it mean to be Japanese and believed it.....then your an idiot......he was trying to gain support for a favourable answer for everyone to join him......again his a liar and he's always been a liar

He lies to his sister nunnally about everything........just look at it this way......let's say he managed to make the world a better place for her though his way by -

Starting a war
Killing his sister
Killing load of load of people
Ruining peoples lives....

How would you think she'd react if she found out what he did and it was all for her......kill millions to make one person happy..........>_> I don't need to explain anymore then this you figure it out.


What's wrong with getting emotionally in to just means your passionate about ether the series or your own point of view or you enjoyed the series...........What about clannad I was emotionally attached to that and I cried and you know what.....I'm happy I was emotionally attached to nothing wrong with just means your passionate about something........for a code gaess fan I'm surprised your not emotionally attached to this series


He's family didnt abandon him it was thought he was killed by everyone one.....nunnally and lelouch went in to hiding....

Euphy was happy to see him
Cornelia was sad that she thought nunnaly and lelouch was dead

It was his father who abandoned him


Villains plans are always insane because of what happened in there past,.or they think they are better then everyone else BECAUSE of power, money, they are the boss, they blame it on everyone and they think they are always right...........


I still stand corrected they didn't care who he was or what power he had .........they betrayed him because of two things-

1 what he did at the stadium
2 he used there goals for his own agenda to destroy Britannia.............where's they wanted area 11 back.....And this is where I step in to say this..............

In there eyes after hearing all about lelouch all they see is

A former prince,
With the power to control people
Sacrifice there comrades who was siding with him because they believed in him
Using them to beat Britannia To get the throne for him self because he was thrown out


Cornelia cared for lelouch and look what he did to her......his own flesh and blood........don't tell me you dont see a problem with this because I do see a just dont won't to admit it.


False hope will bring people to despair if they find out the truth .......cause if everything they believed in is all a lie then they don't know what to believe in anymore, all there lives they believed in this one thing and if it's shattered then all there hopes are they main thing to do is to TELL.THE TRUTH......the truth might be hard but it's better then being lied too....think about it.

I can talk just as you too you know.

It's a shame I see your favourite character is rider from fate zero..........cause he's my favourite too......If it didn't come to this then maybe we could of been friend's
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia.

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Just past the 1500th Mark bitches

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Aug 14, 2014 11:27 AM

Jul 2012
Sparteh said:
bladeangel said:

haha i guess you won't be glad to know that he didn't actually die. Its just like in episode 1 where C.C.took a bullet to the face...and she came back. If you backtrack the series and examine the rules of geass and how people with geass can become immortal, it's most likely that Lelouch became immortal himself towards the end of the anime. Hence why C.C. is addressing him in the last scene. plz feel free to do go ape shit now

And I was going easy on him and tried to hide this idea. You just hit him below the belt

Jokes on the both of call your selfs lelouch fan boys................even I know that he's dead......why do I know this you ask?

Because the creators of the series said he was dead........don't believe me ....go look it just wait right here with a smile on my face when you get back.............Also for more evidence......

When nunnally touched lelouches hand she saw all his memories and he's plans and after seeing them she was crying because she didn't want him to die she wanted to be with him..........Ok go and look it up il wait and see ^_^

Here's a bit more evidence

It was in a Japanese magazine telling that he was dead....And it's only fair that he did die......with all the lives he's taken its only fitting he died.

You just can't handle the truth >_>

Can't we give this a rest please.
geekfreak17aAug 14, 2014 12:02 PM
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia.

im a shiki supporter

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Aug 14, 2014 12:04 PM

Jan 2013
OP ... you keep saying I dont care ...
Why even bother making this discussion then?
Aug 14, 2014 12:33 PM

May 2014
I don't need to prove that you are wrong. You are doing that yourself but haven't realized it yet. With every line you just prove that you are to emotional about this (but I don't get it why). You are just trying to make arguments prove your opinion even if that means twisting them a little. When you wrote that you can just talk as well I will simply point out that you have been doing that since very beginning.

Well I admit that I failed to play with you a little, but I will still point that I have never said that he was still alive. I just mentioned that there was idea like that. If you look back you will clearly see that I said that Lelouch paid for what he did.
Also this childish way of insulting calling us fan boys is just pathetic. When I read it I feel like in grade school over again.

No as far as Lelouch goes unlike you I am not gonna attack your opinion anymore. Now it is obvious that no matter what I will write it will be pointless.

