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Jan 4, 2013 8:26 PM

Oct 2012
It has long been imagined that actions occur because of an actor that innately possess the will to influence its surroundings; certainly, this perspective pervades the human understanding, underlying everything from our language based around the 'subject'; our laws which we conceived to protect the 'individuals'; to our model of the sciences which seek to describe the relationship between various empirical objects. To be sure, this self-centered psychology is consistent with bottom-up evolutionary development in which organisms are formed through symbiotic bonds of smaller organisms, molecules, atoms, particles, and so forth.

However, this bottom-up approach misses an essential element that can only be provided to us by a top-down holistic perspective that perceives objects as merely extensions of the whole. Instead up climbing up the dimensional ladder, we start at the top, the 4th dimension, and realize that time is the ultimate troll, ever so persuasive behind its façade of the first 3 dimensions, masquerading the relinquishment of agency and consciousness to mere man; it bares its fangs and unveils its true nature to only the most skilled of philosophical inquiries that nary an ordinary man could achieve. Yes, despite being aware of the epiphenomenon of qualia, which can only be described as the subjective feeling of consciousness, we must admit, if we should summon forth even an ounce of intellectual integrity, that 'time' is the only actor against all actions.

I am speaking of course of inevitability due to causality: each arrangement of physical matter being predetermined by a prior state, like a pin against a bowling ball. My question is simple -- or rather the semantics, the meaning in which the words refer to, are easily understood, but a cursory understanding of their pragmatic context reveals the difficulty that belie the surface, but I digress...

Is it possible to have a casual discussion despite causality?

I shall look forward to your responses, preferably to the question at hand rather than my repertoire of fancy, but meaningful words, combined in masterful composition like a soup carefully deliberated by the Iron Chef. If there shall be a chiaroscuro debate, please refrain from rowdiness; I expect each and every one of you to demonstrate Victorian-Era etiquette like the fine gentlemen you are.

I thank you, sincerely, for reading this, possibly the best OP in MAL history. I shall repose, and take my leave.

My subjective reviews:
Jan 4, 2013 8:32 PM

Jun 2012
here let me start off by saying why this OP is wrong

qualia, which can only be described as the subjective feeling of consciousness

Qualia is sensory data that you perceive by an object, not consciousness.

time is the ultimate troll, ever so persuasive behind its façade of the first 3 dimensions, masquerading the relinquishment of agency and consciousness to mere man; it bares its fangs and unveils its true nature to only the most skilled of philosophical inquiries that nary an ordinary man could achieve.

we dont have free will so this statement makes no sense in the slightest

'time' is the only actor against all actions.

Clarify what you mean by time and your statement will have a different meaning.

chiaroscuro debate

LOL thats a spanish art style handed down for centuries, not an adjective for debate.

Other than your composition which is not amusing in the slightest, discussions are already predetermined based on actors from the past, so there is not much to talk about here. You answered your own question kinda roughly glazing over the composition.
~"The place to improve the world is first in one's own heart and head and hands." (Pirsig)

Jan 4, 2013 8:34 PM

Oct 2012
I can already tell this thread will be quite casual in discussion.

Just this once, I'll fulfill whatever your wish is.
Jan 4, 2013 8:35 PM

Jan 2013
I can already feel the casuality flowing through this thread.
Or am I really feeling causality?

I miss image BBC Code. May this sig stand as a testament to SSJMaster's power.
Jan 4, 2013 8:37 PM

Jun 2008
I really hope we get General discussion back one of these days...
Jan 4, 2013 8:37 PM
May 2012
Support Immahnoob's thread!
Jan 4, 2013 8:54 PM

May 2012
I wasnt really active on this forum when GD existed, but I seen loads of people saying they want it back... Can someone explain to me what was so special about it, and why the same discussions cant take place in this board?
Jan 4, 2013 8:56 PM

Oct 2012
Mkayyy said:
I wasnt really active on this forum when GD existed, but I seen loads of people saying they want it back... Can someone explain to me what was so special about it, and why the same discussions cant take place in this board?

