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Which of my personal signatures is your favorite one?
Jul 27, 2008 6:26 AM

Mar 2008

IMPORTANT 1: PHP-Hoster down. All php-scripts not working.
IMPORTANT 2: I don't accept signature requests (time reasons) !!

Reverse chronicle order. (newest one on top)

Back to the origins: Simple design, dance theme & Kanon.
[September 2009]

First sig using a different more advanced php script. Theme is Shiki from KnK.
[February 2009]

Another php-sig I made on a whim. Nono loves Nonoriri! :o)
[August 2008]

(10) My 2nd php-sig. I made it to honor the release of Clannad ep 24 (Tomoyo Edition)
[July 2008]

(9) My first php-sig. Finally a Kanon signature I like. Kanon Cafe Banzai!
[July 2008]

(8) I used all of my experience so far to make this.
[June 2008]

(7) I went again with a Mai. This time I limited the number of animations.
[June 2008]

(6) With this signature I tested a new way of creating animations for the first time. This and the following signatures had easy replaceable animationslots. The signature uses 14 image files. I had a hard time with the sigcode because of the 650 character limitation.
[June 2008]

(5) A 5 cm / sec signature I made. I animated it later on, after it won my first poll.
[May 2008]

(4) AIR. I also animated it later on.
[May 2008]

(3) A simple Claymore signature. It's the only not animated signature.
[May 2008]

(2) The 2nd version of my 3rd signature here on MAL. I made so many avatars for it. Akiko is blinking.
[May 2008]

(1) [out of order] This is just an alternative version of my 14-pic Mai signature.
[June 2008]

Signatures I lend to / made for other users. (newest one on top)

Made for EuphoricField: I was totally into making another Clannad sig - this time with php.
[March 2009]

Made for spike065: The display is also animated.
[June 2008]

Made for Sylpheed: He is the biggest Makoto fan on earth!
[June 2008]

Made for Nayuki_LOVE: sig is breathing.
[May 2008]

Failed experiments. They deserve to sleep in a spoiler tag.


Which programs did you use?

Well, of course Photoshop, but there are also Freeware alternatives like and Gimp. Regarding Photoshop, you don't need the latest version CS3. The basic features I am using are also included in very old releases like 7.0. Moreover I use programs like PocketDivXEncoder, MeGUI, VLC Mediaplayer, Benton Movie GIF and 123 AVI to GIF Converter for creating the animations. But I am sure there are better and more convinient ways and tons of other programs which can do the same in the end.

Can you give me some advice?

Uhhm, this is a hard one.
First I think I should correct a common statement. The most important thing is not your "Photoshop skills" (often called so) but your creativity, fantasy, your ideas, your taste, your talent for creating good looking stuff. The program is only a tool to better achieve your goal, but even if you are a Photoshop allstar it's not guaranteed that you are able to make s.t. good. This must sound very obvious, but I often get the impression people tend to have a wrong understanding of this point.
The funny thing is, sometimes I see people using very advanced Photoshop effects I am not able to create talking about how much they still have to learn until they can make something like my sig. Not that I think my sig is better than theirs and it also makes me happy that they like my often simple sigs (from a Photoshop point of view), but this should prove my point that a big knowledge of Photoshop is not the most important thing for making something other people like.

I didn't learn to use Photoshop or any other program by reading manuals or tutorials, but I used try & error. I randomly pressed interesting looking buttons and observed what they are doing. =P The rest is only a matter of time. After you have spend quite a bit of time you know many ways to create effects. The point now is to have an idea and to think about how you can make it real with the arsenal of effects you know so far. The other way is to blindly begin making something and working on it until you like it. I often do it that way, too.
I really don't know what kind of tips I could give, because it's a very complex topic and it's all about hard work and guts! (anyone, reference? ^^)
Maybe those two will help a little bit:
1. Use many many layers. Layers are the key to be able to still change things later on.
2. Always save the finished work in a PSP file format, too. That way you are able to edit it at a later time, or even drag & drop key layers into a new work.