IF you actually care this is what I think and why I like Lelouch:

He is complex character who had many bad experiences during his life. He made tons of mistakes, experienced a lot of pain, but still continued to move forward no matter what happens. Unlike many idiotic main characters he is smart and continues to achieve what he wants no matter what have to do. Even if that means lying, deceiving and sacrificing thousands and even millions of people. Tricking them with simply lies or with careful schemes, using them as chess pieces. Just to achieve his goal. That's what I actually like about him. It is shown that unlike most characters in anime or even most people in real world that guy understood reality of this world.

You said that we could be friends if not this. That's not true. According to most people I know I am cruel, realistic, emotionless, calculative and lack empathy. Compared to me most people look like crybabies and I dislike emotional people like you.
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Aug 14, 2014 12:40 PM

Jul 2012
Sparteh said:
I don't need to prove that you are wrong. You are doing that yourself but haven't realized it yet. With every line you just prove that you are to emotional about this (but I don't get it why). You are just trying to make arguments prove your opinion even if that means twisting them a little. When you wrote that you can just talk as well I will simply point out that you have been doing that since very beginning.

Well I admit that I failed to play with you a little, but I will still point that I have never said that he was still alive. I just mentioned that there was idea like that. If you look back you will clearly see that I said that Lelouch paid for what he did.
Also this childish way of insulting calling us fan boys is just pathetic. When I read it I feel like in grade school over again.

No as far as Lelouch goes unlike you I am not gonna attack your opinion anymore. Now it is obvious that no matter what I will write it will be pointless.

IF you actually care this is what I think and why I like Lelouch:

He is complex character who had many bad experiences during his life. He made tons of mistakes, experienced a lot of pain, but still continued to move forward no matter what happens. Unlike many idiotic main characters he is smart and continues to achieve what he wants no matter what have to do. Even if that means lying, deceiving and sacrificing thousands and even millions of people. Tricking them with simply lies or with careful schemes, using them as chess pieces. Just to achieve his goal. That's what I actually like about him. It is shown that unlike most characters in anime or even most people in real world that guy understood reality of this world.

You said that we could be friends if not this. That's not true. According to most people I know I am cruel, realistic, emotionless, calculative and lack empathy. Compared to me most people look like crybabies and I dislike emotional people like you.

Then you are a villain and as we all know villains are always wrong.

Il give you that he is a complex character, that he has had a hard life, and other shit like that......but that doesn't mean he's right

What about other people who don't like him what do you say to them
geekfreak17aAug 14, 2014 12:52 PM
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia.

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Aug 14, 2014 1:42 PM
May 2014
If I remember correctly, when asked, the creator did say that Lelouch had died, but that it was open to interpretation as to whether or not he became an immortal being like C.C. He can't just give us the answer, the question makes the ending that much more epic.

and yea WTF OP, you make a forum topic about this and all you seem to say is "IDC about other ppl's opinions, blah blah must be fanboys" if they contradict your own. Hell, I think you contradict yourself the most! You say you hate Lelouch for the bad things he's done and how he's selfish and yet you have FUCKING LIGHT YAGAMI listed as your favorite character... why??
Aug 14, 2014 1:45 PM

Jul 2012
bladeangel said:
If I remember correctly, when asked, the creator did say that Lelouch had died, but that it was open to interpretation as to whether or not he became an immortal being like C.C. He can't just give us the answer, the question makes the ending that much more epic.

and yea WTF OP, you make a forum topic about this and all you seem to say is "IDC about other ppl's opinions, blah blah must be fanboys" if they contradict your own. Hell, I think you contradict yourself the most! You say you hate Lelouch for the bad things he's done and how he's selfish and yet you have FUCKING LIGHT YAGAMI listed as your favorite character... why??

Because I agree with his ideals

There are loads of people who has light as a why are you pointing me out on that.

Light kills criminals which is a the hundreds of thousands where he has kill few innocent people to keep then from finding him.......wars have stopped crimes down 70%

Lelouch is responsible for-

Starting a world war where millions have died
Using people
Stirring up hatred
Framing his own sister

And all this in the name of revenge

geekfreak17aAug 14, 2014 1:53 PM
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia.

