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Apr 30, 2013 6:05 AM
Mar 2013
ssjokg said:
dniv said:
ssjokg said:
dniv said:
ssjokg said:
dniv said:
NeoAnkara said:
ssjokg said:
NeoAnkara said:
Now that I finnishing other LN I can catch up with Index LN. I'm at the part where they go after GREMLIN after using the blackmailed people now. Now the question is why they doesn't take ITEM with them? And how can Misaka go with them? Is she using backdoor too?

Because Mugino and Kinuhata are still taking jobs and Hamazura wouldnt bring Takitsubo in another battlefield(same could be said about the other two too).

Misaka wants to help Touma.If you mean how she was able to leave Academy City/Tokiwadai I dont remember I I doubt it really matters if you are a LvL 5.
Since this was problem from magic side I thought that Aleister won't let someone go easily.

Mikoto pretty much does whatever she wants... I guess. Plus, she was with Touma on the plane right? They went together. Remember what Mikoto had told him before, right that was really epic (first epic thing she had done in a while). I mean Mikoto has tried to

My real question is actually about what is going to happen with the parameter list. (don't need to put in spoilers as long as no one says what this is). 10... more days... or wait is that 11... may 10th how long will it take... It'll also take some time to scanlate completely even though Baka Tsuki's fast... hopefully railgun manga chapter and railgun S episodes will satisfy me in the meantime... otherwise I have to re-read parts of LN 6 carefully... That one was crazy (not going to comment on it, don't worry).

Hamazura is a boss because he's the only one who exceeded Crowley's expectations lol.

I really doubt that Aleister's top secrets are in AC's databanks.Or that Underline even connects to those databanks.

Oh of course. I mean that Mikoto can just use her electromaster powers just to hack the signal from far away... couldn't she just target some underline machine and hack it? I don't see why this isn't possible? Can't she just do it directly? This would be especially true if she had those gauntlets that let you hold tiny things that were obtained by group later. Oh... and the other reason why I said this is in LN 6 so... yeah... I'm not going to specify. I just feel like Mikoto + Shokuhou could drastically hurt Crowley's plans if they are both supporting Touma... but we'll see.

First she has to find them.And I wonder if they get fried if she tries.The gauntlets are another story.
I am at the point where
I think I will be able to finish it by Thursday.

Nice! That is a really good part. The ending is great, you will love it. I really enjoy the part you are at right now. Look forward to finishing it.

Anyway, I have a questoin:

Do you kind of agree with the following statement (this is a railgun thread after all, technically):

Many of the good characters in Index LN's will not be animated for a very long time... or at least for a while... I feel that Kamachi is partly just using Railgun in order to animate a lot of other Index characters who are coming much later and also incorporate them into earlier arcs of the story in a way he can't really do anymore in Index LN's. This way he can have deeper character storylines for lots of other characters. I love railgun as a series. However... I just have a feeling that Kamachi is basically using railgun as a means to be creative and fix things in hindsight... anyone else feel like that that has read the Light Novels? I mean he has made it pretty clear he prefers Index to Mikoto and gave Mikoto her own side-series because he didn't want to have too much of her in Index, right? I mean it took long enough for Mikoto to join the fight... seriously... (you'll get this reference when you finish the last page of the LN, not a spoiler).

I think that Raigun(manga) was made for Misaka and co to have more development since they belong to the science side way more than even Hamazura belongs who has nothing related to the magic side anyway and so they cant take big roles iin Index(well when they DO appear shit goes down/major-awesome- events (Like Uiharu during the Battle Royale Arc )happen.

Surely the Railgun manga made Index even better but I dont think that except the Sister's arc anything else was "fixed".

And unless Kamachi had to give permission for the second season(I dont know how the industry works)I doubt he decided to use Railgun for ITEM and Misaki.If he wanted that he would just go for Index 3(even if Misaki wouldnt appear there either)..

Index 2 ended with pretty much making sure that the viewer understood that a global war was coming,Terra appeared(well ...voice only),Fiamma was mentioned,and Hamazura's debut was made and GROUP was formed.
If they dont plan to animate the rest I dont get why they wasted money on that SS whose biggest point was to introduce Hamazura and didnt just end it with a "shounen line": "No matter what comes in the future we will overcome it"?

I mean we get to see ITEM pre-Hamazura.

We get to see Misaki pre-NT

We get to see Gunha pre-NT (if he comes in eventually)

We get to see more Gensei and learn more about Kihara's

We get to Xochitl early, and get some backstory on her.

We get to Member, we get to school garden and tokiwadai pre LN 7.

We get to idea of level upper network before

We get to see more of the darkside of academy city.

We learn more about esper development/abilities (air handle + more)

We learn about level 0's who are nice who don't have some crazy mystical powers (i.e. Saten)

We see more of Yomikawa in a way not seen in Index.

We see Accelerator's real opinion on the experiment and during fight with Touma.

We learn about contrast with what it taught versus Parameter List we see later on in Index.