How do you manage to stay under 300 KB with all those animations?

The key is to make the static image parts as small as possible. In Photoshop there is an option in the first menu called "save for web or devices" (similar) which enables you to make them pretty small. The most important formats are JPG and PNG. Depending on the image one is superior. Just check the resulting file size and how the preview quality looks and decide which one you will use. When you have lots of small text in the image, PNG is often better. For images without text, JPG should be better.
When you do this, even a 600x140 sig should be under 100 KB (including the mal part which is always around 20-40 KB depending on how many lines and how color intense the background is). So you have over 200 KB left for animations. This is quite a bit. You can use one big animation with few frames or several small ones with many. For GIFs it's also: more colors in the picture & many differences between frames = bigger file size. So picking a source with few colors and less movement is a smart way to reduce the size.

How long have you been using Photoshop?

Well, I am having it quite a few years, but I didn't use it much and only had a very limited knowledge about it. Prior to Photoshop I used a program called Paintshop Pro, which I used to make homepages in my teens, but this program was not as complex as Photoshop. I also made stuff with with Flash (but that was about 10 years ago, I don't remember much). The intense use of Photoshop started about a month after I joined MAL. I love using graphical programs and I love to create things. It makes me very happy to make something I am content with or that makes many other people happy. Most of my knowledge came from the last few months and the many sigs I made during that time.

To be honest I still don't know most of the buttons in Photoshop and I am sure I only scratched the surface of the possibilities Photoshop is offering. So you could say that you are able to make sigs with just a basic knowledge of Photoshop. But it depends on the individual of course and it's not something you can achieve in a few days.

Which scripts did you use for the php-signatures?

The three first php-signatures were made with a very old version of Bard's script. For the others I used a self-customized version of the Talon-Script, which can be found here.
I'd like to thank Bard, Niroko and Talon for their great work. Additionally, Kvakond for help with some scripting issues.

ForeverOct 20, 2011 9:33 AM
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Jul 27, 2008 6:35 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Great stuff, man. You're so creative, it's kinda scary. =D

Lol @ the new avatar btw. I did something similar on another forum making it look like I have 6 user ranks at the same time making everyone go WTF lol.

Keep up the great work. I'll try to come up with something new myself soon.




[H+] ³  
Jul 27, 2008 6:49 AM

Jan 2008
Good lord. I was ready to sleep but then your Signature Museum made me log back in!
I just had to comment!

1. Your avatar rocks XD
2. Your Sig Museum rocks
3. All your sigs rock
4. You are made off epic
5. I voted #8 as my fav
6. That header is awesome
7. *thumbs up* Keep it up!!
cyruz said:
I did something similar on another forum making it look like I have 6 user ranks at the same time making everyone go WTF lol.
That gives me an idea >:D

/ Sign out, sleep.
aeroJul 27, 2008 6:54 AM
Jul 27, 2008 6:52 AM

Jul 2008
Very nice stuff man.. Perhaps you could give me some tips. :p
Jul 27, 2008 9:35 AM

May 2007
Wow cool!
Jul 27, 2008 9:36 AM

Dec 2007
Awesome signatures... =O

The ones I liked the most were the more recent ones which were #8 and #9. That is because your signatures seemingly got better and better over time. Overall, they are all pretty impressive and animation is your forte.

Anyways, looking forward to visiting the museum again. That avatar kinda tricked me for a bit there. xD
Raitou-Jul 27, 2008 9:42 AM
Jul 27, 2008 11:53 AM

Apr 2008
Wow so many Nice Sigs! :D

I've vote for #6, because I like the animation there and I <3 BLUE

Blue Sig + Mai = win xD

But all Sigs there are made of WIN

Good Job Forever!!! Looking forward to see more Stuff from you :)

btw. Nice Ava xD

Jul 27, 2008 12:11 PM

Jul 2008
WAH its ARTTT!!! lol, i wished i would be that good~~
yes some advices wouldnt be bad^^.
but i think i tutorial is too much work.
atm i like the tomoyo one, the colours are really matching imo.