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Just past the 1500th Mark bitches

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Aug 14, 2014 2:07 PM
May 2014
Animefreak17a said:
bladeangel said:
If I remember correctly, when asked, the creator did say that Lelouch had died, but that it was open to interpretation as to whether or not he became an immortal being like C.C. He can't just give us the answer, the question makes the ending that much more epic.

and yea WTF OP, you make a forum topic about this and all you seem to say is "IDC about other ppl's opinions, blah blah must be fanboys" if they contradict your own. Hell, I think you contradict yourself the most! You say you hate Lelouch for the bad things he's done and how he's selfish and yet you have FUCKING LIGHT YAGAMI listed as your favorite character... why??

Because I agree with his ideals

I didn't disagree with his ideals and what he was doing at first, but he went overboard with it and his character was made so despicable that it's impossible that he was doing this for the sake of the world.

Did you pay attention to the part towards the end where he says he's still not happy with the world and plans to go after the lazy people as well? I don't think he was ever going to be satisfied and stop killing people, i think he was doing all of it for himself (kinda like lelouch). Last I checked, Light also killed tons of innocent people (not just bad guys) and he showed 0 resentment throughout.
Aug 14, 2014 2:11 PM

Jul 2012
bladeangel said:
Animefreak17a said:

Because I agree with his ideals

I didn't disagree with his ideals and what he was doing at first, but he went overboard with it and his character was made so despicable that it's impossible that he was doing this for the sake of the world.

Did you pay attention to the part towards the end where he says he's still not happy with the world and plans to go after the lazy people as well? I don't think he was ever going to be satisfied and stop killing people, i think he was doing all of it for himself (kinda like lelouch). Last I checked, Light also killed tons of innocent people (not just bad guys) and he showed 0 resentment throughout.

Like?.......last I saw it was the people who was.trying to find him and that's it
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia.

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Aug 14, 2014 2:27 PM
May 2014
Animefreak17a said:
bladeangel said:

I didn't disagree with his ideals and what he was doing at first, but he went overboard with it and his character was made so despicable that it's impossible that he was doing this for the sake of the world.

Did you pay attention to the part towards the end where he says he's still not happy with the world and plans to go after the lazy people as well? I don't think he was ever going to be satisfied and stop killing people, i think he was doing all of it for himself (kinda like lelouch). Last I checked, Light also killed tons of innocent people (not just bad guys) and he showed 0 resentment throughout.

Like?.......last I saw it was the people who was.trying to find him and that's it

...and his own followers. Also anyone who publicly criticized him, and he would have killed all the "lazy" yet innocent people if he hadn't been caught. Eventually he would have turned as bad as Hitler since I don't think the world would have ever come to his liking. Oh and he would have killed Misa way early on if her Shinigami hadn't threatened to kill him in retaliation.

To me, they both did the right things(arguably) for the wrong reasons, but Light was an evil scum and Lelouch wasn't.
Aug 14, 2014 3:02 PM

Jul 2012
Ok ok fine he did those bad things but he did a noble thing by killing those bad people but he didn't do it for him self unlike lelouch who DiD it all for have to admit that there are lazy people bout there that does take advantage of the systems out there like......

Using drugs

That sort of thing maybe that's what he ment not the ones your thinking about.

But on the other hand the world was getting better.

Lelouch has.....Well iv said it before

He started a war
Millions are dead
Bonds are broken
Killing siblings........Yeah i know he was going to kill his sister burn in the end he didn't.....Light I mean
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia.

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Aug 14, 2014 6:19 PM
May 2014
Fair enough, although Lelouch wasn't the only one in the anime to blame for the war casualties (Britania, Japanese terrorists). Lelouch merely manipulated both sides to carve his way towards revenge. The britanians were already killing millions before he even got his Geass power, but yeah Lelouch was linked to more deaths than Light, but you gota take into account the war, giant robots, and nuclear bombs.

and Light wasn't doing the whole killing thing only to better the world, he saw himself as the chosen one and wanted to become the god of his new world. Pretty selfish if you ask me.

I guess I was never really against the stuff he was doing as far as killing criminals went, but i rather hated him as a person which is why I didn't trust where his actions were heading. I think the world would have eventually gone to shit if he had lived.
Aug 14, 2014 11:55 PM

May 2014
Animefreak17a said:

Then you are a villain and as we all know villains are always wrong.