If Railgun goes far enough, we will probably see what the girls are doing during world war III which will be really nice to see.

Sister's arc was added to immensely. We learn about the testament machine.

We see really early signs of

And yeah a more developed academy city and Mikoto.

I think these are all things unique to railgun.

Plus, we see early cameos and drawings in manga form (finally) of
which are the first animations of these characters.

This helps me visualize some of the characters from the LN's.

Too bad there most likely isn't going to be any

and yes that was a tease... It makes me sad... I want a season 7 already :) and all of the other seasons before season 7 they would have to make as well, of course :D
May 1, 2013 10:09 AM

Apr 2013
Making the level 5's appear in railgun was pretty cool IMO, In Index novels they take ages to appear. The best thing about The science side is the darkness of AC and the level 5's. It just a blast to see them getting animated and seeing them do shit. Gunha, Mugino and Misaki. Best thing they ever did in Railgun.

Railgun is also to keep Academy city relevant and give it more importance. In the index novels theres only 2 arcs in academy city and related to espers(not counting acqua of the back arc as it was more related to imagine breaker and the magic side rather than the science side even though it took place in academy city). The rest is all Magic side. The creator is using railgun as a way to keep both Academy city(science) and the magic side balance in importance.

When index gets animate new comers to the series will be familiarized with these people and can enjoy them more. I see no problem if the Underground factions like ITEM and MEMBER appear before hand or the level 5's, makes it better.

The thing is that Kakine, probably the most anticipated Level 5, still hasnt gotten shown or animated. Just a quick short cameo in the manga. KAAAKINE.
raisingfalconMay 1, 2013 10:16 AM
May 1, 2013 12:03 PM

Nov 2011
I actually forget btw, what chapter does Kakine make his very brief cameo in from Railgun? I think it was somewhere before the Festival Arc but I can't remember.

Anyways, I hope to most of the level 5's make a physical appearance in Railgun.
May 1, 2013 2:58 PM
Mar 2013
Stark700 said:
I actually forget btw, what chapter does Kakine make his very brief cameo in from Railgun? I think it was somewhere before the Festival Arc but I can't remember.

Anyways, I hope to most of the level 5's make a physical appearance in Railgun.

On that note: Kamachi should just tell us about the #6 in the railgun manga and give readers a real treat. It'd be a shout-out saying: you better read everything related to the Index universe or else you'll get introduced to characters like #6 much later in the LN's. That would actually be kind of funny. I feel like putting Misaki was already strategically very good. I feel like Kakine would be too powerful/cruel in railgun and wouldn't really fit until later on. At this point, Mikoto couldn't face him. We only see the comical side of Kakine in the railgun manga. In the LN's, he's at least a "little" scarier. Kakine will appear in Index 3 anime anyway. Plus, Mugino is probably more anticipated in railgun S. Meltdowner versus Railgun... I'm actually more excited about seeing Meltdowner versus H-factor animated. (I decided to give you know who that nickname because it makes him sound cooler than the toy that he is for the rest of ITEM).

I don't remember what chapter that was in... I think it was 43 or 44. Because this was right before Misaki and Gunha gave the speech because they were recruiting people for it, right?

Edit: clarified #6 level 5, my bad.
dnivMay 2, 2013 12:54 AM
May 1, 2013 3:38 PM

Nov 2011
dniv said:
Stark700 said:
I actually forget btw, what chapter does Kakine make his very brief cameo in from Railgun? I think it was somewhere before the Festival Arc but I can't remember.

Anyways, I hope to most of the level 5's make a physical appearance in Railgun.

On that note: Kamachi should just tell us about the level six in the railgun manga and give readers a real treat. It'd be a shout-out saying: you better read everything related to the Index universe or else you'll get introduced to characters like #6 much later in the LN's. That would actually be kind of funny. I feel like putting Misaki was already strategically very good. I feel like Kakine would be too powerful/cruel in railgun and wouldn't really fit until later on. At this point, Mikoto couldn't face him. We only see the comical side of Kakine in the railgun manga. In the LN's, he's at least a "little" scarier. Kakine will appear in Index 3 anime anyway. Plus, Mugino is probably more anticipated in railgun S. Meltdowner versus Railgun... I'm actually more excited about seeing Meltdowner versus H-factor animated. (I decided to give you know who that nickname because it makes him sound cooler than the toy that he is for the rest of ITEM).

I don't remember what chapter that was in... I think it was 43 or 44. Because this was right before Misaki and Gunha gave the speech because they were recruiting people for it, right?

Level 6 or the 6th level 5 esper? I'm getting sort of confused on your statement.

Anyways, I agree that Kakine's real appearance would definitely be in Index III (if that ever becomes adapted). Also, with Mugino in the Sister's Arc, I'm curious on how well J.C. Staff will adapt the arc. I am certain that the OP song is misleading and is just for decorative purposes. As regarding Kakine, I just checked the manga his name is given as #2 on page 3 of chapter 43. He's also drawn from pages 9 from the same chapter ; as one of the cases. I think it's case #3.
May 1, 2013 8:24 PM

Apr 2013
Its case #2 they use the same number that their ranked as level 5's. Misaka was case 3, accelerator was case 1 and so forth.