Jul 27, 2008 2:17 PM
Oct 2007
=O Amazing XD .... your so good at making signatures XD .... it's almost scary lol, voted for number 8 XD... look forward to see your future signatures =P
Jul 27, 2008 2:32 PM

Apr 2007
Forever's signatures are win! ^^ Glad to see all of them on display, they all deserve it.

I was torn between 5 and 6, but ended up voting for 6 for great justice. Mai <3
Jul 27, 2008 2:39 PM

Jul 2008
hi there! i voted for the my hime sig. but I actually find the makoto sig as the best.
what program do you use?
if you have some to give away,I'll be happy to have 'em

Jul 27, 2008 2:40 PM

May 2008
Amazing, all of them are fantastic.
how do you manage to keep all of them under 300 kb though?
Jul 27, 2008 2:48 PM

Feb 2007
I voted 5. It's pretty :)
Jul 27, 2008 4:27 PM

Mar 2008
Many thanks, everyone! :)
I just felt that it would be a shame for those old sigs to rot away on my HD.

Regarding advice, well it's all about practice. There is no trick behind it. You just have to use Photoshop over and over again, until you know what's possible. I think I've not even scratched the surface of the possibilities of that program, yet.

Well, it's late here and I will go to bed, but tomorrow I will try to add s.t. like a F.A.Q. at the end of the initial posting where I will try to answer some of the questions asked a little bit.
Jul 27, 2008 4:31 PM

Jul 2008
I voted 10, but #8 is very nice too. I also like the first one in made for others, Dango FTW.
Jul 27, 2008 4:38 PM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
I never noticed the poll, is it new? Anyway, I think #5 is my fave one. But since all sigs rock, it's just a personal theme preference. ^^




[H+] ³  
Jul 27, 2008 5:13 PM

Jul 2008
the seventh signature would be my favorite. but the 5th signature took second.

but great job on all of them

Jul 27, 2008 5:54 PM

Mar 2008
All your sigs are awesome! my favourite is prob #8 but I rly like #10 aswell :3
Jul 27, 2008 8:52 PM

Apr 2008
OMG.. I'm left speechless.. Everything is so awesome.. O.o

The Kaze no Stigma sig isn't that bad. But #10 is even with shadows..

Can you teach me some basics master? Ahaha ^^
Jul 27, 2008 10:08 PM

Apr 2007
Forever.. your sigs are just awesome.. O.o
I still have a lot to learn on PSD before being able to do stuffs like those lol

My favorite is probably #8, I especially like the animation & overall design in that one, it's really nice ^^

Jul 27, 2008 10:34 PM
May 2008
Wow, those sigs are amazing!

#10 is my favorite but all of them are just too awesome.
Jul 28, 2008 9:18 AM

Apr 2008
Voted #9 but all are too greeaaaat ^^

And yes, I'm a big fan of Makoto ^^

Jul 28, 2008 7:08 PM

Apr 2008
You remind me of my dumbass decision of waiting until Clannad is over to watch Kanon and Air all the fucking time. And that's a good thing.

#10 ;)

Thanks for putting the faq up, interesting stuff. Yes that header is brilliant. And yes your avatar tricked me. Looking forward to this being updated once you're done advertising.
wtfyourface said:
MistaCloudStrife said:
From 100-1000, how much do you love LWL?
OVER 9000!!!
Jul 28, 2008 7:20 PM

Jan 2008
Hey, you created a FAQ :D

Forever said:
I didn't learn to use Photoshop or any other program by reading manuals or tutorials, but I used try & error. I randomly pressed interesting looking buttons and observed what they are doing. =P The rest is only a matter of time. After you have spend quite a bit of time you know many ways to create effects
This best describes me also 8D
Jul 28, 2008 9:10 PM

May 2008
all signs are awesome ^^

My favorite is (5).

Jul 29, 2008 12:51 AM
Apr 2008
Wow, amazing sigs you got here. Everything is just, very well crafted I guess.