Il give you that he is a complex character, that he has had a hard life, and other shit like that......but that doesn't mean he's right

What about other people who don't like him what do you say to them

And do you understand why villains are portrayed as wrong? In reality there is no right and wrong. There are only choices and consequences. For some they might be helpful and are good, for others they are harmful aka bad. When 2 forces collide the one that wins becomes right and the one that loses becomes wrong. In other words those who win becomes heroes that are right and those who loses becomes villains that are wrong.

That is why you can only declare that he was wrong from your perspective.
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Aug 15, 2014 2:22 AM

Jul 2012
bladeangel said:
Fair enough, although Lelouch wasn't the only one in the anime to blame for the war casualties (Britania, Japanese terrorists). Lelouch merely manipulated both sides to carve his way towards revenge. The britanians were already killing millions before he even got his Geass power, but yeah Lelouch was linked to more deaths than Light, but you gota take into account the war, giant robots, and nuclear bombs.

and Light wasn't doing the whole killing thing only to better the world, he saw himself as the chosen one and wanted to become the god of his new world. Pretty selfish if you ask me.

I guess I was never really against the stuff he was doing as far as killing criminals went, but i rather hated him as a person which is why I didn't trust where his actions were heading. I think the world would have eventually gone to shit if he had lived.

Ok yeah and he sees him self as a God il admit that give you that too......

I'd like to point out that CG rips off alot from the gundam franchise which after watching 3 or 4 series of gundam I got tired of watching it and it take after death note too.......really CG isn't it's own thing....but using other series for its own series ......the only two things.....If I remember correctly........that was its own thing and was original was the episode where he killed euphy and the end of the series......I mean talk about a breath of fresh air I thought it was one of the greatest endings in anime ever.

Also in the series of CG we can see that both sides the 11s and Britannias did horrible things but both sides had its good people th e students of the school and by standers and same with the 11s.

But with light that was all speculation we don't really know what he would of done if he ccontinued killing people......altho there is that alternate ending where light is still alive and he asks the death God to kill him and he's in the shinigami world.....but again who knows what might of happened
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia.

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Aug 15, 2014 2:27 AM

Jul 2012
Sparteh said:
Animefreak17a said:

Then you are a villain and as we all know villains are always wrong.

Il give you that he is a complex character, that he has had a hard life, and other shit like that......but that doesn't mean he's right

What about other people who don't like him what do you say to them

And do you understand why villains are portrayed as wrong? In reality there is no right and wrong. There are only choices and consequences. For some they might be helpful and are good, for others they are harmful aka bad. When 2 forces collide the one that wins becomes right and the one that loses becomes wrong. In other words those who win becomes heroes that are right and those who loses becomes villains that are wrong.

That is why you can only declare that he was wrong from your perspective.

What about isis in Iraq they have buried innocent people alive and killed hundreds of people just because they didn't follow the sunni way of islam........even going as far as killing there fellow Muslims who are of a diffrent sect just because they aren't from the sunni sect.......

If they won would you consider them hero's or maniacs that got the upper hand
What about Hitler he killed millions of people BECAUSE he believed Germans was the master race and killed those who he believed wasn't German was that a hero or a psychopath.

I dislike lelouch vi Britannia.

im a shiki supporter

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Just past the 1500th Mark bitches

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Aug 15, 2014 2:29 AM

Jul 2012
Also when lelouch won the war near the end people was still disappointed that he there eyes he wasn't a hero but someone who got the upper hand
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia.

im a shiki supporter

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Just past the 1500th Mark bitches

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Aug 15, 2014 4:25 AM

May 2014
Animefreak17a said:
Sparteh said:

And do you understand why villains are portrayed as wrong? In reality there is no right and wrong. There are only choices and consequences. For some they might be helpful and are good, for others they are harmful aka bad. When 2 forces collide the one that wins becomes right and the one that loses becomes wrong. In other words those who win becomes heroes that are right and those who loses becomes villains that are wrong.

That is why you can only declare that he was wrong from your perspective.

What about isis in Iraq they have buried innocent people alive and killed hundreds of people just because they didn't follow the sunni way of islam........even going as far as killing there fellow Muslims who are of a diffrent sect just because they aren't from the sunni sect.......

If they won would you consider them hero's or maniacs that got the upper hand
What about Hitler he killed millions of people BECAUSE he believed Germans was the master race and killed those who he believed wasn't German was that a hero or a psychopath.