But yeah, The 6th level 5 will probably have a huge role. Like hes never talked about or seen I think he somehow is aligned with the magicians as a Academy city representative, the same way Tsuchimikado is for the magicians in academy city. Well not representative but you get the idea.

Do you think Kakine getting mutilated by accelerator will be changed or off screen or something? I doubt they would animated him getting torn to pieces.
May 2, 2013 12:57 AM
Mar 2013
raisingfalcon said:
Its case #2 they use the same number that their ranked as level 5's. Misaka was case 3, accelerator was case 1 and so forth.

But yeah, The 6th level 5 will probably have a huge role. Like hes never talked about or seen I think he somehow is aligned with the magicians as a Academy city representative, the same way Tsuchimikado is for the magicians in academy city. Well not representative but you get the idea.

Do you think Kakine getting mutilated by accelerator will be changed or off screen or something? I doubt they would animated him getting torn to pieces.

What if they showed it and then showed a brief message saying: don't worry, this isn't that scary because
May 2, 2013 3:42 AM

Aug 2009
There is a big difference between #6 and Misaki.
Misaki was mentioned several times in the Index LN unlike #6 that still is just #6.Hell we even got info on the possible 8th(not rank) Level 5 but #6 still remains a mystery.

I guess that the scene will be by the "POV" of the Black Wings, approaching Kakine in High speed and then we will just see blood spurting out.

It took me a while to figure out who H-factor is.Couldnt you just use the epithet "Irregular".Sound even cooler to me.

BTW I finished NT6.Damn "Kakine Teikoku" is something else now.Even getting his own urban legend.
May 2, 2013 4:00 AM

Feb 2009
ssjokg said:
BTW I finished NT6.Damn "Kakine Teikoku" is something else now.Even getting his own urban legend.
He's out there now protecting little girls the people.
May 2, 2013 4:07 AM

Aug 2009
belatkuro said:
ssjokg said:
BTW I finished NT6.Damn "Kakine Teikoku" is something else now.Even getting his own urban legend.
He's out there now protecting little girls the people.

So after Touma,Accelerator and Hamazura we also get Kakine to be an ally of little girls people?
May 2, 2013 11:01 AM

Feb 2012
ssjokg said:
belatkuro said:
ssjokg said:
BTW I finished NT6.Damn "Kakine Teikoku" is something else now.Even getting his own urban legend.
He's out there now protecting little girls the people.

So after Touma,Accelerator and Hamazura we also get Kakine to be an ally of little girls people?

The lolicon army of one man armies is growing!

Their goal is to create a paradise for lolis.
bluedragon777May 2, 2013 11:06 AM
"Efficiency is not king, efficacy is."

Post a comment on my profile. Profile comments are fun.

May 2, 2013 5:55 PM

Apr 2013
When the power of Fire Wind Water Earth and Heart come together they summon Captain Kakine.
May 3, 2013 3:08 AM

Aug 2009
raisingfalcon said:
When the power of Fire Wind Water Earth and Heart come together they summon Captain Kakine.

May 3, 2013 5:57 AM

Feb 2010
bluedragon777 said:
ssjokg said:
belatkuro said:
ssjokg said:
BTW I finished NT6.Damn "Kakine Teikoku" is something else now.Even getting his own urban legend.
He's out there now protecting little girls the people.

So after Touma,Accelerator and Hamazura we also get Kakine to be an ally of little girls people?

The lolicon army of one man armies is growing!

Their goal is to create a paradise for lolis.

touma is not a lolicon toumas 16 index is 15 they are one year apart accelerator is debatable.
"among monsters and humans, there are only two types.
Those who undergo suffering and spread it to others. And those who undergo suffering and avoid giving it to others." -Alice
“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.” David Hume
“Evil is created when someone gives up on someone else. It appears when everyone gives up on someone as a lost cause and removes their path to salvation. Once they are cut off from everyone else, they become evil.” -Othinus

May 3, 2013 6:00 AM

Aug 2009
hazerddex said:
bluedragon777 said:
ssjokg said:
belatkuro said:
ssjokg said:
BTW I finished NT6.Damn "Kakine Teikoku" is something else now.Even getting his own urban legend.
He's out there now protecting little girls the people.

So after Touma,Accelerator and Hamazura we also get Kakine to be an ally of little girls people?

The lolicon army of one man armies is growing!

Their goal is to create a paradise for lolis.

touma is not a lolicon toumas 16 index is 15 they are one year apart accelerator is debatable.
It was a joke,you party pooper XDXD
May 3, 2013 8:21 AM
Mar 2013
ssjokg said:
hazerddex said:
bluedragon777 said:
ssjokg said:
belatkuro said:
ssjokg said:
BTW I finished NT6.Damn "Kakine Teikoku" is something else now.Even getting his own urban legend.
He's out there now protecting little girls the people.