Man, I wish I could do that. :(
Jul 31, 2008 7:23 PM

May 2008
#5 mosdef.
Jul 31, 2008 8:35 PM

Jul 2008
Wow.. your sigs have amazing animations D:

I personally like the Kanon cafe one most. While there are some of the others with better design, this one caught my eye partly since I love Kanon and that the cafe menu thing is pretty creative.
Aug 10, 2008 2:04 PM

Apr 2008
Hey, I've just started using photoshop and creating sigs and I'm still newbie, I'm wondering if it is possible to animate hair on my image like you did on your 5th signature, if so, which program should I use? and did you animate it on your own or cut it out of a show?

Thanks for the tip before btw

Aug 10, 2008 2:24 PM

Apr 2007
Amazing...My fav maybe is #5,'cause i love 5 cm per sec <3 but anyway...i can't chose XD

Aug 10, 2008 3:09 PM
Jul 2018
That's insane, I love them all.

I shall follow in your footsteps and make epic animated siggys! I was gonna make a thread like this ages ago, I made many(many(MANY)) static siggys, just never got how .gifs work.
Aug 10, 2008 5:10 PM

Jul 2008
IDK which is best, i like them all, but i've got to say, i love how you mix Animation and PHP

i think your the only one i've seen with both in a sig
Aug 13, 2008 12:03 PM

Apr 2008
Very Nice and difficult choice, but I wil go for the 5 one, since it's the more poetic... Congrats !

Aug 13, 2008 12:51 PM

Apr 2008
Awesome sigs >.<
My favorite is #9 x)
Aug 16, 2008 7:44 PM
Jul 2008
My favorites are 5 and 9. I'm kind of inspired to try it out :D I just need to delete useless things I don't need on my laptop anymore
Aug 19, 2008 8:50 PM

Jan 2008
i chose # 6 because it was that one or #9 and i went with my more fav. character but as for the one that looks the best i go with #5 lol

Thanx viesiu for the Signature
Aug 28, 2008 11:52 PM
May 2008
i wish i had your creativity
Aug 31, 2008 9:06 AM

Jan 2008
wow those are nicee. Wish you took requests T_T

Aug 31, 2008 12:24 PM

Mar 2008

After seeing all the Kanon signatures you've made, I think I'll give Kanon a try (or a look). Those are pretty awesome signatures you've made. :]
Aug 31, 2008 12:34 PM

Mar 2007
I voted for #8, it's nice and isn't too animation crazy.
Sep 8, 2008 2:55 PM

Aug 2008
I love Air!!!!
can I have it please please please...?

Sep 8, 2008 4:03 PM

Mar 2008
I voted 8, it's really awesome. Love the animation on the text and logo. Great color too + there's Yoko.
I really love this one. But you did a lot of very nice sig.
Sep 9, 2008 10:15 AM

Jun 2008
Oh, i like them.
Very very much. Especially #8. :3
Sep 19, 2008 1:10 PM

Jul 2008
ô_o.... wow.. Are you Human xD?
-__- xD I'll go to learn php me... or insert an anime gif into sig X_x
but it's look so difficult !! >_<
Very Good job !!
I choose n°10
Sep 19, 2008 7:19 PM

Sep 2007
Ownage as always
Oct 16, 2008 3:27 AM

Jul 2008
Love the Clannad one (No. 10).

Oct 16, 2008 4:16 AM

Sep 2007
10, 5 and 4 are my fav. I don't have photoshop on my computer, so I'll probably not be able to make a good signature.
Oct 18, 2008 2:08 PM

Sep 2008
oh wow, so many animated ones that appear so difficult to make. nice work! bO_Od

Oct 27, 2008 6:34 PM

Jun 2008
I feel so ashamed. For one your signatures are like the most beautiful things ever. Two, other sigs in this topic are sooo nice... :D
Nov 2, 2008 1:21 AM

Jun 2008
I liked the 8th one.

Lee Min Ho//MatsuJun=Love. 'Nuff said.
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