From their perspective - yes they are. But lets take Hitler as example. He ordered to do many cruel things like that, but for some reason over 80% of time he is the only one blamed for it. What about those who fought against him? Are they heroes? Of course not. Soviets are did equally big crimes, but since they were on winners side no one judged them. Same goes to all countries who participated in the war. If we go back in time same thing can be applied to all relegious groups. Millions of people were tortured to death but since it was majority now only historians actually care about that.

You see wars happen when all sides believe that they are fighting for just cause, when from their perspective they are right.
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Aug 15, 2014 1:42 PM

Jul 2012
Sparteh said:
Animefreak17a said:

What about isis in Iraq they have buried innocent people alive and killed hundreds of people just because they didn't follow the sunni way of islam........even going as far as killing there fellow Muslims who are of a diffrent sect just because they aren't from the sunni sect.......

If they won would you consider them hero's or maniacs that got the upper hand
What about Hitler he killed millions of people BECAUSE he believed Germans was the master race and killed those who he believed wasn't German was that a hero or a psychopath.


From their perspective - yes they are. But lets take Hitler as example. He ordered to do many cruel things like that, but for some reason over 80% of time he is the only one blamed for it. What about those who fought against him? Are they heroes? Of course not. Soviets are did equally big crimes, but since they were on winners side no one judged them. Same goes to all countries who participated in the war. If we go back in time same thing can be applied to all relegious groups. Millions of people were tortured to death but since it was majority now only historians actually care about that.

You see wars happen when all sides believe that they are fighting for just cause, when from their perspective they are right.

Well its right if we fight to stop dictators from Turning us in to slaves......they attacked us so we defend our selfs
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia.

im a shiki supporter

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Just past the 1500th Mark bitches

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Aug 15, 2014 1:52 PM

May 2014
Animefreak17a said:

Well its right if we fight to stop dictators from Turning us in to slaves......they attacked us so we defend our selfs

Maybe one day like me you will understand that humans have many things but real freedom is not one of them. Try looking at the world and you will see that we are already slaves.
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Aug 15, 2014 1:56 PM

Jun 2012
Get to pickin' more o that cotton boy.
Aug 16, 2014 3:36 PM

Jul 2012
Sparteh said:
Animefreak17a said:

Well its right if we fight to stop dictators from Turning us in to slaves......they attacked us so we defend our selfs

Maybe one day like me you will understand that humans have many things but real freedom is not one of them. Try looking at the world and you will see that we are already slaves.

I know exactly how the world is......

Its scary
And humans are the cruelist creatures on the PLANET
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia.

im a shiki supporter

my YouTube channel

Just past the 1500th Mark bitches

I approve this video
Aug 19, 2014 11:02 PM

Jul 2012
You know what else I hate about lelouches.....

His idea of making so much bloodshed that everyone will forget about euphys massacre.......................-_-...............


First off everyone knows that lelouch was related to the royal family and the same with euphy....So when historians look at lelouches family tree there obviously going to look up and remember what euphy did.........It's.....Hitler made so much bloodshed but no one forgets what other evil people did like vlad the impalier he implied loads of loads of people and no one forgot that.

Second why didnt he just say he made his own sister euphy using his gaess power while he was in the processes of the requiem plan and showed off his power by televising what he could do to the whole world by making loads of people kill then selfs so everyone would believe euphy was a victim and he used her so he could take control of Britannia as the new king.............

This would of made so much more sense......instead of..........IL MAKE SO MUCH BLOODSHED THAT EVERYONE WILL FORGET WHAT EUPHY can't honestly believe this would work would you?!?!.

As much as I hate liars.....the very least he could of done was to take the blame for what happened to euphy.

But I just wish he came out and told the truth to everyone instead of lying and giving false hope ..........cause false hope can hunt people more then lying about something when they find out the truth..........

Just think about let's.say you believe in something youv followed and believed in your whole life and never doubted it ever and would go so far as to put everyone else ideals who goes against your ideals of that belief down......And then one day you find out the real truth behind that belief and it was all a lie and you don't believe it at first then it all sinks in and that thing that you believed all those years was all a waste and you don't know what to believe in anymore and you become lost and in the very least if you found out about the truth first hand then you wouldn't have to suffer this much.......I know sometimes ignorance is bliss but it's not good for you to be need to face what's real and truth instead on something that's a lie.
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia.

im a shiki supporter

my YouTube channel

Just past the 1500th Mark bitches

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Sep 10, 2014 7:03 PM

Jan 2014
All Hail Lelouch!
"Let Justice Be Done!"