So after Touma,Accelerator and Hamazura we also get Kakine to be an ally of little girls people?

The lolicon army of one man armies is growing!

Their goal is to create a paradise for lolis.

touma is not a lolicon toumas 16 index is 15 they are one year apart accelerator is debatable.
It was a joke,you party pooper XDXD

@ ssjokg did you like the will of the Misaka network? Did it scare you lol. It kind of scared me a little... I mean
Kakine-beetle version is cool too... But it's pretty sad that

When is seven going to come out... how much longer is 7 days... and time to be translated... I need the next railgun chapter to calm my nerves in the meantime lol. Episode 4 was pretty good: the ending almost me cry out in happiness. There will be blood. There will be violence. This will be an animation of the manga version which will be amazing.

Also, volume 6 left me with some interesting questions... like who is that

For volume 7 of NT do you guys want to make a discussion thread at some point in the LN's section? I don't think there are any discussion threads there at all. This way we would pretty much be able to talk about anything Index/railgun related because NT 7 happens at Tokiwadai and is still a main Index series novel.
May 3, 2013 8:30 AM

Feb 2009
dniv said:
For volume 7 of NT do you guys want to make a discussion thread at some point in the LN's section? I don't think there are any discussion threads there at all. This way we would pretty much be able to talk about anything Index/railgun related because NT 7 happens at Tokiwadai and is still a main Index series novel.
We've pretty much hijacked this thread to be an LN discussion thread. Unless this gets closed or we get a warning, I say we stay here.
May 3, 2013 8:31 AM

Apr 2009
Kuroko flat out says she's not gay in the Railgun manga.
May 3, 2013 8:32 AM

Aug 2009
dniv said:
ssjokg said:
hazerddex said:
bluedragon777 said:
ssjokg said:
belatkuro said:
ssjokg said:
BTW I finished NT6.Damn "Kakine Teikoku" is something else now.Even getting his own urban legend.
He's out there now protecting little girls the people.

So after Touma,Accelerator and Hamazura we also get Kakine to be an ally of little girls people?

The lolicon army of one man armies is growing!

Their goal is to create a paradise for lolis.

touma is not a lolicon toumas 16 index is 15 they are one year apart accelerator is debatable.
It was a joke,you party pooper XDXD

@ ssjokg did you like the will of the Misaka network? Did it scare you lol. It kind of scared me a little... I mean
Kakine-beetle version is cool too... But it's pretty sad that

When is seven going to come out... how much longer is 7 days... and time to be translated... I need the next railgun chapter to calm my nerves in the meantime lol. Episode 4 was pretty good: the ending almost me cry out in happiness. There will be blood. There will be violence. This will be an animation of the manga version which will be amazing.

Also, volume 6 left me with some interesting questions... like who is that

For volume 7 of NT do you guys want to make a discussion thread at some point in the LN's section? I don't think there are any discussion threads there at all. This way we would pretty much be able to talk about anything Index/railgun related because NT 7 happens at Tokiwadai and is still a main Index series novel.

I was like "Oh shi----" in the beginning.Well as the will of the entire network she must be "older" than the rest of the chars.Or maybe she is, "personality" wise,the same as a higher being, like Aiwass.
And it/she is right.Accelerator should o on a rampage for what he or others did to them.

Well that happened with every char in the show so far.

There are 21 Kiharas mentioned so far,and we know only about 8 of them(including Kagun and Nayuta).
She is the same female Kihara that appeared in the end of NT4.Should I say that she is the 9th Kihara we know about?

The thread will be dead unless you count the usual 4-5 users that post in this subforum.Unless this makes the start for the LN section of Index to be lively.
If one is to be made lets do this after the translation finishes....
May 3, 2013 8:33 AM

Aug 2009
Amarrez said:
Kuroko flat out says she's not gay in the Railgun manga.
She in not gay.She only wants Onee-sama.
ssjokgMay 3, 2013 8:39 AM
May 3, 2013 8:34 AM

Apr 2009
ssjokg said:
Amarrez said:
Kuroko flat out says she's not gay in the Railgun manga.
She in not gay.She only wants Onne-sama.


I could subscribe to that lifestyle.
May 3, 2013 8:46 AM

Aug 2009
Amarrez said:
ssjokg said:
Amarrez said:
Kuroko flat out says she's not gay in the Railgun manga.
She in not gay.She only wants Onne-sama.


I could subscribe to that lifestyle.

I feel stupid for LMAO at this but it really caught me of guard
May 3, 2013 10:03 AM
May 3, 2013 12:50 PM
Mar 2013
ssjokg said:
Amarrez said:
Kuroko flat out says she's not gay in the Railgun manga.
She in not gay.She only wants Onee-sama.

Maybe... she doesn't know she's gay. You saw her blushing when Mikoto praised her even after she lost (). And she said that only when she lost (). So... I don't really see the point. Normal Kuroko is crazy.