Wasn't here for it, but read up here.

Just this once, I'll fulfill whatever your wish is.
Jan 4, 2013 8:57 PM

Oct 2012
Regicide said:

qualia, which can only be described as the subjective feeling of consciousness

Qualia is sensory data that you perceive by an object, not consciousness.
Perception of the senses require consciousness. Qualia (pron.: /ˈkwɑːliə/ or /ˈkweɪliə/; singular form: quale (Latin pronunciation: [ˈkwaːle]) is a term used in philosophy to refer to individual instances of subjective, conscious experience.

Regicide said:
time is the ultimate troll, ever so persuasive behind its façade of the first 3 dimensions, masquerading the relinquishment of agency and consciousness to mere man; it bares its fangs and unveils its true nature to only the most skilled of philosophical inquiries that nary an ordinary man could achieve.
we dont have free will so this statement makes no sense in the slightest
That is what the statement asserts: the agency of man is mere user illusion; the current of the stream carries the drifting leaf regardless of its disposition.

Regicide said:
chiaroscuro debate
LOL thats a spanish art style handed down for centuries, not an adjective for debate.
It is respectable that you understand the etymology of the word 'Chiaroscuro' that has been adapted to represent the sharp contrasts of a Spanish art style. 'Chiaroscuro' is as much an adjective as 'Shakespearean' -- words, my dear, are but mere shadows of the living beast we call language.

Regicide said:
Other than your composition which is not amusing in the slightest, discussions are already predetermined based on actors from the past, so there is not much to talk about here. You answered your own question kinda roughly glazing over the composition.
Despite so, we refer to each other as subjects using pronouns, and the rest of the board is still very much casual. Has the question really been answered?
My subjective reviews:
Jan 4, 2013 8:59 PM

May 2009
I did a double take to make sure it wasn't Auto posting the thread...
Jan 4, 2013 9:05 PM

Oct 2012
TsukikageRan said:
I did a double take to make sure it wasn't Auto posting the thread...
The distance between us is the height of a Titan. I do strive for intelligibility; my remarks are astute and arguments distinct like joints of a centipede: separate, yet connected, and always sensitive to the terrain. Please do not mention that name in this thread again, for what we want to achieve is seriousness, because this is the internet, not the opposite effect.
My subjective reviews:
Jan 4, 2013 9:13 PM

Sep 2012
I must implore, for I stand quite inquisitive on the matter, the aggregate quantity of time you consumed in composing this rather complicated, methodical, and seemingly interminable enquiry?

The expanse of exertion and effort contributed by you in regards to your investigation appears to be quite enormous.

I concede your toils, and would deeply appreciate a hasty rejoinder, if you would be so kind.
Jan 4, 2013 9:16 PM
May 2012
Red_Keys said:
I must implore, for I stand quite inquisitive on the matter, the aggregate quantity of time you consumed in composing this rather complicated, methodical, and seemingly interminable enquiry?

The expanse of exertion and effort contributed by you in regards to your investigation appears to be quite enormous.

I concede your toils, and would deeply appreciate a hasty rejoinder, if you would be so kind.
Damn, even you? I don't speak this language of intelligence.
Jan 4, 2013 9:22 PM

Oct 2012
Red_Keys said:
I must implore, for I stand quite inquisitive on the matter, the aggregate quantity of time you consumed in composing this rather complicated, methodical, and seemingly interminable enquiry?
Ideas must be carefully expressed lest the wrong aperture should lose sight of the picture, however a skilled photographer has the powers of greater efficiency compared to a novice. While it may seem unorthodox to compose such magnificence here on MAL, I assure you it was worth the effort and I do not regret a moment of it.

Red_Keys said:
The expanse of exertion and effort contributed by you in regards to your investigation appears to be quite enormous.