My Theme
Fight again, fight again for justice!
Sep 10, 2014 9:37 PM
Apr 2014
Because he's evil? He's anti-hero after all.

He's entertaining to watch. Lelouch and all other fictional characters are just there to entertain us and he did. That's reason enough to like him. Unless you like Lelouch act like a honor student and dies without involving himself in politics and such. That'll be boring.
Sep 11, 2014 4:32 PM

Jul 2012
qemsxd said:
Because he's evil? He's anti-hero after all.

He's entertaining to watch. Lelouch and all other fictional characters are just there to entertain us and he did. That's reason enough to like him. Unless you like Lelouch act like a honor student and dies without involving himself in politics and such. That'll be boring.

but he does the wrong things for the wrong reasons ...........and says lying is ok........that's not a very good messege
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia.

im a shiki supporter

my YouTube channel

Just past the 1500th Mark bitches

I approve this video
Sep 17, 2014 10:27 AM

Aug 2013
he made that one guy dance in the alley way he gets a thumbs up from me
Sep 18, 2014 12:23 AM
Feb 2012
I hate him as much as pain in naruto, the way he kill off euphy resembles the way pain killing everybody including his master for the sake of the world. But i would rate him as one of my favourite villain
Sep 18, 2014 7:16 AM
Sep 2014
Am i the only one who gets this show? please check this out, i joined this website just to make this response lol:

He couldnt take the heat off of Euphy by telling everyone about his power,

a. no one would believe him and
b. the powers are secret for reasons that were understood in the thought chamber.

One thing that no one gets about this anime is the deep spiritual truths... Suzaku and Lelouch had a revelation in the thought chamber, they seen that it was the only way, even righteous Suzaku could see that there was no denying this was the way to world peace. They saw the what future would be like had they gone about it another way and it simply wouldnt have worked. They had such virtue, honor and friendship together in the thought tank that they were able to transcend all of their demons there, becoming enlightened in a way and worked from that day forward without any regard for personal matters, they worked like gods...

Being a tyrant and taking over the entire world was the best way to make world peace also because he knew that peaceful people, the princesses and other rulers of japan, would succeed him when "Zero" killed him... The former king, Lelouch's father, was just as much of a complete tyrant as Lelouch PRETENDED to be but he hid it so that the people wouldnt fully be able to grasp the implications of it... Lelouch Didnt... He didnt hide it on purpose... he wanted to SHOW all the brainwashed citizens that they were in fact under world domination by giving them a perfect divine example of what they have adhered too... no more would they be able to be fooled. The perfect example was shown to them and noted in the history books of an unhealthy society, of all the gory details of how the elite control everything... think about that... no one can rule without coaperation... he disarmed that resourse because of his amazing strategizing, that kept going btw ... there is a method to the maddness of-course, or he wouldnt be Lelouch :)

Him being the bad guy took all of the heat off of the black nights as well, everyone united against him. He took all the sins of the world on his shoulders and didn't want a lick of credit, his whole intention was good from day one, he was the messiah, and he didn't even try, He didn't proclaim himself the god of the world, he was perfect from eposode one, he walked that walk... no ego.... he did what had to be done cause no one else would. This show is not far off from truth of real life too, it may sound harsh and unreal but in reality we are actually under elitist rule, who are the CEO's and billionare bankers who created money and actually run our nations, nations are their coverup, we do as the TV and other media tells us, we think we have choices but were all brainwashed to some extent by the 1% who actually own everything......I love the fact that the animator is into "Anonymous" with the masks and what not, they are the real life group of "zero's" (wanabes) that actually exist in our world, (youtube them, you will laugh) ... again, super brilliant... if their were someone with the mind and ego of lelouch then things would be peaceful on earth, (were fighting wars for the elitests, we are no different THINKING we are doing the right thing when we are not because we are brainwashed), everyone is obsessed with status quo and being known and loved... not lelouch, he doesnt give a rats ass... awesome! what a hero and an inspiration ... if we only knew...I have a bleeding heart just like leluch, i have cared with that sort of conviction so im plum obsessed with his archetype, and have thought that i would even sacrifice myself and much more for world peace... since i was little it was painfully obvious to me that we are all brainwashed... So to me this is the greatest anime of all time, and the most epic character of al time...

I am so wanting to find more anime like this, Evangelion, and Shinseki yori...PLEASE
LeluchRulesWorldSep 18, 2014 9:17 AM
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