As to starting the thread for LN 7. What I mean is that when it comes out we should have a thread to discuss it... maybe? Everything else concerning the LN's seems pretty dead in terms of thread discussions which is why I am saying why not plan on having a discussion thread after reading it. I don't know anyone else locally that has read any of the Light Novels. One of my friends got me into Index when I didn't want to see it... and I watched the first episode and then I watched the next 8 episodes later that night when I was back at my house lol (it was on break). That's how it all started and then since then I've learned as much as possible about Index. I only got into it like six months (or first heard of it). I was like, why didn't I hear about this amazing series sooner... But I guess it's ok. That means less time to wait for the next Railgun chapter and LN.

By the way, would you guys prefer english versions of the LN's to Baka Tsuki, even though it costs? In my case, if I comes out in the U.S., it feels like Kamachi cares about us more, wants to spread the product in its absolutemost top quality, so I wouldn't really mind.
May 3, 2013 1:33 PM

Nov 2011
Hmm somewhat unrelated here but has Saten ever met Touma before? In the LN.
May 3, 2013 1:37 PM

Aug 2009
Stark700 said:
I dont think so.I only remember them meeting each other in the manga...
May 4, 2013 7:34 AM

Mar 2012
belatkuro said:
dniv said:
For volume 7 of NT do you guys want to make a discussion thread at some point in the LN's section? I don't think there are any discussion threads there at all. This way we would pretty much be able to talk about anything Index/railgun related because NT 7 happens at Tokiwadai and is still a main Index series novel.
We've pretty much hijacked this thread to be an LN discussion thread. Unless this gets closed or we get a warning, I say we stay here.

Then I say we push it as far as we can. :P

dniv said:

As to starting the thread for LN 7. What I mean is that when it comes out we should have a thread to discuss it... maybe? Everything else concerning the LN's seems pretty dead in terms of thread discussions which is why I am saying why not plan on having a discussion thread after reading it. I don't know anyone else locally that has read any of the Light Novels. One of my friends got me into Index when I didn't want to see it... and I watched the first episode and then I watched the next 8 episodes later that night when I was back at my house lol (it was on break). That's how it all started and then since then I've learned as much as possible about Index. I only got into it like six months (or first heard of it). I was like, why didn't I hear about this amazing series sooner... But I guess it's ok. That means less time to wait for the next Railgun chapter and LN.

By the way, would you guys prefer english versions of the LN's to Baka Tsuki, even though it costs? In my case, if I comes out in the U.S., it feels like Kamachi cares about us more, wants to spread the product in its absolutemost top quality, so I wouldn't really mind.

One of my friends got me into Index by simply mentioning the name to me. He himself didn't even watch it. However, I started watching it and got hooked. This was around when Season 2 was airing. I eventually caught up (while reading Railgun Side by Side with the anime with me reading the Sisters Arc in Railgun before watching the Sisters Arc in Index) and started reading the novels along side the AC Invasion Arc in the anime. At that point, I was hooked and started reading the novels as B-T translated all of them (this was long before B-T had translated all of the novels). I soon met someone in my high school anime club who was an LN reader a couple of years ago and I even got a friend to start reading the novels. He's up to NT4 barring all of the SS Volumes. But yeah, Index LN readers are a rare breed in the US since people seem to be defiant Railgun Purists in the US.

I do feel, however, that official English translations of the novels would be a bad idea. I would probably buy them but that means that B-T would stop translating volumes of the novels. Plus, it could end up like Shakugan no Shana did with the production stopping after only two of the novels were released in the states.

From what I hear, the 6th Level 5 is named
Ashen_MikoMay 4, 2013 7:44 AM
(Also known on other places as Hiss13)

All hail the adorable chess master!
May 4, 2013 8:01 AM

Aug 2009
CreationBreaker said:
belatkuro said:
dniv said:
For volume 7 of NT do you guys want to make a discussion thread at some point in the LN's section? I don't think there are any discussion threads there at all. This way we would pretty much be able to talk about anything Index/railgun related because NT 7 happens at Tokiwadai and is still a main Index series novel.
We've pretty much hijacked this thread to be an LN discussion thread. Unless this gets closed or we get a warning, I say we stay here.

Then I say we push it as far as we can. :P

dniv said:

As to starting the thread for LN 7. What I mean is that when it comes out we should have a thread to discuss it... maybe? Everything else concerning the LN's seems pretty dead in terms of thread discussions which is why I am saying why not plan on having a discussion thread after reading it. I don't know anyone else locally that has read any of the Light Novels. One of my friends got me into Index when I didn't want to see it... and I watched the first episode and then I watched the next 8 episodes later that night when I was back at my house lol (it was on break). That's how it all started and then since then I've learned as much as possible about Index. I only got into it like six months (or first heard of it). I was like, why didn't I hear about this amazing series sooner... But I guess it's ok. That means less time to wait for the next Railgun chapter and LN.