I concede your toils, and would deeply appreciate a hasty rejoinder, if you would be so kind.
Thank you. A question that can be answered with ease is not worth asking.
My subjective reviews:
Jan 4, 2013 9:26 PM

Oct 2012
-Miyu- said:
Red_Keys said:
I must implore, for I stand quite inquisitive on the matter, the aggregate quantity of time you consumed in composing this rather complicated, methodical, and seemingly interminable enquiry?

The expanse of exertion and effort contributed by you in regards to your investigation appears to be quite enormous.

I concede your toils, and would deeply appreciate a hasty rejoinder, if you would be so kind.
Damn, even you? I don't speak this language of intelligence.
A language of intelligence isn't spoken, my lady, but invented. By the higher powers invested in us we are each capable of it, but muscles must be exercised before they are fit. I implore you to grasp knowledge by the reigns with both hands until the beast knows its master.
My subjective reviews:
Jan 4, 2013 9:36 PM

May 2012
Tavor said:
Mkayyy said:
I wasnt really active on this forum when GD existed, but I seen loads of people saying they want it back... Can someone explain to me what was so special about it, and why the same discussions cant take place in this board?

Wasn't here for it, but read up here.
Read that, but I was thinking that there was something more special about the GD section.

Only problem I see with the current discussions board is that there isnt enough interesting topics... I cant see why having a GD section would change that.
MkayJan 4, 2013 9:43 PM
Jan 4, 2013 9:37 PM
May 2012
I think you all should be English Scholars.
Jan 4, 2013 9:38 PM
Dec 2012
Is there an abridged version of OP's post?
Join the "I like changing names in IRC" club! Especially if you like changing names in IRC! It's really neat!
Dare to be someone different, many, many times! Dare to dream!
Jan 4, 2013 9:42 PM

Jan 2013
Just don't wear pants when you post.
Jan 4, 2013 9:42 PM
Dec 2012
RedArmyShogun said:
Just don't wear pants when you post.

Oh. Well, looks like I'm ahead of the game.
Join the "I like changing names in IRC" club! Especially if you like changing names in IRC! It's really neat!
Dare to be someone different, many, many times! Dare to dream!
Jan 4, 2013 9:54 PM

Jan 2013
ThisGuy-san said:
RedArmyShogun said:
Just don't wear pants when you post.

Oh. Well, looks like I'm ahead of the game.

I find that pants are an illusion, just like death.
Jan 4, 2013 10:24 PM
Dec 2012
RedArmyShogun said:
ThisGuy-san said:
RedArmyShogun said:
Just don't wear pants when you post.

Oh. Well, looks like I'm ahead of the game.

I find that pants are an illusion, just like death.
So what you're saying is, my pants have already attempted to take my life?
Join the "I like changing names in IRC" club! Especially if you like changing names in IRC! It's really neat!
Dare to be someone different, many, many times! Dare to dream!
Jan 4, 2013 10:26 PM

Nov 2011
ThisGuy-san said:
RedArmyShogun said:
ThisGuy-san said:
RedArmyShogun said:
Just don't wear pants when you post.

Oh. Well, looks like I'm ahead of the game.

I find that pants are an illusion, just like death.
So what you're saying is, my pants have already attempted to take my life?

I think it's more along the lines of that your pants don't exist.. Like death doesn't exist. BECAUSE AFTER WE LEAVE THIS CURSED FLESH BODY AWAITS US ETERNAL LIFE.

Try fapping with your 'pants' on and zipped up and tell us the results.
Touch me, you filthy casual~
Jan 4, 2013 10:30 PM

Oct 2012
RedArmyShogun said:
ThisGuy-san said:
RedArmyShogun said:
Just don't wear pants when you post.
Oh. Well, looks like I'm ahead of the game.

I find that pants are an illusion, just like death.
There are organisms aplenty that neither cognizant of life nor death; those that do also perceive self-identity by spatial-temporal continuity of consciousness. And since we could never know what's beyond our senses, so too is death beyond perception, so any assertion about the experience of death shall be incomprehensible unless it is to mean the experience of losing consciousness -- and that is an experience we practice every night.