By the way, would you guys prefer english versions of the LN's to Baka Tsuki, even though it costs? In my case, if I comes out in the U.S., it feels like Kamachi cares about us more, wants to spread the product in its absolutemost top quality, so I wouldn't really mind.

One of my friends got me into Index by simply mentioning the name to me. He himself didn't even watch it. However, I started watching it and got hooked. This was around when Season 2 was airing. I eventually caught up (while reading Railgun Side by Side with the anime with me reading the Sisters Arc in Railgun before watching the Sisters Arc in Index) and started reading the novels along side the AC Invasion Arc in the anime. At that point, I was hooked and started reading the novels as B-T translated all of them (this was long before B-T had translated all of the novels). I soon met someone in my high school anime club who was an LN reader a couple of years ago and I even got a friend to start reading the novels. He's up to NT4 barring all of the SS Volumes. But yeah, Index LN readers are a rare breed in the US since people seem to be defiant Railgun Purists in the US.

I do feel, however, that official English translations of the novels would be a bad idea. I would probably buy them but that means that B-T would stop translating volumes of the novels. Plus, it could end up like Shakugan no Shana did with the production stopping after only two of the novels were released in the states.

From what I hear, the 6th Level 5 is named
Isnt NT7 coming out in about 6 days.How did that spoiler came to be?
May 4, 2013 8:10 AM

Mar 2012
ssjokg said:
CreationBreaker said:

From what I hear, the 6th Level 5 is named
Isnt NT7 coming out in about 6 days.How did that spoiler came to be?

Same way it came to be for NT06. Some guy released spoilers a week or two early and everyone said they were absurd and impossible. Some guy even went through reasons why they wouldn't happen. Then the volume gets translated and it turns out the spoilers were absolutely right. Now, the spoilers for NT07 have been released a couple of days ago and most people learned from their mistakes and accepted the spoilers.

Hell, here they are:
Enjoy...or don't. Either way, this will probably look a lot better when we see the connecting events.
(Also known on other places as Hiss13)

All hail the adorable chess master!
May 4, 2013 8:10 AM

Feb 2009
ssjokg said:
Isnt NT7 coming out in about 6 days.How did that spoiler came to be?
There's a supposedly "informant" that leaks this. It was the same with NT6 a few months back. Everyone didn't believe them at first because of its content(Rhinoceros Beetle Kakine) but you saw how NT6 was. Now we have some "spoilers" for NT7 but reading them, I'm inclined to only believe half of it. It just doesn't seem to be true considering what what mentioned there but again, NT6.
Take those spoilers how you will I guess. The real deal will be when the actual volume comes out and I'll judge whether Kamachi is trolling again or not.
May 4, 2013 8:27 AM

Aug 2009
@CreationBreaker & belatkuro

I will stay away from the leaks since I will either expect them to happen(and be disappointed if they dont) or lose any surprise effect they may have(be it comical or plot related).
May 4, 2013 9:29 AM
Mar 2013
ssjokg said:
@CreationBreaker & belatkuro

I will stay away from the leaks since I will either expect them to happen(and be disappointed if they dont) or lose any surprise effect they may have(be it comical or plot related).

Same, I almost read them. And then I decided. It's only 6 more days. And now hearing that we probably find about about the number 6, I'm happy. But I won't be that disappointed if we don't. I'll just be sad... How would anyone get that information anyway... They would have to hack Kamachi's files right?
May 4, 2013 9:42 AM

Mar 2012
dniv said:
ssjokg said:
@CreationBreaker & belatkuro

I will stay away from the leaks since I will either expect them to happen(and be disappointed if they dont) or lose any surprise effect they may have(be it comical or plot related).

Same, I almost read them. And then I decided. It's only 6 more days. And now hearing that we probably find about about the number 6, I'm happy. But I won't be that disappointed if we don't. I'll just be sad... How would anyone get that information anyway... They would have to hack Kamachi's files right?

From what I gather, we only find out about Number 6's name and don't actually see who it is.

As to how they get the can always go to 2ch and find the guy and proceed to interrogate him. :P

BTW, you ever check your messages?
(Also known on other places as Hiss13)

All hail the adorable chess master!
May 4, 2013 9:43 AM
Mar 2013
CreationBreaker said:
ssjokg said:
CreationBreaker said:

From what I hear, the 6th Level 5 is named
Isnt NT7 coming out in about 6 days.How did that spoiler came to be?

Same way it came to be for NT06. Some guy released spoilers a week or two early and everyone said they were absurd and impossible. Some guy even went through reasons why they wouldn't happen. Then the volume gets translated and it turns out the spoilers were absolutely right. Now, the spoilers for NT07 have been released a couple of days ago and most people learned from their mistakes and accepted the spoilers.

Hell, here they are:
Enjoy...or don't. Either way, this will probably look a lot better when we see the connecting events.