Pants are similar. There are those that are not cognizant of them, and we also practice losing them every night. The only difference is that most of us fail. That is an astute revelation RedArmyShogun, so profound in its simplicity.
My subjective reviews:
Jan 4, 2013 10:54 PM

Jun 2011
i got s new tampon 2day
tfw no gf
tfw i keep getting the banhammer on here
tfw Koleare keeps banning me every other day
tfw I'm misunderstood by le mod
Jan 4, 2013 10:55 PM

Sep 2012
iCameSwagYOLO420 said:
i got s new tampon 2day
With you apparently being a male, I am quite curious as to your application of said new tampon.
Jan 4, 2013 10:57 PM

Jun 2011
Red_Keys said:
iCameSwagYOLO420 said:
i got s new tampon 2day
With you apparently being a male, I am quite curious as to your application of said new tampon.

Ho ho ho ho, wouldn't you like to know

tfw no gf
tfw i keep getting the banhammer on here
tfw Koleare keeps banning me every other day
tfw I'm misunderstood by le mod
Jan 4, 2013 10:58 PM
Dec 2012
Red_Keys said:
iCameSwagYOLO420 said:
i got s new tampon 2day
With you apparently being a male, I am quite curious as to your application of said new tampon.

Buttholes can store such things, I believe.
Join the "I like changing names in IRC" club! Especially if you like changing names in IRC! It's really neat!
Dare to be someone different, many, many times! Dare to dream!
Jan 4, 2013 10:59 PM

Oct 2012
Red_Keys said:
iCameSwagYOLO420 said:
i got s new tampon 2day
With you apparently being a male, I am quite curious as to your application of said new tampon.
They're good for nosebleeds according to Amanda Bynes. oops out of character

A young lady by the names of Amanda Bynes if memory serves me correctly once retorted that tampons are good for stopping nosebleeds. She was playing a cross-dresser -- lovely film.
My subjective reviews:
Jan 4, 2013 11:00 PM
May 2012
katsucats said:
Red_Keys said:
iCameSwagYOLO420 said:
i got s new tampon 2day
With you apparently being a male, I am quite curious as to your application of said new tampon.
They're good for nosebleeds according to Amanda Bynes.
That's what I like about you.
Jan 4, 2013 11:00 PM

Jun 2011
katsucats said:
Red_Keys said:
iCameSwagYOLO420 said:
i got s new tampon 2day
With you apparently being a male, I am quite curious as to your application of said new tampon.
They're good for nosebleeds according to Amanda Bynes.

Hmm what movie was that again? She's the man?
tfw no gf
tfw i keep getting the banhammer on here
tfw Koleare keeps banning me every other day
tfw I'm misunderstood by le mod
Jan 4, 2013 11:02 PM
May 2012
iCameSwagYOLO420 said:
katsucats said:
Red_Keys said:
iCameSwagYOLO420 said:
i got s new tampon 2day
With you apparently being a male, I am quite curious as to your application of said new tampon.
They're good for nosebleeds according to Amanda Bynes.

Hmm what movie was that again? She's the man?
Good movie and yes.
Jan 5, 2013 5:09 AM

Oct 2012
Mkayyy said:
Only problem I see with the current discussions board is that there isnt enough interesting topics... I cant see why having a GD section would change that.
The problem is no one takes interesting topics seriously. Most people prefer troll topics.
My subjective reviews:
Jan 5, 2013 8:10 AM

Jan 2013
Ragix said:
ThisGuy-san said:
RedArmyShogun said:
ThisGuy-san said:
RedArmyShogun said:
Just don't wear pants when you post.

Oh. Well, looks like I'm ahead of the game.

I find that pants are an illusion, just like death.
So what you're saying is, my pants have already attempted to take my life?

I think it's more along the lines of that your pants don't exist.. Like death doesn't exist. BECAUSE AFTER WE LEAVE THIS CURSED FLESH BODY AWAITS US ETERNAL LIFE.

Try fapping with your 'pants' on and zipped up and tell us the results.

See you have fallen into the trap of wearing zipper pants and Jeans.

Wear only Fatigues, and carpenter pants, for they have buttons and slits and do not hug the croth.
RedArmyShogunJan 5, 2013 9:56 AM
Jan 5, 2013 8:44 AM

May 2012
katsucats said:
Mkayyy said:
Only problem I see with the current discussions board is that there isnt enough interesting topics... I cant see why having a GD section would change that.
The problem is no one takes interesting topics seriously. Most people prefer troll topics.

Your not answering my question. People can troll GD and CD, if people are to troll then they may do so wherever they feel they want to. Also why can't troll just be ignored? If someone wants to speak about a topic that they find interesting surely they can block out the trolls and not reply to them.
Jan 5, 2013 8:54 AM
Mar 2012
I don't want to sound too GD-elitist, although I probably am one.

Topics like in the OP of Immahnoob's thread are now responded too, same with ThisGuy's thread on "your genre". People take casual way too far. I have to say that katsucats is beating around the bush with his post, but GD had far more discussions, there are far too much people trying to be funny these days, and not enough people posting topics of good discussion value, this is what Current Events was supposed to be, according to Hapax. But people just cite a news article without asking a question there, making a discussion impossible.

General Discussion had less idiots, as I like to call them, instead of trolls, in comparison to Casual Discussion, because these idiots generally tend to stay away from topics which has a well written OP. Those high quality posts were more often the case in GD than CD.
Jan 5, 2013 9:08 AM

Jun 2012
I think some of you are working on making CE a better place. So I guess it will improve soon. I was just a bit upset with complain about the new organisation being shit and not trying to make it better.

I mean, moving all those topic took a lot of time for mods in order to please user which complained about discussion post being moved to chat were they were buried under games. Asking them more work seems a bit unfair while user can work on making it better.

On topic the OP is a bit to hard for my English skill. I'm also not sure of the definition of casual it refers to.
HapaxJan 5, 2013 10:46 AM

I sometime have funky grammar, sorry about that. If you can correct some of my post, you would be an angel.
Jan 5, 2013 10:44 AM
Dec 2012
Karpman said:
I don't want to sound too GD-elitist, although I probably am one.

Topics like in the OP of Immahnoob's thread are now responded too, same with ThisGuy's thread on "your genre". People take casual way too far. I have to say that katsucats is beating around the bush with his post, but GD had far more discussions, there are far too much people trying to be funny these days, and not enough people posting topics of good discussion value, this is what Current Events was supposed to be, according to Hapax. But people just cite a news article without asking a question there, making a discussion impossible.

General Discussion had less idiots, as I like to call them, instead of trolls, in comparison to Casual Discussion, because these idiots generally tend to stay away from topics which has a well written OP. Those high quality posts were more often the case in GD than CD.

Why not have both GD and CD(or spam board or whatever)? That way, the idiots have their thing and the people who want to discuss things that aren't all that serious but still wanna have a discussion could have that.
Join the "I like changing names in IRC" club! Especially if you like changing names in IRC! It's really neat!
Dare to be someone different, many, many times! Dare to dream!
Jan 5, 2013 1:46 PM

Oct 2012
Mkayyy said:
katsucats said:
Mkayyy said:
Only problem I see with the current discussions board is that there isnt enough interesting topics... I cant see why having a GD section would change that.
The problem is no one takes interesting topics seriously. Most people prefer troll topics.

Your not answering my question. People can troll GD and CD, if people are to troll then they may do so wherever they feel they want to. Also why can't troll just be ignored? If someone wants to speak about a topic that they find interesting surely they can block out the trolls and not reply to them.
Of course changing the name of the forum isn't going to help. In combination with providing a different venue for spam topics, the mods need to get on top of their shit.
My subjective reviews:
Jan 6, 2013 12:15 AM
Laughing Man

Jun 2012
"Time is the ultimate troll" --Katsucats 2013.

Good thing I wasn't drinking anything when I read that.

I'm level on MAL-Badges. View my badges.

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