I changed my mind. I read it. I have to say this is the greatest thing I have ever read. If it does happen it will be totally amazing lol. It just makes we wish we would have more of Misaki and Mikoto if it were true because they are on the cover and we don't see anyone else... This makes it slightly suspicious. Storyline wise that sounds incredible. I actually don't think that's too scandalous to happen at all... It's just... Kamachi probably describes at least a little better. I'm guessing Misaki and Mikoto were underplayed in that description because it would otherwise make no sense, don't you agree?

What messages?

OH sorry, I didn't even know I could get messages. It just showed a question mark near it so I must have ignored it. I never knew I got any. Will respond ASAP sorry XD.

What's 2ch?
May 4, 2013 9:47 AM

Mar 2012
dniv said:

I changed my mind. I read it. I have to say this is the greatest thing I have ever read. If it does happen it will be totally amazing lol. It just makes we wish we would have more of Misaki and Mikoto if it were true because they are on the cover and we don't see anyone else... This makes it slightly suspicious. Storyline wise that sounds incredible. I actually don't think that's too scandalous to happen at all... It's just... Kamachi probably describes at least a little better. I'm guessing Misaki and Mikoto were underplayed in that description because it would otherwise make no sense, don't you agree?

What messages?

OH sorry, I didn't even know I could get messages. It just showed a question mark near it so I must have ignored it. I never knew I got any. Will respond ASAP sorry XD.

What's 2ch?

The cover was a troll. We were given a huge red herring. lol.

2ch is the Japanese equivalent of 4chan I believe.
(Also known on other places as Hiss13)

All hail the adorable chess master!
May 4, 2013 9:56 AM
Mar 2013
CreationBreaker said:
dniv said:

I changed my mind. I read it. I have to say this is the greatest thing I have ever read. If it does happen it will be totally amazing lol. It just makes we wish we would have more of Misaki and Mikoto if it were true because they are on the cover and we don't see anyone else... This makes it slightly suspicious. Storyline wise that sounds incredible. I actually don't think that's too scandalous to happen at all... It's just... Kamachi probably describes at least a little better. I'm guessing Misaki and Mikoto were underplayed in that description because it would otherwise make no sense, don't you agree?

What messages?

OH sorry, I didn't even know I could get messages. It just showed a question mark near it so I must have ignored it. I never knew I got any. Will respond ASAP sorry XD.

What's 2ch?

The cover was a troll. We were given a huge red herring. lol.

2ch is the Japanese equivalent of 4chan I believe.
CreationBreaker said:
dniv said:

I changed my mind. I read it. I have to say this is the greatest thing I have ever read. If it does happen it will be totally amazing lol. It just makes we wish we would have more of Misaki and Mikoto if it were true because they are on the cover and we don't see anyone else... This makes it slightly suspicious. Storyline wise that sounds incredible. I actually don't think that's too scandalous to happen at all... It's just... Kamachi probably describes at least a little better. I'm guessing Misaki and Mikoto were underplayed in that description because it would otherwise make no sense, don't you agree?

What messages?

OH sorry, I didn't even know I could get messages. It just showed a question mark near it so I must have ignored it. I never knew I got any. Will respond ASAP sorry XD.

What's 2ch?

The cover was a troll. We were given a huge red herring. lol.

2ch is the Japanese equivalent of 4chan I believe.

Got it. Thanks. I just couldn't wait lol. I'm not actually sad that I spoiled myself. I'm even more happy... this will keep me placated until it actually comes out. It gave me something to read up on xd.
May 9, 2013 10:12 AM

Mar 2012
Spoiler Alert:

The osananajimi route has finally been unlocked!

The spoilers floating around the internet are correct [the stuff with Rensa, Agitate Halation, etc.]. The illustrations have started to float around since early this morning and they seem to pretty much confirm everything.

Here is an illustration:
Ashen_MikoMay 9, 2013 10:32 AM
(Also known on other places as Hiss13)

All hail the adorable chess master!
May 10, 2013 5:14 AM
Mar 2013
CreationBreaker said:
Spoiler Alert:

The osananajimi route has finally been unlocked!

The spoilers floating around the internet are correct [the stuff with Rensa, Agitate Halation, etc.]. The illustrations have started to float around since early this morning and they seem to pretty much confirm everything.

Here is an illustration:

OMG that is totally amazing!!!!! lolz. Almost as amazing as railgun chapter 59 in raw form :) which still wins. I've read it.

BTW about your first spoiler. I so called this: exactly in that form.... lol

By the way about the first spoiler, he now has
dnivMay 10, 2013 6:19 AM
May 10, 2013 7:43 AM

Mar 2012
dniv said:

BTW about your first spoiler. I so called this: exactly in that form.... lol

By the way about the first spoiler, he now has

Again, we still don't know the details but I think a lot of people called it. :P
BTW, NT07 Character Designs:
New Testament 07 Character Designs

and translations of the site by js06 (the god who translates the novels)
(Also known on other places as Hiss13)

All hail the adorable chess master!
May 10, 2013 8:05 AM

Feb 2009
CreationBreaker said:
Again, we still don't know the details but I think a lot of people called it. :P
Totally called it ;)
May 10, 2013 8:55 AM
Mar 2013
CreationBreaker said:
dniv said:

BTW about your first spoiler. I so called this: exactly in that form.... lol

By the way about the first spoiler, he now has

Again, we still don't know the details but I think a lot of people called it. :P
BTW, NT07 Character Designs:
New Testament 07 Character Designs

and translations of the site by js06 (the god who translates the novels)
belatkuro said:
CreationBreaker said:
Again, we still don't know the details but I think a lot of people called it. :P
Totally called it ;)

Lol, agree and wow, Kamachi is very sly.
dnivMay 10, 2013 8:58 AM
May 10, 2013 12:27 PM

Feb 2010
CreationBreaker said:
dniv said:

BTW about your first spoiler. I so called this: exactly in that form.... lol

By the way about the first spoiler, he now has

Again, we still don't know the details but I think a lot of people called it. :P
BTW, NT07 Character Designs:
New Testament 07 Character Designs

and translations of the site by js06 (the god who translates the novels)

"among monsters and humans, there are only two types.
Those who undergo suffering and spread it to others. And those who undergo suffering and avoid giving it to others." -Alice
“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.” David Hume
“Evil is created when someone gives up on someone else. It appears when everyone gives up on someone as a lost cause and removes their path to salvation. Once they are cut off from everyone else, they become evil.” -Othinus

May 10, 2013 12:52 PM

Mar 2012
hazerddex said:

...and your point is...? None of us said anything about Misaka. I think you may have misread something.
(Also known on other places as Hiss13)

All hail the adorable chess master!
May 10, 2013 4:17 PM
Mar 2013
CreationBreaker said:
hazerddex said:

...and your point is...? None of us said anything about Misaka. I think you may have misread something.

Not 100% sure since it's raw version and I can't understand Japanese... But from what I can gather: I think my other predictions are true about Misaki... I think. lol

I might have misunderstood, but the middle photo here kinda of makes me think I'm right.

Or... something even worse.

This is probably what
May 11, 2013 2:11 AM

Feb 2009
dniv said:
Or... something even worse.

This is probably what
I don't think so. Misaki said that she wasn't referring to that meeting in Daihasesai, which means it's definitely before that. Which means

Oh god, I'm suddenly reminded of that part in F/SN with

Well, kind of the same with both girls sharing the same experience with the MC and the MC not remembering about it but you get the picture.
May 12, 2013 3:30 AM
May 2012
I really want to read the novels of Index/Railgun.But with all the results I find.I am confused.

By what should I start?
May 12, 2013 3:54 AM

Feb 2012
If it were a manga instead i would probably read it.I don't have the time nor the attention span to read novels.
"Efficiency is not king, efficacy is."

Post a comment on my profile. Profile comments are fun.

May 12, 2013 6:10 AM

Jan 2012
Demonspeed said:
I really want to read the novels of Index/Railgun.But with all the results I find.I am confused.

By what should I start?

Index novels:
Main series:1-13,SS1,14-16,SS2,1-22

Then read the side stories:
Toaru Majutsu no Index SP
Toaru Majutsu no Index: Railgun SS: Liberal Arts City(you can also read this between volumes 14 and 15.)
Toaru Majutsu no Index SS: Norse Mythology
Toaru Majutsu no Index: Railgun SS2: Shopping Mall Demonstration
Toaru Jihanki no Fanfare
Toaru Majutsu no Index: Love Letter SS
Toaru Majutsu no Index: Road to Endymion
(the bolds are a must read before continuing in the second series)
Then read the Toaru Majutsu no Index:New Testament novels that continues from where the first series ended.

Ideally, read the Railgun manga after you got familiar with the chars(after the end of the first series,and I am not talking only about Misaka,SISTERS and Accelerator)

Here you can read all the novels.
AngelAcceleratorMay 12, 2013 6:15 AM

May 12, 2013 6:20 AM
May 2012
AngelAccelerator said:
Demonspeed said:
I really want to read the novels of Index/Railgun.But with all the results I find.I am confused.

By what should I start?

Index novels:
Main series:1-13,SS1,14-16,SS2,1-22

Then read the side stories:
Toaru Majutsu no Index SP
Toaru Majutsu no Index: Railgun SS: Liberal Arts City(you can also read this between volumes 14 and 15.)
Toaru Majutsu no Index SS: Norse Mythology
Toaru Majutsu no Index: Railgun SS2: Shopping Mall Demonstration
Toaru Jihanki no Fanfare
Toaru Majutsu no Index: Love Letter SS
Toaru Majutsu no Index: Road to Endymion
(the bolds are a must read before continuing in the second series)
Then read the Toaru Majutsu no Index:New Testament novels that continues from where the first series ended.

Ideally, read the Railgun manga after you got familiar with the chars(after the end of the first series,and I am not talking only about Misaka,SISTERS and Accelerator)

Here you can read all the novels.

May 12, 2013 12:16 PM

Nov 2011
Toaru Majutsu no Index: NT Volume7 Prologue is out!
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